Not wounded, but killed. Lyrics of the song Rem Digga - I'm wounded, sweet, but not killed, but out

These verses will never end up in school textbooks for one simple reason - they are true. And this truth is not incredibly inconvenient for modern “sofa” patriots who write “1941-1945” on their cars. If necessary, we will repeat it.” The author of these poems, 19-year-old tank lieutenant Ion Degen, wrote them back in December 1944.

After finishing 9th grade, Ion Degen went to work as a counselor at a pioneer camp in Ukraine. There the war found him. The military registration and enlistment office refused to enlist him because of his age. Then he thought that in just a few weeks the war would end, and he would never have time to make his contribution to the Victory.

Ninth grade ended only yesterday.
Will I ever graduate from 10th?
Holidays are a happy time.
And suddenly - a trench, a carbine, grenades,
And above the river a house burned to the ground,
Your deskmate is forever lost.
I'm helplessly confused about everything
What cannot be measured by school standards.

Together with his comrades, he escaped from the train that was taking them to evacuation. They managed to get to the location of the 130th Infantry Division, which was fighting at the front, and achieve enrollment in a platoon. So in July 41, Ion found himself at war.

Only a month has passed, out of 31 people from the platoon, only two remained. Ion survived encirclement, wandering through the forests, injury and a hospital, from which he only left in January 1942. He was again eager to go to the front, but he was 1.5 years short of conscription age, and he was sent to the rear, to the Caucasus. Ion worked as a tractor driver on a state farm, but in the summer of 1942 war came there. At the age of 17, he volunteered to go to the front again and ended up in reconnaissance. In the fall, he was seriously wounded again. His unconscious comrades pulled him out from behind the front line.

On December 31, 1942, he left the hospital, and as a tractor driver, he was sent to study at a tank school. Two years of training, and in the spring of 1944, junior lieutenant Ion Degen again found himself at the front. This time on a brand new T-34. His tank epic begins: dozens of battles, tank duels, 8 months at the front. When your comrades die one after another, a different attitude towards life and death appears. And in December 1944, he would write the most famous poem in his life, which will be called one of the best poems about the war:

My comrade, in mortal agony
Don't call your friends in vain.
Let me better warm my palms
Over your smoking blood.
Don't cry, don't moan, you're not little,
You're not wounded, you're just killed.
Let me take off your felt boots as a souvenir.
We still have to advance.

He fought conscientiously, and because of his luck, Ion was even nicknamed the lucky one. It’s not in vain that today his name can be found at number fifty in the list of the best Soviet tank aces: Jonah Lazarevich Degen, guard lieutenant, 16 victories (including 1 Tiger, 8 Panthers), twice nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, awarded the Order of the Red Banner. For Lieutenant Degen, commander of a tank company, it all ended in January 1945 in East Prussia.

On January 21, 1945, Jonah’s tank was knocked out, and the crew that jumped out of the burning tank was shot by the Nazis. When the 19-year-old was taken to the hospital, he was still alive. Seven bullet wounds, four shrapnel wounds, broken legs, an open fracture of the jaw and sepsis. At that time it was a death sentence. He was saved by the chief physician, who did not spare the scarce penicillin for the dying soldier, and by God, who had his own plans for Jonah. And the brave tanker survived!

And although at the age of 19 lifelong disability seemed like a death sentence, our hero was able to achieve incredible heights in his difficult life. In 1951, he graduated from medical school with honors, became an operating orthopedic surgeon, and in 1958 became the first surgeon in the world to perform replantation of the upper limb. He has completed candidate and doctoral scientific work. But this little lame and fearless man, who was never afraid to tell the truth, was very inconvenient for the officials.

In 1977, Jonah Lazarevich left for Israel, worked as a doctor for many years, but never renounced his homeland. Today he is 91 years old, but he is still young at heart. When in 2012, among the veterans, the military attaché at the Russian embassy presented him with the next anniversary awards, the ruff hero read the following verses:

Speeches are usually drenched in molasses.
My mouth is set on edge from the unctuous words.
Royally on our hunched shoulders
Added a load of anniversary medals.
Solemnly, so cloyingly sweet,
Moisture is streaming down the cheeks from the eyes.
And you think, why do they need our glory?
Why... do they need our former courage?
Silently time is wise and tired
It is difficult to scar wounds, but no trouble.
On a jacket in the metal collection
Another medal for Victory Day.
And there was a time, I rejoiced at the load
And bitterly overcoming the pain of loss,
He shouted “I serve the Soviet Union!”
When they screwed the order to the tunic.
Now everything is smooth, like the surface of an abyss.
Equal within the limits of current morality
And those who fornicated in the distant headquarters
And those who were burned alive in the tanks.
The time of heroes or the time of scoundrels -
We ourselves always choose how to live.

By the will of fate and politicians, today these people live in different countries, but they all fought for one Great Victory. And a vivid reminder of both unity and that Victory.

from Ufa


On Monday I visited both the trainer's room and the general manager's office. Each of these rooms has a tablet and signs with the players' names. And the column called “injuries” is simply overcrowded.

What should I do? - Igor Zakharkin thought, standing at the blackboard. - Now Lazarev is not there yet.

Fortunately, he didn’t suffer a chest fracture, as they wrote in the evening, but he still won’t be able to play in the fourth match. With his arm in a bandage, he stood by the box and watched the substitutes train.

“I still don’t understand who started talking about the fracture,” the striker was surprised. - But it’s still unpleasant. I don’t know how long I’ve been out, but I really want to come back soon.

Are you angry at ? - I clarify.

Lazarev decided to think.

“I didn’t see the moment of the impact because I was watching the puck,” he recalled. “Then I looked at the video, and it seemed to me that he jumped.


The club wrote an appeal to the league regarding several controversial issues, including Zakharchuk’s violation. We were waiting to see what disqualifications would be issued. I met him and immediately warned him.

Will they really give you a big fine? - I ask.

For what? - the defender was sincerely surprised.

For hitting with a stick,” I reminded.

What was there? - I must say that Maxim greeted each of his fines with these words this season. - I didn’t hit him, I fought for the puck. And I haven’t seen Cleaver either.

The replay clearly shows that there was a blow to the face with a stick,” I patiently insisted.

Yes, I just held the club like that. Remember, I was still indignant at the removal. I just didn’t understand how Jiri took part in the episode without a helmet. This is also two minutes.

I didn’t want to argue with a good guy, but when the message came that he had been given a large disciplinary fine, I was not surprised.

Igor Zakharkin greeted this information with indifference. I mean, of course, he was boiling, but you can’t boil all season. It’s just that the sign with Goncharov’s name went into another column.

But he can play. At least something.


But you played great in the third game - I’m trying to cheer up the coach’s mood a little.

The guys are worried, they are fighting,” Zakharkin answers. - And in general, with such a composition, we are performing a miracle. And I know that all these guys will give it their all. But who expected that we would come to the decisive matches with such a selection of hockey players.

Fortunately, the topic of violating the regime is a thing of the past, and everyone is ready to joke about this topic.

goes to the dining room, and I ask the experienced defender not to get the young talent drunk.

But my mother forbids me to drink! - Denis throws up his hands.

What are you saying? - Kaprizov seems to be scared.

I approach Kirill and ask if he will go to America in a year. He avoids answering, asks something again, but attacked the wrong person.

Can you re-sign the contract for another two years? Or will you definitely leave in a year? - these are the most important questions now.

“Okay,” Kirill concentrated. - I will definitely give an answer after the season.

I understand that he has options.
How are you, bodies, how are you?
Take your foot off the pedal, look here.
I am the brother of the pen, the seasoned staff cooked at home,
I brought it here. Here, throw it.
I say, how are you? That's how it was for me,
Until I saw you in this cute dress.
It's like a torch in the world for someone like me -

Big, like [tanga do zgi].
I'm wounded, nicely, but not killed, but I'm out.
The eye in me is blurred on you.
Slow down, give me a sign on how to survive,

Show me smoothly to the beat in [style...]
I am a mad man of the harsh valleys.
Me to hang [...] tons of noodles
[…] don’t look in the area where we are

We're wasting years, saving up pairs.
The world has gone off the rails and here we are!
I don't need a reason when there's a beat.
Stay, don't be afraid of the local mutants,

Authorized to chop everyone!
This is our house! Our block!
[Axle Hook] Our home is a mince throne.
Mila, hide your fear! Mila, give me five, honey.

And let's dance, kitty! Let's flirt, kitty!
Bastard, I'm from the street - dusty, charged,
Like Colt. I'm here, kitty. I am your friend purely -
I'm not lying to you, kitty. Thinking out loud here!

Wider circle! There is no sketch without you.
I see in waves, waves, waves, waves, waves
Hair and curls. We grew up in a den.
I remember we took out a lot.
Dirty water, dangerous environment, blood on our sleeves.

Cold and +500, come here!
My brother's plan for life is to live until tomorrow.
On unemployment, he changes two cars in a month.
Money in your pockets, destiny in your hands.

To hell with your rap guy, another game.
Children of stone blocks [white lokko] are prisoners of music here.
Busy with what you love, let your new body decorate the entrance for now.
I don't know about your whole party. breeches, beads - teenage protest.

Digga will throw me a piece under Vadim Beatlo, I’ll briefly go over the text.
My neighborhood was covered in smoke. The fresh poor fellows will be locked up in kankandals.
While you are playing this game - fashionable hip-hop, guys -
The younger generations are looking up to you. They think this is how it should be.

There is a booth, a group, a micro. There's a baby nearby - I'm lucky.
Brothers blame fakes for evil. Give us music, give them Beatles.
In cities, sound from two cities. Haifa-Gulkovo is One love!
Direct reporting from the very bottom, where days fly by like a dream.

Let's dance, kitty. Let's flirt, kitty.

Dirty water, dangerous environment, blood on our sleeves, -
Cold and +500 come here.

And let's dance, kitty. Let's flirt, kitty.
Bastard, I'm from the street - dusty, loaded like a Colt.
I'm here, kitty. I'm your friend, okay. I'm not lying to you, kitty.
Here are thoughts out loud, the circle is wider, without you there is no sketch.

I see waves, waves, waves, waves of hair and curls.
We grew up in a den. I remember we took out a lot.
Dirty water, dangerous environment, blood on our sleeves...

They say the beginning is half the battle. If it had been the will of the coach of the Wales national team, he would probably have postponed this very beginning with great pleasure, read the start of the 2010 World Cup qualification, for a month or two. Concerns John Toshack Now my mouth is full. And first of all, personnel: on the eve of the opening matches of the qualifying tournament against the teams of Azerbaijan and Russia, the “red dragon” lost not only its sharpest fang – the explosive forward Craig Bellamy, but also a couple of smaller teeth. Also indigenous.

World Championship 2010. Qualifying tournament. Group 4.

10 September
Finland – Germany
Azerbaijan – Liechtenstein
19:00. Russia – Wales

After the retirement of its long-time leader from the Welsh national team Ryan Giggs It was Bellamy who inherited the captain's armband and the powers of the team leader. In theory, the West Ham striker, who had injured his hamstring, could have played on injections, but Toshack wisely reasoned that no one needed such heroism. And it won’t lead to any good. First of all, the player himself. After consultations with London and Cardiff experts, the coach was forced to cross out his brightest star from the list of potential participants in the upcoming matches at Millennium and Lokomotiv.

“I think no one has the right to accuse me of lack of patriotism,” Bellamy himself hastened to clarify the situation. – I always rushed to the location of the national team at the first call. But now I physically cannot help her. Having discussed this issue with the doctors of the club and the national team, we came to a common opinion: it would be better if I stayed in London and continued my rehabilitation course.”

Not an assistant to his team on Saturday and Wednesday and another forward of the main team - Freddie Eastwood. The Coventry striker is suffering from pain in the groin muscles, and it is strictly contraindicated for him to kick the ball in the near future. Thus, Toshack will almost certainly have to throw a regular on the bench to the front line Roberta Earnshaw, who went down in the English Premier League last season aboard Derby, and got stuck there. True, already as part of another club - Nottingham Forest.

Earnshaw’s readiness for the upcoming tests, by the way, was also in question, but in the end, doctors still gave Rob the go-ahead to participate in the upcoming matches. Otherwise, I’m afraid Toshack himself would have to remember his glorious goalscoring past and take the field...

The British coach also has serious concerns about the combat effectiveness of the defensive line, which suddenly lost a couple of its pillars - Danny Gabbidon And James Collins. The reason is still the same – injuries. The only ray of light
– news about the playmaker’s return to action Jason Kumas, who only on Thursday was discharged from sick leave and resumed training in the general group after a “break” of his ankle. It is probably from him that unpleasant surprises should be expected in the first place. Berti Vogtsu, and then Guus Hiddink. This guy is no slouch. And in the literal sense of the word: 9 goals in the last 12 matches for the national team is the result not of a boy, but of a husband!..

As for the “boys”, this time there will be a whole bunch of them in the Welsh national team: Toshack attracted half a dozen of the main youth players to the national team at once - the Wolverhampton goalkeeper Wayne Hennessy, Tottenham defenders Gareth Bale And Chris Gunter, as well as forwards Ched Evans("Manchester City") and Sam Vox("Wolverhampton"). With their performances in the Euro 2009 (U-21) qualifying, they certainly deserved this promotion: two rounds before the end of the group stage, Brian Flynn’s students take first place in the quintet 10, ahead of the teams of Romania and France, and for once have real chances of reaching the finals.

The young Welshmen will have their final match in the group on September 9, while their older colleagues will already be in Moscow. There is a conflict of interest. But Toshack has no other choice. The needs of the first team come first.

Nikolai Ivanovich Evdokimov was destined to become one of the key figures in Caucasian history of the 19th century. The first time he was wounded in the left side of his face, which subsequently led to the appearance...

Nikolai Ivanovich Evdokimov was destined to become one of the key figures in Caucasian history of the 19th century. The first time he was wounded in the left side of the face, which subsequently led to the appearance of the nickname Uchgez, that is, Three-Eyed. During the second wound, a bullet shattered the right side of his face, both legs were shot through, and his chest was bruised by stones. The third time the fanatic plunged a dagger into his left side, and then into his right shoulder. But Evdokimov, a Russian officer, always returned to duty.

In 1821, he began serving as an ensign in the Tengin infantry regiment. Ermolov's time was full of military campaigns and battles with mountain parties, which constantly disturbed the line. The company in which Evdokimov fell to serve as a clerk covered the emerging resorts in the Caucasian Mineral Waters. Here an incident occurred that may have determined the fate of the future conqueror of the Caucasus. On his own initiative, going on reconnaissance, Evdokimov managed to collect important information about the expected raid of non-peaceful highlanders. This made it possible to successfully repel the attack, and the reward was not only the oblivion of the past sin, but also promotion to ensign. In 1824, Evdokimov went to Derbent, where, having received his first officer rank, he continued to serve in the Kura Infantry Regiment.

Every year the young officer's military experience increased. Evdokimov’s combat biography was supplemented by participation in military clashes with the enemy on the territory of the Kuba and Shirvan Khanates, during the war with Persia.

In the spring of 1831, the mountain leader Kazi-Mullah captured the village of Tarki and besieged the Russian garrison in the Burnaya fortress. The situation was desperate. The small Russian garrison, led by Major Fedoseev, repelled the onslaught of superior enemy forces for eight days, but without outside support it was doomed to death. A detachment of General S.V. came to their aid. Kakhanov, which included the Kurinsky regiment. As a result of a fierce battle, the enemy was driven back.

During the battle, ensign Evdokimov received an order to lead the reserve and set fire to that part of Tarki in which the murids were entrenched. He, “despite the strong resistance of the enemy and the wound he received, carried out exactly the assignment assigned to him,” which was noted by the command. He launched an attack on a large hut, where, in his opinion, the mountain leader himself could hide, and was driven back by the enemy with losses. Moreover, Evdokimov himself was wounded in the left side of his face, which subsequently led to the appearance of the nickname Uchgez, that is, Three-Eyed. But the scar was not the only reason for this name. The insight of the future general and the ability to unravel the enemy's plans endowed him with special outstanding qualities in the eyes of his contemporaries.

The harsh experience was not in vain, and “in the future he never allowed himself rash and adventurous attacks, unprepared operations and actions without thorough reconnaissance. Studying the enemy became a common, routine activity for him, but his knowledge turned over time into a distinctive feature of the general. Unlike many of his colleagues, he abandoned standard combat or military operations; first he tried to analyze all the features of the intended enemy, and only then, having found his weaknesses and choosing the right time, he decided to take offensive actions, trying to disguise him from the highlanders,” - historians note.

The wounded officer was treated in the Burnaya fortress, where he met his future wife, the daughter of the local commandant Alexandra Alexandrovna Fedoseeva. At the same time, Evdokimov was awarded the Order of St. Anne, III degree. In addition, he was promoted to second lieutenant.

In an effort to quickly return to duty and, together with his comrades, share the hardships of the fight against Kazi Mullah, he went by boat to besieged Derbent and managed to get into the city. When “after a stormy voyage, on the second day the boat began to approach Derbent, two rowers, noticing large lights, began to insist that it was a fire; but Evdokimov guessed that these were enemy bivouacs, and at first argued about this with the rowers, but then, remembering that they, for fear of falling into the hands of the enemy, would probably even decide to return, he stopped arguing, confirmed their guess about the fire and, thus, swam to the city."

The terrible imam failed to achieve his goal. He was driven back from Derbent, and Russian troops began to gradually push back the murids, returning the lost territories under their control. As part of the detachment of Adjutant General N.P. Pankratieva Evdokimov takes part in the pacification of Tabasarani and Karakaytag, storms the villages of Duvek and Erpeli. At the beginning of December 1831, he took part in the battle with the murids in the Chumeskent tract, which cost the Russian troops great casualties. Suffice it to say that during the battle the detachment commander, Colonel Miklashevsky, was killed and up to 350 soldiers and officers were killed and wounded.

In 1832, fate brought Evdokimov together with General Franz Karlovich Kluki von Klugenau (Klugenau).

Under his leadership, Evdokimov fights with Kazi-Mullah in the Elsustau tract, not allowing the plans of the head of the murids to gain a foothold in the Shamkhal possessions to come true.

If 1833 passed relatively calmly, then the next year was filled with campaigns and battles. The Absheron Infantry Regiment becomes Evdokimov’s new place of service. As the armed confrontation in the North-Eastern Caucasus grew, Evdokimov more than once had the opportunity to show his qualities in battles with desperate murids. And every time he demonstrated his skills as a prudent and brave commander. The merits of Evdokimov, promoted to lieutenant, were noted during the assault on the village of Gimry and the village of Gotsatl.

Since 1834, the Absheronsk Infantry Regiment became Nikolai Ivanovich’s new place of service.

Apparently, he managed to make the right impression at his new duty station, since the next year he was elected regimental treasurer. The emperor drew attention to him, expressing his highest favor to his subject, whose actions were so flatteringly reported in incoming reports. The officer's next award was the Order of St. Vladimir, IV degree, with a bow.

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