Talk to dad in a dream. Medieval dream book of Daniel

1. Father- (Dream Interpretation Medium misc Xacce)
Seeing or talking to him is happiness; dying - misfortune
2. Father- (Modern dream book)
The dream in which you saw your father warns that you will find yourself in a difficult situation, wise advice will help you get out of it. If you dreamed of a dead father, then your business affairs will be difficult, and you need to be careful when doing these things. For a young woman, such a dream predicts that her lover is playing a dishonest game with her.
3. Father- (Miller's dream book)
Seeing a father in a dream means that you will hardly avoid difficulties in business, and you will need someone's wise advice in order to solve the problems that have arisen yourself. If you dream that your father has died, it means that things will be difficult and you will have to be careful in their conduct. For a young woman to see her dead father in a dream means that her lover is deceiving or will soon deceive her.
4. Father- (Dream Book of Sigmund Freud)
The presence of the father in a dream indicates that the dreamer has an oedipal or paternal complex. If a young man or a man dreams that his father is making love or secluded with his mother or any other woman, then he has a pronounced Oedipus complex. He hates his father and sees him as his main sexual rival. This can go so far that he can blame his father for his unsuccessful sexual experiences. If a girl or woman dreams that she is having sex with her father, then she has become a victim of a paternal complex, that is, she cannot choose a partner for herself, since she compares them all with her father, but cannot find anything similar. If your father appears to you in a dream, then you are tormented by a guilt complex for not paying or not paying enough attention to him.
5. Father- (Esoteric dream book)
Alive - you need support, support. Your life lacks reliability, stability. If the father gives advice, teaches, we must listen to this.
6. Father- (David Loff's Dream Book)
The father is an interesting dream figure. He appears in a dream in various guises, causing conflicting feelings with his presence. As psychological studies show, how you feel about your father, how you perceive him, largely depends on the perception of beings of a higher order, in which you may believe. As a result, dreams with the appearance of the father often refer to issues of POWER, presence and love. As a rule, strength and authority are concepts that are primarily associated with the father. The father is an all-knowing and all-seeing person, and discipline is only a consequence of the above qualities. It happens that a father appears in your life in an unusual way. Such dreams can make you feel that not everything in this world is well arranged. The appearance of a father in a dream can symbolize warmth, strength, or, conversely, their absence in relation to other dream characters. In addition, a sick father usually dreams of some unresolved questions (What? Other elements of the dream will help answer this question.) relationship with the father and features of relations with him in a dream.

Why is dad dreaming? Most often, a dream in which your father was present does not bode well. The father is a symbol of the protector and breadwinner. Dreams are a mirror image of reality, they only need to be correctly interpreted, noticing the signs and warnings.

Miller's dream book - dad

Miller's dream book interprets the appearance of a father in a dream as a need for advice that will help solve a difficult problem. If you saw your father dead, then know that you will need to make great efforts to solve your problems. A dreaming father, as it were, warns a young woman about a possible imminent betrayal by a man.

What is the dream of dad in Vanga's dream book

Wangi's dream book says that a person dreams of a father during those periods of life when he is experiencing serious difficulties. A depressed state, a crossroads, the inability to find answers to your questions, the absence of a true friend - these are the reasons why the father appears in dreams.

To see a father sick means to be ill in reality. If the father behaves actively in a dream, talks a lot, then the dreamer will overcome his health problems. However, if you argue with your father in a dream, this does not bode well. Everything that is planned will not come true.

Dad in a dream - Freud's dream book

Why is dad dreaming according to Freud? If you saw your dad in a dream, then know that you need to be especially careful in personal relationships with the opposite sex. This is especially true for women, it is they who see their father in a dream before betrayal or separation from a man.

If in a dream you are having a long conversation with your father, then in reality take a closer look at your soulmate. Perhaps your father is pointing out to you that your partner is not worthy of you.

Interpretation of dreams about dad according to Loff's dream book

The appearance of the father in a dream causes conflicting feelings. According to Loff's dream book, such dreams are interpreted as dreams of higher power, love, affection. The father symbolizes strength and authority; by definition, he knows everything and sees everything.

If the father appeared in a dream in an unusual way and the dream caused confusion, then you are unhappy with your life. Dreaming of an unhealthy father - you have many unresolved issues. But you always need to take into account what kind of relationship you have with your father in reality and what heroes were present in this dream.

Why does dad dream about Medea's dream book

Medea's dream book considers dreams about her father as proof of stability and confidence in real life. It means that in reality the person who is next to you is reliable, you love and appreciate him.

Arguing in a dream with dad can be an omen of imminent difficult life situations and the need for help and advice. A living father in a dream, but already deceased in real life, is an indicator of new energy in your life.

Dream Interpretation Hasse - dreams about dad

According to Hasse's dream book, seeing dad in a dream and talking to him is a great success. His appearance in your dream is a confirmation of his love and affection for you. A long-dead father comes to your dream to warn of impending danger. It is imperative to take his advice with attention, listen.

You should not discount the other characters of the dream, if they were present there, this can be significant for the interpretation of the dream. If the father in a dream was indifferent towards them, then this only emphasizes his love for you.

Modern dream book about dreams about a father

Modern dream books interpret what dad is dreaming about in a dream a little differently than old dream books. Such a dream may mean the presence of great overwhelming power over you from the authorities. You need advice to help you get out of a very difficult life situation.

The father is an iconic figure in dreams, even if the father has already passed away. His appearance in a dream is never empty and meaningless. Perhaps during your lifetime in your relationship with your father, there was a lot left unsaid, unexplained.

Therefore, trying to unravel the meaning of such a dream, remember the most significant moments in your relationship with your father.

Seeing him dying in a dream means that you will be ashamed of what you have done.

Seeing a deceased father is a sign of illness or inheritance. For lovers, such a dream portends news of treason.

If your father is silent in a dream, then soon you will receive news of his illness. The dream in which you saw that your father was sick portends grief.

If you dream that you are talking to a father who died long ago, then you should remember him. Quarreling with your father in a dream is a sign of failure. To see him happy in a dream means receiving news from home.

Becoming a father in a dream is a sign of a happy ending to some business. The godfather in a dream is a symbol of protection.

After such a dream, you should listen to good advice and follow it. Sometimes such a dream reminds us of the responsibility that lies with us.

For a girl to see her mother and father together in a dream is a sign of imminent marriage or great good luck and happiness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Seeing Father in a dream

Talking with a living father - to the need for material and moral support.

Talking with a dead father - there will be a respite, use it to good use.

Interpretation of dreams from the latest dream book

What does the dream Father mean?

Seeing a father in a dream is a profit.

Arguing with him is a failure, a breakdown in financial affairs.

Of course, seeing dad is "profit." He will go to the zoo with you, and buy your favorite toy, and tell you something unusually interesting.

He gets tired, works, tries for you... Why are you arguing with him?!

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation for Girls

What do dreams mean Father

The dream in which you dreamed of your own father portends happiness in the family and marriage, if he lives and is well in real life; if in reality he is no longer alive, then such a dream means that you can hardly avoid obstacles in business, resorting to the help of friends and close relatives.

Seeing your healthy father sick in a dream predicts grief due to a failed or postponed meeting with a loved one.

If you had a dream in which your father died and you bury him, it means that an accident will befall you in reality.

A revived father is an unexpected gift.

Talking with your father in a dream - you will experience the joy of meeting friends you haven’t seen for a long time, arguing with your father - things will stall in reality and you will have to invite a consultant to figure out the reasons for this.

Seeing your godfather in a dream means that you will be charged with new responsibilities, which you cannot refuse for a number of personal reasons. A dreaming of a holy father means that relatives are misleading you.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream about Father

Everyone's real father contributes to the formation of the image of an ideal father.

This role can be assumed by the grandfather.

Cannibal giant.

Hypostasis ambivalent to the father.

The possessive father who threatens the individual.

Any problems related to discipline during the period of disobedience, when one must obey as a result of fear of punishment.

These ideas can be transferred to the relationship with the real father, but in the case when the individual does not recognize the existence of the father archetype in himself.

If he is able to see the problems in himself (including the potential of the father), he is able to translate the negative and destructive aspects of this archetype into something positive.

Corresponds to Saturn devouring his children.

The family circle is associated with the colors of the earth: black, brown, green.

The basic experience is a sensation (affect), that is, an attraction to a sudden and unexpected change in circumstances.

The reaction of behavior to a sensation also has the character of an outburst.

In general, an increased interest in sensational incidents is characteristic.

The need for sensation is important for anticipating unexpected events - a quality important for a family.

Carriers of nuclear forms of such archetypes are predisposed to cardiovascular diseases, as well as affective psychoses.

The symbolism of this circle includes a tree, the earth as such, a house.

The colors are green and brown.

The main element is earth.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychoanalytic dream book

What does Father mean in a dream

A strict father in a dream: a sign that you have launched or abandoned some important business.

A sick father, if the dream is not associated with a real illness: is a sign of difficulties that may adversely affect your well-being. Perhaps in reality you did not foresee something or made a tragic mistake that threatens to cross out your plans.

If the father is saddened or crying: such a dream indicates a very bad course of affairs.

If in reality you do not feel any particular reason for concern, then perhaps some of your plans threaten to turn into a big disaster.

Happy, joyful father in a dream: portends success.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the 20th century

The meaning of sleep Father

The living being, according to his past deeds, is allowed to enter the mother's womb along with the father's semen. This is the law of birth according to the past actions of the being.

Interpretation of dreams from the Vedic dream book

What does the Father predict in a dream

A father who has been seen in a dream will remind you to take someone's wise advice and solve the problems that have arisen. If you do not obey your father, you will face great difficulties.

If you dreamed that your father died, do business more carefully, otherwise you will have a very difficult time.

A young woman who sees her dead father in a dream should be prepared for the fact that her lover is deceiving or will soon deceive her.

D. Loff wrote about the dreams in which we see the father: “The father is an interesting figure in dreams. He appears in a dream in various guises, causing conflicting feelings with his presence. As psychological studies show, how you relate to your father, how you perceive him, largely depends on the perception of beings of a higher order in which you believe.

As a result, dreams with the appearance of the father often refer to issues of power, presence and love. As a rule, strength and authority are concepts that are primarily associated with the father. The father is an all-knowing and all-seeing person, and discipline is only a consequence of the above qualities. It happens that a father appears in your life in an unusual way. Such dreams can make you feel that not everything in this world is well arranged.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see Father in a dream

Father - worries and troubles.

Talk to your father - if you find yourself in a difficult situation, do not be afraid to ask for advice from someone you can trust.

The deceased father - his health is in perfect order, and you need to be careful and attentive.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation for a bitch

Interpretation of sleep Father

If you dreamed of your own father, you should be careful in love adventures, the father is a warning that not everything is going well in your personal life.

If in a dream your father is having a serious conversation with you - take a closer look at your partner, perhaps he is not worth you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate dream book

The meaning of the dream Father

This sign can symbolize a god.

Heavenly Father: this can be a symbol of a protector and breadwinner.

Do you need a protector or can you protect yourself? This sign can also refer to your own paternal feelings or to your biological father.

Study other surrounding signs.

Interpretation of dreams from the American dream book

Sleep Prediction Father

Father - Alive - you need support, support. Your life lacks reliability, stability. If the father gives advice, teaches, we must listen to this.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Kananit

Why is Father dreaming

Seeing a father in a dream means that you will hardly avoid difficulties in business. You will need someone's wise advice to solve the problems that have arisen. If you dream that your father has died, it means that things will be difficult and you will have to be very careful in their conduct. For a young woman to see a dead father in a dream means that she is being deceived or will soon be deceived by her lover.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Seeing Father in a dream

Seeing a father in a dream means that you will hardly avoid difficulties in business, and you will need someone's wise advice in order to solve the problems that have arisen yourself.

If you dream that your father has died, it means that things will be difficult and you will have to be careful in their conduct.

For a young woman to see her dead father in a dream means that her lover is deceiving or will soon deceive her.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

What does the dream Father mean?

To see a father dead is a disease or loss of inheritance.

Sick to see - chagrin.

To speak with the dead is to remember.

Arguing with him is a downfall.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychotherapeutic dream book

See Father in a dream

A sign that you are under the influence of some kind of authority or that you yourself are striving for some kind of patron.

A dispute with the father is a disorder of affairs.

Seeing him sick is your illness.

To see a dead father alive is to gain new strength.

Dream Interpretation from the Dream Interpretation Tutorial

What does Father mean in a dream

Seeing your father in a dream - in reality, the advice of a wise person will help you solve the problem.

Imagine that you are thanking your father for everything he has done for you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Meaning of dreams Father

If your father dreamed, soon you will need advice to resolve a difficult issue, and it is best to turn to family traditions.

If the father speaks to you - this is to your happiness soon.

To see him sick is to chagrin.

Dead or dying - to family squabbles, complications in business.

For a young woman - to the betrayal of a lover.

Talking in a dream with a father who actually died - to the need to remember him.

Arguing with him is a decline in business.

Seeing father and mother together in a dream is good luck.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Interpretation

What does Father mean in a dream

The father is an interesting dream figure. He appears in a dream in various guises, causing conflicting feelings with his presence. As psychological studies show, how you feel about your father, how you perceive him, largely depends on the perception of beings of a higher order, in which you may believe.

As a result, dreams with the appearance of the father often refer to issues of POWER, presence and love. As a rule, strength and authority are concepts that are primarily associated with the father. The father is an all-knowing and all-seeing person, and discipline is only a consequence of the above qualities. It happens that a father appears in your life in an unusual way. Such dreams can make you feel that not everything in this world is well arranged.

The appearance of a father in a dream can symbolize warmth, strength, or, conversely, their absence in relation to other dream characters. In addition, a sick father usually dreams of some unresolved questions (What? Other elements of the dream will help answer this question.)

The most important and decisive for the interpretation of a dream involving a father are the following points: the circumstances of his appearance, other participants in what is happening, your usual relationship with your father, and the features of your relationship with him in a dream.

Interpretation of dreams from

He appears to us in a good-natured or gloomy mood, in a variety of life situations, causing us to have a whole range of emotions that do not leave us even after waking up. What can such dreams mean? Why is dad dreaming?


Dream Interpretations offer such interpretations of a dream with a father.


Depending on what the father did in the dream, the dream can be interpreted in different ways:

  • The father is crying or upset about something. Such a dream suggests that soon the dreamer will regret something.
  • father having fun- this is a good sign that indicates that in reality the dreamer will be recognized by colleagues and loved ones. Everyone will be pleased with your achievements.
  • father swears- this sign indicates the mistakes made by the dreamer, wrong actions, which receive the condemnation of the father. Perhaps the sleeper committed an act contrary to his own moral values. If the father proceeds to assault, this means that it will be extremely difficult for the dreamer to find the right way out of this situation.
  • Father kisses or hugs- this dream is interpreted as a harbinger of problems in the dreamer's intimate life, or his experiences relating to the intimate sphere.
  • Father gets into an accident- such a dream portends conflict situations with the dreamer's relatives and friends. However, over time, everything can be resolved.
  • Father is killed or badly beaten- such a dream suggests that the sleeping person's outlook on life will change very much.
  • The father looks very poor and begs for alms- such a dream warns the dreamer of very serious troubles that will be difficult to avoid. Try to bear them with dignity.
  • drunk father- such a dream speaks of the dreamer's internal conflicts or his indecision in solving current problems. In order to achieve, it is worth being more active and independent.

What did you do in your dream? Based on your actions, a dream with a dreaming father will be interpreted as follows:

  • Fight with father- means an unexpected and unpleasant surprise from the second half. Be ready to change the situation on the personal front.
  • beat up father- such a dream portends the parent good health and well-being.
  • Fight with father, beat him- perhaps the dreamer is very tired of parental care and guidance, he needs more personal freedom. You should talk to your parents and try to resolve this issue without conflict.
  • Have a conversation with your father- this is a very good sign, which indicates that the dreamer has strengthened his positions in life, is able to make independent decisions leading him to success and prosperity.
  • Get intimate with your father for a woman means difficulties in choosing her soulmate.
  • Search in a dream for your father, call him, perhaps you have a problem that you do not dare to face face to face, you are afraid of personal responsibility for the situation. Ask your loved ones for advice - they will certainly help with making the right decision and provide the necessary support. If the father came to your calls, the current situation has every chance of being successfully resolved through joint efforts.


A dreaming godfather for a guy or girl who is not married means that soon they can meet a person with whom they want to connect their future life.

It may also mean that in real life, the dreamer will receive a gift, and it is not at all necessary that its value will be measured in money.

For a person bound by marriage, the appearance of the godfather in a dream symbolizes a happy and harmonious family life.

If he passed away?

It happens that in a dream there is a father who has passed away. If the meeting was warm, the dreamer felt his father's love for himself, which means that this portends a good state of affairs, good luck and satisfaction with life. If the father was dissatisfied, this indicates that the sleeping person committed an act that he regrets.

If the sleeper laughed with his father - this may portend an unjustified feeling of jealousy in the dreamer. He should trust his soulmate more.

The deceased father lies in - it means that the sleeper is guided by balanced, rational decisions in his affairs.

A conversation with a deceased father may contain important advice for the dreamer, the sleeper should remember the essence of the conversation and think about the words of his father.

Whose parent was dreaming?

If a girl dreams of her boyfriend's father, it means that she is worried about his attitude towards her, the seriousness of their intentions. Perhaps you should not worry so much, since these fears are usually groundless.

The father of his girlfriend who dreamed about the guy - this is a sign indicating that the sleeper needs advice. If the father was benevolent, this dream portends calmness and satisfaction with life, measured happiness. Also, the girl's father, who appeared in a dream, may portend conflicts with management at work.

A woman to see in a dream the father of her daughter or son says that they have a good relationship, to see the dad of someone else's child portends an unexpected joyful event, as well as support from loved ones.

Became a father in a dream

If a young man dreamed that he became a father, this suggests that his future marriage will be happy, and his relationship with his wife will be trusting and harmonious - however, this is only on condition that in a dream he will be happy with the child that has appeared.

If a guy dreams that his girlfriend this may portend success in business, unexpected luck in ventures.

sick man

A dreaming sick father, although it causes severe emotional experiences, portends an improvement in the dreamer's financial condition.

If a recovering father is dreaming, it means the sleeper's affairs went on the mend and troubles will leave him for a certain time.

Also, this dream can indicate changes in the dreamer's personal life.

For many of us, the father is associated with strength and protection, but in the interpretation of dreams, everything is not so simple. Why can a father dream?

What does a dream about a father mean

Modern dream book

To improve well-being, a happy life, joyful events - this is what the father dreams of.

Argue with him in a dream - expect a decrease in vitality.

They saw that the father fell ill - to receive an inheritance or the onset of sadness.

If you saw your father dead, quarrels in the family, troubles, deeds for which you will be ashamed are possible.

Small Velesov dream book

They saw their father - a signal of an impending difficult situation, out of which wisdom will allow.

A dream about a dead father portends problems in managing financial affairs. The same dream that a young girl saw speaks of the infidelity of her young man.

A conversation with a living dad is an urgent need for the moral support of a relative. If the conversation is with a deceased father - to a respite in business, which is worth taking advantage of.

Family dream book

To vital undertakings, blessings in the personal sphere, considerable changes in a positive direction - this is what fathers dream of who look healthy, beautiful and tidy.

If you saw your father drunk or sick - to a meeting with treason.

Intimate ties with the pope prophesy serious ailments and an appeal to black magic.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

According to the dream book, the father signals a future dependence on your leadership.

When communicating with your father, there is a high risk of developing a difficult situation in reality, when you urgently need to get the advice of a wise person.

If you did not listen to your father's advice, expect a considerable number of difficult situations.

I dreamed that my father had gone to another world - there would be difficulties in business.

A young girl who saw the deceased dad should be more attentive to the actions of her beloved - perhaps he is fooling her.

Miller's dream book

If you saw a dead father, you must definitely go to church, where you put a candle for his repose and unleash a conversation about him with loved ones. The deceased father may dream before the start of the time of repentance for something.

The deceased father stands and holds something in his hands - maybe he needs this item, then it should be taken to the grave of the deceased.

When the deceased father hugs in a dream - wait for the addition of material wealth.

A father who has died may come in a dream to warn of dangers, mistakes, or troubles. It is only important to see all the warnings and take the chance.

When the deceased father is seen alive, success awaits you in all the things that you start.

When in a dream he has a conversation with you on any topic, try to remember this - perhaps this is very important.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

According to the dream book, the father suggests the need in real life to get good advice from a wise person in order to get out of a difficult situation.

In a dream, your father died - to problems in commercial matters and the manifestation of special care in solving them.

A young girl can see the deceased dad in a dream as a sign of the future infidelity of her beloved.

Women's dream book

Talking in a dream with your father - to get happiness.

To see him dying is unfortunate.

When the godfather dreamed - to receive a present. To play the role of a godfather in a dream - to the emergence of new obligations.

In a dream, you happened to become a dad - a happy marriage awaits you.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

If you had to see your father in a dream, in reality you cannot avoid difficulties in business, you will need good advice.

When you dreamed that your father had gone to the other world, be careful in managing your affairs, as some difficulties will arise.

A young girl who notices a deceased dad in a dream should think about her lover and his behavior - perhaps soon he will prove himself to be a deceiver.

Freud's dream book

According to this interpreter of dreams, the pope is a most interesting figure, expressing very conflicting feelings. Often the father is perceived as a symbol of strength, guidance and love. Given the relationship to the father, dreams can symbolize warmth, love, or, conversely, the absence of these feelings.

A sick father may dream of unresolved problems that need to be resolved.

Loff's dream book

When you saw your father, this is evidence that you have a father complex.

When a man dreamed of a father making love to his mother or another lady, this indicates a man's feeling of hatred for his father.

If a girl dreamed that she had sexual contact with her father, then this in reality means that she chooses a partner similar to her father.

When dad often appears to you, you suffer from guilt towards him for the small amount of attention given.

Esoteric dream book

When you managed to see dad, know that his love for you is very strong.

If the father has already left this world, you can see him in a dream as a sign of your sad grief.

Vedic dream book

Seeing a living dad - you need support and support to solve life issues.

The father helps with advice or teaches something - you should definitely listen to everything that he said.

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