Atrophic gastritis diet food treatment. Atrophic gastritis and recommended dietary nutrition

Atrophic gastritis is considered unfavorable among other gastritis, because it is he who most often becomes the precursor of oncological tumors of the stomach.

What happens in the stomach

When the activity of the parietal (parietal) cells of the mucosa of the organ is disrupted, the production of hydrochloric acid is disrupted. The main cells responsible for the production of pepsinogen also suffer. Over time, damaged parietal and chief cells are replaced by mucocytes or epithelial cells that are unable to produce the necessary hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen, and digestion functions are impaired. To correct the condition, doctors prescribe therapeutic enzyme preparations that help to establish the digestive process.

Important! With atrophic gastritis, along with adherence to the principles of diet and proper nutrition, prescribed medications should be taken regularly.

General principles of nutrition for atrophy

With an exacerbation of atrophic gastritis, as with an exacerbation of any other forms of the disease, a 1 A diet according to Pevzner is indicated (the modern designation is the PP table). Since the diet is depleted in nutrients, it is not prescribed for a long time.

Usually the acute period does not last more than 2 - 3 days, so the PP table is shown only for this period. After the diet expands a little, the patient is transferred to table 1 B, and subsequently to table 2. The terms of the "transfer" are very individual and completely depend on the patient's well-being.

In remission of atrophic gastritis, diet No. 2 is the main one, the basic principles of which are as follows:

  1. Normalization of the secretory activity of the stomach.
  2. Stimulation of the motor function of the stomach, elimination of stagnation of the food bolus.
  3. Reduction of fermentation processes.
  4. A complete composition: proteins and fats, 100 grams per day, carbohydrates - 400 grams. The total calorie content per day is 3000 kcal.
  5. You should eat 5-6 times a day.
  6. You can salt food, the norm of salt per day is from 12 to 15 grams. Drinking liquid (drinking) is allowed up to 1.5 liters.

What not to eat

With atrophic gastritis, nutrition is physiologically complete, only coarse fiber, fresh milk, spicy dishes and spices, smoked meats are limited.

Only the following products are completely excluded from the diet:

  • too sour and spicy dishes;
  • mushrooms;
  • animal fats;
  • radish, radish, turnip;
  • lentils and bulgur, all legumes;
  • alcohol, carbonated drinks.

As you can see, the restrictions on the composition of the diet for atrophy are not too significant, so the patient's diet is quite diverse. Most foodstuffs are allowed to be consumed, so the menu for diet number 2 almost corresponds to the diet of a healthy person.

Important! Atrophic gastritis is almost always accompanied by a decrease in acidity, so the menu is designed to stimulate the production of HCL. There is no fundamental difference in nutrition for patients with reduced and zero acidity. Zero acidity is corrected medically with hydrochloric acid preparations.

What products can

The list of products that are allowed for atrophic gastritis is quite large, so we will consider it, dividing it into small groups.

Bakery products

The advantage is given to yesterday's wheat bread made from white or gray flour. If yesterday's bread, for some reason, is not in the house, fresh bread must be dried in the oven. Allowed crackers, biscuit products, inedible varieties of cookies.


Fresh milk should be excluded, as it increases gas formation and enhances fermentation in the intestines. Fresh cottage cheese is allowed (it is better to wipe it) and dishes from it, steamed or baked. Ryazhenka, kefir, curdled milk are allowed.

You can use mild rennet and curd cheeses. Sour cream is best used as an addition to the dish, you can also prepare sauces based on it. Fresh milk is only added to a coffee drink, cocoa, tea.

Butter, egg

All types of butter are allowed, except for the soft "Rama" type. When choosing vegetable oil, give preference to an unrefined product. You can also use melted butter. Eggs of chickens or quails are cooked soft-boiled or omelettes are made from them. Alternatively, cook poached eggs without vinegar. Instead of vinegar, it is allowed to use lemon juice in small quantities. Raw eggs are allowed to be added when preparing other dishes.


The basis for the first courses can be different - vegetable broth, low-fat meat, chicken, fish broth. Meat for first courses can be rubbed or cooked in the form of meatballs, jackdaws. Vegetables are cut into small pieces before cooking.

Meat and sausage products

The main requirement for meat products with atrophic gastritis is the exclusion of fatty parts, tendons, and bone inclusions. Use lean parts of beef and rabbit meat, turkey fillet, calf meat, and beef tongue. The allowed methods of cooking meat products are traditional for diet food - they can be baked or boiled, cooked in a slow cooker / double boiler, stewed.

Interesting! In the atrophic form of the disease, it is allowed to consume fried foods, provided that the frying is carried out without breading (the product is not rolled in flour, breadcrumbs, or dipped in batter). Fried food is the exception rather than the rule, but for a festive table, this method of preparation can be allowed to the patient.

From sausages, dietary sausages of the highest grade, low-fat ham, jellies made from beef, meat pates are allowed.

Fish products

Low-fat fish is allowed - pike perch, carp, cod. Cooking methods are the same as for meat dishes, frying without breading is also allowed. You can cook aspic dishes, sometimes pre-soaked herring is allowed. Fish can be served in portions, as well as in the form of jackdaws, meatballs, aspic or pate. For table number 2, black caviar is allowed.

Vegetables, fruits, natural juices

With atrophic gastritis, vegetables are best chopped and used to prepare side dishes. You can use whole green peas without chopping. Raw tomatoes are allowed.

Freshly prepared non-acid vegetable and fruit juices, as well as sauerkraut juice, are not prohibited. Fresh fruits, berries are best thermally processed and used for making drinks and desserts.

Of the sweet dishes, marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows are allowed.

We make a varied menu

Based on a large list of allowed products, it will not be difficult for a patient to make a menu for a week for a patient. We present one of the options.

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge on water with butter, weak black tea with milk, lean cookies;
  • 2nd breakfast: baked cottage cheese pancakes with sour cream;
  • Dinner: rice soup on beef broth, zucchini casserole with boiled meat, compote, dried bread;
  • Afternoon snack: kefir or curdled milk, dry biscuit;
  • Dinner: fish meatballs, mashed potatoes, rosehip drink.
  • For the night: a glass of ryazhenka.

As you can see, the diet is quite varied and sufficient not only for a patient with atrophy, but also for a healthy person. The only caveat is that a patient with atrophied gastric mucosa should not forget to include mineral water in the menu, if it is recommended to him, and medications as prescribed by a doctor.

In addition to weekdays, there are holidays in life. At this time, it is most difficult for patients who are forced to follow a diet. We recommend using our recipes for the festive table, which are also suitable for those. Who is diagnosed with chronic atrophic gastritis.

Meatloaf with scrambled eggs and cheese


  1. 500 grams of ground beef.
  2. 3 eggs.
  3. 50 grams of mild rennet cheese.
  4. Wheat dry bread - 150 grams.
  5. Milk - 1 glass.
  6. Salt, vegetable oil.


Add a raw egg, salt, bread soaked in milk to the double-rolled lean beef mince. Stir the minced meat well, beat, let stand for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare a steam omelette with 2 eggs and 3 tablespoons of milk. Let the omelette cool down. Spread the minced meat on a greased foil, put an omelette on top.

Carefully, holding the foil from one edge, roll the minced meat into a roll, and bake in the oven for half an hour. After freeing the roll from the foil, sprinkle it with grated cheese and bake for another 10 minutes until the cheese is well melted. The roll can be served cold or hot. When serving cold, decorate the roll with cut cherry tomatoes - so it will become elegant and festive.

Fish fillet with broccoli in sour cream sauce


  1. Fillet of pike perch, navaga or pike - 500 grams.
  2. Lemon - ½ pc.
  3. Broccoli - 300 grams.
  4. Soft hard cheese - 100 grams.
  5. Ready sour cream sauce - 1 - 1.5 cups.
  6. Salt, vegetable oil.


Prepare a small baking sheet, grease it with vegetable oil. Salt the fish fillet and sprinkle with the juice of half a lemon, leave to marinate for 15 minutes. Boil broccoli in salted water for 15 minutes, drain in a colander and rinse with cold water. Put the fish fillet mixed with broccoli on a baking sheet, pour everything with a thick sour cream sauce.

If the broccoli florets are large, it is better to cut them, otherwise the dish will not turn out homogeneous. Cover the top thickly with grated cheese and send the dish to the oven for 30 minutes. After cooling, cut into squares or diamonds, decorate as you like. Fish fillet with broccoli is not only juicy and tasty, but also looks very festive.

Useful video

Biscuit is one of the few desserts allowed in case of illness. How to bake it? Watch the video recipe.

We analyzed in detail the features of dietary nutrition for atrophic gastritis, and made sure that the list of allowed foods will not force you to give up most of your favorite dishes.

However, reasonable alertness in a patient with atrophic gastritis should be present - the statistics of the degeneration of the disease into oncological processes are disappointing. You can get acquainted with it in more detail in the dissertation of Pavlovich I.M. , where the scientist describes in detail the criteria for the transformation of atrophy into oncology. Be attentive to yourself and do not be afraid of the diet, in fact, it corresponds to the principles of healthy eating.

Everyone understands that a diet for atrophic gastritis of the stomach imposes tangible restrictions on the usual food intake, but is it really that bad? No, and now we will prove it to you!

It is known that this disease is associated with a gradual thinning of the gastric mucosa. There is atrophy or death of parietal cells that produce hydrochloric acid. Atrophic gastritis is most often a chronic ailment, that is, flowing for a long time.

It is caused by a number of factors, among which experts especially highlight malnutrition and bacterial infection.

Patients with chronic atrophic gastritis are forced to adhere to a diet for a long time. We have already found out about, now let's figure out which products will be useful in the treatment of our disease, and what should be discarded.

Diet for atrophic gastritis

As a result of the death of mucosal cells, the process of protein hydrolysis is disrupted contained in food, the concentration of acid increases or decreases, which is normally 0.3-0.5%. The superficial cells involved in the synthesis of a substance that protects the walls of the stomach also fall under the blow.

The task of therapeutic nutrition for atrophic gastritis is that food does not overload the stomach.

Diet Basics:

  • the total calorie content of the menu is up to 3000 kcal;
  • the required volume of fluid consumed is 1.5 liters;
  • the amount of salt is not more than 6 grams;
  • fractional meals 5-6 times a day;
  • the intervals between meals are not longer than 10 hours;
  • the temperature of the dishes is in the range of 20-60 degrees;
  • with increased acidity, the consumption of "fast" carbohydrates is limited.

Vegetable and animal fats reduce the secretion of gastric juice. Their role in the diet is performed by sunflower or, as well.

With an exacerbation

With exacerbation of atrophic gastritis, the patient is recommended complete fasting for at least one day. After that, the patient is transferred to.

  • The first week, food is prepared pureed.
  • Next, grind only cereals and vegetables.
  • Non-rigid fish or meat can be served in one piece.
  • Raw fruits, herbs, vegetables, hard or long-digested foods are excluded from the menu for the duration of the exacerbation.

The duration of fasting and adherence to a particular diet is determined by the doctor observing the patient's condition.

The diet provides a gentle effect on the stomach because the food is served crushed.

  • Food that stimulates juice secretion is excluded from the menu.
  • During the period of exacerbation, the first dishes are cooked on vegetable broths and seasoned with ground cereals.
  • Use and allowed.
  • Meat and fish are added chopped into ready-made dishes.

During the period of remission

Common table suggests using low-fat fish or meat broths when making soups. First courses are prepared without frying, seasoning with a milk-egg mixture during cooking. The finished dish can be seasoned with cream, butter.

Meat should be chosen lean. Suitable beef or veal, young lamb, rabbit, poultry (turkey and chicken). Choose a product without tendons and fascia. The skin is removed from the bird before cooking.

You can supplement the diet with offal. For this purpose, the liver or tongue are suitable.

Fish and seafood are necessary for the body as a supplier of protein and valuable trace elements such as calcium, iodine, phosphorus. Hake, pollock, perch, macrorus are suitable for a diet.

Bread and bakery products it is a source of fast carbohydrates. They should be used very limitedly.. They do not represent any special value, rather it is a matter of habit. Fresh bread provokes fermentation processes, so you can eat it only stale or dried.

  • Allowed without additives, with a bland taste, oven-dried biscuits.
  • Occasionally you can afford fresh pastries with fillings from apples, jam, meat, cottage cheese.
  • Flour products also include pasta, which is allowed for gastritis, but without the addition of spicy seasonings.

Cereal products are a source of slowly digestible carbohydrates. They leave you feeling full for a long time. which is important when dieting. In addition, buckwheat, rice, wheat or oats contain substances that help strengthen the body and speed up recovery.

Groats should be crushed after cooking. You can cook porridge with milk or water. Cereals are added to first courses or used as side dishes.

Vegetables - the main source of fiber, vitamins and trace elements. When exacerbated, they are consumed after heat treatment, but the common table allows you to eat raw vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil. The list of allowed foods includes: potatoes, beets, young peas, broccoli or cauliflower, pumpkin, zucchini.

Dairy products are an indispensable component of the diet of patients with atrophic gastritis. This milk is not more than 2.5%, cottage cheese. Restrict . Mild varieties are used grated once a week.

Eggs, despite their benefits, often not recommended. One or two are enough in the form of steam omelettes or soft-boiled.

From snacks in remission of the disease, high-quality soaked herring, liver pate (homemade), beef and poultry ham can be allowed.

Desserts should not be abused. You can allow a small amount of meringue, jam without seeds and stones, marshmallows or marshmallows.

From drinks preference is given to compote, herbal teas, fresh juice. or prepare a small concentration, softening the taste with milk. Useful decoction of wild rose.

How to cook diet meals?

Food is boiled, cooked in a double boiler, then finely chopped. For some products, for example, fish, you can use the "poaching" technique, in which a piece is half-filled with water. The common table, shown in chronic cases, allows you to diversify the menu with baked dishes without a crust.

You can cook steam cutlets, soufflés or meatballs from fish, meat, poultry for the patient. Aspic is prepared on a decoction of vegetables. The fish is cooked after removing the skin. Beef stroganoff is made from meat that has been previously boiled.

Vegetables served as puree. An exception is made for sweet varieties of tomatoes.

  • Pumpkin and zucchini are boiled, but not rubbed.
  • Berries and fruits are eaten raw or in the form of jelly, jelly, compotes, baked with honey.
  • Steamed puddings are prepared with the addition of semolina.
  • Cottage cheese is suitable for cooking second courses or dessert. It can be casseroles, lazy dumplings, steamed puddings.

Prohibited Products

Vegetables with coarse fiber and a sharp bitter taste such as radish, white or red head, turnip, radish, swede. or shallots are introduced into the diet after heat treatment, it is prohibited in its raw form.

Greens with a high content of acid (sorrel, spinach), as well as onion feathers for gastritis are not included in the diet.

Legumes such as peas or beans cause fermentation in the stomach, so they should also be discarded. Mushrooms are considered heavy food, but their consumption is prohibited only during an exacerbation. At the stage of remission, it is permissible to use the product in the manufacture of broth for first courses.

Avoid fatty fish and meat: pork, duck, goose. Canned foods are contraindicated in gastritis due to the high salt content and chemical additives. The same can be said about smoked products.

From the first courses should be excluded, okroshka, cabbage soup. Do not use rich broths, synthetic seasonings in the preparation of soups.

Barley, millet, barley and maize groats will be too hard for a sick stomach. They are not suitable for first courses or side dishes.

You can not eat foods that have an irritating effect on the walls of the stomach. This includes:

  • marinades,
  • cooking oil,
  • margarine,
  • fresh bread and pastries
  • tomato sauce,
  • ice cream,
  • spicy seasonings,

The use of sour cream for atrophic gastritis is limited to a minimum.

Menu for atrophic gastritis for every day

The patient's menu should contain enough for the normal functioning of the body the amount of amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and trace elements V. The diet includes sources of protein in the form of fish, dairy products, meat, vegetables and fruits, cereals.


Breakfast options:

  1. Rice porridge with milk, boiled egg, green tea.
  2. Buckwheat porridge, a little butter, chicory drink with milk.
  3. Steam omelet from 2 eggs, tea with milk.
  4. Semolina porridge, mashed cottage cheese sweet, weak coffee with milk.
  5. Lazy dumplings with sour cream, tea, biscuit.
  6. Semolina porridge cooked in milk, cocoa.
  7. steam omelette or egg porridge, cottage cheese with honey, coffee with milk.


We remind you that proper nutrition for gastritis should be fractional, 5-8 times a day.

Lunch options:

  1. Pureed stewed apples.
  2. Pears peeled, baked.
  3. Bananas whipped with cream.
  4. Uzvar from pears and biscuit cookies.
  5. Fruit jelly, cracker.
  6. Baked apple and plum juice.
  7. Peach puree, rosehip broth.


Lunch options:

  1. Soup with vegetables and rice, steamed chicken cutlets, boiled buckwheat, rosehip infusion.
  2. Soup of oatmeal with meatballs, rice porridge, fish meatballs, apple jelly.
  3. Milk soup with pasta, zucchini and cauliflower puree, pear compote.
  4. Vegetable soup - mashed broccoli with carrots and onions, with a little cream; steam chicken cutlets with buckwheat porridge, apple jelly.
  5. Mashed potato soup with dill, boiled veal, pumpkin-carrot puree with butter, compote.
  6. Puree soup with zucchini and broccoli, steamed chicken dumplings, pear compote.
  7. Cauliflower and carrot puree soup with chicken meatballs, fish soufflé with potato puree, berry jelly.

afternoon tea

Afternoon options:

  1. Biscuit and rosehip tea.
  2. Peach juice, biscuits.
  3. Cheesecake with cottage cheese, jelly.
  4. Coffee with milk, cookies.
  5. Carrot juice, sweet cottage cheese.
  6. Kissel from oatmeal flour in milk, unleavened biscuits.
  7. Roasted pear puree, chamomile tea.


Dinner options:

  1. Mashed potatoes, boiled fish with milk sauce, tea with milk.
  2. Fish stew with carrots and onions, rice porridge, rosehip broth.
  3. Boiled chicken with zucchini puree. Dried apple compote.
  4. Pumpkin puree, steam meatballs, green tea.
  5. Semolina casserole with jelly.
  6. Cottage cheese - carrot casserole, chicory drink with milk.
  7. Baked pike perch with sour cream sauce, cauliflower puree, tea with milk.

Before going to bed, you should drink a glass of warm milk, with a little honey. For lunch and dinner, you can eat an additional piece of bread.

Restrictions on the types of gastritis

Gastritis - common gastrointestinal disease. There are various variants of the disease. What to pay attention to in the nutrition of such patients? It should be noted that it is suitable for patients with any type of gastritis. As the patient recovers, the patient's diet is adjusted depending on the diagnosis.

Minvod "Narzan" or "Essentuki" No. 4 or No. 17.

Diffuse gastritis indicates the absence of serious changes in the mucosa. This is a kind of transitional form, when the damage is superficial, but the condition of the organ is already deteriorating. Patients are advised not to wipe the second table. It is allowed to use hard-boiled eggs.

Antral gastritis or antrum gastritis is characterized by damage to the lower part of the stomach. Food that stimulates secretory activity is excluded from the diet of such patients. Most of the diet is occupied by mashed dishes, of a mucous consistency.

At hyperplastic form atrophic gastritis polyps or cysts form on the mucosa. Already at the initial stage of the process, the patient is prescribed a general diet, with a restriction of products that irritate the mucous membrane.

And the formation of serious complications.

An important factor contributing to the healing, serves to change the habitual diet and the entire lifestyle of the patient. You should avoid stress, eat regularly, strictly on time. Smoking must be given up. With excessive use of strong types of alcohol, it can develop.

Light exercise, better in the fresh air, will improve the blood supply to the stomach, cheer up and appetite.

It is dangerous to take any drugs without consulting a doctor for gastritis.

Many drugs affect the mucous membrane negatively, therefore, before taking the remedy, be sure to coordinate it with a gastroenterologist. Always inform other specialists that you have been diagnosed with gastritis. Some heart medications can cause severe pain or even an ulcer.

First, let's see if a diet is really necessary for atrophic gastritis?

A disease such as atrophic gastritis is a rather complex pathology, since along with the inflammatory process there is atrophy of the mucous membrane and glandular tissues. Cells and tissues of the stomach gradually change their structure, up to complete or partial death, which directly affects the function of digestion: mucous secretion, enzyme production, breakdown and absorption of substances necessary for the body are disturbed. Over time, the stomach stops "accepting" any food, and the percentage of nutrients that enter the body becomes prohibitively small. As a result, not only the digestive system suffers, but also all organs and systems of the body, without exception.

What can diet do in this situation? Through changes in nutrition, it is possible to ease the work of a damaged stomach, which allows food to be absorbed and supply the body with useful elements and vitamins. Moreover, it becomes easier for the stomach to work, which reduces pain and promotes faster passage of food masses through the gastrointestinal tract.

Varieties of diets for various types of diseases

In this article, we will talk about which diet is most effective for atrophic gastritis, and in what situations it can be prescribed, as well as analyze the possible options for the menu and daily diet during the treatment of the disease.

Diet 2 for atrophic gastritis

Diet No. 2 (or treatment table No. 2) is a rational principle of nutrition, the purpose of which is to provide the body with all the necessary complex of trace elements, vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, while not loading, but normalizing the activity of the entire digestive system.

For cooking, they mainly use a double boiler, boiling in water and (less often) baking. Food should be as crushed as possible so that the digestive system does not experience additional mechanical stress. In addition, finely ground food stimulates the enzymatic activity of the stomach. Grinding is subjected to all products that are used for cooking. Food that can cause difficulties with digestion is excluded - it's all fried, smoked, fatty, spicy, overly salty or sour, cold or hot. This list should also include non-natural products, i.e. those containing artificial colors, preservatives, sweeteners, flavor enhancers, stabilizers and emulsifiers.

Nutritionists advise eating very small portions, but often enough, about every 2-3 hours.

Diet for chronic atrophic gastritis

The chronic form of the disease is a long-term disease that requires long-term and patient treatment. The provoking factor in the development of the disease is the wrong diet, the use of alcoholic beverages, frequent and illiterate medication. The role of proper nutrition in the chronic course of the disease is undeniable: atrophic changes in the walls of the stomach, the growth of connective tissue elements where the glands should be located - all this disrupts the natural production of hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes. The peristalsis of the digestive organs is also upset.

With mucosal atrophy, any gastroenterologist will insist on dieting. As a rule, a strict and sparing diet is prescribed. Degenerative changes in the walls of the stomach most often reduce the production of hydrochloric acid, so the food consumed should contribute to its production, enhance the enzymatic function of the digestive system. Be sure to control the intake of all necessary vitamins and other nutrients with food.

Diet for focal atrophic gastritis

Focal gastritis is characterized by the formation of zones of atrophy of the walls of the stomach. In other words, zones appear in the stomach that cease to fulfill their secretory function, since the glandular tissue is partially replaced by the epithelium.

More often, with a focal form of the disease, diet No. 1a is prescribed, after a while the patient is transferred to diet No. 2. In addition, it is recommended to drink medicinal mineral water, such as Narzan, Essentuki-4 or Essentuki-17, 15-20 minutes before a meal. This technique helps to stimulate the work of intact glands.

It is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages, as well as foods and dishes that can damage the already suffering gastric mucosa. If such measures are not taken, then the treatment may stretch for a very long period, or not bring any effect at all.

Diet for diffuse atrophic gastritis

The diagnosis of the diffuse form of the disease in most cases means that there are no serious dystrophic problems in the stomach yet. This is a kind of transitional form, when the damage to the mucosa is still superficial, but local areas of degeneration of glandular tissues are already observed. Symptoms of a disorder of the secretory function of glandular cells at this stage are already evident.

Dietary nutrition with diffuse lesions can be more effective than ever, however, if this condition is started, then negative consequences are inevitable.

The recommended diet is treatment table number 2. It provides a complete diet for the patient, activating the function of the glands. Dishes are necessarily cooked in a boiled form, either stewed or baked, but should not be fried. Do not eat foods that are too cold, as well as foods with a rough texture (coarse fiber).

The nutrition of diet No. 2 can be quite varied, using meat and fish products. Dairy products, flour products are acceptable. Eggs are cooked in the form of steam omelettes or boiled hard boiled.

Be sure to introduce a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits into the diet.

Diet for atrophic gastritis with low acidity

Reduced acidity appears as a result of atrophic processes in the mucous tissues of the stomach. In this case, the degree of damage may depend on how large the damaged area is. Dead glandular cells lose their ability to produce acid, which helps food to be processed and digested. In addition, mucus is also lacking, as well as enzymes, due to which the process of assimilation of nutrients occurs.

Changing your diet is considered perhaps the most important step in the treatment of gastritis with low acidity. The diet should include foods that stimulate the production of gastric juice components. Among such products are lean meat, fish, acidified fresh juices, fruit and vegetable dishes. Dishes that can provoke fermentation processes in the digestive tract are prohibited: fresh pastries, whole milk, etc. Food should be varied and satisfying. However, overeating should be categorically excluded: patients with hypoacid atrophic gastritis eat a fractional method, that is, often and in small portions. This allows the food to be digested completely without burdening the stomach.

Diet for atrophic gastritis with high acidity

The development of atrophic gastritis with high acidity is directly related to nutrition, that is, this pathology appears against the background of malnutrition. This means that the first thing the patient must do is to make adjustments to his menu.

Actually, any gastritis involves the exclusion from the use of spicy, fried and fatty foods. We should not forget about bad habits, which also need to be excluded - this is smoking and drinking alcohol.

The increased acidity of the gastric juice needs to be reduced, and in the presence of inflammation with atrophy, as well as periodic bouts of vomiting, it is important to stimulate the functioning of the remaining functioning glands.

Eat at least five times a day. With an exacerbation of the diet process, adhere to at least 3 months.

Various damaging and acid-forming foods are excluded from the diet: mushrooms, radishes, fatty meats, fried foods, citrus fruits, grapes, soda, coffee, dark bread, spicy seasonings, onions and garlic, mustard. Food must not be allowed to linger in the cavity of the stomach for a long time: for this reason, hot and cold food, as well as heavy and plentiful food, are excluded.

The use of skimmed fresh milk is recommended. It is better to replace raw fruits with boiled or steamed ones, as well as mashed potatoes or compotes. The use of cereals from rice, semolina, oatmeal is welcome. All products are preferably ground, for example, in a blender.

Diet for atrophic gastritis with normal acidity

Patients with normal acidity of gastric juice eat according to the principle of the course of the disease: during exacerbations, the diet is tightened, and during periods of remission, it is weakened.

With an exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to eat mainly the so-called "mucous" first courses, prepared with the addition of rice, barley groats. You can eat oatmeal with milk or water. It should be eaten in small doses, but often enough, chewing pieces of food well - this favors the normal function of the digestive organs.

An important point is the normalization of defecation. If loose stools prevail, then it is recommended to drink freshly squeezed juices from pomegranate, dogwood, blueberries, black currants, pears. With persistent constipation, the emphasis is on the use of juices from carrots, apricots, beets with the addition of pureed vegetables. Dairy products (fresh) are also recommended.

You should not eat sweets, rich products. It is recommended to drink green tea in between meals (but not during meals).

Diet for antral atrophic gastritis

Antral atrophic gastritis is accompanied by damage to the lower parts of the stomach, located almost at the exit from the organ, on the border with the duodenum 12. With antral gastritis, morning sickness, rapid satiety with heaviness in the abdomen and unpleasant belching often appear.

Most often, in such cases, a treatment table No. 1a is prescribed, especially with severe pain. This diet should be followed for the first few days of illness. The goal is to reduce irritation and reflex excitability of the mucous tissues of the stomach. Products that stimulate secretion are excluded from the diet. Food is allowed, crushed to a puree state, or liquid. As a rule, mashed cereals, cream soups, as well as dishes based on dairy products - cottage cheese, yogurt, puddings make up the bulk of the diet.

After diet No. 1a, the patient switches to diet No. 1, which helps to restore the damaged mucosa. This is a relatively advanced nutritional option, the purpose of which is to normalize the secretion and motility of the digestive system. Dishes with a high fiber content are not recommended, so all vegetables and fruits are served only in processed form (boiled, baked, gelled, etc., but not raw).

Diet for atrophic hyperplastic gastritis

Atrophic hypertrophic gastritis is accompanied by the appearance of formations on the surface of the gastric mucosa - these can be cystic or polyposis formations. The cause of the disease is considered to be such factors as the use of alcohol, non-natural synthetic products, beriberi, allergic reactions to products.

Nutritionists at the very beginning of the hyperplastic process prescribe dietary nutrition with the exclusion from the diet of all foods that irritate the internal walls of the stomach. These are all fatty foods, pickles, pastries and products and flours, sour and spicy foods, raw fruits and vegetables. It is also necessary to give up cigarettes and alcohol.

Goals of dietary changes:

  • stop hyperplasia of the gastric mucosa;
  • restoration of motility and secretion of the stomach;
  • normalization of bowel function;
  • stabilization of hemoglobin levels in the blood.

If gastritis is chronic, then the diet will most likely have to be followed for life.

Diet menu for atrophic gastritis

First day (Monday):

  • I breakfast - semolina porridge, boiled egg, rosehip tea;
  • II breakfast - apple soufflé;
  • lunch - vermicelli soup, boiled brisket with sour cream, apricot jelly;
  • afternoon snack - cookies, tea;
  • dinner - cottage cheese with yogurt;
  • before going to bed - a cup of kefir.

Second day (Tuesday):

  • I breakfast - oatmeal with apple and cinnamon, tea;
  • II breakfast - a piece of homemade cheese;
  • lunch - soup with meatballs, mashed potatoes and meat, carrot juice;
  • afternoon snack - half an apple baked with cottage cheese;
  • dinner - cottage cheese with sour cream, tea with honey;
  • before going to bed - a cup of curdled milk.

Third day (Wednesday):

  • I breakfast - rice casserole, green tea;
  • II breakfast - blueberries with honey;
  • lunch - chicken soup, noodles with meat, berry compote;
  • afternoon snack - mashed pear;
  • dinner - a piece of boiled fish, jelly;
  • before bed - yogurt.

Fourth day (Thursday):

  • I breakfast - vermicelli with cheese, cocoa;
  • II breakfast - apple pudding;
  • lunch - rice soup, buckwheat cutlets with potatoes, compote;
  • afternoon snack - marmalade, green tea;
  • dinner - potato and fish casserole, tea;
  • before going to bed - a cup of kefir.

Fifth day (Friday):

  • I breakfast - a portion of lazy dumplings with sour cream, tea;
  • II breakfast - berry mousse;
  • lunch - cabbage soup from fresh cabbage, steamed chicken cutlet, tea with currants;
  • afternoon snack - carrot-apple salad with sour cream;
  • dinner - milk sausage with rice, tea;
  • before going to bed - tea with honey.

Sixth day (Saturday):

  • I breakfast - scrambled eggs, tea with cookies;
  • II breakfast - peach puree;
  • lunch - cabbage and carrot soup, potato cutlets with meat sauce, compote;
  • afternoon snack - marshmallow, cocoa;
  • dinner - a piece of boiled tongue with potatoes, compote;
  • before going to bed - a cup of fresh curdled milk.

Seventh day (Sunday):

  • I breakfast - cheese casserole, tea;
  • II breakfast - banana mousse;
  • lunch - fish broth, baked chicken breast with mashed cauliflower, tea;
  • afternoon snack - jelly with crackers;
  • dinner - meatball with rice, strawberry tea;
  • before going to bed - a glass of yogurt.

Diet recipes for atrophic gastritis

What interesting and tasty things can be prepared for a patient in order to diversify a boring and monotonous menu? There are many options: the main thing is to turn on your imagination and try to think outside the box. We present to your attention a small selection of delicious and healthy dishes.

  • Air steam cutlets. Ingredients of the dish: 1 kg of potatoes, ½ kg of boiled cauliflower, one carrot, one onion, one egg, breadcrumbs, salt.

We cut the boiled cabbage into cubes, let it cook in sunflower oil with chopped onions and carrots. We make mashed potatoes, mix it with cabbage, add the egg and breadcrumbs. From the resulting "minced meat" we sculpt cutlets, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and cook in a double boiler. Bon appetit.

  • Delicate jelly. Ingredients: a little vanilla sugar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa, sugar, two egg yolks, a glass of jam, 600 ml of sour cream, 3 tbsp. spoons of gelatin, 3 cups of water, a little lemon juice. Pour gelatin with cool water, leave to swell, then heat a little. Beat the yolks with ½ cup of sugar until fluffy, add a little lemon juice, vanillin or vanilla sugar, mix. Add 200 ml of sour cream and a glass of gelatin, knead. Pour the mixture into the prepared container and put it in the refrigerator. We leave until it freezes.

Prepare the next layer: mix 200 ml of sour cream with sugar (1-2 tablespoons), add a glass of crushed jam, a glass of gelatin, stir. Pour the mixture over the jelly that has already hardened in the refrigerator, again hide in the refrigerator.

Last layer: 200 ml sour cream, ½ tbsp. mix sugar and cocoa, add the remaining gelatin. The mixture is added to our jelly in the form of a third layer and placed in the refrigerator until completely solidified. Before serving, cut into portions and serve.

  • Eggplant pate. Ingredients: eggplant, 2 onions, 2 eggs (boiled), salt and pepper, vegetable oil (about 40 g).

The eggplant is baked whole. After the eggplant is cooked, we scrape the pulp with a spoon, we do not need the peel. Let the onion in the frying pan. In a blender, mix eggplant pulp, boiled eggs, onion and chop. Salt and pepper to taste. The pate is ready - it can be spread on croutons or toast.

  • Monastery porridge. Ingredients: buckwheat 100 g, pearl barley 100 g, rice 100 g, couscous 100 g, three onions, 2-3 small carrots, eggplant, water, vegetable oil (about 60 g), herbs, salt.

Sliced ​​onions, eggplant and carrots are sautéed in a frying pan in vegetable oil. We put washed buckwheat in a saucepan, on top of it a third of the stewed vegetables. The next layer is washed barley and again the third part of the vegetables. Next - couscous and the remaining vegetables. The last layer is washed rice. One liter of warm salted water is carefully poured into a container, trying not to damage the layers. Sprinkle with herbs on top and close the lid. We put on a small fire or in the oven until the liquid is completely absorbed. Bon appetit.

  • Meat products: diet sausages, white meat without skin and fat layer, tongue, minced meat, pates.
  • Sea fish with a minimum amount of fat.
  • Dairy products - fresh kefir, cottage cheese, homemade cheese, small amounts of sour cream, cream and fresh skimmed milk.
  • Vegetable oils.
  • Eggs in the form of steam omelettes or boiled.
  • Vegetable dishes from pumpkin, potatoes, cabbage, zucchini, tomatoes, beets, carrots. Vegetable casseroles, stews, mashed potatoes, steamed or baked vegetable cutlets.
  • Cereal dishes based on broth, water, milk (diluted with water). Porridges, puddings, pancakes and meatballs, casseroles, pilaf.
  • Low-fat aspic, sturgeon caviar.
  • Fruit and berry and fruit dishes: in puree or baked form, as well as jelly, smoothies, mousses, jelly, compote, marmalade, honey.
  • Rosehip tea, freshly squeezed juices (with obligatory dilution with water), tea with milk, cocoa.
  • Greens (dill, cilantro, parsley, etc.).
  • What can not be eaten with atrophic gastritis?

    • Freshly baked bread, fresh pastries, muffins, cakes, cream cake.
    • The first dish of peas, beans. Okroshka, pickle, fatty rich borscht.
    • Meat products: smoked meats, canned foods (stew, canned food), lard, fatty meats.
    • Fatty fish, fish with bones, canned fish, salted and smoked fish.
    • Dairy products: products with high fat content, undiluted milk.
    • Margarine, vegetable-animal mixtures (spreads), animal fat.
    • Raw vegetables, radishes, garlic and onions, mushrooms, pickles and marinades, pickled vegetables.
    • Bean cultures.
    • Ketchup, mayonnaise, sauces and dressings, vinegar.
    • Ice cream, chocolate, cream products, nuts.
    • Carbonated drinks, kvass, grape juice, alcohol.

    The inflammatory process occupies a leading position among the pathological conditions of the digestive tract. In adults and children, most often there is a lesion of the stomach with impaired secretory function. A disease of a chronic nature, in which there is a change in the mucosa, its thinning with gradual death - this is. In the initial stages, this type of inflammation is accompanied by increased acidity. With the progression of the disease, atrophy of the glands gradually develops, accompanied by low acidity.

    Qualified care for patients includes medication and proper nutrition. An important direction of therapy is a diet for atrophic gastritis. In case of stomach disease, the menu should correspond to the needs of the body, taking into account the characteristics of the pathology.

    The role of diet for the stomach in atrophic gastritis

    The organization of proper nutrition is one of the priority tasks of a gastroenterologist. The menu is assigned individually depending on the type of inflammation of the stomach, its secretory function, the severity of the patient's condition. Given the criteria for the disease, the diet for atrophic gastritis may differ in each case. Therefore, nutritionists have developed different options for diets, which are reflected in the form of tables.

    Options for atrophic gastritis

    Atrophic changes in the mucous membrane in most cases are preceded by other damaging factors. The main reason is infection. The bacterium causes damage to the epithelium and an increase in acidity in the stomach, especially the antral mucosa. With the progression of pathology, various forms of the disease may occur, which are reflected in the table.

    Table 1.

    Type of gastritis Characteristics
    Focal Isolated areas of inflammation with atrophy appear on the surface of the mucosa, the production of gastric juice and pepsin is moderately reduced.
    diffuse The lesion extends to all departments with a gradual degeneration of cells and a decrease in acidity. Transformation of the epithelium increases the risk of malignant neoplasia and the formation of a state of zero acidity
    Differs in damage to the mucosa mainly in the antrum with hyperproduction of hydrochloric acid. Over time, damaging factors lead to severe atrophy and a decrease in secretory function.
    On the surface of the epithelium, there are single, less often multiple erosive defects with perifocal inflammation, at the initial stage, an asymptomatic course is characteristic.
    hyperplastic It is a variant of a precancerous condition, which is characterized by a polyposis process. Modified cells produce hydrochloric acid in insufficient quantities, which leads to a large accumulation of mucus in the lumen of the stomach and stagnation of the food bolus

    Medication treatment

    Therapeutic measures for inflammation of the stomach are aimed at eliminating the etiological factor and regulating pathogenetic processes. If atrophic gastritis occurs, diet and medication should be carried out simultaneously. This is a necessary condition for the patient's recovery, since both areas of therapy complement each other.

    In order to eradicate the pathogen, antibiotic therapy is used, which is included in the protocol along with bismuth preparations and proton pump inhibitors. In a state of high acidity, antacids, gastroprotectors, regulators of the motility of the digestive tract are additionally prescribed. Against the background of gastritis with low acidity, substitution therapy preparations and enzymes are used. Stop the pain syndrome with antispasmodics.

    Principles of nutrition in atrophic gastritis

    Nutrition for inflammation of the stomach and other parts of the digestive system has differences. They are determined by the period of the disease, the level of secretion, the presence of concomitant pathology. A diet for atrophic gastritis is prescribed according to tables 1 and 2 according to Pevzner. and hyperacid conditions are carried out against the background of diet 1. In inflammatory processes of the stomach with a decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid and chronic colitis, diet 2 is prescribed. Diet features in different periods of the disease are additionally marked with letters that indicate after the main table number (1 a, 1 b, etc.). d.).

    During the period of exacerbation

    The acute period is characterized by the severity of unpleasant symptoms. This should be taken into account when compiling the menu for atrophic gastritis of the stomach. Food should be mechanically and thermally gentle. It is necessary to exclude products that have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. It is impossible to allow stagnation of the food lump in the stomach, so it is better to divide the daily ration into small portions. The menu for the week is calculated taking into account the high need for key nutrients in order to prevent their deficiency during active inflammation.

    During the period of remission

    During the subsidence of the inflammatory process, the menu is expanded. Proper diet for chronic atrophic gastritis can increase the period of remission. The diet is selected taking into account the secretory function of the stomach.

    In the first weeks after the relief of clinical manifestations, they switch to diet 1a if hyperproduction of hydrochloric acid is noted. If inflammation is accompanied by a hypoacid or anacid state, you should eat with atrophic gastritis according to table 2. With reduced secretion, you need to prepare dishes with a juice effect that promote active digestion of food and improve motor skills. The positive dynamics of the disease is the reason for changing the diet to table 15 after a strict weekly course.

    Proper nutrition and cooking

    The basis of a proper diet is cooking according to the needs of the body. Nutrition for atrophic gastritis of the stomach should be high-calorie with a sufficient content of vitamins and minerals.

    1. The total number of calories is allowed no higher than 2500 per day.
    2. The multiplicity of meals increases to 5-6 times a day.

    Attention! It is necessary to observe the interval between meals no more than 3 hours to restore the normal functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

    1. Preference is given to proteins of animal origin with the mandatory inclusion of carbohydrates and fats.
    2. Exclude fried, smoked, fatty foods. They cook food for a couple, you can bake and cook them.
    3. They take food when it has cooled to 30-40 degrees, chewing thoroughly.
    4. The menu is expanding gradually, adding 1-2 components per day.

    Diet for atrophic gastritis

    The treatment menu is developed taking into account the morphological and secretory features of the disease. Therefore, with various variants of inflammation of the stomach with signs of atrophy, there are nuances of the diet.

    With reduced acidity

    Thinning of the gastric mucosa leads to a hypoacid state. Therefore, nutrition is enriched with juice and easily digestible products. A diet for atrophic gastritis with low acidity is performed, taking into account the following criteria:

    • add foods high in vitamin C, such as currants, kiwi, citrus fruits, green vegetables;
    • salads are seasoned with lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, they include sour berries and fruits;
    • remove fatty foods and foods that are hard to digest - beans, dried fruits, whole milk, poultry meat, except for chicken, hard-boiled eggs.

    With high acidity

    Nutrition in atrophic gastritis with high acidity is aimed at reducing the aggressive effect of hydrochloric acid on the gastric mucosa and restoring the motor function of the digestive tract. The following recommendations are followed:

    • exclude acidic fruits and vegetables, juices and drinks;
    • milk porridges are prepared on the basis of low-fat milk with crushed buckwheat, rice groats and oatmeal;
    • preference is given to mashed, semi-liquid food and in the form of mashed potatoes;
    • useful mucous decoctions, kissels, mousses;
    • avoid foods that cause flatulence - corn, peas, turnips, pearl barley.

    A diet with atrophic gastritis with high acidity prevents the destruction of the stomach epithelium and normalizes pH.

    with intestinal metaplasia

    The pathological process, which is accompanied by duodenogastric reflux, also leads to the degeneration of stomach cells. In the stomach, an epithelium characteristic of the intestine is formed. These patients have a high risk of developing cancer.

    The diet for atrophic gastritis with intestinal metaplasia is aimed at preventing food reflux, restoring its normal evacuation through the digestive tract. Recommend table 1a. The diet for chronic inflammation with atrophy should take into account the increased need for protein. In the future, the menu is expanded due to complex carbohydrates (cereals and thermally processed fruits). For the regeneration of the mucous membrane, products containing vitamins A, C, E, such as leafy vegetables, are introduced. It is better to have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime.

    Atrophic gastritis with anemia

    As a result of pathological changes in the mucosa, the absorption of iron and vitamins is impaired. This leads to the development of anemia. When hemoglobin is low, there are two ways to increase it. With an established diagnosis - chronic atrophic gastritis, nutrition and treatment are aimed at restoring indicators.

    • lean meat of red varieties;
    • beef tongue;
    • buckwheat porridge;
    • seafood such as sardine, mussels;
    • tofu cheese;
    • broccoli;
    • cauliflower.

    Important! It is necessary to add vegetables and fruits that contain vitamin C. It improves iron absorption.

    Prohibited Products

    When forming the menu, certain dishes should be limited or excluded.

    You can not eat the following foods with atrophic gastritis:

    • fresh yeast bread and pastries;
    • liquid soups on a strong broth with wheat, pearl barley, legumes;
    • canned fish or meat;
    • meat of fatty varieties, including duck, goose;
    • scrambled eggs
    • marinated vegetables;
    • fruits and berries with thick skins, consisting of coarse fiber, such as apricots, plums;
    • kvass, grape juices, but you can drink berry and fruit jelly.

    Menu for atrophic gastritis for a week

    A dietary diet is developed for every day, taking into account the body's need for nutrients. This takes into account the level of acidity and the period of the disease. An exemplary menu for atrophic gastritis for a week is presented in the tables.

    Monday Tuesday
    meal Dishes Dishes
    1 breakfast Boiled potatoes, steamed fish, tea Semolina porridge, soft-boiled egg, tea
    2 breakfast fruit jelly Rosehip infusion, biscuit biscuits
    Dinner Broccoli soup, chicken parfait, compote Soup with meatballs, baked pumpkin,
    afternoon tea Applesauce, unleavened muffin Baked pears with honey
    Dinner Vegetable stew, sweet tea (at low pH - with lemon) low-fat cottage cheese,Saturday
    Reception write Dishes Dishes
    1 breakfast Steamed omelet, lean ham, uzvar Semolina pudding, tea
    2 breakfast Rosehip decoction
    Dinner Buckwheat soup, meatballs, pear juice with pulp Rassolnik, casserole of thin potato slices with minced meat and zucchini, compote
    afternoon tea Baked apples with pumpkin Marmalade
    Dinner Mashed potatoes, boiled liver, tea Oatmeal, steam cutlets, tea

    For patients with chronic inflammatory pathology of the digestive tract, nutrition is of great importance. If atrophic gastritis is determined, diet and drug treatment help to achieve remission, subject to the recommendations of the gastroenterologist. The doctor must tell the patient how to eat right so that recovery comes as quickly as possible. Diet and preventive treatment are necessary conditions for lengthening the periods of stable remission.

    Atrophic gastritis is not just unpleasant, it is a deadly disease of the digestive tract. The stomach loses the ability to produce the secret necessary for the digestion of food, and begins to slowly decompose. Because the nutrients from the incoming products are not absorbed, almost all internal organs begin to suffer. The main danger is that atrophic gastritis can turn into oncological diseases. Modern methods of treatment, new generation drugs, surgery can stop the process. But the wrong diet can drastically speed it up.

    Special dietary nutrition will help restore tissues and stimulate the function of the secretory glands.

    Diet is not a panacea, just like folk remedies using garden vegetables and herbs. But it is necessary to adhere to it in order not to nullify drug treatment and prevent the transition of the pathology to a difficult, already irreparable stage.

    The disease can be acute or chronic. All this is reflected in the diet. With exacerbation of atrophic gastritis, you can not take any food for several days. You should come out of fasting gradually, gradually introducing the most sparing foods into the diet. Next, a diet is prescribed, according to the form and stage of the disease. In the first three to four weeks after an exacerbation, you should strictly adhere to the recommended diet. As the condition stabilizes, the diet may relax a little, but the patient will not be able to completely return to the previous diet even with a stable remission.

    Note: in clinical nutrition, it is imperative to follow a clear regimen so that the stomach is not overloaded, but does not remain empty. Breakfast should certainly be, preferably at the same time, late dinner should be abandoned. During the day, meals are fractional, every 3-3.5 hours.

    Principles of a therapeutic diet

    It is important not to return to old eating habits, to prevent violations leading to a sharp progression of the pathology - the list of prohibited foods must be remembered by heart

    With atrophic gastritis, a special diet No. 2 has been compiled. For each individual form of the disease, it is modified, but the basic principles remain unchanged:

    1. Products are subjected to gentle heat treatment: boiling in water, steaming, stewing, baking without oil.
    2. Ready meals are crushed: ground, passed through a meat grinder or punched with a blender.
    3. Soups are prepared on the second weak broth, vegetable broth, on water.
    4. Uses a minimum of spices.
    5. Porridges are preferably boiled in water, and milk and butter are added after cooking.
    6. You can not eat fresh bread, yesterday's unleavened pastries are allowed.
    7. Be sure to introduce foods rich in vitamin C into the diet to stimulate the secretion of the stomach.
    8. Tea, compotes, juices should be drunk between meals, not before, and not after it.
    9. Fresh fruits are included in diet table number 2, but they must be fully ripe. Citrus fruits should not be abused, although they contain vitamin C. Citric acid acts aggressively on an inflamed stomach.

    Features in different forms of the disease

    Low-fat dairy products, ripe fruits should appear on the patient's table daily, regardless of the form of the disease

    Depending on the type of atrophic lesions of the stomach, gastroenterologists and nutritionists have compiled an optimal therapeutic diet.

    chronic course

    This form is characterized by a sluggish process, the gastric secret is produced poorly, the walls of the organ are thinned and inflamed. The purpose of the diet: to help repair damaged tissue, stimulate the production of juice, but not aggravate the condition.

    Chronic atrophic gastritis is prone to exacerbations. During these periods, you should go on a strict diet; in the remission stage, the menu is allowed to diversify.

    Usually, exacerbations occur precisely because of a violation of dietary nutrition. The patient himself must realize the importance of diet.

    Focal lesion

    Drinking mineral water half an hour before meals perfectly stimulates gastric secretion, preventing acidity.

    With this form, certain parts of the stomach are affected, so the symptoms can appear acutely at times, sometimes completely go away. The purpose of the diet is to help the affected areas recover, prevent the formation of new foci of inflammation, and support the production of gastric secretions.

    What to do for this:

    • at least half an hour before meals, drink mineral water that stimulates gastric secretion;
    • the main component of the diet is light pureed soups with vegetables, boiled lean meat;
    • in between meals, you should drink teas from medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory, restorative properties.

    If the focal form is accompanied by an increase in acidity, then enveloping foods and dishes are introduced into the menu that prevent irritation of the epithelium by excess gastric juice. These are mucous soups, kissels, it is useful to eat bananas, pears in the form of mashed potatoes.

    Focal gastritis is manifested by pain. In this case, table number 1 is assigned, the use of liquid, puree-like dishes from the lightest, most gentle products is shown.

    diffuse form

    Cereals occupy an important place in the diet, but not all in a row. Soups, cereals, casseroles are made from rice, oats, buckwheat. Millet, pearl barley, cells are too aggressive and rough

    With this type of disease, the glands responsible for the production of gastric secretions are primarily affected. It is important to stimulate the process, for this, rosehip broth, fermented milk products, a variety of viscous cereals on water (serve strictly slightly warm), vegetables and fruits are used daily. Be sure to drink mineral water regularly.

    Antral form

    Antral atrophic gastritis is also often accompanied by severe pain. Doctors in the acute stage prescribe table No. 1 or 1a, after 2-3 weeks it is allowed to switch to the Pevzner diet No. 2, but cucumbers, as well as tomatoes, black tea, and meat broths should be excluded. Dishes are served at a comfortable temperature in a pureed form, meat and fish - pate, soufflé.

    With reduced acidity

    Fruit, vegetable juices with atrophic lesions of the stomach stimulate appetite, digestion, provide vitamins and minerals

    Feature - the use of fasting water and fresh vegetable juices (cabbage, carrot, potato). The stomach does not cope well with the processing of food on its own, so the patient must learn to chew even grated mashed potatoes thoroughly. It is useful to drink chicory to increase the overall tone, stimulate metabolism. Otherwise, the diet does not change: cereals, soups, vegetable, fruit purees, lean meat, jelly, compotes.

    With high acidity

    Much more often diagnosed atrophic gastritis with high acidity of the stomach. With this form of the disease, all foods that stimulate the release of gastric acid are removed from the diet: onions, garlic, citrus fruits, sour berries, grapes, rye bread, kefir and high-fat fermented baked milk. The priority is viscous cereals on the water, pureed soups, kissels.

    Any form is different and requires careful study.

    What is allowed and what is forbidden to use

    Table of products allowed and prohibited in the chronic form of the disease:

    Approved Products Prohibited Products
    Stale white bread, croutons, toasted biscuits, biscuits Fresh pastries, muffins, rye bread
    Lean poultry, rabbit, veal, tongue, liver Fatty meats, especially pork and lard
    Lean fish: pollock, hake, cod, tilapia Sausages, especially smoked
    Chicken eggs (boiled or scrambled) Oily fish, smoked, salted, dried
    Dairy and sour-milk products of low fat content Any canned food
    Cereals: rice, buckwheat, oats, semolina Cereals: barley groats, barley, millet
    Vegetable oil of any kind Pickles, marinades
    Freshly squeezed fruit and berry juices Strong broths: fish, meat, mushroom
    Any root vegetables, pumpkin, cabbage Sour soups: borscht, hodgepodge, okroshka, etc.
    Cucumbers, tomatoes, parsnips, celery, herbs Legumes: beans, peas, lentils, beans
    Honey, jam Goose, duck, chicken eggs in the form of fried eggs
    Pastila, marshmallow Mustard, horseradish
    Weak tea, cocoa with milk Mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces based on them
    Compotes, kissels Carbonated drinks
    Strong tea, coffee
    Confectionery: cakes, pastries, sweets, chocolate
    hot spices
    Fats: lard, margarine

    Fatty, fried, spicy, salty, semi-finished products are completely excluded - food must be strictly home-cooked.

    How to properly balance the menu

    A table of allowed and prohibited foods will help you make the right diet for a patient suffering from atrophic gastritis

    The menu for a week for a patient with a sick stomach is not as monotonous and boring as many people think. This is not only unleavened porridge and pureed soup with oatmeal jelly for dessert. It looks like this:

    Breakfast Lunch Dinner afternoon tea Dinner
    Monday buckwheat on the water

    biscuit cookies

    weak tea sweetened with honey


    cocoa with milk

    soup with vegetables on the water

    steam chicken cutlet

    baked potato


    berry kissel

    pilaf with vegetables

    Herb tea

    Tuesday semolina porridge with milk

    baked apple

    steam syrniki

    weak tea

    noodle soup with carrots on the water

    veal steam schnitzel

    rosehip decoction

    baked pumpkin, pear, banana puree piece of baked fish with spinach

    dry biscuit

    Wednesday oatmeal with butter and jam

    Herb tea

    milk fruit jelly

    biscuit cookies

    soup-puree of zucchini, cauliflower with wheat croutons

    steamed turkey meatball with rice

    dry biscuit yogurt boiled tongue salad with beets and vegetable oil
    Thursday rice pudding kefir

    biscuit cookies

    apple or pear

    lean cabbage soup

    steamed fish cakes

    Herb tea

    soft-boiled egg

    dried wheat bread with a slice of low-fat cheese

    cottage cheese casserole with vermicelli
    Friday omelette for a couple

    weak tea

    oatmeal kissel


    potato soup

    baked chicken breast

    carrot salad

    rosehip decoction

    lazy dumplings

    fruit juice

    baked fish

    cucumber and tomato salad

    Saturday buckwheat porridge low-fat cottage cheese with berries soup with rice and vegetables

    boiled tongue

    fruit juice

    steam omelette liver soufflé

    herbal decoction

    Sunday steam cheesecakes kissel

    dried biscuit

    pumpkin soup with croutons

    fish dumplings with mashed potatoes

    Herb tea

    rosehip decoction

    semolina pudding with banana or apple

    vinaigrette of beets, potatoes, carrots with vegetable oil

    It is better to plan the menu for every day in advance so that the table is varied, nutritious, but at the same time sparing. Remember that portions should be small and food should be at room temperature.

    What to cook

    In fact, a therapeutic diet is not a reason to eat exclusively pureed soups and cereals, there are many safe snacks and desserts.

    With atrophic gastritis, it is permissible to modify the classic recipes for familiar dishes, remove harmful ingredients, add healthy ones, use sparing cooking methods with a minimum of fats and spices. Surely the patient will be pleased with a delicious salad with pasta, vegetables, tongue. It is served as a main course for dinner or as a second course for lunch.

    Pasta salad with tongue

    A serving of salad contains everything you need: proteins (in the tongue), carbohydrates (in pasta), vitamins and minerals (in vegetables). The dish is a perfect substitute for a full meal.

    Cooking Ingredients:

    • durum pasta (horns, spirals, bows) - 300 g;
    • boiled beef tongue - 100 g;
    • boiled carrot - 1 piece;
    • boiled broccoli - 100 g;
    • tomato - 1 piece;
    • yogurt for dressing - 1 jar;
    • salt;
    • chopped parsley if desired.

    Cooking algorithm:

    1. Put a pot of water on the fire, salt, boil, boil the pasta.
    2. Cut the tongue, peel the carrots, also chop into cubes.
    3. Break the broccoli into small pieces, wash the tomato, remove the seeds, cut the flesh into cubes.
    4. Drain pasta, rinse with cold water.
    5. Mix the ingredients, season with yogurt, sprinkle with herbs.

    The tongue can be replaced with boiled liver, stomach, vegetables - any of the permitted list.

    Summary: Atrophic gastritis is a disease in which the tissues of the stomach slowly die. You can fight the disease, but medicines alone will not help: it is extremely important to constantly remember about dietary nutrition. The list of products is not so meager, juices, some sweets, meat, fish are allowed. It is important to cook them correctly, not to overeat, to prevent breakdowns. The result will definitely show up.

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