Lesson notes on speech development. Child's speech

This section presents lessons And classes, helping children learn to speak correctly and beautifully. Speech development lessons stimulate the speech activity of children, promote the development of the child’s speech.

There are 23 represented on the site speech development classes children.

Primary school teachers note that many children have difficulty constructing phrases, often do not know how to formulate sentences grammatically correctly, and have a poor vocabulary. Such shortcomings are not noticeable at home, but are revealed in lessons at school. This is due to an insufficient level of speech development.

In order to prevent these difficulties, it is necessary to develop child's speech in preschool age. In our lessons on speech development you can find tasks of varying degrees of difficulty. If something doesn’t work out for a child, help him and give him hints.

All speech development classes written in accessible language, tasks are given in a playful way, accompanied by beautiful illustrations that will interest any child.

All classes were checked and approved by a practicing teacher in preschool education O.A. Volovskaya.

The child gets acquainted with living and inanimate objects (animate and inanimate), learns to compose sentences with words answering the question: “Who?” or "What?"

The child learns to compose sentences with words that answer the question “What?” He doesn’t yet know what the genitive case is, but he can already decline words correctly.

The child learns to compose sentences with words answering the question: “Who?” The lesson is accompanied by a large number of colorful photographs of animals.

In a playful way, the child is invited to compose many sentences with words answering the questions of the dative case: “To whom, to what?”

We compose many sentences with words that answer questions in the instrumental case: “By whom, with what?”, we recall the fairy tale about Kolobok

Compiling sentences with words that answer the questions: “About whom, about what, in what, on what?”, using the prepositions “on” and “in” depending on the situation.

Animals and their young - how to correctly name animals in the masculine, feminine, and their young. Lots of very interesting photographs of animals with their babies.

We select diminutive and affectionate words for animate and inanimate objects: various animals, things, fruits, berries.

We study many different adjectives and vegetables, select descriptive words for vegetables and vegetables for adjectives. We look for similarities and differences between objects.

There are many more adjectives for a wide variety of objects: animals, fruits, berries, dishes.

In a playful way, the child is invited to first compose sentences and then short stories based on the pictures. The complication is gradual, the difference between a story and a short sentence is explained

We begin to study verbs, correctly select the endings of verbs for the feminine, masculine, neuter, and plural words. We come up with actions for animals and animals for actions.

Studying various prepositions: “on, under, in”, etc. Determining from the pictures what happened at the beginning, what then, what at the end, composing a story based on several pictures

A lot of long and short words, the child learns to determine whether a word is long or short, and to come up with his own words.

Repetition of geometric shapes, colors, composing a story based on a picture

Animals of Africa and Australia are studied and short stories about them are written.

Making up stories based on pictures of cats. Lots of interesting funny photos of cats.

We learn to tell what the weather is like outside, what the weather was like yesterday and what it will be like tomorrow. Options are considered: the sun is shining, it’s raining, there’s a thunderstorm outside, it’s snowing outside.

A child acquires speech gradually, starting from birth. First he learns to understand speech addressed to him, and then he begins to speak himself. Therefore, you should protect your hearing from strong sound effects (do not turn on the TV or music at full volume), avoid chronic runny noses, and monitor the health of your hearing organs.

Already before the age of one year, you can hear the first “dad” and “mama” from the child. By the age of three, as a rule, the child already begins to speak in phrases. Simultaneously with the development of speech, the child’s thinking and imagination develops. Attention, memory, thinking - the foundations on which speech is built.

When talking to your child, constantly pay attention to your own speech: it should be clear and intelligible. Don't babysit, the child must learn to speak correctly. Don't talk loudly or too quickly to your child.

The reasons for poorly developed speech in a child can be:

disorders in the development of the muscles of the articulation-speech apparatus, low development of phonemic hearing, poor vocabulary, deficiencies in the development of grammatical skills.

Violation of sound pronunciation and articulation - the child pronounces individual sounds incorrectly, his speech is insufficiently intelligible and expressive, and its pace is slower than that of his peers.

Disadvantages in the development of sound-letter perception and sound-letter analysis (low development of phonemic hearing) - insufficient development of the ability to hear, recognize and distinguish sounds and their combinations, and not confuse them. No less important are the skills of sound-letter synthesis - the ability to understand the relationship between sounds and their combinations.

The main violations of this kind include: the inability to isolate sounds sequentially or at their location; inability to distinguish sounds by hardness, softness, sonority, deafness; inability to indicate hardness - softness in writing. For the same reasons, the acquisition of word formation and inflection skills is inhibited. Disadvantages in the development of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech - the child does not know how to correctly compose and understand grammatical structures, and incorrectly uses genders and cases. This also includes the inability to correctly place stress, which leads to the distortion of the word beyond recognition. Insufficient development of semantic guesswork - the child is not able, based on the context, to correctly predict the ending of a word or phrase. Insufficient development of vocabulary - poor vocabulary, difficulties in understanding the meaning of words due to their absence in the child’s active vocabulary. It is difficult for a child to establish a lexical connection between the words he read; he does not understand the new meaning that they acquire in combination with each other.

It should be noted that the quality and quantity of a child’s vocabulary largely determines the level of speech development as a whole. It is very important to pay attention to both passive (that is, those words that are stored in memory reserve) and active (words that are constantly used) vocabulary. It is necessary for the child to know what meanings a word has and to be able to use it correctly in independent speech.

In this section of the site you will find classes on speech development intended for classes with children from 1 to 7 years old (and possibly older, if the child does not speak well at school). The first activities with a child are finger games, because fine motor skills greatly influence the development of speech abilities. Next - poems, sayings, reading books. The articles will help you understand whether your child speaks correctly: whether there are enough words that he insists on, whether he connects them together correctly and pronounces them.

Lesson on developing coherent speech

in the middle group

Topic: “Retelling of E. Charushin’s story “Cat”



R.p. North Yenisei

Program content.

Educational objectives:

learn to retell previously unfamiliar text; strive to convey its content without omissions or distortions; encourage the use of copyright words and phrases; encourage expressive speech; practice matching the names of animals and their babies

Developmental tasks:

Educational tasks:

develop the ability to listen to your comrades, and provide assistance if there are difficulties in retelling; cultivate a friendly attitude towards animals.

Enrichment of vocabulary: snorts, puffs up, puffs up

Activation of the dictionary: closet, purrs, well-fed, satisfied.

Visual material: pictures of animals with babies (cat, kittens, dog, puppies, hen, chicks, duck, ducklings, magpie). Cards are diagrams for a sequential story.

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the group and greet those present. The teacher invites them to sit on the chairs.

Educator: Let's play with you guys. Remember the gymnastics for fingers “Claws”

Finger gymnastics.

The cat's daughter

There are claws on the paws.

Don't rush to hide them,

Let the kids watch!

(Bend the fingers of the right hand one by one, pressing it firmly to the palm. The thumb is pressed to the index finger. After the last phrase, forcefully open your palm and say “Meow!”

Repeat with left hand, then both hands)

Educator. And now I'll tell you a riddle. To guess it correctly, you need to listen carefully and think before giving an answer.

Although velvet paws,

But they call me “scratchy”.

I catch mice deftly,

I drink milk from a saucer.

(children's answers)

How did you guess that it was a cat? (children's answers are summed up)

I invite you to listen to a new story about a cat. It's called "Cat". The author of the story is a writer you already know, Evgeny Charushin. (draw the children’s attention to the writer’s portrait)

Evgeny Charushin

This is the cat Maruska. She caught a mouse in the closet, for which the owner fed her milk. Maruska is sitting on the rug, well-fed and contented. She sings songs and purrs, but her little kitten is not interested in purring. He plays with himself - he catches himself by the tail, snorts at everyone, puffs up, puffs up.

What words do you not understand?

What is a closet?

Second reading

Who is the story talking about?

During the conversation, vocabulary work is carried out on the content, the words are repeated individually: closet, housewife, well-fed, satisfied, purrs, snorts, puffs up, puffs up; phrases: sings songs, little kitten.

The teacher displays pictures - diagrams.

Installation. Guys, I'll read the story again. Listen carefully, try to remember everything in order. Pay attention to the intonation with which I read, because you will later retell it yourself.

Third reading.

After reading, there is a short pause to prepare the children for the retelling. 3 - 4 children retell the story.

The first two retellings are evaluated. Do you need to point out 1-2 positive qualities and involve children in the assessment?

If the children find it difficult, the teacher suggests difficult words and invites them to repeat the phrase or word again in chorus.


Educator. And now I invite you to play. Stand in a circle.

I will be the mother cat, and you will be my kittens. With the help of my magic wand and a spell, I will turn you into real kittens. Close your eyes and extend your hand: “Meow - meow - meow - kitty, you become a kitten!”

(Touch the children’s hands with a stick)

Oh, my dear kittens, you have been sleeping for so long, but now the sun has risen and it’s time for you to wake up. Open your eyes. Wake up, wipe your eyes with your paws. Stretch up, (get on your knees), paws up, head up, bend your backs, and now lower your paws, tilt your head down, round your backs. They sat down, brushed the fur with their paws, and wiped their face. What clean kittens!

They wanted to eat. They meowed: “Meow - meow, give us some milk, mom!” (Children repeat the sentence)

Drink to your health!

We've eaten, now we can play. Kittens love to play with each other (jumping in pairs) and with their tails (wagging).

We've played enough, we're tired, it's time to rest. It's time for you to turn into children. Close your eyes and stretch out your paw. “Meow - meow - meow - kitty, you become a child!”

After physical exercise, the children sit on chairs.


Reading a story with showing pictures and children's agreement.

The girl Varya had a cat with kittens, a dog with puppies, a critter with chickens, a duck with ducklings.

One day the kids ran to the river. The ducklings began to dive and swim, and the kittens, puppies, and chickens looked at them. When suddenly “Tra-ta-ta-tah!” The kids got scared and ran to their mothers: kittens to the cat, puppies to the dog, chickens to the hen, ducklings to the duck. The mothers calmed their children and they ran to the river again. Kittens run from a cat, puppies from a dog, chickens from a hen, ducklings from a duck. As soon as they ran to the river, they said again: “Tra-ta-ta-tah!” The kids were even more frightened than before and ran back to their mothers. Kittens run to a cat, puppies to a dog, chickens to a hen, and ducklings to a duck. They came running and asked: “Who is that cracking so terribly?” They look and a bird rushes towards the forest: it is black, its sides are white, its tail is long. She crackled: “Tra-ta-ta-tah!” - and disappeared.

If the children do not name it, show a picture of a magpie.

Do you know now?

And the kids recognized the magpie and calmed down and each went about their business - some to look for worms, some to play.

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“Lesson on speech development”


Lesson on developing coherent speech

in the middle group

Subject:“Retelling of E. Charushin’s story “Cat”



R.p. North Yenisei

Program content.

Educational objectives:

    learn to retell previously unfamiliar text;

    strive to convey its content without omissions or distortions;

    encourage expressive speech;

    practice matching the names of animals and their babies

Developmental tasks:

    develop coherent speech through the reproduction of a work of art.

Educational tasks:

    develop the ability to listen to your comrades, and provide assistance if there are difficulties in retelling;

    cultivate a friendly attitude towards animals.

Dictionary enrichment: snorts, puffs up, puffs up

Activating the dictionary: closet, purring, well-fed, contented.

Visual material: pictures of animals with babies (cat, kittens, dog, puppies, hen, chicks, duck, ducklings, magpie). Cards are diagrams for a sequential story.

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the group and greet those present. The teacher invites them to sit on the chairs.

Educator: Let's play with you guys. Remember the gymnastics for fingers “Claws”

Finger gymnastics.

The cat's daughter

There are claws on the paws.

Don't rush to hide them,

Let the kids watch!

(Bend the fingers of the right hand one by one, pressing it firmly to the palm. The thumb is pressed to the index finger. After the last phrase, forcefully open your palm and say “Meow!”

Repeat with left hand, then both hands)

Educator. And now I'll tell you a riddle. To guess it correctly, you need to listen carefully and think before giving an answer.

Although velvet paws,

But they call me “scratchy”.

I catch mice deftly,

I drink milk from a saucer.

(children's answers)

How did you guess that it was a cat? (children's answers are summed up)

I invite you to listen to a new story about a cat. It's called "Cat". The author of the story is a writer you already know, Evgeny Charushin. ( draw children's attention to the portrait of the writer)


Evgeny Charushin

This is the cat Maruska. She caught a mouse in the closet, for which the owner fed her milk. Maruska is sitting on the rug, well-fed and contented. She sings songs and purrs, but her little kitten is not interested in purring. He plays with himself - he catches himself by the tail, at everyone snorts, puffs up, puffs up.

What words do you not understand?

How do you understand the words - snorts, puffs up, puffs up?

What is a closet?

Second reading

Who is the story talking about?

What happened to the cat Maruska?

What kind of kitten did Maruska have?

During the conversation, vocabulary work is carried out on the content, the words are repeated individually: closet, housewife, well-fed, satisfied, purrs, snorts, puffs up, puffs up; phrases: sings songs, little kitten.

The teacher displays pictures - diagrams.

Installation. Guys, I'll read the story again. Listen carefully, try to remember everything in order. Pay attention to the intonation with which I read, because you will later retell it yourself.

Third reading.

After reading, there is a short pause to prepare the children for the retelling. 3-4 children retell the story.

The first two retellings are evaluated. Is it necessary to point out 1–2 positive qualities and involve children in the assessment?

How did Polina tell it loudly or quietly?

Do you think she told everything? Did you miss anything? Did you tell everything in order?

If the children find it difficult, the teacher suggests difficult words and invites them to repeat the phrase or word again in chorus.

Did you like retelling it yourself?


Educator. And now I invite you to play. Stand in a circle.

I will be the mother cat, and you will be my kittens. With the help of my magic wand and a spell, I will turn you into real kittens. Close your eyes and stretch out your hand: “Meow - meow - meow - kitty, you become a kitten!”

(Touch the children’s hands with a stick)

Oh, my dear kittens, you have been sleeping for so long, but now the sun has risen and it’s time for you to wake up. Open your eyes. Wake up, wipe your eyes with your paws. Stretch up ( get on your knees) paws up, head up, bend your backs, and now lower your paws, tilt your head down, round your backs. They sat down, brushed the fur with their paws, and wiped their face. What clean kittens!

They wanted to eat. They meowed: “Meow - meow, give us some milk, mom!” (Children repeat the sentence)

Drink to your health!

We've eaten, now we can play. Kittens love to play with each other ( jumping in pairs) and with their tails (wiggle).

We've played enough, we're tired, it's time to rest. It's time for you to turn into children. Close your eyes and stretch out your paw. “Meow - meow - meow - kitty, you become a child!”

After physical exercise, the children sit on chairs.


I have another interesting story for you. But I will need your help, you will tell me.

Reading a story with showing pictures and children's agreement.

The girl Varya had a cat with kittens, dog with puppies, kritsa s chickens, duck with ducklings.

One day the kids ran to the river. The ducklings began to dive and swim, and the kittens, puppies, and chickens looked at them. When suddenly “Tra-ta-ta-tah!” The kids got scared and ran to their mothers: the kittens to cat, puppies to dog, chickens to chicken, ducklings to duck. The mothers calmed their children and they ran to the river again. Kittens are running away from cats, puppies from dogs, chicks from Chicken, ducklings from ducks. As soon as they ran to the river, they said again: “Tra-ta-ta-tah!” The kids were even more frightened than before and ran back to their mothers. Running to the cat kittens, to the dog puppies, to the chicken chickens, to the duck ducklings. They came running and asked: “Who is that cracking so terribly?” They look and a bird rushes towards the forest: it is black, its sides are white, its tail is long. She crackled: “Tra-ta-ta-tah!” - and disappeared.

Have you guys guessed what kind of bird this is?

If the children do not name it, show a picture of a magpie.

Do you know now?

And the kids recognized the magpie and calmed down and each went about their business - some to look for worms, some to play.

It's time for you and me to relax too.


Summary of the lesson on vocabulary work “Friendship and Friends” (second junior group)

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Music”, Reading Fiction.

Demonstration material: locomotive, chest, mittens, hare, fox.

Methodological techniques: game situation, physical exercises, reading fiction, reflection.

Vocabulary work: friends, sad, cheerful.

Goal: to develop basic understanding of friendly relationships. Tasks:

1. educational - to form friendly relations in the team, to contribute to the accumulation of experience of friendly relations, a negative attitude towards rudeness.

2. developing - develop children's spoken language, enrich their vocabulary.

3. educational - to cultivate communication skills, a sense of empathy, positive emotions.

Progress of the lesson.

The children entered the group and greeted the guests. Educator:

Children, what is your mood today?

Show me (smile).

Can we give our mood to someone? (Yes).

Let us give our good mood to the guests (children give smiles).

Children, today I want to offer you a trip on a steam locomotive.

Will you come with me? Everyone get into the trailer.

Song "Locomotive".

Steam locomotive, locomotive

Brand new, shiny,

He drove the wagons

Like it's real.

Who's on the train?

Our kids

Let's go visit.


Oh. What's happened? Why did our locomotive stop and the music no longer play? Let's get out of the trailer and take a look.

Oh, who is this? (bunny).

Let's say hello (say hello).

What kind of bunny do you think? (sad, sorrowful).

Why did you decide so? (does not smile).

Who do you think could have offended him? (fox, wolf).

Let's ask him?

What fox?

Bunny, what did she do? (took away the mittens).

Children, can we call them friends? (No).

Why? (offended, took away the mittens).

Who are friends?

Friends are those whom you love, whom you are glad to have, and whom you miss without.

Can we be called friends? (Yes).

Why? (we don’t offend, we share toys).

Game "Good - bad".

Hurting each other is bad

Sharing toys is good

Playing together is good

Quarreling is bad.


Guys, can we help the bunny? (Can).

Let's find the fox and return the mittens to the bunny.

Look, there’s a path here, let’s follow it and see where it will lead us?

Physical exercise.

The bunnies walked along the path, raising their legs (they walk, raising their legs high). The tails are pressed (they squat). Paws raised up (arms up). Here is a stream in front of us, the bunnies are jumping, the bunnies are jumping (jumping). Then the bunnies went into the forest and came to visit the little foxes.

A fox is sitting, and in her paws there is a chest.

Forgive me, friends, I won’t offend anyone again (hands over a chest).


Here is a wonderful chest,

He is a friend to all the guys.

We all really want

Look, what's there?

Look into the chest and see what's there? (take out gloves).

Oh, all the mittens are mixed up, let's help sort them out.

Game “find a pair” (children find pairs of different sizes, colors, one for a hare made of white fur).

"Find a friend."


Guys, we were playing, but we completely forgot about the bunny.

We need to reconcile the bunny and the fox.

Let's go make peace with the little bunny.

Guys, how are we going to reconcile them?

Maybe we can dance for them?

Dance "Let's make peace"


The bunny and the little fox have made peace, what can they be called now? (friends).

Are you and I friends too? (Yes).

Let's show everyone how we can be friends (take each other's hands).

And now it’s time for us, the kids are leaving (the children get into the trailer).

Music plays: the locomotive hums and the carriages are driven

Chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu, I'll rock you far.

The children say goodbye and leave.

Summary of the lesson “Preparation for learning to read and write” (senior group)

Topic: Preparing for literacy. “Introduction to the consonant sounds [s], [s’], letter C.”

Goal: to continue familiarization with the consonant sounds [c], and the letter C; reinforce with children the sounds [a], [u], [o], [m], as well as letters. Tasks:

1. Educational - teach children to divide words into syllables, highlight the sound C and determine its place in a word; consolidate the general concept of “wild animals and domestic animals”; learn to select the corresponding sound pattern for a word; introduce children to the stressed vowel sound; teach children to read and form words.

2.Developing - develop the ability to analyze the correct spelling of letters; develop curiosity, attentiveness, intelligence, thinking.

3. Educators - to instill in children an interest in animals; To develop in children the ability to listen carefully to each other.

Material for the lesson. A canvas with letters, houses with vowels and consonants, a pointer, illustrations with images of animals, diagrams of words, workbooks by Astafieva E.O. “We play, read, write” pencils and colored pencils for each child.

Progress of the lesson.

(Children sit in a semicircle)

We know that there are sounds that can be pronounced long and loudly - pulled, while there is nothing in the mouth, there is no obstacle. What are these sounds called? (Vowels [a], [o], [u]).

What are the names of the sounds that are pronounced with the lips, teeth, and tongue? (consonants [m], [x], [s]).

Today we will continue our acquaintance with the sounds [c], and the letter C, which stands for these sounds.

If you put the back of your hand to your throat and pronounce the sound [c], your throat will not tremble. The sound is pronounced dull and is called a dull consonant.

Show me where the deaf consonant lives? It can be pronounced hard (sugar, catfish, Sasha) and softly (hay, Cornflower).

Think of words with sounds [c] and .

Now listen to the riddle:

I ride it until the evening dawn,

But my lazy horse only takes me down the mountain.

And I always walk up the hill myself

And I lead my horse by a rope.

Reading the word "sleigh".

What is the first sound in the word "sleigh"?

Is it a vowel or a consonant?

Prove it. (When we pronounce, our teeth and tongue interfere in our mouth, but we cannot pronounce it loudly).

How many syllables are in a word? How did you guess? (The word “sleigh” has two vowel sounds [a], [i], which means there are two syllables).

What is the first syllable in the word "sleigh"?

Make up a sentence with this word.

Physical education minute.

One two three four -

We stomp our feet.

One two three four -

We clap our hands.

Stretch your arms wider -

One two three four.

Bend over - three, four

And jump on the spot

On the toe, then on the heel

Five, six - sit down quietly at the tables

(The children sat down at the tables.)

What animals are called domestic? Which ones do you know?

What animals are called wild?

What wild animals live in our Republic of Belarus?

Let's play the game "Who's the odd one out." (pig, cat, fox, dog).

(The fox is superfluous, since it is a wild animal, all the others are domestic).

Now let's play differently. An animal whose name does not have the sound [c] (cat) will be superfluous.

These schemes represent words with different numbers of syllables: two three.

Which scheme does the name of each animal belong to?

Open your workbooks.

Look how the word dog is spelled correctly. Place the vowels above the syllable pattern of this word and add stress.

Write the vowels O, A (or I, A) above the diagram for a two-syllable word and determine which word this diagram will refer to: cat or fox. Place emphasis.

The game "Who's the odd one out?" You can also play differently: take into account the number of syllables in a word. (The word dog will be redundant, because it has three syllables, and the rest have two).


And now the next game “Journey with the letter C”.

The arrows in the picture indicate the path we will take on our journey; If you correctly pronounce the sounds indicated by the letters, you will get words. An important condition is that you must continue to pronounce the sound while it “follows” the arrow to the next sound (letter).

Find a diagram that corresponds to the sound composition of this word, write the corresponding word above the diagram, and color in the diagram. (mustache, wasp, itself, catfish, soup, juices).

Summarize the lesson

Summary of the lesson on coherent speech “Visiting a fairy tale” (preparatory group)

The purpose of the lesson: to develop children's speech through composing fairy tales based on illustrations, by name, by a set of toys. Tasks:

1 educational - teach to coherently, consistently state the course of an invented fairy tale, using beginnings, repetitions, sayings, endings of Russian folk tales; consolidate the ability to use epithets in speech that characterize heroes, use dialogues in speech; continue to teach children to retell a fairy tale in roles, conveying the text accurately, consistently, expressively.

2 developmental - to develop children's creative thinking and imagination when composing fairy tales based on illustrations, plots, the name of the fairy tale, a proverb, a set of toys.

3. Educational - to cultivate the ability to understand the meaning of proverbs.

Preliminary work: reading, telling Russian folk tales; looking at illustrations for fairy tales; watching cartoons on the topic of Russian folk tales; conducting didactic games: “Find out the fairy tale from the pictures”, “Whose headdress?”, “Which fairy tale is the hero from”, etc.; learning riddles; participation in the Internet competition “My Favorite Fairy Tale”.

Equipment: punch card, audio recording, illustrations in the form of slides, a set of toys, table theater, telephone

Progress of the lesson.


Guys, do you know who travelers are? Would you like to become one? Today I invite you to go on a journey, but to find out which one, you need to guess the encrypted word on this punched card. We will guess it based on the first letters of the words you guessed.

The red maiden is sad, she doesn’t like spring.

It’s hard for her in the sun, the poor thing is shedding tears - the Snow Maiden.

Mixed with sour cream, chilled on the window.

Round side, ruddy side, rolled - Kolobok.

The good doctor, Aibolit, will heal, heal, everyone.

She is beautiful and sweet, and her name comes from the word ash? - Cinderella.

The fat man lives on the roof, he flies higher than everyone else - Carlson.

In fairy tales he is always a simpleton, everyone calls him a fool.

But this fairy-tale hero, Ivanushka, will show his mind.

Children complete the task, read the word, decide where they will go on a trip.







Music is playing. Educator:

This music takes us to the wonderful world of fairy tales. We are going on a journey through fairy tales. (slide show)

Who lives in fairy tales?

How does a fairy tale begin?

What words does it end with?

What can be used to make a fairy tale beautiful (songs, sayings, proverbs, sayings)

Guys, what sayings do you know? (slide show)

“The fairy tale is told soon, but the deed is not done soon”;

"No sooner said than done".


Do you know a lot of fairy tales? Now let's check: (slide show)

Making riddles for children.

The mouse found a home for itself, the mouse was kind.

In the end, there were many residents in that house.

It didn’t lie on the window, it rolled along the path.

Along the path, walking briskly, the buckets themselves carry water.

The kids opened the door and they all disappeared somewhere.

But the road is long, and the basket is not easy.

I would like to sit on a tree stump and eat a pie.

He pounded and pounded on the plate with his nose.

He didn’t swallow anything and was left with a “nose”.


You know fairy tales well. And now you will come up with different fairy tales yourself.

An illustration is exhibited (slide show)

"Fairytale Hut"


I have a magic ring in my hands. We will say the words, and whoever has the ring will tell the story.

A child composes a fairy tale based on an illustration.


Well done, you came up with a good fairy tale

PHYSICAL MINUTE - “There is a hut in the dark forest”

There is a hut in the dark forest - children are walking

Stands backwards - children turn around

There is an old woman in this hut - They shake a finger

Grandmother Yaga lives - they shake the finger of the other hand

The nose is hooked - pointing with a finger

The eyes are big - they show

Like coals are burning - they shake their heads

Wow, how angry! - running in place

Hair standing on end - hands up


An illustration of a forest (slide show) and a set of toys are exhibited: a squirrel, a hedgehog, a bear.


We need to come up with a fairy tale based on toys.

Rolled, rolled, a bright ring

It rolled, rolled, off our porch.

Whoever takes the ring will begin a fairy tale.

A child makes up a fairy tale based on toys.


Well done. Let's continue our journey. I suggest you come up with a fairy tale

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