Telugu. The meaning of Telugu (language) in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, bse In which country do they speak Telugu

Telugu, Telingana, Andhra - the people of the South Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, live in the basin of the Godavari, Krishna, Tungabhadra rivers. They also live compactly in the adjacent areas of the states of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. The population is about 74.5 million people.

Anthropological type - Mesoindian, varies within different caste groups. They speak the Telugu language, or Gentu of the Dravidian language family. Most Telugu are Hindus, Vishnuis and Shaivites, local traditional beliefs are preserved; there are also Sunni Muslims and Christians. The ancestors of the Telugu are the Dravidian peoples, the Andhra, Kalinga, and the Telugu proper (tenugu) at the beginning - the middle of the 1st millennium BC. migrated south from northern India and merged into one people in the 2nd century BC. - 3rd century Telugu AD

In the 3rd century. BC. here Buddhism spread. By the beginning of n. NS. a significant part of the territory of Andhra was part of the state ruled by the Satavahan dynasty. In the 7th - 10th centuries. here the Hindu Chalukyan dynasty strengthened, in which significant temple construction was associated.

In the 11th century. On the basis of the lands of the Chalukyas and Chola, the state of the Kakatiev dynasty took shape, which existed until the 13th century, later part of its lands entered the Vijayanagar empire. In the 15th - 16th centuries. most of the Telugu territory became part of the Brahmanid sultanate, from which the state of Golconda emerged, with the Kutab Shahov dynasty, which united a large territory of Andhra. In 1682-87.

Golconda was captured by Aurangzeb. In 1725, on the ruins of the Andhra empire and part of modern Maharashtra and Karnataka, the patrimony of Nizam-ul-mulk Kilich Khan, the principality of Hyderabad was formed, which existed until 1947, then became part of the Republic of India. In 1956 it was renamed the state of Andhra Pradesh, which united most of the Telugu ethnic region. Telugu are engaged in arable farming, they cultivate jovar, bajra, rice, legumes, red peppers, groundnuts, sugar cane, cotton, jute, tobacco.

There is an ethnocultural group of Telugu sheep breeders. Crafts are developed - pottery, weaving, ornamentation of fabrics, jewelry and lacquer art. New information technologies are currently being developed (in Hyderabad). The Telugu still maintains caste division. Castes are divided into exogamous clan groups, some traditions of matrilineality are preserved (marriage with the daughter of a mother's brother, among low castes - matrilineal inheritance). There are no divorces and second marriage of widows. Telugu Muslims also have caste divisions.

Villages are divided into quarters, inhabited by caste principle. Representatives of the higher castes live in large families in brick houses with courtyards. In the southern part of the house there are bedrooms, in the east - a prayer room, in the west - a guest room; there are pantries between them. The families of middle-caste peasants and artisans live in adobe one-room houses, sometimes with fence walls, usually with a veranda. Members of the lowest status groups live in round bamboo or adobe huts. Men's clothing - dhoti with shirt and scarf; headdress - a turban. Muslims wear lungi with a shirt and hat.

Sheep shepherds have blankets. Women wear a sari with a petticoat and a choli blouse. Peasant women are draped in saris as in dhoti. They wear jewelry made of gold. The main food is rice, dishes from beans, beans, vegetables (pumpkin). Season food with sour milk, pickled mango fruits, lemons, spices. North Indian cuisine is widespread among Muslims.

Baklavans (wrestlers), patangbazi (launching kites), cockfighting, and the art of decorative floor decorations (kolam) are widespread. Particularly important holidays are Sankranti in January (harvest), Shivaratri (February-March), Ugadi - Telugu New Year in March, Mahankali Jatra (June-July).

Folklore and literature, visual and performing arts are well developed. On the basis of a pantomime associated with the Vaishnava cult, in the 20th century. the classical dance style of Kuchipudi developed.

Telugu, or Telinga, Telungu, Tenugu, Tenungu is the language of the Andhra people living in one of the largest states of India - Andhra Pradesh, in the areas adjacent to the states of Tamil Nadu (Tamil Nadu), Mysore, Karnataka, Orissa , Maharashtra, Chattisgarh in South India. It is also spoken in Sri Lanka, parts of Southeast Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Fiji and Mauritius. There are Telugu diasporas in the USA, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Bahrain, Canada, Ireland, and the United Arab Emirates.

Telugu is included in one of the 22 official languages ​​of India. In 1953, with the formation of the state of Andhra Pradesh, it became its official language. Telugu is spoken in the cities of Bengaluru and Chennai, but the dialects used there differ significantly from the standard Telugu.

Telugu is the third largest native speaker in India after Hindi and Bengali. According to various sources, Telugu is spoken by 70 million to 88 million people (according to the 2001 census - 74 million). Judging by these numbers, Telugu is the most widely spoken language from the Dravidian language family of Eurasia. It is included in the list of the 14 most spoken languages ​​in the world.

Similarities with many of the southern and central languages ​​of the Dravidian language family have led to the fact that Telugu researchers place it differently in their variants of genealogical classification. According to M. S. Andronov, for example, Telugu forms an independent southeastern branch of the Dravidian languages. In other systematizations, it is included in the South Dravidian branch, in which it forms a special group together with Gonda, Kuvi, Kui, Manda, Pengo and a number of other languages.

Telugu dialects and forms

Two forms of Telugu are known: archaic - "grantkhika" (literally book), and commonly used - "vyavaharika" (literally common), which has been used in literature since the 15th century. There are many dialects in Telugu, the generally accepted classification of which has not been compiled. Dialects such as Vaddar, Chenchu, Savara, Manna-Dora are closely related to the Telugu language.

The main dialect of the common form "vyavaharika" is the dialect of the eastern districts (East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna, Gunturu). In addition, the dialects of Rayalasim, Telengan and northeastern (districts of Sri Kakulam and Vishakhapatnam) are distinguished. There are also social Telugu dialects that have hardly been studied. However, it should be added that the differences between the dialects are insignificant.

Surprisingly, despite so many people speaking this language, standard Telugu is often called Shuddha Bhaasha (literally "poor language") along with languages ​​such as Tamil, Kannada, Hindi, Bangla, Guyarati, etc.

origin of name

The etymology of the word Telugu is not completely clear. According to one of the versions, the name telugu comes from the word trilinga (in part it can be found in the name Trilinga Desa - literally the country of three reeds). According to one of the Hindi legends, the country of Trilinga Desa (Desam) is located between the three temples of Shiva (Kaleshwaram, Srisailam and Draksharamam) and creates the traditional boundaries of the Telugu region. The people who inhabited this country were also called telaga. The tradition of caste comes from the country of Triling Desam.

In addition to Telugu, names are used: Telunga, Telinga, Telangana, Tenunga. According to K. L. Ranyanam, the word "Telugu" comes from talaing, which is derived from the names of the leaders who conquered the Andhra region. MR Shastri believes that the name comes from the word telunga - a combination of the Gondi word telu (lit. white) and the plural ending -unga. According to GJ Somayadzhi, ten means “south” in Proto-Dravidian, and the word itself comes from tenungu meaning “people from the south”. There are other versions of the origin of the name, but they are all controversial.

From the history of the language

Telugu is one of the most ancient languages ​​of India. The oldest Telugu words were found on coins at Kotilingala, in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The first Telugu inscriptions are epitaphs found at Bhattiprolu, Guntur district, dating from around 400 BC. NS. In addition, a Telugu inscription of Thambhaya Dhaanam was found on a tomb tablet dating from the 2nd century BC. NS. Some of the oldest Telugu written monuments date back to the late 5th - early 6th century AD. NS. in the inscriptions of the kingdom of Kadamba.

Telugu fiction and poetry began to appear in the 11th century. In the Middle Ages, there was a stylization and complication of the literary Telugu language. So, in the XIII century, Ketana banned the use of colloquial words in poetic language. In the same period, the division of the Telugu and Kannada scripts began. Telugu, like many other languages ​​of India, underwent great changes from the Middle Ages to the modern era. So, under the influence of Muslim rule, this language began to be more and more divided into dialects, in particular in the Telangana region.

In the 17th and 18th centuries Telugu was influenced by the Persian and, as the Muslim rule advanced further south with the formation of the state of Hiberabad. During the 19th and early 20th centuries, Telugu was influenced to some extent by British colonization, especially with regard to everyday communication and printing. So, until the 20th century, works were recorded in Telugu of an archaic form, which is significantly different from the modern spelling of the spoken language.

Since 1930, the so-called elite form of Telugu began to spread among the common population through the media. In the second half of the 20th century, a new writing standard was introduced, based precisely on the features of colloquial speech. From that moment on, Telugu of modern standard began to be taught in schools.

Today we can talk about the impact of the globalization process on Telugu, as well as on other languages ​​of India. Many native speakers live outside of India. In modern films, Telugu differs from the language of films filmed during the proclaimed independence of India. Currently, the Indian government has given Telugu the status of the classical language of India, based on its antiquity.

Telugu Literature

Telugu is one of the most ancient languages ​​of India. Telugu literature was formed later than other Dravidian languages, and its development was significantly influenced by Indian Sanskrit literature, since in antiquity many translations of the text from Sanskrit were performed.

The beginning of the Telugu literary tradition is associated with the work of the poets Nannaya Bhatta (XI century), as well as Tikkang, Erapragada (XIII century). These authors translated into Telugu the classical ancient Indian epic Mahabharata, which was called "Andhra Mahabharata". Andhra is the name of the Telugu-speaking people and the country where they live; sometimes the term is used as another name for the Telugu language.

Independent works appeared in the XIV century. The norms of the literary language were formed in the 15th-16th centuries under the influence of Sanskrit and Prakrit - Middle Indian literary languages ​​that inherited Sanskrit. One of the most famous works of this period is the poem "Manu-charitra" by the poet Allasani Peddanna (circa 1550).

There are quite a few translations from English into Telugu. So, the Holy Scriptures were translated several times: the New Testament was published in 1818 in Serampore and Madras, the Book of Genesis - in 1841 in Madras.

As with other older Dravidian languages, the classical literary and spoken versions of Telugu differ greatly. However, already in the poetry of the preachers of the bhakti movement in the XII-XIII centuries, and then in the XV century, the spoken language was used, and in the XIX century a movement arose (led by the writer G. Apparao), which aimed to create a new, close to the spoken version of the literary language ... In the 20th century, the new literary language took dominant positions in fiction and the media.

In 1968, the Telugu Academy was opened, developing the normative grammar of the new literary language ("vyavaharika"); the old bookish language (grantkhika) is preserved only in limited spheres, in particular in poetry.

, Singapore
Region of residence: Asia

TELUGU, andhra, a people in India, the main population of the state of Andhra Pradesh, also live in the adjacent areas of the states of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. The population is 74.5 million people. They speak the Telugu (Gentoo, or Cart) language of the Dravidian family. The majority of Telugu are Vishnu Hindus, some are Sunni Muslims.

The ethnogenetic basis of the Telugu was the Dravidian tribes - Andhra, Kalinga and the Telugu proper (Tenugu). According to epic monuments, around the middle of the 1st millennium BC, Andhra and Kalinga moved from North India to the south, where they mixed with the Telugu and adopted their ethnonym, merging into a single people in the 2nd century BC - 3rd century AD. Telugu created ancient and medieval state formations.

The main occupation is arable farming (red peppers, rice, legumes, cotton, jute and tobacco). Part of the Telugu people are sheep breeders. Crafts are developed - pottery, weaving, ornamentation of fabrics, jewelry and lacquer art.

In the villages, representatives of the higher castes live in large families in brick houses with quadrangular courtyards. In the southern part of the house there are bedrooms, in the east - a prayer room, in the west - a guest room. The rest of the house is occupied by storage rooms. The families of middle-caste peasants and artisans live in adobe one-room houses, sometimes with fence walls, usually with a veranda. Members of the untouchable caste of weavers live in round bamboo or adobe huts.

Men wear a dhoti, over it - a white or colored shirt, a scarf or a towel is thrown over their shoulders (shepherds of sheep - a blanket). On the head is a turban. Telugu Muslims wear lungi, a shirt, and a beanie. Women's clothes - a sari, an underskirt, a short jacket with sleeves (choli), the hem of which is tied in a knot at the front. Peasant women are draped in saris as in dhoti. Hair is braided or put in a bun. Cosmetics and jewelry are popular (among the rich - made of gold).

The main food is rice, beans (especially spicy dishes), beans, pumpkin, and sour milk. Season food with mango fruits, lemons, spices. Festive dishes - sweet, beans, etc.

The Telugu retains a caste division, mainly on the basis of professionalism. There are influential agricultural castes, castes of pastoralists, special craft castes, which were considered untouchable before the adoption of the 1950 Constitution, often forced to live on the outskirts or outside the villages. Castes are divided into exogamous clan groups, some traditions of matrilineality are preserved (marriage with the daughter of a mother's brother, among low castes - matrilineal inheritance). Divorce and remarriage of widows is prohibited.

Telugu created rich national literature and folklore, numerous monuments of ancient architecture.

Telugu Muslims live in some urban areas, but they also retain the features of Hinduism, caste division.


Telungu, tenugu, tenungu, the language of the Andhra people (Telugu). Distributed in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh (official language), in the contiguous regions of Tamil Nadu and Mysore, as well as in some countries of Southeast Asia. T. is spoken by about 50 million people (1975, estimate). Belongs to the southeastern group of Dravidian languages. Two forms of T. are known - the archaic "granthika" (literally - bookish) and the commonly used "vyavaharika" (literally common, it has been stated in literature since the 15th century). The dialect of the eastern districts (Eastern Godavari, Western Godavari, Krishna, Gunturu) is the basic dialect of Vyavaharika in T. the Rayalasim, Telenganskii and northeastern (districts of Sri Kakulam and Vishakhapatnam) dialects are also distinguished.

Distinctive features of T. - the loss of the original Dravidian alveolar noisy and retroflex smooth sonant, loss (apheresis) of the root vowel [for example, rendu "two"< *irandu, m(r)a n u "дерево" < * mara n ], развитие аффрикаты, нейтрализация различия между женским и средним родом в единственном числе (мужской род противопоставляется немужскому). Эпиграфические памятники письменности появляются в 7 в., художественная литература - в 11 в.

Lit .: Petrunicheva Z.N., Telugu language, M., 1960; Telugurus dictionary, M., 1972; Arden A. N., A progressive grammar of Telugu language, Madras, 1955; Krishna murti B., Telugu verbal bases: a comparative and descriptive study, Berkeley - Los Ang., 1961; Mahadeva Sastri K., Historical grammar of Telugu, Anantapur, 1969: Subrahmanyam P. S., Modern Telugu, Annamalainagar, 1973: Galletti di Cadilhac A., Galletti's telugu dictionary. A dictionary of current Telugu, L., 1935.

M.S. Andronov.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is CAREL (LANGUAGE) in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • LANGUAGE in the Quote Wiki:
    Data: 2008-10-12 Time: 10:20:50 * Language is also of great importance because with its help we can hide our ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Thieves Jargon Dictionary:
    - investigator, operative ...
  • LANGUAGE in Miller's dream book, dream book and interpretation of dreams:
    If in a dream you see your own language, it means that soon your acquaintances will turn away from you. If in a dream you see ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Newest Philosophical Dictionary:
    a complex developing semiotic system, which is a specific and universal means of objectifying the content of both individual consciousness and cultural tradition, providing an opportunity ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
    - a complex developing semiotic system, which is a specific and universal means of objectifying the content of both individual consciousness and cultural tradition, providing ...
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  • LANGUAGE in Encyclopedia Biology:
    , an organ in the oral cavity of vertebrates that performs the functions of transporting and gustatory analysis of food. The structure of the language reflects the specificity of animal nutrition. U ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Brief Church Slavonic Dictionary:
    , heathens 1) people, tribe; 2) language, ...
  • TELUGU in the Dictionary of the Index of Theosophical Concepts to the Secret Doctrine, Theosophical Dictionary:
    - One of the Dravidian languages ​​spoken in the South ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Biblical Encyclopedia of Nicephorus:
    like speech or adverb. "All over the earth there was one language and one dialect," says the writer of everyday life (Gen. 11: 1-9). The legend about one ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Sex Lexicon:
    multifunctional organ located in the oral cavity; pronounced erogenous zone of both sexes. With the help of I., orogenital contacts of the most diverse ...
  • LANGUAGE in Medical terms:
    (lingua, pna, bna, jna) a muscular organ, covered with a mucous membrane, located in the oral cavity; participates in chewing, articulation, contains taste buds; ...
  • TELUGU in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    Is one of the most important Dravidian languages ​​in India. The area of ​​distribution of T. is mainly the Dean; the number of speakers of T. - ...
    ..1) natural language, the most important means of human communication. Language is inextricably linked with thinking; is a social means of storing and transmitting information, one ...
  • TELUGU in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (andhra) people in India, the main population of the piece. Andhra Pradesh. They also live in pcs. Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. 74.5 million people (1992). Language …
  • TELUGU in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    or Telinga - one of the Dravidic (see) languages, according to the antiquity of literary use and lexical richness, adjacent to the Tamil (see) language, ...
  • TELUGU in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    1) natural language, the most important means of human communication. Language is inextricably linked with thinking is a social means of storing and transmitting information, one ...
  • TELUGU in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    [self-names Telugu (tenugu), andhra, kalinga] - a nation with a total population of 74,500 people living in India. The language is Telugu. Religious ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    2, -a, pl. -i, -ov, m. 1. The historically developed system of sound ^ vocabulary and grammatical means, objectifying the work of thinking and being ...
    MACHINE LANGUAGE, see Machine language ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    LANGUAGE, natural language, the most important means of human communication. I. is inextricably linked with thinking; is a social means of storing and transmitting information, one ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    LANGUAGE (anat.), In terrestrial vertebrates and humans, muscular outgrowth (in fish, a fold of the mucous membrane) at the bottom of the oral cavity. Participates in …
  • TELUGU in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    TELUUGU (Andhra), the language of the Telugu people. Officer. language pcs. Andhra Pradesh in India. Refers to the Dravidian languages. Telugu alphabet letter, ...
  • TELUGU in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    TELUUGU (andhra), people in India, DOS. population pcs. Andhra Pradesh. They also live in pcs. Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. Num. 74.5 million hours ...
  • TELUGU in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    or Telinga? one of the Dravidian (see) languages, according to the antiquity of literary use and lexical richness, adjacent to the Tamil (see) language, ...
    language "k, languages", language ", language" in, language ", language" m, language ", language" in, language "m, language" mi, language ", ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Complete Accentuated Paradigm by Zaliznyak:
    language "k, languages", language ", language" in, language ", language" m, language "k, languages", language "m, language" mi, language ", ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    - the main object of the study of linguistics. By I., first of all, they mean natures. human I. (in opposition to artificial languages ​​and ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms:
    1) The system of phonetic, lexical and grammatical means, which is a tool for expressing thoughts, feelings, expressions of will and serving as the most important means of communication between people. Being ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Popular Explanatory and Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language.
    "My enemy" in ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords:
    Weapon …
  • LANGUAGE in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    dialect, adverb, dialect; syllable, style; people. See people || talk of the town See spy || speak the language, abstain in the language, ...
  • TELUGU in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language.
  • TELUGU in the Complete Russian Spelling Dictionary:
    Telugu, unchanged. and not., m. (language), not., pl., units. m. and f. ...
  • TELUGU in the Spelling Dictionary:
    t'elugu, unchanged. and not., m. (language), not., pl., units. m. and f. ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Ozhegov Russian Language Dictionary:
    1 movable muscular organ in the oral cavity that perceives gustatory sensations, in humans it also participates in articulation Lick with the tongue. Try on ...
  • LANGUAGE in Dahl's Dictionary:
    husband. a fleshy projectile in the mouth, serving for lining the teeth of food, for recognizing its taste, as well as for verbal speech, or, ...
    , .. 1) natural language, the most important means of human communication. Language is inextricably linked with thinking; is a social means of storing and transmitting information, one ...
  • TELUGU in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    (andhra), people in India, the main population of the piece. Andhra Pradesh. They also live in pcs. Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. 74.5 million people (1992). ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ushakov:
    language (book language. obsolete, only in 3, 4, 7 and 8 meanings), m. 1. The organ in the oral cavity in the form of ...
  • TELUGU LITERATURE in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    literature, Andhra literature in Telugu. Developing in India. It arose in the 9-10th centuries. The earliest surviving monument to T.
  • INDIAN LANGUAGES. in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    The three hundred million population of India (not counting Burma and Baluchistan) speaks several dozen languages. If we discard several unwritten dialects ("munda" and ...
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