The cheapest emergency contraceptives. Contraceptive pills after the act: when, how to take, consequences

Most pregnancy protection methods only work if you take care to use them BEFORE intercourse. For example, it makes no sense to start taking birth control pills if sex has already happened. It's no smarter than putting on a condom after a man ejaculates.

Emergency contraception is a method of preventing pregnancy when unprotected intercourse has already taken place.

When will emergency contraception help?

Emergency contraception can help prevent unwanted pregnancy in the following situations:

  • If you have had unprotected sex
  • If during sex and you didn't notice it in time
  • If you missed 2 or more

Rules for emergency contraception

  • Almost any emergency contraceptive should be taken no later than 72 hours after intercourse. If more than 3 days have passed after sex, then the drug will be ineffective.
  • If 3-5 days have passed after sex, then you can contact a gynecologist who will put an intrauterine device. An intrauterine device is a device that is inserted into the uterine cavity and prevents pregnancy.
  • Before taking any emergency contraceptive, you should consult with your gynecologist.
  • Some diseases of the digestive system (such as Crohn's disease), as well as taking other medicines, can reduce the effectiveness of emergency contraception. These medicines are listed in the emergency contraceptive product label.

What pills will help not get pregnant after sex?

There are several drugs that are classified as emergency contraceptives. We will consider each of them separately.


Postinor is the oldest and most well-known emergency contraceptive among women. This drug contains a loading dose of the hormone levongestrel, which prevents the attachment of a fertilized egg in the uterus.

One tablet of Postinor contains 750 micrograms of levongestrel. In order for the effect of Postinor to be maximum, you need to drink 2 tablets with a difference of 12-16 hours.

It is necessary to take the first dose of Postinor in the first 72 hours (3 days) after unprotected sex. The sooner you take the first pill, the higher the likelihood that Postinor will help avoid pregnancy. So, on the first day after sex, the drug will work in 95% of cases, if the interval between sexual intercourse and taking Postinor was 24-48 hours, then in 85% of cases, and if more - only in 58% of cases. Taking Postinor later than 72 hours after intercourse will not bring any effect.

12-16 hours after taking the first tablet, you must definitely drink the second Postinor tablet. If you vomit a few hours after taking the first or second tablet, you need to take another tablet.

Postinor can cause menstrual irregularities, early or late menstruation, chest pain, spotting. The presence or absence of menstruation (or discharge) after taking Postinor does not indicate its effectiveness.

You can be sure that you are not pregnant only by making at least 3.5 weeks after intercourse. You can find out if there is a pregnancy before by passing. This can be done as early as 11 days after unprotected sex. Postinor does not distort the results of a pregnancy test or a blood test for hCG.

If the menstruation did not come on time and lasts more than 5 days, take a pregnancy test and consult a gynecologist.

If Postinor did not help?

If you took Postinor, but pregnancy still occurred, contact your gynecologist. Taking this drug increases the risk, so you need to get a test that will show where the fetus is located.

Taking Postinor, as a rule, does not adversely affect the development of the child, so there is no need to terminate the pregnancy (abortion). If you decide to have an abortion, let your doctor know.


WARNING: The drug has contraindications. Do not start using this drug without first talking to your doctor.

Escapel, like Postinor, contains a large dose of the hormone levongestrel, which prevents the fertilized egg from gaining a foothold in the uterus. The only difference is that one tablet of Escapel contains 150 mg of levongestrel, and you need to take this drug only once.

Escapel should be taken no later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse. The greatest efficiency is observed if the pill is drunk on the first day after unprotected sex.

Escapelle may cause nausea or vomiting. If you have vomited within 3 hours of taking the tablet, then you need to take another dose of Escapelle.

As a result of taking Exapel, there may be a failure of the menstrual cycle, the appearance of spotting, chest pain. If your period is more than 5 days late, a pregnancy test is recommended. Escapelle does not affect the result of a pregnancy test.

If Escapelle did not help?

If pregnancy still occurs, consult a gynecologist. The doctor will perform an ultrasound and specify where the fetus is located. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, then there is no need to interrupt it, since taking Escapel does not affect the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy. If you do decide to have an abortion, tell your gynecologist about it.

How often can I take Postinor and Escapel?

Postinor and Escapel are intended for emergency situations and cannot be used for regular contraception. However, these drugs can be taken as many times as necessary, even if the need arose a second time within the same menstrual cycle. There are no studies that would prove the unsafety of repeated use of Postinor or Escapel.

If you often need to take Postinor or Escapel, you need to seriously think about what is right for you.

How many days Postinor and Escapel protect against pregnancy?

Postinor and Escapel act only after sexual intercourse has taken place. Any subsequent unprotected intercourse may provoke pregnancy, even if you have recently taken Postinor or Escapelle.

What happens if you take Postinor or Escapel during pregnancy?

These drugs are ineffective if pregnancy has already occurred. Taking Postinor or Escapel during pregnancy will not lead to its termination.

Ginepristone and Genale

WARNING: The drug has contraindications. Do not start using this drug without first talking to your doctor.

These are modern means of emergency contraception that do not contain hormones, do not cause menstrual cycle failure and other side effects, while being highly effective.

Both of these drugs contain the same substance in the same dose. The only difference is the manufacturer. Ginepristone and Genale contain the active ingredient Mifepristone at a dose of 10 mg. Mifepristone, unlike Postinor and Escapel, is not a hormone, but it also prevents pregnancy by preventing the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine cavity.

Ginepriston or Genale tablets should be taken within the first 72 hours after unprotected intercourse. The sooner you take the drug, the more effective it will be. If the pill is taken in the first 12 hours after sex, then the effectiveness of the drug will be about 98%, if on the first day, then 95%, if later - 85-90%. These drugs are not effective if pregnancy has already occurred.

Important: in order for the drug to be as effective as possible, you should drink a Ginepriston or Genale tablet 2 hours after eating and do not eat for 2 hours after taking the tablet. Within a week after taking the pill, it is not recommended to take Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

If Ginepriston or Genale did not help?

An unplanned pregnancy is usually a consequence of the neglect of protective equipment or the use of poor-quality contraceptives. Such a problem requires an immediate solution, since it is easier to eliminate it in the early stages.

Pills for unplanned pregnancy after intercourse are almost as effective as surgical abortion. However, such medications should be used with caution, so it is advisable to learn more about them before use.

Pills from pregnancy after an act in which fertilization of the egg may have occurred should be taken as soon as this fact has been discovered.

There are several types of drugs to end a pregnancy:

Drugs belonging to these species act differently and have different properties. However, the discomfort that occurs after taking is similar, since the action has one direction. Regardless of the type of drug, side effects such as vomiting, headache and abdominal pain cannot be avoided.

Medicines for emergency contraception

Emergency contraception (other names for ambulance, emergency) involves the termination of pregnancy using various medications. With emergency contraception, the attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterus and further development of the fetus at an early stage is prevented.

The effectiveness of emergency contraception depends on when the funds were taken and on the type of drug itself.

The following are the most effective emergency contraceptives:

The drugs listed above are the best for emergency contraception. If the instructions are followed, the effectiveness is 95%.

Mifepreston preparations

The drugs in the composition, which include mifepreston, are effective even 3 weeks after conception. Mifeprestone acts on the uterus, increasing its tone. As a result, the fertilized egg is rejected by the uterus. Preparations containing mifeprestone have a strong effect on the female body, so they should be used only in the presence of a specialist.

The most popular drugs in this group are:

  1. Mifepristone- These are tablets that have a yellowish or greenish tint. In addition to the main component, the following substances are included in the composition: cellulose, magnesium stearate, lactose, a mixture of amylose and amylopectin polysaccharides, polyvinyl lyrrolidone. You need to take the tablets 1.5 hours after a small snack, 3 tablets at once. They must be washed down with water. You can buy them in a pharmacy only by prescription, the approximate cost is 1500-3000 rubles.
  2. Mifegin- These are tablets with a yellowish tint, having a biconvex shape. On the front side there is an engraving in the form of the numbers 167. The composition also includes silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, cellulose and povidone. Mifegin is the most effective remedy that has few side effects compared to others. Mifegin should be used in the same way as Mifepreston 3 tablets at a time, in the presence of a doctor, after meals (at least 1 hour). The price of the drug ranges from 2500 to 3500 rubles.
  3. Genale. The drug Genale is available in the form of yellow or green tablets of a round shape. The composition includes magnesium stearate, a mixture of amylose and amylopectin polysaccharides, povidone and lactose monohydrate. Unlike the drugs listed above, it can be taken on its own in 1 tablet. After the last meal, at least 2 hours should pass. After taking it, you can not eat for 2 hours. It is not recommended to use the drug for people suffering from porphyria, sexually transmitted diseases, anemia, liver and kidney diseases. It is also not recommended to take it together with painkillers, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs. The price of the drug ranges from 300 to 800 rubles.
  4. Mytholean Mifepreston Abortion Pills. Mifolean tablets are round and yellowish in color. In addition to mifepreston, the composition also includes a mixture of amylose and amylopectin polysaccharides, magnesium stearate, lactose, hypremelose. Like other medicines containing mifepreston, it should only be used under the supervision of a physician. You need to take 3 tablets at once. The effect of the drug will decrease if it interacts with anti-inflammatory drugs. The approximate price of the mitelian is 2000 rubles.

Products containing mifeprestone are 98% effective. Their effectiveness does not depend on the time of admission. However, you can take such drugs only under the supervision of a doctor.

Termination of pregnancy with birth control pills

Pills from pregnancy after an act that has passed without the use of contraceptives give a result if taken within 3 days. During the first few days, even birth control pills can be used to terminate a pregnancy.

However, these pills are less effective than other drugs because they simply suppress ovulation and increase the production of mucus, which prevents the seed from reaching its target.

There are exceptions among contraceptives that are quite effective:

  1. Yarina tablets. The drug is a yellowish tablet in the form of a hexagon. On the front side there is an inscription "DO". The main components are ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone, it also contains a mixture of amylose and amylopectin polysaccharides, lactose, magnesium stearate and povidone. The cost ranges from 1000 to 1500 rubles.
  2. Logest Available in the form of round white tablets. The main components of the composition are ethinyl estradiol and gestodene, the composition also includes starch, lactose monohydrate, polyvidone, calcium carbonate, sucrose, talc, glycol wax. Price 700-2500 r.
  3. Novinet- tablets with a yellowish tinge, having a convex round shape. Both sides are engraved. The main active ingredients are ethinylestradiol and desogestrel. Also included are: silicon dioxide, stearic acid, povidone, tocopherol, a mixture of amylose polysaccharides and amylopectin, dye. The cost ranges from 500 to 1000 rubles. The price depends on the number of tablets in the package and the region of sale.
  4. Silest- tablets with a blue tint, having a round shape with modified edges and engraved on both sides. The main elements in the composition are norgestimate and ethinylestradiol. In addition, the composition includes a mixture of amylose and amylopectin polysaccharides, a compound of magnesium and stearic acid, and a dye. Approximate price - 500 rubles.

Abortion pills (birth control) can only be used 1 to 3 days after intercourse. You need to drink 2-5 tablets at once. The same amount you need to drink after 12 hours. Birth control pills very often fail, their effectiveness is 80%, even if taken immediately, so it is better to use other drugs.

The effectiveness of drugs for unwanted pregnancy

Medical termination of pregnancy is much simpler than surgical. However, pills do not always bring results.

The effectiveness of medicines depends on the following factors:

  1. age;
  2. physical data (weight, height);
  3. health;
  4. menstrual cycle.

Most of all, the effectiveness is affected by the amount of time elapsed after sexual contact. If you use emergency contraception immediately after contact or after a short time, the effectiveness is 99%. With each passing hour and day, the percentage of success decreases.

The most effective emergency contraceptive drugs are drugs that include mifepristone:

  1. Mifegin.
  2. Mytholian.
  3. Mifeprex.
  4. Pencrofton.

It is forbidden to use them on your own.


Pills from pregnancy after an act that took place without the use of contraceptives should not be taken without familiarizing yourself with the composition and contraindications, since they affect not only the uterus and the egg, but completely the entire body. Some people are advised against terminating a pregnancy with pills. This can lead to childlessness.

It is prohibited to perform a medical abortion procedure:

  • with a long gestation period or ectopic pregnancy;
  • with violations in the liver, kidneys;
  • with anemia, blood leukemia, etc.;
  • with inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • people with asthma;
  • women with tumors of the breast and uterus;
  • with venereal diseases;
  • with hormonal failure.
  • in the event of an allergic reaction to the components that are indicated in the composition.

These are general contraindications that apply to all means for terminating a pregnancy in the early stages. Some drugs have additional contraindications, so it is important to fully study the characteristics of the selected drug before use.

Side effects

The termination of pregnancy with the use of medicines always causes discomfort, since pregnancy, even at an early stage, changes the female body, and the elimination of the seed is an external intervention. There are almost always side effects after emergency contraception.

It could be:

Such discomfort should not cause concern for a woman, as they are natural and pass quickly. But sometimes (when taken incorrectly) more serious side effects can occur.

For instance:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • unbearable pain in the abdomen;
  • infertility (with frequent use of tablets).

Where can I buy abortion pills and can I use them myself

You can buy emergency contraceptives only at a pharmacy. Medicines will be issued only if there is a doctor's prescription. Most emergency contraceptives can be taken on their own, but only after carefully studying the characteristics and instructions.

However, it is advisable not to perform abortions on your own, since complications often occur after an incorrectly performed procedure. Emergency contraceptives, which include mifepreston, can only be used in a medical facility, under the supervision of a specialist.

How to check if the abortion was successful

It is impossible to verify the success of the procedure on your own. You can find out if the procedure was successful only by conducting a follow-up ultrasound or by visiting a specialist. Only a specialist in this field will be able to determine the result of taking drugs, for this he needs to study the condition of the woman's reproductive organs.

A woman should choose means for terminating a pregnancy, taking into account the characteristics of the body and contraindications.

Pregnancy pills will help prevent the development of a fertilized egg after an unprotected intercourse, however, they can also cause serious complications.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to consult with a gynecologist who will help you choose the drug. Pregnancy, even in the early stages, is a serious change in the body, and carrying out the procedure without due care often leads to infertility.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about pregnancy pills after the act

Emergency contraception:

Types of contraception:

Photo: CITAlliance/

Emergency or postcoital contraception is designed to prevent pregnancy through unprotected intercourse and includes various methods and drugs. Its essence boils down to preventing the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus and starting to develop. The effectiveness of this method directly depends on the time of taking the remedy - the sooner the drug is used after sex, the higher its effectiveness.

When is emergency contraception needed?

If emergency contraception is taken within 24 hours of intercourse, the effectiveness will be about 95%. If the tablet was taken after 25-48 hours, then the effectiveness is reduced by 10%. If the remedy was consumed after 49–72 hours, then the result is 55–60%.

This method is very rarely used. In no case should it be used as a permanent protection against unwanted pregnancy.

If a woman is breastfeeding, emergency contraception can be used in exceptional cases. To do this, you need to cancel breastfeeding for one day until the drug is completely eliminated from the body. The use of emergency contraception is justified after physical abuse and in cases where pregnancy may threaten the woman's health.

Types of drugs

These funds differ in composition and method of application.

Combined oral contraceptives

Taken no later than three days after sexual contact. Preparations based on ethinyl estradiol (Marvelon, Minisiston, Microgynon, Femoden, Rigevidon) are usually taken several times. Means based on ethinylestradiol (Non-ovlon, Bisekurin, Ovulen, Ovidon, Anovlar) must also be taken several times with an interval between doses of 12 hours.

Progestin-only oral contraceptives

Drugs are taken no later than two days after sexual intercourse. Now it is not difficult to buy escapelle and postinor at the pharmacy. Both drugs contain a large dose of the hormone levonorgestrel. The drugs differ in the number of tablets: in the escapelle - one, and in the postinor - two.


Mifepristone is not hormonal. Its action is aimed at suppressing the female hormone at the level of receptors in the uterus and increasing the contraction of its muscles.

Mifepristone is an effective emergency contraceptive. It blocks the egg so that it cannot enter the uterine lining, and also stimulates its rejection. It is used to terminate unwanted pregnancies in the early stages. Mifepristone can only be used after consulting a doctor.

Intrauterine devices

T-shaped copper-containing intrauterine devices are inserted no later than five days after sexual intercourse in the gynecologist's office. If a woman is assigned an intrauterine device as emergency contraception, then her individual characteristics, contraindications to the use of this method must be taken into account.

Effects of emergency contraception on the body

Doctors do not advise using this type of contraception all the time, as this has a bad effect on the woman's reproductive system. In the future, this can lead to impaired ovarian function.

With the constant use of purely progestin or combined contraceptives, the woman's body receives small doses of the drug, designed for the entire menstrual cycle. Taking a hormonal drug does not violate the duration of the cycle, its usual cyclicity, ovarian functions become better. It also eliminates hormonal problems, if any.

If a woman takes the same drug for emergency contraception, then the body receives a dose of a hormonal drug that is many times exceeded. As a result of the constant use of such contraception, the menstrual cycle will become anovulatory (without the formation of an egg), which threatens infertility.

Violation of the normal function of the ovaries leads to the development of a syndrome of metabolic disorders. It is expressed in an increase in blood sugar, an increase in blood pressure, and the appearance of excess weight.

As for douching with various solutions, this method does not have the desired effect, since spermatozoa penetrate the cervix within 1 minute after intercourse. In addition, too frequent douching can lead to vaginal dryness and disruption of the microflora.

Cons and side effects

Emergency contraception is completely useless while the egg is attaching to the uterus. The effectiveness of combined oral contraceptives can be observed only if the drug is used no later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse.

The first dose of progestin-only oral contraceptives should be taken no later than 48 hours after sex. The effectiveness of intrauterine contraception will be if these funds were introduced into the uterus within 5 days after the act. The drug Mifepristone should be taken only in a polyclinic under the supervision of a physician. Another disadvantage of Mifepristone is its high price.

Emergency contraception should be used only in exceptional cases, if there is simply no other way out. It is desirable that it be used no more than three times a year. The less often, the better.

The most common side effect of these methods is uterine bleeding, which occurs 2-3 days after ingestion. And in some women, on the contrary, there are delays in menstruation with a strong violation of the menstrual cycle.

Other side effects such as dizziness, headaches, vomiting and diarrhea, various allergic reactions are infrequent.

There may be chest pain, rashes on the arms, legs, feet and shoulders, a cloudy look, shortness of breath, vomiting 2 hours after taking the tablet. This indicates the wrong dose of the hormone.

When using Mifepristone, there is often discomfort in the lower abdomen, vomiting, nausea, weakness, dizziness, and body temperature rises noticeably.

When using intrauterine contraceptives during the first few days, there may be severe cramping pains in the lower abdomen, an increase in the amount of discharge during menstruation. In addition, there is a high risk of an ectopic pregnancy due to a violation of the contraction of the fallopian tubes and the movement of the egg through them. Less often, spontaneous prolapse of the intrauterine device, damage to the uterus during its introduction, may occur.

Contraindications for emergency contraception:

  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • previous hepatitis;
  • diseases of the biliary tract or liver in severe form;
  • puberty;
  • ensuing pregnancy.
  1. The time of taking the dose of the drug should be chosen so that it is convenient to take the next one (for example, 21:00 and 9:00).
  2. To avoid discomfort (vomiting, nausea), emergency contraceptive pills are best washed down with low-fat milk.
  3. In the period before the start of the next menstruation, you need to use additional means of protection (barrier method).
  4. Emergency contraception is suitable for single use. For permanent protection, you need to choose another method of contraception with your doctor.
  5. In cases of menstruation that has come with a delay of a week or more, you should consult a gynecologist to exclude pregnancy.

Popular remedies

Among the most famous drugs for emergency contraception, postinor and escapelle take the leading place.


Postinor is a popular drug that helps prevent unwanted conception. With the correct intake of this remedy, as a rule, it is possible to avoid unwanted conception. The tablets contain a synthetically created analogue of the hormone levonorgestrel.

This hormone is also part of drugs that are intended for planned contraception. However, its content in postinor is much higher than in planned oral contraceptives.

Postinor should be taken at intervals of 12 hours. There are two tablets in the package, one of which is drunk after sexual intercourse, and the second after 12 hours. This drug can prevent unwanted conception for up to three days (72 hours). Sometimes two doses are required. This is possible if vomiting occurs after taking at least one of the tablets and the drug is not absorbed. It is advisable to take these tablets after meals. This will reduce the risk of vomiting.

Postinor does not interrupt an existing pregnancy, it can only prevent its development. This suggests that it will not work to use the drug for abortion. The advantage of postinor is that it does not harm the fetus, and the child can be saved.

Postinor does not prevent sexually transmitted diseases. If you have been physically abused or have had unprotected intercourse with an unverified person, seek immediate medical attention.

The drug, like other emergency contraceptives, may increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy. An ultrasound will show the location of the fetus if in doubt.


Unlike Postinor, one Escapel capsule contains 150 mg of the hormone levonorgestrel. Therefore, there is only one tablet in the package. The remedy is most effective if taken on the first day after unprotected sex. The drug can cause nausea and even vomiting. If vomiting occurs earlier than three hours after ingestion, then you need to re-use the escapelle.

The tool can provoke disruptions in the menstrual cycle, contribute to the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina, cause a delay in menstruation, as well as chest pain. If your period is more than five days late, a test is recommended to determine if you are pregnant.

Most modern girls and women are quite well versed in matters of and know its basic methods. Among which, by the way, there are frankly outdated and completely irrelevant. For example, the calendar method, when an approximate day is calculated ovulation or the withdrawal method.

In accordance with the scale used to assess the effectiveness of contraceptive methods ( pearl index ), the methods mentioned above are extremely inefficient. The Pearl Index for them is set at 25-40 and 18-27 points, respectively. For comparison, the barrier method of contraception, which uses condoms, and some other methods, gain 2-3 points on this scale.

It is believed that the lower the Pearl index, the higher the protection against unplanned. Perhaps, among all methods of contraception used to prevent pregnancy, the most effective are birth control pills ( , also known as COOK) , as well as some hormonal drugs, for example, injections or intrauterine devices.

Of course, pregnancy pills also have their drawbacks, however, according to experts, the advantages of such contraception more than cover all its negative aspects. Perhaps the main difficulty faced by women using contraceptive pills is the need for a constant, in other words, daily intake of these drugs.

Otherwise, if you skip the next pill, the risk of getting pregnant after intercourse, in which, for example, barrier methods of contraception were not used, increases dramatically. What to do in such a situation and what to drink so as not to get pregnant? There is only one correct answer to these questions - emergency contraceptives .

In medicine, this term is called postcoital , i.e. emergency, fire or emergency contraception. This method is effective after unprotected intercourse. In addition, emergency contraceptives will help to avoid pregnancy when taking contraceptive pills on an ongoing basis in the event that a woman was unable or forgot to take the medicine more than twice in a row.

Generally, emergency contraceptive pills use if and only if the main method of protection against unwanted conception has failed. Moreover, it is necessary to have time to take such contraceptive pills after the act within 72 hours. Otherwise, even these emergency contraceptive pills, specially designed for such situations, will not help to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

It is important to emphasize that, in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (hereinafter referred to as WHO), emergency contraceptives after unprotected intercourse should not be used by women on a regular basis. Since the hormonal compounds that make up such drugs can adversely affect not only reproductive function, but also the entire body as a whole.

Emergency contraceptives are a more benign alternative. surgical termination of pregnancy . But, like all drugs, they should be taken correctly and not abused.

Before we move on to a more detailed discussion of emergency contraceptive pills and talk about how such drugs affect the body, it is worth dwelling on some of the main issues related to the conception process. In order to better understand the mechanism of action on the female body of anti-pregnancy pills in the future.

So, for the onset of pregnancy must occur. This is the fusion of sex cells of partners (male spermatozoa and women's eggs ), resulting in the formation of cells zygotes (a diploid cell capable of "spawning" another cell). By itself, sexual intercourse cannot be associated with the act of fertilization. Since not every contact between a man and a woman is made for the purpose of procreation.

During unprotected intercourse, a man's sperm naturally enters the woman's vagina. It is noteworthy that the environment of the female body is detrimental to spermatozoa. This is due to the high level of acidity in the vagina. Therefore, after ejaculation, the vast majority of spermatozoa die. However, their most mobile part still penetrates into uterus and can lead to fertilization. How long can you get pregnant after unprotected intercourse?

To answer this question, you need to understand that for conception, as they say, “stars must converge”, namely:

  • a woman should ovulate during this period, this phenomenon is characterized by the state of egg maturity. If for some reason at break follicle the ovum has not been released fallopian tube or has not reached its maturity, fertilization will not occur;
  • male spermatozoa must be strong and mobile enough to overcome the acidic environment of the vagina and penetrate the structure of the egg;
  • when the spermatozoon and the egg are connected, the process of division of the fetal egg should start;
  • implantation of the fetal egg should occur, in the process of its division into the walls of the uterus.

The entire fertilization process takes about seven days. It is during this period of time that the formation embryo , which with the help chorion (predecessor placenta ) is fixed in the uterus, where it grows and develops over the next nine months. It is important to emphasize that it is not rare that emergency contraceptive pills are not dangerous for conception.

This means that even if you follow all the rules for using emergency contraceptive pills after intercourse (for example, they must be taken after a maximum of 72 hours in order not to become pregnant), fertilization can still occur. Of course, such cases are not the majority, and they are more likely to be exceptions. However, the probability of "flight", as people call an unwanted pregnancy, is always there, even if conventional contraceptives are used.

Pills from unwanted pregnancy after the act are divided into two main categories:

  • next day pills , i.e. drugs that are best taken in the next 24 hours after unprotected contact. In fact, a woman has a maximum of 72 hours for pregnancy pills to work and help avoid fertilization;
  • COC or (so-called Yuzpe method ).

As for oral contraceptives related to COCs or drugs from the mini-pill series, this is inherently not emergency contraception. After all, birth control pills need to be taken constantly. However, there are varieties of such drugs that can be used as pills so as not to become pregnant after an act that is not protected by any means of contraception.

As a rule, an increased dosage of birth control pills containing hormones or antihormones is used for these purposes. Also, the methods of emergency contraception include the installation within 120 hours after unprotected intercourse intrauterine device .

For pregnancy, emergency contraceptive pills are dangerous because they contain substances in their chemical composition that prevent the onset of fertilization. The main active compounds in pills against pregnancy after an unprotected intercourse can be either, or antihormones .

The first compounds are biologically active substances that belong to proteins or steroids and are produced by organs or tissues of a living organism. Hormones are transported through the bloodstream from organ to organ and are responsible for the physiological activity of the body, for example, for its development and growth, metabolism, and so on.

As the name suggests antihormones These are compounds that act opposite to hormones. They suppress hormonal activity in the body.

It is noteworthy that antihormones, by their nature, having an exogenous or endogenous origin, are often structural analogues of the hormones they suppress.

So, before you ask yourself what kind of emergency contraceptive pill to drink so as not to get pregnant, you should remember that this type of drug may contain:

  • , i.e. synthetic progestin (steroid female sex hormone), found in drugs such as: , Tetragynon ;
  • mifepristone , i.e. Synthetic antiprogestin (antihormone), found in contraceptives such as: , Renomelan, Agesta, .

Preparations based on levonorgestrel

First, let's talk about how it works. levonorgestrel and preparations containing it. So, abortion pills related to emergency contraception after the first dose:

  • immediately affect the chemical composition of mucus endocervix (cervical canal of the cervix) , also increasing its viscosity, thus slowing down the process of sperm penetration into the fallopian tube;
  • act on the ovaries, preventing the release of a mature egg from the main follicle (provided that tablets are taken before ovulation), suppressing gonadotropic hormones, which ultimately blocks or delays the process of ovulation;
  • prevent the implantation of an egg fertilized by a spermatozoon into the uterine walls for the further development of the embryo and the formation of a "children's" place. In order for fertilization to fail, levonorgestrel not only changes the structure of the endometrium, thereby preventing it from entering the secretory phase, without which ovulation does not occur, but also affects uterine (fallopian) tubes. As a result, the number of their contractions is significantly reduced, which leads to the impossibility of getting a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity.

It is important to emphasize that drinking the above drugs, which include levonorgestrel should only be taken after consulting a doctor. In addition, you should definitely read the instructions that come with the tablets. The thing is that these contraceptives contain huge doses of hormones.

After taking them, a hormonal imbalance occurs in the female body, the consequences of which can be unpredictable. Therefore, experts refer to such methods of contraception as "disposable" means, which are highly recommended not to be used more than 4 times a year. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to use such emergency contraceptive drugs more than once per menstrual cycle.

emergency contraceptive pills (they are also called "next day pills" due to the specifics of taking) - this is an effective, but rather controversial method of protection against an unplanned pregnancy. Doctors say that after a single intake of such drugs, serious changes occur in the body, so it takes time to fully restore the functions of the woman's reproductive system.

Mifepristone-based preparations

What can be said about the second group of emergency contraceptive drugs containing an antihormone mifepristone – they work in much the same way as levonorgestrel-containing birth control pills, i.e. also:

  • inhibit the process of ovulation;
  • change the structure of the endometrium, which leads to the impossibility of fixing a fertilized egg on the uterine walls;
  • strengthen uterine contractions, due to such hyperreactivity, the fertilized egg is “expelled” from the uterine cavity.

It is worth noting that to protect against unwanted pregnancy after unprotected intercourse, you can also use non-hormonal drugs e.g. vaginal suppositories containing nonoxynol (Steridil,) or ( , ). The above drugs are not only methods of express contraception, since they have a spermicidal effect, the scope of their application is much wider, due to their anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal abilities.

The above names of pills from pregnancy after an act unprotected by any means of contraception are far from all. Currently, any pharmacy has a good selection of such drugs. You can find out about the names of emergency contraceptive pills directly from the pharmacy pharmacist, but it is better to contact your doctor with these questions. After all, any medicines (and contraceptives are no exception to this rule) have their own contraindications and side effects.

This is especially true for women with GW (breastfeeding) or suffering from certain diseases in which large doses of hormones or antihormones can be fatal. Let there be no unambiguous answer to the question of whether birth control pills related to postcoital contraception are harmful, since what will be good and effective for some may turn into big health problems for others, not a single woman should use this method of solving the problem of unwanted pregnancy without prior medical advice.

Only a specialist will be able, firstly, to choose the right drug, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the patient (an ordinary person can simply get lost in the names of pills that say nothing about the composition, contraindications or side effects after an unprotected act). And, secondly, it is the doctor who will tell you how to take emergency contraceptives correctly so as not to harm your body and achieve the desired result.

There are several basic rules for taking postcoital contraception drugs:

  • It is necessary to strictly adhere to the period of use of such drugs. The vast majority of pills should be taken within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse. Many people have a question, how many days are 72 hours? It is well known that in one day or in one day there are 24 hours, therefore, 72 hours are three days or three days. It is believed that the first pill of emergency contraception should be drunk as early as possible, while the second - optimally 12 hours after the first or a maximum of 16 hours. It is important to emphasize that the effectiveness of tablets depends directly on the period of their administration. It is believed that drugs levonorgestrel most effective within 24 hours after intercourse (95% effective). When taken after 48 hours, the effectiveness is reduced to 85%, and after 72 hours - up to 58%. Containing mifepristone tablets are also taken no later than 72 hours from the moment of contact.
  • It is important to adhere to the dosage indicated in the instructions for the drugs or prescribed by the doctor. As mentioned above, emergency contraceptive pills are taken twice after a certain period of time, for example, Postinor . However, this rule is not true for all drugs. Eskinor F or Escapelle (contain levonorgestrel ) and Jenale , Ginepriston, (contain mifepristone ) drink one tablet within 72 hours of sexual intercourse.
  • It is strictly forbidden to independently adjust the dosage of birth control pills. This can lead to the development of side effects, as well as provoke serious negative consequences ( bleeding, ). It is recommended not to eat a couple of hours before taking emergency contraceptive pills and after that, so that biologically active compounds are better absorbed in the body. If, after taking the drugs, vomiting occurred, then you will have to take the pill again.

Combined oral contraceptives

It is also worth paying attention to the so-called Yuzpe contraceptive method . As mentioned earlier, well-known people can be used as emergency contraceptives. COCs (combined oral contraceptives). This method can be an excellent solution for those who, for whatever reason, are contraindicated in postcoital contraceptive pills.

As emergency contraceptives, you can use COCs such as: , Tetragynon, Ovral, other. As a rule, these tablets contain hormones - estrogen, levonorgestrel, desogestrel, ethinyl estradiol and progestogen .

According to the instructions, you need to take COC every day, one piece. However, this rule can be broken in an emergency to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to harm the body. The following COC dosages are considered safe for:

  • from 2 to 4-5 tablets (depending on the type of COC) at the first dose, which should take place no later than three days or 72 hours after sexual intercourse;
  • the same number of tablets should be drunk 12 hours after the first COC intake.

The effectiveness of this method also depends on the time of taking the drugs. That is, the earlier the woman drank the pills, the greater the likelihood that ovulation will not occur and fertilization will not occur.


We talked about how not to get pregnant after the “no obligation” act. Now it's time to discuss the negative aspects of emergency contraception and determine who should not resort to the help of such an uncompromising method.

There is no benefit from emergency contraceptive pills, apart from, of course, the psycho-emotional calm of a woman - this is a fact. And how much and what harm can they bring?

levonorgestrel drugs:

  • at pathology of the biliary tract ;
  • with liver diseases, for example, liver failure ;
  • in cases where the pregnancy was confirmed by a gynecologist, i.e. the fertilized egg has successfully implanted into the uterine wall;
  • when the age of the patient is 16 years or less;
  • at lactose intolerance ;
  • in case of malabsorption galactose and glucose ;
  • with certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, Crohn's disease ;
  • at ;
  • in the presence of tumors sensitive to changes hormonal background ;
  • at menstrual disorders ;
  • at ;
  • in case of malfunction hemostasis systems .

It is forbidden to use containing mifepristone drugs:

  • at liver failure ;
  • at porphyria ;
  • at kidney failure ;
  • in case of malfunctions hemostasis systems (blood clotting) ;
  • at the reception glucocorticoids , For example, , etc;
  • at the reception anticoagulants ;
  • at adrenal insufficiency ;
  • with a confirmed pregnancy;
  • when breastfeeding; P
  • in the presence of certain diseases in the chronic stage;
  • at anemia ;
  • women over the age of thirty-five;
  • with an ectopic pregnancy.

Of course, any woman has the right to independently decide which modern methods of contraception or even alternative methods to use to protect against unwanted pregnancy. However, you should always think about what harmful effects can occur for the body when taking certain drugs.

Emergency or "fire" contraceptive pills can be dangerous:

  • risk of developing later ectopic pregnancy , which is due to a violation of the process of transporting a fertilized egg to the place of its fixation in the uterus for further development;
  • the risk of uterine bleeding , with which even medical workers do not always cope successfully;
  • risk infertility , especially for young women whose menstrual cycle has not yet been established;
  • development risk Crohn's disease , a chronic inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract, which affects all its departments (from the oral cavity to the rectum);
  • increased risk thrombosis , which is provoked by high doses of hormones contained in all tablets of the "next" day without exception, which leads to , and even lethal.

According to women who have experienced the effects of emergency contraceptive pills, the most common side effects of these drugs are:

  • nausea;
  • allergic reactions as rashes and skin itching;
  • puffiness or soreness of the mammary glands (mastalgia);
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • severe headaches;
  • stress ;
  • emotional instability.

abortion pills. Price, where to buy, how to use

So-called pharmaceutical board or medicinal often associated with emergency contraception. However, this is far from the same thing. Of course, both drugs help to avoid unwanted pregnancy, only the mechanism of action and the time of taking the so-called abortion pills are different.

Let's talk about the main differences between medical abortion, which, according to many experts, is safer than surgery, for example, vacuum aspiration or scraping. How long can abortion pills be effective in terminating unwanted pregnancies?

So, as we mentioned earlier, after an unprotected act of pregnancy, birth control pills related to emergency contraception can be saved for 72 hours. Medicines for medical abortion are used when pregnancy has already occurred.

So, when can you use abortion pills or for how long. These funds can be taken in early pregnancy (up to 42 days amenorrhea the first day of the last menstrual cycle).

This means that abortion pills have an effect on the course of pregnancy up to the sixth maximum up to the seventh week.

It is worth noting that abortive pills most effectively affect a fetal egg that is still weakly attached to the uterus for up to four weeks.

During this period, the hormonal background of the female body has not yet reached the peak of its changes and you can resort to the help of drugs to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

It should be noted that abortion pills should not be taken without medical supervision. Although this method of abortion is considered safer than surgery, everything does not always go smoothly and without negative consequences for the female body.

To exclude possible harm to health, it is imperative to consult a gynecologist, and also take this kind of pill only in his presence, so that a qualified specialist can provide quick assistance (for example, if severe bleeding opens) and prevent a severe outcome of medical abortion. Unfortunately, not many people think about how dangerous abortion pills can be.

After all, you can even die from them if complications arise and doctors do not provide urgent medical care to a woman. Therefore, drugs for medical abortion containing mifepristone (a steroid antiprogestogenic substance of synthetic origin), for example, or taken once in a dosage of not more than 200 mg, exclusively under medical supervision.

Mifegin , a drug produced by a French manufacturer, like its domestic counterpart Mifeprex contain the same biologically active substance in their chemical composition mifepristone which blocks the production progesterone by acting on progesterone receptors. In the normal course of pregnancy, such as progesterone , generated corpus luteum of the ovaries , forms endometrium , whose main function is to create the best conditions for the development embryo .

The action of mifepristone-containing drugs gives the opposite effect ( myometrium decreasing, growing prostaglandins ), which ultimately leads to the prevention of unwanted pregnancies. Within a maximum of 48 hours after using abortion pills, the woman should complete a medical abortion and take medicines such as or gemeprost .

These are analogues of prostaglandins, which will stimulate the process of "expulsion" of the fetus from the uterus. It is very important to understand that in order to avoid severe complications, the patient must be under mandatory medical supervision within 2 hours after taking the above drugs.

In order to be completely convinced that an abortion has occurred, a woman needs to undergo an ultrasound scan two days after the procedure, and then re-appear for an appointment with a gynecologist two weeks later. According to experts, the effectiveness of this method reaches 99%. However, in some cases, abortion pills do not help to completely get rid of the fetus, and then the woman has to undergo such unpleasant procedures as:

  • abrasion (in common scraping ) is an operation aimed at removing the fetal egg, as well as some pathological formations on the mucous membranes of the uterus;
  • vacuum aspiration (in everyday life the name is more common mini abortion ) is a method of abortion in which the fetus is removed from the uterus using a special vacuum suction.

As we said above, medical abortion is considered the most gentle way to terminate an unplanned pregnancy, since there is no mechanical effect on the uterus. As a result, its mucous membranes are not damaged, which eliminates many possible complications. However, this method also has a number of contraindications, in which the use of abortion pills is prohibited:

  • inflammatory diseases of the ovaries or uterus;
  • ectopic pregnancy ;
  • scars on the uterus , due to previously transferred operations;
  • some gastrointestinal diseases .

The following complications may occur during medical abortion:

  • bleeding in the uterus;
  • allergic reactions;
  • nausea;
  • sharp pains in the abdomen;
  • incomplete abortion, those. a situation in which pregnancy progresses because fetal rejection has not occurred;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • vomit.

The price of birth control pills

The price of postcoital contraceptive pills depends on several factors. Firstly, the manufacturer of drugs affects the cost, secondly, the number of tablets in the package, and, thirdly, the region where contraceptives are sold. For example, such popular and widespread tablets as Postinor in Ukraine they cost an average of 200 hryvnias, and in Russia 350 rubles.

How much do abortion pills cost? The price of this type of drugs depends primarily on their manufacturer. In addition, as we mentioned earlier, pharmacological abortion is a medical procedure that should take place exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. Therefore, the price of the services of a gynecologist is added to the cost of the abortion pills themselves, who will monitor the patient and be able to help her in a timely manner if something does not go as planned.

Contraceptives for emergency contraception were invented specifically for emergency cases. It doesn't matter what happened - whether the condom broke, she forgot to take the pill, or intimacy was undesirable for the woman. One thing is important: if for some reason sex was unprotected, and pregnancy was unwanted, you should think about protective measures right now, in the next three days - before it's too late. 72 hours - this is the period given for the use of pills for emergency contraception. How to use such drugs correctly and what should you know about the mechanism of their action?

Can you get pregnant if a condom breaks?

The answer to this question depends on what day of the cycle the unplanned sexual intercourse happened:

  • Intimacy in the first 7 days of the cycle is unlikely to lead to an unwanted pregnancy. During this period, the mucous membrane of the uterus is rejected, and monthly bleeding occurs. The maturation of the follicles has not yet begun, and the spermatozoa live in the genital tract of a woman for no more than 7 days. With a standard 28-day cycle, the risks are minimal. The shorter the total duration of the cycle (21-27 days), the higher the likelihood of conceiving a child during intimacy these days.
  • Sex in terms close to ovulation (7-14 days), with a high degree of probability, will lead to the conception of a child. During this period, the maturation of follicles and ovulation occurs. The egg that came out of the ovary has every chance of meeting with the sperm, and fertilization will occur.
  • Sexual intercourse in the second phase of the menstrual cycle (14-28 days) does not threaten unwanted conception of a child. The egg cell dies 24 hours after leaving the ovary. After the death of the egg, a corpus luteum is formed. It is impossible to conceive a child during this period.

Does this mean that after unprotected sex in the second phase of the cycle, you can not drink and not worry about a possible pregnancy? Yes, but only if the woman is sure that she has already ovulated, and more than 24 hours have passed since then. Women who use natural methods of contraception (fertility recognition method) probably know the date of ovulation. In other situations, it is quite difficult to catch the moment the egg leaves the ovary. Any failure of the cycle can lead to the fact that ovulation will be postponed indefinitely, and all calculations on the calendar will be incorrect.

When in doubt, it is better to take an emergency contraceptive pill than to have an abortion in case of a confirmed pregnancy.

How often can I take emergency contraceptive pills?

The instructions for preparations for postcoital contraception indicate that such drugs can be taken no more than once a month. Practicing gynecologists point out that such recommendations are incorrect. Emergency contraception is an ambulance in case of emergency, and not a routine method of protection against unwanted pregnancy. Experienced doctors do not advise their patients to get involved in such drugs that cause significant harm to reproductive health.

One gynecologist, when asked "How often can I take postcoital pills?" answered categorically: "Once in a lifetime!". There is some truth in this, because the more often a woman drinks such drugs, the higher the risk of complications in the form of menstrual irregularities.

When should you take emergency contraception?

  • Unprotected intercourse, when contraceptives were not used at all.
  • Cases of sexual violence where a woman was not able to protect herself from an unwanted pregnancy.
  • Situations in which there is reason to believe that the contraceptives used were ineffective.

On the last point, they highlight:

  • Missed an appointment more than twice in a row.
  • Pass more than 3 hours.
  • Delayed administration (the timing depends on the specific drug).
  • dropout or .
  • Displacement or damage to the diaphragm or cap on the cervix.
  • Rip or slip.
  • Attempted coitus interruptus, ending with ejaculation in the vagina or on the external genitalia.
  • Incomplete dissolution of spermicide before intercourse.
  • Incorrect definition of safe days when using natural methods of contraception.

When is it too late?

Emergency contraceptives must be taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex. The optimal effect is achieved if the tablet was taken on the first day after intimacy. There is evidence that postcoital contraceptives remain effective for 120 hours, but drug manufacturers do not guarantee the desired result.

To protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy, you need to drink pills strictly according to the instructions.

When can I take the postcoital pill again?

The scheme of application depends on the chosen drug:

  • Postinor should be drunk twice. The second tablet should be taken 12 hours after the first.
  • Escapelle and Mifepristone are prescribed once. Repeated administration of the drug is not needed.
  • The Yuzpe method uses COCs as emergency contraceptives. The first dose is taken 72 hours after unprotected intercourse. The second dose is given 12 hours after the first tablet intake.

As for the interval between repeated use of emergency contraceptives, here the opinion of doctors is unambiguous: the more the better. At least a month should elapse between taking postcoital tablets.

Which emergency contraceptive pill is best?

All postcoital drugs are effective in their own way, if you take them on time and strictly follow the instructions for use. Recently, Postinor has been abandoned in gynecology, giving priority to new drugs - Escapelle and Mifepristone. These drugs need to be taken once, and thus there is no risk of insufficient effect from a forgotten second pill.

All of these drugs have a large number of side effects, so it is rather difficult to single out a safe one among them.

How much do pills cost after unprotected intercourse?

The price of the drug depends on its type and manufacturer:

  • The average cost of Postinor and Escapel is 300-500 rubles.
  • Preparations based on mifepristone will cost 350-600 rubles.

Can COCs be used for emergency contraception?

Such a scheme was developed in 1977, but it is not very popular. According to the Yuzpe method, you should:

  • Drink the first dose of the drug within 72 hours after sexual intercourse.
  • Take the second dose 12 hours after the first.

For emergency contraception, 8 tablets of a low-dose COC (containing 30-35 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel) taken in two doses (4 tablets of the drug) are used at once. Such means are suitable: Microgynon, Rigevidon.

Such a scheme is not popular in Russia, as there are more convenient and affordable means.

Do emergency contraceptive pills protect against sexually transmitted infections?

No, these drugs only protect against pregnancy, but do not protect against infections. Pathogenic microorganisms easily penetrate the female genital tract and cause dangerous diseases. The following remedies will help reduce the risk of infection to some extent:

  • Hexicon (candles).
  • Betadine (candles).
  • Miramistin (spray).

Antiseptics should be used in the first hours after unprotected intercourse. These drugs do not provide 100% protection and practically do not protect against the penetration of HIV infection and viral hepatitis.

What happens if you get pregnant while on emergency birth control pills?

Women using mifepristone for postcoital contraception should know: if there is no effect, you need to think about terminating the pregnancy. Against the background of the use of the drug, there is a high risk of congenital malformations in the fetus.

Means based on levonorgestrel (Escapel and Postinor) are contraindicated in pregnancy, however, data on the adverse effects of drugs on the fetus have not been identified.

Can breastfeeding mothers drink emergency contraceptive pills?

According to the instructions, drugs for postcoital use pass into breast milk and are considered unsafe for the baby. Nursing mothers are not allowed to drink such drugs. If there is an urgent need to take a contraceptive, you need to stop breastfeeding:

  • for 24 hours for drugs based on levonorgesterl (Escapel, Postinor);
  • for 14 days for mifepristone.

Are emergency contraceptive pills abortive?

The answer to this question depends on when the drug was taken:

  • In the first phase of the cycle, postcoital contraceptives inhibit ovulation and interfere with the release of the egg. Conception in this case becomes impossible, and there is no talk of an abortive effect.
  • In the second phase of the cycle, the tablets prevent the implantation of the ovum into the uterine cavity. In this situation, a miscarriage occurs for up to 7 days. This is considered an abortive effect of the drug.

Important! After the onset of implantation, emergency contraceptive methods are not used.

The effectiveness of drugs used after unprotected intercourse is 85-95%. Despite all the possible disadvantages, such funds are considered the best alternative to abortion. Even if the drug leads to an abortion as a result of a violation of the implantation of the ovum, this will be the best outcome for the woman. In this situation, the abortion will occur at a very early stage and will take place with minimal consequences for reproductive health. On the contrary, termination of pregnancy at a later date (after a delay in menstruation) threatens with serious health problems, including infertility.

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