Vitamins for the beauty and health of women: a list of the best complexes, descriptions and reviews. What vitamins for the skin of the face are better than others to help preserve beauty and youth? What vitamins for youth and beauty

We all know vitamins are very beneficial. But how much are they needed for the skin? Experts believe that without vitamins, the epithelium is hardly renewed, the skin becomes dry, rough, the face becomes gray. The face is aging rapidly, the deficiency of fluid and proteins that give the integument elasticity - collagen and elastin - makes itself felt. This article presents the best vitamins for facial skin.

What vitamins are needed for beauty

Each vitamin takes part in biochemical metabolic reactions as part of certain coenzymes. Therefore, the influence of each of them will be different. Vitamins for the beauty of facial skin are selected in accordance with the existing problem. How they work can be seen from the following tables.

Fat-soluble vitamins

Name Deficiency symptoms Mechanism of action
A (retinol)The skin becomes dry, flakes, wrinkles appear. Skin immunity decreases, pustules may appear.Participates in the metabolism of proteins, promotes the renewal of skin and immune cells. The best product for the skin, improves its condition and color.
E (tocopherol)The skin is dry, thickened due to the increasing layer of dead cells.Suppresses the action of toxic free radicals (antioxidant effect), regulates the state of hormonal levels, and supports skin immunity.
D (calciferol)Rapid aging.Regulates multiplication (proliferation) and specialization (differentiation) of cells. Supports the elasticity of the facial muscles.
K1 (phylloquinone)Redness and swelling, the appearance of age spots.Improves blood circulation.

Water-soluble vitamins

Name Deficiency symptoms Mechanism of action
B1 (thiamine)Rapid aging, loss of firmness and elasticity.Regulates carbohydrate metabolism, suppresses the destruction of collagen and elastin by carbohydrates.
B2 (riboflavin)Dryness, cracked lips, seizures appear in their corners.Participates in the metabolism of skin cells.
B3 (PP, niacin, nicotinic acid)Pigmented spots, dryness and flaking of the skin.Regulates the synthesis of hormones and enzymes. Vitamin to improve complexion.
B5 (pantothenic acid)Premature aging.Activates metabolism in cells, improves complexion.
B6 (pyridoxine)Acne, seborrheic dermatitis.Regulates carbohydrate metabolism and the formation of prostaglandins, which improve blood circulation.
B7 (biotin)Acne, the firmness and elasticity of the skin decreases.Normalizes the action of the sebaceous glands. Participates in the formation of collagen
B9 (folic acid)Premature aging.It activates the processes of regeneration of skin cells, eliminates irritation.
P (rutin) and C (ascorbic acid)Dryness, rapid aging.They improve skin blood circulation, suppress the destruction of hyaluronic acid, which attracts water to itself. Antioxidants

The body must constantly receive vitamins. A deficiency of almost any of them can affect the state of the whole organism, including the condition of the skin. About what vitamins for the skin of the face are required for various disorders, it is necessary to consult with a beautician.

The most efficient way to replenish is food

Most of all, the body needs vitamins contained in food... They are found in both plant and animal foods, so a varied diet is not difficult to maintain.

It is difficult to overdose on these substances contained in food. But there are also exceptions. So, people prone to thrombosis, suffering from varicose veins should not eat large amounts of foods rich in vitamin K - garden herbs and all types of cabbage.

You should also take into account the fact that vitamins are divided into water-soluble and fat-soluble. If we want the beta-carotene of carrots to enter the body and immediately turn into retinol, it is better to use carrots with fatty additives (vegetable oil, sour cream, etc.).

The fastest way to top up is by pills

Synthetic vitamin preparations can very quickly eliminate hypovitaminosis. They are produced in the sludge of drugs and biologically active food additives - dietary supplements in tablets, capsules, powder sachets, solutions for oral administration and for injection in ampoules under various names.

Synthetic drugs can be overdose. Therefore, they cannot be taken for a long time and uncontrollably. Long-term use in the form of injections is all the more dangerous.

The most enjoyable way to replenish is cosmetics

Cells constantly need nutrients and, above all, vitamins. Therefore, they are always included in the composition of cosmetics - creams, masks, serums. You can also do this with home remedies if you know the composition of the products.

Homemade masks made from vegetables and fruits, as well as some animal products, can completely eliminate the vitamin deficiency in epithelial cells at a young age and make the skin healthy. But after 35-40 years, this is often not enough, therefore beauty salons offer such a service as mesotherapy - the introduction of vitamin cocktails by microinjections.

General rules for taking vitamins

When taking vitamin supplements, you should adhere to certain rules:

  1. If they are taken to correct some kind of skin defect, then it is better to select the complexes individually. Therefore, before buying drugs, you should consult with a beautician. Well-proven vitamin and mineral complexes are suitable for prophylactic administration. The best of them are Supradin, Alphabet, Complivit.
  2. You cannot take vitamin complexes for a long time and uncontrollably, sometimes this leads to overdose and hypervitaminosis.
  3. It is imperative to adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations for taking the drug. An incorrect intake (before or after meals) can negate all treatment: the necessary substances will simply not be absorbed. As a general rule, fat-soluble vitamins are taken after or during meals, while water-soluble vitamins are taken half an hour before meals.
  4. After consulting your doctor, you can add pharmacy vitamins (liquid contents of ampoules or capsules) to creams (fat-soluble A, E, D, K) or simply apply them on the face (water-soluble).

Each skin type has its own approach

Each vitamin is involved in certain biochemical reactions that lead to certain results. Therefore, to eliminate certain problems, different vitamin products will be required.

It is best to consult a dermatologist-cosmetologist before taking it. Different vitamins are needed for different types of skin.

For dry skin

Dryness can be associated with hereditary characteristics, lack of vitamins in the diet, or with defects in care. In all these cases, you need to take vitamins A, E, C and group B:

  • retinol helps to moisturize and restore skin cells, improves complexion;
  • tocopherol restores hormonal levels, together with ascorbic acid protects cells from destruction by free radicals,
  • B vitamins - energy, supply energy for metabolism.

What needs to be done in order for the skin to become young and healthy, to stop flaking:

  • retinol and tocopherol can be added to day and night creams;
  • eat more butter, liver, egg yolks, carrot salads, seasoned with oil;
  • from synthetic vitamin preparations, you can take Aevit and complexes with B vitamins.

For oily skin

Increased fat content is a consequence of metabolic disorders and the secretion of a large amount of sebum with a modified chemical composition. This often happens against the background of hormonal disorders. Vitamins A, E, C, B2, B6 normalize these processes.

Eliminate violations will help:

  • ingestion of the drug Aevit;
  • eating eggs, cottage cheese, carrot and beetroot salads, berries (especially strawberries, currants), nuts, sunflower seeds;
  • on the face, you need to apply applications with a solution of vitamin B2 in ampoules and lemon juice diluted with water at a rate of 1: 3 (alternate, using each solution every other day); the solution is applied to the cleansed face for 15 -20 minutes, after which it is washed off with water.

For normal skin

In such cases, it is only necessary to periodically maintain the condition of the skin. To do this, you can take vitamin and mineral complexes inside courses 1 - 2 times a year.

Getting vitamins from food

If there is no pronounced hypovitaminosis, then it is quite possible to replenish the vitamin deficiency with the help of a healthy diet. Knowing which vitamins are good for the skin of the face, you can prevent premature aging, acne and flaking. For the correction to be effective, it is worth visiting a dermatologist-cosmetologist and clarify what vitamins are needed for the skin of your particular face, what substance is missing. After that, create a menu and stick to it constantly. This is not difficult, since beneficial substances are found in a wide variety of products:

  • A - in the liver of animals, butter, egg yolks; beta-carotene (provitamin A, converted into retinol in the intestines) is found in plant foods: carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes, plums, red bell peppers, grapefruits, black currants, peaches, apricots, melons, persimmons;
  • E - in vegetable oils, seeds, nuts;
  • В1 - in wholemeal bread, brewer's yeast, unprocessed rice and oats, legumes, nuts, seeds;
  • B2 - in lean meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • B3 - in nuts, sunflower seeds, porcini mushrooms, legumes, cereals (oat, corn grits), potatoes, cabbage, beef, chicken, liver, eggs, red fish;
  • B5 - in egg yolks, dairy products, fish, seafood, cereals, legumes;
  • B6 - in the liver, bran, egg yolks, unrefined cereals, nuts, milk, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes;
  • B7 - in egg yolks, liver, legumes, nuts, black bread;
  • B9 - in the liver, legumes, garden herbs, wholemeal flour;
  • C - in citrus fruits, black currants, all types of berries, sauerkraut, rose hips;
  • R - in green tea, chokeberry, cherry, raspberry, garlic, tomato, bell pepper.

Oral preparations

Various pharmaceutical companies produce pharmacy vitamin complexes and food supplements (dietary supplements) specifically to improve the condition of the skin epithelium. To find out what vitamins to take for the skin of the face, it is better for a woman to consult a beautician. ... Elimination of any specific problems requires an individual selection of the complex. The best pharmacy vitamins for facial skin, names:

Duovit for women (Krka, Slovenia)

This pharmacy complex contains 12 vitamins and 5 minerals, including B vitamins - energy. The complex is designed to maintain healthy skin in normal condition. These are vitamins for healthy skin.

Vitrum Beauty Elite (Unipharm, USA)

The complex contains vitamin and mineral supplements and biologically active substances of plant origin, which have a stimulating and regenerating effect. These are vitamins for youthful complexion. The complex is suitable for those who have high physical activity, as well as women over 40 years of age who experience rapid aging against the background of hormonal shifts.

The complex should be taken two tablets a day after meals for two months, this returns youth to the skin.

Doppelgerz Beauty anti-acne (Kweisser Pharma, Germany)

The pharmacy complex is intended for young people and adolescents from 14 years of age with oily skin prone to the development of youthful acne. The complex includes:

  • biotin - promotes the growth and regeneration of skin cells, improves fat metabolism, normalizes the chemical composition of sebum;
  • yeast - rich in amino acids and vitamin B1, restore cellular metabolism and local immunity, protect, promote the restoration of skin cells;
  • zinc - has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • silicon - helps to maintain skin tone.

Take a tablet a day for 4 weeks, after which the condition of the skin will improve significantly.

Merz Beauty (Merz Pharma, Germany)

The supplement contains a vitamin and mineral complex and natural substances that help restore the normal state of skin cells, as well as hair and nails. For rejuvenation, you need to drink 2 tablets per day for a course of up to a month.

Perfectil (Vitabiotics, UK)

Medicinal vitamin preparation for the elimination of skin diseases. It nourishes the skin, restores its youthfulness, activates the production of collagen and metabolic processes. The covers become clear and radiant. The complex should be taken in case of skin diseases, dryness, brittle hair and nails, a capsule per day during or after meals with water. The course of treatment is a month.

Alphabet Cosmetics (Vneshtorg Pharma, Russia)

The complex of vitamins for skin rejuvenation also includes macro- and microelements that support metabolic activity in skin cells. The package contains 3 types of tablets: Calcium-D3 +, Antioxidants + bioflavonoids and Iron +. All of them are accepted at regular intervals, since they contain only compatible components.

You need to drink a tablet of each type per day with meals for four weeks.

Complivit Radiance (Pharmstandard, Russia)

Vitamin complex for maintaining the skin and its appendages (hair and nails) in excellent condition.

The package contains 30 tablets. You should drink 1 tablet a day for a month.

Cosmetics with vitamins to improve the skin of the face

Vitamins are included in almost all creams, gels, serums, etc. After applying creams and masks, they are delivered to the skin cells, activating metabolic processes. But sometimes vitamins also have a healing effect, significantly improving the condition of the skin. So, medical cosmetics are called, which include retinoids - retinol derivatives. Cosmetics with vitamins C, B3, B5, etc. are also produced. Here are some names:

Cosmetics with retinoids (Retin A Cream)

Retinoid cream that inhibits the development of acne and restores youthfulness to the skin. Eliminates age spots, makes the skin clear, restores youth by activating metabolism, renewing cells and stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

The cream has a side effect: it can cause irritation. Therefore, it must be applied strictly in accordance with the instructions:

  • a pea-sized cream is applied to the cleansed face (a larger volume may cause irritation);
  • in the first days, the cream is applied every three days before bedtime so that the epithelium gets used to it, and then it is applied daily;
  • when using a cream for rejuvenation, the first signs of improvement can be noticed not earlier than after a month, and a clear improvement - after 2 - 3 months.

Cosmetics with pantothenic acid (Hydrating Gel B5)

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) promotes skin regeneration, restores its color, elasticity, firmness, eliminates small wrinkles. The gel slightly lifts the skin, eliminating the feeling of tightness, refreshes the complexion. Before applying, the gel should be slightly warmed on the fingers.

Video on how to choose vitamin cosmetics:

Vitamin masks

Masks with vitamins for youth and beauty of the skin can be made at home using products. Products such as cottage cheese, cream, dairy products, eggs, etc. are especially useful. Before applying the mask to the face, the skin must be cleansed. The skin condition after a course of home procedures will significantly improve.

Vitamin mask for oily skin

Ingredients: 20 g of grated cottage cheese, the protein of one egg (beat), 10 drops of lemon juice and 1 ml of vitamin B6 solution from an ampoule. Apply gruel to the face (only the area around the eyes remains free) for a quarter of an hour, then wash. The procedures are carried out 2 - 3 times a week for a month. The improvement will be noticeable after the very first sessions: the face gradually becomes clean and beautiful.

Vitamin mask for dry skin

Ingredients: Take 20 g of oatmeal cooked in milk, add egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey and the contents of two Aevita capsules. Apply the mixture to face for 20 minutes, leaving free areas around the eyes, then wash. Do 2 sessions per week for 1.5 months. After Aevit, the skin becomes soft, beautiful, youthful.

Vitamin mask for normal skin

Ingredients: several strawberries (mash with a fork), 5 g of honey, 5 ml of cucumber juice. Put the mixture on a napkin and cover your face with it for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. The procedures are carried out twice a week for a month.

Vitamin mask for aging skin

Ingredients: 20 ml cream, 1 yolk, 5 g honey and a little rye flour. Bring the mixture to the consistency of thick sour cream, add 1 ml of tocopherol from an ampoule, 5 ml of olive oil. Apply to face without touching the eye contour for 20 minutes and then rinse. The procedures are carried out every three days for 1.5 - 2 months. Improvement will be noticeable no earlier than after three weeks: the face will be smoothed out, fine wrinkles will disappear.

Vitamin mask for the skin around the eyes

Ingredients: add the contents of 2 vitamin E capsules to 5 ml of glycerin, stir and apply to the areas around the eyes for 20 minutes. Remove the remnants of the mask with a napkin. After such a mask, dark circles disappear.

Facial skin needs vitamin supplements, especially if problems such as dryness, premature aging, wrinkles or excessive oiliness and acne occur. Properly selected after consultation with a dermatologist-cosmetologist, useful vitamins in the form of food, vitamin-mineral complexes and cosmetics solves these problems.

For all women, sooner or later, the key issue is maintaining an attractive appearance and prolonging youth. The search for the most effective methods begins: proper nutrition and diet, expensive cosmetics, visits to beauty salons and medical centers.

Most often, beauty fades due to a lack of vitamins. Then the problems begin: hair loss, unhealthy complexion, dry and flaky skin, wrinkles. How to prevent premature aging and regain your former attractiveness?

Essential elements for maintaining beauty and health

The best vitamins for female beauty are those that the body receives on its own. If, for one reason or another, there is a shortage of useful elements, this is instantly reflected in the woman's appearance.

To prevent the aging process, it is necessary to replenish the reserves of nutrients in time. Which elements of the groups should you pay special attention to?

Vitamin A

This element is of great importance not only for maintaining an attractive appearance, but also for the health of every person. It generates collagen and elastin synthesis, saving the skin from wrinkles and flaking. It is also responsible for visual acuity and is a powerful antioxidant.

Vitamin B

The benefits of B vitamins can hardly be overestimated. They are responsible for cell regeneration and the health of the nervous system. These are beauty vitamins for real goddesses. Thanks to them, it is possible to maintain a harmonious state of mind, restore hair shine, and rejuvenate the face. Some elements of this group tend to accumulate in liver cells and be consumed as needed.

Vitamin C

This one is a powerful antioxidant. By stimulating the production of collagen, the appearance of the face improves, the skin becomes firm, soft and elastic. Ascorbic acid is effective in combating the "marbled skin" effect.

Vitamin D

It is considered a youth-prolonging substance. Thanks to him, the skin retains its elasticity and ability to retain moisture. That is why, with a lack of this element, wrinkles appear on the face, and the condition of the bones worsens.

Under the influence of sunlight, the body is able to independently produce this element. With a lack of sun, this element can be obtained through food, such as fish and dairy products.

Vitamin E

Element E is a vitamin for beauty. It is very beneficial for skin and hair, giving it firmness and elasticity, strength and a healthy glow. Many cosmetics contain this particular component. It protects the face from aging, stimulates the production of collagen, elastin and muscle cells.

Vitamin F

This group is able to holistically improve the body. Remarkable is its ability to normalize metabolic processes in the upper and middle layers of the epidermis, remove cholesterol and other toxins. It helps you stay slim and attractive.

Vitamin K

The effect of this group of substances is clearly visible on the skin of the face and legs. The K element strengthens blood vessels and prevents small bruises from bursting capillaries. The spider veins become less visible. It protects the body from intoxication with harmful substances.

Vitamin P

This is a huge group of elements that have beneficial properties for all body systems. For the face, vitamin P is useful in that it can slow down oxidative processes, the formation of wrinkles and vascular networks. In addition, it supports hair health, stimulates the production of other beneficial substances and complements the action of ascorbic acid.

Other useful items

In addition to the above components, the intake of other products into the body is very important for the health and beauty of women. In other words, it is necessary to provide a sufficient amount of minerals and trace elements.

For example, zinc is simply indispensable for maintaining the good condition of skin, nails and hair. The lively shine of the eyes is the merit of selenium. For strong bones, perfect teeth and nails, calcium and phosphorus are needed. It is important to provide your body with a sufficient amount of iodine, iron, potassium, copper, sulfur, silicon, carotenes and acids.

Local impact

The first thing that interests almost all women is what vitamins are needed to maintain the beauty of the facial skin. For the face, those elements that are responsible for the production of collagen and elastin, that is, substances that prevent the formation of wrinkles and thinning of the skin, will be useful. These are vitamins A, B, C, E and P.

For greasy skin, element F will be useful. It is useful to make face masks from strawberries, sea buckthorn, wipe it with lemon, take brewer's yeast, add serums enriched with these components to cosmetics.

Oil rubbing with fat-soluble elements, especially group E, will be useful for the skin of the hands and nails. In addition, you need to take care of a sufficient amount of vitamin D and calcium to prolong the youthfulness of the hands and strengthen the nails. For women, hands are an indicator of health.

Vitamins A and B are essential for the beauty and shine of hair. These elements allow you to preserve their natural pigmentation, prevent fragility and dryness of the scalp. Element E is indispensable for dull, weakened hair, it helps to restore the hair follicles. It is useful to make masks with yolk, as well as to eat a few boiled eggs a week.

Vitamins for maintaining beauty and health are directed not only to the epidermis, but also to other tissues of the body. So, for example, for health and an attractive appearance, it is necessary to monitor the state of the oral cavity. Calcium, phosphorus and vitamins D and K are designed to restore the health of teeth and gums. They help to strengthen the enamel and blood vessels.

Dull eyes look unhealthy and can ruin even the most chic look. To shine your eyes, you need to eat foods containing antioxidants: vitamins A, C and E.

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Skin aging is usually associated only with age. In fact, there are other reasons as well. So, if the body lacks vitamins, aging can begin prematurely. Small wrinkles, "crow's feet" and bags under the eyes often appear before 30, that is, in very young women. Is there any way to fix the situation? Fortunately, there is an affordable and effective solution to the problem. Additional nutrition with vitamins will help prevent unpleasant changes.

Vitamin A benefits

Under the action of retinol, many positive changes occur in the skin tissues:

  • metabolism accelerates;
  • the work of the sebaceous glands returns to normal;
  • relief improves;
  • regeneration processes are started;
  • elasticity increases.

To saturate the body with a valuable compound, try to consume more of the following foods:

  • cottage cheese;
  • cream;
  • butter;
  • sour cream;
  • nuts;
  • meat;
  • carrot;
  • fresh parsley.

Remember that retinol is a fat-soluble ingredient. This means that carrots plus sour cream or carrots plus butter are just perfect combinations! Moreover, it is best to use such food in the evenings.

Fortifying vitamin C

Everyone knows that ascorbic acid is needed for good health and excellent functioning of the immune system. But the benefits of the vitamin are not limited only to this. It effectively protects the skin from pigmentation disorders, tones, and prevents sagging. And one more important point - ascorbic acid has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels. If you notice that there are a lot of bruises on the skin, it means that the body lacks this particular vitamin.

The following products will help to fill the deficiency of ascorbic acid:

  • Apple;
  • cabbage;
  • rose hip;
  • spinach;
  • all types of citrus fruits;
  • greens, especially parsley.

Vitamin E is the best anti-aging remedy

This amazing substance can be called without exaggeration a "vitamin of youth and women's health." It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the ovaries, due to which the level of estrogen in the body rises. And this hormone, as you know, is responsible for the elasticity of the skin. There are so many useful properties of tocopherol that it is difficult to list them all. A valuable vitamin has the following effect:

  • brightens;
  • evens out the tone;
  • moisturizes;
  • rejuvenates;
  • accelerates regeneration;
  • stimulates blood circulation;
  • maintains the required level of moisture;
  • eliminates fine wrinkles;
  • increases elasticity;
  • strengthens cell membranes;
  • improves oxygen supply;
  • prevents malignant processes;
  • soothes, relieves irritation;
  • relieves itching, rashes, peeling;
  • in combination with retinol, treats acne;
  • protects from the harmful effects of free radicals.

As you can see, the spectrum of action of the vitamin is very wide. According to cosmetologists, this active substance is a universal caring agent. And it can be safely used not only for the skin, but also for hair and nails. Tocopherol is successfully used to make homemade masks, and is also included in expensive professional products - creams and shampoos.

If you look after your appearance and dream of maintaining your attractiveness for a long time, in no case should you be deficient in tocopherol. Lack of the "vitamin of youth" inevitably leads to a decrease in muscle tone and drying out. As a result, the skin quickly becomes flabby and wrinkled. In addition, the hair suffers greatly. They become dull, brittle and droop in unkempt strands.

Therefore, be sure to review the diet and include in it:

  • eggs;
  • liver;
  • milk;
  • sprouted wheat;
  • fish (sea);
  • fresh herbs;
  • seeds;
  • rose hip;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • viburnum;
  • vegetables (primarily pumpkin, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, onions).

Remember - all food must be fresh. The fact is that during long-term storage, the concentration of the valuable vitamin decreases significantly. Also, its quantity is influenced by prolonged heat treatment.

Along with a healthy diet, proper skin care is of paramount importance. For this purpose, an oily solution of the substance is obtained. Moreover, such care is useful at any age. Young girls can use the vitamin as a preventive measure. For women over 30, tocopherol helps slow down age-related changes. And at 40-50 years old, it is used for effective rejuvenation.

It's important to know! Vitamin E is characterized by increased biological activity and it is undesirable for some people to use it. Contraindications include individual intolerance, serious illness, dermatological problems. It is also worth refraining from the drug during pregnancy.

Vitamin F for aging skin

This vitamin is a chemical compound composed of polyunsaturated acids. Entering the body with food, it has a huge impact on the condition of the skin. Under the influence of the vitamin, the processes of cellular restoration are activated, the dermis becomes smooth, healthy and elastic.

Natural sources of the vitamin are:

  • vegetable oils (flax, peanuts, sunflower);
  • nuts;
  • oatmeal;
  • seeds.

Interesting fact! The daily intake of vitamin F is contained in 12 teaspoons of seeds.

Vitamin K for the prevention of aging

Brightens pigmented areas, relieves puffiness and circles under the eyes. Responsible for the normal state of blood, regulating its coagulation. Effectively combats early fading, gives the face a fresh, radiant look.

To avoid a lack of vitamin K will help:

  • Rowan;
  • eggs;
  • green pea;
  • fish fat;
  • soybean oil;
  • leafy vegetables (especially green ones).

Be sure to include these foods in your daily diet. They are very useful not only for appearance, but also for the whole organism.

B vitamins for the health of your skin

Group B includes many vitamins to help maintain youth. And in order to provide the body with all substances from this group, try to eat in a variety of ways. First of all, pay attention to such products:

  • eggs;
  • chicken liver;
  • buckwheat,
  • bran;
  • oatmeal;
  • green vegetables;
  • Brown rice;
  • red meat.

Vitamin D as an anti-aging agent

This valuable substance is synthesized by exposure to sunlight. It slows down the aging process, increases the natural defenses of the skin, and helps cells regenerate faster.

  • eggs;
  • seaweed;
  • fish fat;
  • butter.

To maintain youth, you need a whole range of nutrients. If at least one of the described vitamins is not enough, it is unlikely that it will be possible to maintain an attractive appearance. Therefore, try to eat right. And if the busy rhythm of life does not allow you to follow the diet, support the body with multivitamins.

Homemade vitamin masks

You don't have to spend money on expensive products for effective skin care. Try to make several homemade masks, add vitamins to them, and you will be satisfied with the result.

  • Clay with Dimexidum

This tool works well with wrinkles and oily sheen. It includes:

  1. dimexide (teaspoon);
  2. vitamins E and A (7 drops);
  3. a mixture of white clay and homemade sour cream (spoon).

All components are combined and mixed thoroughly. Vitamin mask for oily skin is ready!

  • Glycerin mask

This simple mask has three components:

  1. glycerin (teaspoon);
  2. boiled water (2 tablespoons);
  3. vitamin E (4-5 drops).

The remedy is prepared instantly! Glycerin is diluted with water and enriched with vitamin. The mask helps to get rid of wrinkles and improves tissue elasticity.

  • Clay mask for oily skin

The tool relieves the face of oily sheen and heals rashes. In addition, the mask accelerates tissue regeneration and quickly smoothes fine wrinkles. This recipe uses:

  1. yeast (teaspoon);
  2. red clay (2 spoons);
  3. sour cream (the same amount);
  4. vitamin E (3-4 drops).

Combine the ingredients in a glass or ceramic container, mix thoroughly and leave for a few minutes. The mask is then ready for use. Note! It is necessary to apply the composition in several layers, and the previous layer should dry well.

To eliminate oily sheen, it is enough to perform the procedure once a week. And if your goal is to fight wrinkles, apply the mask every 3-4 days. The full course includes 10-12 sessions. Then you need to take a break for a month.

  • Nourishing cottage cheese mask

Fatty homemade cottage cheese is mixed with olive oil, a little vitamin E is added. The mask softens and moisturizes mature skin, smoothes wrinkles, and gives the face a fresh look.

  • Aloe cream

One serving of the nourishing cream is enriched with vitamin A (20 drops) and agave juice (5 drops). The resulting composition is used as an anti-aging and tonic.

  • Fruit mask

Any fresh fruit is suitable for the preparation of this vitamin composition. For example, you can take a pear, peach, or banana. Puree is made from the pulp of the fruit, mixed with a spoonful of milk oatmeal and vitamin C is poured in (8-10 drops). It turns out to be a light and very pleasant mask. It perfectly tones the skin and charges it with youthful energy.

Useful products and vitamin complexes are faithful helpers in the struggle for beauty. Provide the body with the necessary substances, and premature aging of the skin will not affect you.

Hello dear friends! After 25 years, I realized that proper skin care should begin in childhood. But there is good news too! You can start taking proper care of yourself at any age. I asked a beautician advice: what vitamins should be taken for the skin of the face and added to masks? I am giving you the results of my research.

A (retinol)

It is a natural compound that has many different functions. It is especially popular with cosmetologists. It has anti-inflammatory properties, relieves rashes (acne, acne). Useful for any skin care. Retinol is effective in the following cases:

  • cleansing from blackheads, acne, acne;
  • rejuvenation of the skin, getting rid of wrinkles;
  • to improve complexion;
  • getting rid of rosacea, age spots;
  • alignment of the relief, face tone;
  • moisturizing, increasing skin elasticity.

Retinol release form in pure form - in capsules, ampoules or oil solution. Retinol is found in multivitamins such as Aevit. Homemade face masks are often made with him. And dermatologists recommend taking vitamins inside a course for 2 months. There is a decrease in rashes, nails and hair become much stronger.

For external use, retinol cosmetic products should be gradually introduced into daily care. How to use it correctly, read the article "all about the benefits of vitamin A for the face." Examples of good remedies:

  • Holy Land Day Defense Alpha-Beta and Retinol Day Defense
  • Holy Land Alpha-Beta and Retinol Restoring Cream
  • Librederm Face Cream "Aevit"

E (tocopherol)

This wonderful vitamin has a beneficial effect on the complexion. You can get it with food or using pharmacy capsules in liquid form. Tocopherol is beneficial for the beauty of our skin. With its help, the level of fat content of the skin is reduced. Cells receive oxygen, are protected from UV radiation, the aging process slows down, and helps for regeneration. It is useful to rub masks with tocopherol into the skin of the face.

You can add tocopherol to the cream, mix with vegetable oil (rose, almond or olive).

Vitamin E is actively used for the prevention of wrinkles in liquid form or as a component in cosmetic products. Remember to lubricate the area around the eyes gently.

  • Librederm Vitamin E Antioxidant Face Cream
  • Christina Green Apple Vitamin E Moisturizing Day Cream
  • Cream-mask for the face Beauty Skin

C (ascorbic acid)

It is a natural antioxidant that protects our skin. The human body does not synthesize this vitamin, so it is important to get ascorbic acid from food, dietary supplements, etc.

The use of ascorbic acid for the face contributes to:

  • Prevention of age-related changes - protection against photoaging, eliminates fine wrinkles, improves skin tone and texture.
  • Getting rid of pigmentation - dark spots go away, the skin is lightened, enough melanin is produced.
  • Collagen synthesis.
  • Wound healing, regeneration of damaged dermis cells.
  • Getting rid of inflammatory processes
  • Strengthening the immune system, neutralizing free radicals.

Read the instructions for use before taking any vitamin. This will allow you to get the most out of the substance and not harm your health.

With a lack of ascorbic acid, the vessels become brittle, the complexion fades, and bruises appear under the eyes. How to use it, decide for yourself - you can use it as part of daily products or active serums.

  • LiftActiv Antioxidant Concentrate(concentration of 15% vitamin C + tocopherol)
  • Holy Land Millicapsules Serum, 17% concentration of vitamin C
  • Lumene Valo Luminous Vitamin C Facial Cocktail

Best face masks with A, E, C

Face masks with the addition of different vitamins relieve acne, wrinkles, and are needed for problem skin. They are useful at any age and at any time of the year. According to reviews, I have selected the best recipes that you can easily cook at home.

With ascorbic acid for youth

Regular use improves facial relief, skin tone, eliminates age spots. The skin becomes elastic, smooth, fresh.

  • 1 tsp. ascorbic acid (powder), pure water;
  • 2.5 tbsp aloe juice;
  • 4 drops of oil tocopherol;
  • 6 drops of frankincense essential oil.

Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Apply for 10 minutes. Wash off.

For acne and inflammation

With this recipe, you can improve the appearance of the skin, get rid of redness, acne. The result is immediate and visible after the first application.

  • 1 pharmacy ampoule of retinol;
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil (unrefined).

Connect products. Keep on cleansed skin for 10 minutes, then remove.

Oil care for dryness

Moisturizes the skin, saturates it with substances that make the dermis elastic, rejuvenate, cleanse of toxins. Refreshes the complexion.

  • 1 tbsp. almond, sesame oil;
  • 1 tbsp honey;
  • 1 tsp retinol in oil.

Mix the ingredients. Apply to the skin and leave for a quarter of an hour. Wash off.

For elasticity, anti-wrinkle

The recipe eliminates small wrinkles, smoothes minor signs of skin aging. The face becomes fresher, more youthful.

  • 1 tbsp melted cocoa butter;
  • 1 capsule of tocopherol;
  • 1 tsp sea ​​buckthorn oil.

Connect products. Keep on the face for 20 minutes. Take off. Repeat 3 times a week in the evening.

For irritation and inflammation

With this mask, you can make your face look beautiful, getting rid of flaking and red acne. Also, irritation goes away, cracks and wounds from frost or cold do not occur.

  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp fatty cottage cheese;
  • 1 capsule of tocopherol.

Connect products. Keep on clean skin for a quarter of an hour. Wash off.

Additionally needed

Essential fatty acids

In addition to the external use of cosmetics, the intake of vitamin supplements is of great importance. When using cosmetics, the active ingredients do not penetrate deep into the dermis. Therefore, it is necessary to nourish the body from the inside.

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are often referred to as vitamin F. It is not synthesized by the body. Vitamin F comes from a variety of foods. EFAs are two fatty acids (linoleic, alpha-linoleic). Both are needed for the formation of tissues in the body, contribute to normal metabolism, wound healing. They are required for reproductive function, for hair growth. Essential fatty acids are essential for health.

These are the same Omega-3 and Omega-6. They are needed for the growth and functioning of healthy cells in the body, and for reproductive health. Polyunsaturated fatty acids form Vitamin F, an important cell component.

NLC has the following important functions:

  • improve the process of penetration of active ingredients into the epidermis;
  • preserve hair strength and shine;
  • moisturize and nourish the skin;
  • protection against early aging;
  • help the rapid healing of wounds.

Lack of EFA makes the skin and hair dry and causes alopecia. Wounds heal for a long time and poorly, nails break, dandruff appears, the risk of stroke and heart attack increases.

EFAs are found in various products: vegetable oil, nuts, egg yolks, sea and river fish, seeds, breast milk and infant formula, plants (tofu, soy). These acids are used for peeling. They are characterized by activation of recovery, getting rid of scars and painful sensations. Vitamin F is sensitive to light and heat. To get the most out of EFAs, it's best to consume them fresh.

Vitamin D

Fat-soluble vitamin D supports calcium metabolism. It is especially necessary to apply it when living in the northern regions. And here it is practically all of Russia.

It is used in the following cases:

  • helps fight acne;
  • rapid wound healing;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • for elasticity and resilience;
  • to improve skin turgor.

Vitamin is produced in tablets, capsules, solutions (oil, water), vitamin complexes, cosmetics. It is beneficial to use it to tone up the skin, to give it a radiant and healthy complexion. Even small children from childhood are recommended to take this element.

Cyanocobalamin (B12) useful for mature skin, promotes cell renewal, activates metabolism.

Vitamin mesotherapy

This is a unique technique that rejuvenates areas of the face and body without interacting with the entire body. Mesotherapy - vitamin injections "for youth". They consist of micro doses (5 components). They inject the entire face or a separate area of ​​it. Useful shots consist of ascorbic acid (C), vitamin B6, B12, biotin, etc.

Before the procedure, the cosmetologist conducts an examination and collects tests: do you have any allergies, what problems you are worried about. Mesotherapy is carried out manually (a syringe with a small needle) or by means of a mesoinjector (hardware technique).

Preparations and substances for improving the skin of pregnant women and during lactation are prescribed by a specialist. If you decide to make your skin healthier and fortified, consult a beautician.

The course consists of 6-7 sessions with an interval of 10 days. Correction is carried out every 30 days. The course is repeated in 0.5-1 year. Especially cosmetologists advise to conduct courses in adulthood. From 35-40 years old, our skin needs special nutrition.

Various vitamin complexes are used for mesotherapy. Usually the course is carried out in autumn, winter, spring, while the skin is not exposed to UV radiation. At this time of the year, the body experiences vitamin deficiency and the body needs additional nutrition

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