Real cases of time travel (18 photos). Real cases of time travel! Time Travel Confirmation

Hundreds of thousands of people disappear without a trace every year on our planet. Of course, the main reasons for this are crime, bloody military conflicts and accidents. The rather fantastic idea that some missing people could simply be lost in time does not occur to anyone ...

Aliens from the past

In the 50s of the last century, an amazing case became known to the press. A man in 19th-century clothing suddenly found himself in the thick of cars on a busy New York street and was crushed by one of the cars. The driver swore that the deceased suddenly appeared in front of his car, as if he had fallen from the sky, there was simply no way to slow down.
Trying to identify the deceased, the police searched his pockets, they found an identity document issued 80 years ago ... It turned out that the man was a traveling salesman and lived on a street that was demolished 50 years ago. This story interested the police so much that they were not too lazy to dig into the archive and find lists of residents of the area indicated in the document for the end of the 19th century, in which they discovered the mysterious salesman.
Further searches led to an unexpected meeting. An elderly woman with the same last name as the deceased told the detectives that 70 years ago, under very mysterious circumstances, her father disappeared. He went outside to breathe before going to bed and seemed to have evaporated, all attempts to find him led to nothing. Digging through the box of photographs, the woman found a photograph of her father. The police simply gasped when, in a photograph dated April 1884, they saw exactly that unfortunate salesman who had fallen under the wheels of a car ...
An even stranger incident occurred in a small California town in the summer of 1936. On his street was an old-fashioned dressed, unknown to anyone, frightened old woman. She literally shied away from the passers-by offering her help. Her unusual outfit and strange behavior attracted the curious: after all, in this town everyone knew each other and the appearance of such a colorful figure did not go unnoticed. When the old woman saw people gathering around her, she looked around with despair and confusion and suddenly disappeared in front of dozens of eyewitnesses.
In 1966, three brothers were walking down a street in Glasgow early on New Year's morning. Suddenly, 19-year-old Alex disappeared in front of his older brothers. All attempts to find him were unsuccessful. Alex disappeared without a trace and was never seen again.
In the 90s of the last century, one of the Hong Kong newspapers told the world an amazing story about the boy Yun Li Chen. In 1987, scientists were approached by doctors from a psychiatric hospital in Hong Kong, the police brought to them a very strange boy who claimed to have come from the past. The doctors did not find any brain damage in him and came to the conclusion that he was quite healthy, but the boy's unusual stories baffled them and made them doubt his mental health.
Scientists became interested in the doctors' story and visited the boy. First of all, they were struck by his clothing, cut from a fabric that was clearly hand-crafted, it resembled museum exhibits found in ancient burials. Yun Li Chen was fluent in one of the ancient Chinese dialects, and he told historians such details about the distant past that he simply brought them into a state of real shock.
They decided to check the boy's story with the help of temple books. In some of them, several centuries old, the historian Ying Shao unexpectedly discovered the names of places and even the names of people reported by a strange boy. The astonished scientist decided to seriously investigate this amazing case, but he was in for a bitter disappointment - Yun suddenly disappeared, as if he had evaporated from a closed chamber, which was under vigilant control.
Frustrated, Shao again turned to the ancient chronicles and suddenly found a mention of Yun Li Chen in them! It was reported that Chen disappeared for more than ten years, but then returned not at all matured and began to say that he had been in the distant future, where he saw iron birds flying, carts moving without horses and houses resting on the clouds. Of course, no one believed the boy, he was considered crazy, and three weeks after his return he died unexpectedly.
“Year after year, with surprising regularity, unusual manipulations with time are repeated. We have a certain number of reports of missing people who seem to have been swallowed up by time, and not by any other force, ”John Kiel, a well-known foreign researcher of anomalous phenomena, expressed his opinion about the mysterious disappearances of people in one of the conversations.
Time trap for...submarine
It is possible that not only people, but also other living beings fall into the "traps" of time. This can explain the mysterious appearances of Bigfoot in the most unexpected corners of our planet, as well as quite numerous sightings of prehistoric animals like Nessie.
Time plays a bad joke not only with individuals, it can also do very impressive objects. American parapsychologists claim that the Pentagon classified a striking incident that happened to one of the submarines. The submarine was in the waters of the infamous Bermuda Triangle, when it suddenly disappeared, literally moments later, a signal from it was received already from ... the Indian Ocean.
However, this incident with the submarine was not limited only to its movement in space over a huge distance, there was also a rather significant time travel: the crew of the submarine literally aged 20 years in tens of seconds! Information about this unique case was published in 1993 in the American weekly The News.
Researchers of anomalous phenomena have tried to collect statistical data regarding cases of time travel. They found that between 1976 and 2001, there were 274 such cases, and planes often became victims of "holes" in time. The most trivial case, the most frequently repeated, is when an aircraft suddenly disappears for a moment from the radar screen, and then it turns out that the clocks of the pilots, and indeed of all passengers, are a few minutes behind.
However, more terrible accidents sometimes happen to airplanes. In 1997, the W. W. News” told about the mysterious DC-4 aircraft that landed in Caracas (Venezuela) in 1992. This plane was seen by airport employees, although it did not give any mark on the radar. Soon managed to contact the pilot. In a surprised and even frightened voice, the pilot announced that he was operating a charter flight 914 from New York to Miami with 54 passengers on board and was due to land at 9:55 am on June 2, 1955, at the end he asked: “Where are we?”
The dispatchers, stunned by the pilot's message, told him that he was over the airport in Caracas and gave permission to land. The pilot did not answer, but during landing, everyone heard his surprised exclamation: “Jimmy! What the hell is this!” The surprise of the American pilot was clearly caused by a jet plane taking off at that time ...
The mysterious plane landed safely, its pilot breathing heavily, finally saying, "Something is wrong here." When informed that he had landed on May 21, 1992, the pilot exclaimed, "Oh God!" They tried to calm him down, they said that a ground team was already heading towards him. However, when he saw airport employees next to the plane, the pilot shouted: “Do not approach! We're leaving here!"
The ground crew saw the astonished faces of the passengers in the windows, and the DC-4 pilot opened the glass in his cockpit and waved some kind of magazine at them, demanding that they do not approach the aircraft. He started the engines, the plane took off and disappeared. Did he manage to get there in time? Unfortunately, the further fate of the crew and passengers of the aircraft is unknown, since the magazine did not report on any historical investigation of this case. As evidence of this unusual incident at the Caracas airport, there was a recording of negotiations with a DC-4 and a calendar for 1955 that fell out of a magazine that the pilot was waving ...

Chrononauts reluctantly

Time travelers are often referred to as chrononauts. However, there is no evidence of the invention of the time machine in the near or distant future yet. Many modern scientists generally deny the possibility of time travel, believing that it is irreversible.
True, not everyone thinks so, for example, a number of physicists put forward a hypothesis that there are zones of so-called time faults on the Earth, in such anomalous places the past and the future sometimes close together, while there is a transfer of information and energy, in which they can be captured and material bodies - people, animals, planes ...
There is also a hypothesis that with temporary violations of the structure of space and time, special tunnels are formed in them, connecting different eras.
Some researchers believe that unwitting time travelers only momentarily fall into the past or future and then are transported back to their own time. However, there is reason to believe that this is not always the case. The most deplorable option is quite possible - to get stuck in someone else's time forever.
In this case, travelers from the past to the future will most likely face the unenviable fate of a psychiatric patient… Imagine that a policeman thinks of a strangely dressed man claiming to be in Napoleon’s army…
Those who get from the future into the past, with a certain self-control and resourcefulness, can more or less get settled. Perhaps it was just such an unwitting time traveler who built the famous Baghdad battery, which gave current 4000 years ago ...
Some of the researchers of anomalous phenomena seriously suggest that Leonardo da Vinci was a chrononaut involuntarily ... He arrived in the 15th century from the future and was stuck in it forever. They consider the numerous diverse inventions of Leonardo to be proof of such a hypothesis, which were significantly ahead of their time.

In contact with


The story of John Titor and other cases of time travel.

1. · In 1912, during the movement of the train from London to Glasgow, a man appeared out of nowhere in his hands who had a long whip and a bitten piece of bread.

In the first minutes he was in shock, the passengers of the train could not calm him down. Recovering, the man said: “I am Pimp Drake, a coachman from Chetnam. Where I am? Where am I?".

Drake claimed to be from the 18th century. A few minutes later he disappeared back. Specialists from the National Museum confidently asserted that the objects that remained after the arrival of an alien from the past belong to the end of the 18th century.

As a result, it turned out that such a village really exists, and moreover, that the coachman Pimp Drake, who was born in the middle of the 18th century, worked in it.

2. NYPD Files: In November 1956, an unidentified man was run over on Broadway. The driver and witnesses claimed that he appeared out of nowhere.

In his pocket, they found an identity card and business cards, on which it was written where he lives, that he works as a traveling salesman, and so on.

The police found such a person in the archive and interviewed relatives and people who lived nearby. An old woman was found who claimed that her father disappeared about 60 years ago in unknown circumstances: he went for a walk along Broadway and did not return.

A picture taken in 1884 of her father fully confirmed that this was the man who was hit by a car.

3. A few years ago, a certain Andrew Carl-sin was arrested in New York on charges of fraud.

Having invested less than a thousand dollars in shares, after 2 weeks he earned 350 million dollars on the stock exchange.

It is noteworthy that the trading operations performed by him initially did not promise a win at all. The state authorities accused Karlsin of illegally obtaining information profitable for himself, since they did not find other arguments for such a startling result.

Although all experts agree that even having full information about the companies where he invested money, it is impossible to earn so much and for such a period
However, during interrogation, Karlsin unexpectedly stated that he allegedly appeared from the year 2256 and, having information about all banking operations over the past years, decided to enrich himself.

He categorically refused to show his time machine, but made a tempting offer for the authorities - to announce several upcoming important events that will happen soon in the world, including the whereabouts of Bin Laden and the invention of a cure for AIDS ...

According to unverified reports, someone posted a million dollar bail for him to get him out of prison, after which Karlsin disappeared and, apparently, forever ...

4. A strange incident occurred in a small California town in the summer of 1936. On his street was an old-fashioned dressed, unknown to anyone, frightened old woman.

She literally shied away from the passers-by offering her help. Her unusual outfit and strange behavior attracted the curious: after all, in this town everyone knew each other, and the appearance of such a colorful figure did not go unnoticed.

When the old woman saw people gathering around her, she looked around with despair and confusion and suddenly disappeared in front of dozens of eyewitnesses.

5. Time jokes badly not only with individuals, it can also do very impressive objects.

American parapsychologists claim that the Pentagon classified a striking incident that happened to one of the submarines.

The submarine was in the waters of the infamous Bermuda Triangle, when it suddenly disappeared, literally moments later, a signal from it was received already from ... the Indian Ocean.

However, this incident with the submarine was not limited only to its movement in space over a huge distance, there was also a rather significant time travel: the crew of the submarine literally aged 20 years in tens of seconds.

6. Even more terrible accidents sometimes happen to airplanes.

In 1997, the W. W. News” told about the mysterious DC-4 aircraft that landed in Caracas (Venezuela) in 1992.

This plane was seen by airport employees, although it did not give any mark on the radar. Soon managed to contact the pilot. In a surprised and even frightened voice, the pilot announced that he was operating a charter flight 914 from New York to Miami with 54 passengers on board and was due to land at 9:55 am on June 2, 1955, at the end he asked: "Where are we?"

The dispatchers, stunned by the pilot's message, told him that he was over the airport in Caracas and gave permission to land.

The pilot did not answer, but during the landing everyone heard his surprised exclamation: "Jimmy! What the hell is this!” The surprise of the American pilot was clearly caused by a jet plane taking off at that time ...

The mysterious plane landed safely, its pilot was breathing heavily, finally he said: "Something is wrong here". When informed that he had landed on May 21, 1992, the pilot exclaimed: "Oh my God!"

They tried to calm him down, they said that a ground team was already heading towards him. However, seeing airport employees next to the plane, the pilot shouted: "Don't come near! We're leaving here!"

The ground crew saw the astonished faces of the passengers in the windows, and the DC-4 pilot opened the glass in his cockpit and waved some kind of magazine at them, demanding that they do not approach the aircraft.

He started the engines, the plane took off and disappeared. Did he manage to get there in time? Unfortunately, the further fate of the crew and passengers of the aircraft is unknown, since the magazine did not report on any historical investigation of this case.

As evidence of this unusual incident at the Caracas airport, there was a recording of negotiations with a DC-4 and a calendar for 1955 that fell out of a magazine that the pilot was waving ...

7. A resident of Sevastopol, retired naval officer Ivan Pavlovich Zalygin has been studying the problem of time travel for the last fifteen years.

The captain of the second rank became interested in this phenomenon after a very curious and mysterious incident that happened to him in the late 80s of the last century in the Pacific Ocean, while serving as deputy commander of a diesel submarine.

During one of the training trips in the area of ​​the La Perouse Strait, the boat got into a severe thunderstorm. The submarine commander decided to take a surface position.

As soon as the ship surfaced, the sailor on duty reported that he saw an unidentified floating craft right on the course.

It soon becomes clear that a Soviet submarine stumbled upon a lifeboat in neutral waters, in which the submariners found a half-dead frostbitten man in ... the uniform of a Japanese military sailor during the Second World War.

When examining personal belongings of the rescued, a premium parabellum was found, as well as documents issued on September 14, 1940.

After the report to the base command, the boat was ordered to go to the port of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where counterintelligence was already waiting for the Japanese military sailor.

GRU officers took a non-disclosure agreement from the team members for the next ten years.

8. In 1966, three brothers were walking in the early New Year's morning along one of the streets of Glasgow. Suddenly, 19-year-old Alex disappeared in front of his older brothers. All attempts to find him were unsuccessful. Alex disappeared without a trace and was never seen again.

9. A photo in the virtual Bralorne Pioneer Museum called the rather boring title “Reopening of the South Fork Bridge after flood in Nov. 1940. 1941 (?)” was a minor sensation.

The public claims that it depicts a time traveler. The reason for this was some features of his clothes and a portable camera in his hands: he is wearing sunglasses, which were not worn in the 40s, a T-shirt with an advertising logo, a sweater in the fashion of the 21st century, a hairstyle that was not done in those days and portable camera.

10 John Titor - The Time Traveler Who Predicted War

John Titor is a man from the future who has been appearing on the Internet since 2000 on forums, blogs and various sites. John claimed to be a time traveler and arrived here from the year 2036.

He was originally sent in 1975 to collect information about the IBM-5100 computer, as his grandfather worked on the creation of this computer and programmed on it, but he stopped in 2000 for personal reasons. On the forums, he talked about future events. Some of them have already happened: the war in Iraq, the conflict in the US in the presidential elections of 2004 and 2008. He also talked about the third world war.

This is what the bleak future of our planet looks like: a second civil war will split America into 5 factions with a new capital in Omaha. In 2017, the third world war will break out, the result of which will be the loss of three billion people.

Then, to top it all off, there will be a computer glitch that will destroy the world we are used to. That is, it will be so if a brave time traveler does not overcome the space-time continuum to change the course of history.

It was at the end of 2000. A poster on various forums took on the web aliases "TimeTravel_0" and "John Titor", and claimed to be a soldier sent from 2036, the year a computer virus destroyed the world. His mission was to return to 1975 to find and capture an IBM 5100 computer that had everything needed to fight the virus (and he went to 2000 to meet his 3-year-old self, ignoring the paradox of the very fabric of time from stories about time travel).

For the next four months, Titor answered all the questions the other participants had, describing future events in the spirit of poetic phrases, and always pointing out that other realities exist, and our reality may not be his own.

Between grim exhortations to learn how to give first aid and not eat beef - in his reality, mad cow disease was a serious threat - Titor, using extremely difficult algorithms, uncovered some of the technical aspects of how time travel works and provided grainy photos of his time machine.

On March 24, 2001, Titor gave his last piece of advice ("Take a gas can with you when you leave your car on the side of the road"), logged out for good, and drove back. Since then, he has not appeared again.

Titor's story from a time when we were all so innocent, less than 15 years ago, just before everything started to change. And the legend of Tithor persists in part because no one has ever claimed to be its creator.

Since the mystery is not solved, the legend continues. "The John Titor story is popular because some of the stories just get popular," says writer and producer Brian Denning, who specializes in Titor.

Among all the stories about ghosts, demonic voices, swindle or rumors circulating on the Internet, something is becoming popular. Why shouldn't stories about Titor become so popular. Although there is (tiny, almost scientifically impossible) and one more possibility.

"One of the clues to Titor," writes Temporal Recon in an email, "is to admit the possibility that time travel might be true."

The great thing about time travel is that history cannot be refuted. If events don't happen the way the time traveler said, it's because he changed the course of history.

And one more thing... if this man John Titor wanted to be promoted, then why did he disappear forever?! Whether the special services took him away or whether he went back is a mystery.

Throughout its history, mankind has accumulated a lot of facts testifying to the existence of such an inexplicable phenomenon as time travel. The appearance of strange people, machines and mechanisms is recorded in the historical annals of the era of the Egyptian pharaohs and the dark Middle Ages, the bloody period of the French Revolution, the First and Second World Wars.

Programmer in the 19th century.

In the archives of Tobolsk, the case of a certain Sergei Dmitrievich Krapivin, who was detained by a policeman on August 28, 1897, on one of the streets of this Siberian city, has been preserved. The suspicion of the law enforcement officer was caused by the strange behavior and appearance of a middle-aged man. After the detainee was taken to the station and began to be interrogated, the police were quite surprised at the information that Krapivin sincerely shared with them. According to the detainee, he was born on April 14, 1965 in the city of Angarsk. No less strange to the policeman seemed his occupation - a PC operator. How he got to Tobolsk, Krapivin could not explain. According to him, shortly before that, he had a severe headache, then the man lost consciousness, and when he woke up, he saw that he was in a completely unfamiliar place not far from the church.

A doctor was called to the police station to examine the detainee, who admitted that Mr. Krapivin was insane and insisted on placing him in a city lunatic asylum ...

A piece of Imperial Japan.

A resident of Sevastopol, retired naval officer Ivan Pavlovich Zalygin has been studying the problem of time travel for the last fifteen years. The captain of the second rank became interested in this phenomenon after a very curious and mysterious incident that happened to him in the late 80s of the last century in the Pacific Ocean, while serving as deputy commander of a diesel submarine. During one of the training trips in the area of ​​the La Perouse Strait, the boat got into a severe thunderstorm. The submarine commander decided to take a surface position. As soon as the ship surfaced, the sailor on duty reported that he saw an unidentified vehicle on the course. It soon becomes clear that a Soviet submarine stumbled upon a lifeboat in neutral waters, in which the submariners found a half-dead frostbitten man in ... the uniform of a Japanese military sailor during the Second World War. When examining personal belongings of the rescued, a premium parabellum was found, as well as documents issued on September 14, 1940.

After the report to the base command, the boat was ordered to go to the port of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where counterintelligence was already waiting for the Japanese military sailor. GRU officers took a non-disclosure agreement from the team members for the next ten years.

Napoleon's troops against tanks.

In Zalygin's card file there is a case described by a certain Vasily Troshev, who fought as part of the third tank army of the North-Western Front. During the battles for the liberation of Estonia in 1944, not far from the Gulf of Finland, a tank reconnaissance battalion commanded by Captain Troshev stumbled upon a strange group of cavalrymen in a wooded area, dressed in a uniform that tankers saw only in history books. The sight of the tanks sent them into a stampede. As a result of a short pursuit through the wetlands, our soldiers managed to detain one of the cavalrymen. The fact that he spoke French greatly endeared the Soviet tankers to the prisoner, who knew about the Resistance movement and mistook the cavalryman for a soldier of the allied army.

The French cavalryman was taken to the army headquarters, they found an officer who taught French in pre-war youth, and with his help they tried to interrogate the soldier. Already the first minutes of the conversation perplexed both the interpreter and the staff officers. The cavalryman claimed that he was a cuirassier in the army of Emperor Napoleon. At present, the remnants of his regiment, after a two-week retreat from Moscow, are trying to get out of the encirclement. However, two days ago they got into heavy fog and got lost. The cuirassier himself said that he was extremely hungry and had a cold. When asked by the translator about the year of birth, he said: one thousand seven hundred and seventy-two ...

Already in the morning of the next day, the mysterious prisoner was taken away in an unknown direction by the arrived officers of the special department ...
Is there a chance to return?

According to I.P. Zalygin, there are a number of places on the planet in which the facts of temporary movements occur quite often. It is in these places that large faults in the earth's crust are located. Powerful ejections of energies periodically come out of these faults, the nature of which is far from being fully understood. It is during periods of energy emissions that anomalous space-time movements occur both from the past to the future, and vice versa.

Almost always, temporary displacements are irreversible, but it happens that people who have moved against their will to another time have the good fortune to return again. So, Zalygin describes a case that occurred in the early nineties of the XX century on one of the foothill plateaus of the Carpathians with one of the shepherds. A man with his fifteen-year-old son was in a summer parking lot, when one evening, in front of a teenager, he suddenly disappeared. The shepherd's son began to call for help, but literally a minute later his father reappeared as if out of thin air in the same place. The man was extremely frightened and could not close his eyes all night. Only the next morning the shepherd told his son about what had happened to him. As it turned out, at some point the man saw a bright flash in front of him, lost consciousness for a moment, and when he woke up, he realized that he was in a place completely unfamiliar to him. Huge chimney-like houses stood around him, some machines scurried through the air. Suddenly the shepherd felt ill again, and he again found himself in the familiar parking lot ...

For the second century, scientists have been struggling to solve the problem of temporary displacement, and, quite possibly, the day will come when the plots of science fiction films and books will become an everyday reality for mankind.

This photograph was taken in 1941 at the opening of the South Fork Bridge in British Columbia, Canada. A man who clearly stands out from the crowd with his extraordinary appearance got into the frame. Short haircut, dark glasses, wide-necked knitted sweater over a T-shirt with some kind of symbolism, a massive camera in his hands. Agree, the appearance is quite familiar to our days, but not for the early 40s! And he really stands out from the rest. This photo was investigated. Found a participant in these events. But he couldn't remember the man at all.

Looking at old photographs, one married couple drew attention to a young man captured in 1917 in unusual clothes for that time.
Basically, they were embarrassed by the fact that every respected person of that time wore a hat, going out without a hat was considered the same as appearing in public without pants. Yes, and the T-shirt that he is wearing, well, does not fit into the fashion of that time, it looks painfully modern.

In June 1936, during earthworks in the vicinity of Baghdad, builders discovered an ancient burial site from the era of the Parthian Kingdom (250 BC - 220 AD). Among the objects found in the tomb, a clay vessel about 14 centimeters high attracted special attention. Its neck turned out to be filled with bitumen, through which a metal rod with traces of corrosion passed. The other end of the rod was in a copper cylinder hidden inside the vessel. An unusual find was shown to the Austrian archaeologist Wilhelm Koenig, who worked in the archaeological museum of the Iraqi capital. The puzzled scientist suggested that it was nothing more than an ancient battery.

Later, his assumption was confirmed by Professor J. B. Perchinski from the University of North Carolina. The professor even managed to create an exact working copy of the "Parthian battery". He filled it with five percent wine vinegar and got a voltage of 0.5 volts. The German Egyptologist Arne Eggebrecht went even further. With the help of 10 such batteries and a salt solution of gold, he covered the figurine of Osiris with a layer of precious metal in a few hours. Thus, the scientist proved that the Parthians knew the secret of galvanization.

In June 1934, in the rocks near the Texas town of London, archaeologists found an ordinary-looking hammer - 15 centimeters long, three in diameter. It would seem that there is such a thing? Yes, only this find literally grew into limestone. The wooden handle of the hammer was petrified on the outside, and completely turned into coal on the inside. It turns out that this object is older than the rock formed around it. And this means that its age is about 140 million years! Upon closer examination, it turned out that the hammer itself was made of high-quality metal, which even modern metallurgists could not obtain.

In 1974, Romanian workers were digging a trench near the city of Ayud and stumbled upon three objects at a depth of 10 meters. Two of them turned out to be the bones of a prehistoric elephant, which are about 2.5 million years old.
But the third object turned out to be the most curious: an aluminum wedge. This find puzzled researchers, since aluminum was discovered only in 1808, and the age of the wedge, given that it was in the same layer with the remains of an extinct animal, cannot be less than 11 thousand years.
Ufologists immediately declared this artifact as direct evidence of visits to Earth by "little green men". Like it or not, hardly anyone can say with complete certainty.

This item, found in a Ming Dynasty tomb, has puzzled researchers. The tomb was opened in 2008 in the Guangxi region (China) during the filming of a documentary. To the surprise of archaeologists and journalists. in the burial were found ... a Swiss watch!
“When we were removing the soil, a piece of rock suddenly bounced off the surface of the coffin and hit the floor with a metallic sound,” said Jiang Yan, a former curator of the Guangxi Museum who participated in the excavation. We have picked up the item. It turned out to be a ring. But, having cleared it from the ground, we were shocked - a miniature dial was found on its surface.

Inside the ring was an engraved inscription "Swiss" (Switzerland). The Ming Dynasty ruled China until 1644. The fact that in the 17th century they could create such a miniature mechanism is out of the question. But Chinese experts claim that the tomb has never been opened over the past 400 years.

In 1900, off the coast of the Greek island of Antikythera, located between the Peloponnese and Crete, sponge fishers discovered the remains of a Roman merchant ship. Presumably, the ship sank in the 80s BC. on the way from the island of Rhodes to R im. From a depth of about 60 meters, a lot of gold jewelry, marble and bronze figurines, amphoras, ceramics and other antique items were raised. And with them - parts of a strange mechanism.

For the first time, archaeologist Valerios Stais looked closely at this find. Sorting precious exhibits in 1902, he noticed that some of the bronze objects very much resemble watch gears. The largest one is 10-12 centimeters in diameter, two five to seven centimeters each, and many more smaller ones. The scientist suggested that all this is part of some astronomical instrument. But colleagues made Stais laugh. The objects date back to 150-100 BC, while gears were not invented until 14 centuries later.

They returned to Stais's theory only in the late 50s.

Derek de Solla Price, a British historian from Yale University, having studied in detail the gears from Antikythera, proved that they are all really fragments of one mechanism. The details were most likely placed in a wooden box measuring 31.5x19x10 centimeters, which crumbled over time. Price even sketched a rough diagram of the device. In 1971, a more detailed diagram was drawn up, and the British watchmaker John Gleave managed to assemble a working copy of the mysterious machine. The device consisted of 32 parts and simulated the movement of the Sun and Moon, displaying the results on two dials.

Discovery by London Science Museum Specialist Michael Wright

But the story didn't end there. In 2002, Michael Wright, an expert at the London Science Museum, made another discovery. It turns out that the ancient mechanism is also capable of simulating the motion of the five planets then known: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. And three years later, with the help of modern X-ray techniques, scientists managed to see about two thousand Greek symbols on the gears. The missing parts of the mechanism were also recreated. Now the device could perform addition, subtraction and division operations, maintain an astronomical calendar of 365 days, and every four years making a leap day correction, and count according to the calendar systems of several ancient peoples. The Antikythera mechanism has rightly been dubbed the ancient computer.

On the remote peninsula of Kamchatka, 200 km from the village of Tigil, St. Petersburg University of Archeology discovered strange fossils. The authenticity of the find has been certified.
According to archaeologist Yuri Golubev, the discovery surprised scientists by its nature, it is able to change the course of history (or prehistory). This is not the first time ancient artifacts have been found in this region. But, this find, at first glance, is encrusted in the rock (which is quite understandable, since there are numerous volcanoes on the peninsula). Analysis has shown that the mechanism is made of metal parts that seem to combine to form a mechanism that could be something like a clock or a computer. The most amazing thing is that all the pieces have been dated at 400 million!

In May 2008, archaeologists from the University of Bristol, conducting excavations on the territory of the Chateau Gaillard (France), made a sensational find. At a depth of two and a half meters, a complex of iron objects was found that made up the protective armor of a warrior. Nearby, archaeologists discovered a second burial, a well-preserved skeleton of a horse. Tournois denier coins (French denier tournois - Tour denier) were also found in the excavation, the French type of denarius minted by Philip II Augustus (1180-1223), as well as coins minted by the Duchy of Aquitaine with the name of Richard, which suggests that the armor found belongs to during the reign of Richard I the Lionheart (1189-1199). The location of the fragments of iron armor seemed unusual in this find to scientists. From above, they resembled the outlines of a bicycle.

The "Reports of the Academy of Sciences" for 1995 tells how geologists in Syktyvkar investigated strange finds during the exploration of gold-bearing rocks. They made pits, pulled out buckets of sand on a rope. Tungsten springs were found in taiga corners untouched by civilization at depths of 6-12 meters. And this corresponds to the Upper Pleistocene, or one hundred thousand years BC! away from any industrial enterprises for many kilometers. At the same time, it is known that metallic tungsten alloyed with rare earths ... is used in plasma engines of space rockets.
So, the artifacts are clearly of artificial origin, they could not be brought to the Urals over the past 40 years, along with the wreckage of the current spacecraft, quite a lot of springs were found in three different places.


which in this case suggests itself: the artifacts did not come from anywhere. Someone or something scattered them on the ground about 100,000 years ago. Given that the region of the Urals is rich in minerals, it can be assumed that in these places many millennia ago there was either some kind of metallurgical complex associated with rocket technology, or a cosmodrome (or maybe something similar) ...

"The difference between past, present and future is nothing more than an illusion, albeit a very intrusive one"
Albert Einstein

Nowadays, even respected physicists such as Stephen Hawking are forced to admit that time travel might be possible. But maybe it has already happened? The people we're going to talk about in this list say exactly that.

10. Visit Mars with Barack Obama

A Seattle lawyer named Andrew Basiago says that when he was a child, he and William Stillings were "chrononauts" in a secret U.S. government time travel program called "Project Pegasus (Project Pegasus). The goal of the program was threefold: to protect the Earth from threats from space, to establish territorial sovereignty over Mars, and to acclimatize Martian humanoids and animals to our presence.

However, the most interesting part of Basiago and Stillings' claim is that one of their time travel colleagues was none other than 19-year-old Barack Obama, who participated in the program under the pseudonym "Barry Soetero". In 1980, three men and seven teenagers from their "Martian training class" at California Siskiyous College (a real-life institution) traveled to Mars using a secret teleportation room constructed from blueprints found in Nikola Tesla's apartment after his of death. They jumped through the radiation energy field into the tunnel, and when the tunnel closed, they found that they had arrived at their destination.

The White House has officially denied the rumors that Obama has ever been to Mars.

9. American soldier from the future

In late 2000, articles began to appear on the Internet from a man claiming to be an American soldier from the year 2036. John Titor, as he called himself, traveled back to 1975 using a tool installed in a 1987 Chevy Suburban, naturally to find an IBM 5100 computer in order to destroy a computer virus aimed at destroying peace. Titor described a world torn apart by conflicts that would culminate in Russian nuclear strikes in 2015 that killed almost three billion people.

Titor's articles abruptly stopped appearing in 2001, but Titoromania continued. In 2003, a collection of 151 Titor's messages was published under the title John Titor A Time Traveler's Tale. Although this book is no longer in print, a brand new copy can still be purchased for a tidy $1,775, or a used copy for a more modest $150. The book was published by the John Titor Foundation, a for-profit corporation run by a Florida entertainment attorney named Lawrence Haber. The Foundation also owns the rights to the alleged military insignia of the military unit of Titor called "Fighting Diamondbacks", which is inscribed with a quote from Ovid: "tempus edax rerum", which means "time devours everything".

Apparently, everything except the myth of John Titor.

8. Christ's Personal Photographer

Father Pellegrino Ernetti was a Benedictine monk and a recognized authority on archaic music. He also claimed that, as part of a team that included Nobel Prize-winning physicist Enrico Fermi and German scientist Werner von Braun, he co-invented the "chronovisor", a television-like device, with them. , which could be tuned to events from the past.

According to Ernetti, he watched the last supper and the crucifixion of Christ, and also saw Napoleon and Cicero. The team later voluntarily dismantled the device because falling into the wrong hands could lead to "the most terrible dictatorship the world has ever seen." He said the device was inspired by Nostradamus, who personally informed him of the device's capabilities.

When pressured to provide evidence for the existence of the device, Ernetti provided a photograph of Christ on the cross, purportedly taken with a chronovisor. After the similarity of the provided photograph with the work of Cullot Valera was noticed, Ernetti had to admit that the photograph was a fake. However, Ernetti continued to insist that the Chronovisor had actually been built.

7. The pilot who got into a parallel dimension

In 1935, a Royal Air Force Air Wing Commander named Sir Victor Goddard flew his open-cockpit biplane from Scotland to England on a day off. On the way, he flew over the airfield Drem (Drem Airfield), located near Edinburgh (Edinburgh), which was built during the First World War. The platform and four hangars were in poor condition, and barbed wire divided the field into numerous pastures filled with grazing cattle. Returning home a day later, Goddard got into a severe storm and lost control of his plane. When he finally pulled the plane out of the downward spiral that could have led to his death, he was only a few meters above the rocky beach.

While Goddard was making his way back up through the rain and fog, the sky was suddenly filled with sunlight. Below it was the Drema airfield, but the farm was gone, and the hangars were no longer crumbling. At the end of the restored platform were four bright yellow aircraft and one unfamiliar monoplane. They were surrounded by mechanics in blue overalls, which Goddard noticed because the mechanics of this airfield usually wore only brown overalls.

One of the founders of the airfield admitted that Goddard simply confused his location. Has he really recovered in the future? Goddard died in 1987, so we will never know the truth. Unless he comes back from the past to tell us about her.

Source 6The only person to survive the Philadelphia Experiment

In the fall of 1943, the destroyer USS Eldridge allegedly became invisible and teleported from Pennsylvania to Virginia in what became known as the Philadelphia Experiment. Of course, this incident never actually happened, but that didn't stop Alfred Bielek from gaining notoriety as the sole survivor of the Philadelphia Experiment. His memories were "buried in his mind" until he saw the movie The Philadelphia Experiment in 1988, when he "remembered" that he was born in 1916, as was Ed Cameron.

Like Cameron, he was recruited in 1940 to participate in a Navy project called "Project Rainbow" whose goal was to determine a way by which ships could be made invisible. For reasons not entirely clear, Cameron was sent through a portal in the Pentagon to Alpha Centauri One, where aliens interrogated him and then "physically regressed" him into one-year-old Alfred Bilek in 1927. Bilek claimed that he later became the director of mind control for the Montauk Project, whose members traveled the time vortex in the 1980s and altered the results of various wars. When they returned to their time, they decided if they managed to change the situation for the better. If they failed, they simply returned everything as it was.

5. Hakan Nordqvist met his future self

On August 30, 2006, 36-year-old Håkan Nordkvist came home to find that water had collected on his kitchen floor. Assuming it was a leak, he gathered up his tools and crawled under the sink, but couldn't reach the pipes. What happened next, he explains as follows: “I had to climb into the closet, and when I did, I found that it expanded. So I kept crawling on and on. I saw a light at the end of the tunnel, and when I got out of it, I realized that I was in the future.”

He ended up in 2042, where, or rather when, Nordqvist met his 72-year-old self. To his surprise, Nordquist from the future knew things that only he could know, such as where he hid his secret things in first grade. They even had the same tattoo, although the future Nordqvist had it a bit dimmer. The men were photographed together on the phone of a young Nordqvist. The only photo that Nordqvist decided to take in 2042 showed that he would undergo certain physical changes, including that he would grow several centimeters over the next 36 years.

4The Woman Who Visited The Queen's Memories

On August 10, 1901, Anne Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain, academics at St Hugh's College, Oxford, were spending the day at Versailles. While they were looking for the Petit Trianon, they got lost. They began to feel strange, as if something was oppressing their spirit. Two men in long green coats and cocked hats led them across the bridge, where Mauberly saw a woman in 18th-century clothing sitting on a chair and drawing.

Back in England, the women decided to investigate this mystery. Neither of them knew anything about 18th-century France, so imagine their surprise when they discovered the portrait of Marie Antoinette and realized it was the woman Moberly had seen painting. The queen was sitting in front of the Petit Trianon at the very moment she learned that the Parisian crowd was moving towards Versailles.

The women were convinced that they would see a ghostly trace of Marie Antoinette's memories. Under the pseudonyms Miss Morison and Miss Lamont, they published an account of their experiences called An Adventure, which became a bestseller. It was not until 1950, by the time Jourdain and Mauberly were long dead, that their correspondence with the Society for Psychical Research was examined. During the study of correspondence, it was proved that women added numerous details to their story only after they had conducted their research on this topic.

3. An army of aliens stealing children

Michael and Stephanie Relfe report that aliens using fractal time-altering technology abducted them and "stole" their two-month-old premature daughter. However, according to their website, the worst part is that it can happen to any of us!

However, we can prevent this by praying and recognizing the signs of an impending abduction, which include: fatigue, bruising, loss of time, and areas of the body that appear unnaturally brightly colored when viewed under infrared light. However, both spouses answer the question of what happens after you have been abducted by aliens in a very unrelated way. However, their knowledge of abduction technology was surprisingly clear. The aliens, backed by the US Army, have used teleportation, space-time tunnels, dimensional travel, fractal resonance, and even magic to travel through time and space.

Other scourges sent by aliens include vaccines, fluoride, and genetically modified food. All of these things destroy our metaphysical abilities and keep us from fighting back "attempted occupation by a predatory hyperdimensional species" - or at least understanding what this couple is up to.

2. The people who foresaw the bombing of Hamburg

In 1932, a German newspaper reporter named J. Bernard Hutton and photographer Joachim Brandt supposedly went to a Hamburg shipyard to do some interviews for their story. As they left the shipyard, they heard the hum of aircraft engines. Looking up, they saw the sky filled with military aircraft. Bombs exploded around them, and the whole area was a raging hell.

Brandt took photographs of the devastation and they traveled back to Hamburg, but when they developed the film, there was no evidence of an attack. The editor of the publishing house accused the men of drunkenness and ordered that their story not be printed. After that, Hutton moved to London, where he allegedly saw an article in 1943 about how the Royal Air Force carried out a series of bombing raids on Hamburg. The photographs accompanying the article were taken at a shipyard that looked exactly as he and Brandt had seen it 11 years earlier.

The Royal Air Force actually bombed Hamburg in 1943. In a series of raids known as Operation Gomorrah, approximately 550-600 bombs turned the city into a firestorm that killed 40,000 people. It was the first large-scale destruction of a city during World War II - and the last that Hutton and Brandt learned about.

1 Space Barbie

Valeria Lukyanova, who has a narrow waist, large bust and doll-like features, is known on the Internet as a "living Barbie doll". However, she insists that she is in fact a time-traveling alien and has come to Earth to save the world from superficiality. Lukyanova, who was born in Ukraine, insists her real name is Amatue. She rose to internet fame in 2012 with her 20-minute Space Barbie video, in which she says she helps us move from "the role of 'human consumer' to that of 'human demigod'."

Lukyanova says she started seeing spirits from "other dimensions" when she was 12 or 13 years old. Therefore, she developed the ability to travel out of her body to other planets and universes. She communicates with these extraterrestrial creatures not verbally, but through the "language of light." Despite the fact that she has already published a book about her astral flights, Lukyanova's real goal is to become a pop star.

And the Grammy is awarded to Amatuya for the best performance in the "Language of Light" nomination.

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