Alexey Anosov. Current publications Anosov aleksey khanty mansiysk deputy

- Alexey Anatolyevich, you ran for the Tyumen Regional Duma in a single-mandate constituency. Who is the main support?
- Yes, I am a single-mandate. Plus, a representative of public figures, which is extremely rare in these authorities. For a long time I headed and still head the regional public organization "Union of War Veterans". I am very grateful for the trust and support of my colleagues - these are not only combat veterans, but also representatives of other public organizations of Ugra.
Social activists are active in Ugra, constantly keep abreast of the implementation of laws regarding privileged categories of citizens. Therefore, it was important for everyone that there was a representative of public organizations in the Tyumen Regional Duma.
- Do beneficiaries now face problems in the implementation of laws? If so, which ones?
- You may have heard something about the law on the monetization of benefits. In connection with the adoption of this law in 2004, all additional benefits that applied to certain categories of citizens were abolished at all levels. For example, the provision of land plots - war veterans had the right to receive a plot within the city where they live. In addition, once in Khanty-Mansiysk, war veterans who have preschool children had the preferential right to get a place in a kindergarten. However, now the queue for places for children under the age of three in Khanty-Mansiysk, and in most municipalities of Ugra, has already been eliminated.
a common problem
- Alexey Anatolyevich, what other problems do the residents of your district have?
- My district consists of four municipalities: Khanty-Mansiysk, Khanty-Mansiysk district, the city of Pyt-Yakh and three settlements of the Surgut district (the township of Barsovo and Bely Yar, the rural settlement of Solnechny).
If we talk about problem areas, I'll start with the capital of Ugra - here I have the largest number of voters. And, first of all, this is the problem of providing preferential land plots. There is a law of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug on registration and free allocation of land plots to privileged categories of citizens. But there is little land in Khanty-Mansiysk. Those land plots that stand out are just a drop in the ocean. The queue is very long, almost 1,400 families.
The second point is the receipt of monetary compensation in return for the allocation of a preferential area. There is also a problem here, because this program was in effect until 2018, and now large families are asking the question: will it be continued.
- The line doesn't move at all?
- At the pace with which the queue is moving now, 20 or 30 years may pass. The children will already grow up and go to school. And a large family in this situation will simply be removed from the queue. That is, the family has used the right to queue, but they will not receive the land - they will not have time. The city is solving the problem, but so far not very productively. 228 land plots are to be allocated this year. If we are talking about a thousand plus people in line, then 228 is very little, of course. The lands of the Khanty-Mansiysk region are partially transferred to the city in order to somehow expand the borders. But these lands are flooded, and in order to be able to carry out excavation and construction work there, you must first raise the level - this is filling or alluvial. Moreover, it is necessary to bring in a sufficiently large amount of land. In fact, it turned out to be difficult too.
The housing problem is common for many municipalities of Ugra, but everywhere there are nuances. If you take the town of Pyt-Yakh, there are a large number of girders. If the Surgut region, Bely Yar is a dilapidated and emergency housing. The Khanty-Mansiysk region, one might say, is in a more advantageous position - there is land and there are no long queues.
Help - from peopleeyes light up
- How do you help the residents of your constituency?
- My priority is children and people of the older generation. Only budgetary institutions can be financed from the deputy fund, but we also have a huge number of non-profit public organizations in need of financial assistance. For example, in each municipality there is a public association of war veterans, labor and home front workers. Whenever possible, we try to provide targeted assistance to this category of citizens, because we see the volume of their public work. People who have reached old age do not drop out of society - they are active, unite others, solve problems and problems.
Many people still do not understand how a regional deputy can be useful. We are actively conducting explanatory work. At meetings, I always ask you to say what you need help with. And people are slowly beginning to understand and address. And what is there to hide, very few people believe in the result until you specifically help - then their eyes again light up with faith in the law and help from their deputy.
I kept all the promises I made. This is, first of all, assistance to war veterans, labor and home front workers, public organizations working with the older generation. This is assistance to preschool and educational institutions, sports and creative teams.
- If we talk about specific examples of support, what did you manage to do from the latter?
- My deputy fund is distributed proportionally, according to the number of voters in all settlements. I come and say: this is the amount for your settlement. You can spend it on one thing or distribute it on different tasks.
If we talk about sports, this is the “Young Swimmer's Day” competition. Today we have a lot of children involved in swimming - more than 300 participants come to the open championship. And these children have solid ranks. The WOOD Trail 2018 cross was recently held in the capital of Ugra. Over half a thousand people fled. Such a mass race forms the right attitude towards a healthy lifestyle among the residents of Ugra. In Pyt-Yakh, for example, we regularly fund the city championship in boxing and the open championship in freestyle wrestling. These international competitions bring together more than 200 athletes from Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan.
We also do not disregard education and financial support. School No. 1 in Solnechny, Surgut region was helped with an interactive whiteboard - this know-how became a special joy for them. We went further and allocated money to further refine the board. Here, the assembly hall was in need of repair - the center of events significant for schoolchildren and teachers.
If we talk about Beliy Yar, this year we helped to purchase musical equipment for the club.
In Barsovo this year they helped a kindergarten and a school. The school did not have a metal frame at the entrance. And according to safety requirements, each educational institution must be equipped with it. But the budget does not include money for this, there is not enough money for everything. We closed this problem for them.
I really like to communicate with Ugra people, I visit the most remote territories of Ugra. People are different, interesting, sincere. The deputies are not the elite, we are the representatives of our voters. We were delegated by a certain number of citizens and fellow countrymen. And the main function of a deputy is representative. He must be guided by the opinion of his voters and defend their interests and requests.
It is important to find yourself
- Alexey Anatolyevich, you have worked in the forestry industry for over 10 years. Tell us about it.
- For me, it was an excellent experience of working in a team: starting with the simplest working specialty and ending with a managerial position. There was no forest dynasty in my family, none of my relatives worked in the timber industry. This was my decision. I decided for myself that I would become a foreman in the lower warehouse. Over the years, I have gone through all types of work: cutting, loading, sawmilling, sleeper sawing, "carpentry", parquet shop, drying complex. I knew absolutely all the shops, I worked there with my hands. Labor in such a production is not only difficult, but also financially not the most rewarding. Because, as you know, Ugra is, first of all, the land of oil workers. Everyone is trying to work in the oil industry - the salary level is much higher, there are benefits. I came to the timber industry out of inner zeal - I really wanted to. (Laughs.)
- You yourself have completed all the specialties, starting from the worker. Is that how it should be? How are you raising your son?
- My opinion is that you cannot make "hothouse" children out of children. Especially sons. They need to be ready for life. But it is important for them to be interested in mastering their professions. Now I am looking closely at what my son gravitates more towards, so that later he can correctly direct, help him choose what will always be to his liking. I know from my own experience that only at the work you love can a person be truly successful. And then he will be happy to return home, to his family and friends.

Alexey Anosov was born in the city of Frunze, Kirghiz SSR.
He moved to the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug with his parents in 1984.
For over 10 years he worked in the forestry industry. About five years - in the field of communications and communications.
In Khanty-Mansiysk, he heads the regional public organization "Union of War Veterans".
In politics - since 2010. He was elected to the Tyumen Regional Duma of the sixth convocation in 2016, and is a member of the Committee on Social Policy.

“The Russian edition of Kompromat-Ural wrote about the appointment of the head of the Federal Tax Service as the new prime minister a few months before the event itself,” news reports in a number of federal media outlets published similar headlines the day before.

For example, Polit.Ru (one of the first media outlets on Runet) notes that “the Russian edition wrote about Mishustin’s appointment as prime minister back in the fall of 2019”. We quote in more detail: “The Russian edition of Kompromat-Ural wrote about the appointment of the head of the Federal Tax Service as the new prime minister a few months before the event itself. An article titled “Mishun Dimona is no sweeter. Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich will sit in the chair of the prime minister "was published in September 2019. The surprisingly accurate prediction of the Kompromat-Ural editorial board was also noticed by the Info24 media outlet.

It is noteworthy that Mikhail Mishustin (at least publicly) did not react to the September forecast in the Kompromat-Ural editorial staff. There was no official refutation either.

Almost exactly four months after our forecast, January 15, 2020, Vladimir Putin proposed the candidacy of the head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, Mikhail Mishustin, for the post of head of the cabinet of ministers. This happened after Dmitry Medvedev announced that the current government is resigning at full strength. The resignation of the Cabinet was the result of the guidelines announced in the presidential message to the Federal Assembly. In his message, Putin announced the dismantling of the power structure that is provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in particular, he will go to curtail the powers of the president after he formally leaves this post and moves to a different official status (of course, still “the most important in the country” - let's have no illusions).

Some time ago, the notorious "figure" of the oil and gas industry Babaev Azad Kamalovich(RU-Energy and related structures) posted publications in the media that aroused skepticism and irony in the expert community. With feigned pathos, it was reported that Mr. Babaev himself wrote an open letter to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolokoltsev... According to the editors of Kompromat-Ural, the addressees of Babayev's message were also the heads of the police headquarters for the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District and the Volgograd Region - Alexander Udovenko and Alexander Kravchenko, respectively. In his opus to law enforcement bosses, Babaev complains about fate and the fact that he, they say, became a victim of his own domestic squabbles: he did not share the business with his uncle and cousins ​​( Kerimovs). Is it possible, according to Babaev, that Russian law enforcement officers have no more important things to do, except to get involved in the Caucasian clan conflicts on the basis of the redistribution of financial flows?

A long-term squabble of southern businessmen takes place over the redistribution of the Naftagaz group of companies. According to one of the versions circulated in the media, both Naftagaz-Service and NG-Burenie were created at the production base of Naftagaz, which at the beginning of the 2000s was associated with Tokay Kerimov, a close friend of the chairman of the board of directors of the scandalous service holding "RU-Energy", the very same Azad Babayev. The holding accumulated hundreds of millions of debts to its partners and then went bankrupt.

The editors of Kompromat-Ural continue to study the negative media background around Babayev's commerce. So, a year and a half ago, journalists conducted an investigation into how "Azad Babayev's relatives got involved in a confrontation with Sberbank" ...

The editors of Kompromat-Ural were contacted by readers who have additional information about the activities of Roskomsnabbank (the former name was Bashkomsnabbank), which was controlled by a businessman close to the authorities of Bashkiria Fluor Galliamov(TIN 027408945156) and his family members. In March 2019, the "cash desk" of the Gallyamovs was covered with a wet hat. The Central Bank revoked the bank's license for dubious transactions and repeated violations of the Federal Law "On Counteracting Legalization (Laundering) of Criminally Obtained Incomes and Financing of Terrorism." From the office of the chairman of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina materials for the Galliam bank were sent "to the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation and the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for consideration and adoption of appropriate procedural decisions."

“In the activities of ROSKOMSNABBANK (PJSC), there were unscrupulous actions of the management associated with the bank's participation in the operations of its individual clients-legal entities, aimed at attracting funds from the population with unobvious prospects for their return according to a scheme that has signs of a“ financial pyramid ”. The credit institution received funds from individuals at an increased interest rate in favor of a client-legal entity, which were ultimately sent to the issuance of loans to a number of companies. At the same time, the repayment of obligations to individuals for such contributions was actually carried out at the expense of newly attracted funds from the population. " In addition, "in the course of a survey of a credit institution, signs of operations aimed at the withdrawal of assets of Bashkomsnabbank by lending to borrowers who are not able to fulfill their obligations were identified," the regulator says.

Where is the criminal-legal assessment of the revealed fraud? Judging by the official silence of the subordinates Yuri Chaika and Lieutenant General of Justice Alexandra Romanova(Head of the SD Ministry of Internal Affairs and Deputy Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev), what the Central Bank inspectors managed to dig up, gentlemen law enforcement officers quietly put under the rug. Readers of the "Compromat-Ural" portal in connection with the journalistic investigation of the "Bashkir Laundromat" recommend paying attention to the activities of another Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - State Secretary Igor Zubov... A very interesting person ... “Another surprise is that in 2018 Roskomsnabbank received the P.A. Stolypin in the Best Regional Bank nomination! And it's strange that no one noticed the big problems with the balance. Or maybe they didn’t want to notice? ”, The competent interlocutors are perplexed.

Current publications

Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin issued a number of orders aimed at preventing possible infection and spread among employees of the department of coronavirus infection (COVID-19).

In particular, a decision was made to reduce as much as possible the presence at workplaces of women serving in the Investigative Committee of Russia for the current week, until April 6. These measures are aimed, among other things, at the possibility of exercising control over their children and their compliance with the self-isolation regime. This applies to women serving both in the central office of the department and in regional investigative units.

The measures taken in the Investigative Committee of Russia for the self-isolation of female employees will not affect the work of the department. During this period, the work of the central office and regional divisions of the IC of Russia will be carried out according to the working schedule. During the period of self-isolation of all women of the Investigative Committee, the Chairman instructed to carry out all their duties in full to male officers. This applies not only to the supporting structures of the department, but also, if necessary, male investigators will accept criminal cases investigated by women investigators for their proceedings.

In accordance with a separate order, men in all educational institutions of the Investigative Committee of Russia will continue to work in the normal mode under conditions of ensuring the necessary security measures to prevent the possibility of the spread of the virus. In addition, the leadership of cadet corps and academies in Moscow and St. Petersburg has been instructed to continuously monitor students' compliance with the self-isolation regime and the quality of their distance learning. Particular attention should be paid to children from among orphans and children left without parental care, ensuring their daily examination and monitoring of their health, disinfection of premises at their place of stay and compliance with isolation rules.

All regional divisions of the Investigative Committee of Russia were instructed to establish remote communication with sponsored orphanages for the subsequent organization of targeted assistance. As part of these instructions, employees of regional investigative bodies need to provide assistance to pupils of specialized cadet classes in the IC of Russia located in their jurisdictions, excluding their violation of the established rules to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection.

“Is it possible to defeat the disease with the help of falsification?” - this is a rhetorical question asked by the colleagues of the Kompromat-Ural editorial board, who have studied “the continuation of the scandalous story with dubious drugs supplied by the companies ROUTEK and ROZLEX-PHARM, owned by a citizen of India Samir Srivastava».

“As you know, impunity gives rise to permissiveness and pushes to perform new“ deeds ”. This happened with Samir Srivastava, who considered that he had been given the "green light" to implement new schemes.

This time, in addition to what can be called "falsification", we are talking about much more serious violations. First of all, you should pay attention to the drug Levoflox-Routek, solution for infusion 5 mg / ml 100 ml, vials (1) / complete with a disposable system for intravenous administration of solutions with a built-in ventilation barrier against bacteria "Eurodrip" / This is an antimicrobial drug with a wide spectrum of action, which is often used in hospitals in especially severe cases.

So, according to the documents, this drug on the territory of the Russian Federation is packaged by the company Rozlex Pharm, and it is produced outside the country, namely in India.

The packaging of any medicinal product must contain the manufacturer's data, his address and license number. On the packaging of Levoflox-Routek, this information is available, only the address and name of the manufacturer does not seem to coincide with the license number. It turns out that the package contains data from two manufacturers at the same time, and it is not known which manufacturer exactly what is in the package. With regard to a medicinal product, such a “mistake” is unacceptable and should lead to the immediate withdrawal of the entire batch of medicinal products. Relevant inquiries were sent to the manufacturers indicated on the packaging, but no responses have yet been received. It may also happen that none of the manufacturers admits that this drug was produced by him, then what is it? Counterfeit?

It turns out that it is impossible to reliably determine exactly where and by whom exactly this drug was produced, accordingly, there is no one to present any quality claims in case of any questions. Instead of an antimicrobial drug, there can be anything in the containers, professionals understand that such "drugs" are unlikely to help patients ... well, if they do not harm. But at the same time, this drug is supplied with impunity to medical institutions throughout our country. Will our doctors be able to cure someone using such drugs? Why don't law enforcement agencies react to such actions?

Leading Russian economists with world renown demanded the introduction of strict quarantine in Russia in order to prevent the further spread of coronavirus infection. The statement is published on the page in Fb professors at the University of Chicago and the Higher School of Economics Konstantin Sonin.

The Kremlin got acquainted with a letter from well-known economists, in which they stated that the government should spend from 5 trillion to 10 trillion rubles to support enterprises, citizens and banks, the presidential press secretary said. Dmitry Peskov.

Specialists criticized the strange decision to introduce a non-working week. “The fact that our economy is going through a recession together with the rest of the world is already obvious. And an extra non-working week will only exacerbate this recession, "said the director of the analytical department of Loko-Invest. Kirill Tremasov... At the same time, the expert wonders why the weekend was announced at the expense of employers. “This measure clearly contradicts the goal of supporting business in an epidemic. And it is completely incomprehensible how one week can solve the problem of the spread of the virus (even if everyone is sitting at home). We have just begun an accelerated increase in the number of infected, and according to the experience of other countries, this process does not stop in a week, ”the analyst emphasized. Business representatives are especially concerned about the offer to “rest”. At a meeting of entrepreneurs with Vladimir Putin March 26, the founder of the AnderSon cafe chain Anastasia Tatulova stated that a number of industries do not have any airbag and it is "just a tragedy."

At the request of readers, the editorial board of Kompromat-Ural publishes literally the appeal of economic gurus to combat COVID -19 ...

The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation analyzed the practice of prosecutorial supervision in the implementation of national projects "Small and Medium Enterprises and Support for Individual Entrepreneurial Initiatives", "Labor Productivity and Employment Support" and "International Cooperation and Export".

Taking into account the importance of creating favorable conditions for doing business in the country, prosecutors closely monitor the proper implementation of the activities of the national project "Small and Medium Enterprises and Support for Individual Entrepreneurial Initiatives."

In the course of his supervisory support, measures were taken to eliminate about 400 violations of the law, 143 submissions were made, 71 persons were brought to disciplinary and administrative responsibility, 2 statements were sent to the courts, 7 officials were warned about the inadmissibility of violating the law, 1 criminal was initiated according to the inspection material sent by the prosecutor business.

One of the reasons for the incomplete use of budgetary funds is the long-term rejection by the authorized bodies of the procedures for providing financial support to economic entities.

In the Chelyabinsk Region, the prosecutor's response was required due to the untimely approval by the regional ministries of economic development and agriculture of the procedures for granting subsidies to entrepreneurs and agricultural producers, as a result of which more than 60 million rubles of financial assistance to business remained unspent.

In the republics of Adygea, Bashkortostan, Crimea, Tyva and Khakassia, Altai and Krasnoyarsk Territories, Kemerovo, Kirov, Kursk, Nizhny Novgorod, Orenburg and Penza Regions, Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, prosecutors took measures to ensure the formation of a legal framework of the specified national project and the suppression of cases of imposing obligations on entrepreneurs not provided for by law. In total, the prosecutors challenged 38 illegal normative legal acts.

In a number of regions, prosecutorial intervention was required due to inadequate information support for small and medium-sized businesses (the republics of Crimea, Tyva, Altai Territory, Voronezh, Rostov, Tyumen and Ulyanovsk regions, Sevastopol).

By means of prosecutorial supervision, violations of the procedure and conditions for providing assistance to entrepreneurs were suppressed (Udmurt Republic, Kamchatka and Krasnoyarsk Territories, Bryansk, Kaliningrad, Kaluga, Kemerovo, Kostroma, Murmansk, Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk, Ryazan, Samara, Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk Regions).

A fundamental assessment of prosecutors was required by cases of failure to achieve target indicators of regional projects during the implementation of a national project (Krasnoyarsk Territory, Samara Region).

Judge of the Shcherbinsky District Court of Moscow Anna Boriskina received from a lawyer Alexandra Zabrodina a bizarre lawsuit that could have viral consequences for the entire law enforcement system. A businessman from Sevastopol, director and founder of a company from one employee of Inter 2012 LLC Yuri Hermann(Mr. Zabrodin represents his interests) demands to prohibit the disclosure of his individual taxpayer number (TIN) under the pretext of protecting "personal data". According to experts, the fact that the TINs of tens of millions of Russians have been publicly published in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for many years in a row as part of innovations to increase the transparency of the business environment organized by Mikhail Mishustin during the period of his leadership of the Federal Tax Service (FTS). Public access to the numbers of individuals is in line with the international practice of the fiscal authorities. Lawyer Zabrodin avoided journalists' questions.

Recently, it became known about Yuri German's claims to online publications, although his claim was filed with the Shcherbinsky District Court in early July 2019. It is noteworthy that Anna Boriskina, who is considering the case, was appointed a federal judge only in November last year, before that Anna Vladimirovna was a magistrate (judicial section No. 432 of the Moscow and Mosrentgen settlements in Moscow). According to journalists, the plaintiff did not apply directly to the editorial office. “The position is illogical, and the claim itself seems far-fetched. In the summer of 2018, an article is published, for some reason you “endure” for almost a year, only then you file a lawsuit. Months go by, years already. The publication remains, and you have never written to the editor about the essence of your dissatisfaction, so as to at least try to remove yourself from the public without a trial. How so? ”- the lawyer we interviewed, who is familiar with the details of the process, is perplexed.

Mr. Herman is dissatisfied with the occasional mention of his person in the journalistic investigation, published in August 2018, about the former beneficiary of Dialog-Optim bank Alexandre Polyakov, against whom criminal cases were initiated in Russia and Ukraine (on the facts of large-scale fraud and the use of a knowingly fake passport to cross the border). According to the latest data, after the illegal departure from Ukraine, Polyakov settled in Slovenia. Journalists drew attention to a number of legal entities that, after Polyakov left the Russian Federation and was put on the wanted list, continued to function in Moscow, were listed on his wife Larissa Slivinskaya and sons: Kirill and Mikhail Polyakov.

How a large-scale scandal with deputy salaries could arise in calm Tyumen

The petition, created by the deputy of the Tyumen Regional Duma Alexei Anosov, frightened the lawmakers of the entire complex region. In the recent past, an act of an ordinary clerk from Khanty-Mansiysk was discussed with alarm in the parliaments of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Tyumen Region. With its complaint about the system of distribution of wages among the people's deputies, supported by a letter to the Prosecutor General's Office, United Russia has desacralized hazing in the circle of politicians. Outside Ugra, the outburst was regarded as a provocation, the organization of which is supported by the people of Governor Natalya Komarova.

United Russia members of the "Tyumen matryoshka" are preparing a punishment for the "non-systemic" deputy. Photo: Nikolay Bastrikov © URA.RU

On the eve of the Tyumen Regional Duma elected a new deputy, whose work will be paid from the budget. The parliamentarians have determined who will receive the salary of Pavel Belyavsky, who in October 2016 headed the government department for public relations, communications and youth policy. Yamal deputies Nikolai Babin and Vladimir Stolyarov, representative of the south of the region Elena Kashkarova and Alexey Anosov submitted their applications with a request to assign them the status of a deputy on a permanent basis. As of the voting day, Babin and Stolyarov withdrew their statements, and the people's representatives, choosing between Kashakarova and Anosov, supported the Tyumen deputy.

The question became “interesting” and “painful” after United Russia member Alexei Anosov announced earlier this week that representatives of the Tyumen south had seized budget rates in parliament, discrediting their colleagues from the autonomous regions.

This was such a clear violation of the unwritten rules of the Duma that it is discussed even after the vote and public speeches condemning Anosov. The noble parliamentary community is trying to find out: how could a scandal have happened at all and what is at its core - a failure or some kind of systemic provocation?

Alexey Anosov was left all alone. Photo: Nikolay Bastrikov © URA.RU

The career rise of Alexei Anosov, according to the stories of his colleagues, came as a surprise to him. Last spring, an employee of the Duma of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Ugra could not have imagined that in the fall he would win the elections as a single-mandate candidate for United Russia, and after that he would have access to the administrative offices of the entire Tyumen nesting dolls. According to one version, he became the winner "through an oversight of the local authorities." Another interlocutor of the agency knows that the candidate was led by representatives of large FIGs and this was their obligation to the constituency.

“Alexey was not considered a real contender at all. He sat in the party and received documents. He was put up for the previous primaries as a technical candidate for the constituency, where the incumbent deputy Sergei Kozlov and the former mayor of Khanty-Mansiysk Andrei Bukarinov fiercely competed. On the day of the preliminary voting, there was a ride of voters who were not explained for whom to vote. As a result, people put a tick in front of the first name they came across. When they counted, Anosov won. It was impossible to cancel the results of the primaries; it was also not possible to persuade him to refuse of his own free will. This is how Yugra got new faces, ”recalls one of Anosov's colleagues, who asked not to be named.

Aides to the deputies who worked with Alexei Anosov in the last convocation of the Ugra parliament describe him as a typical representative of the nomenklatura, who perfectly understands the principles of the work of government bodies in modern Russia. Anosov realized the need to obey the rules during his service in hot spots and, according to his colleagues, never forgot about subordination.

The speech on the distribution of salaries is the first bright initiative of Alexei Anosov as a deputy, and it completely contradicts his previous psychological portrait.

Officially, in the petition, the Ugra resident declares that he has the right to a salary only because as a result of being elected to the Tyumoblduma he lost his main job (assistant to the deputy of the Ugra Duma). “The rating vote, which is a series of consecutive votes for each of the deputies who expressed a desire to work on a professional permanent basis, was not held [we are talking about the first vote, on the distribution of all paid seats]. To tell the truth, my statement was simply put aside, as if it never happened. It is not known by what criteria it was determined that I was less worthy. Apparently, a representative from the people seemed to someone "undesirable" in the deputy corps. After the first meeting of the Duma, I asked for an explanation of how it happened that the procedure for electing deputies was violated. It turns out that some of the statements were deliberately removed so that the media did not appear in the media about how the deputies are fighting for paid seats, ”the parliamentarian comments.

The chairman of the tyumobldum Sergei Korepanov believes that the authority entrusted to him acts strictly in the legal field, and the claims of Aleksey Anosov are groundless. The speaker referred to the decision of the regional prosecutor's office, which supported the lawmakers' rightness. “I do not blame him, but what happened does not do him credit. We act in accordance with the law, the prosecutor's office has also confirmed our case, "- comments Korepanov in a conversation with URA.RU.

Other deputies regard the scandal with the petition of Alexei Anosov as a provocation. Even the names of the governor of Ugra Natalia Komarova and representatives of her team are voiced as possible organizers.

“It is quite obvious that technologists have been working on the text of this petition, and more than one day or even a week. The material hits the right points clearly. These are not emotions. The petition was prepared and "lit" just two days before the meeting. It's just not clear why. Perhaps in retaliation for some previously given positions. One thing can be said with absolute certainty: Anosov will not be forgiven for this. You can forget about a career in the south of the region, ”says an insider to URA.RU.

To date, Aleksey Anosov has involved the Prosecutor General's Office in the conflict. After the parliamentarian was unable to achieve the desired result at the level of the region and the Ural Federal District, a complaint was also sent to the department of Yuri Chaika. In a conversation with the agency, Mr. Anosov said that he personally met with Natalya Komarova, First Deputy Governor Alexei Shipilov, Speaker of the Regional Duma Boris Khokhryakov, who guaranteed him assistance. “In Tyumen, I was confirmed that there were calls and petitions in my support from Khanty-Mansiysk. But they did not listen to them, ”the source says.

The official Khanty-Mansiysk, meanwhile, refuses to take responsibility for what is happening.

A source close to Natalya Komarova claims that the governor's administration has nothing to do with the parliamentarian's actions. “This is definitely an amateur performance. He did not coordinate his actions with us. Yes, they tried to calm him down, to transfer the solution of the issue to a peaceful channel. It was offered to find a job in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. True, not with such earnings. The regional deputy receives under 400 thousand rubles a month, "- says an insider.

In Tyumen, they believe that Komarova's ideologists are hiding behind Anosov's action. Photo: Alexander Kulakovsky © URA.RU

As the chairman of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Duma Boris Khokhryakov said in a conversation with URA.RU, there can be no question of any support for Alexei Anosov in this situation from the regional branch of United Russia, as well as from the District Duma. “This is an internal issue of the Tyumen Oblast Duma. Moreover, I want to note that the legislative bodies of all three subjects very carefully fulfill all agreements regarding organizational issues - we have no insoluble contradictions, no controversial issues. All our decisions are based on the principles of justice and meet the interests of Yugra, Yamal and the south of the Tyumen region, ”says Mr. Khokhryakov.

It was not possible to contact Aleksey Shipilov at the time of publication - the official did not answer calls from journalists.

Political experts, meanwhile, believe that the episode that has taken place is highly likely to have a detrimental effect on the political climate of the "matryoshka", relations between the regions and even the governors personally. According to the Tyumen political scientist Alexander Bezdelov, Mr. Anosov made "an extremely short-sighted decision", from which no one dissuaded him. Responsibility for what happened, according to the interlocutor, will fall on the ideologues of Natalia Komarova.

Konstantin Baksheev, a consultant with the Moscow agency Maksimov-Consulting, believes that the episode in the Tyumen Regional Duma has signs of a foreign policy game in which the leaders of the Ugra autonomy are involved. At the same time, hidden persons involved may be hiding both in the White House and within United Russia.

“To make noise around parliamentary salaries through a public petition is, of course, an outrageous format. And the very style of the text indicates the excessive politicization of its compilers. At first glance, this action triggers a reflection of the conflict between the subjects. But, on the other hand, I would not rule out that Anosov's controversial attack could play into the hands of the governor of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Natalya Komarova. After all, now she has a reason to report to Moscow that, for example, everything is in order through the Cooperation program. It is more fixed to exclude oneself from the troublemakers, ”comments Mr. Baksheev.

According to the interlocutor, it cannot be ruled out that history is developing along the line of a closed conflict within United Russia. It is not for nothing that the petition mentions support from Boris Khokhryakov: "It is quite possible that the leader of the Ugra United Russia was preparing for some serious dispute over the priority of party benefits within the" matryoshka "and in such a shocking way they are now trying to slow him down."

As the agency managed to find out, the question about Alexey Anosov will be brought up at the next meeting of the party council.

Elected deputy of the Tyumen Regional Duma of the sixth convocation on September 22, 2016 in electoral district No. 7(Decision of the Election Commission of the Tyumen Region dated September 22, 2016 No. 191 / 1227-5 "On the results of elections of deputies of the Tyumen Regional Duma of the sixth convocation").

In 1984, together with his parents, he moved to the village of Nyakh of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - in the future, the city of Nyagan. In 1993 he graduated from 11 classes of secondary school № 3.

From 1994 to 1995 he served in the armed forces of the Russian Federation (12 OBRSPN GRU General Staff of the Ministry of Defense, Asbest). During the service, he took part in measures to restore constitutional legality and law and order in the Chechen Republic. He was awarded the "Suvorov" medal.


1. Ural institute for training and advanced training of personnel of the forestry complex, faculty of secondary vocational education, specialty - technician-technologist, economist, woodworking accountant, graduation date - 1997;

2. Ural State Technical University - UPI, specialty - manager, engineer-economist, graduation date - 2002;

3. Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, refresher courses for personnel under the President's program. Specialty - modern leader, graduation date - 2004.

Labor activity:

1. From 06.1997 to 12.2001 - Master in woodworking, "Nyagan Municipal Unitary Timber Enterprise", Nyagan;

2. From 12.2001 to 01.2002 - Head of the Planning and Economic Department, LLC Nyagan Timber Industry Complex, Nyagan;

3. From 02.2002 to 09.2004 - Deputy General Director for Finance of OJSC Khanty-Mansiyskles, Khanty-Mansiysk;

4. From 10.2004 to 11.2004 - Acting General Director of OJSC Khanty-Mansiyskles, Khanty-Mansiysk;

5. From 01.2005 to 09.2005 - General Director of ZapSibLes LLC, Khanty-Mansiysk;

6. From 09.2005 to 03.2007 - Economist of the department for work with telecom operators, Khanty-Mansiysk branch of telecommunications, OJSC Uralsvyazinform, Khanty-Mansiysk;

7. From 04.2007 to 08.2009 Deputy General Director for Economics of LLC "Forest", Khanty-Mansiysk;

8. From 08.2009 to 02.2010 - Leading Specialist of the Department for Interaction with Mass Clients of the Sales Organization Department, Khanty-Mansiysk Telecommunication Branch of OJSC Uralsvyazinform, Khanty-Mansiysk;

9. From 02.2010 to 09.2011 - Deputy Head - Head of the Party Building Department of the Khanty-Mansiysk Regional Executive Committee of the WFP "United Russia", Khanty-Mansiysk;

10. From 09.2011 to 09.2016 - Deputy Assistant, Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Khanty-Mansiysk.

Social activity:

1.From 2009 to 2015 Chairman of the Khanty-Mansiysk city branch of the All-Russian public organization of veterans "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD";

2. From 2015 to the present, Chairman of the Regional Public Organization "Union of Combat Veterans".

He is married and has a son.

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