Compose a story about a triangle and its types. The tale of the beauty of triangles

Once upon a time there was a king Compass and a queen Ruler. They had a large kingdom in which dots, line segments, squares, triangles and many other different shapes lived.
And not far from the palace lived a family - three brothers. Three isosceles triangles - the older one is rectangular, the middle one is acute-angled, and the younger is obtuse. They were lazy and always had nothing to do. And out of boredom, they decided to argue - which of them is better.
- I have the largest amount of angles! - said the obtuse one. - what a big corner I have!
- No, I have more angles! - objected rectangular.
- But I can change my form! Shouted the sharp-angled one.
- Let's all go to the old man Protractor, - suggested rectangular. - he is wise, he will judge us all.
Three days walked the triangles to the Rhomboid Mountain of the Protractor. On the first day, they made their way through the jungle of segments and rays. On the second day, they swam across the Krugloye and Ovalnoe lakes. On the third day they walked through square gorges. And finally we reached the mountain. They climbed the mountain and approached the Protractor.
- Wise Protractor, judge us, - said the rectangular. - we got into a dispute over who is better.
- Okay, I'll help you. Say what you need.
And they began vying with each other to sound triangles:
- Measure all the angles for me! Not for me! And me! Only, mind you, I'm the first!
- Wait. Hush hush. You don't need to measure all the angles. You are equally bad! You only need to measure one corner for each. Here you are, obtuse, come here.
The younger showed his tongue to the brothers and went up to the old man.
The old man measured one corner for him and said:
- You have two 40 degrees, and one is equal to a hundred degrees. - the elder did the same with the middle brother. “And you,” he turned to the rectangular one, “don't need to be measured at all. Two for forty-five and one for ninety.
- Wow. And who has more angles?
- Yes, you wait! - interrupted the senior junior. - How did you calculate it so quickly?
- Yes, everything is easy here. The sum of the angles is the same for everyone
The corners looked at each other and smiled.
- Wise Protractor, tell them that I can change the shape as I want! - remembered the acute-angled one.
- No, I will change as I want!
- No, me !!!
- You are all wrong, the triangles are remarkable in that they cannot change. As you were born, so live. - Protractor explained everything.
- So what, but I'm the most important! - said the obtuse one.
- No, I'm more important.
- I am the most!
- You are all important. Here, you, rectangular, are used when they build pyramids in honor of the king. And you, sharp-angled, help us defend the kingdom, because you are the tip of spears and arrows. And you, obtuse-angled, please kids-points, because it is you who play the role of slides in the playgrounds. - the old man reconciled the brothers.
- Thank you, Protractor, you showed us that we are all important. We're friends now.
The brothers went to their house in do. And he lived there in chocolate and super-duper-happily.

The triangles thought for a long, long time about what the Goddess said and why she gave the hoop, and they decided to arrange a contest "The most beautiful figure". Obtuse-angled, acute-angled, rectangular, isosceles, equilateral, versatile triangles came to the competition. The first task was this: each triangle must touch the circle so that the circle is circumscribed and the triangle is inscribed. At first, they did not succeed:

Bisectors. The second task was this: to place a circle inside yourself so that the sides touch the circle (an inscribed circle, and a circumscribed triangle). In the beginning it didn't work either. And then they were helped by their maids - Bisectors. Everyone did a great job.

But no one was offended as much as everyone felt beautiful and happy. And they began to choose the king and queen. At first they chose an equilateral triangle as the queen, but she turned out to be underage, and therefore her mother, an isosceles triangle, was chosen. And the king is a right-angled triangle.

The tale "About an equilateral triangle".
Author Churinova Katya 6 "B" class.

These tales were invented by my 6th grade students as a final creative homework assignment in the course "

propaedeutics of geometry grade 6 ". The school held KVN between 6 grades of the same parallel and these fairy tales were chosen as the best homework for dramatization. The students came up creatively to the preparation of the holiday of geometry.



The tale "About three triangles".

Once upon a time there were three brothers of the triangle: the eldest was rectangular, the middle was acute-angled, and the youngest was obtuse. And the brothers decided to go to the city to the fair.

At that time, the king of the Tetrahedron proclaimed that whoever solves the problem, he will give his only daughter to wife - the beautiful Pyramid Correct. Odes were composed about the beauty of the Pyramid. And more than once daredevils came from all over the world to try to solve the problem of the king.

And the brothers decided to try their luck. They came to the palace and learned that those who did not solve the problem would be executed. Rectangular and Sharp were scared and decided to leave. And Obtuse fell so in love with the Pyramid that he decided to try.

The king set a task:

The area of ​​the palace garden is 27.3 m 2 , the area of ​​the palace is 4.8 m 2 smaller than a garden, and the area of ​​the city is 1.6 times the area of ​​the palace. What is the area of ​​the three parcels together?

Obtuse suggested the following solution:

  1. 27.3 - 4.8 = 22.5 (m 2)
  2. 22.5 * 1.6 = 36 (m 2)
  3. 27.3 + 22.5 + 36 = 85.5 (m 2)

The decision turned out to be correct. King Tetrahedron gave his daughter in marriage. And the young lived happily ever after.

The tale "About an equilateral triangle".

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, far away from the land, in the thirty state, there lived a strong, mighty, fine fellow Equilateral Triangle. The best of all triangles, handsome, all sides are the same. Somehow he wanted to see the world and show himself. He took with him a close friend of the Rectangular Triangle.

They walked past a geometric pond, through a forest of bisectors, through foggy planes. Suddenly they see: a huge formidable Rectangle sits in the middle of the road, blocking the whole road with itself - neither pass nor pass.

The rectangle tells them:

And friends of Triangles answered without hesitation:

This is the perimeter!

The rectangle got angry, he had never met such clever travelers. And out of anger it split into two squares, which still lie on the sides of the road. Friends have gone further. After a while they heard a call for help. Tall Oval asked to help him remember the definition of length.

I used to be round, round, but somehow I fell and stretched out.

Friends of the triangles did not leave him in trouble, and the Oval returned to the shape of a circle again. And they took him with them. Farther and farther they drove and ended up at the very end of the world, where the red sun rises. Suddenly they see a beautiful palace made of sparkling parallelepipeds. The ruler of the palace was the wise Gradus, and he had a beautiful daughter, Bisector.

Attention! Attention! Attention! The Great Degree has announced a tournament. The winner of the tournament will receive a beautiful wife Bisector and half a kingdom to boot!

Equilateral Triangle decided to try their hand at this tournament. Many participants gathered, but no one could guess the three riddles of the Degree. And only the Equilateral Triangle could answer.

First riddle: How do I find the area of ​​a rectangle?

The area of ​​a rectangle is equal to the product of its adjacent sides.

Second riddle: Not a single geometric figure can do without this. It has a unit of measurement, the same as temperature, and consists of four letters, the first of which is also an excuse, and the other three are those that can cause joy or grief in the fans.

And again, the Equilateral Triangle could only answer correctly.

This is the corner!

Third riddle: What is five times five?

Everyone shouted different answers: 24, 26, and even 0! But again, the correct answer was given by the Equilateral Triangle:

The product will be equal to 25!

The Equilateral Triangle was married to the beautiful Bisector and half of the kingdom. And they lived happily ever after.

Fairy tale "Scary letter".

Once upon a time there were two Squares. Once they sat at home. And suddenly someone knocked on the door. The First Square ran to open. Turned out to be a Circle with a letter. The square, joyful, ran into the room with a letter in his hands.

Maybe it's about our friend! - said the second Square and began to disassemble the address on the envelope, which was written in illegible scrawls.

The entire envelope was strewn with postmarks and decals.

This is not a letter to us, - said the first Square at last. This is for our dad Rectangle. Some helluva lot of literate Oval wrote. I made two mistakes in one word: instead of "Sandy Street" I wrote "Pechnaya Street". Apparently, the letter went around the city for a long time, until it got where it needed to be ...

Papa Rectangle! Shouted the second square. A letter for you from some oval scholar!

What kind of oval grammar ?!

But read the letter.

Papa Rectangle tore open the envelope and began to read in an undertone:

- “Dear daddy Rectangle! Let me keep the little Rhombic puppy. He is very handsome, all red, and his ear is black, and I love him very much ... "

What is it? - Asks dad Rectangle, - you wrote it!

The first square laughed and looked at Brother Square. The second square turned red like a boiled crawfish and fled.


Once upon a time there were two brothers:

Triangle with Square.

Senior - square,

Good-natured, pleasant.

The youngest is triangular,

Always dissatisfied.

He began to question the Square:

"Why are you angry, brother?"

He shouts to him: “Look:

You are fuller and wider than me.

I only have three corners

You have four of them. "

But the Square replied: “Brother!

I'm older, I'm square. "

And he said even more tenderly:

"It is not known who is needed more!"

But night came, and to my brother,

Bumping into tables

The younger climbs stealthily

Cut corners to the elder.

Leaving, he said: “Pleasant

I wish you dreams!

I went to bed - I was square,

And you will wake up without corners! "

But the next morning the younger brother

I was not happy with the terrible revenge.

He looked - there is no square.

Numb ... stood without words ...

That's revenge! Now brother

Eight brand new corners!

Once upon a time there was a king Compass and a queen Ruler. They had a large kingdom in which dots and line segments were subjects. One day, the subjects sent a delegation to the king and queen with a request to allow them to hold a ball. The compasses and the Ruler gave their permission, but they set one condition: points can only dance with points, and segments - with segments. In this case, the segments do not have the right to intersect with each other at points that are not the ends of these segments. "And at the end of the ball," said the king, "I will surprise you."

And the ball began. The dots, holding hands, danced around one, which they called the center. And the segments, connected by their ends, formed a variety of shapes. Everyone was happy and happy, and the king and queen, sitting on their thrones, all the time slyly glanced at the merry subjects. And suddenly ... The King got up and clapped his hands. Everyone froze. And then the queen said: “This is how you stand now, and you will live forever. By Royal Decree, I forbid you to disengage. Thus, new subjects will appear in our Kingdom: circles, polygons, etc. "

And a completely different life began in that kingdom. But then suddenly the triangles discovered that, unlike all other figures made up of segments, they cannot change their shape. All polygons, except them, had at least some kind of mobility, that is, without changing its length, any segment, without disengaging with a neighbor, could take a step to the side, and in the polygon only the angles changed from this, but the quadrilateral is still remained a quadrangle, a pentagon a pentagon, etc. But the segments that made up the triangles could not move anywhere. They understood the triangles that it was dishonest and went to the king to complain, but the king had no right to cancel his Decree and allow the triangles to separate. Then he told them: “I will give you something that no other figure has! You will have your own bisectors! ” The triangles were offended: “Each corner has its own bisector. And in each polygon, you can draw as many bisectors as there are angles ”. But the king objected to the triangles, explaining to them that the bisector of an angle is a ray, and the bisectors of triangles, that is, the bisectors of their angles, will be segments, because they will be limited by the sides opposite to these angles. But this was not enough for the triangles, and indeed, is it not possible to draw the bisector of the corner of the quadrangle and limit it to the side opposite to the corner? Then the queen suddenly says: "I have a gift for you." She called one of the triangles to her (and I must say that she was not dressed in an elegant dress with a centimeter scale, but in a simple one-color dress), clicked a page-pencil and, with the help of her husband, divided one of the sides of the triangle in half and ... connected the middle of the side with the opposite apex of the triangle! “This segment,” said the Ruler, “will be called the median. And only a triangle can have it! ” The triangles were terribly happy, and then decided that if, having certain sides and angles, they cannot change in any way, then we must use this to our advantage. They sat, thought, wondered and came up with.

At first they looked at each other for a long time and saw that if the two sides of one triangle are respectively equal to the two sides of the other triangle, and the angles between them are equal, then these triangles will have equal not only the third sides, but also the other two angles! That is, such triangles will be equal. Then they saw that the same would happen if the side and two adjacent corners of one triangle were respectively equal to the side and two adjacent corners of the other triangle. And, in the end, they discerned the fact that if the three sides of one triangle are respectively equal to the three sides of the other triangle, then such triangles will also be equal!

With this opening, send the triangles back to the king and queen to inform them of what they had discovered. And then from a distance the king and queen decree that all these statements will henceforth be called "Signs of the equality of triangles." And this is exactly what no other figures have and have never had.

On this, the triangles calmed down. Now in the kingdom of the Compass and Ruler, everything is calm again.

Tales of an isosceles triangle

compiled by students of the 7th grade of the MOU "Secondary School No. 110" in Omsk,

teacher Zagvazdina M.A.

Malinovskaya Olga
In the land of geometric shapes, there is a large family of Triangles. The brave and proud Isosceles Triangle lives in this family. He was always proud of himself, his sides and his base. But he did not like it when Bisectoris was escorted to its base. At the sight of her, the triangle called the poor man a rat. And that, to spite him, was led to its base. Triangle became even more angry with Bisector. She gathered her strength and asked:

Why don't you love me so much?

For always dividing me in half.

But I didn’t come up with the idea of ​​dividing you into two parts. According to the theorem, I, the bisector drawn to the base, is also the median and the height.

Oh, how could I forget about theorems, because everything depends only on them. Forgive me Bisector, I am very guilty before you.

The bisector looked at him and said:

I forgive you, but promise me that you will no longer call me a rat.

Promise! - the triangle answered loudly and happily.

This is how the Isosceles Triangle and the Bisector became friends.
Vasilkova Victoria
Once upon a time, there was an important geometric figure in the world. This figure's favorite song was:

Every schoolboy knows me

And I am called a triangle.

I have three peaks,

Also three and sides.

"My two angles at the base are equal, the sides are equal," thought the triangle and decided to call itself isosceles. It was boring for the isosceles triangle alone, he went to look for friends. Somehow he meets a figure: there are three sides and three corners. Here is just one corner of the line. It's a right-angled triangle! They became friends. On a walk we met a segment and decided to make friends with him. It was suggested that the segment connect the apex of the triangle with the middle of the opposite side. Happened! The segment was called the median. This is how they became best friends.

Boatswain Maria
Masha did not like geometry very much. She walked home and thought: “How can I manage everything? After all, tomorrow is a very important test in geometry. In the evening, my friends and I will celebrate my birthday. What am I supposed to do? I won't have time for anything ... "

Masha has already come home, but she hasn't come up with anything. Mom, noticing that something was wrong, asked:

What's the matter with you daughter?

I just can't figure out how I can do everything. After all, tomorrow is the geometry test and my birthday.

Do not worry, you will be in time for everything. Read all the rules at night, they will be remembered better, and you will get ready for your birthday after school.

So Masha did, she repeated all the rules, went to bed.

Now Mashin's birthday has come. She was expecting guests.

The doorbell rang. Opening the door, Masha saw ... isosceles triangles that looked like her friends!

Masha, it's us, your friends!

What's wrong with you?

We have been bewitched by the sorceress Planimetry! In order for us to become human, you must tell everything about an isosceles triangle.

Masha remembered everything she had learned before going to bed and immediately told all the rules. Friends became human again.

Then Masha heard her mother calling her. The girl opened her eyes and saw her mother, who told her:

Get up, daughter, you can't be late for school, you have an important test.

Masha got up and thought:

But the truth is better remembered at night.

And in a great mood I went to school.

Guzhvenko Evgeniya

Once upon a time, there were King Compasses and Queen Ruler in this world. They had a large kingdom in which dots, line segments, squares, triangles and many other shapes lived.

And not far from the palace lived a family - three brothers. Three isosceles triangles: the older one is Rectangular, the middle one is Acute-angled, the younger is obtuse. They were lazy and did nothing. And so out of boredom they decided to argue - which of them is better.

I have the largest sum of angles! That's what my big angle is, said Obtuse.

No, I have more angles! - objected Rectangular.

But I can change my shape! Shouted Sharp-Angled.

Let's all go to the old man Protractor. He is wise, he will judge us, - suggested Rectangular.

Three days walked the triangles to the Rhomboid Mount of the Protractor. On the first day, they made their way through the jungle of segments and rays. In the second, they swam across the Krugloye and Ovalnoe lakes. On the third day they walked through the Square Gorges. And finally we reached the mountain. They climbed the mountain, and went to the Protractor.

Wise Protractor, judge us. We got into a dispute over who is better.

Okay, I'll help you. Say what you need.

And they began vying with each other to sound triangles:

Measure all angles for me!

And me! I am the first!

Stop! Hush hush. You don't need to measure all the angles. You are isosceles. You only need to measure one angle for each. Here you are, Obtuse - come here.

The old man measured one angle for him and said:

One angle is 100 °, and two are 40 °.

The old man measured the angles and the middle brother.

And you, Rectangular, do not need to measure at all. One is 90 °, and two are 45 °.

Wow. And who has more angles?

The sum of the angles is the same for all.

The triangles looked at each other and smiled.

Thank you, Protractor. You showed us that no one is better than the other. We're friends now.

The brothers went home. And from that time they lived together.
Filimonova Daria
In a house, not far from the forest, lived a girl Olya with her grandmother. One day Olya went to the forest for mushrooms. She filled a basket full of mushrooms and wanted to go home. But I saw a mushroom, and another mushroom, and so mushroom after mushroom. Olya found herself in the depths of the forest, lost her way and could not find the path along which she came. Suddenly she saw a door and entered an incomprehensible country. There was a triangle in front of her:

Show your pass.

I don't have a pass.

Your pass is a property of an isosceles triangle.

Olya knew all the theorems, it was not difficult for her to answer. The triangle let her in. It was somehow unusual in this world. Houses consisted of triangles and squares, and various geometric shapes walked along the street. Whatever questions Olya asked the figures, they did not answer her until she told some theorem.

Olya, get up, let's go home.

Olya got up and again found herself in the forest with mushrooms and a basket.

Next to her was her grandmother, who had been looking for her in the forest for a long time. Olya told her grandmother that she had visited an unusual geometrical country, she liked this trip, even though it was a dream. I repeated the theory in geometry.
Peshkova Elizaveta
Once upon a time, there were two isosceles triangles in the country of Geometry. Once they argued: which of them is more important? They differed only in the basis. One triangle says:

My sides are equal, which means I'm in charge.

The second triangle answers:

And they are equal for me too, so I am in charge!

And I have a bigger base, ”the first triangle said sternly.

And I have less, I am still more important! - the second got angry.

It almost came to a fight, but an equilateral triangle passed by, intervened. I told them:

Stop it! Take it easy! You are both necessary and important!

How did you know that?

So you are isosceles! A triangle is called isosceles if its two sides are equal, - answered an equilateral triangle.

Truth? - triangles were surprised. They laughed:

It turns out that we shouldn't have swore like that.

The triangles made up and never argued again.
Zueva Anna
Once in the family of isosceles triangles, an ordinary triangle was born. And all because Andryusha, when doing his homework, incorrectly applied the theorem. But the Isosceles family still loved the triangle and gave it the unusual name Smogulka. Everyone knew him in the land of geometric shapes. He was kind and helped everyone.

Once Smogulka was playing in the street near his house, and an old Equilateral Triangle was sitting on a bench. He called Smogulka over to him and gave the necessary advice:

Do you want to become isosceles?

Yes. But as? Smogulka asked curiously.

You help mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, older brothers and sisters and you will become isosceles.

OK! But what will happen?

If you help your mother in the country - to water, to dad and grandfather in the garage - to repair the car, to go to the store with your grandmother, to help your sisters and brothers, then your sides will be equal.

Thank you, thank you, - shouted Smogulka. From that day on, it became more and more like an isosceles triangle. And after a while he became isosceles. But still he remained kind Smogulka. Andryusha blamed himself for a long time after this incident. And I was very glad when I learned that an ordinary triangle had become isosceles.
Wagner Egor
In the land of geometrical figures lived two triangles: Equilateral and Isosceles. The isosceles triangle envied the Equilateral. He wanted all his sides to be equal. When he was about to change his side, he thought: "What will become of the objects of my form?" The triangle realized that it could not change its shape and remained isosceles.
Alekseenko Ksenia
Lived - there was a family like this: husband - Square, wife - Straight. The wife was still angry with her husband that he was completely slow. The Direct decided to divide the Square so that it was successful in everything. She divided it vertically. It turned out to be two rectangles. Then horizontally. Again the same figures. But Straight did not want her husband to be like the neighbors - the family of Rectangles. She thought, thought, and came up with the idea of ​​dividing her husband with a diagonal. The result is a new shape - a triangle. The two sides are equal, the angles at the base are equal. Now the husband was in time everywhere, and the wife did not swear. And they lived happily ever after!

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