Is it possible to give on March 8. High-quality tableware is an irreplaceable gift! Rings and books

The most beloved spring holiday, International Women's Day, is coming soon. It is especially difficult for men on this day - after all, you need to please your soul mate. And this is not easy! We decided to help in choosing and find out what it is strictly forbidden to give on this day.

Pearl products

According to old folk beliefs, pearls are the tears of mermaids. So why give your chosen one someone else's tears? After all, pearl products will not bring anything good to their owner. Instead, it is better to choose jewelry made of silver or gold.


In the old days, when a mother combed her daughter's hair, they shared their deepest secrets with each other. Since then, giving a comb, even a beautiful and expensive one, is considered a bad omen.

Gloves, mittens and scarves

All these items can embroil the person to whom the gift was given and the person who gave it.

Rings and books

There is a legend that rings and books presented to a beloved woman before the wedding can upset a relationship. Therefore, if you are serious about your chosen one, give earrings or a bracelet instead of a ring.


Nice, expensive glasses are every girl's dream, right? But no. According to popular beliefs, the giver, along with the present, "gives away" his thoughts. And the one who receives the gift loses his own opinion.

Cosmetics and perfumery

What girl wouldn't be delighted with a new bottle of perfume or expensive mascara? But take your time with the choice. Such a gift implies that you bring lies and hypocrisy into the life of your loved one.


Since ancient times, girls have been using mirrors for fortune-telling, so it is better not to give them. It is believed that they can bring trouble to the house, as they are a portal to a parallel world.

Signs associated with flowers

  • White flowers - it is better to give a young girl, they personify purity, innocence and tenderness.
  • Yellow flowers - for parting.
  • It is customary to give burgundy flowers to women of Balzac age.
  • Flowers of a very dark color symbolize mourning, so they are not given on holidays.

How to give?

  • After sunset

There is a sign that you can give a gift only after sunset. Otherwise, the giver will always need something. If there is a need to give a present in the evening, it is advised not to pass it from hand to hand, but to put it on the table.

  • You cannot give through the threshold

Many people believe that through the threshold it is impossible not only to greet, but also to give gifts. In order not to introduce discord and quarrels into your relationship, you need to enter the house and only then give a present.

  • Gifts cannot be redistributed

Re-presenting a gift that was presented to you is not only ugly, but also dangerous. It is believed that each gift contains the energy of the one who gave it. And if you give it to the wrong person, to whom it was intended, then the "energy" will become negative and the present can bring bad luck.

At the beginning of spring, all men think about what to give their relatives, friends and beloved women. But no matter how seriously they approach this issue, it may happen that the lady does not like their gift at all. The fact is that many men do not know that there are things that are highly discouraged to give to girls on International Women's Day.

Therefore, they often make the wrong choice. So if you want to really please the representative of the beautiful half of humanity on this spring holiday, then you need to know what you cannot give on March 8. With this information, you can avoid mistakes when choosing a presentation for a woman.

Pots and other kitchen utensils

Most men believe that kitchen products are the best gift for a woman. And if earlier such gifts on International Women's Day were really appropriate, now they irritate many women. The fact is that many women do not want to remember about housework on such a day. So it is better to give pots, pans and kitchen appliances for other reasons.

Cheap jewelry

Almost every girl loves jewelry, including stylish jewelry, especially since now she is one of the main fashion trends. However, not all men can find good jewelry for a woman that she would like to wear. So when choosing a gift for March 8, you should pay attention to other things.

Goods from intimate stores

It is not recommended to give such gifts on International Women's Day, even to your wives and girls. On this spring holiday, women want to receive something bright and positive. Well, they consider gifts from sex shops vulgar and inappropriate on this day. If you want to present such an intimate gift to a girl or wife, then it is better to do it on Valentine's Day.

Extreme sensations

Some men are trying hard to surprise women on International Women's Day by buying certificates for them for various extreme activities, such as skydiving. The fact is that not every girl is ready to commit such a crazy act, so such a gift would be inappropriate. You can give such certificates only if the girl talked about her dream of jumping with a parachute or riding an ATV.

Fake perfume

Now almost all stores sell cheap perfumes from well-known brands. Despite the fact that it is cheap and has a good smell, it is better to bypass such eau de toilette. Not a single girl wanted to receive a fake perfume product bought for a penny as a gift. For the same money, it is better to purchase a small bottle of original perfume.

Slimming products

Under no circumstances should you give a woman a slimming product on March 8th. Moreover, such a present should not be done for other reasons. Even if a lady needs to lose weight, then she must come to this herself. Well, by giving her a weight loss product, you offend her.

Certificate for SPA procedures

A rather controversial gift for a girl on International Women's Day is a certificate for passing a SPA procedure. The fact is that having received such a gift, a girl may assume that you saw flaws in her appearance. Although many women calmly accept such gifts.

Cheap souvenirs

Such gifts are perceived by girls as "gifts for show", so it is better not to present them. All kinds of figurines, key rings and other small souvenirs are of no use, but only clutter up the space in the apartment. So many women do not want to receive such trifles on this spring holiday.


Many girls love animals, but not every lady is ready to have a pet. So, in no case should you give a woman a pet on March 8 without warning. You can make such a gift only to the lady who clearly stated that she wants to have a pet. Moreover, in order to present an animal as a gift, you need to know what kind of pet the lady wanted.

Sports Equipment

This gift can hint to the girl that she has problems with the figure, so it is better not to do it. If the girl wants, then she will buy herself everything she needs for sports.

Cosmetology products for wrinkles or acne

Any gift that hints at flaws in appearance can hurt the girl. These presentations include remedies for acne and wrinkles. In no case should you give such cosmetics to a lady. If you want to present something from cosmetology, then it is better to give preference to products for pleasant SPA procedures.


If you want to present a woman on March 8 with sweets as the main gift, then it is better to look for something else. They can be an addition to the main gift.

Rida Khasanova

Before the holiday on March 8, men are racking their brains over the question of what to give their loved ones. After all, any girl is waiting for something unforgettable, amazing and pleasant on this day. But often, in an effort to acquire an original gift and slay their woman on the spot, men choose inappropriate and ridiculous things.

Gifts that most women dislike

There are many opinions about what exactly you can not give a girl so that she is not offended and upset. It is also worth noting that each case is individual, and when choosing a gift, you need to build on her interests, hobbies and character. Not every man still fully understands that it is better not to give girls on March 8th.


Experience shows that in most cases men have absolutely no idea what underwear size from a friend. You won't be able to navigate by other clothes, you don't even have to start doing it.

Underwear as a gift for a girl

The fact is that women themselves often know their size only approximately. Such a thing as underwear must be tried on in order to feel how it sits, whether it is comfortable in it or not. And only after that you can purchase.

So that better not to risk... Because if the underwear turns out to be too small, this will lead the girl to the idea that she is considered complete, if it is large, that the man does not like her parameters. You can't buy underwear for a girl if she's not around.

You can present a certificate to the lingerie salon as a gift, but first find out what the prices are, so that the girl does not have to pay extra from her pocket later

Vacuum cleaner and other household appliances

There are still men in the world who sincerely do not understand why women you can not give home appliances... By the way, a blender or food processor is also no better than a vacuum cleaner.

Yes, these are practical and useful things, but they should be simple purchases for the family... It is worth remembering a simple rule: you cannot give a girl something that has a motor. Maybe a car and that's it.

Even if the girl often said that she really needed a juicer and a "smart" vacuum cleaner, even if she convincingly talked about how much she needed these things - you cannot give them on March 8... Such purchases can be made just like that, on a normal day, but by no means on a holiday.

Top 10 gifts that are best not to give on March 8

There is a short list of worst gifts, which you definitely shouldn't give your girlfriend on March 8th. You can rewrite it and make a mini-cheat sheet so that you don't make a mistake when choosing a presentation.

A flower in a pot as a gift

  1. In the first place is household and kitchen appliances... On women's holiday, it is impolite to remind your girlfriend about housework. Also, you can not give and dishes.
  2. Flower in a pot in the opinion of men, a very practical gift. After all, cut flowers will last a maximum of a week, and a ficus in a pot for many years. But girls in most cases prefer to receive a modest bouquet and a festive mood as a gift than a flower, which will then need to be looked after.
  3. The worst gift can be considered hair removal products... You can give such things only if you want to part with the girl.
  4. Personal hygiene products as a gift is bad form. This is tantamount to telling the girl straight out that she smells bad.
  5. Things from an intimate store may not please every girl. By handing over such an order, you can permanently ruin the impression of yourself.
  6. Household chemicals- this also applies to the first item on the list. Such things are not bought for a holiday, but during a trip to the supermarket for groceries.
  7. Cosmetics it is better not to give, as they are difficult to understand. And if you give the lady of your heart instead of a cream for normal skin a cream with an anti-aging effect - you will not be able to do without a quarrel.
  8. Fitness subscription or to the pool - this is a direct hint that the girl needs to lose weight. From such a gift, only negative emotions and complexes about their appearance will remain. This also includes products for weight loss.
  9. Money in an envelope- this is not the best gift option for a girl on March 8th. This is vulgar and ugly, and suggests that the man was too lazy or could not choose a worthy present for his favorite.
  10. The most favorite gift option for men is perfume... You can give them only if the girl runs out of her favorite bottle of perfume, and the man buys exactly the same one, that is, he shows attentiveness and care. And it’s better not to even approach an inexpensive perfume from a sale at a home goods store.

This is the main list of things that many men try to give their girls on March 8, confident that they are doing everything right.

Of course, it is impossible to say for sure about every girl. Someone may be delighted with a new frying pan, while others dream of a trip to Paris. Someone wants to receive a certificate for a parachute jump as a gift, while someone just wants to sit together with their beloved man at home for a candlelit dinner. Therefore, first of all, when choosing a gift you need to build on the girl's personal preferences, her tastes and interests. With this approach, the present for March 8 will definitely be successful.

March 6, 2018 9:28 pm

Let's be honest, a man has no idea what a woman wants, even if he lives with this woman all his life. All studies and polls (one might think that research and polls are needed on this topic) prove that there is no hope of fixing this fact.

Even in such a simple matter as choosing colors, a man is not able to make the right decision. For example, according to eDarling, 45% of men are sure that on March 8 a woman will be especially pleased to receive roses (and persistently give them).

But the survey shows that at least 40% of women actually dream of tulips.

That is, you cannot even choose flowers! There are those among men who gave up long ago and simply give money. And not that in such a difficult time it was a completely inappropriate gift. But something that can be deployed is appreciated by women even in times like these. Just don’t give anything from the list below.

A vacuum cleaner

Yes, they still exist - these men who, no matter how much you tell them, continue to give women (especially wives) all kinds of cleaning and washing techniques. And by the way, those of you who give juicers and blenders, also shut up - you are no better. In general, if you find it difficult to understand otherwise, try not to give a woman anything that has a motor. Well, maybe a car. There are a few more exceptions, but guess yourself here.

The most offensive thing is that men are often not to blame at all. They simply fall into a trap, skillfully built by a woman who, when asked what to give her, begins to list all these washing vacuum cleaners and other miraculous mops, and also very convincingly tells that she loves useful gifts.

Men, don't get fooled! It is a trap. If your home hasn't had a microwave for a long time, buy one. Just do not need to do it as a gift for your beloved on March 8.

March 8, and any other day of the year, when you want to give her something, should be about her alone. And yes, of course, a new vacuum cleaner will make her life easier, but believe me, such a gift for a women's holiday will not make life easier for you.


If you have seen enough films and think that you are now acting very sexually, choosing your favorite underwear, stop: with a high probability, you are in for a disaster.

Polls show that 90% of men have no idea what the bra size of their girlfriends, mistresses and even wives is. And no, smart guy, "getting into the locker and looking" will not help you in any way. We hid it from men, but so be it, we will tell you.

Picking up your underwear is actually much more difficult than launching a rocket into orbit.

Many women themselves know their size very roughly. Moreover, depending on the type of linen, the size can be different. And in general, until a woman puts on this very underwear and spends twenty minutes in the dressing room thinking, she cannot fully understand whether it suits her or not.

So don't risk it. Buy too small - insult (I'm fat ???). Buy too big - insult and “what do you, scoundrel, lack of what you have ???”. Take our word for it, we are now saving your life - do not buy a girl underwear when this girl is not with you.


That's what a seemingly safe gift for. The whole aesthetics of Hollywood cinema tells us that as soon as she opens the box, her eyes fill with tears of tenderness for you, and then you live happily ever after towards the sunset.

In fact, it's hard to think of an easier way to offend a girl and make her think for a long time about how wrong she is in you and how you don't know her at all. There is only one exception: if a girl pointed her finger at this particular piece of jewelry in advance, told you with her mouth that she liked it, and you are definitely, absolutely sure, ironically (this is important) sure that she was pointing at this piece of jewelry, and not at the neighboring one. Then donate. You are not only safe, but also a great and attentive fellow.

Otherwise, you are taking a lot, a lot of risk. Jewelry is such an intimate thing that it is almost impossible to choose the right one even for a woman whom you love very much and have known for a long time. Even if she wears the same.

Even if she adores this particular company. Even if you are absolutely sure that this text is not about you and you know perfectly well what she loves.

An improperly chosen piece of jewelry never says that it should actually say: "He tried so hard to please me, he is such a sweet and wonderful person." This is very unfair to a man, but he always says only this: “He thinks that I have no taste. He has no taste himself. He does not know me at all and does not feel me. "

And it would be fine if it was some kind of one-time nuisance. But no, in order to please you, the girl will begin to wear these jewelry intensively, and thinking these thoughts is more intense and intense each time. Don't bring trouble.

We asked beautiful ladies here about what they would like to receive on March 8th. It turned out terrible - women are extremely contradictory.

Let's start from the base - colors... Most of the women we interviewed consider a bouquet to be the best gift. At the same time, the size and composition do not matter - you can also use the usual mimosas with tulips.

Valentina, 30: I think flowers are a great gift. And nothing else is needed. It's such« fictional» a holiday for which all gifts, except flowers, are superfluous.

But there are ladies who are sure that flowers are not a gift at all. Married people pragmatically note: expensive and not for long.

Svetlana, 29 years old: The worst thing is the carnations! I have only one association - flowers for the cemetery.

Same story with sweets, perfume,cosmetics and - you won't believe it - romantic dinners... Some call an evening by candlelight "ideal", others - a bored routine. Similarly with money... “You don’t know what to give, give money, I’ll figure it out myself,” answered almost 30% of the respondents, another 25% considered such a gift humiliating. So here it is 50-50: either guessed right, or badly missed.

Even shopping fans do not want to receive some clothes... The exceptions, of course, are fur coats.

Tatiana, 31: It's not cool at all when you choose a blouse together in a store, and then they say to you: “Well, this is a gift”.

You can also forget about small souvenirs, pantyhose, shower gels and shampoos, all kinds creams(especially for cellulite), balloons(on February 14 it is possible, on March 8 in no case!) and soft toys.

Maria, 28: Once I got a bouquet of pink Chinese teddy bears. It was like a slap in the face.

A terrible dream of any woman - frying pan, a saucepan or some kind of blender as a present. Such an offering guarantees pouting lips and does not exclude blood feud. The effect will be about the same if you don’t congratulate at all.

Fortunately, there are still options. Most ladies dream of travel... And here you need to assess your financial capabilities. If they are large, feel free to take a trip to the islands or to Paris for a week. If finances sing romances, a weekend trip to a holiday home or a day trip to the nearest town with at least one monument (even to Lenin) will do.

Anna, 33 years old: I want to be picked up and taken away in an unknown direction for a week or two.

Lyudmila, 34 years old: The most desirable gift is a trip or a trip to some new interesting place, not necessarily to GOA. You can just get in the car and go, discover famous places from a new side. Maybe he will take him to the Planetarium and tell about all the stars in the sky, or he will take him to the Tula Kremlin and feed him with Tula gingerbread. Maybe on the Patriarch's Ponds he will read the chapters from The Master and Margarita.

The optimal gift will be gift Certificate for a Spa procedure, massage, a visit to a beauty salon and other women's pleasures lasting at least an hour (here the longer the better). Will be gladly received theater tickets, to some show, PHOTOSESSION("To make up, dress up and take pictures"). You can create something with your own hands, to be more precise - cook dinner.

Nazeli, 25: The worst gift is candy, although if a man bakes a cake, then this is certainly a great gift.

Lucky, of course, those men whose women confidently declare: "March 8, I do not consider a holiday at all." But there are very few of them. So brace yourself!

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