What is the sign of the Druids born in April. Trees by date of birth with description


According to the Druids, each person has his own totem - an animal. A person born under the sign of this or that animal, respectively, is transferred to their character traits. Although this calendar is less known than the Celtic woody calendar, it is also quite interesting.

December 24 - January 20.
Gaelic Name: Damh
Planet patron: Sun.
Stone: Rhinestone
Keywords: independence, greatness, honesty, pride
Compatibility: harmonious relationship with the people of the Snake and Salmon. Good relationships with the people of Seal, Otter and Goose.
People who are patronized by a deer are very susceptible to the world around them,
subtly feel its beauty and balance. They are good companions, love company and travel with friends.

January 21 - February 17
Gaelic Name: Corr
Protecting Planet: Uranus
Keywords: intuition, originality, patience
Stone: olivine
Compatibility: harmonious relationship with the people of the Bee and the Swan. Good relationship with the people of Bear, Owl and Cat.
Protected cranes have a keen mind, extensive knowledge that
know how to apply in practice. They are optimistic about the world, open to everything new and unknown. They love to improve both spiritually and physically, strive for the harmonious development of their personality. People of the Crane are unusually intelligent people with special skills and talents, as well as bright prospects in life. Susceptibility to another world, magic, inclination to travel

February 18 - March 17
Gaelic Name: Ron
Keywords: spirituality, tact, hypersensitivity
Stone: coral
Compatibility: harmonious relationship with the people of the Otter and the Goose. Good relationships with the people of Salmon, Deer and Snake
Those born at the time of the seal are able to empathize with others. They are eager to help
to others, to change the world for the better. Romantics and dreamers, artistic and emotional. The strength of their nature is their quick adaptation to any changing conditions of existence.

March 18-April 14.
Gaelic Name: Art / Airch
Protecting Planet: Mars
Key words: achievements, strength, instinct.
Stone: Ruby
Compatibility: harmonious relationship with the people of the Cat and the Owl. Good relationships with people of Crane, Bee and Swan.
The Bear People feel a strong bond with their kind. Filled with courage
and looking for adventure. Strong physically, extroverts. Bear people hold on to the family very tightly. Close to them mean a lot, blood relationship is of great value. Usually they are quite strong physically, they like to play any kind of sports. They are characterized by courage, nobility. Somewhat simple and simple-minded. Protection, travel and receptivity to another world.

April 15 - May 12
Gaelic Name: Nathair
Ruler Planet: Moon
Key words: transformation, healing, life energy.
Stone: moonstone
Compatibility: Harmonious relationship with Deer and Salmon people. Good relationship with the people of Otter and Goose.
Unique ingenuity. Love for your family. Excellent memory. A penchant for healing, magic, transformation.

May 13 - June 9
Gaelic Name: Beech
Patron planet: Vulcan (I myself do not understand what kind of planet)
Key words: organization, community, analytical mind
Stone: topaz
Compatibility: harmonious relations with the people of the Crane and the Swan. Good relationship with the people of Bear, Cat and Owl.
Charisma, generation of new ideas. Liveliness, spontaneity, sociability.
Influence, involvement in the life of society. Creativity - they often become good leaders, ideologists of new ideas

June 10 - July 7
Gaelic Name: Dobhran
Ruler Planet: Jupiter
Key words: family, benefit, intuition
Stone: diamond
Compatibility: Harmonious relationships with the people of the Goose and the Seal. Good relationship with the people of Salmon, Snake and Deer.
People under the auspices of the otter are distinguished by optimism, a positive attitude. They are cosmopolitan, with a broad outlook. They adapt well to circumstances, love changes, travel, change of scenery. great outlook and breadth of vision. Optimism, personal magnetism. Protection, transformation, travel.

July 8 - August 4
Gaelic Name: Kati (Kati / Ka-Chi)
Protecting Planet: Earth
Keywords: creativity, sensitivity, nobility
Stone: red carnelian
Compatibility: Harmonious relationship with Owl and Bear people. Good relationships with people of Crane, Bee and Swan.
Those born under the auspices of a cat have crystal honesty, reliability,
devotion. They are very caring, the family comes first for them. Hardworking and creative, they have the ability to change the world, bring something new. They have their own scale of values.

August 5 - September 1
Gaelic Name: Bradan
Ruler Planet: Mercury
Keywords: wisdom, inspiration, rejuvenation
Stone: amethyst
Compatibility: harmonious relationship with people of the Snake and Deer. Good relationships with the people of Otter, Seal and Goose.
People under the auspices of salmon are observant, discerning,
sociable. They often achieve a lot in their careers, they know when to be tough. knowledge in the fields of art and science. They have an insightful mind, observation. Initiation, transformation, connection with the faerie world.

September 2 - September 29
Gaelic Name: Eala (Eala / Ellah.)
Ruler Planet: Venus
Key words: beauty, love and soul.
Stone: emerald
Compatibility: harmonious relationship with the people of the Crane and the Bee. Good relationship with the people of the Owl, Cat and Bear.
The swan gives people born in his time calmness, an easy attitude to
life, skill in love. They have a high creative potential, high socialization. Calm and serenity with high sensitivity.

September 30 - October 27
Gaelic Name: Geadh
Ruler Planet: Moon
Keywords: disguise, leadership, vigilance, endurance
Stone: opal
Compatibility: Harmonious relationship with the Seal and Otter people. Good relationships with Snake, Deer and Salmon people.
Those born during the time under the auspices of a goose are generous, kind and caring. Possess
developed intellect and sense of humor. They are very suitable for creative professions in which they achieve high results. generosity, concern for safety. Powerful intelligence, wit. Artistry. Protection, abundance and creativity

October 28 - November 24
Gaelic Name: Cailleach-oidhche
Ruler Planet: Pluto
Key words: wisdom, change, impartiality.
Stone: jasper
Compatibility: harmonious relationship with the people of the Cat and the Bear. Good relationship with the people of the Bee, Swan and Crane
The owl grants those born in her time, calmness and personal magnetism that fascinates people. These people are very passionate and sensual. Emotional, amenable to impulses. Initiation, receptivity to another world, magic.

November 25 - December 23
Gaelic Name: Bran
Ruler Planet: Saturn
Stone: lapis lazuli
Compatibility: Harmonious relationship with Seal and Salmon people. Good relationships with the people of the Crane, Snake and Cat.
People born under the auspices of a raven have a calm character.
They are hardworking, they bring what they started to the end. They have a resourceful mind, they know how to turn any situation to their advantage. A sober outlook on life, the ability to withstand a losing battle. Discipline and patience.
Transformation, receptivity to another world, contact with the faerie world.

The horoscope of druids will help determine the character of a person, compatibility between lovers, and also tell about future destiny. The teachings of the Druids are based on the power of nature, which can change a person's life.

The Druids believed that each person has his own signs: a certain flower, tree, animal and stone, which are his talismans. The period of each sign occurs twice a year, depending on the location of the sun. In addition, plants have a connection with the seasons and solstices.

Celtic tribes linked human destiny with patronizing trees. Therefore, they spent a lot of time with such trees, planting them near their home. It was believed that such a connection would help strengthen the spirit.

Children from an early age were taught a woody calendar, by which you can determine your patron saint by date of birth. You could even ask your talisman for protection or advice. Druids drew energy for magic spells from trees. They recorded their knowledge and tried to convey it to their descendants.

Video "Horoscope of the Druids: which tree is associated with you"

From this video you will learn about the horoscope of the Druids.


Capricorns and Cancers born in the second decade are under the auspices of the fir. These people are very conservative. They don't follow fashion, they don't like changing habits, they always prefer quality over quantity. The druids believed that the fir endows its wards with exactingness and pickiness, so it will be quite difficult to win their hearts.

Elm protects the third decade of Capricorns and Cancers. Such people are beautiful not only externally, but also internally. They do not like to bother, so all their thoughts and actions are extremely simple. They don't like excessive attention and inconsistency. Therefore, they choose a partner once and for all. Ever since childhood, they choose their vocation and stubbornly achieve their goals.

Cypress patronizes such signs of the zodiac as Aquarius and Lions of the first decade. For these people, money is not the meaning of life. Their only goal is to find harmony and personal happiness. But do not consider them phlegmatic, since they know how to resist enemies.

Aquarians and Leos of the second decade are influenced by poplar. They have extraordinary intelligence, charm and ingenuity. But all these virtues fade under the influence of endless fears and reflections. Such people are in dire need of love, because without it they do not see the meaning in life.

Cedar takes care of the third decade of Aquarius and Lions. Men born during this period have self-confidence and dynamism. Women prefer comfort in everything. These people are adventurers. But they are often disappointed if someone does not support their crazy ideas.

Pine protects Pisces and Virgins born in the first decade. They enjoy being in sight and also learning new things. They are scrupulous, love beauty and comfort, strive to communicate with interesting people. The Druid horoscope claims that such people have a lot of advantages. But they can be called curmudgeons, since they are financially generous only in relation to themselves.

Representatives of the second decade of Pisces and Virgo are under the auspices of the willow. They are original and charming, impetuous and mysterious. They always have a favorite hobby that takes up most of their free time. They easily acquire fans, but they are easy to offend and hurt.

In the third decade of Virgo and Pisces, there is a linden tree. The tree rewarded its charges with confidence and courage. They are always the life of the party and can benefit from it. These people are born psychologists, although it can be difficult for them to understand themselves.

Wards of the oak - Aries, born on the first day of this horoscope. They have a strong energy. Proud and fair Aries will not forgive anyone even the slightest mistakes. They deserve respect because they always achieve their goal and never go over their heads.

Hazel falls in the first decade of Aries and Libra. These are inconspicuous people who are not able to interest. Despite the excessive tightness and silence, they are quite erudite. They have their own opinion and they will not listen to someone else's.

In the second decade of Aries and Libra, mountain ash falls. These people are calm and nice, they have friends all over the world. It is extremely difficult to spoil their mood, but they often get upset over trifles.

The third decade of Aries and Libra is influenced by maple. They are cheerful, curious and active people who do not like to sit still. They are funny, but they have a little weirdness.

The walnut dominates the Taurus and Scorpions of the first decade. He rewards with manners and sense of style, loyalty, loyalty and beauty. Under this sign great strategists are born who always strive to achieve perfection.

Taurus and Scorpios of the second decade are ruled by jasmine. They are gentle and kind, but incredibly vulnerable. They will become a highlight of any company due to their talkativeness and good mood. But at heart they are pessimists who are convinced of the imperfection of this world.

Chestnut patronizes the third decade of Sagittarius and Scorpions. They are modest and honest, have an inner core. In love, they are often unlucky due to banal indecision.

The first decade of Gemini and Sagittarius is influenced by ash. Such people are selfish and demanding not only towards themselves, but also towards outsiders. It is better not to argue with them, since it is almost impossible to prove your case.

The hornbeam takes care of the second decade of Sagittarius and Gemini, who do not know how to stand up for themselves. They are mediocre, but dream of fame and publicity.

Born in the third decade, Gemini and Sagittarius are under the influence of figs, which awarded them a docile character and originality. They feel like strangers among their own, but do not seek to merge with the crowd.

People born on the first day of Cancer are under the tutelage of a birch tree. This tree awarded Cancers with calmness and self-confidence. Such people take on new things without fear and are not afraid of failure.

The apple tree falls in the first decade of Capricorn and Cancer. These people are characterized by purposefulness and love of comfort. It is easy to deceive them, therefore other people use the disinterestedness of the wards of the apple tree.

On the first day of Libra, there is an olive. People born on the autumn equinox love warmth and comfort. They are prone to colds, so they always try to strengthen their immunity. They have no equal in solving logic problems and puzzles.

On the winter solstice, the beech wards are born. Capricorns are independent and do not like to ask for help. But you can always rely on them, because they will not refuse their loved ones. Nature often endows these personalities with magical abilities.


The flower horoscope consists of thirty symbols, each of which corresponds to a person by birthdays. Flowers also define a person's character. Consider which flowers are suitable for people by date of birth, and which descriptions correspond to them:

  • digitalis (21-31.03) - thrift, perseverance, striving for victories;
  • magnolia (1-10.04) - hard work, leadership, calmness;
  • hydrangea (11-20.04) - generosity, kindness, perseverance;
  • dalia (21-30.04) - mind, criticism, desire to help;
  • lily of the valley (1-10.05) - modesty, vulnerability, exactingness;
  • purslane (11-21.05) - variability, adventurism, care;
  • chamomile (22-31.05) - the ability to do business, confidence;
  • bell (1-11.06) - conservatism, reliability, responsibility;
  • daisy (12-21.06) - stability, regularity, comfort;
  • tulip (06.22-1.07) - openness, energy, restlessness;
  • water lily (2-12.07) - the ability to get used to circumstances, care;
  • violet (13-23.07) - friendliness, duality, inconstancy;
  • rosehip (07.24-2.08) - stubbornness, courage, sincerity;
  • sunflower (3-13.08) - selfishness, ambition, self-criticism;
  • rose (14-23.08) - leadership, sensitivity, vulnerability;
  • delphinium (08.24-2.09) - modesty, shyness, ability to stand up for oneself;
  • clove tree (3-11.09) - hard work, responsibility;
  • aster (12-22.09) - thrift, frugality, courage, perseverance;
  • heather (09.23-2.10) - self-criticism, notoriousness;
  • camellia (3-13.10) - adventurism, perseverance, perseverance;
  • lilac (14-23.10) - energy, inconstancy, confidence;
  • freesia (24.10-2.11) - hard work, mediocrity, practicality;
  • phalaenopsis (3-12.11) - mystery, perseverance;
  • peony (13-22.11) - confidence, dedication, tenderness;
  • gladiolus (11/23/2/12) - vulnerability, daydreaming;
  • medicinal dandelion (3-12.12) - independence, perseverance, laziness;
  • lotus (13-22.12) - conservatism, organization, accuracy;
  • leontopodium (23-31.12) - clear thinking, decisiveness, reliability;
  • gentian (01-10.01) - devotion, sensitivity, modesty;
  • thistle (11-20.01) - good nature, openness;
  • sandy tsmin (21-31.01) - secrecy, perseverance, kindness;
  • mistletoe (1-10.02) - recklessness, impatience, obsession;
  • belladonna (11-19.02) - quick-wittedness, sociability, charisma;
  • mimosa (20-29.02) - moodiness, inconstancy, sensitivity, resentment;
  • poppy (1-10.03) - diplomacy, calmness, accuracy;
  • lily (11-20.03) - refinement, elegance, attractiveness.


The horoscope of stones includes 13 positions, each of which reveals the character of a person. Rock crystal protects people born in the period from 12.24 to 20.01. They are distinguished by the desire for freedom and personal happiness. Olivine (01.21-17.02) endows with intuition, original thinking and a desire for success. Coral wards (18.02-17.03) are rich spiritually, and those born under the influence of ruby ​​(18.03-14.04) are strong in body.

Moonstone (15.04-12.05) endowed people with sensitivity and compassion. They take the betrayal of loved ones to heart and will always help those who need it. Topaz (13.05-9.06) patronizes disciplined, restrained individuals. In addition, they are incredibly responsible and punctual. Almaz (10.06-7.07) gives the wards responsibility and love for the family. Creative people born under the influence of red carnelian. They are assiduous and demanding, do not like lies. But if this plays into their hands, they themselves can lie.

Amethyst (5.08-1.09) is a stone of wise and spiritual people. It is interesting to have a conversation with them and spend leisure time. Emerald (2-29.09) is a talisman of beautiful and sensitive natures interested in art. Opal (30.09-27.10) protects hardy and reasonable persons with strategic thinking. Jasper (28.10-24.11) is a stone of people who are constantly improving themselves. Azure (25.11-23.12) protects cunning and calculating people who are able to find a solution in any situation.


The Druids believed that every person has a totem animal with the same character. There are 13 of them in the calendar:

  1. Deer (24.12-20.01). These people love travel and education. Due to excessive pride, they cannot always find a common language with the interlocutor.
  2. Crane (21.01-17.02). Harmony, talent and comfort are the motto of the cranes. They can become successful both in creativity and in the exact sciences.
  3. Seal (18.02-17.03). These people strive for perfection, but because of their inherent laziness, they postpone everything for later. They strive to change the world, but their utopian dreams are not destined to come true.
  4. Bear (18.03-14.04). A totem animal of strong and self-confident persons. They value friendship and pay attention to family.
  5. Snake (15.04-12.05). Creators whose intelligence and prudence can be envied.
  6. Bee (13.05-9.06). Creative and energetic people who want to learn something new. Thanks to authority among colleagues, they can occupy leadership positions.
  7. Otter (10.06-7.07). Extraordinary personalities with a broad outlook. They are always in a good mood and love to learn new things.
  8. Cat (8.07-4.08). Honest, loving and creative. They will never ask someone else's advice, because they are used to relying on their intuition.
  9. Elk (5.08-1.09). Discerning and helpful people. They can achieve business success through their persistence.
  10. Swan (2-29.09). Reasonable and calm natures. They will always help those in need.
  11. Goose (30.09-27.10). The calmness and intelligence of the geese can only be envied. They often associate life with art.
  12. Owl (28.10-24.11). Sports and emotional personalities. They are wise and attractive, therefore they have a wide social circle.
  13. Raven (25.11-23.12). Prudent and cunning person. There are magicians and psychics among them.

The Druids created several calendars, in each of which they defined patrons for people among animals, plants and minerals. Before us is only a simplified horoscope, according to which you can choose your talismans and energy sources. The teachings of the Druids were mainly transmitted orally, so the methods of divination from talismans have not reached us.

The Celts knew how to predict the weather, the fate of a person and his destiny by plants or animals. For this, the date and time of birth were carefully analyzed, and also compared with natural patrons. As a result, you can get a detailed map of a person's life and even predict the date of death.

The priests of the Celtic tribes were called druids. These were sages who possessed secret magical knowledge. Trees, plants and animals were of great importance in their belief. Druids believed that a person, like, for example, a tree, has its merits and demerits, and character.

On the basis of this, the Druids created a calendar of trees and flowers by date of birth, by which you can not only find out the future and fate, but also determine your patron.

The principle of the horoscope of the druids

The Druid horoscope is more than 2000 years old. Its main principle is based on belief in the unity of man and nature. Celtic priests believed that a person born in a certain period of time is protected by his tree, plant, stone or animal. The calendar is based on the movement of the Earth relative to the Sun.

The fate and character of a person, according to their beliefs, depend on the location of the heavenly body from the Earth at the time of birth. A distinctive feature of this is that each sign has two periods of validity.


According to the druidic calendar, each tree corresponds to the characteristics of the people whose patrons they are. The Celtic horoscope of trees is designed to determine the fate of a person and strengthen his spirit and body. Communicating with his patron tree, a person will be able to develop positive character traits, gain good health and peace of mind.

  • Apple tree (December 23 - January 1; July 25 - July 4)... This tree endows with optimism, high intelligence, responsiveness and openness. People born during periods of Apple tree patronage lead an active lifestyle. They are sociable and inquisitive. Of the shortcomings, one can single out excessive naivety and gullibility.
  • Fir (January 2 - January 11; July 5 - July 14)... Most often, introverts are born during these periods. They love loneliness, peace and quiet. Representatives of this horoscope sign are tactful, polite and practically do not show emotions, especially in public. Despite this, people born under the sign of Fir are very purposeful and patient.
  • Elm (January 12 - January 24; July 15 - July 25)... Practical calm people who value comfort, stability and constancy are born under the sign of Elm. They easily manage to conduct business in work and business. They tend to achieve financial success quickly.
  • Cypress (January 25 - February 3; July 26 - August 4)... These people are distinguished by a slender figure and attractive appearance. Representatives of this sign value family and life. They are sociable, have many creative talents. A well-developed intuition helps people of this horoscope sign avoid mistakes and choose true friends in life. Their disadvantage lies in the excessive lightness of character and compliance.
  • Poplar (4 to 8 February; 5 to 13 August)... These are mask people. To society, they want to appear successful, courageous and fun. But in reality, deep down, they are modest and indecisive. They often need the support of loved ones to achieve their goals. If it is not there, then they can become depressed. People of the Poplar sign pay special attention to their appearance - they like to experiment with hairstyles, makeup and wardrobe.
  • Cedar (February 9-18; August 14-23)... Kind, open and cheerful personalities are born under the sign of the Cedar. Sincerity and gentle character often attracts people to them, who want to take advantage of their responsiveness and kindness. They value freedom and take work and goals seriously.
  • Pine (19 to 29 February; 24 August to 2 September)... Those born under the auspices of this tree are very stubborn and persistent. They clearly know what they want from life and make long-term plans. They love to defend their point of view, argue and protest. It is difficult to lead them astray or to persuade them to change their minds.
  • Willow (March 1-10; September 3-12)... These are people whose decisions often depend on mood. If they are bored, then they embark on adventures and come up with adventures for themselves. Along with this, Iva endowed them with creativity and a rich imagination.
  • Lipa (March 11-20; September 13-22)... Hardworking, practical people. They do not like to conflict and try to avoid the intensity of emotions. Along with this, they often do not have clear goals in life and principles by which they could make decisions.
  • Hazel (from 22 to 31 March; from 24 September to 3 October)... Trustworthy friends, responsible workers and caring spouses. Money is of little interest to them. Family, love and friendship come first. The nature is secretive. About such people say - "on his own mind."
  • Rowan (from 1 to 10 April; from 4 to 13 October)... Active, sociable and emotional personalities. A pronounced sense of justice helps them to defend their interests. Such people achieve success in their careers and personal life, because they are clearly aware of what they want to get in the end.
  • Maple (April 11-20; October 14-23)... Those born under the sign of Maple are drawn to knowledge from an early age. They are well-read, erudite and smart. However, they often lack patience and perseverance to achieve success. In communication, they are pleasant and interesting, but they often forget about their promises.
  • Walnut (21 to 30 April; 24 October to 2 November)... They are leaders by nature. They crave recognition, respect, demand support from loved ones, but they themselves, as a rule, are rarely interested in the problems of others. Very contradictory, moods change often, as do decisions.
  • Jasmine (May 1-14; November 3-11)... People of this sign are hardworking, sociable and not afraid of difficulties. However, their nature often depends on the circumstances. When everything in life is good, they are kind and welcoming. If a black stripe comes, the representatives of this sign become insidious and evil.
  • Chestnut (May 15-24; November 12-21)... Freedom-loving, outgoing and self-centered. They love to be in the spotlight. They are easy-going, always find a way out of a difficult situation. Often they do not accept generally accepted rules and foundations.
  • Ash (May 25 to June 3; November 22 to December 1)... These are career people. They think logically and practically, weighing all the pros and cons. Self-confident, valuing their time and energy. Reliable and responsible in any business.
  • Hornbeam (June 4-13; December 2-11)... Strong-willed and strong-willed individuals. They do not like changes, preferring to be content with old foundations, principles and traditions. They value stability, calmness, etc.
  • Figs (June 14-23; December 12-20)... This sign of the horoscope includes freedom-loving and independent personalities. They have extraordinary thinking, unstable mood and creativity. The support and care of loved ones is important for them. They often give in to temptation.
  • Oak (March 21)... These are physically strong and spiritually strong people. They are distinguished by the desire for justice and the desire to live according to their conscience. Simple, open-minded, truth-loving, with a pronounced sense of responsibility and duty.
  • Birch (June 24)... Under this sign people are born with pure souls. They are patient, easily make concessions, are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of a loved one. In addition, they have a rich inner world and creativity.
  • Oliva (September 23)... This tree protects cheerful people. It gives them courage, responsiveness and easy character. Women of this sign are often happily married.
  • Beech (December 21-22)... People of this sign are used to taking everything from life. They are maximalists, self-confident, and often take risks. Their goals, at the same time, are simple and practical - a roof over their heads, a profitable business, family and children. Beech never stops at what has been achieved, constantly dreaming of something more.


The flower horoscope of the Celtic Druids consists of 30 signs, each of which is the patron saint of a certain period of the year. Information about your flower calendar sign helps you find out your negative and positive sides of character. In addition, your patron plant can be used as a protective amulet.

  • Foxglove (March 21 to March 31)- prudent and thrifty natures. They are distinguished by perseverance, activity and desire for independence.
  • Magnolia (April 1-10)- have pronounced leadership qualities. They are hardworking, appreciate comfort and coziness.
  • Hydrangea (April 11-20)- these are people who are generous, kind and magnanimous. But often they lack perseverance and patience to achieve.
  • Dahlia (April 21-30)- have an analytical mindset. They do not like criticism and are afraid to be rejected in society. At the same time, they quickly adapt to circumstances and people.
  • Lily of the valley (May 1-10) Are modest, sensitive and vulnerable individuals. They do not tolerate betrayal and lies. Demanding both to themselves and to those around them.
  • Purslane (May 11-21)- changeable natures. They often look for personal gain without caring about the problems of loved ones. Adventurers in life, often get into trouble.
  • Chamomile (from May 22 to May 31)- successful businessmen and careerists, always find a way out of a difficult situation. They are confident in themselves and know what they want from life.
  • Bell (June 1-11) Are conservative people. They honor traditions and moral principles, value family, love and friendship. Reliable and responsible.
  • Daisy (June 12-21)- individuals who value stability, calmness and measured life. They prefer to spend time at home in a cozy armchair to a noisy party.
  • Tulip (from June 22 to July 1) Are people who are open to everything new. They are energetic, active and outgoing. Whatever they undertake, success is always guaranteed.
  • Water Lily (July 2-12)- these are people who quickly get used to circumstances. No matter what changes around them, they will always find a place for themselves under the Sun.
  • Violet (13 to 23 July)- friendly, but uncommunicative personalities. They only trust close friends. In front of other people, representatives of this sign are in no hurry to reveal their true essence.
  • Rosehip (from July 24 to August 2)- stubborn, complex people. Rarely compromise and concede in disputes. At the same time, they are very brave and sincere.
  • Sunflower (August 3-13)- are often born selfish and ambitious. Despite this, they are quite self-critical and know how to work on their shortcomings.
  • Rose (from 13 to 23 August)- leaders by nature. In difficult situations, they rely only on themselves. At heart, they are sensitive and vulnerable.
  • Delphinium (from August 24 to September 2)- love loneliness. These are modest and timid people who do not know how to stand up for themselves.
  • Clove (September 3-11)- hardworking and responsible people. They love to command and lead. They do not tolerate betrayal and lies, and they themselves always speak the truth in the face.
  • Astra (from 12 to 22 September)- economic, thrifty and thrifty people. They often occupy leadership positions or strive hard to do so. They are distinguished by courage and perseverance.
  • Heather (from 23 September to 2 October)- people who all their lives strive for the ideal in everything. They value beauty, art, love. They are often very self-critical and have a lot of complexes.
  • Camellia (October 3-13)- adventurous and courageous people with easy character, tenacity and perseverance.
  • Lilac (October 14-23)- representatives of this sign retain their youth and energy for a long time. They are confident in themselves, in love they are often fickle.
  • Freesia (October 24 to November 2)- hardworking, responsible people who can be relied on in difficult times. In business, they are prudent and practical.
  • Orchid (November 3-12)- mysterious and secretive people who know how to achieve their goals.
  • Peony (from 13 to 22 November)- confident and purposeful individuals. Very loving, gentle and attentive natures.
  • Gladiolus (November 23rd to December 2nd)- they often hover in the clouds, dream of the best, but make little effort to achieve their plans.
  • Dandelion (December 3-12)- are distinguished by their desire for everything new and unknown. They are independent and persistent, but often suffer from their laziness.
  • Lotus (December 13-22)- people with conservative thinking who value stability. They are very organized and tidy in their work and business.
  • Edelweiss (from 23 to 31 December)- think clearly, set clear and realistic goals, decisive and reliable.
  • Gentian (January 1-10)- loyal and sensitive people. In society, they are often modest and closed, they trust only close people.
  • Thistle (January 11-20)- value family comfort, friendship and love. Good-natured, generous and open-minded people.
  • Immortelle (January 21 to 31)- strong-willed and physically strong people with a tendency to loneliness and solitude.
  • Mistletoe (February 1-10)- reckless, cheerful natures, living one day. They don't make long-term plans, but they like to dream.
  • Bella (February 11-19)- have a good sense of humor, sharp mind and quick wit. They are sociable and able to find a common language with any person.
  • Mimosa (from 20 to 29 February)- capricious and fickle natures. They are very sensitive and touchy. Do not tolerate criticism.
  • Poppy (from 1 to 10 March) Are people-diplomats. They try to resolve any difficult situations and conflicts peacefully.
  • Lily (March 11-20)- sophisticated and elegant persons who attract representatives of the opposite sex.


The horoscope of stones consists of 13 signs, which determine the pronounced character traits of a person born under the auspices of a particular mineral.

  • Rhinestone (from December 24 to January 20)- people of this sign are distinguished by their desire for freedom and independence.
  • Olivine (Jan 21 to Feb 17)- nature has endowed these individuals with developed intuition and extraordinary thinking.
  • Coral (from February 18 to March 17) Are spiritually rich individuals with a deep inner peace.
  • Ruby (from March 18 to April 14)- people who are strong in spirit and body. They are driven by great goals and extraordinary ideas.
  • Moonstone (from April 15th to May 12th)- people born under this horoscope sign are very sensitive, vulnerable, often have extrasensory abilities.
  • Topaz (from May 13 to June 9)- disciplined and organized individuals. They are very punctual and responsible.
  • Diamond (from June 10 to July 7) Are individuals with a developed sense of duty and responsibility. They value family and love.
  • Red Carnelian (July 8 to August 4)- creative natures who do not tolerate lies and betrayal. They are very sensitive and moody.
  • Amethyst (from August 5 to September 1)- wise, creative people with a rich inner world. Good counselors and interesting interlocutors.
  • Emerald (from 2 to 29 September)- beautiful in soul and body of a person. They have good taste and are drawn to art.
  • Opal (from September 30 to October 27)- people born during this period of time have strategic thinking, endurance and prudence. Dangerous enemies and loyal friends.
  • Jasper (from October 28 to November 24)- these are people striving for constant development. They are energetic and determined.
  • Lapis lazuli (from November 25 to December 23)- cunning and calculating personalities. They will always find a way out of any difficult situation.


According to pagan beliefs, each of us has our own totem - an animal similar to us in character. Like other Druidic calendars, the animal horoscope is divided into periods. There are 13 of them in this calendar.

  • Deer (from December 24 to January 20)- those born under this sign love to travel and learn something new. They are proud and noble.
  • Crane (January 21 to February 17)- harmoniously developed people with many talents and abilities. They can find their vocation both in creativity and scientific activity.
  • Seal (from February 18 to March 17)- these people are constantly striving for excellence. They want to change the world for the better, they are driven by lofty goals and utopian dreams.
  • Bear (from March 18 to April 14)- physically strong, strong-willed and self-confident people. They value family and friendship, prefer stability rather than something new, unknown to them.
  • Snake (from April 15 to May 12) Are people who are inventors. They have healing abilities, wisdom and prudence.
  • Bee (from May 13 to June 9)- creative individuals, very energetic and curious. They often hold leadership positions and have authority in society.
  • Otter (June 10 to July 7)- are distinguished by a broad outlook and extraordinary thinking. Always positive, they love change and travel.
  • Cat (from July 8 to August 4)- honest, loyal and talented. They do not care about public opinion and other people's advice that is not asked for. They go their own way.
  • Salmon (August 5 to September 1)- discerning and attentive natures. They quickly climb the career ladder due to their stubborn nature.
  • Swan (from 2 to 29 September)- calm, sensitive and kind people. Loyal, loyal and honest.
  • Goose (from September 30 to October 27)- have a sharp mind and a good sense of humor. They often find themselves in creativity and art.
  • Owl (from October 28 to November 24)- emotional and passionate natures. Wise and smart beyond their years. They attract people, especially members of the opposite sex.
  • Raven (November 25 to December 23)- prudent, practical and sometimes insidious people who are looking for benefits in everything. There is a predisposition to extrasensory perception.

Causes no less interest than in antiquity. Trees have long attracted people for their vitality, usefulness and many other qualities. And the druids believed that all people on Earth descended from trees.

History of the ancient horoscope

The Celtic Druids especially revered different trees. They made magic accessories from them for their sacred rituals and wrote secret sacred signs on them.

All the secrets of the Druids were not written down anywhere, but were transmitted orally from teacher to student. Therefore, the horoscope of the Druids has come down to this day in an incomplete version.

In the pre-Christian era, the Druids were a separate class of people who were engaged in magic, healing, and even legal proceedings. It was possible to become a druid only by diligently adopting the knowledge and sacraments from your mentor. Druid status was not inherited and could not be bought with money.

With the arrival of the Romans in the Germanic and English lands, the Druids lost a significant part of their influence and went into the shadows. They continued to pass on their knowledge to each other even more secretly.

And only in the 17th century, ethnographers from Northern Europe, bit by bit, recreated the horoscope of the Druids, as well as some other facts related to their life.

The cycles of the heavenly bodies are what lies at the heart of the Druidic horoscope. Two important equinox points and two solstices are significant milestones for this horoscope.

There are 22 signs in the horoscope. They are associated with any tree or plant, and they are also associated with the zodiacal constellations. Each of the signs has two decades: light and dark. The druids called winter and summer a dark and light time.

A horoscope of this format not only explains the character traits of a person born under a certain sign, but also reveals general patterns between different signs.

Horoscope by date of birth

To calculate your own sign, it is enough to look at the scale of ratios by year of birth. So, trees patronizing by date of birth may be the following options:

  • December 23 - January 1 and June 25 - July 4. The patron saint is an apple tree. People born during this period are light and cheerful. They love to philosophize, have high intellectual abilities, live in the present. "Apple Trees" are not vindictive or vindictive. They are open, naive and sensitive. They love company and do not tolerate silence;
  • January 2 - January 11 and July 5 - July 14. The patron saint is fir. These people are individualists always and in everything. A certain introversion is inherent in them. And they will never let an unfamiliar person too close to them. "Fir" are stingy with emotions and demanding of everyone around. They can be faithful spouses, sacrifice comfort in the present for great achievements in the future;

  • January 12 - January 24 and July 15 - July 25. The patron saint is elm. Such people value stability and practicality. Can't stand the artificial complication of problems. They lead a calm and measured lifestyle. "Elms" are excellent leaders who have a sense of humor. In personal relationships, they are looking for a safe haven;
  • January 25 - February 3 and July 26 - August 4. The patron saint is cypress. Those born during this period are considered to be quite lucky. "Cypresses" are well versed in human nature, have a developed intuition. Making money is easy for such people. And their easy character and conflict-free disposition help to avoid major troubles;

  • February 4 - February 8 and August 5 - August 13. The patron saint is poplar. The fascinating horoscope of the Druids by date of birth states that the "poplar" is an indecisive, but bright person. Great potential is hidden in the character of such people. But it can be difficult to implement due to the wrong environment. But the representatives of this sign know how to look stylish and fashionable without much effort. In conflict situations, they show feigned indifference;

  • February 9 - February 18 and August 14 - August 23. The patron saint is cedar. "Cedars" are great optimists. Their kindness and responsiveness often baffle others. But they themselves are not at all embarrassed by such qualities. Such people are sociable, vulnerable and sensitive, they know how to laugh at themselves. Their distinctive feature is considered to be a love of freedom, because of which problems often arise with the authorities;

  • February 19 - February 29 and August 24 - September 2. The patron saint is pine. These people look purposeful. The environment is chosen according to the principle of those who agree with them. They make good money, they easily manage the household;

  • March 1 - March 10 and September 3 - September 12. The patron saint is willow. "Willows" are reputed to be creative personalities who live in a world of dreams according to their own script. They have a hard time solving real problems. But, making a decision, they perfectly see all the consequences of their actions;

  • March 11 - March 20 and September 13 - September 22. The patron saint is linden. Fatalists and realists who believe in fate. "Lindens" do not like lazy people and do not allow themselves to be idle. They are changeable, but endowed with excellent intuition;

  • March 22 - March 31 and September 24 - October 3. The patron saint is hazel. Representatives of this sign are secretive and uncommunicative. They do not tolerate noisy companies, they are not fixated on material goods. But they are good friends;

  • April 1 - April 10 and October 4 - October 13. The patron saint is mountain ash. The energy of these people is overwhelming. And they easily make up for her losses with walks and sports. They value the family, they want to see justice and equality in everything;

  • April 11 - April 20 and October 14 - October 23. The patron saint is maple. "Maples" are curious, erudite and well-read. Their thirst for knowledge is very great, but somewhat superficial. Such people are fickle and like to command others;

  • April 21 - April 30 and October 24 - November 2. The patron saint is a walnut. Although these people are involved in charity work, they have a complex character. There are many contradictions in them. They are picky and strong. In life, "nuts" are quite active;
  • May 1 - May 14 and November 3 - November 11. The patron saint is jasmine. At this time, good diplomats are born. In favorable conditions, "jasmines" show all the best qualities, in a bad environment they become insidious. They are not afraid of difficulties, they achieve everything themselves;
  • May 15 - May 24 and November 12 - November 21. The patron saint is chestnut. The soul of the company of "chestnuts" can rightfully be called. They are outgoing, eccentric and flamboyant. They hate rules, prefer to set their own norms;
  • May 25 - June 3 and November 22 - December 3. The patron saint is ash. Such people are confident in themselves. They often succeed. Happy in their careers and personal lives. Reputed to be great realists;

Incredible facts

Remember the saying "An apple falls not far from an apple tree."

It turns out that the tree can tell us more than just how far the apple has fallen.

Find out which tree your soul belongs to by your date of birth.

This type of ancient Celtic astrology is considered one of the most accurate.

So which tree are you by date of birth?

Druid horoscope by date of birth

Horoscope of trees by date of birth

Weeping willow (melancholy)

You are great, but a little melancholy. You are good-looking and empathize with others. You are a kind person who most of all loves to travel and build big dreams.

Sometimes you are difficult and demanding, but you are always ready to share your love.

Walnut (passion)

You are eccentric, full of contradictions, do not know how to forgive and are sometimes aggressive. But at the same time, you have such qualities as decency, purposefulness and spontaneity.

In a relationship, you are loyal, and while not everyone can love you, many respect and admire you for your personality.

Rowan (sensitivity)

You are sociable and friendly, endowed with many talents, but at the same time you remain humble and very cheerful. You can be called an independent person and a very passionate nature.

You can be a great company for any person, but you can be very emotional and quick-tempered.

Poplar (uncertainty)

You are very beautiful, but you are not aware of it. You are a brave person, but sometimes shy. You are serious about who you hang out with.

Only in a pleasant and inviting environment can you fully reveal yourself.

You are an artistic and creative person, but also quite organized. A good and reliable partner.

Pine (peacemaker)

You love the company of famous and popular people like you. You love comfort and order, but you try to stay active and communicate with other people.

You fall in love quickly, but later realize that it was a blind infatuation, which, as a rule, is fleeting.

You get frustrated easily and may give up on your goals before you have the opportunity to achieve them.

Oliva (wisdom)

You love to bask in the sun. You are a kind, balanced and reasonable person. You are completely conflict-free and have good diplomatic skills and an innate sense of justice.

Your jealousy is not easy to provoke, and you prefer to surround yourself with peaceful and intelligent people.

Oak (courage)

You are an incredibly strong personality. Hardy and strong, you are almost impossible to break. You are a serious enough person who appreciates the essence, and not external tinsel.

You are intelligent, do not like major changes and prefer to stand firmly on the ground, rather than hovering in the clouds.

Maple (independent thinking)

You can be called anyone, but not an ordinary person. You are a creative, proactive and extraordinary person who always remains true to yourself. You may be taciturn, but that doesn't mean you lack self-confidence.

From the outside, you seem shy, but you love adventure and are always ready for new experiences.

Lipa (doubt)

It can be difficult for you to force yourself to do something. You do not like stress and conflict and do not welcome change, even if it is for the better.

You are very loyal and ready to devote yourself to what you love, but also prone to jealousy. You often put other people first, which can make your life a lot more difficult.

You are the kind of friend you can always rely on in any situation.

Hornbeam (good taste)

You have amazing beauty. You have great taste and are very rational. You work hard to make your life easier and more comfortable in every way.

You look for passion and depth in your partner by being an honest and generous person.

Hazelnut (uncommon)

You are charming and know how to make a good impression. You are patient and very easy to get along with. Sometimes you have mood swings, but you still remain good-natured and popular.

You are assertive and know how to stand up for what you believe in. You are very loyal to your partner, but at times you can distance yourself.

Spruce (mystery)

You are a true connoisseur of beauty, love nature, as well as art and man-made creations. You are noble and educated.

You have big ambitions and high goals, and you are stubborn enough to achieve whatever goal you set for yourself.

Wherever you go, you make friends, but there may be enemies among them.

Fig (prudence)

You are a strong personality and a loner. You hold to certain principles and opinions and have a hard time accepting the opposite point of view.

Family is of the utmost importance to you, you adore your children and pets.

You can make strong friendships, but you can withdraw into yourself and at times completely ignore your friends.

Elm (nobility)

You are tactful, polite and humble person. In general, you can be called very pleasant to those around you, but sometimes you can sulk at someone and can hardly forgive.

You are a cheerful person, but sometimes you are obstinate and do not always get along with bosses and authority figures. You love to give advice and help a friend make a decision, but you yourself are not always ready to accept other people's advice.

You are very sensitive to criticism.

Cypress (loyalty)

You are attractive and in great physical shape. You boldly face difficulties and are ready for any surprises, easily adapting to different situations.

You don't like loneliness and always try to stay positive and optimistic. Sometimes you are insatiable, but you can be called a very passionate lover.

Chestnut (honesty)

You are unique and unusual. You do not care much about what others think and adhere to strict standards of morality and ethics.

Others admire you, and while you enjoy the attention, you may be annoyed by intrusive questions.

Often you feel like you are being misunderstood, but in fact, you may be suffering from megalomania.

Cedar (confidence)

You are a bright and friendly person who loves to enjoy the joys of life. Your health is enviable and you have great strength.

You are confident, decisive and sometimes impatient, love to impress other people.

You have many talents and tend to make hasty decisions.

Birch (inspiration)

You are elegant and undemanding. You try to live modestly and are not impressed by excesses and status symbols. You have a very gentle nature and do not like rude people.

You enjoy spending time in nature. You are always calm and collected, but some people feel that you lack passion.

Beech (creativity)

You have good taste, you care about your appearance and love to shop. You think that material things give a taste to life and the need to acquire many things can lead to financial problems at some point.

You have great leadership qualities and can be a great conversationalist, but you tend to demand a lot from others.

Ash (ambition)

You can be unusual and sometimes demanding. You are impulsive, but at the same time spontaneous, and always fun with you.

You don't care about other people's criticism and enjoy playing with fate. You demand attention, and sometimes money prevails over your heart.

However, you can be called a kind and loving friend.

Apple tree (Love)

You are charismatic and attractive, you have a charming smile. You are rarely assertive, although deep down you passionately desire to love and be loved.

Other people love your company because you give off a pleasant, happy energy. Sometimes you are too dependent on others.

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