Poker terms texas hold'em. The most common poker terms What is the name of the bet in poker

The article provides a dictionary of poker terms with the designation of the meaning of words and an indication of how the terms are pronounced in poker in Russian

The modern poker vocabulary was formed in the USA. Many poker terms are borrowed from English. A Russian player, especially one who is learning the basics of playing poker, may not understand the terms and concepts that exist among professional players and are used in many textbooks. The necessary explanations are given below.

Terms in poker

T Ermin in Russian Term in English Meaning of the term
Ante Ante Initial bank rate. before cards are dealt
Buy-in Buy-in The fee required to be admitted to the tournament. Or enough cash to play a cash game at a casino
Bank Pot Bank, funds that are played in a particular round of the game
bankroll bankroll Player funds for playing poker
Button button A chip, a sign, a marker indicating the position of the player who is dealing in a given round of the game. Also, this term refers to the player sitting in this position. At tournaments and in large casinos, where the cards are dealt by a dealer - an employee of the gambling hall, he distributes cards as if the button did it
Betting (bargaining) Betting Betting in poker: players placing bets into the pot in order to take their opponent out of the game
Bluff Bluff Misleading an opponent about the strength of his cards and his chances of winning
Bad beat bad beat The loss of a player with a stronger card to a player with a weaker card. Usually due to a bluff.
Opening showdown Demonstration by players at the end of the game round of the combinations they have collected in order to determine the strongest.
Deposit deposit Funds transferred by the player to the poker room account, with which he can play in this room (his bankroll in this room)
Dealer Dealer An employee of a casino, a gambling hall, who performs technical manipulations related to playing poker: deals cards, determines the strength of combinations, etc.
call call Calling a raised bet made earlier by another player. In Russian poker slang, the term is often used in the form “call”
Cache Cash Cash, cash game
Limit limit Poker betting limit. There are upper and lower limits. Upper limit - the bet cannot exceed a certain amount

Often the current size of the pot is taken as the limit. In such cases, they talk about pot-limit poker (from the word “pot” - bank).

The lower limit is the minimum bet size. Negotiated by players, dealer, tournament regulations at official competitions

Nuts Nuts The combination, which at the moment of the game is the strongest of all that are in the hands of the players
lights out Muck Cards discarded by players when they refuse to play (“pass”)
Pass Pass Refusal to play
Pokerroom Poker Room Virtual platform, online resource for playing poker
Distribution Deal Dealing cards to players
rebuy Re-buy Possibility to buy additional tokens used in the game during the tournament (if it is allowed by its regulations). Sometimes the term “ed-on” (Add-on) is similar in meaning.
Raise (raise) Raise Increasing the rate to the bank relative to the previously made rate
Reraise (reraise) Reraise Exceeding the previously increased rate to the bank
rake Rake Percentage from the bank that deducts the gambling club or poker room for the services provided
Hand hand In Texas Hold'em, Omaha, and a number of other games, cards dealt into a player's hand. In general, in poker - a combination made up by a player
Satellite Satellite Tournament accompanying the main tournament and in which places in the specified main tournament are played
Split Split Dividing the pot by the players in equal proportions if at the end of the game they have equal combinations in their hands
Bid Bet Player's contribution to the bank during the game
Stack (stack) Stack Number of game tokens held by a tournament poker player
Tite Tight The state of the player, suggesting careful play. In Russian poker slang, the term is often used in the form “tight” (player)
Tilt A sharp deterioration in the quality of the game - often due to failure, an unfortunate mistake by the player
fold Fold Discarding cards when refusing to play further
Freeroll Freeroll A tournament in which players do not pay for participation in the game is played for free. But at the end of the tournament they share the sponsor's prize (they get a bankroll)
Receipt Check Confirmation of the player's participation in the game without raising the bank (if the bank has not been raised in this round of the game)

You can familiarize yourself with the terms associated with the designation of poker combinations in the corresponding article on our website.

Poker Terms: Texas Hold'em

Texas hold'em is the most popular form of poker today. For him, as for a number of other modern games (Omaha, etc.), the issuance of cards both into the hands of the players, and the laying out of “general” cards” openly on the table is characteristic.

Board in poker

Specific hold'em poker terms are presented in the table below.

Table 2. Hold'em poker vocabulary

Term in Russian Term in English Meaning of the term
Blind Blind Mandatory pot bets in hold'em that are made at the beginning of the game round (before the deal). The small blind is posted by the player to the left of the button, the big blind is posted by the next player in the circle
board Board Table and “community” cards laid face up on the table
Limping Limping Calling the big blind before the flop is posted (see below)
All-in All In An in-game bet that includes all of the player's cash (tokens, chips)
side bank side pot The part of the pot that is taken out of the main pot after one of the players has bet all-in and another player has added an even larger bet to the pot. In this case, the part of the pot that the player who made the all-in has the right to play remains as the main pot, and the rest of the funds are withdrawn to the side pot.
Preflop preflop Stage of play before the flop is dealt (see below)
river River Fifth (last) card that is laid out on the board
turn turn The fourth card that is dealt on the board
Flop flop The first three cards that are dealt on the board

Specific terms for other varieties of poker will be given in articles describing these variants of the game.

Poker: card designation

Now, in poker textbooks or in tournament reports, a system of designating cards and made combinations using conventional symbols is often used. These symbols are formed from the English names of cards and suits.

Tilt in poker

The generally accepted designations in card poker are in capital (capital) letters:

ace - A (from English, originally - French Ace);

king - K (from English King)

lady - Q (Queen);

jack - (Jack);

ten - T (ten);

the rest of the cards are numbered according to their face value.

Suits are indicated by small (lowercase) letters:

peaks - s (spades);

hearts - h (hearts);

diamonds - d (diamonds);

cross - c (clubs).

Thus, the record As, Kd means that the player has the ace of spades and the king of diamonds; Qh, 8c - in the hands of the queen of hearts and eight of clubs.

Sometimes you can also find an entry like AKs. In this case, the letter “s” means that the ace and the king are on the hand of the same suit (it doesn’t matter which; from the English suited - “suited”).

Accordingly, AQo will mean that the ace and the queen on the hand are offsuit (from the English offsuited; suit in English is “suit”).

To navigate in any industry, it is necessary to understand all the terms, expressions and slang adopted in it.

Terms in poker - second, after a question that needs to be studied, since their use begins at the moment the terminal is opened for the game.

Poker terms and concepts

All information in this section is intended to facilitate the learning process and the game itself., as well as communication with other players. There are general concepts in poker, the so-called official ones, for example, the button (the dealer's chip marking the player who is dealing) or the river (the last of the community cards in the deal) and slang, which were born directly by the players and have become a generally accepted definition of certain phenomena, objects or the players themselves. A striking example of slang terms is the definition of a player who aggressively plays strong starting hands - tight or, conversely, a weak, unpromising player - fish.

Separately, it should be noted that the study of poker terminology is mandatory for a deeper understanding of the subject. Authors, seminars and poker courses use it to the full extent, which, with a weak reader's knowledge, can complicate the understanding of the material presented. Even banal addresses with a problem or a question on a poker forum can become a stumbling block, due to the fact that there will be many answers, but all using, at times, very original slang expressions and definitions.

About Poker Terms Texas Hold'em

Collected in this section and definitions will allow you to master first the key, and then the rest of the terms and definitions. Also, it can be used as a cheat sheet in the process of learning and playing at the table.

Global events hosting participants from all over the world are also not complete without face-to-face communication, in which poker terminology plays a key role for mutual understanding.

A large proportion of the poker audience are Russian-speaking players, because the dictionary contains terms in poker in Russian. Many correspond to expressions generally accepted in world practice, while others differ markedly.

We tried to make training in poker terms and slang the most convenient and understandable for players of any age and level. All elements are arranged in alphabetical order, which makes it easier to search and are presented in Russian and English for better understanding in any situation.

ABC poker (ABC-poker) The starting level of the game, which every beginner must master in order to play plus at the micro limits. Calling-station A player who constantly calls in order to find out what will fall on the next street. Casino or poker room administrators (Administrators-casino) People who resolve all possible disputes (player-player, dealer-player). The decision of the administration is more important than the decision of the croupier. Activity, dynamism (Action) Dynamic decisions during the course of trading (many bets and re-raises in one game episode). Shark High-class poker player. Underdog A player who is far behind in a hand and has little chance of winning. For example, you will be an underdog when your opponent has already hit a flush on the flop, and you only got top pair. Underpair A hand pair under any card on the board. Ante A mandatory bet that is taken before the hand, designed to make the game go more dynamic (usually antes are taken only in the later stages of tournaments). Upswing White streak in the life of a poker player. Out (Out-wait) A card that will give 100% to win the hand. For example, you have a two-way straight waiting that gives you 8 outs.


Bubble The stage of a poker tournament when the last players who have not entered the prize zone leave it. After the bubble, each participant is guaranteed to win something. Bubble-boy (Bubble-boy) The main loser who was unlucky to fly out of the tournament one place before the prize zone. Badugi

1) A very young and very complex poker variety that originated in Asia. Here the player receives 4 cards in his hands, which can then be changed over the course of three rounds (you can ask for 4 new cards, or exchange one or more unnecessary ones). The participant in the distribution who has collected the lowest combination wins.

2) Four cards of different suits that do not form a pair.

Buy-in The amount that must be paid to play in a tournament. It forms the final total prize, although part of the money, a certain percentage (5% -10%), is kept by the institution for the services provided. Bank (Pot) The final cash prize in the hand, for which the players are fighting. Bankroll The amount of money a poker player is willing to spend on a game. Barrel (barrel) A bet placed without a decent combination. Button

1) A small, round plastic object that moves from one player to the next from left to right. This item indicates the place of the dealer in a given distribution. In home games, the card is dealt by the player who has the Button on it. In gambling houses, only the employee of the establishment hands over the cards, and in online poker, the process is controlled by special software (software).

2) The participant in the distribution to which the button has moved (it is also called, as we wrote earlier, the dealer).

Out of Position (OOP) Not having the last word on the auction among the players taking part in the distribution. No Limit or No Limit (No-Limit) Type of poker without limits on bets. In No Limit, you can bet as much as you want, but no more than the stated number of chips. The board book for this type of game is "Supersystem" from the legendary Doyle Brunson. Free-play Chance to see further cards absolutely free (without paying a single ruble to the bank). Free card (Free-Card) The card of the river or turn, which came out completely free (all participants in the distribution made a "check"). Useless-hand A guaranteed lost hand that won't really improve. Bet The starting bid for the auction. A bet that exceeds Bet is called a raise. Blind A bet that is forced to be placed before the start of a trading session. The next player after the dealer puts SB (Small Blind, MB), and one from him - BB (Big Blind, BB). Most often, the size of the BB (big blind) is 2 times the size of the SB (small blind). Blank, Empty, blank card (Blank) A card on the board that does not affect the hand in any way. For example, if the flop is 7 8 9♦, the 2♣ on the turn will be considered a blank card. Bluff (Bluff) An active game with constant attacks when there is no decent combination on hand. The goal pursued is to force the opponent to throw cards into the pass. Bluff-Catcher A weak hand that can only win with an outright bluff. Big Blind A larger forced bet that a player must place before the first round of betting. The starting round of trading ends on the BB. Big stack (Deep-stack) A large number of playing chips. Board or Board (Board) All five cards that the dealer lays out on the table in Omaha or Hold'em. Break-even or zero profit (Break-even) The result of the game, in which you did not play a plus, but also did not lose anything. In other words, they played to zero. Bring-in A forced bet that must be placed by the player with the lowest upcard in the stud. Broadway The highest possible straight (10♦ J♦ Q K A♠). Fast (Fast) Fast game with constant attacks (bets and raises), obvious aggression on your part. Bad-beat, big failure, Moving (Bad-Beat) Loss of obviously stronger hand (slang "moving"). Backdoor, Backdoor An unfinished combination that lacks two cards to complete. For example, you got two diamonds in your hand, another one came out on the flop, to close the flush it is necessary that diamonds also come out on the turn and river.


In position (In-position) The final word in the round of bidding. One-Gap A term that refers to Texas Hold'em. This is the starting hand, the cards of which have a difference of two units among themselves. For example, K-J, or 7-5. Value The advantage a player can derive from the strength of his hand. This term is the basis for creating all game strategies. Top-and-Bottom Your cards create two pairs with the strongest and weakest card on the board. Winrate The average success of a poker player in cash games. This indicator is expressed as BB / 100 and shows how much a player manages to win on average for 100 played hands. For no limit hold'em for 100 played hands, BB is Big Blinds, for limit hold'em - Big Bets. The win rate is calculated by the formula: Total win / (Total hands played / 100) / Big Blind value. For example, you played 20,000 hands of NL100 and won $400. Your win rate is: $400 / (20,000/100) / $1 = 2BB/100. Vod (Vod) Educational video content. Air (Air) A dummy hand that has no chance of success after the showdown. Blind-Steal Attacking the blinds from late position. VPIP (VPIP) The indicator by which the number of hands played preflop, when the player decided to invest in the pot, is displayed as a percentage. WPIP does not include cases in which a player managed to hit the flop by checking from the big blind. Time The willingness of the player to take extra time to make a decision. If a player has exceeded this time limit, then the dealer can send his cards to the fold. Showdown The final part of the hand, where the remaining players show their cards. The first to show his hand is the participant in the distribution, sitting first to the left of the button, then - clockwise. If in the last auction no one called someone's bet, then the distribution ends without a showdown. Second-Pair A pair formed with an average board card. For example, if you have 7-9, and after the first round of betting came 6-9-J, then you have a second pair. Second barrel (Double-barrel) A bet on the turn after the flop has been betting. A bet on the last round of betting (river) will count as the third barrel. Cripple Your hand consists of cards that other players are looking for. For example, let's say you got pocket aces and the flop came with two more aces. This means that you managed to "squeeze the deck." Departure, fly out (Out) Completion of the game in the tournament after losing all the chips. Suck-Out A moment in which you get very lucky and beat a stronger hand. Top Pair or Top Pair, Top Pair A pair that was formed with the strongest card on the board. For example, let's say you get A-10 and the flop shows A-9-3. This means that you currently have top pair. Value-bet A bet you make expecting a "call" from an opponent with a weaker hand.


Gutshot-Straight Incomplete straight (requires 1 more card to complete). For example, your hand is 7-9 and the flop is K-5-6. You have a gutshot (the eight completes the combo). Main pot or Central pot (Center-Pot) The main pot, different from side pots, which can be formed if several table participants with different stacks go to All-in at once. Complete-hand A completed strong hand that can become even stronger in the future. For example, the dealer gave you hand kings, and another king appeared on the flop. You have a made hand that can then turn into a Full House. Grinder An online multi-table player who is consistently profitable at a certain limit. RNG (RNG) stands for Random Number Generator. This is a program that makes sure that all the cards in the game fall out in a random (random) order.


Downswing or Downswing A black streak in a poker player's life. Double-suited An expression applied to the opening hand in Omaxa. Says that you received 2 cards of the same suit twice. For example, K 10 6 ♣ 7 ♣. Bilateral open street (Open-Ended-Straight-Draw) Waiting for a street from two sides at once. For example, let's say you have J-10 and the flop is 2-8-9. 4 queens and 4 sevens will close your straight on one side or the other. Jackpot Cash bonus. Most often in poker there are jackpots in the case of strong bad beats, and the jackpot itself goes to the loser. But usually, such bonuses are offered when dealing a minimum of four of a kind on a four of a kind, or a four of a kind on a straight flush. In some gambling houses, such jackpots are catching up with the $50 thousand mark. Range (Range) All possible hands that your opponent can theoretically have at the moment. For example, if a player decides to raise from the first hand, then his range of cards is hands of the first category (AA, KK, AK and QQ). Dealer An employee of the institution who deals cards to players and is responsible for the game process (they are also called croupiers). Online, the position of a dealer is formal, because the game process is fully monitored by programs. Discounted-outs Cards that can improve not only your hand, but also the hands of your opponents. Dog (Dog) Short for Underdog. Dominated-Hand This is when one player is ahead of the other with the same high cards due to a stronger kicker. For example, 1st with A ♣ J ♣ dominates 2nd with A ♠ 10 ♠. Donkbet A bet on the second round of betting that you made after a pre-flop raise by your opponent in position relative to you. In other words, first you called a raise, and on the flop you bet yourself from the first hand. Doper (Two-pair) Two pairs in the game. Extra blind (Extra-Blind) Mandatory bet of a player who has just joined the game, or changed his seat at the poker table (only applies to cash games). Supplement, complement (Supplement)

1) In Texas Holdem - from the Small Blind preflop to deliver the required number of chips to the Big Blind (only if none of the players made a raise).

2) In Stud, the opening raise in the opening round of betting.

Door-card The starting card revealed in a stud. Rank The value of a card, regardless of its suit. For example, "Ace", "Two". Draw-combination An unfinished combination that can increase significantly when the required card is dropped. For example, if you have 9-10 and the flop is 2-J-Q, then any K and 8 will give you a straight. Draw-poker (Draw-poker) Type of poker, where players have the opportunity to exchange received cards.


Gesture or Body Movement, Telsy (Tells) An involuntary gesture or some kind of movement by which you unconsciously give yourself away. Live Blind A forced pre-flop bet that is required from one or more people who have joined the game. The prefix "live" means that the player who posted the "Live Blind" during his speech has the right to raise. Live-card This term is mainly applicable to the Herd. Talks about those cards that are still in the deck or have not been revealed.


House An organization that has assumed responsibility for hosting a game. Screwed-down A poker player who has a very tight playing style. Hole Cards or Hole Cards, Hole-Cards Cards that a player receives from the dealer. Blind-defend Calling preflop bets in the position of the small or big blind. Protect

1) You can protect your cards from mixing with other cards by placing chips on them, or by covering them with your hand.

2) Confirm the opponent's bet in the blinds, thereby protecting the money that has already been brought into the game.


Game with a small number of players (Short-Handed-Game) A game in which 3 to 6 people take part. Easy-fold An easy pass that is done without any hesitation. Isolate-a-player Raise in order to remain together with the player who first bet in the hand in the future. Imitate (Represent) Demonstrate the game with a strong combination that you have not collected. For example, you raised preflop, an ace came on the flop, and you continue to bet, pretending to have an ace that you don't have in your hand. Initiative (Initiative) Owned by the player who attacked last in the previous round of the auction. Insta bet (Instant-bet) Instant bet, without hesitation, which was planned by default. ITM (ITM) "Zone of money" in tournaments. Short for "In The Money".


Four of a kind (Quads) Four identical cards. Pocket-Pair Two identical cards that were originally dealt to you by the dealer. Pocket cards (Pocket-cards) A synonym for hole cards and hole cards. These 2 cards were originally dealt to you by the croupier. Cut-off (Cuttof) Dealer, who sits first to the right of the dealer. This position at the gaming table is considered very successful, as this place often has the chance of the last word. Kicker (Kicker) A card that is not involved in building a combination, but which has a decisive role in the case of identical combinations of opponents (kicker plays in the following combinations: four of a kind, a pair, 2 pairs and a set). For example, you have K ♦ Q ♦ in your hand, Q ♣ 4 ♣ 5 ♠ 5 6 appeared on the board. In hands like this, if your opponent also has a queen, but with a weaker second card, you will win a kicker from him, making 2 pair with a K♦ kicker. Coin flip (Coin-flip) Approximately the same chance of success for players who decide to go all-in. Cold Call or Cold Call (Cold-Call) The ability to make several calls in one round of trading. For example, a player with the SB raised in the starting round of betting. This means that all the participants in the hand will have to make one more call (if they want to) in order to continue the fight for the pot, thereby calling several bets at once. Fluctuations (Variance) Fluctuations do not always indicate a high level of your game. A high level of fluctuation may indicate constant changes in capital. Wheel (Wheel) The smallest street (A-2-3-4-5). Here, the ace plays as the smallest card, which, in principle, is not typical for him. Call (Call) This action indicates the equalization of the initial rates of opponents. Calldown A strategy in which a player wants to reach the showdown as cheaply as possible, resorting only to checks and calls. Calling Station or Autokoller A low-level player who often calls bets but rarely folds or raises. Playing with such opponents is often very profitable. Deck A playing deck of poker cards (52) that does not contain a joker. Complete (Complete) Calling by the Small Blind (SB, SB) of the Big Blind (BB, BB) in the opening round of betting. Connector (Connector) Two or more cards that fell to you in sequential order. For example, 9♦ 10♠. Continuation of the player's aggression in the second round of betting. This means that if you are active preflop, then bet on the flop. Candy or Nuts (Nuts) The most powerful combination among all possible. For example, you have 9-10 and the board is 2-3-6-7-8 with no flush threat (no more than 2 cards of the same suit). Your maximum straight is the "candy" - an invincible combination in this case. Short Stack or Short-Stack The player with the fewest chips. Sometimes "shorty stacks" are called stacks in which there are less than 30 Big blinds. Blind Steal A pre-flop raise with a mediocre hand to force all opponents to fold. So you can get a bank created by MB and BB. Trading circle (Round-of-betting) A certain game period, passing from the issuance of cards by the dealer to the appearance of the flop, or the moment the situation on the board changes (appearance of new cards). It is also the exchange of cards in other games than Hold'em and Omaha. Cooler An unfortunate set of circumstances when you, having a strong hand, lost to an even stronger one, while not making a mistake in the game. Buy

1) Buy pot - play as a bluff, hoping that none of your opponents will call your bet and the whole pot will go to you.

2) Buy button - bet and raise so that the opponents sitting in front of you fold their cards, and you get the right to the final word.

Cap (Cap) The last, fourth attack (raise) in limit poker. In some gambling houses it is allowed to make a fifth raise. Cash game (Cash) Poker game for real money. Here, the players have the right to rebuy, and the initially agreed blinds no longer increase. Cashout (Cash-out) Cashing out money in a poker room.


LAG (Loose-aggressive) Loose-aggressive tactics for the game, which indicates maximum aggression in the majority of hands. Lead The starting bet after the flop appears. Leak A vulnerable spot in a poker player's game. Limit (Limit) 1) The maximum and minimum limits on bets in limit poker. 2) The cost of the blinds, or the amount of the maximum buy-in for entering the game. Limp (Limp) Confirmation of the player on the BB preflop bet. Limper The player in the hand who called the BB. Line (Line) Playing a hand with a specific tactical option. Lowball (Lowball-low-poker) A type of poker in which an exchange is allowed, where the smallest combination wins. Loose game (Loose) A strategy in which a table participant plays a large number of hands.


Small blind (Small-Blind) Mandatory preflop bet, which is usually 2 times less than the big blind. Maniac A super aggressive player who is used to constant raising and bluffing. Maniacs are not considered good players, but they can still be very dangerous opponents at the table. Suit (Suit) In total there are 4 suits of playing cards: diamonds, spades, clubs and hearts. Mathematical expectation or Expected profit (Expaction)

1) The amount you have a chance to win in a particular hand. For example, you pay $20 into a $100 pot with a combination that has a 25% chance of hitting and is sure to win. This means that in three cases out of four the combination will not be completed and you will lose, losing $60 in the end. But the fourth time the combination works, you will be able to win $100. Thus, on average, for 4 hands you will win $100-$60=$40, which gives an average win of $10 per hand. Ultimately, by backing a $20 bet, your expected value will be $10.

2) The amount that there is a chance to earn playing poker in a certain time period. For example, in 200 hours you managed to win $600. In this case, your expected value is $3/hour. Naturally, this amount does not mean guaranteed hourly earnings, because at some points you will lose, and sometimes, on the contrary, you will win more than usual. These data are averaged.

Dead money (Dead-money) This is the money that players have invested in the pot, subsequently dropped out of the hand. Place (Seat) That place at the gambling table, which is reserved for the player. Bottom Pair or Bottom Pair The pair that is formed with the weakest card on the board. For example, you were dealt K-2 and the flop came A-10-2. You have a younger couple. Monotone A hand in which the dealer dealt you 4 cards of the same suit (this term is used only in Omaha). Monster (Monster) A hand of special strength, which with a huge degree of probability will eventually be victorious. Monsterdraw A non-made combination that can turn into either a straight or a flush. МТТ (Multi-table-tournament) Tournament, which is held at a large number of gaming tables overnight. Simply put, this is a multi-table tournament. Muv (Move) Drawing on a certain tactic. Multipot A pot where more than two players play to win. Soft Call (Smooth-Call) Calling with a strong hand. Also, such behavior at the gambling table is called slowplay. For example, you flop a high street, the player in front of you makes a bet to which you answer with a soft call in order not to frighten anyone.


Nuts, sweetie (Best-Nuts) The strongest combination at the moment among all possible. Unprofitable-Position Any position where you need to make a move before your opponent. Unraised-pot A hand that has not been raised. Lower-straight A straight made up of four cards from the board and your hole card. The hole card is the lowest in the final straight. Low-card Any 8, 2, and A that goes into a low hand (this term only applies to Omaha Hi-Lo and Stud Hi-Lo). Nit A poker player who only fights monster hands preflop and also plays candy postflop. Notes Notes on the opponent's game that were taken at the poker table.


Outran Win. For example: “Someone beat your straight when they made a full house on the last card.” Reverse-domination Texas Holdem is dominated by the player who has the same high card as you, but a stronger kicker. In the case when you caught a pair on a card that the dominant does not have, then such a game moment will be called “Reverse Dominance”. Example: K-7 against Villain's K-Q and the flop came 7-4-2. Reverse Implied Odds In order to calculate the theoretical odds, possible returns are added to the pot. If the poker player decides that playing further rounds of betting will result in a loss, then he calculates the reverse implied odds. In this scenario, the amount of possible income is taken away from the bank, after which they begin to calculate the odds. Community-Cards Community cards that are laid out on the board and used by all players at the poker table. Regular-game A synonym for a cash game played with real money rather than tournament chips. Overbet A bet that exceeds the amount in the pot. Overcard Your pocket card, which is higher than any card on the board. Example: your hand is K-10 and the flop shows J-9-3. Your king is an overcard. Overcall Calling a bet after it has already been called by other players in this round of betting. Overlay This is the difference between the tournament's cash guarantee value and the total amount of buy-ins made by players. This concept is typical for "Events with an overlay", where the amount of entry fees of participants does not cover the promised guarantee. Overlimping The limping of a player after at least one limper has already appeared in the hand (this action is typical of preflop play). Overpair Your pocket pair, which will be higher than all cards on the board. For example, your pair of hand kings is an overpair on a Q-10-3 flop. One suit (Suited) Suited cards (diamonds, clubs, hearts, spades). Suited-cards Used in Omaha when the dealer has dealt you 2 suited cards and 2 other suits. For example: K♦ 10♦ K J♣. Expected-Value or EB/EV (Expected-Value) The expected gain from a certain action in the game. All-in A player's decision to bet all his chips, after which he ceases to participate in the auction and waits for the showdown. Omaha (Omaha) A popular type of poker, where all players are dealt 4 cards into their hands. The final hand is formed by 2 pocket cards and 3 board cards. All other rules are the same as in Texas Holdem. Open raise (Open-raise) The beginning of the course of trading with a raise. Open-pair A pair that has formed on the board.


Overlain-outs Outs that do not give you an advantage, but rather, only reduce the chances of an eventual victory. For example, you have 7♠ 8♠ and the board is 2♣ 9♣ 10♦. You lose even a pair of tens, and to win, you need to collect a straight. At first glance, you have 8 outs on an open-ended straight, but there are 2 cards - 6♣ and J♣ - that can close your opponent's flush. Therefore, these 2 cards are overlapped outs, which should be drawn when calculating the chances of winning. You end up with 6 outs. Playmoney Chips that are used to play for fun (without money). Side-Pot A pot for which one of the participants is no longer fighting, since he no longer has chips left to play. For example, player 1 bet $10, player 2 called $10, and player 3 moved all-in for $6. As a result, one general bank for $18 is formed, in which all players take part and a side one, for $8, for which the 3rd one no longer fights. Under-the-gun The position of a player at the table when he has to go first in a bid. For example, on the preflop, the player sitting to the left of the BB is “under the gun”. Counterfeit A hand in which one of the cards on the board duplicates your card, thereby leveling its value. For example, the dealer dealt you 9-10, the flop came out J-Q-K, forming a straight for you. But then the turn showed a ten, thereby significantly weakening your hand (any ace already makes a high straight, and with any other nine - a pot split). Rise (Climb-Upswing) Successful series of games. Basically, during such a period, players are very lucky and they win more than usual. Position (Position) The location of the player at the poker table relative to the button (dealer). The most profitable position is on the button, because if you do not take into account the game on the preflop, you will have the final say in all other rounds of betting. Poker tracker or PT (Pokertracker) Computer software whose task is to track played hands. The poker tracker conducts a detailed analysis of both your game and the game of your opponents. Full game (Full-ring) Table for 9-10 players. Full hand (Completed-Hand) A ready-made combination in which 5 cards took part at once - royal flush, straight flush, full house, straight and flush. Lay-down Fold a strong combination, realizing that the opponent's hand is even stronger. Semi-Bluff An attack with a mediocre hand that still has a chance to improve (straight draw or flush draw). The point of a semi-bluff is to try to knock out all the players, and if someone calls your bet, there will still be a chance to win the pot by improving the hand on a further street. Last card (Case) A card of a certain denomination, remaining last in the playing deck. For example, the flop was Q-9-2, you had a pair of hand nines, and your opponent had a pair of hand queens. But the turn came the last nine, thanks to which your four of a kind beat the opponent's higher Full House. Post or Post Blind (Post) If you have just joined a cash game, you will be asked to make a mandatory bet - the blind. Also, a similar request can be addressed to players who change their position at the table in an attempt to avoid posting blinds. Postflop (Postflop) Further draw, after the opening of the first three cards of the board. Pot-control A neat strategy for playing a hand where there is no room for inflating the pot. Pot-limit (Pot-limit) One of the types of poker in which the maximum bet cannot exceed the pot. For example, if there is $20 in the pot, then your maximum bet is also $20. Potentially-win-hand A mediocre hand that has a good chance of improving. For example, A-10 when J-10-3 is on the board. Implied-Odds The ratio of the final pot you are counting on (if you still manage to collect the necessary combination) to the bet that you need to make in order to continue participating in the auction. For example, on the flop you call looking for a flush, even though the pot odds are slightly different than 4 to 1 (25% to hit the flush). You understand that on the river you will be able to draw money from your opponent only if the combination closes (a flush falls out). Pre-flop (Preflop) The first round of betting begins immediately after the croupier has dealt the cards to the players, and the flop has not yet appeared. Implied odds (Long-odds) These odds are calculated based not on the amount that is currently in the pot, but on the amount of the pot that will be collected after the final round of trading. Drawn hand (Come-Hand) An unfinished combination (it is believed that this concept has migrated to poker from a game of dice). Check (Pay-Off) Call a bet when you think your hand is weaker than your opponent's, but the amount of money in the pot allows you to call. For example: "My opponent made a flush, but I hit a set from the very beginning, so I decided to show it." Sell ​​(Sell) In a variation of Spread-limit poker, you will not bet maximum when playing a strong hand, in the hope that there will be more colors for such a bet than if you put the maximum allowable bet. Continuation-Bet-CBet A bet on the flop from an opponent who attacked last preflop. Busted-hand A hand that has zero chance of winning at showdown. Rugget A flop that by and large didn't create a hand for any of the players. For example, a Q♦ 7♣ 2 flop could be empty (since there are no flush, straight, or full house options). Push (Push) The strategy of playing all-in with a short stack (typical for tournaments). PFR (PFR-Pre-flop-raise) The value of pre-flop raises as a percentage. Pat (Pat) Drawing a hand without making exchanges (the term is used only in Draw poker). Five-card draw poker (Five-Card-Draw) A popular form of poker in which the dealer deals five cards to the player, which he can change over several rounds to collect the desired combination.


Rainbow (Rainbow) A board containing no more than two cards of the same suit (meaning there is no Flush option). Split-Two-Pair A hand in which each of your hole cards pairs with the cards on the board. For example, your J-Q made a broken two pair with a J-Q-7 flop. A situation where the flop would be Q-4-4 does not create a broken two pair. Distribution, hand (handing)

1) The gameplay from the deal of the cards to the dealer to the transfer of the bank to the winner, after which the button moves.

2) The best combination of five cards (both closed, dealt by the dealer, and common, caught on the board).

Bank Split (Split-Pot) A pot that is divided between several players in the case when they managed to collect the same combinations. Offsuit cards (Offsuit) Several cards of different suits. For example, 9 7♦. Play the board, play the table (Play-the-Board) Reveal at the moment when your combination is on the table. For example, let's say you have hand threes and the board is K-K-A-A-9. In such hands, you should remember that if you decide to "play the board", then at best you are waiting for a split pot. Runner-up or silver medalist (Runner-up) The final second place in a poker event (tournament). Runner - An unprepared combination that will only come together if the right cards come up on the turn and river. For example, the dealer dealt you A♦2♦, but only one diamond came out on the flop. You will get a runner-runner flush if the turn and river also come with diamonds. Re-buy The opportunity to buy more chips in a tournament after the stack has become less than the initial value. Basically, after the rebuy, you are given the same number of chips as at the beginning of the tournament, and the rebuy amount does not exceed the entry fee. Regular A poker professional. Raise Raising a bet made before you. Rake or house share (Rake) A certain percentage that a poker room takes from the bank. Re-Raise Raising a raise made before you. Restealing A reraise from the player in the blind to defend their mandatory bet. River The final, fifth card of the board. Ring game (Ring-game) A game in which there is no increase in both ante and blinds, to which you can join (exactly as well as leave) at any time. ROI (ROI-Return-of-Investment) A characteristic by which the player's success in poker tournaments is displayed as a percentage (the ratio of the sum of buy-ins to the sum of the total prize money). Hand (Hand) The cards that the player received. Middle-hand A hand that makes it difficult to decide whether to play or fold. Fish or fish (The-Fish) Weak poker player.


Satellite (Satellite) Qualifying round with a small Buy-in to a larger tournament. Mucked cards, played cards (Muck) Cards that are out of the game. Sometimes it happens that the player's unprotected cards touch the played cards, after which the croupier has the right to force the card data to be discarded. Family-Pot A pot that all (or almost all) players try to call preflop. Set (Set) Three identical cards. A set creates a pocket pair and a card of the same value from the board. Burn Card or Burn-Card Discard the first card from the deck face down (not visible). This is usually done between rounds or before the deal, so that the backer cannot determine the next card. Strong Ace (Strong-Ace) The case when the dealer dealt an ace with a high kicker into your hand. Rock A poker player who is used to playing very carefully, but at the same time quite straightforward. The vast majority of the time you will see him raise when he has a very strong hand. Such players are predictable: if the rock decides to raise your bet in the last round of betting, then without a “candy”, you can safely fold. Squeeze A reraise in the opening round of betting (pre-flop) after one player has raised and the other has called. The purpose of a squeeze is to take a good pot before the fleet appears, putting a lot of pressure on your opponents. Scoop The division of the pot into top (high) and bottom (low). Break or Accident (Crack) Break a strong combination. This expression is most often applied to hand aces that end up losing. For example: "My hand aces were outbid for the fourth time in today's game." Slow play or slow play (Slow-Play) The tactic of carefully playing a strong hand in order to draw as many players into the pot as possible. Slowroll The unhurried showdown of a winning hand in live play with the aim of making fun of your opponent. SnG (SnG) Type of poker tournaments, the start of which is scheduled at the time of recruitment of a certain number of applicants. Collect holey "inside" street (Inside-Straight-Draw) Try to catch a certain card on the board, which will close the street. For example, you get 8-6 and the flop comes A-9-5. You need a seven to come up for the holey straight to complete. This straight is also called a gutshot. Recession, decline (Recession) A streak of bad luck. At these moments, the player loses much more often than usual. Such prolonged declines can lead to a deterioration in the game. Split Pot or Split-Bank The money that ends up in the pot will be divided among several players who showed the same hands at showdown. Spread limit or betting split (Spread-limit) Bets that are allowed only in a certain period. For example, if you play with a spread limit of $10-$15, this means that you can bet from $10 to $15 in each betting round. Middle Ace (Middle-Ace) The case when the dealer dealt you an ace with a middle kicker. Middle pair (Middle-Pair) Pair, which was formed with the second most important card of the flop. Middle-position The average distance from the dealer at the game table (usually at a table for 9-10 people, the middle position is 4-6 places to the left of the BB). Bet-Rate The initial action in a betting round where you bet a certain amount into the pot. Partial bet (String-bet) A technical error, when a player, declaring a raise, did not transfer the required number of announced chips to the pot. In such cases, other participants in the hand may require the croupier to accept this bet as a call. This is done so that the player does not deviate from the rules of poker ethics, initially making a regular call, but noticing a certain reaction of other players, he suddenly announces a raise. Bets from the table (Table-Stakes) This rule says that the player can only bet those chips that are in front of him at the gaming table. Buying new chips and introducing them into the pot during the deal is strictly prohibited. Stud Several types of poker where the player is dealt both face down and face up cards. The most popular variation is Seven-card stud. Top Pairs (Top-Two) The case when your two cards form two pairs with the highest cards on the board. Top triplet or top three (Top-Set) The maximum possible three of the same cards. For example, you get pocket kings and the flop is K-7-6. This means that you have formed a senior triplet. Steal (Att-to-steal) A characteristic that, in percentage terms, indicates the successful stealing of the blinds from position (from the button or cutoff). Steam, steam (Steam) Suppressed morale after an unfortunate failure, which can lead to further rash actions and the final loss. Synonym for tilt. Stop-and-go A tactic when you called pre-flop and no matter what three cards the flop showed, you automatically go all-in on the second round of betting. Stradle (Stradle) An optional bet before the cards are dealt immediately after the BB, which is 2 times the value of the BB. Roughly speaking, this is a raise in the dark, after which players who want to stay in the auction must pay twice the amount of the big blind. Also, the player who placed Straddle gets the last word in the first round of bidding. This option is only available in cash games. Scary Card or Scary Card (Scare-Card) A card that can level the strength of your hand. For example, you are dealt J-9, the flop is 10-K-Q. If a jack appears on the turn, then it will be that “terrible card” for you, because your hand after it will most likely be a losing one. Straight (Straight) 5 cards in a row. For example, 3-4-5-6-7 or 9-10-J-Q-K. Straight-Draw An unfinished hand that needs one more card to make a straight. Straight-flush 5 cards of the same suit in a row. For example, 6♦ 7♦ 8♦ 9♦ 10♦. Structured The term applies to a fixed rate structure. This is a certain allowable amount for bets and raises in the first and second rounds of betting, and twice the amount of bets and raises in the third and fourth rounds of betting. For example, if you are playing Texas Holdem with a $5-$10 structure, you can bet and raise $5 preflop and flop, and $10 on turn and river. Stack, stack (Stack) The total number of chips that are in front of the player at the gaming table. Dry flop (Broken-fall) The first three cards of the board that do not make it possible to collect either a straight or a flush.


TAG (Tight-aggressive) A certain playing style when a poker player is characterized by aggression only when playing monster hands (tight-aggressive style). Time-tells The amount of time a player needs to make a decision in poker. Tight Play A very neat strategy that involves only getting into a fight with very strong hands while medium to weak hands fold without hesitation. Third-barrel Bluffing in the final round of betting, preceded by a bluff on the flop and turn. Triplet, trips (Trips) Three identical cards, 1 of which is in your hand, and 2 are on the board. Draw-Dead An attempt to make a hand that will eventually lose anyway. For example, you want to make a straight while your opponent has a ready flash.


Street (Street) One of the rounds of bidding. Walk or walk (Walk) A game moment when in the starting round of betting (preflop) each participant in the distribution folds and the person sitting in the place of BB takes the SB without a fight. Level of blinds (Level-blinds) Indicates the size of forced bets (Big blind and Small Blind) preflop. In poker events, the blinds increase after a certain amount of time. UTG, Under the gun (Undo-the-gun) The most disadvantageous place at the gambling table is the first player to the left of BB. It is he who will start trading in the first round.


Favorite (Favorite) A good combination, which in percentage terms has the best chance of success. Final table (Final-table) The last tournament table, which is formed by 9-10 best participants. It is they who play for the title of champion and the largest prize money. Fish, fish (Fish) A very weak poker player. Chip A monetary value used in poker. Flush A combination created by five cards of the same suit. Flash-dro An unfinished combination of four suited cards. To complete it, you need to catch 1 more card of the same suit. Royal-flash The strongest combination in poker, it is also called "royal". 10 ♦ J ♦ Q ♦ K ♦ A ♦ - diamond royal flush. Float A quality technique where we first call with a bad hand or no hand at all on an opponent's bet in order to bluff steal the pot on the next streets. Flop (Flop)

1) The first three cards on the board (in Hold'em and Omaha).

2) The next round of betting after the preflop game.

Foul A hand that, for a number of reasons, cannot continue in further play. A player with such a hand is automatically out of the fight for the pot. For example, after the flop appeared, the player had three cards in his hand, for which the dealer decided to declare this hand spoiled. Fold or pass (Fold) The case when a player voluntarily refuses to fight for the pot and folds his cards. Fold-equity A certain chance that all players sitting behind you will fold their cards. Free play (Free-play-check) The opportunity to get into the next round of betting by check. Freeze-out A poker tournament in which a player is not eligible for a rebuy and is eliminated immediately after losing all of their chips. Freeroll

1) The chance to win without risking anything.

2) Free poker tournament, for participation in which you do not need to pay a buy-in.

Full house (Full-house) "Full house", a combination that includes a set (three of a kind) and a pair.


High-Roller A player who plays at high stakes. Hit (Hit) The desire to see the necessary cards on the flop. For example, if you hold aces and the flop comes another one, it's a hit. Hold'em

1) Short for Texas Holdem.

2) Many varieties of poker, where the same combinations are used. The most popular are Texas Holdem and Omaha.

Cold deck (Cold-deck) A moment of confrontation between a strong hand and a hand that can beat it thanks to some high cards. For example, player 1 has hand jacks, player 2 has Q-K, the flop is K-K-J. Player 1 has a complete full house, while player 2 only has a set that can still improve to a stronger full house. Heads-up or head-to-head game (Heads-Up) The final stage of the tournament, in which only 2 best participants remain and they play head-to-head. Also, heads-up is a 1 on 1 game in the cash game, when only 2 opponents initially showed up.


Price Your chances of winning the pot after calling with an unfinished hand. For example, I decided to call a bet looking for a flush because the pot was big. Equity Your theoretical share of the pot. For example, the pot was $100 and you received 25% of his winnings. This indicates that the value of this hand is $25. In reality, you will either win $100 or lose it, so this value only tells you the “implied” amount of winnings.


Tip (Toke) A certain amount of money that a player thanks the croupier after winning the pot. Tipping is only applicable for cash games. Check (Check) If there were no active actions before you (bet or raise), then you get the right to “check”, thereby moving to the next round of betting for free. Check-behind The second consecutive check in a particular trading round. Check/call (Check-Call) This option implies an initial check and a further call in case one of the players decides to bet anyway. Check-Raise The initial check, after which you answer your opponent's bet with a raise (if any). Chipleader The player in the tournament with the most chips. Q number (Q-factor) The ratio of your stack to the average stack at this stage of the tournament. M number (M-factor) The ratio of your stack to the total value of the antes and blinds at this stage of the tournament.


Odds The probability of winning versus the probability of losing. If you have 75% to succeed, then you have 25% to lose. Your odds are 75:25 or 3:1. This means that for every 3 successful hands you will lose 1 time. Pot-Odds The current value of the pot relative to how much you still need to deposit into it to continue playing. The higher the pot odds, the better for you. Shark, shark (Poker-shark) A great poker player. The complete opposite of fish. Short stack (Short-stack-poker) A short stack, on average consisting of 20 BB. Short hand (Short-handed) A table at which 5-6 people play at the same time. Show-down A signal for players to show their cards after betting on the river.


Add-on, Add-on Last chance to rebuy in a tournament where re-buys are possible. Usually, the player is offered more chips for a fixed amount (often during add-ons, the player is given 2 times more chips from the original stack). Edge (Edge) Advantage over the opponent, expressed in mathematical form. Equity (Equity-poker) The odds of success multiplied by the amount of money in the pot. For example, you have a 25% chance to win a $50 pot. Your equity is $12.5.

The dictionary of poker terms contains many words that are incomprehensible to the average layman. A beginner does not need to learn everything at once. In the course of training and practice, he himself will gradually replenish his vocabulary. But, since you should first understand the theory, and then start playing, a basic knowledge of poker terminology is necessary for every novice poker player.

Below are all sorts of words that you may come across in educational books and articles, while playing or communicating with other, more experienced players. It will come in handy when you come across an unfamiliar word. For convenience, we suggest you download the poker dictionary to always have the necessary information at hand. We have tried to pick up the most popular terms in poker and explain them as simply as possible. Also, our poker dictionary is regularly updated and supplemented with new concepts.

Prompt: to quickly search the page, press "Ctrl + F" on the keyboard and start typing a word in the window that appears (often in the upper right corner of the window or at the bottom of the page). It will show you where it occurs in the text. This makes it easier to find the poker terms you need.

Poker terms in alphabetical order


ABC poker (ABC poker)- the basic and simplest strategy of the game.

Answering machine- from the phrase Calling station (telephone station). A player who frequently accepts bets from opponents but rarely folds and rarely raises.

Add-on, addon (Add-on)– additional purchase of chips in tournaments at the end of the rebuy period.

Adjustment, adjustment- adaptation to the game of another player.

Shark- a strong good player.

Underdog A hand that has very little chance of winning.

Underpair A pocket pair that is the least raged of all the cards on the flop. Example: you have a pocket of eights, and the flop is 10, Q, A - you have an underpair.

Anna Kournikova- in poker, in honor of this tennis player, the hand is called AK (ace-king). Just like the athlete, this hand looks good, but often loses.

Ante (Ante)- a mandatory bet in tournament poker.

Upswing or Upswing (Upswing)- during it, players usually win a lot of hands.

Out (Out)– cards that complete an incomplete hand (straight draw, flush draw…).

Affiliate- a partner of the poker room, which attracts new players to it, for which he receives his percentage.

A-high (A-high)- when the player does not have any combinations and he wins by the highest ace.


Bubble– the stage of approaching the prize places in the tournament (MTT or CIS). As a rule, in a more or less large tournament, the bubble comes 5-10 people before the money. For example, there are 100 prize places in the tournament, which means that the bubble period will begin when 105-110 people remain in the game and it will last until the 101st one takes off.

Bubble boy– the player who busted out of the tournament on the bubble (the last one before the start of the prize payouts).

Buy-in (Buy-in)– tournament fee, which is included in the prize money.

Bumhunter (Bumhunter)- a player whose main goal is to find fish and weak players and play only with them at the tables. Bumhunting is one of the important elements of table selection.

Bumhunting (Bumhunting)- search for games on tables exclusively with fish

Bank (Pot)- chips placed by players as bets, for which there is a struggle in the distribution.

Bankroll (Bankroll)- money won or made in the form of a deposit, which the poker player has for playing.

Bankroll management (BRM)- a way to manage the bankroll, allowing you to minimize risks.

Barrel- a continuation bet on the flop (often meaning a bet from a player who does not have a strong combination).

Button– position in front of the small and big blinds. Counts .

Bounty- a reward for knocking out a player in a tournament (accrued when a player loses all his chips to you).

Bet- the first bid in the bidding round.

Free card- when players do not make bets go to the next round of betting. In fact, you are given the chance to see another card without paying for it.

Bet/fold- a situation where a player wants to take the pot without having a strong hand. If one of the opponents raises, the player folds.

Bonus hunting– hunting for various bonuses in poker rooms (no deposit bonuses, first deposit bonuses, etc.).

Blind- In each hand, two players (small and big blind) post a mandatory bet. Most often, the small blind bets half as much as the big blind (although there are also the same bets for both).

Blank card- this is the name of the card that came after the flop and did not improve the player's combination.



Gutshot– a straight draw with four outs (for example, you have collected 3-4-6-7 (together with the cards on the board). A five is not enough for a straight, of which there are only 4 in the deck).

Gambler is a professional poker player. Usually gamblers play NL100 and higher with a stable win rate of 3-4 BB/100 and higher.

Grinder (rounder) is a player who plays a lot and confidently beats his limit.

RNG- random number generator. Used by online poker rooms for the purpose of shuffling cards in the same way as in live poker (preserving the principle of randomness).

GTO (GTO, Game Theoretical Optimum)- game theoretical optimum, that is, the optimal game in poker based on the Nash equilibrium.


Downswing or Downstreak- a long period of time when the player almost does not win. It often puts psychological pressure on the poker player and can introduce an inexperienced player into tilt.

Range, spectrum, range (from English Range) is the opponent's implied hand.

Dispersion- this is the difference between the mathematically expected gain and the real one at a distance.

Distance- a large number of played hands, which makes it possible to objectively evaluate the player's strategy or success.

Dominated hand- a hand that hits the kicker under the dominance of the opponent's hand. Example: you have KQ, your opponent has KA, your hand is king dominated.

Don (Double or Nothing)- a tournament in which there are half as many prizes as there are participants, and the prize fund is evenly distributed among the winners.

Donkbet (Donkbet)- the player's bet on the flop, after he called preflop, and before the preflop aggressor showed initiative on the flop. Example: the button raises, you call in the BB and immediately bet on the flop (donk bet).

Doper (Two pair)- two pairs.

Wood burning board– a board with various draw combinations (straight draw, flush draw). For example, 6♦5♦2♣ or K♣Q♦8 .

holey street– straight draw with 4 outs. In the case when the cards involved in the distribution make up a sequence similar to 6-7-9-T, they can be called a holey straight, since only 1 card (any of the 4 eights) is needed to build a combination.


EPT (EPT, European Poker Tour) is the largest and most popular series of live poker tournaments that took place across Europe from 2007 to 2016 (inclusive). In 2016, the organizing company of the series carried out a rebranding. An analogue of the EPT series is called PokerStars Championship and PokerStars Festival. UPD: Since 2018, the EPT series has returned to its original name.


Live Events - Tournaments that are played live, i.e. offline tournaments.


Zoom Poker (Zoom) - a kind of cash poker at PokerStars, which features a quick transfer to another table when discarding cards or after the end of the distribution in which you participate. In this game, the players change every hand.


Easy fold- an easy pass, no doubt.

Isolate or isolate raise- a high bet by a player in response to a bet by another (often weak) player at the table, after which everyone else folds, except for the one who made the bet originally. In essence, the purpose of such an action is to "isolate the player" - to stay with a certain opponent in the hand of two and force everyone else to fold.

Insta bet (Instant bet)- quick bet without hesitation.

ITM, ITM (In The Money)- prizes in the tournament.


Pocket Pair- a pair in the player's hand


LAH (Loose-aggressive)– Loose-aggressive style of play. LAGs are called players who play in this style.

Layout (layout)- skin (decoration) of the table in online poker.

Lead- the first bet on the flop in an unraised pot.

Leak- player's weak point. Leaks are often repeated mistakes of players. Looking for leaks is important not only in your opponent's game, but also in your own game.

Limp (Limp)- Calling the big blind preflop.

Limper (Limper)- A player who limps.

Ludomania, ludomania- unhealthy dependence on gambling, which is accompanied by inadequate gambling with the loss of money, loss of social ties and spiritual values.

Loose style- a style of play in which a player plays a lot of hands and, in connection with this, there are a large number of complex and ambiguous situations. The loose style is considered to be more creative than the tight style, but it also requires a better understanding of the mechanics of the game.


Mining, datamining (Data Mining)– collection of played hands (hands) in the poker room. It is used by players who want to gain an advantage over their opponents due to the distributions (information) received. Sold by various sites and banned in poker rooms, is regarded as a scam.

Small blind (SB)– the smaller of the two mandatory bets. The position of the player at the table between the button and the BB.

Maniac- A poker player who plays very aggressively and plays almost all of his hole cards.

Mat. expectation (mathematical expectation)- the average benefit from a particular decision, provided that such a decision can be considered in the framework of the theory of large numbers and a long distance.

Dead money- the part of the chips in the pot, bet by players who have already folded their cards and are not participating in the distribution.

Metagame- a concept that characterizes the decision-making of players based not on mathematical principles, but on psychological ones.

Misclick- an accidental wrong click in online poker that led to an unplanned action during the game (accidental acceptance of an all-in bet, accidental fold).

monster draw- a strong hand that has a large number of outs to improve. For example, let's say you have K♦Q♦ on a J♦T♦2 flop. In addition to a flush draw (9 outs) and a straight draw (6 outs), you have 2 more overcards that can also win.

MTT (Multi-table tournament)– multi-table tournament, which is held at 2 or more tables at the same time.

Multi-accounting– creation of more than one account by a player in one poker room (not allowed in poker rooms).

Multitabling- the game of one player at several tables in online poker at the same time.

Multipot- a bank in which more than 2 players take part.



Overbet– a bet that exceeds the current size of the pot.

Overcard (Overcard)- one or two hole cards that are higher than all the cards on the flop. For example, if you are holding A7 and the flop is J68, then you will have an ace overcard, since it is higher than the highest card on the flop (Jack). The same would be true if you had a king or a queen.

Overlay– the difference between the guaranteed prize pool and the buy-ins made, in case the guarantee has not been beaten. That is, this is the amount that the organizers of the tournament will have to add to the paid-in buy-ins in order to ensure the promised prize pool. Playing in tournaments with overlays is considered a plus.

Overlimping– limping preflop after at least one limper.

Overpair- a pocket pair that is higher than all the cards on the flop. Example, we have JJ, the flop is T34.

Overset- senior set. Example: player 1 has a set of tens with pocket TT (overset) on the T82 board, while player 2 also has a set, but with 88 in hand.

Omaha (Omaha)- one of the varieties of poker. In Omaha, each player is dealt 4 hole cards (not 2, as in hold'em). Only 2 pocket and 3 community cards are involved in creating combinations. The rest of the rules are similar to those of Texas Hold'em.

Open raise (Open raise)- the first raise at the table.


Playmoney (Playmoney)- game chips (game currency, which, as a rule, is not converted into real money). Designed to play "for fun" (for fun).

Side Pot- a bank for which only those players who have chips fight for. As a rule, it is played when a short stack or several short stacks went all-in. Example: Player 1 bets $5, Players 2 and 3 call, but Player 3 only has $3, so he calls with his entire remaining stack. As a result, player 3 will only fight for the main pot of $9 ($3 from each player), and the side pot of $4 will go to one of the two players who have chips left. Player 3 cannot claim it.


Nash equilibrium- a situation in poker in which a change in the strategy of one player does not increase his winnings if the other players leave their strategies unchanged.

Offsuit cards (Offsuit)- two cards of different suits. Example: T♦9 or 7♣2♠.

Runner-Up- the player who took 2nd place in the tournament. The so-called silver medalist of the event.

Runner-runner draw (Runner-Runner draw)- a situation in the distribution in which suitable cards must come on the turn and on the river in order for the combination to be formed. For example, you have A K , the flop is T 8♣2♣, to hit the flush, two hearts must come on the turn and river, then you will have a runner-runner flush. Or if you have a 9.6, the flop comes 7-5-X, the turn hits a 10, and the 8 hits the straight on the river, you have a runner-runner straight.


Sizing, bet sizing- the size of the stakes. When bet sizing, you need to take into account odds - the chances of winning, as well as the number of players participating in the hand.

Satellite (Satellite)- a qualifying, qualifying tournament in which vouchers or tickets to a more expensive event are raffled off as a prize.

Set- three cards of the same rank, two of which are pocket cards. For example, if you have a pocket of sixes and the flop comes 5-6-9, then you have a set of sixes.

Squeeze– 3-bet preflop after raising and calling (one or more).

Skill– level, qualification of the player.

Slow play (Slow Play)- a technique, the purpose of which is to trap an opponent, while having a very strong combination or nuts.

Slowroll– a deliberate slow decision with a strong hand. In poker circles, it is perceived by many poker players as an unethical act.

SNG (Sit "n" Go or SnG)- a tournament that starts when the required number of participants is recruited.

Snap Call– quick call without thinking.

Split Pot- the division of the bank between the players who showed the same strength combinations at the showdown. The deal also occurs if the strongest combination is on the table.

SPR (SPR, from English Stack-to-Pot Ratio)- the ratio of the effective stack to the pot or the ratio of risk to reward.

Average stack- the ratio of the number of all chips in the tournament to the number of remaining players.

Middle pair– the middle of the possible pair or a pair that is not an overpair or a top pair. Example: you have JT. On the AJ2 flop you have a middle pair of jacks.

Middle position (Middle position or MP)- the average position at the table relative to the button. With a full 9-max table: 4-6 positions after the BB, with a short (6-max): 2-3 position.

Stud- one of the varieties of poker.

High card is the weakest hand in poker. When players do not have a combination of "pair" or higher, then the victory goes to the one who has the highest card. Example: player 1 has 2.5 in hand, player 2 has 6.K and T-4-9-3-Q on the board. None of the players made a combination of a pair or higher, so the pot goes to player 2, who has the highest card K (king). His combination will be: T-9-Q-6-K.

Stats- statistical indicators that are displayed in a special auxiliary poker software (not allowed in all poker rooms) and which provide additional information about opponents.

Stack- chips or money that are available to the player at the table.

Steal (Att to steal)- Blind stealing. It is generally accepted that if a player opens from the cut-off or the button, then he wants to steal (lay out) the blinds.

Straddle- an optional blind, which is blindly placed at the personal request and discretion of the player following the BB. Straddle size - BBx2. Straddle is allowed in live cash games, but only if it has been agreed in advance or no one at the table is opposed to such an action.

Big stack strategy (BSS, BSS)- the informal name of the strategy for playing with a stack of 100bb. Stands for Big Stack Strategy. The name is taken as the opposite of SSS.

Short Stack Strategy (SSS, SSS)– tips on how to make better decisions in short stack poker. The name comes from the English Small Stack Strategy or SSS for short.

Medium stack strategy (MCS, MSS)- a strategy designed for profitable play in no-limit hold'em at cash tables. It is something between BSS and SSS, as it is applicable when playing with an average, and not a short or maximum allowable stack. Like BSS and SSS, the name of the MSS strategy comes from the English Middle Stack Strategy.

Stop and go (Stop and go)- a tactic: a player calls preflop and goes all-in on any flop.

Stop Loss- a psychological trick, the essence of which is that the poker player stops playing after losing a certain amount of money or part of the bankroll in order to avoid big losses. It is believed that the stop loss especially helps players during the period of tilt.

Streak- a streak of game luck or bad luck.

Street (Straight)- five consecutive cards.

Straight Draw- an unmade hand, which, if you add the right one card, forms a straight. Example: we have QJ, the flop is T92. If a K or an 8 comes, you get a straight. So you have.

Straight flush (Straight-flush)- one of the strongest poker combinations - a straight of cards of the same suit. Example, T♦9♦8♦7♦6♦.

Supernova Elite- used to be the highest status in the PokerStars VIP system. Now all statuses are abolished.

Super High Rollers- poker players who play at very high stakes.

Dry flop (Broken fall)- a flop with neither a straight draw nor a flush draw.


TAG (Tight aggressive)– A tight-aggressive style of play where a player plays quite aggressively a certain small range of hands.

Time bank– additional reserve time for making a decision, which is allocated to each player at the table.

Tight game (Tight)- a game in which a player only plays strong hands and does not show much aggression.

Table selection- selection of the most profitable poker tables (that is, with the presence of at least one fish). You can select (choose) tables by adhering to certain rules, for example, sit down to play with at least two fish at the table or choose a game where there are as few extended stacks as possible.

Turn- the fourth card on the flop in Omaha and Texas Hold'em. Some people pronounce the turn like "turn", "turn" or "turn".

TPTK– Short for Top Pair with Top Kicker.

Ace high- a situation in poker when the winning combination is the highest card of the ace. See also " ".


UTG (UTG or Under the gun)– position of the player to the left of the BB. The most disadvantageous position at the table, as the player has to make a decision first.


Final table, final (Final table)- the last table in the tournament. Often 6, 8 or 9 players sit behind him, but there are unofficial finals in which up to 10 people remain.

Fish, fish (Fish)- a very weak, inexperienced player who is characterized by the most common beginner mistakes.

Chip- the equivalent of money in the game. In cash games, chips are often issued with a face value of 1 chip to 1 $ / ruble / other currency. In tournaments, chips do not have a certain value in terms of real money - the only thing that matters is which place you take in the end.

Flush- a combination of five cards of the same suit. Example: A♦K♦T♦9♦7♦.

Flush draw- an unmade hand that forms a flush if you add a card of the desired suit. Example, we have A♦K♦, the flop is T♦9♦2♠. If at least one tambourine comes, you get a flush. That's what it is .

Royal flush, royal flush (Royal flush)– . In fact, this is the highest suited straight. Example, A♦K♦Q♦J♦T♦.

Float, floating (Float)- advanced bluffing: a player without a strong hand calls the opponent's bet in order to take the pot on subsequent streets.

Flop (Flop)- three community cards that are laid out after the completion of preflop betting. The first three upcards on the board.

Fold, pass (Fold)- discarding the card.

Fold equity is the probability that the player behind you will fold in response to any raise. Measured in%.

Freezeout (Freeze out)- one of the types of multi-table tournament in which the player cannot make either a rebuy or an addon.

Freeplay (Free play)- the ability to "free" to see the next card, playing just a check.


Hijack– position before the cut-off, i.e. the second person to the right of the button.

High roller- a poker player who plays at high stakes.

High stakes- very high stakes cash games

Grab and run, hit and run (Hit and run)- a tactic in poker, the goal of which is to enter the game, win a big pot and leave.

Heads up, one on one (Heads Up)- a game in which only two players take part; heads-up is also called a stage of a tournament or simply a hand in which two players play.

Hold'em is an abbreviation for Texas Hold'em. The most famous and widespread form of poker today.

HUD (HUD)- a small information panel in online poker with a set of various statistical indicators (stats) next to the name of the corresponding player. To see players' stats, you need to download a certain program (Holdem Manager, Flopzilla, etc.). In some articles they translate as HUD, not HUD.


Starting hands chart- a table that determines which hands can be played with depending on the position.

Check (Check)- if none of the players has made an active action (bet or raise), then the player has the right to play a "check", that is, to skip the move.

Check Behind (Check behind)- a check that follows a check by another player (or players).

Check/call, check call (Check/Call)- a game with a check followed by a call of the opponent's bet.

Check/Raise, check-raise (Check/Raise)- a check game after which a raise is made after the opponent's bet.

Chip leader- The player with the most chips in the tournament.

M number (M-factor)- the ratio of the player's stack to the amount of blinds and antes.


Pot Odds- the ratio of the size of the current pot to the amount needed to equalize the player in order to continue trading. Example: Player 1 bets $20 into a $100 pot. Player 2 needs to call $20 to continue playing. The pot odds for him will be: $120/$20 or 6 to 1. To calculate the pot odds as a percentage, the following calculation is used: ($20/($120+$20))x100% = 14%.

Short stack- short, small stack. The player with the fewest chips is also called.

Short hand (Short-handed game, SH)- a short table at which 5-6 players play.

Showdown- the last phase in the hand, when the players who remained in the game show their cards and determine the winning combination.


Edge (Edge)- a mathematical advantage over the opponent.

Equity- your "legal" part of the bank. Example: If the pot is $80 and you have 25% to win, then your hand equity is $20. This means that with a large number of similar situations, with the same conditions, on average you will win $20.

Any two- any two cards. These cards usually do not affect the player's actions in any way. For example, a player sees that his opponent has a very high fold to a 3-bet, so he 3-bets with any.

Effective stack- the size of the smallest stack among the players. Example: Player A has a stack of 10,000 chips, Player B has 7,500 chips, and Player C has 5,000. The effective stack in this case would be 5,000 chips.


Full Ring (10-max)− a table with more than 7 players (maximum 10).


ITM (In The Money)- a statistical indicator of the player's efficiency in tournament poker, that is, the ratio of his getting into the prizes, to the total number of tournaments played; ITM also call the prize places in the tournament (see "").

ICM (Independent Chip Model)– a model of conditional conversion of player stacks in a tournament from chips into their cash equivalent (as a percentage of the total or remaining prize pool).


Muck- the area on the table where all the cards that have left the game are added.


Nh (Nice Hand)- an expression used at the tables in online poker and meaning "Good hand".

NL, NLH- no-limit hold'em. The numerical prefix before NL means the limit - the size of the standard buy-in, equal to 100 BB (for example, 10NL - stakes 0.05/0.10$, standard buy-in 10$).


OESD (Open Ended Straight Draw)- four cards that go in a row and make it possible to build a straight from above and below at the same time. Has 8 outs.


PFR (Pre-Flop Raise)- a statistic that characterizes what percentage of hands a player raises preflop. Any increase counts.


The Deal is a progressive jackpot mini-game on PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker introduced to the client in 2016. Players spin a special reel for their bonus points in order to win the main cash prize or share the winnings of another player who hit the jackpot on the same day.


WWSF (Won When Saw Flop - won when he saw the flop)- an indicator of the percentage of bank winnings without opening cards.

WSOP is the most popular offline tournament poker series. World Series of Poker. Held annually in Las Vegas. All WSOP champions receive a prestigious award - gold series bracelets.

WTSD (Went to Showdown)- a statistic that shows with what percentage of hands a player reaches showdown, including all-in.

W$SD (Won$at Showdown) is a metric similar to WTSD, only it shows the percentage of winning showdowns. That is, the percentage of pots won and split with other players when playing before showdown.

We present to you the most comprehensive dictionary of all poker terms that you can use in your poker career.

The Complete Poker Dictionary

English-Russian dictionary of poker terms.

addons- Addon - The ability to buy more chips in the tournament after a certain amount of time.
Ante- Ante is a small amount of money placed by each player in the pot.
Ace(King, Quenn,….) high- Ace high (king, queen, ...) - a hand without any combination, with a high ace (king, queen, ...)
Ajax- --- - The name of the ace and jack of the same or different suits.
All-in- all-in - The bet of all the chips the player has into the pot.
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bad beat- A bad beat is an offensive loss, in a situation where a correctly played, obviously strong hand loses to a weak one.
back door- Backdoor - A situation where 2 cards are missing before a straight or flush.
bankroll- Bankroll - All available money to play.
BB(Big Blind)- Big Blind - A blind bet (before the cards are dealt), which is made by the player sitting second clockwise from the button.
elly buster- Belly Buster - Leaky straight draw.
Bicycle- Bicycle - Street A-2-3-4-5.
Big Slick- Big slick - AK on the hands of any suit.
blank card- A blank card is a “clean” card that should not strengthen anyone.
Bluff- Bluff - A way of playing the game in which, with the help of bets and raises, a player tries to convince everyone that he has made the strongest hand.
bottom pair- Bottom Pair - The player uses the low card on the board to pair with one of their own cards.
broadway- Broadway - Straight from Ace broadway- Broadway / Broadway cards - Any combination of cards from ace to ten that can collect broadway.
bullets- Bullets - A pair of pocket aces.
button- Button - the dealer or dealer chip, passed from player to player in a clockwise direction, which determines the player who deals cards in each hand.

call- Call - Acceptance of a bet (equation of stakes).
call cold- Cold call - Call both bet and raise.
call station- Caller - A weak and passive player who calls too much and rarely raises. Autoresponders are the most profitable customers.
Check- Check - An application in trading that allows you to stay in the game for one betting round without placing anything in the pot. Allowed if no one has yet bet in this round of betting.
Check Raise- Check-raise - The player passes and then raises a bet in the betting round.
Chipleader- Chipleader - The person who has the most chips on the table/tournament.
Complit-Complete - Call from the small blind.
Connectors- Connectors - A starting hand with two consecutive cards that increase the chance of hitting a straight.
Continuation Bet (cbet, c-bet)- Continuation bet - A bet from a player on the flop who bet/raised preflop.

Dead Man's Hand- Dead man's hand - Two pair: Aces and eights (Wild Bill Hickok was winning the game with these cards when Jack McCall shot him in the back).
Deuces- Twos - A pair of twos.
Donk bet- Donk bet - Bet on the flop out of position in the preflop raiser.
Doper- Doper - a combination of two pairs.
Downstrike- Downstreak - the opposite definition of "upstreak".

Doyle Brunson- Doyle Brunson - The combination in the game of Texas Hold'em is 10-2 (Brunson won the World Championship of Poker two years in a row with such cards).
draw- draw (Drova) - Uncollected straight or flush.
Ducks- Ducks - A pair of deuces.

fish- Fish (fish) - The English equivalent of the word LOH. In other words, a weak player.
flat call- Flat call - Call the bet without raising.
floating- Floating - Occurs if a player in position on the flop calls a bet with a weak hand or a draw to steal the pot on the turn/river.
flop- Flop - The first three draw cards in Texas Hold'em.
Flush- Flush - Any five cards of the same suit.
Fold- Fold - Reset the card.
Freeroll- Freeroll - Free poker tournament with cash prizes.
freezeout- Freezeout - A kind of tournament in which the player cannot buy more chips.
full house- Full House - Any three cards of the same value plus any two cards of the same value.

Grinding- Grinding - Playing with minimal risk and modest income over time.
gutshot- Gutshot - A holey straight draw.

hand- Hand (hand) - A player's combination of five cards.
heads up- Headsup - Game one on one.

Image- Image - The image of the player at the table.
Inside Straight- Inside Straight - Four cards that need another - between the highest and lowest card in order to make a straight.

Kicker- Kicker - The highest card in the player's hand that affects the outcome of the draw in case of identical combinations.
Kojak- Koyak - Hand, including a combination of king-jack.

Ladies- Ladies - Two ladies.
Limper- Limper - A player who enters the game by calling.

Main Pot- Main pot - All other bets go to the secondary pots and are contested among the remaining players. This happens when one or more players bets all-in.
Maniac- Maniac - A very aggressive player who plays a large number of hands.
minraise- Minraise - The minimum allowable raise.
Multipot- Multipot - Pot with more than two players.

Nuts- Nuts - Any best possible hand in any part of the game. A hand that cannot be beaten.

Odds- Odds - Chances (probability).
Offsuit- Offsuits - Cards of various suits.
Open-ended Straight(OED)- Unfinished straight - four consecutive cards that require one additional card from either side to complete the straight.
outs- Outs - Cards in the deck that the player is waiting for in order to collect / strengthen the combination.
overbet- Overbet - A bet that is significantly higher than the current pot.
Overcards- Overcards - Cards are older than any others on the board.
Overpair- Overpair - A pocket pair that is higher than the highest card on the board.

paired board- Paired board - The situation in the game, when out of three cards on the board, two of the same value: 8c 8h 3d.
Pot Size Bet(PSB)- Bet pot - Bet the size of the pot.
Pocket pair- Pocket Pair - A pair that a player has when dealt.
Pocket Rockets- One of the names of pocket aces.
push/fold- Pushbot - Tactics in MTT when you have to choose between fold and all-in.

Rag- Rags - All cards below rank 9.
Rainbow- Rainbow - Offsuit board.
Rake- Rake - Casino share - % of the winnings that the institution receives.
Rank- Rank - the value of each card or hand.
rap- ----- - Knock on the table, showing a pass.
Reading- Reading (Reading) - Conclusions about the players based on how they played, their mannerisms and gestures.
Re-buy- Rebuy - Replenishment of chips in the game.
Reraise- Reraise - Re-raise. Another name is 3 bet.
River- River - The fifth draw card in Texas Hold'em.
Rock- The Rock is a tight passive player who is very cautious and only plays good starting cards.
royal flush- Royal Flush (Royal Flush) - Straight with an ace (ace, king, queen, jack, ten) of the same suit. This is the possible best hand in poker.

Satellite- Satellite - Mini-tournament, for obtaining permission to enter a larger tournament.
Semi-bluff-Semi-bluff - Bet/raise when we have an unfinished hand.
set- Set - The player's pocket pair, along with a matching card on the table.
short stack- Short stack - A player with a small amount of chips.
Showdown(SD)- Showdown - Showdown.
Skweeze play- Squeezing (squeezing) - A kind of bluff. Used when lag raises preflop and the phone supports it. If we knocked both out of the game with a big reraise, then our action will be called a squeeze.
Small Blind(SB)- Small Blind - The amount placed by the player to the left of the dealer's chip before the cards are dealt.
Stack- Stack - The number of all chips the player has.
Stealing blinds-Steeling - Theft of chips. Usually applied in position.

Straight- Straight - Five consecutive cards of any suit.
straight flush- Straight Flush - Any five cards of the same suit in a row.
slow play- Slowplay - Slow, luring opponent game. Usually used when we have a very strong game.

Tilt- Tilt - "On tilt" - loss of self-control by a player, usually accompanied by an increase in looseness and aggressiveness. It is often the result of a streak of failures and monetary losses.
Three of a Kind(3oak)- ------ - Three cards of the same rank.
TPTK- TPTK - top (highest) pair and top (highest) kicker.
trips- Trips - Three cards of the same rank, with two cards taken from the table and one of the player's pocket cards (not to be confused with Set).
turn- Thorn (Turn) - The fourth buy-in card in Texas Hold'em.

Under the Gun(UTG)- Iron - The player making the first bet, the player in the first position.
upstrick- Upstreak - A streak of luck, hitting which the player wins a lot.
value- Value - The hidden value of the hand. It is determined taking into account the chances of improvement.

value bet-Valuebet - A bet with a positive checkmate. wait, usually done on the river.

win rate-Winrate -Income of the player on a long distance.
WSOP- Abbreviation - International Series of Poker.

3bet- Tribet - The third bet, for example: 1-bet 2-raise 3-reraise (3bet).

M number- The ratio of your stack to the sum of the current blinds. For example: stack 1500, blinds 50-100, 1500/150=10M.

Russian-English dictionary of poker terms.

ABC Poker (ABC Poker)
ABC poker is a generic name for a style of play that pays little attention to the features of the game of opponents and practically does not use any tricks. In fact, the strategy in ABC poker is based only on your card. This style will not necessarily be negative, but it is easy to read by rivals.

Answering machine
Answering machine, or phone - a player who always wants to get to the river and see all the cards on the board. Typically, these players passively play a lot of hands, hoping for the unlikely outcome of the hand, which will be good for them. A typical example of such players are people who call all bets with any ace in their hand all the way to the river in the hope of hitting a pair of aces. As a rule, such players also play made hands passively, rarely building up the pot. Against such players, it makes no sense to bluff with an empty hand.

The aggressive player tends to take the initiative in almost every hand he takes part in. He frequently bets, raises and reraises.

The aggressor is the player who has the initiative in the hand. He is the first to make an aggressive action - a bet or a raise.

A shark is a strong poker player who plays well and profitably.

Underdog (English underdog - outsider) - a player who is currently an outsider in the hand, as he holds worse cards than his opponent. For example, if in some distribution a player has a 4:1 underdog, this means that he will win only once out of five.

An underpair is a pocket pair made up of cards that are lower than any of the community cards. Thus, any pair to the common card beats an underpair.
Player cards: 7 clubs - 7 diamonds. Board cards: Q of hearts - J of diamonds - 8 of spades.
The player has an underpair of sevens.

Ante (Ante)
Ante is a mandatory bet placed by each player at the table before the cards are dealt. In Texas Hold'em, the ante is commonly used in tournaments. When the blinds reach a certain level (usually quite high), the ante is also introduced.

An upswing is a sudden increase in the bankroll caused by a streak of excessive luck. The player often gets good cards, they pay well, profitable situations are often created. With a losing streak, a downswing can occur - a fall in the bankroll caused by constant failures. When downswinging, the player does not make mistakes, but he is constantly unlucky, and he loses money.

Outs - cards that will help the player improve his hand. For example, for draw hands, outs will be cards that complement it and make it a ready-made combination. The number of outs is used when calculating odds - the probability of improving your hand. There are also discounted auses - this is a more advanced system in which outs do not count cards that will help the player, but can give his opponent a winning hand.
Player cards: 10-7 hearts. Flop cards: 2-A hearts - 9 diamonds
The player has a flush draw and needs to hit any heart card in order to get his flush. In total, there are 13 cards of a heart suit in the deck, 4 of them have already come out. So, 9 cards will help the player, they will be his outs.

In a poker tournament, a bubble is a stage where each participant is only a few places away from the prizes. For example, in a tournament, 20 first places are paid, and 23 people continue to play in it. In single-table tournaments, the bubble is the stage when, after the elimination of one player, all the remaining players get into the prizes. For example, the first three places are paid, and there are four participants left. The player who flies out last of those who did not get into the prizes is called a bubble boy (bubble boy). Sometimes the term "prebubble" is also used - this is the stage of the tournament immediately preceding the bubble.

Buyin is the amount with which a player sits down at the table. Also, buyin is a fee in poker tournaments.

Bank (Pot)
Bank - the amount being played (money or chips) formed by the players' bets (including mandatory bets, blinds and antes). The situation when players have collected combinations of the same strength and share the formed pot is called a split pot.

Bankroll (Bankroll)
Bankroll is the financial capital used to play. A bankroll can mean both the amount on all accounts in poker rooms, and the money on any one poker room.

Bankroll management (Bankroll Management)
Bankroll management - a system of rules that determine at what limit to play, when to move up a limit higher or go down a limit. Proper bankroll management minimizes the risk of going bankrupt. An example of simple bankroll management: you should always have 30 buyins in the current limit. If you are short stacked, then the buy-in is 20 big blinds. Thus, you should always have at least 600 big blinds on the limit you are playing at. If you have more than 30 buyins at a higher limit, you can upgrade to it.

The button, or dealer button, is a special chip that is used at the poker table to designate the player who acts as the dealer. After each deal, the dealer button moves one player clockwise. In online poker, this word is often used to denote position in a hand, for example, you can say: "I was on the button last hand."

Out of position
A player is out of position if he is forced to announce his move first. The opponent who sits behind him will already know what action the player has taken, and therefore will have an additional advantage.

No-limit poker (no-limit)
In no-limit poker, the maximum bet size is not limited by anything other than the size of the player's stack. A player in any betting round can bet or raise any size, or even bet all their chips (all-in). The minimum bet size is the size of the bet made by the previous player (for example, in Texas Hold'em preflop, if there were no raises, then this is the size of the big blind).

Free card
Free card - a community card that can be viewed without equalizing previous bets. Let's say the player is the last to act on the flop, all the players in front of him have checked. He can also check and take a free card - the turn card.

Blinds are blind bets. There is a big blind and a small blind. Also indicate the positions of players making blind bets.

A blank card is one that is unlikely to help either player (didn't complete the draw hand to a made hand and didn't give a high pair). For example, if the river is a three of a kind and the players are actively raising both preflop and flop, it is unlikely that any of them have a three of a kind, so it is a blank card in this hand.

Bluff is a set of playing techniques that try to confuse your opponent and make him make the wrong decision about the strength of your hand. For example, you can use a bluff to try to knock your opponent out of the pot (cause him to overvalue your hand) or get him to put more chips into the pot when you have a strong hand (respectively, make him undervalue your hand, the so-called slowplay). In addition to a pure bluff, a semi-bluff is distinguished. This is the name given to the situation when at the moment you are most likely behind your opponent, but have a good chance of improving your hand to a winning one. For example, you can try playing aggressively on a flush draw on the flop. The benefit of this semi-bluff comes from the fact that in addition to being able to improve your hand to a winning hand, there is always the possibility that your opponent will simply fold and you will take the pot without a showdown.

Blocking bet (Blockbet)
A blocking bet is a small bet (relative to the size of the pot). It is used in order to contain the possible aggression of the opponent, for example, to prevent him from making a big bet in response to your check. Often played on the river to secure a relatively cheap showdown.

Big bet (Big Bet)
The big bet is a type of bet in limit hold'em. For example, in a $0.5/$1 game, the big bet is $1 and the small bet is $0.5. A large bet is used in the later rounds of betting (turn and river), in the early rounds (preflop and flop) a small bet is used. Players can only bet or raise up to a small bet or a big bet, depending on the betting round.

Big Blind
The big blind is one of the two blinds in Texas Hold'em. Blinds are mandatory bets that must be placed before the cards are dealt. The players who must post the blinds are determined based on the position of the dealer. The player posting the small blind is immediately behind the dealer, and the next player (2nd clockwise from the dealer) must post the big blind. As a rule, the big blind is twice the small blind.


Bad beat (Bad beat)
A bad beat is the loss of a hand that was a clear favorite at a certain stage of the hand, but eventually lost. It is customary to attribute losses to a bad beat, the probability of which was no more than 10%.
Bad beat example:
Player 1 cards: A-K.
Player 2 cards: 9-9.
Community cards: A-5-7-2 with no chance of a flush.
On the turn, Player 2 only has 4.6% to win the hand. However, if the river hits a nine, player 2 wins. Player 1's loss can be called a bad beat.

Backdoor Draw
A backdoor, or runner-runner, draw is a draw that needs two more cards (rather than one) to be a complete hand.
For example, a backdoor flush draw:
Player cards: A-7 clubs.
Flop cards: 9 of clubs - 5 of diamonds - 9 of hearts.
The player needs two more club cards to complete his flush. The chance of making a flush by the river with a backdoor flush draw on the flop is 4.2%.

In the money (In the money)
The phrase "in the money" (ITM) refers to the number of places in a poker tournament that will receive prizes. For example, a tournament of 100 participants is paid for the first 10 places. To get into the money, you need to take one of these 10 places.

In position
The expression "in position" refers to a situation where a player will make a decision after his opponent. An additional playing advantage can be derived from this, since the player in position already knows what decision his opponent has made. Accordingly, "out of position" means to make a decision first, without knowing the opponent's actions.

VPIP (Voluntary put $ in pot)
VPIP (VPIP) shows how often a player enters the game in the first round of betting (preflop). The VPIP indicator includes all cases when a player himself invests money to continue the game - he limps, raises preflop, or calls the previous raise. Cases where a player comes to the flop with only a mandatory bet (playing in the big blind position) are not included in VPIP.

Front/Behind (Wa/wb)
Lead/Behind occurs when we have a strong made hand that has little chance of improving, and we are up against an opponent who either has a weak hand with little chance of winning or a much stronger hand that we have there is practically no chance of winning. In other words, the player is either a clear favorite or is way behind.
Player cards: A-A
Flop cards: 2-2-7 offsuit
If the opponent does not have a deuce or pocket sevens, then the player is clearly much ahead (favourite), but if he has these cards, then the player is far behind (outsider).

Showdown - the stage in the game when all bets are called and players show their cards and compare their combinations to determine the winner in the distribution.

Other names: Inside Straight Draw, Belly Buster is a "holey" straight draw that lacks one card from the middle of the straight.
Player cards: 10-J
Flop cards: 7-8-10
To make a straight, the player needs a nine (now he has a straight with a hole - 78*10J). The probability of getting the right card on the turn is 9%. The probability of getting the right card on the turn or river (one of the two cards will be needed) is 17%.

Main pot
If one of the players went all-in, and several players with a large stack accepted his bet, then several pots are formed. The main pot - all the players taking part in the distribution (including the one who went all-in) and the side pot claim it. The side pot will be filled with subsequent bets from the players who called all-in and will only be played between them (it can be claimed by the player who went all-in).

Deep Stack
A deep stack is a stack that exceeds the maximum buyin of the table. For example, when playing at a certain cash table, you can buy up to $50 worth of chips. If after a few hands your stack is $100, it means that you have a deep stack. With a deep stack, you can increase your winnings, although you can also lose more.

A downswing is a period of bad luck when a player loses despite not making any mistakes. The necessary cards do not come out, but the unnecessary ones just appear over and over again. Downswings often result in tilt, further increasing the player's overall loss.

Two pairs
Two Pairs is a poker combination represented by two cards of one rank and two cards of another rank. Literally, two pairs of cards. The fifth card in the combination can be any card and is the kicker. Comparison of two-pair combinations is carried out by sequentially comparing the cards included in the pairs, starting with the highest pair. With a complete match of the cards included in the pairs, the kickers are compared.
Example: K-K-9-9-A

Double gutshot (Double gutshot)
The double gutshot is a type of straight draw. The peculiarity is that you can collect two simple gutshots from your own cards and the cards of the table. In the example below, these simple gutshots are AJQT and QJT8. Any king and any nine will improve this double gutshot to a straight. A double gutshot always has 8 outs to improve.
Example: Player: A-J flop: Q-10-8

Double-sided straight draw (Open ended straight draw)
An open-ended straight draw (OESD) is a hand that has four consecutive cards in rank. The player needs a card from either side to make a straight.
Player cards: 10-J
Board cards: 8-9-2
With this flop, the player has four cards in a row - 8910J, he needs a seven or a queen to make a straight. Having an OESD on the flop, the chances of making a straight on the turn are 17%, on the turn or river (one of the two cards will be needed) - 32%.

Split pot (split pot)
The situation when at showdown several players have a hand of the same strength and they split the pot is called a split pot.

Dealer - a player who is in the position of dealing cards. This position is marked with a special chip called "dealer button" (dealer button). The button moves clockwise from participant to participant after each hand. However, as a rule, the player who is in the position of the dealer does not deal the cards himself. In an offline poker room, this is done by a special employee of the room; in online poker rooms, cards are distributed automatically.

Discounted Outs
Discounted outs are those outs that allow a player to improve their drawing hand to a made hand, but may also allow an opponent to make an even stronger hand. Therefore, such outs can be discounted (written off) and not taken into account in the calculations.
Player Cards: 10 of spades-Q of clubs
Community cards: 9 of diamonds - J of diamonds - 2 of hearts.
The player has an open ended straight draw. Any eight or king will give the player a strong hand - a straight. Thus, the player has eight outs. However, there are two diamonds on the board, and we can assume that one more diamond will improve someone's flush draw to a made flush. The more players there are in the pot, the more likely it is that one of them will make a flush. Therefore, we can discount the eight of diamonds and the king of diamonds and get not 8, but 6 net outs.

Dispersion is the deviation of a value from the mathematical expectation. For example, the expected value of making a straight by the river with an open-ended straight draw on the flop is 32%. In other words, over the long haul (a lot of hands played), you will hit your straight 32% of the time. However, over a short distance, this value may differ in either direction. Let's say out of 10 such situations you will collect a straight in only two, which will be 20%. This deviation is called dispersion.

Long Table (Full Ring)
A long table is a table where up to 10 (9) players can sit. Another type of tables is short (shorthand), where the maximum number of players is 6. The game at short tables is more dynamic, a larger number of starting hands are played, but it is considered that it is more dispersion.

Short form from Underdog (outsider).

Donk bet (Donkbet)
Donkey rate (from English donkey - donkey). This is the name of the bet placed before the turn of the player who has the initiative in this hand (he showed aggression in the last round of betting).

In varieties of poker where there are common cards, their combination is called a board. For example, in hold'em, the board is a combination of flop, turn and river cards.

Dro (Dro)
Draw hands are hands that require additional cards to become a made hand. For example, a flush draw is four cards of the same suit that require a fifth card of the same suit. An open-ended straight draw is a hand like 5-6-7-8 that needs a nine or four to become a straight.

Leaky Connectors (Gap Hand)
Leaky connectors, or Gap Connectors, is a starting hand consisting of connectors between which one card is missing. For example 7-9, 4-6, 6-8.

Live card (Live Card)
A card is considered live if it allows the player to win this hand.
Player 1 cards: K of clubs - J diamond
Player cards 2: K of hearts - Q of clubs
In this example, player 1's live card is a jack, because even if he hits a pair of kings, it will be dominated by player 2's pair of kings.

Made hands, such as top pair with a good flop kicker, often face the problem of possible draws from opponents. In these situations, you need to protect your made hand. To do this, the opponent must provide such pot odds that it would be unprofitable for him to continue the game.
Player cards: A of hearts - K of diamonds
Flop cards: 2-9 spades - A of clubs
The player has top pair with top kicker, but the flop has two suited cards, and his opponent may have a flush draw. The player needs to protect his ready combination from the draw - to make such bets that it would be unprofitable for the opponent to collect his draw.

Blind Defense
Blind defense is a tactic aimed at countering the theft of blinds. Since blind stealing can be done with medium-strength hands, the player in the blind can also afford to play aggressively with medium-strength hands and try to force an opponent to fold. For example, you can re-raise pre-flop for a raise, or simply call a raise in order to outplay your opponent in the next rounds of betting.

Image is the impression about the game of a person that is formed by those who sit with him at the same table. Judging by the way a player plays his hands, the impression is made of him - he can be classified as tight or loose, aggressive or passive. Based on the image of the opponent, you can decide on the profitability of a particular move against a particular opponent. You can also use your image to reap additional benefits. For example, if you have the image of a person who only plays strong hands, then you can afford to steal a little looser, since your raise will be scarier than a raise from a player who raises 90% of his hands.

Initiative is a special situation in poker. If the player was the last to bet or raised in the previous round of betting, the player is said to have the initiative. The presence of initiative in some cases makes it possible for a player to behave more aggressively at the table than if he did not have one.

Cap (Cap)
The cap is the last possible bet in a round of betting (usually the cap is used in limit poker). Most often, up to three raises are allowed per betting round (a bet followed by three raises). Under these rules, the last third raise will be the cap.

Pocket pair (pocket pair)
A pocket pair (pocket) is a pair made up of a player's starting cards. For example, if a player is dealt two aces, then he has a pocket pair of aces. The probability of hitting a set or better on the flop with a pocket pair is 12%.

Cutoff (Cutoff)
Cutoff - the position at the poker table, which is located to the right of the button. In other words, this is the first player from the button if you walk counterclockwise on the table.

A kicker is a card that is not directly involved in the formation of a player's poker hand, but at the same time allows you to determine the winner in a situation where several players have the same hands at showdown (high card, pair, two pair, set, four of a kind).
Player 1 Cards: 10 of Clubs - A of Spades
Player cards 2: Q of diamonds - A of hearts
Board cards: 7 of clubs - 8 of diamonds - 3 of hearts - 2 of hearts - A diamond.
In this situation, two players have the same pair - a pair of aces. However, player 2 has a better kicker (queen), so he wins this pot.

The button or button of the dealer is a special chip, which at the poker table denotes the player acting as the dealer. After each deal, the dealer button moves one player clockwise. In online poker, this word is often used to refer to position in a hand, such as "I was on the button last hand."

Coinflip (coinflip)
Coinflip is a game situation in which each of the two players has an equal chance of winning. Since the odds are almost equal, the outcome of the situation could be decided by a coin toss, hence the name (coinflip in English means "toss a coin").

Call (call)
Call - a variant of the answer to the opponent's bet. To call means to call a bet, to put into the pot an amount equal to the previous bet.

Call in the cold (Cold Call)
Cold call - equalizing in a situation where a bet has already been placed, and after it an increase (or several) was announced. Since in Texas Hold'em preflop it is customary to consider blinds as bets, and all subsequent bets are considered raises, when playing preflop, cold calling is also called equalizing a bet, even if it was made by only one player.
Player 1 bets
Player 2 raises
Player 3 calls
In this example, player 3 called cold.

Calldown - a line of play in the hand, the main goal of which is to get to showdown cheaply. The player plays a check / call, that is, does not raise the bets, but only equalizes the previous ones.

Connectors are a starting hand consisting of two consecutive cards, for example: 5-6, 6-7, 8-9.
If both cards of such a hand are of the same suit, then such a hand is called connected connectors (suited connectors)
If the cards are of different suits, then these are unconnected connectors (offsuited connectors).
Also in the description of hands, the term gap connectors is often used - these are connectors between which one card is missing, for example 5-7, 3-5, 4-6.
The advantage of connectors is that they have a good potential for building a straight.
10.3% chance of hitting an open-ended straight draw to connectors on the flop
The probability of getting a straight on the flop to connectors is 1.3%
6.9% chance of hitting an open-ended straight draw to holey connectors on the flop
The probability of getting a straight on the flop to leaky connectors is 0.9%.

Short tables
Short tables (6max) - tables at which up to six players can sit at the same time (as opposed to long "full ring" tables, where 10 people play at the same time). Also in shorthanded there can be a hand in which 3 to 6 players take part. For example, in a tournament, when most of the participants have already taken off and only four players remained at the table.

Short stack (Shortstack)
A player's stack is considered short if it is relatively small relative to the size of the stacks of other players at the table or the size of the big blind. For example, if in a tournament the average stack at the table is 10,000 chips, and a player has only 1,000 chips in his stack, then he has a short stack (regardless of the size of the blinds).

A cooler is a hand that was lost not because of mistakes made by the player, but because he was simply unlucky. As a rule, the player has a strong combination, but the opponent collects an even stronger combination, which wins the hand. At the same time, despite the loss in this hand, the player acted absolutely correctly.

LAH (Loose-aggressive)
LAG is short for loose-aggressive style. LAG players play a lot of hands aggressively. This style can be profitable if your opponents are mostly tight players and can be knocked out of the pot. At the lower stakes, where many prefer to go all the way to showdown with any hand, this style will be unprofitable.

Limit Poker (Fixed Limit)
Limit poker is a variant of poker where the size of the bet or raise is limited to a certain amount. Limit Hold'em distinguishes between big and small bets, for example, at a $1/$2 table, the small bet is $1 and the big bet is $2. In the initial rounds of betting (preflop and flop), the size of the bet and raise is limited to the size of the small bet, and in the following rounds (turn and river) - to the size of the large bet.

Limp (Limp)
Limping is entering the pot preflop by calling the big blind without raising.

A line is a tactic that determines the sequence of bets in a hand. For example, the check-call line. Following this line, the player does not raise in the hand, but only checks or calls the bets of other players.

Loose (Loose)
If someone is said to be playing loose, it means they are playing a lot of starting hands. The opposite style is tight, where only a small number of strong hands are played in tight play.

MTT (multi-table tournament)
A multi-table tournament is a poker tournament that starts at many tables. For example, if 100 people take part in it, then 10 tables are formed, where the game goes on simultaneously. As the players leave the tournament, the tables are balanced - the remaining players are seated at the tables so that there are no empty seats at the tables (the number of tables decreases). For example, after the departure of 10 people, 90 will remain, and 9 tables of 10 people will be formed.

Mining (Data mining or just mining)
Mining is the collection of information about other players using special software. As a rule, such programs simultaneously open many tables and record all the information received. Then this information is processed, and statistics are compiled for each player who participated in the observed hands. Thus, you can have statistics even on those players (and, accordingly, draw conclusions about their style of play) that you have never met. In most poker rooms, such automated collection of information is prohibited.

Small bet (Small Bet)
A small bet is a type of bet in limit hold'em. For example, in a $0.5/$1 game, the big bet is $1 and the small bet is $0.5. A large bet is used in the later rounds of betting (turn and river), in the early rounds (preflop and flop) a small bet is used. Players can only bet or raise up to a small bet or a big bet, depending on the betting round.

Small blind (small blind)
The small blind is one of the two blinds in Texas Hold'em. Blinds are mandatory bets that must be placed before the cards are dealt. The players who must post the blinds are determined based on the position of the dealer. The player who posts the small blind is immediately behind the dealer, and the next player (second clockwise from the dealer) must post the big blind. As a rule, the big blind is twice the small blind.

A maniac is an extremely loose-aggressive player. He plays a lot of starting hands very aggressively, often raising, trying to take pots with pure aggression (bluffing).

Mathematical expectation (Expected Value, EV)
Mathematical expectation allows you to determine whether any action will be profitable (positive mathematical expectation) or unprofitable (negative mathematical expectation). In order to calculate the mathematical expectation, it is necessary to add the products of the probabilities of an outcome and the winnings for this outcome (for all possible outcomes). Then the formula takes the form:
< выигрыше. в оставаться будете вы дистанции длинной на то - нуля больше число полученное Если Вероятность_исхода_n*Выигрыш_при_исходе_n + ... Вероятность_исхода_2*Выигрыш_при_исходе_2 EV="Вероятность_исхода_1*Выигрыш_при_исходе_1" ?>
A classic example of calculating mat. waiting is a coin toss game. Let's say we bet $1 on each toss, and if it comes up tails, we win $2. The probability of falling heads or tails is 50%. Thus, on tails, we win $1, and on heads, we lose $1. Then the formula becomes: EV = 50%*($1)+50%*(-$1) = 0.5 + (-0.5) = 0
According to these calculations, it can be seen that, according to the results of a sufficiently large number of toss-ups, we will remain at zero (we will not win and we will not lose).

Dead money
Dead money refers to the chips that are brought into the pot by players who are no longer involved in the distribution. Blinds are often included in dead money.

Lower Pair (Bottom Pair)
A low pair is a pair that includes one of the player's cards and the lowest of the community cards.
Player cards: A-5
General cards: J-K-10-5-9
In this example, the player has a pair of fives - the lowest pair.

Monster (Monster)
A monster is either a very strong starting hand, such as AA or KK. Or a strong poker combination, the probability of winning which in the distribution tends to 100%, for example, four of a kind.

Monster draw
A monster draw is the strongest possible draw. A monster draw has the features of a flush draw and a straight draw at the same time, that is, a player can make both types of draws from his cards and the cards of the table. The monster draw has 15 outs to improve.
Player: K-Q bub
Flop: 10 clubs - J diamond - 4 diamond

Garbage (Muck)
Garbage is any five cards that do not make up any poker hand.

Nuts is the best of all possible combinations, based on the known community cards. Also called nut straight or nut flush to refer to the best possible straight/flush (such as an ace flush).

Overcards are cards that are higher than the community cards.
Example: Player cards: K of clubs - Q of diamonds.
Board cards: 8 of hearts - 9 of diamonds - 2 of spades.
The player has two overcards, so each of his cards is higher than any of the community cards.

Overcall (Overcall)
An overcall is the equalization of a bet if someone has already called it before. For example, player 1 bets, player 2 calls, player 3 calls. In this example, Player 3 overcalls because Player 2 has already called. Player 3 now needs to win against two opponents instead of just one.

An overpair is a pocket pair that is higher than any pair that can be made using community cards.
Player cards: Q of clubs - Q of tambourine.
Board cards: 8 of hearts - J of diamonds - 2 of spades.
The player has an overpair queen.

An overbet is a bet that exceeds the size of the pot. For example, if the already formed pot has a size of $100, and the player bets $200, then he overbets.

Odds (Odds)
Odds is the probability that the cards (outs) needed by the player will come to the board. Odds are the ratio of cards that won't help the player to the right cards.
Player cards: 10-7 of hearts.
Flop cards: 2-A of hearts - 9 of diamonds.
The player has a flush draw and needs any heart on the turn to hit his flush. In total, there are 13 cards of a heart suit in the deck, 4 of them have already come out. This means that the player needs one of the remaining 9 cards to come out. 5 cards from the deck are already known to the player, which means that there are 47 unknown cards left. We subtract 9 of hearts from them, leaving 38 cards that will not help the player on the turn. Then the probability of getting the desired card can be written as the odds ratio = 38:9 or 4.2:1. This roughly means that in four cases out of five the player will not get his flush, but in one case he will. In other words, he will hit his flush on the turn just under 20% of the time.

Suited (suited)
Two or more cards are called suited if they are all of the same suit. For example, if a player is dealt KQ of the same suit, then this is a suited hand. When notation, the letter s is used to denote suited hands, for example, KQs means king and queen of the same suit. Offsuited cards are denoted by the letter o (offsuited) - KQo.

Suited Connectors
Suited connectors are a starting hand consisting of two cards of the same suit in order. For example, 5-6 of spades or 8-9 of hearts.

All-in (All-in)
When betting all-in, the player puts all the chips he has, he can no longer influence the game with bets, but no one can force him to fold. The player will go to showdown anyway. At the same time, at showdown, he can only claim the pot that was formed during his all-in move. For example, a player went all-in pre-flop and bet $2 in chips. He was called by two other players who continue the game. Thus, if he beats two opponents at showdown, he will take away the pot of $ 6. And the rest of the pot (formed post-flop) will be played between the two players who called his pre-flop bet.

Open with a raise (Open raise)
Open raise is the first raise in the first betting round (preflop). For example, if everyone before the player folded their cards, and he does not equalize the big blind (limp), but raises, he makes an open raise. They say "opens with a raise" or simply "opens".

A pair is a poker hand made up of two cards of the same rank.

A passive player rarely takes the lead in a hand. He prefers to equalize rather than raise, rarely showing aggression.

A raise (raise) is a possible response to a player's bet. When raising, the player does not just call the previous bet, but raises it. For example, player 1 bets $2 and player 2 bets $6. Player 2 has raised (raised), and if player 1 wants to continue, he must either call the $6 bet (delivering $4) or raise again . Raising in response to a raise is called a reraise. For example, player 1 bets $2, player 2 raises to $4, player 1 reraises to $8.

Full house
A full house is a poker hand that includes three cards of the same rank (set) and two more cards of the same rank (pair).
Example: A-A-A-7-7.
When describing a full house, they say "full house rank of three cards to the rank of two cards", for example, in this case it is a full house of aces over sevens (full house aces over sevens). If two players have a full house at showdown, then the one with the higher rank of the cards of the set wins. If the rank of the set cards is the same, then the pot is taken by the player with the higher pair.

Semibluff (Semibluff)
A semi-bluff differs from a pure bluff in that the player still has a chance to win the hand at showdown by hitting a strong hand later in the game. For example, playing an aggressive flush draw on the flop is a semi-bluff because the player can still hit his flush and get the strongest hand.

A post-flop is a betting that occurs after the first three community cards (flop) have been laid out.

Implied Odds
Implied Odds (there are also implied pot odds) is a version of the pot odds calculation that takes into account the extra bets that can be extracted from an opponent. That is, not only those bets that the opponent has already made are considered, but also those that he will still place in the future.

Preflop is the betting that takes place before the first three community cards (flop) have been dealt.

Binding to the bank (pot committed)
A player is tied to a pot if they have already invested so many chips in it that they can no longer fold their cards, regardless of events, and are forced to go all-in.

Continuation Bet
A continuation bet is a bet from a player who was the aggressor in the previous betting round. For example, a player raises preflop and bets on the flop (continues aggression). Often a continuation bet is placed by the aggressor, even if he has not improved his hand (bluff), as there are good chances to knock opponents out of the pot.

Push (from English push - push) is another name for the all-in move.

Runner runner (Backdoor draw)
A backdoor draw (runner-runner) is a draw that needs two more cards to become a made hand. For example, if a player has three cards of the same suit on the flop, then he has a runner-runner flush draw. He needs cards of that suit to come on both the turn and the river to make his flush.

Early Position
Early positions are those positions in which the players make their moves first. At a full table (10 players), it is customary to consider the first three positions as early, which go clockwise after the big blind. As a rule, they are designated UTG, UTG + 1, UTG + 2 (from the English under the gun - “under the pointed gun”), another designation: EP, EP + 1, EP + 2.

In tournaments where rebuy is allowed, the player does not leave the tournament if he loses all his chips, but can make a rebuy - by paying a certain amount, he can buy more chips. Rebuy can only be made during a certain period of the tournament (rebuy phase), for example, only in the first hour or up to a certain level of blinds. A rebuy can only be made if a player has fewer chips left than they had in their starting stack.

A raise (raise) is a possible response to a player's bet. When raising, the player does not just call the previous bet, but raises it. For example, player 1 bets $2 and player 2 bets $6. Player 2 raises (raises), and if player 1 wants to continue, he must either call the $6 bet (delivering $4) or raise more once. Raising in response to a raise is called a reraise. For example, player 1 bets $2, player 2 raises to $4, player 1 reraises to $8.

The rake is the money collected by the organizer of the game (casino or poker room on the Internet), which he collects for providing the conditions for the game and from which his profit is formed. The rake in tournament play is collected upon payment of the entry fee. For example, a tournament buy-in of $5+$0.5 means that $5 of it will go to the formation of the prize pool, and $0.5 is the rake collected by the poker room.

The river is the last (fifth) community card.

Raising in response to a raise is called a reraise. For example, player 1 bets $2, player 2 raises to $4, player 1 reraises to $8.

The term "hand" can have two meanings.
1. Specific distribution.
2. The combination of a player's cards that makes up his hand.

Fish (Fish) A fish (from the English fish - "fish") is a player who is not familiar with the mathematical side of poker and often makes obvious mistakes, for example, cannot determine when he is behind and invests a lot of money in a deliberately losing pot. Such players promise a good win.

Sit and go is a type of tournament that starts when a certain number of participants have gathered. SNGs come in both single-table (2, 6, 10 players) and multi-table (30, 50 and so on). As soon as the required number of participants register in the tournament, it begins. Another option for tournaments is those that start on a scheduled basis, regardless of how many people are registered to participate in it.

Satellite (Satellite)
Satellite (from English satellite) is a tournament in which a player can receive a ticket to participate in a more expensive tournament as a prize. For example, the buy-in for participation in a major tournament is $500, the player can pay it directly from his own money or try to qualify for it through satellites. Thus, if you win a $10 satellite, you can enter the $500 tournament.

Swing refers to a significant fluctuation in the bankroll, caused not by errors in the game, but by a streak of luck or bad luck. There is both an upswing - a rapid increase in the bankroll due to an upstreak (constant luck), and a downswing - a sharp decrease in the bankroll due to a downstreak. In order not to become bankrupt, hitting a downswing, correct bankroll management is necessary.

A triplet is called a set if it is made up of a pocket pair and one of the cards on the board.
Player cards: Q-Q
Board cards: 8-J-Q
The player has a set of queens.

A squeeze is a bluff in the first round of betting (preflop), the task of which is to knock players out of the pot. A squeeze is a large reraise if one player has previously raised and the other player has called. For example, player 1 raises to $10, player 2 calls, player 3 reraises to $60. Player 3 squeezes in this example. This move can be profitable since player 1 will often be forced to fold (he will be playing out of position against two opponents) and player 2 has presumably weak cards since he called the raise rather than reraising.

Slowplay (Slowplay)
Slowplay (from the English "slow game") is a tactic of playing a strong hand when it is not played aggressively, but passively. They go to slowplay with the aim of keeping opponents in the hand, demonstrating weakness to them. A confused opponent may overestimate the strength of his losing hand and make additional bets. This way you can try to win more chips.

Middle Pair
Middle Pair - A pair formed by one of the player's hole cards and the middle community card.
Player cards: K-10
Board cards: 10-J-2
In this example, the player has a middle pair - a pair of tens.

Middle Position
At a full table (10 players), the 6th, 7th and 8th positions are considered to be average. The middle positions are designated as MP1, MP2, MP3.

High Card
The highest card is a poker hand if the player does not have a pair or another higher hand. In this case, his combination is called the highest card. If two players have the highest card at showdown, then the one with the higher card wins. For example, player 1 holds A8 in his hand, and player 2 holds K9, with community cards 247J3, player 1 wins, since he has the highest card - an ace.

Third party bank (Side Pot)
If one of the players went all-in, and several players with a large stack accepted his bet, then several pots are formed. The main pot (main pot) - all the players taking part in the distribution (including the one who went all-in) and the third-party pot (side pot) claim it. The side pot will be filled with subsequent bets from the players who called all-in and will only be played between them.

A streak is called a game strip when luck is on the side of the player or, conversely, turned away from him. Distinguish between downstreak - a streak of failure, and upstreak - a streak of good luck. For example, if a player is ahead, but still loses the pot, and this happens over a large number of hands, then this situation can be called a downswing.

Street (Straight)
Straight - a poker hand made up of five cards following one after another in order. K-Q-J-10-9
If several players have a street at showdown, the winner is determined by the highest card of the street. For example, a straight 8,9,10,J,Q will beat a straight 7,8,9,10,J. With an ace, you can collect two types of straight: Broadway (Broadway) - 10, J, Q, K, A and Wheel - A, 2,3,4,5, and the five will be considered the highest card in the latter, that is, this is the youngest of possible straights.

Straight draw
Straight draw is the collective name for all draw hands that are one card short of a straight.

Straight Flush
Straight Flush - Five cards that make up both a straight and a flush at the same time, that is, five cards of the same suit, going in order.

Stack - The number of chips (or money) a player has at the table. In one hand, he will not be able to bet more than his stack. After the deal, he can buy more chips (if this is a tournament with rebuys).

Tight style (Tight)
When playing tight, only a small number of starting hands are played, but only strong hands are selected for play.

Tight aggressive
Tight-aggressive is a style of play where a small number of starting hands are played, but the strongest hands are selected. However, these strong hands are played aggressively. The opposite of a tight style is loose, which is played with a large number of starting hands.

The turn is the fourth community card dealt after the flop.

Tilt (from the English tilt - to roll) is the state of the player when he cannot rationally play the game and often makes decisions based only on his emotions, which leads to frequent mistakes. For example, after losing several large pots, where the player was clearly ahead, but still lost due to bad luck, he may start to tilt, that is, make rash decisions, often erroneous. Tilt stability is a very important quality for a poker player. If you notice even the slightest sign of tilt, it is better to interrupt your gaming session so as not to lose a lot.

Top pair (Top pair)
Top Pair - A pair made up of one own card and the highest card on the table.
Player cards: J-Q
Flop cards: Q-8-5

Top pair middle kicker (Top pair middle kicker)
A top pair medium kicker is the best possible pair made up of one community card and the player's hole card, while the player has a reasonably good kicker, but not the best possible.
Player cards: J-Q
Flop cards: 2-9-Q
The player has a top pair of queens with a jack kicker - he is good enough, but his top pair can be beaten by a pair of queens with a king or ace kicker.

Top pair top kicker (Top pair top kicker)
A top pair top kicker is the best possible pair made up of one community card and the player's hole card, and the player has the best possible kicker.
Player cards: J-A
Flop cards: 2-J-9
The player has the top pair of jacks with an ace-best kicker and will beat any other pair of jacks.

Tribet (3bet)
The 3bet is the third raise in the betting round. For example, player 1 bets, player 2 raises, and player 3 raises again. Player 3 3bet this betting round.

Trips is a triplet made up of two community cards and one hole card.
Player cards: A-5
Board cards: 5-J-5
The player has trips of fives (two are on the board and one is in hand).

Pull dead (Drawing dead)
A player draws dead if he continues in a hand where his opponent has already made the strongest hand. At the same time, no cards that have appeared on the board will be able to strengthen the player’s hand to a winning one.
Player 1 cards:A-A
Player 2 Cards: K-K
Community cards: A-A-K
Player 1 bets.
If player 2 continues in this hand, he will draw dead, since no cards will allow him to take the pot.

Draw live (Drawing live)
Pulling live is the opposite of a player pulling dead. His hand has a chance of improving to a hand that eventually wins the pot.

Doubling (Double up)
If a player doubles his stack, then this result is called a doubling. For example, a player goes all-in, gets called (by an amount equal to his stack), and the player wins according to the results of the hand. After such a distribution, his stack will become twice as large - this will be a doubling.

Street is another name for betting rounds in a hand. For example, the river is fifth street since the fifth community card is dealt, and the turn is fourth street.

Iron (UTG)
Iron is the short name for the early position (from the English name for the early position Under the gun).

Flop (Flop)
The flop is the first three community cards in poker varieties where there are community cards (Omaha, Texas Hold'em).

A flush is a poker hand that consists of five cards of the same suit.
Example: Q tambourine - J tambourine - 8 tambourine - 5 tambourine - 3 tambourine.

Flush Draw
A flush draw is a hand in which there are four cards of the same suit, and one more card is needed to complete the combination. If a player has a flush draw on the flop, then the probability of getting a card of the right suit on the turn is 19%, and on the turn or river (one of the two cards will be the right suit) - 35%.

Royal Flush
Royal flush is the strongest poker hand. This is a straight from ten to ace, in which all cards are of the same suit.

Fold (Fold)
A fold is one of the options for answering a previous bet. When folded, the player folds his cards and is no longer involved in the distribution. In this case, all bets previously made by this player remain in the pot.

Fold Equity
To win the hand, the player must either collect the strongest combination by showdown, or knock out all opponents from the pot. Therefore, when calculating Expected Value (EV), Fold Equity is taken into account - the probability that your opponent will fold and you will immediately take the pot that has already formed.

In freezeout tournaments, if a player loses all his chips, he leaves the tournament. There are also rebuy tournaments (rebuy), where, subject to certain conditions, the player can buy more chips and continue the game.

Freeroll is a tournament in which participation is free, and the prize fund is formed by a sponsor or organizer.

Heads up
Heads up is a one-on-one game, only two people participate in the distribution. Because heads-up play doesn't have to wait for a good card and you have to fight for every pot, it's considered to be one of the hardest variations of poker. A successful heads-up strategy can be based not on your own card, but on the weaknesses of your opponent's game.

Hiro (Hero)
When parsing hands and posting a player's hands, it is customary to designate Hero (who posts hands). In essence, the hero is the one on whose behalf the narration is conducted when describing the hand.

Check (Check)
A check is a player's action that is allowed to take if none of the players have made bets yet. To check means to pass the move to the next player without making a bet.

Check Behind (Check behind)
A behind check is the name given to a check by a player who checks if the opponent in front of him also checks. Thus, the player gets the opportunity to see the showdown or the next card for free (if his word is the last one in this hand).
Player 1 - checks
Player 2 - also checks
Player 2 in this hand played a check behind (from the English behind - next), that is, he said a check behind player 1.

A check-raise is a game technique in which the essence of which is to play a check and then a raise in response to an opponent's bet in the same round of betting. A check-raise can be played to get more chips out of an opponent or as a bluff because it gives a false impression of the hand's strength.
Player 1 - checks
Player 2 - makes a bet
Player 1 - raises player 1's bet.

Fourbet (4bet)
4bet is the 4th raise in the betting round. For example, player 1 bets, player 2 raises, and player 3 raises again. If after that player 4 raises again, he will 4bet.

A chip leader (from the English chip - a chip) is a player who has the most chips at a particular table or in the entire tournament.

Number M
The number M in poker is used when playing in tournaments. M is the ratio of the stack size to the size of the blinds and ante. The M number roughly indicates how many hands a player can still accept before being forced to go all-in with any hand, since his stack will become equal to the size of the big blind.

Pot odds (Pot Odds)
Pot odds is the ratio between potential winnings and the size of the bet that needs to be called. For example, if there is already a $10 pot, and the opponent bets $1. The player needs to call the $1 bet to be able to win 11 (previous pot size + opponent's bet). In this example, pot odds would be 11:1. Pot odds allow you to determine whether or not calling a bet will be profitable over the course of the game. Let's assume that in the above example the player has a flush draw, his odds to hit the flush (let's say he will always win the pot with a flush) on the turn are approximately 4:1. In general, if the pot odds (11:1) are greater than the odds (4:1), then such a call will be profitable in the long run. Let's see why this happens. In this example, with pot odds of 4:1, you will lose four times out of five, that is, four times out of five you will lose the $1 you called with, which will be $4. In the fifth case, you will win the entire formed pot - $11. It looks like you'll be winning more than you're losing, so it's profitable for you to call in this spot. Now let's change the original data. There is a $10 pot and Villain bets $9. The pot odds will be 19:9, which is approximately 2.1:1. They are already less than the odds, which means that it will not be profitable for us to call. Let's check this statement. In 4 cases you will lose $9*4 = $36, and in one case you will win a pot of $19. It can be seen that such a call will be unprofitable in the long run. Understanding pot odds is important for playing draw hands profitably, as well as protecting your hand from potential draws.

Showdown (showdown) is a stage in the game when all bets are equalized and players open their cards and compare the collected combinations to determine the winner in the distribution.

Equity is a player's predicted stake in the pot over the long run. For example, if there is $100 in the pot and you have 50% to win, then the equity will be $50, which is 50% of the pot. Equity is used when calculating the Expected Value (mathematical expectation) for the result of any action. This calculation allows you to determine whether such an action will be profitable at a distance.

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