Types of reading. Presentation "Benefits of reading books" The benefits of reading books are obvious

Review reading Purpose: to get the most general idea about the topic and range of issues discussed in the text. This is a fluent, selective reading, reading the text in blocks for a more detailed acquaintance with its "focusing" details and parts. It takes place during the initial acquaintance with the content of a new publication in order to determine, and on this basis, decide whether to read it or not. It can end with the presentation of the results of what has been read in the form of a message or abstracts. The completeness of understanding in such reading is determined by the ability to answer the question of whether this text is of interest to the reader, which parts of the text may be the most informative and should be the subject of processing and comprehension with the involvement of other types of reading.

Review reading Concise - to highlight the main thoughts. It consists in the perception of only the most significant semantic units of the text that make up the logical and factual chain. Abstract - to highlight the main ideas. At the same time, the reader is only interested in the most basic content of the material, all the details are omitted as unimportant for understanding the main thing. Overview - to determine the essence of what is being reported. Aimed at highlighting the main idea of ​​the text. Understanding the main idea, expressed implicitly, in this case is almost impossible. The interpretation of what is read is limited to making the most general assessment of what is being read and determining whether the text corresponds to the interests of the reader. Indicative - to establish the presence in the text of information that is of interest to the reader or related to a particular problem. The main task of the reader is to establish whether the given material relates to the topic of interest to him.

Approximate algorithm for teaching viewing reading Carefully read the title of the text, try to understand its meaning, determine the main idea of ​​the text. Read the first sentence of the text. Match its content with the title. Read the first paragraph. Compare its content with your idea of ​​the main idea of ​​the text. Review all other paragraphs, matching their content to the presentation of the main idea of ​​the text and paying special attention to the content of the first sentences of the paragraphs. Formulate an answer to the question: “What is the text about?”

Viewer FRIENDSHIP Its a very bad day for me. In the morning I quarrelled with my best friend. She refused to help when I needed her help. I am feeling very lonely at the moment. I think well never be friends. She has just called and asked me to forgive her, but I cant. There is a very good proverb: A friend in need is a friend indeed. This proverb expresses perfectly my idea of ​​friendship. I think that a real friend is someone who will never betray you. Sometimes we can argue. But a true friend will always be near you when you need him or her. Everyone dreams of having a true and faithful friend but not all of us are lucky enough to find one. I - Read the title and say what it is about. II - Look at the highlighted words in the text. Guess what is being said. Read the first paragraph and guess what it is about. - Look through the text and determine its nature (description, reasoning, narration). - Define the introductory part and the main part of the text. III - Put questions to the text.

Introductory reading Reading, in which the entire speech work (book, article, story) becomes the subject of the reader's attention without setting to receive certain information. This is reading “for oneself”, without prior special installation for the subsequent use or reproduction of the information received. Task: as a result of a quick reading of the entire text, extract the basic information contained in it, i.e. find out what issues and how are resolved in the text, what exactly it says on these issues, etc. Requires the ability to distinguish between primary and secondary information.

Teaching introductory reading It is advisable to build exercises for teaching this type of reading on text elements (paragraphs) and on entire texts. Learning algorithm: 1. Read the title of the text and try to determine its main topic. 2. Read paragraph by paragraph, noting in each sentence that carries the main information, and sentences that contain complementary, secondary information. 3. Determine the importance of paragraphs, mark paragraphs that contain more important information, and paragraphs that contain information of secondary importance. 4. Summarize the information expressed in paragraphs into a semantic (single) whole.

Introductory an argument A program for teenagers Newspapers Magazines For adults Its 11 p.m. and Im writing my diary. Ive just had an argument with my Mum and Dad. I was going to watch a really film, which they didnt find suitable for my age. My parents views were quite clear – a girl of my age should watch programs for teenagers, read teenagers newspapers and magazines and shouldnt watch serious films for adults after midnight. What Im going to do is to have a very serious Talk with them and ask my parents which teenagers programs and magazines they would recommend to me. I bet they wont name many. The reason is simple – in the majority of cases such programs are terribly boring. The programs are instrusive in the best case not to mention the worst. I - Familiarize yourself with new words and phrases. Without reading the text, say what it is about. - Underline in the text the words and phrases that can be identified as key. - name and write out from the text key words that can be used as a support when discussing the problem covered in the text. II - Read, say where the events take place. - Name the problems raised in the text. - Read the text and formulate the main question that is discussed in it.

Learning reading. The most complete and accurate understanding of all the information contained in the text and its critical reflection. Thoughtful and unhurried reading, which involves a purposeful analysis of the content of the text being read, based on the linguistic and logical connections of the text. Task: the formation of the student's ability to independently overcome difficulties in understanding a foreign text. The object of "study": the information contained in the text, but not the language material. Texts are selected that have cognitive value, informative significance and present the greatest difficulty for this stage of education, both in terms of content and language.

Teaching learning reading Tasks (groups corresponding to the nature of information processing (degree of completeness, accuracy, depth) Perception of language extraction of complete means and their accurate factual information, understanding in the text of the information contained in the text, comprehension of the extracted information

Studying September,5 September has come. It is still very warm. The trees are yellow and red, and soon well have a fortnight of Indian Summer. Thats a pleasant surprise for everybody, who cant get used to a quick change of the weather. I like early autumn because it reminds me of summer. But I dont like October and November. It is usually chilly and damp, it often rains or drizzles. It becomes cold. At that moment I am still thinking about my summer vacation This summer I traveled a lot and did all sorts of things. In June I went hiking. It was a real adventure. In July my parents and I went abroad. We visited Holland. We did some sightseeing and made a lot of friends. It was fantastic. I liked my summer vacations very much. I - Perform a partial translation of the highlighted sentences. - Read the text, find unfamiliar words, guess their meaning from the context. - Read the text and write out all the verbs with prepositions. II - Read the text, divide it into semantic parts, title each of them. - Read the text and highlight the main themes. - Read the text and list the issues covered in it. III - Express the main idea of ​​the text. - Retell the text.

Search engine I - Set whether there is a section that lists the main topics of the article. - Find the information you need in the text. II - Read the first sentence, identify the issues that will be considered in the text. - For which category of readers this text may be of interest and why. - Find a piece of text that is of interest to you. III - Read aloud from the text the facts that relate to the topic being studied. Doubts About Democracy Life has become better since the end of the cold war. Now a majority of people lives under democratic system – 54.8 percent of them, to be exact. So, the idea of ​​democracy is a global reality. But there is just one problem. The democracy we see around the world often has an ugly face. Suppose the election was free and fair. But it brought to power racists, fascists or separatists, who publicly oppose to peace and integration. It does happen: democratically elected leaders ignore constitutional limits on their power and the basic rights of the people. The Western democracy has always meant liberal democracy – not only free and fair elections but also the respect of the basic rights. Now we see the rise of illiberal democracy. People In the countries without a tradition of ethnic harmony often vote along racial, religious or ethnic lines.

Text tasks - Are built on the basis of actively learned vocabulary and grammatical structures that are not used in the text; - The answer to the preliminary question should reflect the main content of the relevant part of the text and should not be reduced to any one sentence from the text; - Taken together, the questions should represent an adapted interpretation of the text.

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Learning Reading Techniques

15-16 lessons. How to work after reading a book.

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Task - 1. Repetition. Learning reading techniques. After reading. Task - 2. Task - 3. Task - 4. Task - 5. Creative task. Homework.

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Exercise 1

Read the Uzbek fairy tale “Three vessels with water”. What will be the ending of this story?

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Uzbek fairy tale

Three vessels with water In ancient times, a greedy and stupid shah ruled in one country. He completely ruined his people, and his greed increased. “Why,” he decided, “old people live in my state. They can no longer work, but they ask for food.” And drove all the old people to the desert lands. But one kind man hid his father from the shah's servants. There was a big drought in that area. The crops dried up, the animals left, the birds flew away. And the shah ordered to announce to the people that whoever finds water, he will shower with gold. But only the old masters knew how to look for it, and there were no old people left in the state.

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A good man came to his hidden father. He said: "Go to the shah and say that you undertake to find water." And taught me how to find it. The good man asked the shah for the fastest horse, rode out into the field and headed towards where the bird flew. The bird sat on a stone, other birds landed there, and they began to hammer this stone with their beaks. A kind man came and said that a fast stream with cool water was running from the mountains, but he was running underground, and a large stone was blocking his way out. People opened the way to the water, and summoned a kind person to them. He offered him gold, but the good man refused the gold. The shah was surprised. For the first time he saw a man who did not want gold. "So what do you want?" shouted the Shah. How do you think the story ended?

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The end of the tale A good man told that he found water on the advice of his father, and ended his story with the words: “Allow, lord, the old people to live in our kingdom.” The shah agreed with him, and since then the old people live in this state in safety and honor.

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What is text? What are the three stages of working with a book? What types of information are found in a literary text? Do we always read the same way? Why? List the types of reading. What are the signs of introductory reading? What are the signs of learning reading? What techniques does the reader use before reading the book? What techniques are used in the course of reading the text?

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Model of the reader's work with the text

I Before reading Author. Name. Epigraph. Forecast. II In the course of reading Installation. Attention to the word. Problematic text situations and hidden questions. Dialogue with text. The main idea. Understanding. III After reading Reflection. Types of information in a literary text. Usage. Information processing. secondary texts.

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Learning reading techniques. Before reading.

Comprehend To what extent is the title familiar to the author? Before reading External data Anticipate book text content

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Learning reading techniques. While reading.

Reveal Search in the text for hidden answers to questions hidden in the text questions As you read Highlight, underline, write down the main, essential, incomprehensible, unknown

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Learning reading techniques. After reading.

Formulate Highlight the main main idea of ​​the information of the text After reading Highlight Select the material the main thoughts for completing each part of the text task (retelling, plan, oral answer)

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Task - 2

Read the story "Cowardly Bunny" and three proverbs. Highlight the main idea in the story. What proverb can be the title of the story?

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cowardly bunny

It was in distant India. There lived in the forest a little hare who was afraid of everything. One day he heard something very loud rumble. The hare was frightened, shouted: "The earth is falling through!" - and started to run away with all legs. And all the oncoming animals rushed to run and shout: "The earth is falling through!" They ran to the place where the wise old lion was lying under the tree. "Where did you get the idea that the earth is sinking?" - he asked. "Something really hit hard!" - answered the hare. Then the lion picked up a large coconut from the ground and dropped it on a stone. There was a strong rumbling sound.

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"Like this?" - asked the lion. "So!" - answered the hare. And it became clear to everyone that the alarm was in vain. Everyone ran about their business, and the hare shouted on the run: “The earth does not fall through!” Save the hare's legs. Fear has big eyes. The rooster said to the hen, and the hen told the whole street.

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Task - 3

Read the poem by D. Blynsky "The Sun". Determine the main idea of ​​the text.

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I heard: The hedgehog's hedgehog Called and called home, Whispered calmly and quietly: - My smooth, My soft ... Rocked the Beetle bug, Rocked Under the cherry tree in the shade And sang long and thin: - My little white boy, Sleep ...

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Task - 4

You are offered such a speech situation. Your preschool sister asks you to read her a book. You say: "Let's read Krylov's fables." The sister asks, “What is a fable?”

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"Fable" in the textbook

The textbook explains it this way. A fable is a short allegorical story of an instructive nature. The characters in the fable are often animals, objects in which human qualities are manifested. Most often, fables are written in verse, but there are also prose fables. What needs to be done to make it clear to a small child?

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What to do?

It is necessary to replace the words of the scientific style or incomprehensible words with common ones. An allegorical story is a story, most often from the life of animals, although people, their actions, their human qualities are meant. Instructive character - a fable always teaches something (do not be greedy, do not waste time). Human qualities appear - lions, birds, other animals in the fable live the way people actually live. Prose fables are fables that are not written in verse.

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A fable is a small instructive story that ridicules greed, stupidity, cruelty, cunning and other bad qualities of people. Although fables often talk about animals or objects. A fable is a poem that tells a story about the life of animals. Remember, we watched a cartoon about a Crow who was deceived by a Fox. The crow had cheese in its mouth, and the fox also wanted to taste it. To make the Crow open her mouth, the Fox began to say how beautiful the Crow was, asking her to sing something. The crow listened and listened, believed that she was a beauty and a master of singing, and croaked at the top of her crow's throat. The cheese fell out, the Fox picked it up and ran away. And the Crow was left with a nose, because she loved flattery. Here is a fable written for people like Crow, who are ready to believe any flattering words. Fables make fun of people's shortcomings. Which option is appropriate in which speech situation? Why?

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Task - 5

In almost all subjects, you are offered to read a paragraph of the textbook and prepare a report based on it. That is, choose the main information, determine the main idea of ​​each part, draw up a plan and retell. But not always you do it meaningfully. Here is an example of such a task.

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Do it!

Read an excerpt from D.S. Likhachev’s book “Native Land”. Determine its topic, main idea. Write down (possibly in abbreviated form) those parts (elements) that are necessary to prepare for a report on one of the topics: I. "Human speech and culture." II. "Language is your friend (enemy)." III. "Language is the greatest value of the people." Write down the main semantic milestones (semantic blocks) of the future message.

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D.S. Likhachev

Learn to speak and write. When reading a headline like this, most readers will think, “That’s what I did as a kid.” No, you need to learn to speak and write all the time. Language is the most expressive thing a man has, and if he stops paying attention to his language, and begins to think that he has already mastered it sufficiently, he will retreat (I). Your language - oral or written - must be monitored constantly. The greatest value of a people is its language, the language in which it writes, speaks, and thinks. Thinks! This must be understood thoroughly, in all the significance of this fact. After all, this means that the entire conscious life of a person passes through his native language. Emotions, sensations only color what we think about, or push the thought in some way, but our thoughts are all formulated in language (III). Much has been written about the Russian language as the language of the people. It is one of the most perfect languages ​​in the world, a language that has developed over more than a millennium, giving rise to the best literature and poetry in the world in the 19th century. Turgenev said about the Russian language: "... one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!" (III).

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This article of mine is not about the Russian language in general, but about how this language is used by this or that person. The surest way to know a person - his mental development, his moral character, his character - is to listen to how he speaks (II, I). So, there is the language of the people as an indicator of its culture and the language of an individual as an indicator of his personal qualities - the qualities of a person who uses the language of the people (I, III).

"Cool Books" - Do you know what happens when crows play rock and roll?! However, the aliens are not afraid of any difficulties... Adventures in the Neanderthal school are just beginning! What kind of alterations did the Baby Wolf not visit! Have you ever seen a cow on a sledge on a slalom course? Malmuzi L. Neanderthal boy at school and at home.

"Children's Magazines" - The abundance of photographs and drawings makes the magazine as a whole lively and easy to read. Magazines for preschoolers. Magazines for junior schoolchildren. Brief historical background. "SECRETS OF THE SEAS AND OCEANS". Permanent headings of the magazine "young naturalist". Dear friends! "Murzilka" is a popular children's literary and art magazine.

"Creating a book" - What is the name of the science of books? How did people transmit information in ancient times? Is it possible to call a textbook on chemistry, physics a book? What is a dust jacket? group of theorists. Consider: What is a book? On what did they write and with what? group of historians. What are book covers? What is the most important feature of a modern book?

"The structure of the book" - Annotation. Scientific - reference apparatus of the publication. Afterword. Preface. Auxiliary pointers. A cycle of lessons on the structure of the book. Papyrus scrolls. Consolidated alphabetical index to the collected works. Golodneva Svetdana Nikolaevna Russian printer. From papyrus to modern book. Grade 5 The structure of the book. Grade 3

"Series of books" - Series "Library of great writers". Books "Whisky", "Wine Buyer's Guide", "Wine. Series "Wines and drinks of the world". Series "Cooking". Cookbooks of the Eksmo publishing house provide this opportunity to everyone. The EKSMO publishing house has prepared books that can be a wonderful gift. Favorite holiday - New Year!

"Sample design" - Cheboksary "Chuvashia" "Suvar-Sport" 2003. © Ivanov V.A., 2003 © Rybakov V.I., illustrations, 2003. Sample design of information explaining the title: Subtitle data of the book edition contains information: Nikolai Ilbek Black bread Roman. PER. Klepinina Natural history Textbook for grade 3. The book can be useful to farmers, managers and specialists of farms.

In total there are 17 presentations in the topic

What is reading?

What is the benefit of reading?

What can be called useful reading?

Useful reading, first of all, is reading a “good book”: First, the book should be exciting and interesting, after reading the first pages there should not be a desire to put it on the shelf. We are talking about books that make us think, express emotions: love, resentment, laughter, and maybe fear. Secondly, the book must be written in a varied, rich language. Thirdly, it should carry a certain (deep) meaning, and not be superficial. Original and unusual ideas, creativity and a special style of presentation also make the book useful.

If you have not read books from the school curriculum or read them in an abbreviated form, you should start with them. Domestic and foreign classical literature is a mandatory base for every person. The next thing to pay attention to is historical literature. Conspiracies, intrigues, love stories, fateful decisions that have entered world history, biographies of great figures - all this is not only informative, but also quite exciting.

Reading the poetry of great authors is certainly rewarding reading. In great works written in verse, there is disappointment and joy, love and pain, tragedy and comedy. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, these works enrich our speech with beautiful speech turns. Willy-nilly, you pass through yourself the emotions and feelings invested in them by the author.

Do not forget about the existence of modern literature, which, unfortunately, is no longer as full of talents as before. But still, among our contemporaries there are good authors whose books will make you think.

Naturally, in order to develop professional knowledge and skills, read special literature. How much professional literature you need to read depends on the subject you are studying and on your desire for self-development.

  • When you read authors who write well, you get used to speaking well. © F. Voltaire
  • Culture is not the number of books read, but the number of understood. © Fazil Iskander
  • People who read books will always control those who watch TV. © F.Zhanlis
  • The more you read, the less you imitate. © Jules Renard
  • People are divided into two categories: those who read books and those who listen to those who read. © Werber Bernard
  • Just as rubles are made up of kopecks, so knowledge is made up of grains of what has been read. © V. Dahl
  • Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. © Joseph Addison
  • There is only one thing worse than not touching a book for the last 90 days; is not to touch reading the last 90 days and think that nothing happened. © Jim Rohn
  • There are worse crimes than burning books. For example - do not read them. © Ray Bradbury
  • To become smart, it is enough to read 10 books, but to find them, you need to read thousands.

10 most interesting sayings about the benefits of reading.

Benefits of reading aloud.

The benefits of reading books are obvious.

Useful reading (reading good books) broadens a person's horizons, enriches his inner world, makes him smarter and has a positive effect on memory.

It is also useful to read books because they have a significant impact on our moral guidelines and on our spiritual development. After reading this or that classical work, sometimes people begin to change for the better.

Used resources

  • wikipedia.
  • www.adme.ru
  • constructorus.ru
  • fit4brain.com
  • www.orator.ru
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