Spider talisman and its meaning. Symbols, signs, emblems - spider Meaning of spider cards

ACE OF SPEAKS– pleasures and good intentions, but caution is required in legal matters. Depending on the accompanying cards, ardent love is possible.

In an inverted position - bad news, possibly related to injury; a warning about impending failure, a risky, short-sighted enterprise or betrayal by deceitful friends.

With 10 ♦ (on the sides of your card) - a quarrel over money.

With some six - a horse ride.

With Ace ♣ (both upright) – fear.

KING OF PEAK- a person occupying a high position, but unreliable as a friend and deadly as an enemy. At the same time, faithful in love.

In an inverted position - a greedy, unscrupulous type, whose malevolence is limited only by a lack of opportunity.

With Queen and Jack - the help of a respectable person, a respectable family.

C ♠ – portends good things.

With 8 ♠ (on the sides of your card) - lasting troubles and grief; if there is a King ♦ - the help of a noble person.

C ♣ – his hatred, opposition and villainy.

C ♦ – its location.

C – its location.

QUEEN OF SPADES– a friendly, generous nature, often very susceptible to flattery, but once deceived, she can become overly distrustful; possibly a widow; complexion dark.

In an inverted position - a very romantic and at the same time purposeful nature, ready to do anything to achieve a goal; her cunning and deceit can harm herself; perhaps an old woman.

Between two figures - a disagreement between them, (near your card) - grief, trouble, especially with 7 ♣ or 9 ♠.

With ♠, except for 9 – a kind old lady.

C ♣ – villain.

S ♦ – a greedy, envious woman who interferes in business and in love.

From 9 to 10 – happiness.

JACK OF SPEAKS- quarrel or fight; a rude, ill-mannered type, although often intelligent and diligent. Can become a useful friend if he refrains from criticizing.

In an inverted position - a hypocrite, outwardly friendly, but loves to spy. Doesn't deserve the slightest trust.

In general, C ♠ is a faithful ally.

S ♣ – liar, envious, gossip.

C ♦ – accomplice, messenger, drunken person.

S – friend.

With Lady ♠ – a big quarrel, a fight.

With 8 ♠ - a big nuisance between lovers.

TEN OF SPEAKS– misfortune, wasted time, possible ruin, usually as a result of jealousy or emotional breakdown.

In an inverted position - a serious shock or illness. Loss of friend or property. The key can be the accompanying cards.

With Ace ♠ – unexpected receipt of money.

With 9 ♠ – misfortune.

With 9 ♣ – trouble in money matters.

With Ace ♦ – a mournful, sad letter.

With one of the Aces - a fake letter.

With 8 ♠ – illness.

With one out of 8 - unpleasant news.

With 7 ♠ – unexpected news of a change in circumstances.

With 7 ♦ – an unexpected offer.

From 10 ♣ – recovery from illness.

From 10 – great monetary interest in the future.

NINE OF SPEAKS– conflict, defeat, illness, mourning and other troubles. An extremely unlucky card, but good cards nearby neutralize it, albeit partially.

In an inverted position, trouble does not come alone. God grant that these troubles are not too serious.

With Ace ♠ – illness.

With Ace ♣ – benefit or harm (depending on the nearest light or dark card).

With Ace - the closeness of a man, a woman, a joyful stay with a friend.

With Ace ♦ – cunning and deception of loved ones.

With 10 ♠ – unexpected receipt of money.

EIGHT OF SPEAK– illness or anxiety, but they can be avoided by taking the necessary precautions. The slightest risk is absolutely contraindicated. At nine ♣ – misfortune.

In an inverted position - disappointment in love, which may be followed by unnecessary losses due to wastefulness.

With Jack - news of illness or death of loved ones or acquaintances.

With 7 ♣ – betrayal of your beloved.

Under four Kings - revelry, drunkenness.

SEVEN PEAK- anxiety. However, many of your problems are just a figment of the imagination and hopes for a better future will dispel them. With the Lady - the Lady is in an interesting position.

In an inverted position - indecision both in love and in business. Advice from friends and refraining from hasty, ill-considered actions will bring stability.

With Jack ♦ – depicts a merchant.

With Jack ♣ – misfortune from enemies.

From 10 ♠ – unexpected news of a change in circumstances.

One of the eights gets a treat.

With a figure - trouble, especially with 9 ♠ - grief in relatives.

From 6 ♦ – troubles in the house.

SIX OF SPEAKS– long journey, late journey, with your card – loss.

In an inverted position - deceitful friends.

C ♠ – a merry way.

C ♣ – bad road.

From 9 or 10 ♦ – (from the right hand to the left) – the road to the money.

From 7 or 8 ♦ – worries and worries about money.

S – road and meeting with dear people.

With ♣ (above the head) - a successful outcome of the fortuneteller’s bad intentions.


ACE OF DAMAIN– You will receive some kind of message in the form of a letter, gift or promise. In general, this is good, but weigh everything carefully and decide whether you should take it. With a figure - a person engaged in writing.

Inverted position - message. Most likely it will be unpleasant and will add to your worries.

With ♦ – quick receipt of money.

From 7, 9 or 10 - a joyful or love letter.

With ♣ or ♠ - delay of the desired minute, big troubles.

From 6 ♣ – date or conversation at dusk.

With 9 ♠ – cunning, deception of loved ones.

From 10 – love letter.

From 10 ♠ (left) – mourning or sad letter.

From 10 ♦ – money letter.

KING OF TAMMOMBERS- a person with extensive experience in military or government service, influential and capable of providing assistance, but can be dangerous due to his excessive pride.

In an inverted position - an influential person who can be dangerous due to his excessive pride. However, due to minor mistakes it makes, it is safe for you.

From 10 ♦ (with Jack) – support in the future from a new acquaintance or future groom.

With 6 ♦ – indispensable fulfillment of desires.

C – fun, forgetting the past and changing life.

LADY Tambourine- a gossip, a brawler, often ignorant, but with great conceit. Hair and skin are light.

In an inverted position - a malicious gossip and brawler, ready to involve completely innocent people in a dangerous business. Besides, she's terribly flirtatious.

With Jack ♦ and 10 ♠ - an unpleasant guest.

From 9 - good for women, for men - theft.

JACK OF DAMAIN- official person. Trustworthy if he occupies a high position. Otherwise, he is a deceiver, a flatterer and a bribe-taker.

In an inverted position - a real scoundrel, an impostor and a fraudster.

With 7 ♠ – merchant.

With the King - a commercial, false person.

With 7 ♠ or 9 ♦ – a hostile person, quick betrayal.

With Lady ♣ – not good.

With 6 ♣ - an unexpected and quick trip with some King.

When the King, Queen and Jack ♦ are with the card of the fortuneteller(s) of the person - success in money matters.

TEN OF DAMBISONS– with other favorable signs – a valuable acquisition or a great achievement in work or any other activity. The main thing is not to waste time on trifles.

In a reversed position - the opportunity for a valuable acquisition or great achievement, but requiring some caution at an early stage. Change can create problems, so consider it carefully.

With Ace ♠ (on the sides of your card) - a quarrel over money.

From 9 ♦ – inevitable and quick receipt of money.

From 8 ♦ – distant receipt of money, big money.

From 7 ♦ – successful worries about money.

From 6 ♦ – complete fulfillment of desires, receiving money.

With 6 ♠ (right) – the road for money.

With Jack ♣ – success in money matters.

From 10 ♣ – an indispensable receipt of money.

from 7 – a large inheritance, receiving money.

From 9 – profitable work.

NINE OF DAMBLIES– a card of money, a sign of entrepreneurship. The priority of one's own interests guarantees profit, but can lead to a break with friends and other losses.

In an inverted position - a major failure due to disagreements in the family and among business partners. Lack of initiative will create obstacles. Try to curb your stubbornness.

With 6 ♠ (right) - the road to get money, an unpleasant incident, failure.

With Jack - avoiding an unpleasant journey.

From 10 ♦ – an indispensable and quick receipt of money.

A fun conversation with the Four Kings.

EIGHT OF TAMIO– a pleasant trip or vacation in a charming place. A promising hobby or romance. Sometimes it’s a belated marriage.

In an inverted position - excessive desire to change places. A hasty, reckless romance will end in a very unfortunate way. Think carefully first!

From 8 ♣ and 6 – news of a fire.

With the King or Queen ♠ (on the sides of your card) - harm from a false and bad person.

With Valet - talk about money.

With 10 ♦ – distant receipt of money, large receipt of money.

With 7 ♦ (near the figure) – its infidelity, inconstancy.

SEVEN OF TAMIE- a sign of communication, foreshadows empty conversations, a friendly party, unexpected news, in short, a lot of pleasant, but trivial things.

In an inverted position, an elephant will grow from a fly. Pay attention to your children or pets.

With the figure - a happy incident.

From 10 ♦ – successful worries about money.

SIX OF TAMINGS– the happiest card, softens even the bad meaning of Ace ♠. Fast, cheerful road, wish fulfillment; road of the King of Diamonds, Ladies.

In an inverted position, losses are likely, but they will be compensated by unexpected gains.

From 9 ♠ – grief in relatives.

With 10 and 9 ♠ – illness, even death.

From 10 ♦ – complete fulfillment of desire in receiving money.

With 9 ♠ – death.

From 7 ♦ – troubles in the house.


ACE OF CLUB- wealth, health, happiness. Receiving news, letters or legal documents, and as a result - money and success. The marriage will be harmonious.

In an inverted position - success is short-lived or delayed. Receiving a letter can be frustrating. A sudden hobby or romance will probably improve the situation somewhat.

With six - railway. Under the King (in relation to a lady) - immodest love, courtship.

With 7 ♣ – winning the case, victory.

From 9 – tender love.

From 6 ♣ – date and conversation on the street, generally on the road, in the evening; at peaks - death.

From 9 ♠ – quick news of benefits; in an upright position - about benefits.

With the King ♣ - a happy outcome of a planned enterprise, a quick fulfillment of a desire.

KING OF CLUBS- a reliable, generous friend. An ideal companion or business partner. Faithful husband. Dark appearance.

In an inverted position - anxiety and disappointment due to the collapse of plans or lack of good intentions. A good face for a bad game.

C ♣ – close person, friend, husband, groom, lover; In general, it portends happiness.

From 9 ♣ (reversed) – an influential person, a supportive person; (upright) – trouble with this person.

From 8 ♣ - rumors about enterprises at sea, the death of a ship.

With Ace ♣ - a happy outcome of a planned business, the fulfillment of desires.

With Jack ♣ on your card (if you are not ♣ of suit) - great grief.

With one of the sixes - the way to gain interest. If the King ♣ does not fall in the fortune telling, it is a failure.

Queen of Clubs– an extremely romantic nature, enthusiastic and talkative, warm-hearted, sympathetic, but prone to posing. Dark appearance.

In an inverted position - a cunning, vengeful nature, which can be dangerous, especially when deceived or rejected.

With Lady ♠ (with your card) - bad circumstances, courts, troubles due to marriage.

From 8 ♣ – help from a relative or close woman.

JACK OF CLUB– quick-witted, energetic, enterprising nature. A good friend and faithful husband. Very reliable. Dark-skinned. Without an Ace or without a King there is a lot of trouble, there are official troubles in the heart, thoughts of the King ♣. If Jack ♣ comes up first in a fortune-telling, the fortune-telling is correct.

In an inverted position - a professional flatterer. An insincere deceitful nature, but quite harmless if you don’t piss her off.

With 7 ♠ (occurs rarely) - misfortune due to the machinations of enemies, between two Ladies - an unfaithful wife.

From 10 ♦ – success in money matters.

With 8 ♣ – a military man, an unexpected turn of happiness.

Between the two Jacks there is a restless future.

TEN OF CLUBS- Money sign. Promises a stable income or a wonderful future in the financial sector. Can bring good luck and exciting adventures, but be prepared for something sad. With ♠ - deception of hope, poverty, work; with a figure - a business person, great danger, fires; at - find, happiness in the lottery; with the same King, Lady - someone is interested in you.

In an inverted position, quarrels can hinder the achievement of wealth. Possibly a long trip. Luck compensates for minor losses.

From 7 ♣ – joy, news of business.

With 6 ♣ – an unexpected proposal to leave.

From 10 ♦ – an indispensable receipt of money.

From 10 – success in love.

From 9 ♣ – fun with loved ones, surprise.

With 8 ♣ - quick receipt of big money, inheritance, wealth, happiness.

With 9 and 8 or 7 ♣ - one of the luckiest combinations, very good.

With Ace ♣ – change for the better.

With 7 ♠ (without Ace) – deception, tears.

With 7 and 6 ♣ – a large society.

NINE OF CLUBS- a sign of immediate results - this could be an unexpected gift, an interesting offer, an inheritance, etc. Don't miss your chance! When a figure appears, it indicates that it will disappear from your life; With the same King, Lady - to love.

In an inverted position - an insignificant gift - you expected more. A strong desire to take risks for future success. The danger of losing what you already have.

With 9 or 10 hearts - success in love.

C ♦ – sure receipt of money and useless spending of it on pleasure.

S – mutual love.

With 10 ♠ – money troubles.

Travel with Valet.

With the King ♣ – an influential person, a supportive person.

From 10 ♣ – fun with loved ones, surprise.

With 10 and 8 or 7 ♣ is one of the luckiest combinations.

EIGHT OF CLUB– love and abundance. Choose your spouse or partner carefully and avoid the all-or-nothing principle.

In an inverted position, love for an unworthy person can bring financial difficulties. Avoid making mistakes in choosing!

With Ace ♣ - success, reversed - failure.

With the King ♣ – rumors about the sea, the death of a ship.

With Lady ♣ – help from a relative or close woman.

With Jack ♣ - an unexpected turn of happiness in favor of the fortuneteller.

From 10 ♣ - quick acquisition of real estate, inheritance, wealth and happiness.

With Valet – talk about losses.

With 7 ♣ (in front of your card) - unexpected happiness.

With 7 ♣ and Ace - a happy marriage, or inheritance.

SEVEN OF CLUB- a low but important card. Returning a debt will strengthen friendship and goodwill. Pay attention to the children.

In an inverted position - minor financial problems can damage harmonious relationships in friendship or alliance. Keep this in mind.

With Ace ♣ - winning the case, victory.

With 10 ♣ - wealth and happiness (same as 9 and 8 clubs).

From 8 ♠ – a fortune-telling man is cheated on by his wife, his beloved.

With Jack (with 4 queens and sevens) - the imminent birth of a son.

From 10 (with the other three 7s and Queens or Jacks) - the proximity of an interesting position.

SIX OF CLUBS- sea road, useless road, date on the street, in the garden; path to the specified location; road of the club person; there is a big party between the figures.

In an inverted position - you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation, your friends may turn away.

From 10 ♣ – an unexpected proposal to leave.

With an Ace (in figure) - a date in the morning.

With Ace ♦ – date in the afternoon.

With Ace ♣ – date in the evening.

With Ace ♠ – date at night.


ACE OF HEARTS– successful marriage, happiness in the family, satisfaction with the existing environment. Joyful meetings are possible, most likely of a romantic nature.

In an inverted position - unresolved problems, unexpected guests. The likelihood of moving or changing surroundings.

With Ace ♣ – a joyful letter.

C 10 ♠ – sad letter.

With Valet - good news.

From 6 ♣ – date and conversation on the street, in the evening.

From 9 ♠ – revelry and pleasure, a date and a friend’s affection.

KING OF HEARTS- a generous, fair friend or adviser. Success in professional activities. Willingness to help. Influential position. A man with a pale face.

In an inverted position - a changeable, indecisive nature, prone to breaking its own promises. Friendly, but unreliable. Often pompous.

C ♠ – trouble.

C ♣ – receiving money.

C ♣ – troubles.

S – success.

Queen of Hearts– kind, attentive, romantic, cheerful nature. Dark hair, average build.

In an inverted position, she is capable of harboring a grudge and severely taking revenge for rejected love. In other cases, such a Lady can be appeased.

With 6 and 10 - tears for the fortuneteller, but with Jack of Clubs - unexpected joy.

S – success in love for a man.

With other suits - success in an uncertain future.

From 10 - friend.

JACK OF HEARTS– a cheerful, carefree person, a good friend. Prone to romantic interests, especially if he is young and not married.

In an inverted position - serious failure or resentment. Perhaps a person from the military sphere is involved. Antagonism needs to be mitigated.

S – success.

With Ace - good news, a declaration of love.

From 9 ♣ – travel.

With 9 ♣ – avoiding an unpleasant journey.

From 8 – cordial conversation.

From 8 ♣ – talk about monetary interest.

From 8 ♠ – news of the illness or death of a neighbor.

With 8 ♣ – an unpleasant conversation.

With a Lady or King - a guest.

With 7 ♣ (with 4 Queens or sevens) - the imminent birth of a son (while 4 Aces indicate the intelligence and wealth of the son).

TEN OF WORMS- satisfied ambition. Easy, cheerful disposition. Overcoming all obstacles. This card enhances good readings and neutralizes bad ones.

In an inverted position, temporary disappointment or uncertainty may require a change in plans, which probably has something to do with relatives. Limited success.

With the King - love and loyalty of a loved one.

With 10 ♣ – great monetary interest in the near future.

With 7 ♣ - with the other three 7s, with Queens or Jacks - the proximity of an interesting position for the fortuneteller.

From 8 - a private date with your beloved woman.

From 7 - a solitary date, consolation in grief.

From 6 ♣ – fun at a party.

From 9 (with a full suit of reds) - complete enjoyment of love, with a Lady or King - a wedding; otherwise a change in the apartment.

From 6 – a joyful date.

From 9 ♣ - your beloved person will give you her heart, a message or thing from her beloved person.

With 10 ♣ – success in love.

With Ace ♣ – a love or joyful letter.

NINE OF HEARTS- fulfillment of desires. Future honors may bring wealth. Achieving harmony through sincerity and effort. This card is very lucky. With every King and Lady - to love.

In an inverted position - a short unlucky period. Fatigue from excessive work or an abundance of interruptions. Luck and self-confidence will help you overcome difficulties.

From 10 with a full suit of reds - complete pleasure of love, with the King, Queen - a wedding.

From 8 or 7 – a date with your loved one.

From 9 ♣ – your beloved person will give you her heart; news or thing from a loved one.

With some six - an unexpected meeting.

With Lady ♠ – happiness.

EIGHT OF WORMS- love affair, romance. Fulfillment of a long-standing desire. Friends, invitations. The solution to all problems.

In an inverted position - indifference to the opposite sex. Need for sympathetic friends. Great joy of a personal nature, but a quarrel over a trifle can overshadow it.

With Valet - a cordial conversation.

With 7 ♣ – unexpected happiness (left).

From 10 – private meeting.

From 9 – date.

From 10 ♣ (near yours) - receiving money, a large inheritance.

SEVEN OF WORMS- a sign of wisdom. A penchant for contemplation and reflection, combined with a rich imagination. Independence, love of solitude.

In an inverted position - a strong desire for recognition, despondency and depression in its absence. Amorous, flirtatious, jealous nature.

With 10 ♠ – an unexpected offer.

From 10 – a pleasant, secluded date.

From 9 – date.

With 4 Kings - a fun conversation.

SIX OF WORMS– complete success, recognition guaranteed.

In an inverted position - the road for the King, Lady.

C is the path to a dear person.

From 10 – the road and a cordial date.

All nine are undoubted success in love.

Savagery, evil and the devil, weaving a web in order to capture the souls of sinners. The spider also serves to characterize the miser who “drinks blood” from the poor, like a spider from a fly. On the other hand, the spider is considered a good luck insect, and there is a sign that killing a spider promises trouble. Because the spider represents bloodthirstiness and tirelessness in weaving nets to catch fortune, it is believed to bring good luck and letters. According to Christian legend, a spider protected the baby Jesus when the family was hiding in Egypt, weaving a thick web around the entrance to the cave. Such stories were told almost verbatim about Moses and Mohammed hiding from their pursuers. In the Bible, the spider is a symbol of things that are perishable and futile. However, the Christian tradition has preserved examples of a different kind. Thus, the German nobleman Norbert (c. 1080–1134), who became a traveling Christian preacher, according to legend, discovered a poisonous spider in a cup when he was about to receive the sacrament. He drank the sacred wine and remained unharmed. All these legends seem to be a consequence of the universal reverence for the spider that is found throughout the world. The tribes of Tropical Africa deified the spider as the creator of the Universe. The names of the divine spiders - Anansi, Didobe, Zakolo - endowed with a sense of humor, dexterity and wisdom, were preserved not only in the myths of secret societies, but also in the fairy tales of African peoples. Among the Celts, the spider is a collector and holder of the threads of life, and among the Greeks and Egyptians it is a symbol of fate. A spider, weaving a skillful web, in India is a symbol of cosmic order, likened to Maya, who continuously weaves a web of illusions of the world of senses. There is a well-known image of Maya as a spider in the center of a woven web, which is closed by Ouroboros biting its tail. In the Nazca Desert, a fifty-meter image of a spider, made in one continuous line, has been preserved. The spider may have been a totem of one of the Indian tribes, and its image was used in the ritual dances of the Indians, begging for a good fate from the totem. The spider is closely associated with the symbol of weaving. And in this sense, he is associated with Penelope, weaving fabric in anticipation of Odysseus. The Lydian girl Arachne, famous for her needlework skills, challenged the goddess Minerva to a competition and wove a scarf depicting the love pleasures of the gods of Olympus. According to legend, frightened by the wrath of the goddess, Arachne tried to hang herself, but was saved by Minerva, who turned the girl into a spider. On the other hand, the spider is sometimes associated with parks that spin the thread of human life, and is therefore associated with the idea of ​​fate. In the mythology of many peoples, the spider is associated with the ideas of the center and the labyrinth. The spider is also associated with the spiral. The dark aspect of the spider among the Celts and Cyprus was a jellyfish with its tentacles, releasing clouds of dark liquid. In alchemy, the spider embodies the process of continuous transmutation that occurs throughout life, the regulation of connections and relationships with the biological, social and cosmic order of things. Throwing a “ray” out of himself, in a number of cases he is likened to the sun and is its symbol. The creative aspect of the spider, its weaving of threads from itself, is very important. Thus, in the Upanishads it acts as a symbol of self-development. As a destructive force, the spider means another cycle in the formation of the world or represents a kind of ambivalent image, reflecting the alternation of the forces of creation and destruction in space, like concentric circles in a web. As a force absorbed in the weaving of the deathtrap, it has a lunar aspect: the spider is connected to the moon by the constant transformations of its form, the network of moonlight cast on objects at night. As the creator of a veil that hides the true essence of phenomena, he embodies the element of fantasy. The spider is a symbol of devouring time, connecting the transitory with the eternal. It contains the idea of ​​the wheel of life, the center of which is the potential death itself. Behind these ideas is the Buddhist understanding of life as suffering, as well as elements of the Gnostic vision of a world created from evil and driven by good motives. According to signs, a spider portends a good or bad fate, depending on the color - black or white. A spider in the house is considered a good omen, a sign of prosperity and happiness. In England they believe that if a spider descends or falls on a person from the roof, he will soon receive an inheritance. The little red spider is called the “money weaver” in English because it is believed to be able to bring money when carried in your pocket. Spiders appear in many ancient medicinal recipes. For example, those suffering from fever and jaundice swallowed live spiders rolled in butter. In a number of English counties, a spider was held over a child with whooping cough, repeating the spell: “Hey, spider, go and die, take the whooping cough with you.” Source: Foley J. Encyclopedia of Signs and Symbols. M., 1997; Hall J. Dictionary of plots and symbols in art. M., 1999; Hole K. The Encyclopedia will also accept superstitions. M., 1998; Sheinina E. Ya. Encyclopedia of symbols. M., 2001; Encyclopedia of symbols, signs, emblems. M., 1999.

There is an opinion that spiders are associated with something unpleasant, slippery, vile and scary, in a word - creepy and ominous insects. However, despite the negativity, there are also well-known positive traits and symbols that characterize this seemingly unpleasant creature. A spider tattoo, a photo of which can be seen on the Internet, can be made in different styles, from cartoon to realistic and 3-D, and each of them will look interesting in its own way. Spiders are very common and diverse animals; they can be peaceful and defenseless, or they can kill people with their deadly bites. That’s why the meaning of spider tattoos is so rich and varied.

3D spider tattoo on arm

As you know, there are a great many places for tattoos, but a spider will look truly impressive:

  • On the leg: on the side of the ankle, for example
  • On the arm: on the shoulder, and a tattoo on the back of the arm will look especially stylish
  • On the shoulder blade: especially if it is made in a realistic style or 3-D;
  • On the lower back: also in a realistic style, to enhance the effect.

Another version of the spider tattoo, only in 2D

General meaning of the image of a spider

The spider tattoo, the meaning of which varies depending on the culture and context, still has a general interpretation. In general, the meaning of a spider tattoo illustrates thoroughness and thoroughness, accuracy and secrecy, modesty and practicality, magic, creativity and a penchant for creativity, and the presence of abilities. Sometimes this same symbol is perceived as a symbol of development, movement forward, love of life and faith in luck.

Tarantula on the shoulder blade

Mystical meaning of the symbol

Since the spider has eight legs, it can represent a symbol of infinity, harmony and the cyclical nature of life. Often in some cultures, ancient people associated its eight legs with the eight cardinal directions and extolled the spider as the ruler of the world and even of human destinies. It was believed that he weaves a web of life, playing with people like dolls and weaving into their lives what he pleases. If a spider is depicted descending on a web, it can be considered a symbol of good luck and wealth. According to one of the biblical stories, spiders saved the life of little Jesus Christ, so in Christianity the attitude towards these animals from time immemorial has been more positive. In Ancient Rome, the spider was considered a symbol of insight and good fate, and was a talisman of joy and prosperity.

Spider belly tattoo with daggers

Spider symbol in mythology

One of the Greek myths tells about the beautiful maiden Arachne, who was so good at weaving that Aphrodite herself envied her. By the will of the enraged goddess, Arachne committed suicide, but after repentance, Aphrodite took pity on the girl and resurrected her in the form of a spider, giving her the opportunity to weave her fabrics forever. The spider is a symbol of balance, fertility and harmony, often depicted as an old sage teacher. It is not uncommon in mythology to find motifs of the spider’s cunning, which are sometimes intertwined with its cruelty and bloodthirstiness.

The negative meaning of the image of a spider comes from the origins of magic, in particular black and white magic: it is there that amulets from spider symbols are often used. The images of were-spiders and sorcerer spiders are also known, which makes them one of the favorite symbols of gothic fans. Spider tattoos, photos of which can be found on the Internet, most often have a gothic and rather gloomy, ominous image.

Beautiful tarantula on the shoulder blade

The symbolism of spiders and webs in different cultures of the world

In Europe, spiders were often considered a symbol of fear and hatred; in the Middle Ages, they became one of the ways of spreading plague, along with rats and other small rodents, so the attitude towards them was exclusively negative.

And the image of the web itself also carries a significant semantic load. For example, in many myths it acts as a saving guiding thread, or thread of human life. In India, the web is a symbol called "maya", which translates as "illusion". This symbol is associated with the fatality and fragility of human existence.

In Egypt, the web also symbolized the intertwining of fate, and in Hinduism and Buddhism - the cosmic order. Among some tribes of Oceania, the spider was revered as the creator of the universe; the aborigines of Australia also worshiped the spider as a hero and a mystical animal that brings well-being. And the Japanese believed that spider women lured travelers into traps, entwined them with their bonds, killed them and drank their blood, so in this country spiders were associated exclusively with scary fairy tales and vampirism.

Old school spider tattoo

Prison symbolism of a spider tattoo

In the prison world, spider tattoos are worn by racists and thieves. A spider on a web is often found among drug addicts, without a web - among pickpockets. Also, prisoners often tattooed themselves with cobwebs, a circle of cobwebs for each year they spent in the zone.

I have a small tattoo of a little cartoon spider - it's so small that it's almost invisible. I just like this animal, I don’t know why everyone is afraid of him? I heard somewhere that in many cultures it is considered a good symbol, so it seems that I belong to these cultures))

Yaroslava, St. Petersburg

Spider and green web on hand

I really love spiders and the Harry Potter movie. If you remember, Ron Weasley was very afraid of spiders, and in one part of the film, the friends went into the forest and met a whole horde of giant spiders, which were very harmless and even friendly. I decided to get a spider tattoo because I like them. For me they are associated with something unusual, otherworldly and mystical. I have a spider web tattoo on my elbow, and there is a spider sitting on the web. I still want to somehow change the tattoo a little and finish drawing the fly that got into his net, as a symbol of the danger and unpredictability of life.

Spider thread

Spider's thread is the name of a fairly popular fortune telling of the 19th century. It is known under the names "Snake", "Rainbow". This fortune telling requires a deck of 36 cards. The fortune telling is decomposed into 3 times, where first the past is explained, then the present, and then the future. Additional layout is also possible.

First layout (past). For fortune telling, take deck, thoroughly mix the cards in it and place all the cards in curved row (can be laid out in a semicircle), as in the picture below.

After this, look at the end cards from both ends of the line of cards. If these are cards of the same value or suit, then they should be discarded. If, after discarding the outermost cards, there are again a pair of cards of the same value or suit at the ends, then they are also discarded. This continues until there are cards of different values ​​and suits at the ends of the laid out row. It is possible that after laying out the cards, not a single card can be removed, no problem, therefore all the cards in the deck will participate in fortune telling. In the event that all the cards are removed the first time, which is very unlikely, then you can lay out the cards a second time. Using the remaining cards, the past is explained in accordance with the meanings of the suits and each card in the interpreter given below.

Second layout (present). Then all the cards, except those that were discarded, are collected, carefully shuffled and laid out in the same way a second time. Again, the outermost cards at the ends of the row are discarded.

If such discarding of cards led to the removal of all cards, then fate does not like your knowledge. In this case, you need to stop fortune telling. If there are cards for interpretation, then the present is explained using them. Third layout (future).

The remaining cards are collected again, carefully shuffled and laid out again in the same way. By removing the outermost cards that match the suit or value, the future is assessed. When removing all the cards in the third layout, we should conclude that the future should not be known to us today. In this case, fortune telling should be stopped. Additional layout.

If there are cards left after the third layout, then arrange them in a horizontal row into 5 piles. There may be one card in a pile, if there are few cards left, or there may not be enough cards for one or another pile, or there may be several (up to seven) cards in a pile. When forming a stack, a row of five cards is first laid out, the next 5 cards are placed on it, and so on until the cards run out. Let’s say there are a lot of cards left: the first pile will be “for me”, the second pile will be “for her (for him)”, the third pile will be “for relatives”, the fourth pile will be “for friends”, the fifth will be “for enemies”. Take the first pile in your hands, spread it apart and interpret the dropped cards in accordance with the meanings of the cards. Having finished explaining the first stack, similarly interpret the remaining stacks according to the interpreter.


The suit of the card has a double interpretation, it all depends on what is revealed: the circumstances of life or the person’s inclinations.

When interpreting life circumstances, the suit is interpreted as follows:

♠ - serious illness, news of a person’s death, great grief or trouble;

- grief, illness, troubles;

- joy is not without worries, success is not without mistakes, losses and troubles;

Prosperity and complete luck.

When characterizing faces, suits have the following meaning:

♠ - bad tendencies;

- deception, lie, blunder, ruin, mistake, poverty, ill will;

- wealth, coquetry, arrogance, pride, winning, inaccessibility;

Cordiality, joy, affection, great love, sincerity, honesty, directness.

Values ​​of merits

Ace- the highest degree of an event (for example, great grief or great joy) or surprise.

King, Queen- a face close to the object.

Jack- outsider.

10 - a large enterprise, great expectations, grandiose plans.

9 - money matters, possible expenses or receipt of money.

8 - troubles, vanity.

7 - conversations, reprimand, praise, recommendation, gossip.

6 - road.

Card meanings

Ace - business letter, money matter, favorable news about money.

Ace is good news.

King,Lady,Jack - respected, high-ranking persons, authoritative people.

King,Lady,Jack - poor middle-aged people.

King,Lady,Jack - rich young people.

King,Lady,Jack - close people of the object of fortune telling. Age is determined by the following card.

10 - illness.

10 - major changes.

10 - large amounts of money.

10 - great joy.

9 - obstacle.

9 - miss.

9 - win.

9 - luck.

8 - blow.

8 - tears.

8 - a successful purchase.

8 - pleasure, pleasant company.

7 - hatred, anger, resentment, resignation, unpleasant news, gossip.

7 - proposal.

7 - pleasant surprise, reward, receiving money.

7 - unexpected manifestation of attention from someone.

6 - hard path, humiliation.

6 - evening or unpleasant path, dissatisfaction.

6 - a troublesome and profitable assignment, an early journey.

6 - a fun and pleasant path, a love date or promotion.

Meanings of oriented cards

Cards that are displayed asymmetrically are interpreted according to their orientation. To understand the orientation, you need to know where the suit sign is up and where it is down. The spade is pointing upward with its sharp end, the club has three leaves pointing upward, the diamond is considered a non-oriented sign of the suit, and the heart is pointing downwards. If the number of points on a card is odd, then the top of the card is determined by the unpaired sign of the suit. If there is no pattern on the diamond card that allows you to determine its orientation, then you should put a sign - an arrow, a mark at the top to determine the top and bottom of the card.

Ace up - place of service, government house, major trouble related to work.

Ace down - news of death or blow, serious illness, death.

Ace up - major deception, forgery, theft.

Ace down - false rumor, fear, refusal.

Ace up - huge money, unexpected inheritance.

Ace down - wedding.

Ace up - unexpected happiness.

Ace down is a great joy.

9 up - major trouble, loss, fight.

9 down - removal from office, investigation, trial.

9 up - little money, changes in life.

9 down - an unpleasant meeting, a difficult explanation.

9 up - the arrival of a loved one, relative.

9 down - love declaration, date.

7 up - quarrel.

7 down - illness, worries, lack of money.

7 up - big win, reconciliation.

7 down - insult, reprimand.

7 up - engagement.

7 down is a fun company.

The spider aspect is interesting because it can have both negative and positive meanings.

The Cosmic Spider (Great Spinner) is the Creator who spins the thread of his own life from his own substance, attaches to himself through the umbilical cord all people and weaves them into the pattern of the world. The spider in the center of the web symbolizes the center of the world; The sun is surrounded by rays, personifying the cycles of life and spinning the web of time.

In Christian thinking, the spider is the “evil” opposite of the “good” bee and in most cases serves to depict sinful thoughts that will suck the blood out of a person. But among the people, the spider is also considered a soul animal. It is believed that the soul of a dreamer, in the form of a spider, can leave the body through the open mouth of the sleeper and then return again (which was also told about lizards).

In magic, according to the fathers, spiders, together with other elements, were used to compose potions. According to medieval beliefs, witches, having caught a large number of spiders, could control storms and storms.

According to legend, in the Middle Ages, a terrible disaster befell the Italian city of Taranto - tarantulas, or wolf spiders, simply exterminated the townspeople and residents of the city's environs. It was believed that the bite of this spider causes a terrible disease - tarantism, which quickly leads to madness. You can recover from madness only by dancing a fast, fast dance - the tarantella. Soon this dance became an integral part of weddings in southern Italy.

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