What does snow mean in a dream. Why dream of snow - interpretation of sleep in a family dream book

Night visions in which a person dreams of snow can sometimes have an unpredictable interpretation. To correctly understand the meaning of sleep, many circumstances and small details are taken into account. The important thing is when exactly the snow fell, whether the natural phenomenon was accompanied by rain, wind, ice formation on the trees. Of great importance are the actions performed by the owner of night vision in a dream.

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    Key values

    A dream in which a person had a heavy snowfall promises difficulties in resolving issues related to the material condition of a person. But the dreamer will do everything possible to avoid a crisis.

    If you dreamed of falling heavy snow flakes, this foreshadows a quarrel with your loved one. The outcome of the conflict situation will depend on the patience and wisdom of the dreamer.

      Watch in night vision how it is snowing outside the window, to a cold snap in relations with your soulmate. The best solution in this situation would be a frank conversation with your loved one.

      Seeing the first snow in a dream is a sign of cardinal positive changes in the dreamer's life. A person can start life from scratch. Watching the snow fall to the ground and immediately melt - soon the dreamer's relatives will blame him and suspect him of what he did not do.

      Cold, snowstorm and snowstorm indicate that the dreamer's soul is restless. He experiences an emotional upheaval associated with dreams and hopes that were not realized, disappointment with life events. In the event that the blizzard subsides in a dream, a person will have the opportunity to cope with a depressive mood and change everything for the better.

      A snow avalanche symbolizes joyful chores. Being covered with snow is a profitable financial offer. You shouldn't give it up.

      Snow and rain promises unforeseen twists of fate. The dreamer's life path will be like a zebra. Gifts of fate will alternate with difficult trials that a person can easily overcome.

      During the warm season

      Sometimes the human subconscious can present various surprises in the form of unusual dreams. Dreamed snowfall in the warm season is no exception:

      • If you dreamed that it was snowing in the spring, then this is a symbol of change for the better. For entrepreneurs, such a dream portends problems in business due to the inattention of the owner of the vision.
      • Seeing snowdrifts is an obstacle to achieving a cherished goal, or the dreamer is afraid to start some kind of risky business. For a girl to see such a dream - to doubt the devotion of her beloved.
      • If in a dream snow-capped mountain peaks were seen in March, then this promises the dreamer good health.
      • If you had a dream that dirty snow lies on the street in May, this portends scandals and misunderstandings in the family.
      • If you dreamed of a snowball in the summer, then this portends the imminent arrival of unexpected guests who will demand a lot of attention. If the groom had such a night vision before the wedding, then this indicates that his chosen one will be cold in bed.
      • Walking on snowy ground is a favorable sign. The owner of the vision will easily overcome any obstacles on the way to achieving his goals.
      • If a lot of snow has fallen, then this portends success in monetary matters, you can safely sign important contracts and make deals.
      • Admire the snow on the trees - to the beginning of a calm and carefree period.
      • Watching snowflakes falling from the sky is an unexpected problem.
      • A snowball melting in the sun indicates that the dreamer's ill-wishers will not be able to realize their insidious plans.

      Watch the snow

      Snow is one of the most beautiful natural phenomena. You can just watch the softly falling snowflakes and enjoy the beauty of nature. However, "snowy" dreams do not always promise the same pleasant changes in the dreamer's near future.

      So, there are several possible options for dreams about snow, which the dreamer is looking at:

      • If a person dreamed that he saw a heavy snowfall from the window of his apartment in winter, then this portends some obstacles in achieving his goals. But the dreamer will be able to overcome all obstacles. To see such a dream on the night of Epiphany - to separation from a loved one. Do not be upset about this, as the test of time and distance will only strengthen the relationship of a couple in love.
      • Admiring the beauty of snow-capped peaks in the mountains suggests that the dreamer has too high self-esteem. You should look at some things easier and not overestimate your capabilities.
      • Soft snowflakes falling from the sky in a dream mean that you will soon receive good news or a pleasant meeting.
      • A dream about how pure white snow sparkles in the sun means a radical change for the better.
      • Psychologist Gustav Miller claims that if you dreamed of a snowy "carpet" that covered all the streets and houses, then you should expect monetary profit. This will be a reward for the dreamer's hard work.
      • For a woman to see wet snow in a dream is a shame, a humiliating situation. You need to carefully control your words and actions. This will help you avoid trouble in the future.
      • Dirty snow cover on the streets of the city warns the owner of the vision that soon one of his close people will cruelly betray him.

      Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

      Actions with snow

      Often a person dreams that he performs certain actions with snow. In order to find out exactly what it was dreaming of, you should remember the dream in great detail and look into the dream book:

      • Sculpting a snowman is a warning that the dreamer will soon have to make an important choice. In this situation, it will be necessary to listen to your heart, not your mind.
      • Falling into the snow portends the betrayal of a best friend or the betrayal of a loved one. A dream can be a harbinger of problems with superiors at work.
      • If a person dreamed that he was melting ice, then this warns him of the need to spend much more effort than expected in order to achieve what he wants.
      • Walking barefoot in the snow is a symbol of the lack of care and attention from the second half. You should talk frankly with your loved one about this.
      • Playing snowballs - to deceived hopes.
      • If you had a chance to clean snow with a shovel, hands or a broom, then this dream tells a person that he should be more open in relations with other people.
      • A dream in which the dreamer had to run across the snowy ground portends positive changes for the better.
      • With difficulty walking in deep snow - to a deterioration in relationships with a loved one.
      • For a man to leave his mark on a road strewn with snow - to marry an honest and well-mannered girl.
      • If the dreamer is stuck in a snowdrift, then unforeseen obstacles await him in resolving an important issue. Liberation from a snow trap - to quickly solve problems.
      • Getting lost in the snow - to a difficult financial situation. But the dreamer will be able to find a decent way to make money, which will help him get through hard times.
      • Falling into a large pile of snow is a favorable sign, portending prosperity and enjoyment of life, success in all matters.
      • Sculpt different figures from snow - to financial losses due to the dreamer's carelessness. Do not make hasty actions in the near future and sign contracts.
      • Throwing snow at other people - become the center of a big scandal and accusations.
      • Sledding - you should not agree to the tempting offers of business competitors. The dream in which the dreamer happened to remove snow from the roof of his house has the same meaning.
      • Freeze in a dream - the dreamer will have a pleasant meeting with old friends.

      Dream interpretation books can interpret night visions in completely different ways. But even if the meaning of sleep is not entirely pleasant, it must be remembered that each person is the master of his own destiny.

Why dream of snowfall? In a dream, he warns that some event will happen that will make you look at familiar things in a completely different way. Popular dream books will interpret the image with specific examples.

Interpretation of sleep according to Danilova's dream book

Had a snowfall? In the near future, circumstances in personal life will develop in the best way. If in dreams the snowfall caught on the way, then some revelation will lead you to extreme amazement.

Seeing pure snow is good. He promises joy and prosperity in a dream. What does snow fall on the ground in a dirty layer mean? You humbly accept failures and surprises of fate without even trying to fight.

Did you see the snow melt? All your doubts will be dispelled very soon. In a dream, watching the snowfall through the window means that soon you will quarrel with your lover.

Opinion of the dream book of the spouses Winter

Why dream of a light snowfall? It promises a peaceful and peaceful existence. It is best to see such snowfall on a sunny winter day.

Did you dream that you felt snowflakes prick and pinch your face? Alas, the dream book guarantees disappointment and quarrels with loved ones. A very heavy snowfall hints: you made a mistake and its consequences will be extremely unpredictable.

Interpretation of the image according to the dream book for the whole family

Why dream of snowfall, especially if in a dream you were walking against the wind? Wake up will have to participate in the trial, but its outcome will be favorable for you. Did you dream that a snowball sparkles in the sun? Get ready for a celebration or a joyful holiday.

Seeing large snowflakes fall means that you will certainly make up with someone after a long quarrel. The same plot promises lonely romantic dates, and family well-being in the house. Snowfall, falling in a dense wall in a dream, symbolizes an improvement in the financial situation.

Interpretation according to the general dream book

Why dream of heavy snowfall? Dream Interpretation suspects that you have too many unresolved problems. Ever had to wade through a wall of snow? Enemies do everything to interfere with your plans.

In a night adventure, does the wind seem to drive you in the back? Soon your merits will be recognized by the public. If the snowfall is so strong that nothing is visible around, then the dream book guarantees a meeting with old comrades.

To feel in a dream the touch of snowflakes on your face, according to the dream book, means that your cherished desire is about to come true. If you dreamed that you got lost in a snowfall, then a romantic adventure is coming, which will bring a lot of pleasant impressions.

Why dream of snowfall outside the window

In a dream, did you sit at home and watch the snow fall? Excessive indecision will cause the decline of all affairs. If a woman dreamed of a snowfall outside the window, then a good friend would deceive her.

Why dream that snowfall caught on the road? Get ready for the misunderstanding of others and problems with money. For people engaged in business, such a plot promises the loss of a large sum of money and even complete bankruptcy.

What does heavy snowfall mean?

Well, if in a dream under heavy snowfall, you walked along with your life partner. This means that a long life together awaits you, however, not without many problems. If you are caught in an impenetrable snowfall, then fate has prepared a rather serious test. Heavy snowfall on a sunny day guarantees joy and happiness.

I dreamed of snowfall in winter, summer, spring, autumn

The snowfall, which was dreamed in the winter, most often does not mean anything. In autumn and spring, this plot promises prosperity and prosperity. Why dream of snowfall in the middle of summer? Something so unusual will happen that it will seriously shock you. In addition, the time of the year when it happened to see snowfall indicates the moment the dream prediction was fulfilled.

Snowfall in a dream - examples of dreams

Remember: each snowflake in the most abundant snowfall has its own individuality and dissimilarity. Therefore, this image hints: you need to do something that will help you escape from the ordinary.

  • it is snowing - profit, great luck
  • for farmers - a fertile year
  • falls on you - luck
  • home - wealth
  • on trees - insignificant profit
  • light - contentment
  • strong - be careful
  • melting - rebirth

If you dreamed of a small snowfall that barely covered the ground, then difficult times are coming, but they will end very quickly. If the snowfall did not stop all night, then the difficulties will last for a long period.

> > Snow

Why dream of Snow

Through this page you will learn why dream Snow in a dream according to the dream book.

Meneghetti explains why snow is dreaming. He believes that this is purity, coldness in relationships and even frigidity. Often such a dream can mean that someone believed in the power of chastity, but at the same time he is terribly afraid that he might be tempted. Or he is not as good and correct as he would like to be perceived.

If you are walking on a pristine snowy surface, then you crave love and relationships. But dirt is a certain guilt that you feel in front of your loved one or the identification of his negative qualities that can spoil even the strongest feelings. If it melts, then you want to relax and stop controlling your every step.

Why dream of snow according to Miller

What snow is dreaming of should not scare you, as Miller calls it a soothing sign. Such dreams come to those people who are worried about their personal lives or work. A pacifying picture of white flakes, as it were, hints that there is no need to wait for changes for the worse, everything is in order. But, this only applies to those moments when the picture looks peaceful. But if a storm rages, then get ready for misfortune. Scenes like this are heartbreaking. It turns out that the event that you have been waiting for so long will not happen. And this fact will make you sad. It’s bad if snow flies from the sky in hefty flakes. The ideal that you have erected with such zeal will collapse in one click. If you see dirt on it, then your pride will fall, and you will find a common language with the person who previously despised you. If you are sitting in a warm room and watching the falling flakes through the window glass, then this is a bad sign for two reasons. First, quarrel with your loved one. And secondly, you have avoided people for a very long time and now you can get hit even in your pocket.

Why dream of snow along Vanga

Vanga perceived what snow was dreaming of as a chance to repent of committed low deeds. This is especially hinted at by walking on a snow-white carpet. If it looks loose or has a lot of dirt on it, then you yourself will be mired in severe trials. And troubles will pile up too quickly. In addition, a close friend will also dare to betray, because of which your name may suffer, and after it your career. After what you see, it is better to keep your mouth shut and not scatter secrets in all directions. But, if you saw that the snow is perfectly clean, even glittering, then you are a wonderful person, practically a righteous man. You follow the laws of God, and you will be fine. Vanga believes that it is very good to get under the snow. The more snowflakes stick around you, the more secure your existence will be. This includes profitable cooperation and deals that will quickly bring you incredible amounts. But there is a warning here. Do not send your profits to an unworthy cause, otherwise you will lose everything in one second without the right to return it.

Why dream of snow according to Freud

The psychoanalyst equated the image of white snowflakes with the process of ejaculation and hinted at sex. So, if you don’t know why snow is dreaming of, and how it is connected with your sex life, then Freud will help you figure it out. Often snow falls in dreams before the period of conception. Especially if you have been planning to have a baby for a long time and even made repeated attempts. Such scenes in this case are quite natural. If a girl makes her way through a real snowstorm and snowflakes are stuffed into her pockets and behind her collar, and all her clothes and hair are covered with it, then this is a manifestation of her incredible desire to try on the role of a mother. She is ready to continue the race and constantly thinks about it. But if a man falls into the same scenario, then this is not a sign of the desire to become a father. Rather, it is his habit of frequent self-gratification. If you are trying to hide from the snow that hits your face, then you are actually very afraid of taking on such a relationship and are not yet ready to become pregnant. But the snowdrifts dear to the heart and white snow sheets confirm that both partners are ready for this event.

Why dream of snow according to Nostradamus

The astrologer treated the cold with great caution, considering its appearance not the best sign. Then what snow is dreaming of should make you think. If you are walking through the snowy expanses, then take a closer look at the atmosphere in your family. Very soon you can quarrel, and out of nowhere. If you do not react in time, then the situation, like an avalanche, will cover you headlong and develop into a serous conflict. Your walk during a snowfall also speaks of problems in communication and omissions. If you find yourself on a hefty ice floe covered with white flakes. This is not just an omen of severe cold, but a real nuclear winter. This is a threat to all humanity and action must be taken. Unexpected jumps can form in front of your target if you are trying to get through the big snowdrifts that sweep right in front of your nose. If you are shoveling snow or clearing it from the road, then you have made the wrong decision, and you will have to spend time to eliminate the consequences. But if you decide to indulge and make a snowman, then you will soon have to make a choice and the astrologer advises you to listen to your mind, not your heart.

Snow in a dream is a rather difficult symbol to interpret. After all, it can promise wealth and prosperity, or it can hint at deceit and unpleasant surprises. Dream Interpretations will tell you how to correctly interpret the image.

Why dream of snow according to Miller's dream book

Looking through the window at the slowly falling snow is a symbol of a quarrel with a loved one. If a woman saw in a dream how she was going down the snow on a sleigh, then in reality she would have to defend the authority of her soulmate.

The snow that melts before our eyes promises joy. Looking at a beautiful snowy landscape is a happy fate. At present, fortune is favorable to you. Polluted snow is a sign of softness. Your pride will subside when you begin to communicate with the person with whom you previously had a difficult relationship.

Tasting snow in your dream is a symbol of the collapse of your ideals. If in a dream you accidentally get lost in snowdrifts and don’t know how to get out of there, a long chain of failures and defeats awaits you.

Snow in a dream according to Vanga's dream book

In a dream, stomping in the snow means that the moment has come in your life to start living righteously. After such a dream, you need to go to the temple and repent before the Lord for all your acquired sins. A dream in which you move from one snowdrift to another promises you difficult everyday problems.

A dream in which you sculpt various figures from snow indicates that you quite often embellish your successes and achievements in front of your closest people. You need to stop behaving in such a way, as the truth will soon be revealed, and this will not lead to anything good.

Often the dream of loose and polluted snow leads to difficult tests of fate. A loved one will betray you and your reputation may suffer because of this. If you saw pure snow, then in reality you live the right life.

The dream of heavy snowfall is prophetic. It carries the image of a successful and self-sufficient life. Great horizons will open before you: profitable deals and numerous riches. However, you should not spend the material resources you received for prudent purposes, as you can lose in just one moment.

Aesop's Dream Interpretation - what does it mean to dream of snow

Seeing snow is a sign of surprise or deception. If you are watching the weather through the window and cannot understand whether it is raining or snowing, then you are adjusting your life to certain laws and frameworks.

To see snow in a sugar bowl, instead of sugar, is a sign of intrigue or malice on the part of people close to you. To see that a stranger is covering his tracks left in the snow - to fear, anxiety, doubt and unwillingness to see his former friends.

If you melt snow in a dream, you will need to put in a lot of effort to achieve a positive result. Sculpting various figures from the snow means that you absolutely do not have enough full-fledged time to practice your favorite hobby. Another such dream may indicate that in reality, you are doing unnecessary work. Snowball games promise you a pleasant pastime with children or childhood friends.

Why dream of snow - interpretation of sleep in a family dream book

This dream always dreams of a successful life, in which there is absolutely no place for worries and threats. Seeing snowfall means that in reality you will be able to avoid any financial difficulties.

A dream in which you break through the snowfall with great difficulty means the successful resolution of a complicated case. Admire the snow-capped mountain peaks in a dream, a symbol of assertiveness: your dreams encourage you to act decisively. Climbing up these mountains is victory and success.

Dream Interpretation Hasse - snow in a dream, interpretation

White snow dreams of significant changes in life. Stomp on it - get into trouble. Watching the falling snow - to obstacles. Jumping into the snow means some difficulties in business. It is in a dream among many snowdrifts - a sign of happiness.

French dream book - why dream of snow

Looking at falling snowflakes is sadness. Observe two winter phenomena at the same time: snow and ice - a symbol of a bountiful harvest. Removing snow with a shovel is a troublesome business.

Why dream of white snow

Such a dream in dreams is interpreted in different ways: it can mean pleasant travel or the wealth and security of a sleeping person. Watching white snow completely cover the ground is a sign of a happy life.

Snow that shimmers in the sun is a dream of good news. The dream where you saw the peaks covered with snow suggests that you will receive success and victory for other people's merits. Watching a beautiful snowy landscape in a dream is a sign of happiness. Soon you will receive everything that you have long dreamed of, because fate is favorable to you.

Why dream of snow in spring, summer or autumn

Snowfall in the spring means that unexpected obstacles will soon arise in your affairs. If in the summer - to pleasant surprises or lost opportunities, in the winter season - to fun, and in the fall - to loss.

Why dream of a snowdrift. Dream Interpretation - a lot of snow in a dream.

If you saw snowdrifts with snow in your dream, but you are afraid to approach them, it means that you are a very careful person and with the help of this quality in reality you can avoid unnecessary material costs.

For a young girl, this dream means that she is too suspicious of her other half. To see a lot of fallen snow in a dream - to stable profits and prosperity. Heavy snowfall - to big and bright changes.

Why dream of fallen snow

A dream in which snow fell - promises you well-being and luck in everything. Walking on freshly fallen snow is a sign of strength. You can easily overcome any barriers.

Why else can snow dream

  • polluted snow - to the betrayal coming from a loved one;
  • mountains of snow - to health;
  • falling snow - to an unexpected quarrel with relatives. Admire the falling snow from the window of your own house - to chilled feelings for your soulmate and missed opportunities. Looking at the snowfall from someone else's window is a pleasant change;
  • fall on the snow - to the delight of one's own wealth;
  • white snow is a sign of good health;
  • clean snow - to changes in character. You will become an open person and begin to trust the people around you.

Bright, well-remembered dreams always carry a hidden meaning, an allegory. They warn us of future events or signal hidden problems in the present. The dream book is our assistant in the world of dreams, which will tell you what this or that plot has dreamed of. The interpretation of the dream "snow" has both positive and negative meanings. In order to figure out what snow means in a dream, you should remember well under what circumstances you saw it.

Seeing snow in a dream

Seeing snow in a dream is a symbol of change, inner detachment, secret intentions. When snow is dreamed of in winter, then you should not take such a dream seriously, try to interpret it. Such a dream in the cold season is our experience of natural fading, a reflection of what we saw during the day. A dream that occurred during the warm seasons has a deep meaning.

Why dream of snow in summer, autumn? According to the dream book, this is a sign of well-being, good news, well-being. A psychoanalytic dream book interprets such a vision as sexual attraction. A woman who dreamed of a snowfall has a great desire to have a baby. For a man, this is a sign of a large, unspent sexual potential. Snow according to Miller's dream book is a symbol of life without troubles, hardships, troubles, good health.

Color, amount, texture of precipitation - these conditions play a big role in understanding sleep. For example, why dream of pure snow? This is a warning about a serious illness. I dreamed of dirty snow - soon there will be a recovery from the disease, an improvement in well-being.

Dreams about snow, winter, cold, often have a warning character. A correct interpretation will help to avoid trouble or eliminate them. When you see blood on the snow, be more careful, as danger and misfortune await you in the future.

In order to examine in detail the picture encrypted in the images, it is necessary to pay attention to all the nuances of the vision. For example, snow in the house may be a signal of imminent discord in the family, you are too alienated from your household and do not understand them.

However, dream books do not always interpret dreams in the same way. To figure out why there is a lot of snow on the roof of the house and in the yard, you need to turn to two sources. According to the popular dream book, this can be a harbinger of mourning, longing. In the English dream book - justification for your actions, victory over ill-wishers.

A snowdrift, according to the definition of a dream book, is a good sign, symbolizing wealth, prosperity, prosperity. The larger and lighter it is, the more favorable this interpretation. Seeing piled snow, snowdrifts in a dream predicts happiness and joy for you. Falling into a snowdrift is interpreted as enjoying life, one's successes.

The snow-covered peak, the mountains in the snow, in accordance with the dream book, symbolize our cherished dreams, goals, aspirations. Looking at the top of the mountain - enthusiasm pushes you to take action to achieve the goal. Climbing a snowy mountain means achieving success in a business in which no one believed in in the near future.

Feeling frost in a dream - to thunder. Signs of frost - to the deterioration of affairs, a black streak in life. For some time it is desirable to wait and do nothing.

Why dream of falling snow

In order to more accurately understand why the falling snow is dreaming, it is advisable to recall under what circumstances the snowfall occurred. Was it strong or weak, was it the first snow or a blizzard? Snow fell in hot, summer weather - to a pleasant surprise, amazement, joy. Thick snowfall is interpreted by the dream book as financial turmoil in the future. However, you can be sure that they are temporary and you will avoid a crisis.

For a correct explanation of what the snow falling in flakes is dreaming of, you should first take a closer look at your life. Do you have a guilty conscience because of a recent quarrel with a loved one? If so, then the dream portends an unexpected truce and the resumption of relations. Otherwise, sadness, deterioration of mood awaits you.

Other objects, objects present in a dream, also affect the overall picture of the interpretation. For example, the house in our dreams is our family, communication with relatives. When you fall asleep, you see yourself at home watching the snow fall outside the window. The dream interpretation explains this plot as a cooling of feelings for a loved one, unwillingness to change something in a relationship, missed opportunities.

Why dream of the first snow? Such a dream, according to the dream book, promises quick changes for the better. In the event that troubles and failures haunt you, the dream promises you the end of hardships, the desire to forget recent events, the beginning of a new life. If the wet snow melts, falling to the ground, then the vision announces unfair accusations against you from your relatives.

Snowstorm, snowstorm - harbingers of emotional unrest, a revolution in your soul. Getting into a blizzard means disappointment in life, emptiness and broken dreams. The subsided snowstorm, according to the dream book, indicates that you have the strength to overcome depression and get out of this difficult situation.

A snow avalanche that is dangerous in life acquires a positive connotation in a dream. Why dream of an avalanche of snow? Falling down from above, is interpreted by the dream book as unexpected news that will bring with it a lot of pleasant troubles. If you are bombarded by an avalanche and cannot get out of it, then be prepared for a sudden offer that cannot be refused.

Actions with snow in a dream

Walking or running through the snow in a dream has the same meaning - a change in life for the better, amazing changes. In interpreting such a vision, one must remember whether it was difficult to move forward. To move in deep snow, with difficulty and effort, the dream book interprets as serious obstacles, complications in relationships with a partner. If a blizzard sweeps towards you, then the dream book warns of litigation, litigation, which will end happily for you.

If you are walking on a clean, untouched snow field, then this indicates problems due to the lack of close contact with the opposite sex in your life. Running, walking barefoot in the snow is a warning of poverty, bankruptcy. A dream in which someone covers their tracks on a snowy road is explained by the dream book as follows: suspicions about the hostility of friends will make you withdraw into yourself. If a person is familiar to you, then he will stop communicating with you, you will lose contact with him.

In a dream, to fail, fall into the snow, is interpreted by the dream book as the impossibility in this case to influence the situation, dependence on others. Get out of the blockage - to successfully overcome existing obstacles. If you get lost in the winter forest, snowdrifts and cannot find a way out, then failures and losses are coming.

Any winter entertainment in the interpretation of the dream book has a positive omen. So, playing snowballs in a dream is explained as a fun pastime with a pleasant company, laughter and pleasure. The same applies to sleep, where you wallow in the snow, but are not littered with it. You will have fun incidents, adventures, fun. However, sculpting a snowman, according to the interpretation of the dream book, is dissatisfaction from doing an unloved thing, wasting time on unnecessary work. It also speaks of the desire to do your hobby more often.

I dreamed of a hare running on white snow - you will need to solve a difficult task and take risks in order to succeed. Riding a sleigh on a winter road for a girl prophesies a struggle for the attention of her lover, rivalry.

To remove snow in a dream portends a lot of stress, work, labor. Digging, removing snow with a shovel in a dream is an indication to prepare for the fight against life's difficulties. To clean the snow with your hand, the dream book explains how the wrong approach to what is happening, the obstacles appeared through your fault and you need to remove them yourself.

Melting snow in a dream, according to Miller's dream book - vain experiences, fear, for which joy will come. Melt the ice - promises a lot of trouble, wasting energy to achieve your goals

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