Analysis of the tectonic map of the world. Technique of tectonic analysis and interpretation of geophysical data

The crystalline basement and sedimentary cover of the Russian Plate differ sharply from each other in physical properties and conditions of bedding of rocks. This circumstance determines the differences in the methods of their study and the unequal degree of study.

Crystalline foundation. Magnetic (air and ground) studies carried out in a large volume within the Baltic Shield and the Russian Plate in combination with drilling data showed that the anomalous magnetic field is mainly due to the material composition of the Archean-Proterozoic basement rocks. At the same time, the possibility of occurrence of anomalies from magnetic rocks and relatively young magnetic intrusions in the sedimentary cover was taken into account. When interpreting gravity anomalies, it was taken into account that, in the general case, the anomalies are caused by deep changes in density in the subcrustal matter, changes in the density of rocks composing the structure of the basement (consolidated crust), and changes in the structure and thickness of the sedimentary cover.

The magnetic and gravitational fields of the East European Platform are mainly characterized by vast areas with a mosaic structure, separated, and partly belted by zones of linear anomalies. At the same time, based on a joint analysis of the physical fields and geological structure of the exposed regions of the Baltic Shield, it was established that the areas with the mosaic structure of the magnetic and gravitational fields correspond to the ancient massifs of earlier consolidation (pre-Karelian cores), and the systems of band anomalies bordering them - to the areas of adaptation of the younger Karelian folding ...

For the convenience of interpreting the magnetic field of the area under consideration, a map of basement magnetic rocks was used, compiled under the editorship of V.N. The different-aged structures of the basement of the eastern, bare part of the Baltic shield within the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic were taken as standards. For the analysis of the gravitational field, a summary map Ag was used. Analysis of the anomalies in shape, size, orientation, and length made it possible to regionalize the observed kg, field. and also to divide anomalies into two types: anomalies associated with geological structures, composition and density of rocks that make up the upper part of the basement, and anomalies of a deep nature.

Based on the materials of aeromagnetic and gravity surveys, it became possible to establish, with varying degrees of probability, tectonic disturbances. At the same time, faults accompanied by intrusion intrusion were most clearly distinguished - they were interpreted as zones of deep faults. All deep faults are usually confined to the contours of different age and tectonically different structures. Tectonic faults that are not accompanied by intrusions can be distinguished by a sharp change in strike and by a sharp horizontal gradient of the anomaly. ...

To establish the relative age of folding, the features of the internal structure of the basement are essential. Thus, the presence of anticlinal structures can serve as a basis for the assumption about the development of ancient formations, and the presence of synclinal structures - about the development of young formations.

The analysis of magnetic and gravity anomalies and the data on the physical properties of basement rocks within the exposed part of the Baltic Shield, systematized by N.B.Dortman (1964), made it possible to establish the geophysical characteristics of various structures, stratigraphic complexes and individual lithological differences in basement rocks.

1. Synclinoria in eugeosynclinal areas in the magnetic and gravitational fields are displayed with relatively increased values ​​of A G and A g, while anticlinoria are characterized by relatively low values ​​of A G and Ag. This regularity is most pronounced for the Lower Proterozoic systems and somewhat less definite for the zones of the Lower Proterozoic processing of more ancient folding.

2. Archean middle massifs are characterized by a pronounced mosaic structure of magnetic and gravitational fields. Magnetic bodies in the area of ​​development of rocks of the Archean age have an insignificant saturation, chaotic arrangement, small size, their magnetization ranges from 0 to 500 units *. Gravitational anomalies have both positive and negative values. In anticlines composed of Archean rocks, the proportion of reduced values ​​of both the total magnetic field vector (AG) and the gravity field Ag increases. In general, the Archean systems are composed of gneisses and are characterized by extensive development of migmatization and granitization processes.

3. Within the Baltic Shield and its slopes, the Lower Proterozoic fold systems are displayed in magnetic and gravitational fields as sustained along strike, elongated magnetic bodies of predominantly high magnetization - about 1500 units. High magnetization is due to the presence of magnetite and pyrrhotite-bearing shales and gneisses, intrusions of basic and ultrabasic rocks.

In the anticlinal structures of the Lower Proterozoic folding, the proportion of less intense anomalies increases, up to weakly or generally non-magnetic areas, to which relatively low values ​​of the gravity field are confined.

4. The Archean consolidation areas, reworked by the Lower Proterozoic fold movements, are characterized by both mosaic and linear magnetic and gravitational fields. On the map of magnetic rocks, along with bodies oriented in different directions

1 For the unit of magnetization, the value is taken: IX КГ 6 СГС.

bodies of sustained strike, elongated shape with relatively high magnetization appear on the boards and small sizes, with magnetization up to 500 units. In this case, strongly magnetic bodies, as a rule, are grouped along separate zones, along which, apparently, the processing took place most intensively.

5. Areas of development of the Middle Proterozoic complex of rocks do not have clearly expressed geophysical characteristics, but at the same time, in a magnetic field, they are characterized by slightly increased values ​​of DW. The magnetic bodies here are predominantly elongated, with magnetization up to 600 units. In the gravitational field, these areas are marked with relatively low values ​​\ g. Apparently, the Middle Proterozoic rocks in the overwhelming majority of cases are underlain by supercrystalline formations of the Lower Proterozoic, and therefore their geophysical characteristics are determined by the total effect of the Lower and Middle Proterozoic rocks. „

6. Zones of granite development or, in general, zones of increased granitization are distinguished by the minimum of gravity and the absence of magnetic anomalies.

7. Basic and ultrabasic rocks are displayed by sharp localized anomalies in both gravity and magnetic fields.

The boundaries of fold complexes of different ages can also be drawn along the regional zones of joints of linear anomalies with zones of the mosaic structure of the field. In the general case, the determination of the relative age of rocks can be carried out by the nature of the relationship between the anomalies. So, at the intersection of various anomalies, younger folding will be displayed by those of them that are traced in the intersection zone without interruption. When linear anomalies go around any area, these anomalies also reflect younger folding.

All different-aged, tectonically different structures identified by the above method were then compared with the available data to determine the absolute age of the rocks exposed within them. *

The relief of the modern surface of the Archean-Proterozoic basement (see Fig. 52) was built according to the data of deep drilling and interpretation of materials from aeromagnetic surveys, seismic and electrical prospecting, according to the marks of absolute height. In total, to construct this relief, the results of drilling 450 wells were taken into account, as well as the data of calculating the depths of the foundation from geophysical materials at 1000 points.

The distribution of wells and the geophysical knowledge of the area are extremely uneven, and therefore the reliability of the depicted relief in different areas is different.

All faults identified within the submerged slopes of the Baltic Shield are divided into two groups according to the degree of their validity: reliable and hypothetical. Faults established by drilling or traced according to data from several geophysical methods and accompanied by faults or flexures in the sedimentary cover are classified as reliable. The faults, established only from geophysical data, are attributed to the assumed ones.

Sedimentary cover. When analyzing the tectonics of the sedimentary cover, sections of more than one thousand one hundred boreholes were used, of which about 450 reached the crystalline basement, materials from the study of several hundred natural outcrops and dozens of quarries and mines, the results of morphometric constructions and other materials.

In the section of the sedimentary cover, several strata are clearly distinguished, each of which was formed under a peculiar tectonic regime and therefore differs from other strata in its inherent structural features. Each stage of tectonic development invariably ended with a regional uplift of the earth's crust and denudation, as a result of which these strata are delimited by structural-denudation surfaces.

The strata located between two structural-denudation surfaces and including the formations of several groups or systems are distinguished into structural tiers. Structural substages include strata, also bounded by structural denudation surfaces, but uniting formations of only one system.

A.P. Salomon and G.I. Egorov (1967) identified five structural stages in the sedimentary cover of the northwestern margin of the Russian plate, of which four are widespread in the area under consideration. One of them, the Vologda one, is divided into three substages.

For all structural stages and substages in the historical sequence, the following were established: the tectonic regime of their formation, paleostructural features, and those changes that occurred under the impact of subsequent tectonic processes on the already formed structural complexes. In each structural stage or sub-stage, a reference marking surface was chosen, usually the base of the stratigraphic horizon located closest to the base of the structural stage or sub-stage: the Kotlinsky horizon of the Vendian complex, the Baltic Series of the Lower Cambrian, Volkhovian Ordovician, Stary Oskol horizons of the middle and Devonian layers of the Upper Snetogorsk , Oka Carboniferous superhorizon. Paleotectonic reconstructions were carried out with respect to these surfaces. The absolute position of the indicated surfaces and the base of age tectonic subdivisions characterizes the modern structure of the section.

Isopach maps of structural layers and substages make it possible to judge about paleostructural rearrangements, about areas of predominant subsidence or uplift of the territory at different time intervals. Comparison of isopach maps with hypsometric maps makes it possible to trace the history of the structural development of individual parts of the section and the region as a whole.

Analysis of the distribution of the thickness of structural units and the hypsometric position of the marking surfaces made it possible to find quite numerous linearly oriented zones of vertical disturbances in the sedimentary cover, confirmed by elements of the hydrographic network, intense fracturing of rocks, as well as sections and contours of the geological map.

The study of natural and artificial outcrops made it possible to identify a number of plicative and disjunctive manifestations of tectonics and to study the fracturing of rocks, which is an extremely sensitive indicator of the disturbance of the monoclinal bedding of layers.

Structural and geomorphological constructions made it possible to establish a connection between the geological structure and the modern relief; analysis of the straightened elements of the hydraulic network made it possible to identify the zones of the latest vertical disturbances. "

The main reason that determines the conditions of formation and the main changes in the structure of the sedimentary cover is the movement of the crystalline basement. The concept of relative displacements of the foundation was obtained by reconstructing its surface for

the beginning of the Kotlin and Baltic times, the Ordovician period, the Middle Devonian and Upper Devonian eras.

The consistent change in the shape of the basement surface makes it possible to judge the direction and nature of movements in certain "intervals of geological time."

Structural-denudation surfaces that arose at the final moments of tectonic restructuring clearly reflect the direction of movements during which the geological section was formed in the previous time. The distribution of overlying sediments shown on the same map explains the tectonic regime that determined the course of the new transgression. The relief of the structural-denudation surfaces was built similarly to the relief of the crystalline basement, but each time reconstructions were made relative to the base of the nearest marker horizon in the overlying sediments. In this way, the pre-Middle Cambrian, pre-Devonian and pre-Visean structural-denudation surfaces were constructed.

Analysis of the data obtained showed that, apparently, only the main forms of ancient structural-denudation surfaces are directly caused by the largest paleostructures. However, the lack of factual material makes it difficult to unambiguously resolve this issue, especially since the modern surface is characterized by a quite definite connection between the relatively small relief forms and the geological structure.

The tectonic map (see Fig. 53) gives a general idea of ​​the tectonics of the sedimentary cover. It shows the areas of the outcropping of structural stages and substages on the pre-Quaternary surface, and for one (Arkhangelsk) stage, in addition, its distribution at a depth. Isohypses show the structure of the sedimentary cover along the base of the stages and substages.

The map also shows zones of vertical disturbances and their accompanying local structures, areas of complicated rock fracturing and morphologically identified zones of newest vertical disturbances. At any point on the map, one can determine the total thickness of the sedimentary cover and the depth of the individual structural parts of the section, as well as establish the belonging of this area to one or another structural form, and see its location relative to faults.

Comparison of tectonic maps of the crystalline basement and sedimentary cover (see Fig. 51 and 53), relief maps of the crystalline basement (see Fig. 52), geological and paleostructural sections (see Fig. 54) allows us to compare the tectonic elements of the pre-platform development period with the structure sedimentary cover and see the reflection of the latest tectonic movements, i.e., trace the connection between the tectonics of the past, the modern structure of the territory and the latest movements of the earth's crust.

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

Educational institution

"Gomel State University

named after Francysk Skaryna "

Faculty of Geology and Geography

Department of Geology and Mineral Exploration


(explanatory note)


student of group 1 - RV-31 _______________

Senior Lecturer _______________

Gomel 2010


The purpose of this laboratory work is to consolidate knowledge on the course "Geotectonics", as well as learn how to independently perform tectonic analysis of the geological map. Tectonic analysis consists mainly in drawing up a tectonic diagram and writing an explanatory note to it, highlighting the main tectonic structures, their morphology and geological history of development.

To write the explanatory note, the following initial materials were given: geological map No. 2 with symbols, a stratigraphic column and a geological section, as well as a workshop on geotectonics "Tectonic analysis of geological maps".

The objectives of this work are: determination of the main structural elements of the earth's crust, determination of structural levels, classification of folded and ruptured faults.


This area belongs to the ancient platform (craton). This is indicated by the thickness of the main stratigraphic units in the sedimentary cover tens of meters; absence of disjunctive disturbances and magmatic formations; horizontal and sub-horizontal bedding of strata composing the sedimentary cover. The study area has a two-tiered structure: a crystalline basement (Mesozoic and Cenozoic age) and a sedimentary cover overlying it.


The study area is an area, the formation of which took place in different epochs of tectogenesis: Hercynian, Cimmerian and Alpine.

The cover complex of the study area is represented by the sediments of the Cenozoic eratema, represented by the Neogene system, the Mesozoic erathem, which is composed of rocks of the Jurassic and Cretaceous systems, as well as the Paleozoic erathem, the rocks of which are composed of Devonian deposits. Within the study area, three structural levels are distinguished: lower, middle and upper.

Lower structural floor

This structural floor is characterized by horizontal bedding. This structural floor is located in the central part of the study area. The formation of this floor took place in the Caledonian era of tectogenesis. Sedimentation took place in coastal-marine conditions, accompanied by either regression or transgression of the sea. The rate of accumulation of precipitation is low.

Middle structural floor

This structural floor extends from east to southwest. It belongs to the Mesozoic Eratem, which belongs to the Hercynian era of tectogenesis. Sedimentation took place under sea conditions. The rate of sediment accumulation is low.

Upper structural floor

The upper structural floor is located in the southeast of the study area. This floor belongs to the Cenozoic eratem, which belongs to the Alpine era of tectogenesis. Sedimentation took place in coastal marine conditions. The rate of accumulation of precipitation is low.


In the study area, rocks of the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic erathems are distinguished, represented by deposits of the Devonian, Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Neogene systems. The development of the earth's crust here took place during the plate stage, on the basis of which the following formations can be distinguished: marine terrigenous transgressive, carbonate and marine terrigenous regressive formations.

Marine terrigenous regressive and transgressive formations.

Their characteristic feature is a regressive and transgressive sequence, that is, upsection, relatively deep-water deposits (marls, clays) are replaced by shallow-water (sands, pebbles) and, conversely, shallow-water deposits are replaced by deep-water ones. All these sequences have been observed throughout the geological history of the study area. The thickness of the formations is the first tens of meters.

Carbonate formation

The deposits of this formation are stratigraphically confined to the deposits of the Frasnian and Famennian stages of the Devonian system. These deposits are represented by limestones and marls alternating rhythmically with sandstones, siltstones and mudstones. The capacity is the first tens of meters. A characteristic feature of this formation is that the section is dominated or completely composed of carbonate rocks (limestones). Sediments are confined to the plate stage of the development of the earth's crust, which were formed and accumulated in shelf conditions.


Small plicative and disjunctive structures are not observed in this area. The layers are horizontal. There is only the top of the Zakonsky horizon, in which the stratoisohypses of the top grow from north to south.


The study area is an area whose formation took place in different epochs of tectogenesis.

The geological structure of the study area includes rocks of the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic systems.

The rocks of the Paleozoic eratema are represented by deposits of the Devonian system. The Devonian were transformed in the Hercynian era of tectogenesis.

Rocks of the Devonian system are located in the central and north-west of the region in the form of small outcrops of rocks. In the Devonian, the Hercynian epoch of tectogenesis took place, but this did not seem to be reflected in this territory, at this time there was a normal accumulation of sediments without collapses and uplifts. Devonian rocks accumulated in the sea. During this period, tectonic movements are expressed in the form of slow ups and downs of the area, leading to transgression and regression of the sea.

Jurassic deposits are located in the northwestern part of the study area. The transformation of the Jurassic deposits took place during the Cimmerian tectogenesis. There is a stratigraphic unconformity with the Lower Cretaceous rocks. There is also a hiatus in sedimentation in the Lower and Middle Jurassic, which indicates a retreat, i.e. regression of the sea, and then a sharp decline in the Upper Jurassic.

The Cretaceous system is represented by two sections, upper and lower. The deposits of this system are located in the northwest of the study area. Changes in Cretaceous sediments occurred during the Cimmerian and Alpine tectogenesis epochs. At this time, a stable, slow uplift of the territory continues, i.e. retreat of the sea.

The Neogene system is represented by the Pliocene. Changes in these rocks took place during the Alpine era of tectogenesis. In the Lower Neogene (Miocene), a gradual regression of the sea is observed, which indicates an uplift of the territory, which led to a cessation of sedimentation, which is evidenced by the absence of deposits of this period. In the Pliocene, a gradual transgression of the sea takes place, which indicates a slow subsidence.


As a result of the work done, an explanatory note of the geological map No. 2 was drawn up, a tectonic diagram of the area was drawn up.

In the process of work, knowledge of geotectonics, historical geology, lithology was used. The descriptions are made in accordance with the methodological requirements.



Department of Geography

Practical work No. 1


ZONE (100 ° -130 ° E)

I've done the work:

Student of FKG KiG II-1b

A.A. Pashkin


Associate Professor of the Department of Geography, Ph.D.

Kolesnikov Sergey Fedorovich

Moscow 2014

Lithosphere and relief of the Earth

Physical map

Geological map: Scale 1: 80,000,000

The structure of the earth's crust: Scale 1: 80,000,000

Climate map:

The area under consideration in this laboratory work is a site of the Earth limited by longitudes of 100 ° -130 ° E. There is a section of the territory of Eurasia on it, which includes: Eastern Siberia, the Gobi Desert, the Eastern part of Tibet, the Indochina Peninsula, the Indonesian archipelago and Western Australia.

Physical map research:

This section of the terrain is entirely located in the Eastern Hemisphere between 100 ° -130 ° E. In the northern part: part of the continent of Eurasia, in the southern Indian Ocean and Western Australia.


It is very diverse, since there are quite mountainous areas here: the Central Siberian Plateau, part of Tibet and a fairly flat area in Western Australia.

Geological structure:

It is represented by almost all rocks (mainly sedimentary)

In Eurasia, these are most often rocks of the Archean and Proterozoic groups of the Paleozoic, Jurassic, Triassic, Cretaceous systems of the Mesozoic group. Quaternary (in the south of Eurasia).

Australia: Quaternary, Paleogene, Neogene, Cretaceous, Permian system.

The structure of the earth's crust:

In this area in the north is the border of the Eurasian and North American lithospheric plates. To the south, in two directions, there is the border of the Eurasian plate with the Philippine plate. In the south is the boundary between the Indo-Australian and Antarctic plates.

In the north, we observe the divergence of lithospheric plates. Then, to the south, there is a collision of plates. And then the divergence of lithospheric plates: Indo-Australian and Antarctic.

Indo-Australian plate. Almost all of Australia is a platform, most of which is plain. Tectonic activity is very slow, crystalline shields are formed. Mineral resources are confined to them.

Climate: all climatic zones and climatic zones are represented here: from the arctic to the equatorial zone. The continentality of the climate increases with distance from the sea.

Eurasia is rich in water resources, in the north and in mountainous areas, the food is mainly snow and glacier. In the west of Australia, on the contrary, there is a lack of water resources and a desert territory.

The distribution of natural zones is mostly latitudinal and includes all natural zones from arctic deserts to equatorial forests. There is an area of ​​high-altitude zonation (mainly in Tibet).







Bibliographic list


The purpose of the course work is to learn how to independently analyze the geological map, which is the basis for prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits. Ability to observe geological objects and geological processes.

The assignment for the term paper was issued on September 6, 2007, the term for the term paper was December 1, 2007.

Course work is carried out on the northern part of the educational geological map No. 13, 1971 edition. The scale of the map is 1: 200000, solid contours are drawn every 80 meters. The area under study is 643.8 km2. The author of the map is A.A. Mossakovsky, the editors of the map are M.M. Moskvin and Yu.A. Zaitsev.

In the course of the course work, a number of materials developed and released at USTU were used.

The main tasks of analyzing a geological map are as follows:

· determination of the age of igneous formations;

· determination of the forms of occurrence of all rocks;

· identification and characterization of all fold and discontinuous faults with their detailed description;

· identification of unconformity surfaces in the stratigraphic section and analysis of their significance in the geological history of the region;

· identification of characteristic rock formations and analysis of their relationship with the tectonic structure and geological history of the territory;

· deciphering the history of the geological development of the area based on the analysis of the geological map, sections and stratigraphic column, as well as the types and ages of rock dislocations and types and forms of occurrence of igneous rocks;

· allocation of sites promising for various minerals, including oil and gas.

Course work was done by a second-year student of the GIS-06 group A.A. Belykh.


geological map stratigraphic section

On the territory of this region, two types of relief are distinguished: mountainous relief (western part) and flat (eastern part). The maximum absolute elevation is 885 m, located in the south-west of the studied map. The minimum absolute elevation is 580 m, located in the northeast. The relative elevation is 305 m. The relief is dissected by a river network represented by the Abakan river basin, the Kiya river and its tributaries Chernavka and Syutik.

The hydro-network of the territory is represented by the basin of the large Abakan River, which occupies the southern, central part of the map. The Abakan River takes its source from Lake Shira. It flows from south to north with a length of about 6 km within a leaf and a width of about 400 m, and then turns to the southwest with a length of 5.5 km and a width of 400 m to 1 km. The Kiya River has two right tributaries: Chernavka and Syutik. Both tributaries flow to the west. The length of the Chernavka River within the map is 20 km and flows into Lake Shira, located in the southwest in the leftmost corner of the map under study. The length of the Syutik tributary is 6 km. In the east of the study area, there are two more tributaries of the Abakan River, the Mozhorka, and an unnamed tributary that flows almost throughout the entire eastern part of the territory. The Kiya River and its tributaries are calm, as evidenced by the small slope of the channel.

On the territory almost in the central part there are two lakes - Lake Linevo and Lake Ingol, the distance between which is 5 km. The area of ​​Lake Linevo is about 1 km2, and Lake Ingol is 240m2. Near Lake Shira (to the west) there is Lake Ashpyl at a distance of 5 km, the area of ​​which is about 480 m2.

There are two settlements in the region. The settlement of Gorby is located in the eastern part, on the left bank of the Majorka River (a tributary of the Abakan). Shirypovo is located 11.5 km north of the settlement of Gorby. Gorby and Shirypovo are interconnected by a network of highways.

There are no railroad tracks. In the west there is a state farm called Krutoyarskiy.


The rocks of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic erathems take part in the geological structure of the map's territory. Paleozoic formations are monoclinal, almost parallel. The total thickness of the section under study is 12400 m.

Paleozoic Eratema - PZ

Paleozoic sediments are not distributed throughout the map and are exposed in the western part of the leaf. The Paleozoic Erathem is represented by the Devonian and Carboniferous rock system.

Devonian System - D

The Devonian system is established in the studied area in the volume of the lower, middle and upper sections. The thickness of the Devonian deposits is 8170 m.

Byskarskaya series - D1-2bsk

The rocks of the Byskar Group are exposed on the map in the northwestern and southwestern parts of the leaf. Unconformably overlain by rocks of the Toltakovskaya Formation (angular unconformity). The series is composed: in the upper part - andesitic porphyrites, volcanic breccias and tuffs of the same composition, subordinate horizons, composed of basaltic porphyrites; in the middle part - characteristic members of red-brown tuffaceous sandstones; in the lower part - quartz porphyries, albitophyres, orthophyres, ignimbrites, and felsic tuffs. The thickness is 3800 m.

Toltakovskaya Formation - D2tl

Rocks of the Toltakovskaya Formation are exposed on the map in the central and southern western half of the sheet. The rocks are creased. The rocks of the Toltakovskaya Formation are consistently overlapped by the rocks of the Saragash Formation and unconformably overlap the rocks of the Byskar Group. The Toltakovskaya Formation is composed of red and purple cross-bedded sandstones, siltstones, and conglomerates. The thickness is 200-400 m.

Saragash Formation - D2sp

The rocks of the Saragash Formation are exposed on the map in the southwestern, central, and northwestern parts of the western half of the leaf. Accordingly, they are overlapped by the rocks of the Beyskaya Formation and are consistently overlapped on the rocks of the Toltakovskaya Formation. The Saragash Formation is composed of yellowish-gray, "millstone" sandstones, siltstones, marls and limestones. The thickness is 150-420 m.

Beyskaya suite - D2bs

Rocks of the Beyskaya Formation on the map are exposed in the southwestern, central, and northwestern parts of the western half of the leaf. Accordingly, they are overlain by the rocks of the Frasnian stage of the Oydanovskaya suite and are consistently overlapped on the rocks of the Saragash suite. The Beisk Formation is composed of limestones with interlayers of gray sandstones, siltstones, mudstones, and marls. The thickness of the line is 130-400 m.

Upper section - D3

The upper section of the Devonian system is fully distinguished and represented by the Frasnian and Famennian stages.

Oidanovskaya suite - D3od

Rocks of the Oydanovskaya Formation are exposed on the map in the southwestern, central, and northwestern parts of the western half of the leaf. Accordingly, they are overlapped by rocks of the Kokhai Formation and are consistently overlapped on the rocks of the Beysky Formation. The Oidanovskaya Formation is composed of red and purple cross-bedded sandstones and siltstones, less often argelites. The thickness is 150-750 m.

Kokhai Formation - D3kh

Rocks of the Kokhai Formation in the map are exposed mainly in the central part of the western half of the leaf. Accordingly, they are overlapped by rocks of the Famennian stage of the Tuba Formation and are consistently overlapped on the rocks of the Oydanovsky Formation. The Kokhai Formation is composed of red and green mudstones and siltstones with thin layers of gray limestones and sandstones. The thickness is 100-600 m.

Tubinskaya suite - D3tb

The rocks of the Tuba Formation on the map are exposed in the central part of the leaf. Accordingly, they are overlain by rocks of the Bystryanskaya suite of the lower section of the Carboniferous system of the Tournaisian stage and are consistently overlaid on the rocks of the Kokhai suite. The Turbinskaya Formation is composed of red sandstones, siltstones and mudstones with interlayers of limestone gravelstones and conglomerates. The thickness is 250-800 m.

Coal system

The Carboniferous system is identified in the volume of the lower section. The thickness of the deposits is 1930 m.

Lower section - C1

In the lower section of the Carboniferous system, it is fully distinguished and represented by the Tournaisian, Visean and Namurian stages.

Bystryanskaya suite - С1bs

The rocks of the Bystryanskaya Formation in the map are exposed in the southern, central, and northern parts of the western half of the leaf. Accordingly, they are overlapped by rocks of the Altai Formation and are consistently overlapped on the rocks of the Turbinsky Formation. The Bystryanskaya Formation is composed of yellowish-brown tuffaceous sandstones, tuffites of sandstones and limestones. The thickness is 150-400 m.

Altai Formation - C1al

The rocks of the Altai Formation on the map are exposed in the southern part of the western half of the leaf. Accordingly, they overlap with rocks of the Nadaltaiskaya suite and conformably overlap the rocks of the Bystryanskaya suite. The Altai Formation is composed of purple and yellow tuffites, tuff sandstones, sandstones, and limestones. The thickness is 180 m.

Nadaltai Formation - С1nal

The rocks of the Nadaltaiskaya Formation are exposed on the map in the southern part of the western half of the leaf. Accordingly, they are overlain by rocks of the Samokhvalskaya suite and conformably lie on the rocks of the Altai suite. The Nadaltaiskaya Formation is composed of gray tuffaceous sandstones, tuffites, and limestones. The capacity is 160m.

Samokhvalskaya suite - C1sm

The rocks of the Samokhvalskaya Formation are exposed on the map in the southern part of the western half of the leaf. Unconformably overlain by the rocks of the lower coal-bearing suite of the Jurassic system of the lower section and conformably overlap the rocks of the Nadaltaiskaya suite. The Samokhvalskaya Formation is composed of green tuffaceous sandstones and tuffites with subordinate interlayers of gravelites and limestones. The thickness is 390 m.

Mesozoic Erathem - MZ

Mesozoic sediments are not distributed throughout the map and are exposed in the eastern part of the leaf. The Mesozoic Erathem is represented by the Jurassic and Cretaceous rock systems.

Jurassic System - I

The Jurassic system is fully distinguished in the lower, middle and upper sections. The thickness of the deposits is 1700 m.

Lower section - I1

Represented by the lower coal-bearing suite.

Lower coal-bearing suite - I1

Medium coalless suite - I2

The rocks of the middle coalless suite on the territory of the map are exposed in the eastern part of the map with a strike from northeast to southwest. Unconformably overlain by rocks of the Upper coal-bearing suite and unconformably overlain by rocks of the middle coal-free suite. The middle coalless formation is composed of gray clayey sands, loose sandstones and siltstones. The thickness is 500 m.

Upper coal-bearing suite - I3

Rocks of the upper coal-bearing suite on the territory of the map are exposed in the eastern part of the map with a strike from northeast to southwest. Accordingly, they are overlain by rocks of the Altash Formation of the lower Cretaceous system of the Valanginian Stage and unconformably overlain on the rocks of the Middle Coalless Formation. The upper coal-bearing suite is composed of gray clay sands and sandstones with interlayers of siltstones and clays, in the lower part - interlayers and lenses of brown coal. Power is 500m

Cretaceous system - K

The Cretaceous system is not fully identified in the lower section. The thickness of the lower section in the Valanginian and Hauterivian stages is 600 m.

Altash Formation - K1al

The rocks of the Altash Formation in the map are exposed in the central southeastern part of the map. Accordingly, they are overlain by the rocks of the Shestakovskaya suite and are consistently overlapped on the rocks of the upper coal-bearing suite. The Altash Formation is composed of red clays, gray siltstones, marls with sand interlayers. The thickness is 400 m.

Shestakovskaya Formation - K1sch

The rocks of the Shestakovskaya Formation are exposed on the map's territory in the eastern part of the map. According to it, they occur on the rocks of the Altash Formation. The Shestakovskaya Formation is composed of gray sands with lenses of calcareous sandstones. The thickness is 200 m.

Quaternary system - Q

Quaternary deposits QIV are represented by modern deposits. Alluvial sands and pebbles.

Quaternary deposits QIII2 are represented by Upper Quaternary deposits. Alluvial deposits of the second above-floodplain terrace: sands, pebbles.


In tectonic terms, the studied area is located on the territory of a folded region.

Based on the results of analyzes of the geological map, stratigraphic column, geological section, two structural levels can be distinguished: 1) D1-2bsk - C1sm; 2) I2 - K1sch.

The first structural floor can be divided into two structural tiers. In the composition of the second floor, one structural tier can be distinguished with slight disagreements.

Ground floor.

Lower structural tier.

The lower structural stage is composed mainly of volcanic rocks: volcanic breccias, tuffs and other rocks of volcanic activity. From this we can conclude that during this period there was the maximum explosive stage of volcanic activity.

The rocks of this layer are exposed to the day surface in the northwestern, central, southwestern, and southeastern parts of the leaf. Highlighted in the Byskar series. The rocks of the lower tier are crumpled into sweetness.

The first fold is located in the southwest. The apparent width of the fold is about 1 km, and the length is 7 km. Stretching from west to east. The fold is anticlinal and linear in relation to the axes. The core includes rocks of the Byskar series. On the wings of the breed of the Middle and Late Devonian system. The fold is asymmetrical, because the angles of incidence are different on the wings.

The second fold is located in the central part of the sheet in the west. The rocks of the Byskar series are also folded. The fold is approximately 1 km wide and 3 km long. The type of fold is anticlinal, with respect to the ratio of the axes - brachymorphic. The wings include rocks of the Middle and Late Devonian system. The fold is asymmetrical, since the angles of incidence on the wings are different.

The third fold is located in the northwestern part of the list in the west. The core of the fold contains rocks of the Byskar Group. The apparent width of the fold is about 7 km, and the length is 13 km. The fold is anticlinal and linear in relation to the axes. On the wings are rocks of the Middle and Late Devonian system. The fold is asymmetrical.

Upper structural tier.

The upper structural layer is composed of terrigenous-carbonate sediments. The stage was formed in continental conditions. The stage is represented in the volume of the Toltakovskaya, Saragashskaya, Beiskaya, Oydanovskaya, Kokhai, Tuba, Bystryanskaya, Altai, Nadaltaiskaya and Samokhvalskaya formations.

The sediments that make up this suite are mostly exposed throughout the western part. Volcanic activity in the Carboniferous period is observed here, which is represented by tuffaceous sandstones. The rocks of this layer are crumpled into folds.

The fourth fold is located in the central western part of the sheet. The fold is anticlinal. The core contains rocks of the Toltakovskaya Formation, according to the ratio of the axes - brachymorphic. The fold is asymmetric and broken by a rupture with a drop. The fold wings are represented by rocks of the Middle Devonian system.

The fifth fold is located in the north central part of the sheet. The fold is anticlinal, brachymorphic in relation to the axes. The core contains rocks of the Toltakovskaya suite. On the wings are rocks of the Middle and Late Devonian system. The fold is asymmetrical. Fold length - 1 km, width - 1 km.

Second floor.

The structural stage is predominantly composed of terrigenous sediments. There are two small hiatuses in sedimentation at this level in the eastern part. The deposits that make up this floor are distributed in the eastern part of the sheet. The rocks of this floor do not form folded structures.


It is possible to restore the geological development of this territory from the early Devonian.

Throughout the Byskar period, the territory was the coastal part of the sea basin. The accumulation of sediments took place until the end of the Byskar time, and the accumulation of sediments of the volcanic type took place. Volcanic activity is observed here. At the end of the Byskar time, this territory was uplifted to a zone where sedimentation did not occur. Further, the territory experienced negative vibrations of the earth's crust.

In Toltakov's time, the territory was a sea basin. At this time, terrigenous sediments accumulated.

In the Saragash time of the Middle Devonian, the territory was a shallow sea basin, where terrigenous sediments with marine fauna accumulated.

In the Beysky time of the Middle Devonian, the territory also represented a shallow sea basin, where terrigenous-carbonate sediments accumulated with the remains of marine fauna. Further, there is a slight submersion of the bottom of the sea basin.

In the Oydanian time, the territory was a shallow sea basin, where terrigenous sediments were heated.

In the Kokhai time of the Late Devonian, the territory was a sea basin. Terrigenous-carbonate sediments with an abundance of marine fauna accumulated here.

In the late Devonian Tuba, the territory was a sea basin. Sediments of terrigenous-carbonate composition with marine fauna accumulated here.

In the Bystryan period of the Early Carboniferous, the territory was a medium-deep sea basin. Here, sediments accumulated with interlayers of sandstones and limestones with marine fauna.

In the Altai time of the Early Carboniferous, the territory was a sea basin. Volcanic, terrigenous-carbonic sedimentation took place here. Volcanic activation is observed here, as evidenced by the accumulation of volcanic sediments.

In the Nadaltaic time, the territory began to represent the coastal part of the sea basin with small areas of land. Volcanic-carbonate sediments accumulated here.

In the Samokhval time, a small transgression of the sea took place. The territory became a shallow sea basin. Volcanic sediments with interlayers of gravel and limestone with marine fauna accumulated here. Then there is a regression, a big hiatus in sedimentation. Tectonic stability is observed, a continental regime was established, which existed until the early Jurassic.

In the Early Jurassic time, the territory was a low land, where terrigenous sediments with interlayers of brown coal accumulated. After the Early Jurassic time, a slight hiatus in sedimentation is observed in the eastern part.

In the Middle Jurassic time, the territory was also a low dry land. Terrigenous sediments accumulated here. Further, in the eastern part, there is a break in sedimentation and the territory was a high land.

In the late Jurassic time, the territory was a low dry land. Terrigenous sediments with brown coal interlayers accumulated here.

In the Altash period of the Early Cretaceous, the territory represented the coastal part of the sea basin. Terrigenous-carbonate sediments with sand interlayers accumulated here.

In the Shestakovskoe time of the Early Cretaceous, the territory became a shallow sea basin (lagoon). It accumulated mainly sands with lenses of calcareous sandstones.


As a result of the course work: we have learned

  1. determine the age sequence of sedimentary, metamorphic, rocks and establish the forms of their occurrence;

identify types of unconformity surfaces, analyze their significance for the geological history of a given territory;

  1. highlight the most characteristic rock formations and analyze their relationship with tectonic, structural and geological history;
  2. based on the analysis of the tectonic structure, be able to establish the main structural elements of the region and give its tectonic zoning;
  3. describe the tectonic structure and outline the main stages of its formation;
  4. analyze the geological history of the area and draw basic conclusions about the patterns and relationships of the most important geological events, using the knowledge gained from courses in historical and structural geology.

As a result of the course work, an analysis of the educational geological map No. 13 was carried out and the following conclusions were made:

On the territory of this region, two types of relief are distinguished: mountainous relief (western part) and flat (eastern part). The relief is dissected by a river network represented by the Abakan river basin, the Kiya river and its tributaries Chernavka and Syutik.

As a result, it was found that rocks of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eratem take part in the geological structure of the studied area. The Paleozoic is represented by the Devonian, Carboniferous and Jurassic systems. The Mesozoic is represented by the Cretaceous system.

In tectonic terms, the studied area is located at a late geosynclinal stage of development. Based on the results of analyzes of the geological map, stratigraphic column, geological section, two structural levels can be distinguished: 1) D1-2bsk - C1sm; 2) I2 - K1sch.

The rocks of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic erathems take part in the geological structure of the map's territory. Paleozoic formations are monoclinal, almost parallel. The total thickness of the section under study is 12400 m.


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R. Yubelt, P. Schreiter. Keys to rocks; ed. Peace M: -1977

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