What does the butterfly symbol mean. butterfly - a symbol of the soul, immortality, ...: markizanna

The butterfly is a symbol of the soul, immortality, rebirth and resurrection, the ability to transform, to transform, since this winged celestial creature is born, transforming from a worldly caterpillar.

Butterfly is considered a symbol of the Great Goddess (Great Mother, Magna Mater). The image of the Great Goddess dates back to ancient times in the history of mankind, to the Paleolithic. This supreme deity personified both heaven and earth, life and death. Birds and flying insects were associated with the Great Goddess. One of the insects representing the goddess was the butterfly. Hence the belief that witches can turn into butterflies, that butterflies promote conception and portend war (for example, the Romans called the butterfly feralis - “fierce”), that butterflies are the souls of the dead.

In addition, in many cultures, the butterfly symbolizes the transient nature of joy.

IN China this winged creature denotes immortality, leisure in abundance, joy and summer. A butterfly depicted with a plum symbolizes longevity and beauty, with a chrysanthemum - beauty in old age, with a feather - longevity.

The image of a butterfly is found in Taoist parables. So the philosopher Chuang Tzu once saw himself in a dream as a butterfly. When he woke up, he could not understand: Chuang Tzu had dreamed that he was a butterfly, or was the butterfly now dreaming that she was Chuang Tzu?

Another story told by Chuang Tzu tells how a young scholar, chasing a beautiful butterfly, inadvertently entered the private property of a retired judge and, seeing his daughter, was so mesmerized by her charms that he decided to work hard and try to get her as a wife. In this he succeeded and rose to a high rank. Here, the butterfly is a sign of marital happiness, one might say, the Chinese Cupid.

At Japanese the butterfly symbolizes a young woman, and butterflies fluttering one around the other mean family happiness. The white butterfly is the spirit of the deceased.

IN Ancient Mexico the butterfly belonged to the attributes of the god of vegetation, spring and love, the "Prince of Flowers" Xochipilya. In addition, she was associated with the Sun and was a symbol of swaying fire. The butterfly cut off with stone knives (itzli) is the goddess Itzpapalotl, the “Obsidian Butterfly”, the night spirit of flaming stars and at the same time a symbol of the souls of women who died during childbirth.

Ancient Greeks considered a butterfly a symbol of the immortality of the soul. Psyche, whose name means "soul", was represented as a girl with butterfly wings.

In Christianity the stages of development of a butterfly represent life, death and resurrection, so the butterfly is sometimes depicted in the hand of the infant Christ, which symbolizes the rebirth and resurrection of the soul. In the paintings depicting life in paradise, the soul has such wings, which the Creator places in the body of Adam.

IN Norse mythology elves, spirits of the air, were depicted as beautiful little men with butterfly wings.

At Slavs first of all, ideas about the soul are associated with the butterfly. People often talk about a butterfly as the soul of the deceased or a harbinger of death, and sometimes an image of death.

* * *
In thickets of weeds,
See how beautiful
Butterflies are born!

Matsuo Basho

* * *
Heavy bell.
And on its very edge
A butterfly is drowsing.

The butterfly is a symbol of the soul, immortality, rebirth and resurrection, the ability to transform, to transform, since this winged celestial creature is born, transforming from a worldly caterpillar.

Butterfly is considered a symbol of the Great Goddess (Great Mother, Magna Mater). The image of the Great Goddess dates back to ancient times in the history of mankind, to the Paleolithic. This supreme deity personified both heaven and earth, life and death. Birds and flying insects were associated with the Great Goddess. One of the insects representing the goddess was the butterfly. Hence the belief that witches can turn into butterflies, that butterflies promote conception and portend war (for example, the Romans called the butterfly feralis - “fierce”), that butterflies are the souls of the dead.

In addition, in many cultures, the butterfly symbolizes the transient nature of joy.

IN China this winged creature denotes immortality, leisure in abundance, joy and summer. The butterfly depicted with a plum symbolizes longevity and beauty, with a chrysanthemum - beauty in old age, with a feather - longevity.

The image of a butterfly is found in Taoist parables. So the philosopher Chuang Tzu once saw himself in a dream as a butterfly. When he woke up, he could not understand: Chuang Tzu dreamed that he was a butterfly, or is the butterfly now dreaming that she is Chuang Tzu?

Another story told by Chuang Tzu tells how a young scholar, chasing a beautiful butterfly, inadvertently entered the private property of a retired judge and, seeing his daughter, was so mesmerized by her charms that he decided to work hard and try to get her as a wife. In this he succeeded and rose to a high rank. Here, the butterfly is a sign of marital happiness, one might say, the Chinese Cupid.

At Japanese the butterfly symbolizes a young woman, and butterflies fluttering one around the other mean family happiness. The white butterfly is the spirit of the deceased.

IN Ancient Mexico the butterfly belonged to the attributes of the god of vegetation, spring and love, the "Prince of Flowers" Xochipilya. In addition, she was associated with the Sun and was a symbol of swaying fire. A butterfly cut off with stone knives (itzli) is the goddess Itzpapalotl, the “Obsidian Butterfly”, the night spirit of flaming stars and at the same time a symbol of the souls of women who died during childbirth.

Ancient Greeks considered a butterfly a symbol of the immortality of the soul. Psyche, whose name means "soul", was represented as a girl with butterfly wings.

In Christianity the stages of development of a butterfly represent life, death and resurrection, so the butterfly is sometimes depicted in the hand of the infant Christ, which symbolizes the rebirth and resurrection of the soul. In the paintings depicting life in paradise, the soul has such wings, which the Creator places in the body of Adam.

IN Norse mythology elves, spirits of the air, were depicted as beautiful little men with butterfly wings.

At Slavs first of all, ideas about the soul are associated with the butterfly. People often talk about a butterfly as the soul of the deceased or a harbinger of death, and sometimes an image of death.

* * *
In thickets of weeds,
See how beautiful
Butterflies are born!

Matsuo Basho

* * *
Heavy bell.
And on its very edge
A butterfly is drowsing.

As the name implies, we will tell you about what the butterfly symbolizes in different cultures around the world. And also give a little general information about this insect. Happy reading.

Butterflies are one of the most beautiful creations of nature, they appeared more than a hundred million years ago. To date, science knows about 25,000 different species of Lepidoptera insects.

The first individuals arose during the Cretaceous period. The distribution area covers almost the entire globe. The habitat of butterflies is the territory from the tropics to the polar regions.

The abundance and species diversity of insects is simply amazing. Unique wing patterns are formed due to flat scales that tightly cover their surface.

Butterflies are capable of transformation, initially representing a larva in the form of a caterpillar, then a living cocoon. Some species can spin strong threads that have been used to create fabric from airy gauze to thick luxurious satin.

Caterpillars feed mainly on plants. There are also predatory species that feed on food of animal origin, wax, wool and feathers.

Adults have proboscis for collecting nectar for feeding. Some Lepidoptera are able to travel long distances during intercontinental flights to reproduce.

After laying eggs, the adult dies. The offspring, after passing through the stages of transformation, returns to the habitat of the arrived butterflies.

What does the butterfly symbolize in ancient legends and beliefs

Folk beliefs and legends connect insects with the other world. The ability to transform symbolizes immortality and the possibility of rebirth.

In ancient times, people of various nations of the world showed respect and admiration for amazing insects. The myths and legends of Asian countries, Mexico, Slavic peoples represent a butterfly in the form of a human soul and strictly forbid their murder.

ancient aztecs they firmly believed in the ability of a graceful insect to convey a secret desire to heaven.

Legends told that in order to fulfill the desired, it is enough to whisper the cherished words over a butterfly and let it go free.

The Aztecs represented them as the embodiment of the souls of warriors who died the death of the brave.

Burmese On the contrary, they considered these insects to be the souls of living people who are currently in a dream to distance themselves from the bustle of the world.

In Christianity the butterfly is present in the images of the infant Christ, embodying the possibility of the resurrection of the soul and its rebirth. Christians believed that the souls of babies who had not passed the rite of baptism were embodied in butterflies.

In Russia night moths are considered the souls of deceased loved ones, who, after 40 days, fly into the sky.

Since the Paleolithic the insect acts as a symbol of the Great Mother, personifying everything positive and good, beginning and end, life and death.

In the Middle Age there were gloomy images of butterflies, especially those associated with an insect - a lilac hawk moth. The panic horror was quite justified, because according to signs, a meeting with this type of insect foreshadowed a quick and inevitable death. For the image, the moth was nicknamed "Dead Head". Combined with a dreary squeak, hawk hawk for a long time inspired chilling horror in impressionable people.

The image of a moth in the philosophy of the countries of the East

Buddhists with special reverence for beautiful insects, thanks to the legend of the conversation of the Buddha with a butterfly.

Japan filled with deep-rooted traditions, associate the symbol with happiness in married life, mutual love. It was according to the Japanese custom that the newlyweds were given butterflies and released into the sky.

Geisha decorated their robes with the image of luxurious insect wings to attract male attention.

In China there is a tradition to present a live or jade butterfly as a gift from the groom to his chosen one. The gift has a deep meaning and embodies deep and unchanging feelings of love. Depictions of these insects in Chinese art are presented in various combinations with plum, chrysanthemum, or feather, embodying longevity and beauty.

Ancient Chinese civilizations represented winged insects as the embodiment of summer, abundance and the immortality of the soul. The parables emphasize the connection between these creatures and family happiness, presenting the image in the form of an unusual Chinese Cupid, bringing people love and harmony in relationships.

Feng Shui Philosophy represents the moth as an image of joy and prosperity in love. It is believed that painting the walls of the bedroom will bring a new energy of romance to married couples or single people. Beautiful and harmonious images are made with a pair or group of butterflies.

ancient greek mythology connects the image of a winged insect with the beautiful Psyche, who embodies the female soul, filled with love passion.

All peoples of antiquity characterize a butterfly as a human soul, the differences are only in belonging. Moth wings are an invariable attribute of magical creatures in the form of fairies, elves.

The predominant meaning of the symbol of the winged insect in the culture of various countries of the world, the butterfly personified a positive image of beauty, happiness and joy.

Volumetric paper butterfly

Create beauty and mood in your home with voluminous paper butterflies. How to make them is shown in the video:

Love butterflies, dear readers. We wish you harmony, love and happiness!

What does the butterfly symbol mean?

The butterfly is a deeply symbolic insect.

Ancient ideas about butterflies are associated with the basic concepts of life, like life and death, love and happiness.

The word "butterfly" is originally Russian, but its origin is not fully known. According to one version, this word comes from the word "baba" ("married woman") or from the word "grandmother", that is, it has a feminine beginning. According to another version - from the verb "to add" or from the word "bava" - "fun", and these are already associations with the image of childhood. Indeed, a butterfly, as a pattern on a fabric or decor, is appropriate in a girl's or woman's outfit, but in a man's or boy's outfit it will be out of place.

The image of a butterfly is very interesting and ambiguous. Many legends and beliefs are associated with this image.

Butterfly is one of the symbols of the goddess "Great Mother", who simultaneously gives and takes life. Therefore, there were beliefs that say that witches are able to turn into butterflies.

Butterfly, on the one hand, symbolizes variability and beauty, on the other hand, the frailty of the world.

In many cultures, the butterfly is associated with the soul. What is the reason?

The ancients saw the general principles of the development of the universe and all its parts, including the development of a butterfly.

The development of a butterfly begins with an egg - this is a symbol of the birth of consciousness. A larva grows from the egg - a caterpillar that actively feeds. This is an analogue of the process of birth and life with daily worries about daily bread. Finally, the caterpillar weaves a protective cocoon - a chrysalis. This is a symbol of detachment from the hustle and bustle, the desire for change.

The time comes and the "worm" turns into a delightful winged creature - the Soul is resurrected!

In Christianity, butterflies represent life, death and resurrection - a butterfly is often depicted in the hands of the infant Christ.

The soul entering heaven is depicted with the wings of a moth.

Fairy-tale creatures, elves, and even the god of sleep, Hypnos, are winged creatures.

Different cultures have different interpretations of this symbol:

  • For the Chinese, the butterfly symbolizes immortality, abundance and joy, it is a symbol of a young man in love
  • Two butterflies that "dance" with each other are a symbol of family happiness.
  • In Japan, a butterfly is considered the personification of a young woman, sometimes a vain woman or a geisha.
  • In Rus', they believed that the souls of dead people turn into night white butterflies.
  • In Mexico, the butterfly symbolized women who died in childbirth; for Mexicans, the butterfly is a reminder of the dead.
  • Butterfly on a chrysanthemum - a symbol of beauty in old age
  • In ancient Rome, butterflies foreshadowed war
  • The Aztecs believed that the souls of soldiers who died in battle turn into carefree butterflies.

But in the modern world, the image of a butterfly is often associated with the frivolity of a girl...

According to Feng Shui, butterflies should be present in any home, because they represent love and joy! Therefore, it is recommended to have butterflies in pairs.

Dried butterflies pinned with needles are bad Feng Shui, they spread the energy of despondency and non-existence.

In trainings, we often use the image of a butterfly.

I think that knowing - what the butterfly symbol means - will help to give the trainings more depth and sublimity.

If you see a tattoo on the body of a person you know, take a closer look at it. The image can tell a lot about the nature of the owner, his desires and dreams..

General meaning of the tattoo

Butterfly tattoos are interpreted differently by different peoples. In Japan, this insect is a symbol of home comfort, prosperity and peace. In China, it means eternal life, immortality and victory over evil. In these countries, the insect is also fanned with mysticism, therefore, tattoos with it were and are treated with caution.

In Christianity, a butterfly personifies different stages of a person's life: life, death and resurrection, which corresponds to the stages of insect development: a cocoon, a caterpillar and a direct butterfly. She was often depicted on the hand of the baby Jesus in canvases and paintings.

Meaning for girls

If you saw such a tattoo on a girl's body, know that she strives for femininity, beauty and family happiness. Her character is dominated by such traits as kindness, gentleness, devotion and tenderness. For this person, the family is of particular importance, she will do everything to maintain harmonious relations with her husband and children.

At the same time, the butterfly also symbolizes independence. With the help of such a tattoo, a girl wants to show others that she is free, and no one has the right to make decisions for her or impose her will.

The image of a butterfly can often be seen on a girl's back, on her shoulders, forearm, on her lower back or on her leg. It is worth noting that a wide variety of butterfly flower species is also reflected in tattoos. Blue symbolizes dreaminess and immortality, red - passionate love, orange - love for the family, purple - extravagance and the desire to be young forever.

Girls also choose black butterfly tattoos. It means searching for the hidden meaning of life, belief in life after death and reincarnation.

The position of the butterfly also matters.

  • If her wings are open, this means that the soul of the fairer sex is open to the world, she wants to give people light and love.
  • If her wings are symmetrical, it symbolizes harmony, balance and responsibility.
  • A fluttering insect means the desire of a young lady for freedom and independence.
  • You can also find the image of a butterfly on a flower, the meaning of which is constancy, fidelity and devotion.

Meaning for guys

Men can also choose such a tattoo, although it is quite rare. A butterfly on their body is depicted by those representatives of the stronger sex who want to know the meaning of life and believe in the immortality of the soul or reincarnation.

A tattoo is often stuffed in memory of deceased loved ones, as a symbol of love for them.. Men use predominantly dark tones for tattoos: black, dark green, dark blue.

Prison value

In the criminal world, a tattoo in the form of butterflies can be found quite often. Women of easy virtue fill the image of an insect in an intimate place. I don't think it's hard to figure out the meaning here. Among male criminals, she can be found with pickpockets. The butterfly often adorns the body of serial killers and maniacs.

Should I choose a butterfly?

Thus, we can conclude that a butterfly tattoo has a predominantly positive meaning. This is a symbol of eternal life, health and longevity, so you can safely choose it as your talisman.

Choose exactly the butterfly that you like in shape, size and color, and then well-being and harmony will become your faithful companions in life. The most important meaning of a tattoo is what you put into it.

<.>- an insect in many cultures, which hints, on the one hand, at the ability to metamorphose and beauty, on the other hand, also at the frailty of joy. “The miracle of states of manifestation passing into each other, this miracle of transformation from a slow caterpillar, a stupid larva, into a tender and beautiful butterfly deeply touched a person, became for him identical with his own spiritual metamorphosis, gave him hope someday to rise from captivity to the eternal" ( E. Aeppli). For this reason, the butterfly was depicted on ancient tombstones (see). Her Greek name "psyche" indicates that she is, as it were, the "animal of the soul." Endowing with the traits of "frivolity" brings her closer to elves, geniuses and (little gods of love).

Elf-like creatures, as well as ghostly images and fantastical figures, are often depicted from the butterfly, including the sleep god Hypnos (Somnus, Somnus). In the paintings with the image, sometimes the soul that the creator lowers into the body of Adam is depicted with such wings.

In Japan, the butterfly is a symbol of a young woman, two butterflies dancing around each other symbolize marital happiness. In China, this winged creature is a symbol of a young man in love. There is another meaning - in the form of a butterfly, a dead lover can come out of the grave. Together with the plum, the butterfly symbolizes long life and beauty.

There is no single answer to the question of what the butterfly symbolizes. Because countless beliefs and legends are associated with this insect. However, it is worth noting only the most interesting ones.

Psychological point of view

Lightness - that's what the butterfly symbolizes in psychology. The metamorphoses of a moth are similar to what happens to a human body in its bodily shell. This means that material existence often provokes obstacles to the manifestation of inner activity and energy. And the insensitivity and numbness of the chrysalis represent death. Not in the traditional sense, of course. It is believed that the chrysalis symbolizes a transitional state - when the soul separates from the body and gains final freedom.

A fluttering butterfly personifies the inner energy of a person. His soul, which seems to be tearing apart matter for the sake of dissolving in the ether, from which it originally came out.

If we turn to modern psychoanalysis, we can see that the butterfly is perceived by specialists in this field as a symbol of rebirth and an unconscious attraction to light. Often this insect is used as a sign of psychiatric and parapsychological institutions, often in combination with the letter "Psi".

Path of the moth and man

Talking about what the butterfly symbolizes, it should be noted that ancient people traced the general principles of the development of the Universe and directly people in the origin of this insect.

Everything is logical. Butterfly begins to develop from an egg, personifying the birth of consciousness. A larva grows out of it, which begins to actively feed in order to grow. In fact, this process is analogous to the birth and development of a person who takes care of his life and daily bread in his life.

The chrysalis, in turn, is associated with the desire for change and removal from the hustle and bustle. Why? Because the chrysalis is a cocoon woven by a caterpillar into which the larva has grown for its protection.

After that, a beautiful winged creature flies out of the shell. The resurrection of the soul is what the butterfly symbolizes in the end. It is not for nothing that in Christianity those who go to heaven are depicted with the wings of this beautiful creature.

Beliefs and signs

They are also worth mentioning when talking about what the butterfly symbolizes. This insect personifies the goddess - the Great Mother, who can both give and take life. Based on this, a belief arose according to which witches have the ability to turn into butterflies.

In Chinese culture, this insect is associated with joy, abundance and immortality. In Japan, the butterfly represents an attractive but somewhat haughty girl or geisha. In Rus', they used to believe that the energy of the dead turned into these insects. The Aztecs, in turn, believed that the souls of soldiers who died in battle were reborn in them. Among the Celts, a fiery butterfly with fluttering wings is of particular importance. She personifies the heat of the sun, passion and the desire of the soul to live. And in ancient Rome, these creatures were harbingers of war. But in combination with a chrysanthemum, this winged creature symbolizes eternal beauty and longevity. Like a butterfly on a plum branch, by the way.

In Polissya, many believe that the appearance of a large number of yellow or red butterflies in spring portends a dry summer and a rich harvest of honey. White insects, in turn, promise wet weather and an abundance of milk.

Taoist practice

Briefly, it is worth mentioning what butterflies symbolize in Feng Shui. You can answer briefly - they personify all the best. According to Feng Shui, these insects should be present in every home. They are believed to attract joy and love. Therefore, you need to arrange decor elements in the form of these creatures in pairs.

You just need to choose the right jewelry. The house should not have dried insects, and even more so pinned to a particular surface with needles. These are bad decorations. They pump up the energy of non-existence and despondency. And this is not at all what the butterfly symbolizes in the traditional sense of Feng Shui.

A good and simple solution that helps to diversify the interior will be elegant paper garlands in the form of these insects, wallpaper or “bells” pendants on the door.


Often you can see jewelry made in the form of insects. It can be pendant chains, bracelets, earrings, rings, brooches and much more. What does the butterfly symbolize in jewelry? The same as mentioned above. However, this insect has a lot of meanings, which could already be seen, and in this case, what it will symbolize depends on the meaning invested in the product by its bearer.

In Japan, for example, almost every woman has a piece of jewelry in the form of a butterfly. It is logical, because it is generally believed that if you wear such an ornament, you will be able to preserve beauty and youth for a long time. And two butterflies represent family happiness and love. Now many newlyweds (and not only in Japan, by the way) release these beautiful insects after the wedding ceremony. This trend has given rise to a new idea for a good gift. Some people present newlyweds with talismans in the form of two graceful butterflies, which is very symbolic, beautiful and so far original.

Weightless gentle creatures, flowers torn off their stems, carefree and airy. Such associations are caused by the mention of butterflies.

There is something magical about this transformation of a nondescript caterpillar into an unusually graceful butterfly. It is not surprising that Feng Shui ascribes truly magical properties to these insects.

According to this teaching, there must be butterflies in any home.

They represent love and joy. For single people, this talisman takes on a special meaning. After all, it contributes to the establishment of personal relationships. However, for couples, the use of butterflies, according to Feng Shui, is simply necessary. On their wings, they will bring fresh energy of romance and passion into relationships. Then the routine will simply be forgotten.

It is important to use not single butterflies to decorate a home, but paired ones or a group of insects. Because of this, their influence is enhanced. The winged sorceress can symbolize love if she has a couple. But one butterfly also never ceases to attract joy to your home.

It is good to place them above the bed. So that falling asleep and waking up from sleep, one could see the fluttering sorceresses and experience quiet joy, enjoying their grace. Butterflies flying over the bed will definitely add romance to the bedroom interior.

Where to place insects

According to Feng Shui, the southwestern sector of the house has the meaning of love and relationships. It is here that the location of a couple or a flock of bright insects will be desirable. This will activate the positive flow of energy and direct it both into personal relationships and into beneficial communication with people in general. It is undesirable to place butterflies on curtains or a window sill. The love and joy they symbolize can fly out the open window.

In addition to the described meaning of butterflies, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, they symbolize the immortality of the soul, rebirth, rebirth. The ancient Chinese believed that the Great Goddess herself could take on the image of a butterfly. That is why for many the appearance of this magical insect is associated with the supernatural and divine.

Dried butterflies pinned to the panel with needles are bad Feng Shui. Dead butterflies, like dried flowers, spread the energy of death around them. If you do not take this meaning literally, then ruined insects do not bring anything good for interpersonal relationships.

What are the compositions

Talismans in the form of these insects can be very diverse in shape, color and material. According to Feng Shui, every little thing matters. For example, a wind chime with butterflies placed in the southwest brings happiness to the family. Butterflies made of metal, decorated with crystals or rhinestones, symbolize the fire of passion, enhance success in personal life with their brilliance.

Elegant butterflies made of silver or gold will help fulfill the most cherished desires associated with love relationships and family. A brooch in the form of such a talisman will give confidence and charm to its romantic owner. Butterflies made of ceramics, painted in bright colors, attract a festive mood to the house, create a sense of magic and upcoming positive changes. Wooden moths symbolize the well-being of the family, harmony between spouses.

Feng Shui magic compositions with butterflies are distinguished by their diversity. This is a butterfly sitting on a flower, pollinating it or hiding in the reeds. A gift box with a bow, on which an elegant insect sat down, is also good. Together with such a present, wishes of happiness in love affairs are also presented. With butterflies, you can buy or make beautiful jewelry with your own hands. Clothing with the appropriate print will also act in favor of its owner. Butterflies on bed linen are equated with talismans located above the bed. A couple in love may not have time to sleep in such a bed. And lamps and chandeliers with air insects will give graceful shadows and add romance to the bedroom.

If desired, a powerful talisman of well-being in love affairs can be made with your own hands. It won't take much time or money. All you need is paper, butterfly stencils and thread or double-sided tape. Having circled the contours of the butterflies on paper, they should be cut out and, fixed on threads, hung from the ceiling or glued to the wall with adhesive tape. It is fashionable to make compositions from a flock of butterflies of different sizes. By placing them in the form of a whirlwind over the head of the bed, it will be possible to literally depict the flows of the energy of love and joy and call for well-being in your home.

Butterfly - a symbol of happiness

Butterfly is a symbol of love, happiness and prosperity.. It is believed that the most cherished desire will come true if you hold a butterfly in your hand and let it go free, to heaven.
These beautiful creatures have taken worthy places in Christianity, Buddhism, in Eastern, Asian and Scandinavian mythology, they are revered, respected and beautiful legends are composed.

“They are a wonderful gift from heaven, such a gift is worthy of the empress,” said the wife of Napoleon III. It is believed that she introduced the fashion for butterflies in winter gardens, as well as fireworks from live butterflies at holidays.
The butterfly is the personification of beauty, freedom and reminds us that life is fleeting, and you need to live it beautifully, easily, inspired and happy.

Among Christians, a butterfly is sometimes depicted sitting on the hand of the infant Christ and symbolizes the rebirth of the soul.

Among the Aztecs, the butterfly was one of the attributes of the god of vegetation, spring and love.
Since ancient times, the peoples of different countries associated butterflies with higher secrets, with love, soul, rebirth.

In ancient culture, the life of a butterfly was philosophically correlated with human life: a caterpillar is a worldly life in worries about material things, a chrysalis is an escape from the hustle and bustle, butterfly - enlightenment, resurrection of the soul.

In China the butterfly symbolizes unchanging love, it is also believed that giving a butterfly for a birthday means wishing a person to live 90 years, in Japan Butterfly is the talisman of family life, and to see a butterfly at home meant - fortunately. The Slavs believed that butterflies are pure souls that fly to them, and proclaim joy, bring good luck.
In China, in addition to butterfly symbolizes love, this winged creature also means immortality, leisure in abundance, joy and summer

The image of a butterfly among some peoples symbolizes longevity and beauty, and the image of a sitting butterfly on a plant - beauty and longevity

Butterflies fluttering one around the other mean family happiness

The dragonfly may share the symbolism of the butterfly, representing immortality and regeneration. Among the American Indians, it represents whirlwind, speed and activity. The Chinese have summer. The Japanese national emblem is Dragonfly Island.

In many cultures, the butterfly symbolizes the transient character of joy.

Glowing butterflies

Glowing butterflies

Everyone in childhood read the fairy tale about Hansel and Gretel, who, having left home, left behind crumbs of bread to find their way back.

What would you do in their place? For example, throwing pebbles is no longer so interesting. Designer Mi-Sook Lee came up with an original and, most importantly, cute replacement for pebbles and bread crumbs. These cute butterflies glow in the dark, so if you leave these "insects" on the ground or trees, you will always find them.

Even if you left home early in the morning and return home late, dark at night, they will always lead you out of the maze of the forest and show you the way to the house. Of course, they don't have to be used only as path markers. Just hang them in your garden, they will look great!

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