Mold description. The main types of mold: description and causes of appearance

Mikhaleva Anastasia

Often in everyday life we ​​are faced with a greenish bloom on stale food products. What kind of bloom is this, why do we consider moldy bread unsuitable for nutrition and at the same time buy cheese in the store with the same bloom and consider it edible? Interest in the topic arose when, on a tangerine forgotten after the New Year's holidays, I discovered several small white spots. I asked my grandmother what is it? She told me that mold began to grow. I wondered “What is mold? What benefit and what harm does it bring? " There are many questions. In my work, I will try to find the answer to them.



state budgetary educational institution of the Samara region secondary school with. Novokourovka m. Khvorostyansky of the Samara region

District scientific and practical conference of younger students

Section "Biology"

Mold: both harm and good

Class GBOU SOSH s. Novokurovka

Head: Valentina Shipilova,

primary school teacher of the first category

GBOU SOSH s. Novokurovka

With. Novokurovka, 2014

I. Introduction. 2 - 3

II. Main part. 4 - 9

2.Theoretical part 4 - 7

2.1 Results of a survey of classmates 4

2.1. What is mold 4 - 5

2.2. What is the importance of molds for humans. 5 - 7

2.2.1. Dangerous mold. 5 - 6

2.2.2 Useful Mold 6

2.3 Interesting Facts 5 - 7

2.4 How to protect food from mold? 7

3.Practical part 7 - 9

3.1. Experience No. 1. 7 - 9

3.2.Experiment No. 2 Observation. 9

III.Conclusion 10

Used literature 11


Relevance of the topic:Often in everyday life we ​​are faced with a greenish bloom on stale food products. What kind of bloom is this, why do we consider moldy bread unsuitable for nutrition and at the same time buy cheese in the store with the same bloom and consider it edible?Interest in the topic arose when, on a tangerine forgotten after the New Year holidays, I discoveredseveral small white spots. I asked my grandmother what is it? She told me that mold began to grow.Mold and fungi secretly accompany mankind throughout its history, and it appeared much earlier than man himself. Despite many scientific studies, mold remains one of the mysteries, it is not fully understood and appears every time in a new quality. I wondered “What is mold? What benefit and what harm does it bring? " There are many questions. In my work, I will try to find the answer to them.

Target: Study the structure of mold and its role in human life.

Tasks: 1. Learn what mold is.

2. What harm or benefit does it bring to people.

3. Monitoring the development of mold at home.

4. Examine the structure of the mold.

5. Tell classmates about mold in class.

Hypothesis: I think that mold is a fungus that can only harm a person..

Research methods:

I read literature on mold, interviewed classmates, watched a movie about mold, raised it at home, and photographed it with a digital microscope.

Brief review of the literature used.

To write my work, I used an explanatory dictionary, encyclopedias from the series "I Know the World", "Avanta Plus", "Everything About Everything", the books "The World of Plants", "The Kitchen Experiment Site", the magazine "Health", as well as Internet sources.

Main part

Theoretical material

The results of the questionnaire survey of grade 4 students.

I wanted find out what my classmates know about mold, so I conducted a survey. I asked the guys three questions:

1.What is mold?

2. Is it useful or harmful?

3. Where is mold used?

As a result of the survey, only 36% of the students in my class are partially aware of mold. 57% - think, like me, that mold is only harmful. Nobody knows anything about the benefits of mold.

What is mold

“She appeared on Earth 200 million years ago. Since then, she has been killing and saving from death. It is called the bread of the devil and the spit of God. She is fabulously beautiful and disgusting. She is omnipresent and indestructible. She is able to control huge masses of people and change the course of history. If she declares war on us, we will have no chance of surviving. And we do not even imagine what secrets and hidden powers this cursed and blessed mold keeps. " (Excerpt from the documentary "Mold").

From the explanatory dictionary of SI Ozhegov: "Mold - plaque formed by special fungi, accumulating in the form of vague spots on something rotting, damp." (3, 153)

Mold spreads through the air in the form of microscopic spores.

The body of molds is a mycelium - mycelium (from the Greek "mikes" - "mushroom"), consisting of thin colorless (sometimes slightly colored) threads - hyphae (from the Greek. "hyphae" - "fabric", "web") with unlimited growth and lateral branching. Some hyphae grow vertically upward and form at their ends extensions in the form of balls, in which they form disputes ... When the spores mature, the sporangium ruptures and the spores are airborne. They are very small, invisible to the naked eye and carried by the air stream. Once in favorable conditions, the spore germinates and a mycelium is formed. Other, shorter hyphae penetrate deep into the surface of the mold. They serve for mold in the same way that roots do for plants, since they not only help it to gain a foothold in one place, but also absorb the nutrients necessary for its growth. The larger the surface of the mycelium, the more “satisfying” the life of the mushroom. (1, 224)

Conclusion: Mold is a fungus that adapts to any conditions of life, has been known since ancient times, is omnivorous and ubiquitous.

What is the importance of molds for humans.

Dangerous mold.

Why is mold dangerous for humans? This microscopic fungus spoils not only the appearance of the surfaces affected by it, but also has more serious negative properties. It is the cause of many diseases, including not only allergic reactions, but also diseases such as osteoporosis, blood congestion, tuberculosis, asthma and cancer. Mold spores reduce the immune functions of the human body, which leads to the occurrence of diseases. This fungus is not afraid of aggressive chemicals, low temperatures and even exposure to radiation. Mold can destroy even brick, concrete and plaster.

Mold is everywhere, but most of the time we treat it dismissively, cutting off green spots of mold from a crust of bread or a piece of old cheese, removing a thin white film from jam, and calmly eating what is left without even knowing how dangerous it is. Even if only one half of the orange is affected by mold, then the whole fruit is affected. (7, 21)

Conclusion: Mold harms not only food, human health, but also such durable materials as concrete and metal, everything that surrounds us.

Useful mold

Is there a beneficial mold? Yes. Mold is used in the production of cheeses and can be on the surface of the cheese or form on the inside. Roquefort, Gorganzola and Stilton blue cheeses are produced by the introduction of the mold spores Penicillium roqueforti. Brie and Camembert cheeses have a white mold surface. There are cheeses containing both surface and internal mold. The mold used to make cheese is safe to eat. "Gray rot" on grapes helps create the finest wines. (4, 190)

In the early twentieth century, British biologist Fleming and his colleagues discovered that mold can kill staphylococci, the cause of purulent lesions. Fleming, Chain and Frey were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1945 for their immense service to humanity. (2, 347)

Conclusion : Noble mold is used in pharmacology. Mold-based medicines save people from various diseases. Mold is needed for the preparation of various foods.

Interesting Facts

1. In the early 1920s, archaeologist Carter discovered an intact tomb in the Egyptian Valley of the Kings. The "sponsor" of the excavations, Lord Carnarvon, and other participants in the opening of the sarcophagus soon died of a mysterious illness. Later it turned out: an ancient mold lived in the tissues of the mummies, its deadly effect became a symbol of the "curse of Tutankhamun."

2. In 1771, a plague epidemic began in Moscow, causing riots. Catherine's favorite Grigory Orlov arrived to pacify. He defeated panic with tough action, set up a hospital in his palace, and ordered the establishment of new remote cemeteries. Orlov ordered, as has long been the custom during troubles and misfortunes, to sound the alarm bells. The epidemic soon subsided. Recently, scientists have found that bells have a frequency spectrum that inhibits the growth of pathogenic microbes and enhances human immunity.

3. A huge amount of mold was found under the sarcophagus of the 4th power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. It grew, thickening in places of increased radiation radiation.

4. Mold spores were attached to the skin of a spacecraft flying in space. After a year and a half it became clear: in the conditions of an airless space, the "subjects" survived, became even more aggressive and stable. Perhaps the damage inflicted by mold on the equipment of the Mir orbital station was one of the reasons for its flooding.

How to protect food from mold

1.Cover prepared food with plastic wrap to protect it from airborne mold spores.

2. Put perishable food from opened cans into clean containers and refrigerate immediately.

3. Do not leave perishable food out of the refrigerator for more than two hours.

4. Keep food leftovers for no more than 3-4 days to prevent mold from growing. (5, 322)

Practical part

Experience number 1.

I decided to grow mold and study its structure. I entered my observations into the table. I took two slices of white bread without a crust and 2 containers. I moistened a napkin with water and put it in a container, put a piece of bread on top. And in another container, I put a dry napkin, and on it a piece of bread. Then she tightly closed the lids on the containers and put them in a warm place.


1 slice of bread

2 slice of bread

1 day 3.02.14.

I moistened a napkin with water and put it in a container, put a piece of bread on top

Put in a dry container

2 day 4.02.14.

The bread has increased in size due to water

A piece of bread is dry

3 day 02/05/14.

Black dots appeared on the bread

The slice of bread has become hard

4 day 6.02.14

Rare hairs of mold appeared from blackheads

The bread began to crumble

5 day 02/07/14.

There are more threads of mold, they have formed a light fluff

There are more crumbs, but the slice of bread has decreased

6 day 02/08/14.

The fluff of mold has increased, the piece of bread has slightly turned yellow

The crouton continues to crumble

7 day 02/09/14.

Mildew in the form of a fluffy cloud with a grayish tint

Crackers are crumbling

8 day 02/10/14.

On a yellow slice of bread, there is a beautiful fluffy cloud of gray mildew

The croutons are small, there are a lot of crumbs

I managed to grow real mold because mold seeds (mycelium) invisible to the naked eye are present in the air and begin to develop and grow as soon as they get into a favorable environment (the presence of nutrients and water). Therefore, one has only to forget fresh fruit, open cans for several days in a warm, humid place, as a whole colony of fungi begins to grow on it. My mold has grown not only on a piece of bread, but also sprouted inside it.

Conclusion: In the presence of nutrients and moisture, mold appears - round-shaped fungi with many branches.

Experience number 2 Observation, study of the structure of the mold.

I put in a microscope, on a glass slide, a piece of mold, which I grew myself.

I saw that the mold consists of thin threads, they are all intertwined, forming a kind of cobweb. The intertwined threads are called hyphae. At the ends of the hyphae, I saw sporangia in which spores form. Using a digital microscope, I took pictures of the mold.


My hypothesis that mold is a fungus that only causes harm to humans has not been confirmed.

While doing this work, I learned that mold can be different. The beneficial mold is used in the manufacture of medicines that help a person cope with illness. In addition, mold is used in the manufacture of cheese and wines.

On the other hand, mold is poison. A person who eats stale, moldy food can cause serious harm to the body. It is also unsafe to live or live in dwellings with moldy walls or ceilings. It causes dizziness, headaches, and lung disease.

After doing experiments, I realized that air humidity and heat are the main conditions for the development of molds,I saw that the mold consists of thin threads, they are all intertwined, forming a kind of cobweb. The intertwined threads are called hyphae. At the ends of the hyphae, I saw sporangia in which spores form.

I learned to find the necessary material from various sources, conduct experiments, draw conclusions. During the class hour, I introduced classmates to the many-sided mold, its influence on human life.

The tasks set in the work were fully completed, as a result of which the main goal was achieved - the study of the structure of mold and its role in human life.

Used Books

1. Edited by M. D. Aksenov. Encyclopedia for Children "Avanta Plus". Biology, volume 2, Moscow, "Avanta +", 1998

2. Buyanov. N.Yu. I get to know the world. Encyclopedia for children. Medicine Moscow. LLC "Publishing house AST LTD", 1997

3. Ozhegov S.I. and Shvedova N.Yu. "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" Moscow LLC "IMI Technology", 2003 To use the preview of presentations, create yourself a Google account (account) and log into it:

Slide captions:

Section "Biology" Mold: both harm and benefit Regional scientific-practical conference of junior schoolchildren Novokurovka Supervisor: Valentina Vladimirovna Shipilova, primary school teacher of the first category, SBEI SOSH s. Novokurovka

Object of research: MOLD The purpose of the research: to study the structure of mold and its role in human life. Tasks: to find out what the mold is; what harm or benefit it brings to people; monitoring the development of mold at home; study the structure of mold; Teach classmates about mold during class.

Interest in the topic arose when, on a tangerine forgotten after the New Year's holidays, I discovered several small white spots. ...

Mold (molds) is a special kingdom of living nature. Mold spreads through the air in the form of microscopic spores. When it hits a damp surface, it germinates in the finest threads, adapts to any conditions of life, has been known since ancient times, is omnivorous and ubiquitous.

Dangerous mold. Mold harms not only food, human health, but also such durable materials as concrete and metal, everything that surrounds us.

Beneficial mold Noble mold is used in pharmacology. Mold-based medicines save people from various diseases. Mold is needed for the preparation of various foods.

Interesting facts A huge amount of mold was found under the sarcophagus of the 4th power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. It grew, thickening in places of increased radiation radiation. Mold spores were attached to the skin of a spacecraft flying in space. After a year and a half it became clear: in the conditions of an airless space, the "subjects" survived, became even more aggressive and stable. Perhaps the damage inflicted by mold on the equipment of the Mir orbital station was one of the reasons for its flooding.

How to protect food from mold 1. Cover prepared food with plastic foil to protect it from mold spores from the air. 2. Put perishable food from opened cans into clean containers and refrigerate immediately. 3. Do not leave perishable food out of the refrigerator for more than two hours. 4. Store leftovers for no more than 3-4 days to prevent mold from growing.

Practical part days 1 slice of bread 2 slice of bread 1 day 3.02.14. I moistened a napkin with water and put it in a container, put a piece of bread on top. Put it in a dry container. 2 day 02/04/14. The bread has increased in size due to the water A slice of bread dried up 3 day 02/05/14. Black dots appeared on the bread A slice of bread became hard 4 day 02/06/14 Sparse hairs of mold appeared from black spots Bread began to crumble 5 day 02/07/14. There were more threads of mold, they formed a light fluff. There were more crumbs, and a piece of bread decreased on the 6th day of 02/08/14. The fluff of mold has increased, a piece of bread has slightly turned yellow Crackers continue to crumble 7 days 9.02.14. Mold in the form of a fluffy cloud with a grayish tinge Crackers crumbling 8 day 02/10/14. On a yellow slice of bread, there is a beautiful fluffy cloud of gray mold. Crackers are small, there are a lot of crumbs

In the presence of nutrients and moisture, mold appears - round-shaped fungi with many branches.

Study of the structure of sporangia hyphae mold

Conclusion In doing this work, I learned that mold comes in all sorts of ways. The beneficial mold is used in the manufacture of medicines that help a person cope with illness. In addition, mold is used in the manufacture of cheese and wines. On the other hand, mold is poison. A person who eats stale, moldy food can cause serious harm to the body. It is also unsafe to live or live in dwellings with moldy walls or ceilings. It causes dizziness, headaches, and lung disease.

Used literature 1. Edited by MD Aksenov. Encyclopedia for children "Avanta plus". Biology, volume 2, Moscow, "Avanta +", 1998 2. Buyanov. N.Yu. I get to know the world. Encyclopedia for children. Medicine Moscow. LLC "Publishing house AST LTD", 1997 3. Ozhegov S.I. and Shvedova N.Yu. "Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language" Moscow LLC "IMI Technology", 2003 4. Smirnov A.V. "The world of plants" Moscow "Young guard", 1982 5. Trifonova MM "The place of the experiment is the kitchen." Saratov, "Children's Book", 1991. 6. Edited by GP Shalaev. “Everything about everything. Popular encyclopedia for children ”, volume 10. Moscow AST, 1999. 7. Health magazine # 2 / February 2011 - Mold: a dangerous neighbor 8. Mold documentary 9. 10. http: / / 11.http: //

Word " mold"Is familiar to each of us (which is only one frightening view!), But not everyone thought about what it really is and where it comes from in our homes. In this article, we will just talk about this.

Mold it is customary to call microscopic fungi that form certain deposits on the surfaces of organic bodies, causing spoilage of food.

Russia has always been famous for the quality of food products, so it is still largely unclear for us how you can include in your diet. moldy foods? But mold can be different too! Remember only such a colossal discovery as penicillin!

What causes mold

Mold begins immediately after the death of the organism (plant and animal origin). Initially mold forms, then bacteria. Mold usually appears where there are favorable conditions - mold spores begin to germinate, and they multiply very quickly! If we had a microscope at hand and even a slightly moldy product (for example, bread), we would be horrified looking at it with multiple magnifications - the number of disputes is simply estimated in the billions!

For mold development there is nothing better than:

  • high humidity
  • room temperature 20 - 30 degrees Celsius.

Mold he really does not like cleanliness and dry air, you should not ventilate the room too much when it is cold and damp outside. It is also worth noting that mold frozen food can also be affected, this does not happen often, but still - check them too.

Damage to health

As we said above, mold is a special kind of mushroom... For the first time in the world, scientists in Poland conducted research, through which it was proved that mold(not herself, but her disputes) causes such a serious blood disease as leukemia. It was also found that peanuts affected by mold, have such a strong concentration of toxic substances that they can cause cancer. City dwellers spend most of their time in residential premises, and, as a rule, these premises are closed (be it an apartment or an office). That is, we breathe only the air that is in the room.

Our lungs are able to perfectly filter out many microbes, but mold spores have their own peculiarity - they deeply settle in the lungs and even penetrate into the lung tissue itself. It was also found that in places of residence of allergy sufferers and asthmatics, mold was present in 80% of cases out of 100%. There are even such types of mold, the disputes of which can be the cause of diathesis in children, allergies (which, over time, if not taken measures, can develop into asthma).

Mold has appeared on food - what to do

Mold can appear anywhere, but most housewives encounter it in their own refrigerator. The question immediately arises: how to deal with moldy foods? Most often from mold bread suffers. Many housewives, having discovered such an unpleasant surprise, simply cut off the area affected mold, and the rest of the bread is further used for food. How many of us thought about how safe this method is for our health and the health of our family?

Thanks to scientific research, it has become known that moldy flour products and dairy products must be definitely thrown away whole (since they have a porous structure, and mold spreads not only on the surface, but also deep into the product or flour product).

There is only one exception to this rule - hard cheese. If you find that such cheese has formed mold, then you can cut off the affected area of ​​the product (2 - 4 cm), and even after this manipulation, do not use the remaining cheese in food (ideally, it can be used to make pizza).

Probably each of us had to deal with mold on jam... Some people feel sorry to throw out such a favorite product, and remember about penicillin, or moldy cheeses. Only this mold has no relationship with penicillin, or elite cheeses! After all, the mold used in the products is specially grown and trained, and homemade moldy products contain about a hundred compounds that are toxic to humans.

What to do if you accidentally eat mold

If such an incident happened, then you should not be indifferent to this. Yes, you won't die from such an additive to your diet, but it's still poisoning. The liver suffers first, as with any food poisoning, regardless of the component. You should immediately drink activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight), if a lot of moldy product has been eaten, it is advisable to drink a solution of potassium permanganate to cleanse the stomach.

For reinsurance, you can buy a drug that restores liver cells.

What are the "edible" types of mold?

Don't think that any mold is bad. There are several types of mold, so let's figure it out.

Noble mold

In the Russian Federation, this fungus is called gray rot, in fact, microbiologists gave it the name Botrytis cinerea (first it kills the body itself, and then feeds on the killed tissues). In our country, people suffer greatly from this fungus, since a lot of products (berries, fruits) become unusable because of it. But, you may be surprised, in Germany, France and Hungary, thanks to this type of fungus, the most delicious and famous types of wine are obtained. Therefore, it becomes clear why in these countries this mold is called "noble".

Blue mold

If noble mold was studied not so long ago, then blue mold has been known for a very long time. This type is an irreplaceable component of marble cheeses (Roquefort, Gorgonzola, Stilton).

White mold

This mold type(Pinicillium camamberti and caseicolum are scientific names) is also added to cheese during the preparation process to add a unique note to the flavor profile. Famous cheeses such as Camembert and Brie are born with the participation of white mold.

Remember that only quality blue cheese really good for the body, as it contains many trace elements. But even such a product of the highest quality is not recommended for pregnant women and children.

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Not everyone is eager to see mold formations as their neighbor. But how many people even know what they are dealing with?

What is mold?

Mold is a simple “plant” from the fungal family. Despite its simplicity, it is more complex than bacteria or yeast. If you look at the mold under a microscope, you can see that it does not consist of one cell, like bacteria, but of many. form long filaments of fibers called hyphae.

Mold is a fungus, which means it multiplies by spores. Spore is a microorganism protected by a durable coating. The spores are dormant until they get into an environment favorable for reproduction. Spores develop in three different ways, depending on the type of microscopic fungus:

  • round patches within the hyphae network;
  • substance in a pouch at the end of the hyphae antenna;
  • a chain-like section at the end of the hyphae antenna.

We can say that if mold is a plant, then spores are its seeds.

One "plant" produces thousands of spores, which are carried away by air currents and, sitting in a warm place, multiply at the first convenient opportunity.

What is mold?

The most obvious difference is the color of the mold. Consider the types of fungus, relying on it, as the simplest sign.



Green mold (ascomycetes) spreads primarily in organic materials, soil or compost. However, he also does not disdain products, he can settle in vegetables. In appearance, these molds resemble deep green moss with an uneven surface.


It does not spoil the surface, like many other species, does not settle on the ceiling and walls, and does not even pose a particular danger to humans (but eating food with it, of course, is still not recommended).

It appears mainly on plant residues and rotten products (spoiled vegetables, fruits, in rare cases - cereals that have been improperly stored).



Rarely appears in houses, does not pose a danger to humans. It grows mainly on trees and is used in the production of gourmet cheeses. The appearance is a bloom of blue.


Gray (saprophytic) mushrooms look like a simple bloom. Adheres to almost all surfaces and covers a variety of materials. Sometimes it infects food (vegetables, fruits) and is transmitted through flower seeds.

Dangerous to humans, difficult to remove.

Why does mold appear?

Consider three prerequisites for the appearance of a fungus:

  1. Mold spores in the air. They can get into the house with an air stream, through things, food, on animals;
  2. Nourishing organic medium: paper, wood, stone, concrete, mud, peat, as well as soil in pots of indoor plants, etc.;
  3. A climate suitable for growth and reproduction. Namely:
    • Temperature about + 20 ° С, humidity - 70-90%;
    • Uneven heating in the room and poor performance of the ventilation system.

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Once my brother and I found a piece of old bread in a bag in the refrigerator. There was an incomprehensible dark gray substance on it. Mom said it was mold and told them to throw it in the bin. And we decided to find out for ourselves: what is mold and how does it appear? And why was it impossible to eat this piece of bread?

Usually, they try to get rid of mold and generally prevent its appearance in advance. But the thirst for knowledge prompted us to an unexpected experiment: growing mold at home.

Object of study: mold

Purpose of the study: to study the conditions for the occurrence of mold and its significance for humans.


    Study literature.

    Conduct mold growing experiments.

    Get to know the conditions of mold.

    Find out why mold is dangerous and beneficial for humans?

    What is mold?

The word "mold" is usually associated with us not with the beauty of nature, but with something unpleasant. Moldy loaves or slimy spots in the corners of the basement cause disgust.

Mold is a common name for a fungus, which, in turn, is moldy (grows on stone, concrete, paint), blue fungus (grows in the fiber of a tree), rotting fungus (bacterial, white, brown rot growing on wood), yeast ( on food).

Molds are common almost everywhere. They are found both in a person's home and in the external environment.

Mold and its spores, together with other microorganisms (viruses, bacteria), are found in the air of any room.

Mold (mold fungi) is a special kingdom of living nature. Representatives of this kingdom have similarities and differences both with bacteria, plants, and with animals.

The development of mold is facilitated by the fact that people carefully create the most comfortable conditions for themselves in residential and public premises, which differ significantly from the external environment. These conditions are also good for molds: a temperature of 18-25 o C constantly maintained in apartments is optimal for their growth. Whitewashing, wallpaper, paper, fabrics, carpets, leather, wood paneling are all suitable substrates for the growth of microscopic fungi. And plus to this, sealed windows that create thermostats with high humidity from living quarters.

The use of air conditioners does not always help in solving the problem. It has been shown many times that if the filters are not washed and changed regularly, mold can develop, as a result of which fungal spores will be forced to "catch up" into the premises.

    Types of mold.


Mukorovye mushrooms are widespread in nature. This is one of the most common microscopic fungi growing in the soil, on last year's leaves and grass, manure, food waste.

Some types of mucor are used by humans. For example, in the countries of Southeast Asia, ferments containing mucor are used to prepare special alcoholic drinks and some traditional dishes. However, there are some among these fungi that are very dangerous and can cause diseases of the skin, lungs and other organs.


The genus of microscopic fungi, penicilli, is often found in nature. Penicilli species are widely found in the soil in the form of molds, mainly of a gray-greenish color; can develop on various foods.

Having examined the penicilli under a microscope, we saw that the mycelium (mycelium) - looks like colorless or colored branched filaments penetrating the substrate. From the mycelium there are large and small ascending twigs, which are shaped like brushes, which is why penicillus is often called brush. These racemose branches end in chains of colored spores, the accumulation of which determines the color of the mold plaque.

There are many types of penicilli, some of which play a very important role in human life.

For example, penicilli are used to make cheeses (Swiss cheeses, Roquefort) by defining their taste and aroma. French Roquefort cheese has a unique piquant taste, and in appearance it is loose, with bluish-green veins. These specks are nothing more than a penicillus mushroom grown in cheese.

The most famous penicilli acquired after it was discovered that some of them form a substance that can quickly kill many pathogenic bacteria even in the smallest quantities. This discovery was made in 1929 by the English microbiologist Alexander Fleming. Fleming guessed: the fungus inhibits the growth of bacteria, releasing special substances into the environment. Then they were called antibiotics (from the Greek "anti" - "against" and "bios" - "life"). It was penicillin (a substance from penicillus) that became the first antibiotic in the history of mankind. Various types of antibiotics are used to treat a wide variety of infections.

Some penicilli cause trouble for a person. One of them grows on citrus fruits: lemons, oranges, grapefruits. The fungus cannot penetrate into whole and healthy fruits. But when it settles on a damaged fruit, it releases ethylene, a gas that causes premature ripening of nearby fruits. Overripe fruits become soft, become infected with fungal spores and rot. On citrus plantations, such penicilli can bring a lot of troubles.


Translated from latin aspergillus means "Shaggy head"... Spores in this microscopic fungus grow on the surface of large spherical cells and under a microscope resemble uncombed heads. This is also a widespread mushroom. Most often, Aspergillus develop in the soil (especially in southern latitudes).

Aspergillus is beneficial to humans. In many countries there are special factories where these mushrooms are grown and obtained, for example, food citric acid, as well as various enzymes needed in the chemical and food industries. The production of dyes, the clarification of juices and wines, the tanning of leather, the manufacture of medicines - these are just some of the "specialties" of enzymes obtained from Aspergillus.

In the Far East, for example in Japan and China, aspergillus has been a part of ferments for traditional sauces and spirits for many centuries.

But unpleasant stories are also associated with Aspergillus. For example Aspergillus yellow that develops in animal feed produces a highly toxic substance. This poison was named aflatoxin by the name of the mushroom. If the feed is not carefully checked for Aspergillus contamination, this can lead to the death of animals, thereby causing tremendous damage to animal husbandry.

Yeast- these are fungi that do not form a classic mycelium, and their vegetative cells multiply by budding or division. Yeast fungi can live as separate single cells throughout their entire life cycle. Since ancient times, yeast has been widely used by humans, since these mushrooms are involved in the process of alcoholic fermentation. This property of yeast is used in the production of alcohol and alcohol-containing products, winemaking, bakery, confectionery, and the production of fodder protein for livestock nutrition.

    Curse or blessing?

The influence of mold is harmful to humans because it produces and contains toxic compounds that are hazardous to health. A person can inhale mold spores with air, while they settle in the lungs.

The main harm of mold is that mold is allergenic and toxic. Mold colonies produce toxic toxins that, when ingested, can accumulate in the body, causing liver cancer over time. Our body (namely the liver) is able to process a certain amount of aflatoxins without harm to itself, but when the number of colonies of molds exceeds the normal amount, the body ceases to cope, and a slow poisoning of the body begins.

In addition to liver cancer, mold, when inhaled with air, can settle on the lungs and bronchi, causing diseases such as runny nose, bronchitis, cough, sore throat, acute respiratory infections, flu, headaches, and various allergies in the body. When ingested with food, mold can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of various types and severity.

Mold that grows on rotting material does a great job. The overwhelming majority of fungi feed on organic matter of dead organisms and plant debris, rotting roots and grass, fallen branches and leaves, animal excrement, dead insects, and so on, that is, they are destroyers.

Molds have a lot of properties that are beneficial to humans. Centuries ago, people came up with the idea of ​​using mold to cook different foods. Yeast is used to produce wines, beer, bread, sauerkraut, pickle cucumbers, and make sausages. In Europe, mold is used in the manufacture of cheeses - French roquefort, camembert, brie, blue Danish, Italian gorgonzola, English stilton. In the countries of the East, in Japan, molds of the genus Aspergillus have long been used in the production of alcoholic beverages, for example, rice vodka sake, in the preparation of food from soybeans, as well as various sauces. And so the frightening black mold all over the world is still widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries for the production of citric acid.

Many molds are used in food and other industries to obtain a number of enzymes, organic acids, vitamins; in the pulp and paper industry for processing raw materials and obtaining certain grades of paper and cardboard from wood and paper waste; in the food industry it is used to improve the quality, clarify fruit juices; it is necessary for cleaning hair and softening leather in the leather and textile industries.

In agriculture, molds are needed to combat many insect pests, such as the Colorado potato beetle, potato bug, corn moth, beet weevil, scale insects, nematodes, and ticks.

The main property of mushrooms - to decompose a variety of organic substrates - is used in wastewater treatment. Even in the aircraft industry, there was a place for mold fungi - with their participation, mixtures are made that protect aircraft wings from icing during takeoff and landing.

It is just right for a man to bow to mold because it was from it in the middle of the twentieth century that the first antibiotic, penicillin, was obtained, the use of which in medicine saved the lives of millions of people. An antibiotic with antifungal action was also obtained from penicilli.

Along with antibiotics, statins have become other essential substances derived from molds. They are considered the main group of drugs used to lower cholesterol. According to the famous cardiologist V. Roberts, statins are for atherosclerosis the same as penicillin was for infectious diseases.

You cannot bake bread, make wine, beer, kvass without yeast. Yeast can convert sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide.

This list of substances useful to humans, created by molds, is, of course, not complete. In fact, today hundreds of various products are obtained from molds and with their help, without which the existence of modern mankind is impossible!

    We grow mold.

We have always been curious why one piece of bread becomes moldy, while another (at first glance is no different from the first) remains the same as it was. Why does mold appear on some fruits, but not on others? And we decided to conduct experiments with slices of bread, placing them in different environmental conditions.

Container # 1 will be placed in the freezer, # 2 - in a warm place, # 3 - in the refrigerator, # 4 - dried and placed in a warm place.

Three days later, changes began in container # 2: gray and black spots with fluff appeared. This is aspergillus. The rest of the containers did not change.

My brother and I found out: the main condition for the appearance of mold is moisture; The second condition is the air temperature. At higher temperatures, mold appears and grows faster. Dry air is the main obstacle to the growth and development of mold.

Cooking wine from wine mushroom

Ingredients Pour in sugar

Stir Add tomato paste,


Fill in the wine mushroom Put a rubber glove on

The fermentation process has begun In two weeks the wine is ready!

Tea mushroom.

Another example is kombucha, which our mother loves very much. It is the product of a symbiosis of fermented yeast and acetic acid bacteria. It is prepared simply: pour tea leaves, warm water into a jar, add sugar and place the kombucha. After a week, the drink is ready. The mushroom cannot be put into hot tea, it will die!


If you look around, then we are all constantly in contact with mold, but we never think about it. We remember that bacteria and viruses are constantly present around us, but in the same way, microscopic fungi are everywhere around us. Mold is everywhere - in the surface layers of fresh and sea water, on the surface of plants, in the air. Most of them are found in soils.

There is no need to be afraid of mold, it brings a lot of benefits to a person.

Mold has many faces. Yes, it can do harm by causing illness, but it also brings good - it forms the soil, gives us wine, cheese and bread.


    "All about everything", volume 1, Moscow, 1993

    "Science and Life", No. 10, 2009

    "One hundred great scientific discoveries, Moscow," Veche ", 2002

    Encyclopedia for Children, Volume 2, "Biology", Moscow, "Avanta", 1999

Good day, dear visitors of the “Welcome IS! ", Section" "!

In today's article, we will focus on such unpleasant "roommates" as mold and other types of fungus. We will also look at why mold is dangerous, what types of mold spoil the life of many people, and also consider how to get rid of mold. But first, let's define what a fungus or mold is.

Mushrooms ( lat. Fungi or Mycota) - the kingdom of living nature, uniting eukaryotic organisms, combining some of the characteristics of both plants and animals. Mushrooms are studied by science mycology, which is considered a branch of botany, since earlier mushrooms were attributed to the plant kingdom.

What we see on the affected walls, concrete, wallpaper, wooden floors, on tiles in the bathroom and other places that has green, black, brown and gray tones, and also emits a specific smell - various types of mushrooms, or as many people say - fungus.

Now let's look at some of the types of fungus that harm our homes.

Types of fungus and other related pests

Mold- various fungi (mainly zygo- and ascomycetes) forming branching mycelium without large, easily visible to the naked eye, fruit bodies.

Mold Is a colony of a unicellular fungus that develops from spores, which are constantly present in the air in a "conserved" state in huge quantities. Spores "wake up" for intensive reproduction as soon as favorable conditions appear for this: high humidity and warmth.

Molds (mildew) grow on concrete, paint, or stone. They can be observed in the form of spots or dots of black, brown, blue or green colors. There are also luminous, phosphorescent mushroom colonies, but they are not scary to the facade. Mold destroys building and finishing materials almost to the ground, forcing more and more repairs and sometimes rebuilding of buildings.

The color of this type of mold depends not only on its type, but also on the stage of development, as well as the material on which it grows. As a rule, the following strains are black:

Ulocladium- the fourth group of pathogenicity, affects not only materials, but also products. Very picky about the presence of moisture.

Cladosporium- at the initial stage it is colorless, except for black, it can take on a wide range of colors. The most dangerous for seeds and plants, not picky about moisture, can develop at low temperatures. The most common outdoor fungus in the summer. Some species feed on diesel fuel and fuels and lubricants, which is why they got the name kerosene mushroom. Also affects other types of materials. When carrying out mycological examinations, we have it in third place in terms of frequency of detection, following Penicillium and Aspergillus.

Penicillium- mushrooms of this family play a huge role in the environment, are actively used in pharmaceuticals for the preparation of medicines, in the food industry for the preparation of refined cheese with white mold. But some strains like Penicillum marneffei and Penicillium spp. belong to the 3rd and 4th groups of pathogenicity and pose a significant danger to human health, in addition, they are very often found in apartments.

Alternaria- a very common fungus of the fourth pathogenicity group. Most often affects fruits and vegetables, but can grow on the skin and in the respiratory tract in humans. Sometimes it has a gray color, there are about 300 strains.

Aspergillus- belongs to the highest mold fungi, and, depending on the type, belongs to the 4 and 3 pathogenicity groups. This type of mold causes aspergillosis in humans and animals. The mycelium itself is initially white, but its spores are black. Most often found indoors.

Chaetomium- is typically black. Often causes allergies in people. The main danger is when it enters the digestive tract. Fatalities are known to have been caused by this fungus.

Phoma- the fourth group of pathogenicity. The mycelium is almost always black and the spores are colorless.

Wallemia- painted black, does not pose a serious danger to humans, but belongs to the Xerophilic type, that is, it can grow in conditions of low humidity and high temperatures, which causes some problems when fighting it.

White mold is far less of a concern to people than black mold. Most often it can be found on the ground, wood, plants, bread and cheese. In apartments, it is usually found in flower pots and rarely on the walls. Efflorescence on the wall is often mistaken for white mold. It is quite easy to distinguish efflorescence from fungus without a microscope. The efflorescence has a crystalline structure and crumbles in the hands, and the fungus is kneaded. Naturally, gloves must be worn before checking. mold must not be handled. If white mold is curled on the ground in a flower pot, some strains will die with regular watering with dilute citric acid.

In the cheese industry, various types of mold are actively used, which is usually called noble, for the preparation of refined cheeses. These mushrooms have nothing to do with mold in the home.

Fungi of blue affect the fiber of a tree, and the surface of a wooden house is painted in a color that is not at all noble gray-blue. The damage from blue is not only aesthetic. It easily penetrates the paint and varnish film and thus creates a kind of "water pipes". It creates paths for water to enter, which in turn increases the moisture content of the wood. Then nothing prevents mold from penetrating and fixing in the neighborhood. Pine is especially susceptible to blue.

Rotting fungi also attack exclusively wood. There are several types of rot - bacterial, brown and white.

Bacterial rot eats away at the wood from the inside. The affected material noticeably turns gray or darkens, and its strength deteriorates noticeably - a bacterium causes local decomposition of cellulose.

White rot destroys not only cellulose, but also lignin, therefore, the color of the wood does not change much.

Brown rot causes the wood to split.

When wet rot appears, stripes from yellowish to dark brown and even black will appear on the material, and after them - cracks. If dry, the affected tree will turn brown, shrink and soon begin to split up and down the fibers.


Actinomycetes are a cross between fungi and algae. They not only spoil the appearance, but also destroy fibers, and also cause wood softening, causing irreparable damage to wooden structures. Why do you need to know all this? To effectively fight the pest. After all, if you use chemicals designed to combat wet rot, for example, for dry rot, then this will lead to exactly the opposite result: the fungus will begin to develop faster.

Efflorescence is a white, less often colored, salt or alkaline coating that occurs on walls, which is based on insoluble sulfates, carbonates and silicates. Formed due to the movement of water together with salts inside the material. In dry weather, an antifreeze salt solution rushes to the surface of the rock. The water evaporates and the salts crystallize, remaining on the wall as a white coating. Concrete and brick facades, as well as plaster or marble facades, are usually affected. The same crystallization occurs inside the material. Crystals growing in the pores of the material begin to wedge the pore walls. As a result, cracks appear and the material collapses.

The most terrible enemy of wooden houses is the white mushroom house. In one month, he is able to "eat" a four-centimeter oak floor, so earlier in the villages the hut, which was affected by this mushroom, was immediately burned to save other buildings from infection.

Why is mold and other types of fungus dangerous?

On the net you can often see questions: "Why is mold dangerous?", "Is mold harmful?" The answer to them is "Yes". Mold is quite dangerous, both for building materials and for human health.

Building materials deform over time, and can become one of the factors in the destruction of a building. For example, in a short time, mold turns wood into dust, but what if the house is built of wood? May the Lord keep!

On human health, mold affects through:

- direct contact with the skin;
- through eating moldy food;
- through the respiratory and circulatory system.

So, getting into the body, mold spores can cause a number of diseases, sometimes even severe ones. This is due to the fact that the spores of some types of mold are toxic and multiply at an extraordinary rate: 1m 2 of mold throws billions of spores into the air per day!

The consequences due to contact with mold, first of all, are:

- allergic skin diseases (dermatoses, mycoses, fungi);
- diseases of the upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, cough, asthma, pneumonia, sinusitis, sinusitis, nosebleeds, etc.);
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system or articular-rheumatic;
- headaches, dizziness;
- nausea, indigestion;
- general depletion of the body;

Long-term exposure can lead to internal bleeding, kidney and liver damage, pulmonary emphysema.

Children, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems due to illness, chemotherapy, antibiotics, etc. are especially susceptible to severe illness after exposure to fungal contamination.

It is possible to diagnose mycosis or the presence of an allergy to mold in most allergy centers and in a number of laboratories.

So how does mold grow in our homes?

Conditions for mold growth

This requires the following 3 conditions:

1. The presence of mold spores in the air. As a rule, they are transported by air and get into an apartment or house in public on animals, on food and things.

2. Growing medium in the form of organic matter: paper, wood, concrete, stone, mud, flowers and peat pots, soil of indoor plants, etc.

3. Favorable microclimate of the room: temperature about + 20 ° С; high humidity (above 70-95%); uneven heating around the perimeter of the room and not working properly or not working ventilation system.

Some types of fungus can appear and multiply rapidly even at 0 ° C.

I want to dwell a little on ventilation issues.

The fact is that if the ventilation system in the room is installed correctly and works correctly, then the movement of air prevents the appearance of mold on the walls, because the air blows off the spore, and it cannot catch on the surface. In the corners and nooks, the air movement is absent, or limited, therefore, mold can most often be seen in them. In addition, ventilation is necessary to remove excess moisture from rooms, which can be caused by pets, indoor plants, frequent washing, coolness in rooms with high humidity outside, uneven heating of rooms, etc. Bathroom, shower, toilet, sauna, washbasin in the kitchen and other places also emit a certain moisture, which should go somewhere. The situation is especially aggravated by metal-plastic windows, which prevent any draft (if, of course, they are correctly installed).

If mold spores are present on the walls, waiting for favorable conditions for growth, but there is not enough moisture, they will not germinate.

So, we can conclude that since we cannot influence the first two reasons, in order to prevent the appearance of mold, the third reason should be dealt with.

The causes of mold

Poor ventilation system. We have already talked about this. It would be nice to install an air conditioner at home, or other systems that are responsible for ventilation in the room. If this is not possible, then you need to ventilate the premises more often.

Ventilation systems for kitchen, bathroom, toilet. These are rooms in which the air humidity is relatively high, and, as a rule, it is very high there, which contributes to the rapid development of mold and other types of fungus. In this case, you need to pay attention to frequent airing of rooms or install a special air conditioning system. For example, some people put fans in the chimneys in these rooms, which increase the extraction of excess moisture, odors, etc.

The state of the water supply system. The first symptom is the presence of moisture along the pipe run. Another signal could be footprints on the wall next to the bathroom, at about the height of the edge of the bathtub. As a rule, accurate draining should help, however, if you find symptoms too late, then the fungus has time to spread too quickly, and then we cannot avoid repair.

Capillary suction of moisture along the walls of moistened foundations. This is especially common in old buildings due to the lack of waterproofing in them.

Increased thermal conductivity of corners and heat loss in the end rooms due to the increased area of ​​the outer walls facing the street.

Freezing of external walls... If in the corners and along the edges of the walls we see a dark coating, then we can be sure that the wall has frozen. In this case, dry them thoroughly and then check the adhesion of the plaster.

Leaking gutters and gutters. As a rule, this problem is visible only from the outside, in the form of streaks on the plaster. However, if the humidity is high (for example, during heavy rains), drips may also occur from the center. Often this problem is taken for granted until the situation becomes serious. Leaks left unattended will only pose a real problem in winter, when water freezes in the plaster.

Moisture coming from the ground. Its presence can be seen in the form of streaks at the junction of the walls with the floor of the first floor or basement. In this case, an examination of the condition of the horizontal insulation of the foundation walls can help. If it is damaged, then you should repair it, preferably a specialized company. The main walls must be thoroughly dried before repairs are carried out. An additional problem arises if the floor also turns out to be wet, in which case the problem is difficult to avoid unless you resort to removing the fragment.

Normal for a comfortable human existence is humidity in the range of 70% - 80%.

To be able to effectively combat mold and other types of fungus, you must accurately determine the cause of their occurrence. And only in this case it is possible to choose the most effective methods for their elimination, as well as prevent their further occurrence.

Mold control procedure

1. After detecting mold-infested areas, they must be moistened with plenty of water. This is done so that in the course of further actions, we do not "launch" additional spores into the air.

2. Apply to the affected areas special preparations that neutralize the mold and prevent its further spread. It is necessary to apply funds with a margin of 1m outside the affected area, because they may have micro-fungi invisible to the eyes. I also want to note that it is necessary to process the affected area 2-3 times, and the next layer should be applied only after the previous one has dried.

Be sure to follow the instructions on the packaging of the anti-mildew product.

3. Arm yourself with a wire brush or other handy tool (scraper, drill with a wire brush) and carefully remove the fungus. When stripping, not only paint and wallpaper is removed, but also plaster, and concrete and wood can even be milled.

In severely neglected cases, the fungus manages to develop so much that it penetrates into deep layers, especially in porous materials, here the main mycelium forms in the fungus, and if it is not removed completely, then external treatment will not eliminate the problem, but only hide the external traces of manifestation for some time. Therefore, if it is possible to completely replace a fragment, then this should be done. Otherwise, it will be necessary to reach the deepest layers to completely remove the fungus, which can render the site unusable.

After processing, the removed infected fragments must be burned.

4. After work on the destruction of the fungus, a long-lasting protective coating is applied.

Additional measures and rules for the fight against mold

- When working with drugs, under no circumstances should you work without special protective equipment. In order to avoid even accidental contact with hazardous substances, work should be performed with a mask and protective gloves. Protective agents are needed not only against the "chemistry" against mold, but also against the spores of the mold itself, which will become even more in the air during the fight, therefore it is necessary to prevent it from settling in the lungs and the appearance of the disease.

- Be sure to ensure that the area to be treated is well ventilated so that spores do not settle in other areas, and to provide additional protection against flying mold spores.

- After finishing, in order to start using the premises, it is necessary that 48-72 hours have passed. Moreover, at this time, the room must be provided with good ventilation.

The best means for removing the fungus are fungicides containing boron compounds. By the way, boron is actively used in the fight against ants.

There are universal remedies for removing all types of fungus, but there are also those that are intended only for a specific type. In the latter case, a mandatory consultation with a specialist is required, who will help us to accurately determine the type of mushroom with which we are dealing. The best thing, of course, is to choose a product from a well-known company. Here are some effective solutions available on the market:

Atlas Mykos... Means for removing not only mold, but also other types of fungus, as well as algae, lichen and moss. Available as a concentrate. It can be used wherever there is high humidity, both indoors and outdoors. It must be diluted with water in a 1: 2 ratio. It is also suitable for protecting mineral surfaces, in which case it should be diluted 1: 5.

"Teflex Antiplesen Express"... With this tool, you can process surfaces made of wood, brick, plastic, concrete and other materials from mold.

"Izohan Grzybostop"... Designed for processing building materials such as concrete and mortars. Fights not only mold, but also other types of fungus.

"SZAVO"(Savo anti-mold). One of the most popular mold killers. The tool is especially effective in places with high humidity, such as bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, showers, swimming pools, baths and saunas, basements, grocery warehouses, etc.

The effect is 100% destruction of all vegetative forms of mold, yeast, algae, as well as general disinfection. The preparation is extremely easy to use and does not require preliminary surface preparation and subsequent rinsing. Drying, the product does not leave marks on the treated areas.

"Belinka"... A broad spectrum anti-mold agent designed to kill mold and mildew. Easy to use and safe for humans, the drug is fast acting and effective. The product is suitable for the treatment of both internal and external surfaces.

"Spectrum Fungicide"... It fights fungus on walls, plaster, wood and paintwork. Designed for use in places especially exposed to moisture, both inside and outside the building.

"Antialga B25"... Water dispersion of algicin and fungicide, effective against various types of molds and fungi. Low toxicity. Added to paints. Leaves no unpleasant odor.

"PS 50"... An excellent tool for removing algae from concrete surfaces, it is also good for removing mold and mildew from drywall, plaster and wood.

"Well Done"... An ultra-modern remedy for mold, algae and mildew. Acts simply, effectively and with immediate visible results. Antibacterial. Cleans, disinfects and protects against mold and mildew on windows, ventilation systems and bathrooms. It is used for the rehabilitation of mold-affected wood, plaster and paintwork in the interior and exterior.

"Snowball Impregnation"... Antifungal for walls, combats fungus, mold, algae, moss and lichen from masonry, plaster and coatings. Suitable for use on interior and exterior walls.

"Boramon C30"... Antiseptic agent for protecting walls, plaster, paint coatings and wood from fungi. Impregnate for wood: protects against house and mold fungi, algae, bacteria and insect larvae - technical pests of wood: etc. Significantly increases the biological resistance of elements of wooden building structures. It is permanently connected with wood, does not increase its flammability.

"Titan" Fungicide... Thanks to it, we can remove mold and mildew from painted walls (both internal and external) without the need to remove the layer. This mold can also be used to prevent mold.

"Mellerud"... Destroys all types of mold in the house, sauna and pool. Just spray! Acts instantly. Eliminates mold, fungi, bacteria and algae. Suitable for processing, tile joints, walls, ceilings, masonry, wood, artificial materials.

Disinfects, prevents mold. Also ideal for wallpaper and painted walls. 500 ml is enough for 5-8 m2.

"Boramon"... Means for fighting mold and mildew. For use both inside and outside, both on plaster, brickwork and wood.

"Schimmelentferner Dufa"... Water-based aerosol for quick removal of mold, algae, moss. It is used for indoor and outdoor use. Contains chlorine. Easy to use. Disinfectant.

"Astonish"... A very effective product for removing black spots from surfaces without scraping. Ideal for window frames, plastic shower curtains, tiles and concrete.

In addition, there are many dyes on the market with added fungus killers. It is possible to distinguish fungicidal dispersion paints, silicate paints and silicone resin paints. They are used both inside and outside, just remember to pre-prime the surface.

Before buying any of the above remedies against mold and mildew, look for annotations for them, and determine if the remedy you have chosen is right for your situation, because each of them may have a different purpose.

Bleach... With regular bleach, you can get rid of almost all types of mold in your home. The active ingredient in it is sodium hypochlorite. It kills both the mold and its spores. Bleach can be used to clean bathroom tiles, glass, floors, but many things discolor and deteriorate when exposed to bleach. In addition, bleach gives off harsh and toxic fumes and is corrosive to your hands, so make sure the area is well ventilated before using bleach to remove mold. You should also wear rubber gloves to protect your hands. The surface is treated with a mixture of 1 part bleach with 10 parts water.

Tea tree oil... In a spray bottle, mix 2 teaspoons (10 ml) of tea tree oil with 2 cups (500 ml) of water, shake vigorously to combine the substances. Apply the solution to the affected area. Do not rinse off the solution, letting it soak into the mold. Repeat the procedure if necessary. Tea tree oil can be expensive and has a strong smell, but the smell dissipates over a few days.

Baking soda also helps to get rid of mold. It attacks fungi and is known to be a natural and safe household cleaner. Unlike other products that contain harsh chemicals, baking soda will not harm family or pets. Dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and spray the mold-affected surface. You can simply rinse the surfaces and things with a sponge in a solution of soda. It is better not to completely wash off soda from the surface, it effectively protects it from the reappearance of dangerous contaminants.

Grapefruit seed extract... Mix 20 drops of grapefruit seed extract and 2 cups (500 ml) water in a spray bottle. Shake to mix the ingredients and apply to the affected area. Apply the solution to the affected area, and do not rinse it off the surface. You can blot the area with a dry paper towel, but do not wash it with water.

Hydrogen peroxide... Hydrogen peroxide is also suitable for mildew control because it is an antibacterial and antifungal agent. A 3% peroxide solution can be bought at any pharmacy, it is non-toxic and does not emit a pungent odor. Hydrogen peroxide is effective in removing mold on many materials, but it also has a whitening effect, so it should be used with caution on fabrics and painted surfaces.

Vinegar... Table vinegar is a weak acid and can kill many common molds. It has an odor, but does not give off dangerous fumes such as bleach. To get rid of mold, vinegar is applied to moldy surfaces with a spray bottle or wiped with a damp cloth. Usually, after an hour, they rinse with water and ventilate the room. To prevent the appearance of mold, vinegar is sprayed every week on the problem area.

Ammonia also used to kill mold. Like bleach, it easily kills fungus on hard, non-porous surfaces such as tile or glass, but is not effective at removing mold from porous materials. To get rid of mold with ammonia, mix it in half with water and spray the resulting mixture over the infected area. Leave for several hours, then rinse. The pungent smell of ammonia can cause headaches and a sore throat. It is dangerous to mix bleach with ammonia as it produces toxic gas.

Bura... Cover the affected area with brown. To make the mixture, mix 1 cup (250 ml) borax and 4 L hot water. Once the substance is completely dissolved, pour the solution into a spray bottle and apply to the moldy area. Clean with a brush after a few minutes. Do not rinse off the solution. If you are using less water, you can make a paste. This paste can be applied to a moldy area for a few minutes. Scrape off the paste and scrub the area with a brush. Borax is a natural, white mineral powder. It is used as a fungicide, pesticide, herbicide, disinfectant, and deodorant.

Prevention of mold and other types of fungus

To prevent the appearance of the fungus in the future, first of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of its appearance, and in the future use the materials and means that helped you get rid of it. But the main measure is the elimination of high humidity.

Measures to prevent the appearance of mold and other types of fungus are as follows:

- Ventilate the room more often;

- Do not close the doors tightly in rooms with high humidity (bathroom, etc.). This is necessary to equalize the temperature and humidity in these rooms.

- Put in order with the ventilation system. This issue can be attributed, for example, the installation of an air conditioner. In addition, since mold appears primarily from its spores, which have appeared in the room through the air, you can install an air purifier that will filter the air in the room and give additional protection.

- In the toilet, bathroom and other rooms with high humidity, you can install fans in the chimneys. In some cases, hoods can also be installed.

- Heating and ventilation must function according to design standards. The walls of the premises must have thermal resistance strictly in accordance with the project, and the heating devices are correctly placed in the end rooms.

- When dealing with mold, clean and treat, if necessary, to the level of a concrete or brick surface to completely remove any possible future breeding ground for mold.

- After the destruction of mold and other fungi, during repair work, use special means that, in addition to their basic properties and purpose, also have the property of preventing the appearance of fungi in the future. As it was already written in the previous chapter, there are even paints, primers, etc. with the addition of special components that keep the treated surfaces from fungus.

- Carry out a set of works on draining and waterproofing the basement in order to protect it from melt and groundwater. This is also true in apartments, in particular on balconies, with insulation.

- On the same balconies, if they have high humidity, and if possible, it is advisable to install a heating system.

- If you feel a moldy taste in your mouth after brushing your teeth, then your toothbrush is a breeding ground for fungus, do not delay replacing it.

- Be sure to wash your hands after being outdoors to reduce the spread of fungal spores.

- Throw away food that has become moldy by taking it outside.

Mold Video (documentary)

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