Where Vysotsky is buried. Monument to Vysotsky in different countries Monument to Vysotsky on Vagankovsky karate

How to find this or that grave at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.
Since the information on the location of notable graves at the Vagankovskoye cemetery is very scattered, I have collected the most interesting points in my opinion in this short guide. The location of some of them may not be entirely accurate, please report if you find a mistake.

1 Sergei Yesenin / Notable monument. Behind the grave is the grave of Benislavskaya Galina - in love with the poet /

2 Archpriest Valentin Amfitheatrov / small grave behind the war memorial /

3 Semyon Vladimirovich Vysotsky and Evgenia Stepanovna Likholatova (father and stepmother of V. Vysotsky)

4 Bulat Okudzhava

5 Vitaly Solomin

6 Lev Yashin, Igor Talkov

7 A.F. Losev / path between 40 and 41 sites, the grave on the left, right next to the path, a black stone cross, next to it in the fence, on the right, a white monument /

8 Mikhail Tanich, Rimma Kazakova, Mikhail Pugovkin

9 Georgy Vitsin, Grigory Chukhrai, Vladimir Voroshilov, Stanislav Rostotsky, Iulian Rukavishnikov

10 Petr Fomenko

11 Andrey Mironov

12 Sonya "Golden Hand" / there is a path, the monument itself is visible from afar - a gilded sculpture with a palm tree /

13 ballet dancer Maris Liepa

14 Leonid Filatov

15 Spartak Mishulin

16 Oleg Dal

17 Alexander Abdulov, Mashenka Shilova

18 clown Leonid Yengibarov / Grave at the very beginning of the Church Alley, on the right by the road. If you stand facing the entrance to the temple, the Church alley begins on the left. /

19 Vladislav Listyev

20 Vladimir Vysotsky

22 Vasily Aksyonov / 25 study. The grave behind the columbarium, if you go behind it on the left, opposite the wall of the open columbarium /

23 Viktor Rozov / The grave is located at the very road, a little to the left of the grave of Igor Talkov /

24 Veniamin Kaverin / Grave on Savrasovskaya Alley, right next to the road on the left (this is the beginning of the 18th academic year) /

25 Alexey Savrasov / Grave by the very road on section 18 /

26 Fyodor Shekhtel / To the left of the path is a huge monument resembling a pyramid, on it is a cross enclosed in a circle and an inscription - "The Shekhtel family". By the way, O.F. Shekhtel was the grandfather of the famous pop artist Vadim Tonkov (duet Mavrikievna and Nikitichna). His grave is located right there, on the left side. /

27 Vladimir Dal / 16 study. Timiryazevskaya Alley. Grave on the left side /

29 Grigory Gorin (24 students)

30 Vasily Surikov / the alley is called Surikovskaya. Follow it straight. A grave by the road, to the left /

31 Vasily Tropinin / 11 study. divided into two quarters. You need to walk from the central alley to the end of the first block and turn left, go straight. The grave of V.A. Tropinina on the left, right next to the road, is very noticeable. /

32 Georgy Yumatov / A grave near the road itself, about 50 meters away from the massive white building of the columbarium /

33 Nikolay Starostin, Eduard Streltsov, Georgy Garanyan

34 Evgeny Dvorzhetsky / in the row of graves where Vladimir Migulya, Bulat Okudzhava, Grigory Gorin are buried /

35 revolutionaries Nikolay Bauman, Anatoly Zheleznyakov (sailor Zheleznyak) / 59 academic /

36 Gennady Shpalikov / study. 34, following from the columbarium, count from the beginning of 34 of the section of the 4 row of graves, in the second row from the road /

37 Mikhail Kononov / the ashes were buried literally a stone's throw from the grave of Vladimir Vysotsky, to the right of it there are large pedestals with niches. you need 3 pedestals forming a row perpendicular to the church. The curbstone where M.I. Kononov is on the far left. Niche in the middle of the curbstone /

38 Georgy Burkov / grave by the road /

39 Erast Garin

40 lawyer Fyodor Plevako / 5 academic., Grave in the alley between 5 and 6 academic. 2 lane from the road, very noticeable monument. /

41 patron of the arts Alexey Bakhrushin / tall black stele /

42 Nadezhda Brezhneva-Mamut, Andrei Rostotsky, Valentin Pluchek, Evgeny Kolobov, Yuri Saulsky

43 owner of a chain of bakeries Ivan Filippov (21 st.)

44 Agapkin Vasily Ivanovich / there is a signpost, from the Writer's Alley deep into the 34 site there is a paved path leading to the grave /

45 M. L. Tariverdiev / In the Armenian part of the cemetery. You need to go to the entrance to the Armenian church. To the right of the entrance, at the very windows of the building /
46 Mass grave of those killed on May 18, 1896 (Khodynka)

More than one generation has grown up on the work of Vladimir Vysotsky. His lyrics are heartwarming, and the music perfectly conveys any mood from sadness to joy. It is not surprising that after the death of the great man, the monument to Vysotsky was erected at the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow, but this is far from the only statue dedicated to the poet, bard and actor. More than 20 sculptures and plaques have been installed in the countries of the former Soviet Union, as well as Montenegro, Poland, Bulgaria and the United States.

Monuments in Russia

A monument to Vysotsky was unveiled in the courtyard of the Taganka Theater in 1988 (the work of the sculptor Gennady Raspopov). Vladimir Vysotsky stands, hugging himself by one hand, near the sword, which is slightly taller than his height. Some call the sculptural composition a monument to Hamlet Taganka, remembering the role played by the artist.

Also in Moscow on the fifteenth anniversary of the death of Vladimir Semenovich (1995) a monument to Vysotsky was unveiled. The sculptor depicted him with his face facing the sky and his arms spread out in different directions. An acoustic guitar hangs behind the back, but there is no strap on which to hold it. This monument to Vysotsky is located (photo below); there are almost always flowers at the pedestal.

But not only in Moscow there is a monument to Vysotsky. Where is the monument located besides the capital? The geography is very extensive:

  • The bust of Vysotsky was installed in Barnaul in 2004.
  • A joint monument to Vysotsky and his wife Marina Vlady was erected in Yekaterinburg in 2006.
  • In the village of Benevskoye in the Primorsky Territory, a small monument was erected on the initiative and at the expense of pensioner I. Lychko.
  • In 2013, a sculpture of Vladimir Semenovich playing the guitar was installed in Vladivostok.
  • There are monuments to Vysotsky in Voronezh, Volgodonsk, Krasnodar Territory, Kaliningrad, Rostov-on-Don, and many other cities and villages of Russia.

And in the far abroad

Vladimir Vysotsky was popular not only in the Soviet Union, but also in the countries of the socialist camp. Almost in any settlement abroad, where he was on tour, there is a street named after him, a monument or

The most ambitious monument can be called the statue in Podgorica (formerly Titograd, Montenegro). Vladimir Semenovich visited there twice: starring in the film "The Only Road" in 1974, and a year later as part of the troupe of the touring Taganka. A five-meter bronze composition appeared on the banks of the Moraca in 2004. The opening was attended by the son of Vysotsky and representatives of the Moscow administration, who presented the monument on behalf of Russia

Monuments to Vysotsky in Ukraine

In the Ukrainian capital on April 14, 2009, a monument to Zheglov and Sharapov was erected near the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Earlier, in 1998, the monument was erected in Mariupol. In memory of the popularly beloved poet, the statues were installed in Melitopol (Zaporozhye region) and in Odessa. A son was present at the opening of the monument in Kharkov. It is noteworthy that Vysotsky's wife was once at the opening of the monument to her late husband (a monument on Taganka).

Thematic selection dedicated to photography monuments to Vladimir Vysotsky.

Monument in Samara in the Vysotsky public garden, installed in 2000

Monument in Moscow, on Strastnoy Boulevard, opened in 1995

monument in Odessa, opened on April 1, 2012. In his hands Vysotsky holds a heart of gold, around him are muses, whose faces are similar to the face of Marina Vlady

monument in Novosibirsk, opened on July 25, 2005. On a pedestal made in the form of a stylized
the blade, on which Vysotsky walks barefoot, has a bronze skull of Yorick. He was repeatedly stolen, found, returned to its place, but now the skull is lost. A similar monument is located in Montenegro, Podgorica. Both monuments were created by the same sculptor, only in Montenegro Vysotsky stands on the ground.

monument in Dubna, opened in 2008 on Vysotsky Alley

so far only the project of the monument to Vysotsky in Kiev

monument in Naberezhnye Chelny, opened on December 2, 2003

monument in Kaliningrad, on the Singing Pole

bust in Barnaul, opened in 2002 opposite the main building of the Barnaul State Pedagogical University

monument to Vysotsky and Marina Vladi, Yekaterinburg. Opened on February 3, 2006 opposite the Bolshoi Ural Hotel

monument in Melitopol

monument in Voronezh, opened on September 9, 2009

The first time I heard Vysotsky's songs at his classmate. They had a large reel-to-reel tape recorder at home, and she turned on the cassette for me to listen to. Something I didn't quite understand, but some of the songs performed in a hoarse voice just amazed me. Somehow easily remembered his lines: "poets walk with their heels on the blade of a knife and wound their bare souls in the blood."

When Vysotsky died

For those who don't know, Vysotsky:

  • actor(played in theater and cinema);
  • poet(wrote cool poems);
  • bard(sang his songs with a guitar);
  • wrote prose works;
  • laureate of the USSR State Prize(posthumously).

No one said anything in newspapers or on TV about Vysotsky's death. He died during the Olympics, July 25, 1980. Only one central newspaper (I think "Soviet Culture") wrote a small obituary about the death of the actor. Few people subscribed to this newspaper then, but death news Vysotsky spread quickly around the country.

And, although the authorities tried to hide this fact in every possible way, people still gathered in a huge crowd at the walls. theater on Taganka to say goodbye with your favorite bard.

Where Vysotsky was buried

The actor was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow.

This is the most famous and prestigious cemetery in the capital. Already at that time it was closed cemetery, on which only honored people were buried and only with the permission of the Moscow City Council... Vladimir Vysotsky did not fit such criteria. But his friends still got this permission. And the place was chosen right at the entrance to the cemetery. With the aim that the admirers, of whom there are always many at the grave, do not trample the graves of other people.

Several years after the death of the poet at the grave did not erect a monument... Couldn't decide what to deliver. At first they just wanted lump, Then meteorite, but still decided to do monument. A competition was announced. Several sculptures were exhibited at the Taganka Theater and a monument was chosen from them.

The first time I visited the grave of Vysotsky and saw a monument in the summer of 1991. Everything around was littered with flowers... There were a lot of people too. A woman was sorting through flowers, throwing out wilted ones. And people carried everything and carried new ones.

In addition to flowers, they often left guitars and sang Vysotsky's songs.

Now the grave is several transformed, she was surrounded by chains, overlaid with tiles, the flowers diminished.

When I am in Moscow, I try to go to Cemetery Vagankovsky(it is not far from the station metro station "Ulitsa 1905 Goda").

The death of an idol quarreled his close relatives

After the death of Vysotsky, close people became concerned - what should be the monument on his grave? The question turned out to be very difficult: the disagreements between relatives escalated so much that they even had to announce a competition for the best sculptural image for a tombstone. The result was an exhibition of projects at the Taganka Theater. On January 25, 1983, more than thirty models were presented there.
The monument itself appeared at the burial site of the idol of millions only on October 12, 1985. It was a sculpture by Alexander Rukavishnikov. It was she who liked Vysotsky's parents.

Let's tell a short story related to an unusual stone that the poet's widow Marina Vlady dreamed of putting on her husband's burial place. But it didn't happen ...
It is interesting that this is a wonderful natural phenomenon - a stone pushed out of the bowels of the earth by some forces known only to her, no one saw either in the video or in the photographs. Although there is a description and mention of it on the Internet. - Such a mysterious stone ...
Vysotsky's close friend Vadim Ivanovich Tumanov became the protagonist of this story. It was he, at the request of Marina Vlady, who sent his comrades from the Pechora artel in search of a natural miracle.

Knowing about the painful scrupulousness of everything that concerns Vysotsky, I asked Tumanov purely informative questions related only to this stone.
- They began to search for the stone immediately after Marina's request. - Vadim Ivanovich began the story. - She said that she would like to see a wild, some unusual stone on the grave.
- Let him be ugly, but he must convey the image of Volodya ... - These are her words, which I once already quoted somewhere. Marina was convinced that "nature, which created a Vysotsky unlike anyone else, will express what no artist can do ..."

VYSOTSKY and TUMANOV at Zima station (June, 1976)

But where to look for such a stone? The base of the Pechora artel was then in the town of Berezovsky near Sverdlovsk. Knowledgeable people said that they saw some wonderful stones in the area of ​​Lake Balkhash. A geologist was sent to the Kazakh steppes to check. He returned so delighted, found, he says, a beautiful stone - perhaps a kind of troctolite, which is about 150 million years old. Not less! It was only after they were convinced that there really was a suitable stone that they equipped a heavy crane and a truck for a long trip. The distance is not short, more than two thousand kilometers. But .. let's go.

Stone from the Kazakh steppes

There were several people in the group. One no longer lives in this world - Mikhail Myshelov. The group was led by geologist Mikhail Alekseev. He washes gold in Peru now. There is practically no connection with him. And only he knows the details of the trip.
They brought the stone to Moscow. For some time he lay in the courtyard of the theater on Taganka. Then he had to be transported to one safe place. And only when I got a dacha, they took me there.
And the stone itself, look, there it is in front of you. True, it does not weigh six tons, as it is written somewhere. But two tons, three tons in it for sure! And when hit with a hammer, it really rings. We can say that he sings. The stone is inherently unique. It is a pity that it does not lie on Vysotsky's grave. Slava Govorukhin said: "Who among us dies first, that will get it."

Indeed - a rare sight! - The stone makes an impression - an ancient giant, striking in its natural beauty! He lies on the shaded lawn in front of Tumanov's country house. On the "back" lies - as the owner of the house says. Introduced him standing at Vysotsky's grave. - Very unusual.
Is it hard to say if it is troctolite or some other breed? Some experts, for example, argue that there are no troctolites in Kazakhstan.

David Borovsky's project

But after the death of Vysotsky, Marina Vlady's plans changed. According to her next idea, the monument to her husband should be made of a real celestial meteorite. Which, according to Vsevolod Abdulov, they agreed to issue at the Academy of Sciences. The famous Taganka theater artist David Borovsky began to work on the project of such a tombstone. Friends conditionally called his creation "a meteorite in a stone". And when the stone that Tumanov's specialists found in the steppes of Kazakhstan was delivered to Moscow, David Lvovich was already finishing his project. It was spoken of as "a celestial meteorite, set in a strict earthly stone - granite." Borovsky even went to choose a space object himself.
“… Most of all I liked the monument in the form of a lump of granite that has grown into the ground, into which a meteorite has crashed, from it splashes on the stone. And only one word "VYSOTSKY" is stamped out. - Marina Vlady recalled. “After all, everyone knew who he was, when he was born, when he died. And if someone did not know, then that person does not need to know this. It would be a symbolic monument, laconic, but it would say much more than those where they wanted to convey a portrait resemblance. "


But I did not manage to look at the drawing of the monument from Borovsky's project. For some reason, even the closest relatives could not find him in the artist's archives. True, in the museum-workshop of David Lvovich, unique sketches of the memorial space for the grave of Vysotsky, made jointly with the artist Sergei Barkhin, were discovered.
In principle, it is clear why Marina chose this particular project? In the idea of ​​a meteorite, the meaning, the idea of ​​the monument manifested itself more consciously - Vysotsky was, as it were, compared to a star that sparkled brightly in the earthly sky.

The death of Vysotsky quarreled with relatives

In fact, it was the death of Vladimir Semyonovich (and the question of the grave and the monument is the main one here) that became the subject of serious disagreements, and in fact a break, between Marina Vlady and other close relatives of Vysotsky.


After the death of her husband, Marina Vladimirovna Baidarova-Polyakova (Artur Makarov and Valery Yanklovich recalled this), considered that, as a direct heiress, she had the right to be buried next to him. The archive of Artur Makarov contains a document in which it is written in black and white: “In the event of my death, I ask you to bury me next to my husband Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky. Marina Vladi de Polyakoff ". These are the lines that Makarov himself reads in Pyotr Soldatenkov's film In Memory of Vladimir Vysotsky. But the poet's parents, without informing Vladi, designed the grave of their son for themselves. This became an insult to her.
Vladi did not come to the opening ceremony of the monument at her husband's grave. She first saw the monument in January 1986. Vadim Ivanovich Tumanov, who was present at this, recalled that on that visit Marina “did not see her parents. I only visited Evgenia Stepanovna. (Evgenia Stepanovna Likholatova - Vysotsky's stepmother - BK), who was then in the hospital. "


And here are the words the French actress said about the tombstone in one of her interviews: “This is some kind of ugliness - a dwarf with a guitar over his head. I would like to put on Volodina's grave a meteorite, which was presented to me by the Geological Museum of the Soviet Union. And the artist David Borovsky made a very beautiful model with a meteorite, on which is written "Vysotsky" and the dates of his life. It is amazingly beautiful and makes sense - a star flew across the sky ... "
In her book “Vladimir, or the Interrupted Flight”, Vladi wrote: “From now on, a brazen gilded statue rises on your grave, a symbol of socialist realism - that is, something that made you sick during life. And since it is less than two meters in height, you have the appearance of a gnome with an embittered face and a guitar instead of a hump, surrounded on all sides by the muzzles of horses. It's ugly, doesn't fit into any gate and is just ridiculous. "
The book was first published by Fayard in Paris in October 1987. Two years later, the publication appeared in Russia. It also put a fat point in relations between relatives.

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