The mice cried and injected themselves, but continued to eat the cactus. The mice cried, injected themselves, but continued to eat the cactus. The hedgehog choked but ate the cactus.

I often remember the recent past with nostalgia. Late 90s early 2000s. An extremely unstable, contradictory, but extremely significant time for every Russian. I will not list the colossal number of problems that have fallen on the heads of our fellow citizens, and I will not talk about the outright mistakes of our government. Everything happened, both good and bad. But this is experience. And we took it out. It is thanks to this experience that a new Russia is being born today.

Observing the actions of the French air force, which suddenly began to strike the territory of Syria, I remember one of the catchphrases of Nikolai Fomenko, who in the early 2000s was the voice of Russian Radio. The mice cried and injected themselves, but continued to eat the cactus. Today this can be said about the French government. France, having lost a significant number of civilians as a result of the attack on Paris by ISIS militants (the organization is banned on the territory of the Russian Federation), is in no hurry to strike the positions of the militants. Guided by some perverted logic, the French are bombing the oil infrastructure of Syria, without coordinating their actions with either Damascus or Moscow, meanwhile causing harm, first of all, to Syria itself and its people, who are currently actively fighting ISIS, regaining the occupied territories.

The Russian Foreign Ministry is extremely concerned about such actions of the French Air Force, and Damascus is also perplexed. The head of the Russian Foreign Ministry's department for new challenges and threats, Ilya Rogachev, said that under such conditions Russia cannot support French strikes, and Syrian Ambassador to the Russian Federation Riad Haddad even said that the authorities of his country would consider the actions of any country to combat ISIS as aggression. territory of Syria without the consent of official Damascus.

The French government states that it is guided in its activities by Article 51 of the UN Charter, which guarantees any state the right to self-defense. That's right. ISIS has struck France, killing hundreds of civilians. But what does oil infrastructure have to do with it? It would be logical not to destroy Syrian property, which is currently gradually returning to the control of Damascus, but to strike at militant positions and terrorist training camps, on the territory of which French citizens are trained, among others. They are the ones who pose a threat to France and its society. But Hollande apparently did not mourn for his dead fellow citizens for long. As soon as emotions subsided, he continued the extremely illogical campaign to weaken the Assad regime, started and promoted by the United States. I hope at least the French themselves understand that by striking Assad they are thereby strengthening the position of ISIS?
Well, given this policy of official Paris, we can predict that terrorist attacks on the territory of France, and the rest of Europe, will be repeated. Bomb oil fields, destroy oil pipelines and refineries in Syria. Weaken Bashar al-Assad, a man who has been fighting ISIS for many years. Go ahead, you are on the right track! And at this time, in the territory of the suicide bomber training camps, stubbornly unnoticed by you, they will train those who in a few months will flood Europe with blood.

To the question *the mice cried, choked, but continued to eat the cactus*Where does this quote come from? And about what?)) asked by the author spread the best answer is To paraphrase a little... We sing a song to the madness of the brave...
They say that Kolya Fomenko started the phrase... Close, but...
If I'm not confused, its author is Dima Rubin... He is the author of the lyrics - most of the songs... the first and most “loud” composition of “The Secret”, also headed by Max Leonidov... It happened in Leningrad, on Mokhovaya Street... in the apartment of another wonderful musician - Andrei Ivanov... In 1983... There and then he and... said...
I can’t vouch for absolute accuracy... It was a long time ago...

Answer from Clubfoot[guru]
It's about our "society". A wonderful allegory. I don’t remember where from.
Why did they "cry, gag and continue..."? Because mice.
Generally speaking, it’s a shame to look at us from the outside. Disgraceful.
Probably when a company of Evsyukovs mow down a couple of villages with an AK-74, and every second person will be deprived of his property again (for the third time). When everyone's child dies in their arms, then we will probably stop being mice.

Answer from Mikhail Fedoseev[guru]
The first time I heard this was about 10 years ago on Russian radio, Fomenko’s jokes, there they let them in for no reason, just like that. For example, this one: “When you drink, you need to know when to stop, otherwise you can drink less!”

Answer from Neurologist[guru]
"the mice cried, injected themselves, but continued to eat the cactus"
I myself looked for the source of this expression... I couldn’t find it. found in several books by modern writers, in a bunch of tales and anecdotes...
means long-term persistent actions in a certain direction, during which it becomes worse and worse - for quite noticeable and understandable reasons. (for example - cacti have needles)

Answer from Mamzel Lesya[guru]
Regarding this project, everyone scolds it and comes here every day.

Answer from Azif[guru]
Used to illustrate mindless persistence.

Answer from $IiIiIi$[newbie]
Once three mice wanted to become hedgehogs. We went to the owl to ask for advice. And she tells them: Go to the west of the forest, find the tallest oak tree, and the oak tree has the thickest root. A green cucumber grows from this root. Eat it whole, and then you can become hedgehogs. Just when you eat and your mouth starts to tingle, don’t be alarmed. This means your needles are growing. The mice went to the west of the forest and found the tallest oak tree and the thickest root. They see a cucumber standing there. Big and prickly. Mice bite once, bite twice - it hurts. But as soon as they remember what the owl said, they bite in with renewed vigor. After this incident, a legend was born about how the mice cried, injected themselves, but continued to eat the cactus.

July 10th, 2015 , 06:58 pm

I never tire of being surprised by people how much some of them like to deliberately create problems for themselves, so that they can then courageously overcome them.
"... we have arrived! And the show begins... We have 80 euros for 10 days and plastic cards that don’t work here (Maybe someone is flying to Crete, bring us some Euros" - I saw this cry of despair yesterday on Facebook .
It is, of course, amazing how unaware some people are of what is happening in the world and are completely unaware of the situation in the country where they are going on vacation, but this is not even about this girl.

I was struck by the following comments:

"... how come they don't work??? I'm flying to Crete on Sunday. I was hoping for cards. Right now I'll call the hotel..."... When asked what the problem is with exchanging money in Moscow and flying safely with cash, it sounds enchanting "...carrying a bunch of cash is inconvenient, carrying around with a wallet full of Euros is not ice..."
She calls the hotel, she is assured that there are no restrictions on withdrawals for tourists, cards are accepted in some restaurants...
How, I wonder, does an ATM distinguish a tourist from a local?
And here there is an argument - in banks, they say, according to your passport... But the circle closes. It’s still the same cash that lies inconveniently in a wallet that you don’t want to carry)

To be honest, I don’t understand some travelers. They know about the problems. They see posts from people who are faced with problems, but they stubbornly try to convince themselves and others that they don’t have to worry and that everything that’s happening is almost fictional.
This is how despairing posts appear over time about “suddenly” emerging problems that polemics on Facebook will no longer help solve...
... and then we write lifehack posts to warn about possible problems and talk about ways to overcome them.

Therefore, the total post is a life hack.
Gentlemen, travelers, if you don’t like carrying a wallet full of Euros, check it in as your luggage, and hire a porter on the spot to carry it for you, but it’s better to exchange rubles for euros in advance if you’re planning a trip to Greece.
Yes, you can easily pay in some restaurants and shops with your card, but withdrawing cash, alas, will be very, very difficult. And Greece, even before the crisis, was a country where you always had to have cash with you, because... Not everywhere it was possible to pay by card, and even more so now.
And simply, always play it safe... After all, in fact, it’s not so difficult to carry a couple of hundred euros in your wallet

A few words about the current moment

This is probably the most accurate description of the system of behavior of businessmen in the modern “economy”. The object of their worship is underwear embroidered with tinsel, worn to holes by an ugly person, covered only with lightly powdered sores, with a collapsed nose bridge. But finfetishists don’t care at all about this. But when one thread was pulled from the last cowards of the XXX AAA rating, reducing this virtual “value” to AA+, a herd of fetishists rushed to sell their virtual shares, moving to the same virtual “only reliable instrument” - the dollar. Note that those who are smarter have long ago purchased gold, accompanying their purchases with the tricks of a poker player - in the form of public statements that gold is “ an absolute bubble because it is expensive to invest in and has no real value other than the market price "(in parallel with these speeches, the same Soros Fund Management invested at least $608.59 million in SPDR Gold Trust - the world's largest gold index fund).

But the scumbag fetishists from Kudrin’s Ministry of Finance continue to convince the Russian population that “it makes no difference what rating is AAA or AA+,” preserving the public funds of the “Russian Federation Reserve Fund” in dollars. Moreover, they are still updating plans for 2020, where the reserve fund continues to maintain its place … The general tendency of these liberal fetishists is to further renunciation of sovereignty countries...

"Ends in potassium permanganate"

Cleaning the virtual image Bin Laden continues. Just as the witnesses to his “liquidation” are being purged. In Afghanistan A helicopter carrying 39 Navy SEALs was shot down from the same department that participated in the burial at sea of ​​the “hologram of terrorist No. 1” . Despite official statements by the US authorities that none of the “liquidation heroes” were harmed, information has already leaked to the press that every single one of them died. Those who weren't killed in the first helicopter crash attempt during the operation itself , we finished it off the second time...

However, there is nothing new under the sun. We have already seen when like flies witnesses to the murder died J.F.Kenned and then pestilence attacked the obstinate “conquerors” of this very Moon(while the less scrupulous “cosmonaut heroes” simply fought among themselves ). We also observed an abnormally massive death of microbiologists - when, just five months after 9/11, under mysterious circumstances 14 world-famous micrologists were killed related to military developments. Etc. There are many similar sad examples...

In the meantime, given the scale of dissemination of information about the mass death of SEALs, Obama there is a good reason to prepare for the withdrawal of the “good guys” from Afghanistan, where the “evil natives” are waging an “uncivilized war.”

Nobody ever explained

what is the difference between the British “outcasts” and the Libyan “rebels”. After all, if a television picture illustrating what was coming from Great Britain was accompanied by the text with which the Western media reported about the “Arab Spring,” there would be a complete feeling that in England there was a people’s struggle for democracy. What was shown from Tahrir Square is now shown from London. The whole difference is that the British “bandits and outcasts” were not paid for robbing warehouses with weapons andpolice lynching . But the same “peaceful Libyan Protestants” were allowed to do this.

The British “outcasts” in London, Birmingham, Bristol and Liverpool were given a different task - to demonstrate to the European average the reason for refusing pink snot of “multiculturalism”. At the same time, “incidentally Breivik“Another limit to the “freedom of movement of thought” was also designated. When European slow-witted people began to realize the harmfulness of the development of foreign cultural and religious expansion, through euroterrorist played on the post-war European complex


Usually this anecdote seems funny and absurd: we are surprised how hedgehogs can not understand that the longer they continue to eat cactus, the more they will inject themselves.
Meanwhile, this short anecdote shows the main contradiction of modern man.

A plump woman who came home in the evening, had a hearty dinner, then had another dinner, then had another snack, and chewed something before going to bed - such a woman behaves exactly the same as a hedgehog who cries but eats a cactus.

Because she EATS EVEN WHEN he can no longer eat. EATS through force, simply because that there is still FOOD on the table and in the refrigerator. He eats and cannot STOP. She CRYS and berates herself for this incessant absorption, but CONTINUES TO EAT.

Drinking man pouring himself glass after glass and as a result drinking a bottle of vodka(or even two), also cannot stop. He drinks a couple of glasses and becomes tipsy. It would seem that this is what he wanted (state of intoxication), it’s time to stop. But he pours a few more glasses and becomes drunk. It seems that now the limit must come - stop eating the cactus, which is starting to prick the liver and brains more and more noticeably .

But in a bottle there is still liquid and he finishes the whole bottle, before our eyes, descending the steps of evolution and turning into either a beast or a vegetable. And at best, now he will lie there, mumble inarticulately and drool. And in the worst case, he will begin to destroy his own and other people’s lives.

The main CONTRADITION of modern man is that he CANNOT STOP and continues to do what every moment worsens his internal state and well-being.

Moreover, WITH YOUR MIND a person understands that IT’S TIME to stop. It's time to stop filling your stomach, it's already full and clearly communicates your condition with acute heartburn. IT'S TIME to stop DRINKING, since a state of complete drunken unconsciousness is probably not the goal that a person pursued when planning to relax in the company of friends and acquaintances.

Why do we behave so illogically? Why is it so difficult for us to stop?
Because our brain (and the brain of animals) functions according to the principle of dominance.
The concept of dominance was introduced by Russian physiologist Alexei Alekseevich Ukhtomsky in 1922.


At any given moment, the human (or animal) body receives many signals from the environment, and all these signals enter the brain. If the nervous system reacted to each signal separately, then the person would be torn apart from various conditioned and unconditioned reflexes.

However, the nervous system reacts according to the principle of “one for all and all for one.” Those. at any given moment in the brain only ONE focus of excitation(dominant) and all the energy of other foci and signals is transferred to this focus (while all other desires are inhibited).

Here, for example, is how this happens in living nature. If you give an electric shock to a frog's legs, it will immediately pull them back. However, this is only true as long as the frog does not have a stronger dominant in its brain. For example, in the spring the male frog has a very strong dominant “hug reflex”, which serves to hold the female with his front legs. If at this moment the male gets an electric shock on the paw, he will not withdraw the paw, but will only intensify his grasping movement of the forelimbs.

The dominant is characterized by the following SIGNS:
- high excitability;
- stability and inertia, i.e. the dominant “insists on her own”;
- the ability to summarize the excitement from again and again coming nerve impulses.

The principle of dominance explains a lot.
For example, it becomes clear that EATING IN FRONT OF TV is a direct path to OVEREATING, because the abundant emotional, auditory and visual signals coming from the TV are summed up and increase stimulation of the food center, dominant at the time of eating. And as a result, another extra piece of the pie is sent into an already FILLED stomach .

But the rule “WHEN I EAT, I AM DEAF AND Mute”, “WHEN I EAT, I DON’T LISTEN TO ANYONE” allows us to reduce the intensity of external signals, and therefore reduces the excitation of the food center, i.e. promotes weight loss.

However, during intense physical training, various external cues (for example, upbeat, active music) will promote more vigorous exercise, i.e. assist in executing the training plan.

The DOMINANT, as a stable center of excitation, subordinates the work of the entire organism - muscle tone, the level of hormones in the blood, and the condition of the blood vessels. DOMINANT always justifies itself and therefore it is impossible to CHANGE it or stop it with logical thinking.

If a person is absorbed in his dominant, then he looks at the world through its prism and sees its reflection everywhere. What to do if the dominant (for example, evening overeating) has already arisen and is interfering with life?

The dominant can DISAPPEAR in two cases: when she COMPLETELY SATISFIED(the person was thirsty, poured a glass of water, and drank) or when another, stronger dominant emerged, which drew all the energy onto itself (the man wanted to drink, but his boss invited him to his place, and the desire to drink disappeared).

In case we want prevent evening overeating, then you can act in any of these ways.

Method ONE: complete the dominant, i.e. have dinner. In order to have dinner without overeating, you need to immediately limit yourself to “YOUR” portion in advance.

Those. out of the entire mass of food, you need to single out only “YOUR” food, designating the rest in your head as "ALIENS". Then the dominant will apply only to the reception of a portion of “YOUR” food, and will end after it is eaten.
The biological need will be satisfied, and "ALIENE'S" food will no longer spread the arousal of the dominant.

In addition, in this case, it is important not to feed the dominant with EXTRAINED signals, i.e. do not watch TV, do not scold children at the table and do not discuss emotional topics.

The calmer the atmosphere at the table, the fewer people EAT.

Method TWO: excite another dominant. Moreover, the formation of a new dominant, which inhibits the old one, is most expediently carried out through a physiological mechanism, muscle actions.
For example, you can follow the advice of the famous Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlov, who recommended “driving passion into the muscles” to relieve strong arousal: splash in cold water, chop wood, go for a run.

Therefore, if shortly before dinner you take a contrast shower or do physical training or perform a set of stretching exercises, then the excessive “brutal appetite” will give way to normal appetite, and the evening will pass without overeating.

Finally, I want to note one more thing. The principle of dominance is a very optimistic principle. It turns out that the same signal entering the brain (for example, the type of food) can cause both violent action (non-stop eating of this food) and complete inhibition of action (increased indifference to food). All this depends only on the areas of excitation that currently exist in the nervous system (i.e., on the dominants).

1. I have a dominant to ………..
2. I used method one / two / to form a new dominant, inhibiting the old one, ……..
3. /NAME/ by controlling the dominants, I begin to manage both my weight and my life, ……..

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