Retired part-time work for women. How to find a job for a pensioner - what professions are in demand in Russia for older people? Why is it beneficial

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Work in Moscow for retired men

Site work avito Moscow work fresh vacancies for pensioners men. On our site you can find high-paying jobs for retired men. Look for work for retired men in Moscow, browse vacancies on our job site - an aggregator of vacancies in Moscow.

Avito jobs Moscow

Work for pensioners men on the site in Moscow, vacancies for pensioners men from direct employers Moscow. Jobs in Moscow without work experience and highly paid with work experience. Vacancies for retired men for women.

Oftentimes, government benefits are not large enough to provide a decent standard of living. Russians are looking for fresh vacancies for retirees. It is important to find a position that would suit a person with working conditions and give decent wages. Check out the possible options for the offered vacancies.

Personal assistant manager

Such vacancies for pensioners in Moscow after 55 are offered to men and women. The following qualities are required from the applicant:

  • attentiveness;
  • sociability;
  • ability to learn, work in a team;
  • organization, responsibility for assigned tasks;
  • 3–5 years of experience in similar work;
  • office equipment skills;
  • benevolence.

The candidate for the position must perform the following duties:

  • organize meetings for the head of the company;
  • solve current problems by working with the staff of the company;
  • process incoming documents;
  • to answer phone calls;
  • conduct office work and negotiations with partners.

Real estate agent

You can work as a realtor. The following requirements are imposed on the candidate:

  • good and competent speech;
  • skills in multitasking mode;
  • education in architecture and planning is desirable;
  • sociability, attentiveness, friendliness.

The employee's functions are as follows:

  • primary and secondary negotiations with clients;
  • work with databases on real estate;
  • conducting, conclusion, registration of transactions;
  • presentation of apartments, houses, other objects to the client;
  • selection of the most suitable housing option;
  • negotiations with lawyers, notaries, other specialists.

Pension consultant

Some organizations offer a good part-time job for retirees who lead an active lifestyle. The duties of a pension consultant include the following functions:

  • active search for persons of retirement age, campaigning for clients to transfer and receive benefits in the employer's company;
  • the ability to explain complex legal provisions;
  • holding and servicing presentation events;
  • consulting clients on issues of interest.

The applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • work previously in a bank or sales field for 1–3 years;
  • be sociable;
  • demonstrate high literacy (speaking, written literacy);
  • actively engage in product sales;
  • instill confidence in the client, be able to win over.


Citizens of retirement age with experience in teaching can work as a tutor. They are subject to requirements regarding the profile of the occupation (knowledge of English, French, other languages, other sciences), experience of working with children, the necessary qualifications, the ability to build relationships with the child and parents. The conditions depend on the specific employer. Payment is either hourly or every 2-4 weeks, depending on the saturation of the class schedule. This method of part-time work will bring a significant increase to the pension of older people.

Residential Concierge

A pensioner can get a job as a watchman. The candidate must:

  • have a presentable appearance;
  • not have bad habits;
  • be punctual, work according to the established schedule;
  • be able to handle a PC, video recorders;
  • to be neat, to be able to get along with the tenants.

The working conditions are as follows:

  • control the access of residents and unauthorized persons to a residential building;
  • conduct video surveillance of the entrusted territory;
  • carry out assignments of the housing manager and tenants in accordance with the authority;
  • bypass the entrusted area.

Babysitter for baby

Retired women can try to get a nanny job. The standard requirements for this specialty are as follows:

  • the presence of a medical book;
  • experience with children;
  • availability of a resume, reviews from previous clients;
  • the ability to work according to modern educational and educational methods;
  • benevolence, neatness, neatness.

Responsibilities, type of occupation, level of income depend on the specific employer. You need to be able to carry out professional child care within the time agreed with the customer. By agreement, the nanny can combine the services of a governess with her activities, take the baby to school, circles, sections, and do lessons with him. Some customers insist on the employee's 5-6-day stay with her family.

Security guard in a private security company for military pensioners

Many organizations offer evening part-time work for pensioners, veterans who have completed military service in law enforcement agencies. The standard requirements for an employee look like this:

  • experience in business employment in the security sector;
  • the presence of the required discharge;
  • certificate, license for the right to engage in this activity.

The type of responsibilities depends on the needs of the employer. An individual applying for a vacancy may be required to perform the following functions:

  • escort, protection of material values;
  • keeping order in the entrusted territory;
  • implementation of the access control during the day;
  • additional responsibilities, by agreement with the employer.

Online store manager

If it's hard to leave the house, then the position of an online store manager will do. The following requirements are presented to the applicant:

  • confident use of the computer;
  • constant fast internet;
  • ability to work with special programs;
  • well-delivered literate speech.

The duties of the employee are as follows:

  • telephone and written negotiations, customer consultations;
  • registration of orders, equipment;
  • control of payment, incoming, outgoing documentation.

Where to look for work for retirees

Methods for finding permanent or temporary work for persons receiving government subsidies can be seen in this table:

Search options

Where to look

Through the Internet


Printed editions

Weekly commercial newspapers and magazines:

  • Underground;
  • Job. Studies. Service;
  • Work close to home;
  • Work and salary;
  • Job exchange;
  • Vacancy from A to Z;
  • Alternative;
  • Job parade.

Notice boards

  • at public transport stops;
  • in crowded places;
  • at the place of upcoming work or residence.


Few people think about retirement in advance. Young people do not want to think about the future. But time runs inexorably. Before you have time to look back, you will reach the very age when, during the next layoff at work, you will have to worry about your place. The bosses will not indulge in the fact that a person has devoted most of his life to his beloved enterprise. It is so accepted in our society that those who are older give way to the young.

What should older people do, because Russian legislation does not prohibit them from building a career. to a pensioner? Everything is very simple. First you need to understand: retirement age is not a reason to believe that life is over. Then you need to use useful tips that will help an older person find employment and additional income.

Do not worry

If you were laid off due to retirement age, Negative Emotions have not benefited anyone yet. This will not solve the problem, but it can undermine health. See the situation as an opportunity for a new life. No catastrophe happened. You are alive, well, and if you have the strength, then you will definitely find something to do. Perhaps only in retirement will you be able to understand that you have been doing the wrong thing all your life. Any change should be taken as a chance to gain new experience. Be optimistic and everything will work out.

Set goals

Before answering the question of how to find a job for a pensioner, decide what you want. What prompts a person in old age to look for a job? This may be a lack of funds or a desire to be useful to society. The direction of your further professional activity will depend on what goal you are pursuing.

Take action

Lying on the couch, complaining about the injustice in life, you will not achieve your goals. To get started, buy a newspaper with ads. Let your friends know that you are looking for a job. Register on the site and send your resume to suitable vacancies. Who knows, maybe some young developing company needs the experience gained during labor activity.

On the job site, set the required parameters in the search filter. For example, indicate a suitable schedule: part-time or shift work (day or three). A pensioner usually looks for something to do near home, so you can limit the search area. This will save you time and filter out inappropriate options.

Your resume should include your real age and the fact that you are already a pensioner. After all, if they refuse for this reason at the interview, it will be a pity for the time, nerves and money spent on travel. Accordingly, the employer should have as much information as possible about you in advance.

To answer the question of how to find a job for a pensioner, first of all, it is necessary to determine the most popular vacancies for such people. If health permits, any pensioner can find a suitable option. Working as a watchman, cleaner, janitor, concierge, cloakroom attendant, call center operator or taxi driver - choose an activity for which age is not a hindrance.

The disadvantage of such positions is that it is not an easy job. You need to be in good health to be on your feet all day. For example, working as a courier for retirees is too hard. In addition, she is often underpaid. For older people, an indisputable advantage when choosing such vacancies is the possibility of part-time employment. The listed options do not require qualifications and skills.

Popular jobs for men

Work as a watchman for pensioners is not dusty, but responsible because of the unstable situation in the country. A person on duty (security guard) at an enterprise or institution must keep order. In case of violations, call the police. The downside may be working the night shift. Therefore, work as a watchman for pensioners is more suitable for a strong half of humanity. Although there are women who do an excellent job with her.

A doorman is a person who meets guests at a hotel or restaurant, and is also a popular vacancy for older people. In addition to the main income, tips from clients are possible. The doorman should be neat, polite and courteous. To be able to answer questions from guests regarding the institution, delicately refuse entry to undesirable persons. Cons: It's hard to stand all day with correct posture and a smile on your face.

Work for retired women

A cloakroom attendant in a theater is a great option for older ladies. In the process of work, you can sit when people are at the performance. The employee usually does not bear material responsibility. True, sometimes it is physically difficult, especially during a period of mass influx of people.

If you want to get a job as a ticket collector, pay attention to where the workplace is located. If entering or outside, consider the presence of drafts and the possibility of catching a cold.

Older women often find jobs as a conductor. Responsibilities include checking and selling tickets to passengers in public transport. The work is nervous, conflicts may arise, because some passengers strive to travel for free. The salary is small.

The position of a housekeeper can help solve the problem with housing, because offers with cohabitation are often found. Responsibilities include cleaning the apartment, walking the dog, preparing food, and more. The entire list of tasks must be discussed with the employer in advance. The downside is that this is hard physical labor, especially if you have to maintain a large house. This is mainly a job for retired women.

Use your experience

If you have worked as a teacher all your life, then in retirement you can earn extra money as a private tutor. This is a very lucrative position today. Employers give preference to applicants with work experience.

They strive to combine motherhood and career. In order not to lose a good position, they leave maternity leave in advance. But what if the husband also works, but the grandparents do not? In such a situation, the nanny will save you. Applicants with a pedagogical or medical education have an advantage over others. Working for women who have grandchildren is not difficult at all, because you know what you're doing.

Nanny, consider the age of the child. It's hard to carry a very small toddler in your arms all day long. A toddler under three years old can also be an overwhelming burden. Therefore, this is a job for young retirees.

Accountants can help their colleagues with paperwork, doctors can give injections at home or be nurses. In fact, such work is a logical continuation of your work activity, so you should have known all its shortcomings for a long time.

Network marketing

Not a bad option. Why not try your hand at network marketing? Each pensioner has a lot of acquaintances, it is worth using these connections. Look at them as potential customers. For example, there are well-known cosmetics companies whose names are well known. You will not need to promote a new brand, you will only have to offer a quality product. If a person buys cosmetics anyway, then let him buy it from you. Such work can also be pleasant, because it is accompanied by all kinds of lectures and seminars on personal development. And this is an interesting pastime.

The disadvantages of such earnings include many people in network marketing. This kind of activity is called the offensive word "vparivanie". But if everything is done correctly, customers will not have a negative impression. This is a job for young retirees, sociable and purposeful.


Turn your favorite pastime into a profitable one. If your grandmother knits, sews or embroiders perfectly, and your grandfather knows how to make furniture, try putting up a handmade product for sale.

If you know how to take quality pictures, get yourself a photographer for weddings and other special occasions. Noisy companies are not your option? Then make money on family photo sessions, create unique love stories. Work in St. Petersburg for pensioners in this area is very popular at the present time. You just do what you love and earn money.

Take care of your garden

Now you have a lot of free time. If you used to plant a couple of vegetable beds for yourself, now you can sow more. Homemade vegetables and fruits are always in demand on the market. If this is not enough for you, start a farm - a cow, chickens or quails. There are many options. It all depends on your imagination, health and desire to make your dreams come true. However, in order to be engaged in a garden or household, desire alone may not be enough, you need a good physical shape.


Today, more and more retirees find work on the Internet. And it is not surprising, because the customer does not care what age you are, the main thing is that you perform the necessary tasks correctly. How to find a job for a pensioner on the Internet? Successful activity requires a stable connection with the World Wide Web and a computer. First you need to register on any content exchange as an artist, create a portfolio, fill out the profile information. Then start taking orders.

In addition, if you think that age is your disadvantage, post someone else's photo on your profile, for example, your grandson. Do not write about your age in the "about yourself" section. The customer does not see you and will focus only on how well you do your job. There is no need to spend money on transportation. Work in St. Petersburg for retirees on the Internet is not tied to the place of residence. Without leaving your home, you can work throughout Russia and beyond.

Disadvantages of freelancing

Elderly people should move more, go out more often. Not everyone can sit at the computer for several hours in a row. Therefore, it is worth planning your day so that the Internet cannot be pulled into its networks for a long time. Working at the computer also negatively affects vision, which weakens with age. What to do? Plan your day ahead of time. For example, two hours of work, then 30 minutes of rest or walking. Every half hour you should sit back and do exercises for your eyes. For such work, you need to have at least an initial level of computer literacy. However, everyone remembers one simple truth - it is never too late to learn.

Earn on tenants

If you live alone and want to have an increase in your pension, take tenants into your apartment. Such proposals are in great demand among students or people working on a rotational basis. Your life will become more fun and the increase in your pension will turn out to be quite good. The negatives of such earnings include the fact that not every person can get along with strangers. Therefore, carefully consider whether this option is right for you before you advertise for renting a room.

Write a book

When, if not during retirement age, can you sit down and write memoirs or other interesting stories? If you have dreamed of becoming a writer for a long time, and your hands did not get to the point, now is the time. Moreover, the finished book can be sent to the editorial office. If you're lucky, it will be appreciated. In this case, in addition to the fee, you can receive an order for the next work.

Beware of scammers

Everyone knows that pensioners are the most gullible category of the population. Fraudsters take advantage of this. They offer to find a job, but first ask for a down payment. Even if it's a little money, you should never agree. If you are asked to pay before being offered a seat, it is definitely worth being wary. It may be more convenient to look for work through agencies, since they have their own client bases, but payment for services should only occur after you have registered for a new job.

So, there are a fairly large number of ways to earn money for a pensioner, it all depends on your desire and physical fitness. So, if living on one pension is difficult enough for you, heed the advice outlined in this article.

After going on a well-deserved rest, not all citizens agree to stay at home for days. Many women of retirement age are seeking full or part-time work. Vacancies for senior citizens are found in entertainment venues in Moscow and at private individuals.

Vacancies for retired women in Moscow theaters

Leaders of cultural institutions are often looking for qualified specialists to interact with actors, directors, production designers, etc. A woman with experience in this area can apply to such an organization. Popular Moscow theater jobs:

  • Art manager for organizational work with actors. The specialist must be sociable, stress-resistant, sociable. In this position, a woman will have to coordinate the work of all staff: select actors, directors, rent premises for rehearsals, performances, etc.
  • Usher. Requirements for the applicant - punctuality, politeness, sociability, attentiveness. The ticket collector will have to check tickets at the entrance to the theater, clean up his workplace.
  • Dresser (seamstress). The applicant must know the types, brands, sizes and other characteristics of the suits, the standards for their storage. The costume designer will have to prepare clothes for performances, modify them, and cut them.

Work from home

This type of activity is considered universal.

Veterans, people with disabilities who are engaged in raising grandmother's grandchildren can work at home.

The only condition is a stable Internet connection, although specialists can sometimes work without a computer. The woman also sets the work schedule herself. A pensioner can work full day or 3-4 hours a day. The income level depends on the number of hours worked:

Types of vacancies

Job responsibilities

Requirements for applicants

Approximate range of wages in rubles

Call center operator

  • receiving incoming calls;
  • providing information about the services and products of the company;
  • documenting commercial offers, applications and customer orders;
  • preparation of reports on the work done.
  • sociability;
  • desire to communicate with people;
  • the ability to conduct business conversations;
  • emotional stability;
  • competent, clear speech, good diction.

7000-40000 month


  • assistance in mastering the chosen skill;
  • checking the current level of knowledge of the ward;
  • one-time consultations on complex issues.
  • high qualifications in the subject taught;
  • sociability;
  • grammatically correct speech.

from 500 to 4000 per hour


  • editing, editing copyrighted materials;
  • proofreading of texts in magazines and printed publications, reconciliation of finished documentation after corrections;
  • typing from graphic materials without additional editing.
  • computer literacy;
  • attentiveness;
  • a responsibility;
  • ability to work in MS Word and other office programs.

5000-17000 month


  • receive visitors, find out information about their injuries and diseases;
  • use certified medical equipment for massage;
  • respect the confidentiality of clients;
  • to ensure cleanliness and order in the room used instead of the massage room.
  • the presence of secondary medical education;
  • possession of techniques of hardware and manual massage;
  • work experience;
  • knowledge of anatomy, physiology;
  • availability of a valid certificate.

from 400 to 6000 per hour

Vacancies for pensioners in Moscow from individuals

Advertisements for older women to work with children or help with the household are often given by ordinary citizens. Individuals pay wages daily, weekly or monthly. Work in Moscow for retired women from private ones is represented by the following vacancies:

  • Nanny for the family. The applicant must be attentive, get along well with children. Some employers check that a woman has a residence permit in Moscow. A medical or teacher education would be a plus. The nanny needs to take care of the child, prepare food for him, help him do his homework, pick him up from kindergarten or school.
  • Tutor. Individuals give preference to former teachers. The tutor must be highly qualified in the subject. To confirm skills, in addition to a diploma of higher education, you will need certificates of advanced training, awards, competitive diplomas, etc. A retired woman will have to form motivation for educational activities in a natural person, promote in-depth study of the subject, compensate for the lag in the chosen subject, help prepare the student for an exam or testing.
  • Au pair. A woman will have to do the cleaning, ironing clothes and clothes, caring for houseplants and pets, cooking, paying utility bills. Requirements for the applicant are attentiveness, friendliness, decency, poise, diligence.
  • Nurse. The specialist is obliged to take care of the disabled or sick elderly person. Many employers from Moscow require a woman with a medical degree who can supply an IV and carry out other procedures. The responsibilities of the nurse include walking with the ward in the fresh air, feeding, and hygiene.

Part-time job

Not all seniors are prepared to spend whole days in the office or at home. Work for a retired woman in Moscow in many professions can be part-time. The salary will be given to a citizen at the end of the working day / month. Part-time jobs:

  • An employee of a cleaning company. The employee must be punctual, efficient, hardy and attentive. The cleaner has to clean up apartments, houses, offices.
  • Kitchen assistant in a cafe / restaurant. There are no special requirements for retirees who serve catering establishments. The woman will have to issue a health book, undergo a medical examination. The kitchen assistant washes dishes, vegetables, and cleans the premises.
  • Cashier seller. The employee will have to make settlements with customers, take part in the inventory, sell goods from the area near the cash register. The seller-cashier must be sociable, executive, disciplined. It is important for employers that a retired woman has work experience.
  • Watchman. When employed, work experience in security organizations will be a plus. The watchman is present at the checkpoint, keeps a log on the reception and delivery of duty, prepares technical reports, does not let unauthorized persons pass. Employers demand discipline, friendliness, attentiveness to visitors.


According to statistics, every second pensioner in Russia, after the appointment of a pension, he continues to work on a permanent basis. In total, as of mid-2019, Russia has 9 million working pensioners, which is about 20% of their total. Most of them work on a permanent basis, and the rest - from time to time or as needed, to receive additional earnings in addition to the pension received from the state.

Why do people of pre-retirement and retirement age have to work? What professions do they choose? What salaries can they expect today? It is necessary to deal with these issues in more detail, because many of our elderly relatives and friends need help and practical advice on finding a job, and each of us will sooner or later also retire.

Discussion of this topic is now in many respects relevant also because already in 2019 in Russia began raising the retirement age- and this means that the need for jobs for people over 55-60 years old will grow significantly. How to prepare for the fact that tomorrow many of those who were preparing for a well-deserved rest will be forced to continue working? The question is complex and controversial, but we will try to figure it out.

What specialties are most in demand among people of pre-retirement and retirement age today?

Traditionally, older people choose professions that young people avoid. This is due, as a rule, to their low payment, but the elderly often simply have no choice- every penny counts, which means you don't have to choose. At the same time, the most frequent options for part-time work for the elderly are considered a watchman, watchman, cleaner, nanny in a medical institution.

Some after retirement remain at the previous place of work, getting a simpler position associated with less mental and physical stress. But with this, certain problems may arise, since:

  • about 38% of employers today flatly refuse from working with people of retirement age;
  • another 37% would dare to take such a step only in exceptional cases.

However, this is not a verdict at all, especially in big cities or with the ability to work on a computer via the Internet - the main thing is not to leave the search, to be attentive to the popular requirements of employers and to demonstrate your willingness to work efficiently in accordance with the conditions of the vacancy.


  1. Do not be intimidated by working with a computer. Today, most of the professions are associated with computer work. Even in order to get a job at the registry for enrolling patients or issuing sick leaves, you need to know how to work on a computer. Therefore, one should not neglect employment projects for retirees who often conduct computer literacy courses. Thanks to this, you can even get a job as a cashier in a store or become a secretary, which will ensure a decent permanent income.
  2. Apply all your skills. If you have a license and your own car, even if it's an old one, but on the move, this can become another source of income. So there are widely known cases when retirees become practically professional drivers, getting a job as couriers or picking up children from school to take them to additional classes and trainings.
  3. Agree to work with children. Many parents are in the endless search for a nanny who can provide care for their child while they are at work. Dealing with this issue through an agency is not a cheap task. So why not turn to a good-natured neighbor who will look after the baby in the yard and feed him delicious homemade cakes?

    And even more so if in the past she worked in the field of education, has a pedagogical or medical education. For example, for many parents, the work of a private speech therapist, child psychologist or pediatrician is in great demand.

  4. But what to do with hand-made specialties ("hand work")? If you are excellent at knitting, sewing or embroidery, you can also make money. Firstly, you can take individual orders, and secondly, get a job as an assistant in some kind of clothing repair shop or atelier. There are many orders that do not require a lot of creative work, but only imply the mechanical performance of certain operations - these types of work can be focused on at the very beginning. Especially if you know how to hear and understand the wishes of customers. Men, on the other hand, can get a job in a workshop for minor repairs, including shoe repairs.


Should you trust the representatives of public organizations involved in the employment of elderly people?

Of course. The main thing here is do not fall for the bait of scammers, of which a great many have recently appeared on the employment assistance market, and contact well-known organizations who will carefully familiarize themselves with your knowledge and skills and in fact will be able to find a vacancy for you with a completely satisfactory working environment. So, not all elderly people are ready to work 5 days a week. Many get a job part-time option- for example, with 2-3 working days a week for several hours.

By the way, representatives of such public organizations that help in finding a job often emphasize that the number of pensioners has significantly increased recently. ready to earn extra money remotely(without leaving home, including via the Internet).

  • For example, retirees are often engaged in typing or writing texts for websites, uploading product cards to catalogs of online stores, etc.
  • Many are also engaged in other activities that are not related to working on a computer - they assemble products at home, consisting of individual parts, etc.

At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that even despite the solid experience, you still have to learn and learn new skills.


Is it possible to find work for retirees on job sites?

Many believe that work in old age can only be found by acquaintance. Unaware that specialized employment sites also offer a certain number of jobs for this category of citizens.

For example, on today, for people over 55, you can find jobs such as Sales Kiosk, Sales Manager, Sales Consultant, Promoter, Online Store Administrator, Claim Manager, and even Assistant Director.

At the same time, the requirements for employees in different vacancies are different, depending on future job responsibilities. But in general, we can note a high "demand" for friendly, punctual, active workers who are ready to learn and put their knowledge into practice.

However, many employers who took the risk of hiring a pensioner note that they are very positive and responsible, and their experience is often more valuable for the job than the excessive and unsupported ambitions of young people.

Themselves as pensioners also do not waste time and opportunities, showing real observation. So, they are more closely following the ads in stores and shopping centers, are keenly interested in the offers that they see on TV. They are always on the alert, and with their spontaneity they can often melt the heart of the most strict and demanding employer, who will give them a chance at least to try their hand at work.

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