Are salt caves useful? Salt cave - the benefits and harms of the halo chamber

In recent years, people are concerned about maintaining their health. Constant cataclysms, the prevalence of infections and viruses, the active reproduction of pathogenic microbes - all this is a provocateur of a deterioration in general health. Many effective and efficient methods have been invented to combat various diseases, and one of them is the salt room, the benefits and harms of which are actively discussed by health professionals.

The salt room is a specially equipped room, the walls, ceiling and floor of which are covered with salt blocks. Such a design creates a certain humidity, temperature and pressure favorable for the human body. And the ionic composition of the salt room has a positive effect on the performance of the whole organism. The advantage of such a treatment-and-prophylactic room is that there is a complete absence of all kinds of allergens and pathogenic bacteria. For a long time, salt rooms have been effectively used for medicinal and preventive purposes. It has been proven that a sick person, after visiting a salt cave, recovers much faster, while the healing process will begin to operate even without the use of drug therapy.

The main therapeutic benefit of the salt room lies in the fact that the person in it is under the influence of the healing environment. As a result of visiting the salt room, metabolism is stimulated (improving the work of metabolic processes), due to which toxic components are released from the body that adversely affect human health. Many experts assure that the course procedure for visiting the salt room can be compared with a full-fledged rest at the Black Sea resort. After several visits to the salt room, the results of healing are actively manifested, the body is saturated with vigor and a positive energy charge.

Salt room action

Even in the earliest years, the benefits of salt caves were known. Ancient people visited the salt cave, the benefits and harms of which were directly reflected in human health. With the help of such visits, colds and other illnesses were effectively cured.

In modern years, salt rooms have the name speleochamber or halochamber, which is recognized as a therapeutic procedure for the general healing of the body. The main component of the speleo chamber is a special salt aerosol, it sprays microscopic salt droplets in the air. The composition of the aerosol can be different, depending on what kind of salt rocks were used in the construction of the caving chamber.

The sprayed salt particles are small (from 2 to 5 microns), so they easily get into the human respiratory system, providing a therapeutic and prophylactic result. A visit to a speleo chamber helps to treat diseases of an infectious and colds nature. In addition to the colossal therapeutic process taking place in the respiratory tract, the released salt particles have a beneficial effect on the entire body, stimulating the activity of general and local immunity.

During a course visit to the salt room, the human body begins to adapt to new external conditions, after which all internal systems radically rebuild their work processes.

Doctors recognize visiting the salt room as an effective method of treating various diseases in an unconventional way. Combined with comprehensive therapies, the salt room helps stabilize the workflow of internal systems such as the cardiac and vascular, as well as the respiratory and immune.

The benefits of the salt room

To achieve a therapeutic effect, many doctors advise their patients to visit the salt room, the benefits and harms of this procedure are determined by the individual characteristics of a person, but in most cases, such therapy has no obvious contraindications. Physicians recognize a visit to the salt room as an excellent alternative to using medication.

A special advantage of this physiotherapeutic procedure lies in the cure of various diseases of the respiratory tract. The salt room is indicated for visiting with a pre-asthma state, in addition, a course visit to such a room helps to suspend the process of asthma development in its initial stages.

In the chronic stage of bronchitis in the form of remission, a visit to the salt room is also recommended. But it is important to take into account the doctor's recommendations if the disease is in the active stage.

The benefits of salt vapors have been proven for heart disease, as well as for hypertension.

A visit to a speleo chamber has a beneficial effect on the general state of the nervous system. Course inhalation of salt vapors helps the body to easily cope with nerves, depression, external disorders. Shown a visit to the salt speleochamber and with a strong fatigue of the body.

For thyroid disorders, a visit to the salt room is also recommended by doctors. The course inhalation of salt vapors can cure some disorders in the functioning of the internal organ.

In recent years, people who follow their figure have deserved special attention to the salt room, indications and contraindications for visiting it can contribute to the correction of the figure. The interior of the salt room directly contributes to the establishment of metabolic processes, which has a beneficial effect on the natural destruction of extra pounds of weight. Moreover, during the period of adhering to the basics of the diet, visiting a speleo chamber helps those who lose weight cope with stress.

Salt room for a child's body

The salt room for children is indicated for use. In this case, the physiotherapy procedure operates in the following directions:

  • Thanks to the negatively charged ions that are in the salt vapor, the immune system is strengthened and the body actively resists the activity of infections, viruses and colds. The salt aerosol in the speleo chamber may contain various types of salts, which have the correct effect on the entire body: iodine regulates the performance of the endocrine system; magnesium supports the normal functioning of the heart muscle; potassium, as well as sodium help to improve blood supply; calcium is responsible for strengthening the defenses; manganese has cleansing properties, it frees the baby's body from toxins and harmful components; selenium is a reliable prophylaxis against the formation of cancerous tumors; zinc stimulates the growth of the child; lithium prevents the formation of diabetes mellitus; iron regulates the rate of hemoglobin in the blood; copper helps to eliminate disorders associated with the malfunctioning of metabolic processes.
  • When the salt room is visited by the course method, the benefit for the child lies in the elimination of respiratory diseases. The speleo chamber helps to increase lung ventilation; expanding the functionality of respiratory reflexes; improving the process of the respiratory act; normalization of gas exchange. In the process of the complex of the above actions, a therapeutic effect is exerted on the inflamed airways, the risk of allergic reactions decreases, and the bronchi are effectively cleared of painful mucus.
  • Regular visits to the speleo chamber have a positive effect on the state of the baby's nervous system. Salt vapor can eliminate the child's increased excitability, help improve the quality of sleep and help eliminate the baby's unreasonable whims.

Doctors can prescribe a visit to a speleo chamber for a child for the following diseases:

  • diseases of the heart and vascular systems;
  • hypotension;
  • colds in the respiratory tract;
  • the presence of adenoids;
  • tonsillitis;
  • hypertension;
  • sinusitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • disruption of the central nervous system;
  • respiratory failure;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • skin diseases;
  • weakness of immune forces.

In addition to the above diseases, a visit to the salt room is also recommended for prophylactic purposes against the activity of these diseases.

As a rule, salt rooms are located in hospitals or sanatoriums. How to make a salt room with your own hands? In order to build a treatment room at home, a number of strict conditions must be met. It is best to entrust the construction of a home salt room to a specialist of the appropriate profile. Otherwise, there is a risk of building a room that will have absolutely no therapeutic effect.

Contraindications to visiting the salt room

Before starting a course visit to the salt room, it is necessary to obtain an approved doctor's advice. A visit to the speleo camera is strictly prohibited when:

  • claustrophobia;
  • exacerbation of respiratory diseases;
  • acute or chronic kidney disease;
  • colds or infectious processes, which are accompanied by increased body temperature or general intoxication of the body;
  • transferred lung abscess;
  • the presence of a tumor or if its formation is suspected;
  • various blood diseases;
  • hemoptysis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pathology of internal systems or internal organs;
  • chronic heart failure.

On the good side, it has proven itself and, the benefits and harms, reviews, as well as recommendations for its use, will always be told by medical specialists. Inhalation of salt vapors can be an effective way for a person to improve the body in the absence of contraindications.

Salt is the most valuable gift of nature, which was protected by mankind more than gold mines. This substance is used not only as an additive to improve the taste of food, but also in the treatment of the body. Halotherapy, speleotherapy is a non-drug treatment with salt vapors in rooms that completely recreate the microclimate that is present in salt caves.

Historical reference

The speleo chamber was first opened to visitors in 1976. In those days, doctor P. P. Gorbenko, who was engaged in spa treatment, opened a hospital on the basis of a sanatorium in the village of Solotvino.

Principle of operation

Treatment in salt caves is based on placing a person in a sterile salt room, where the optimal level is maintained:

  • pressure;
  • temperature;
  • humidity.

Due to the sterility in the room, there are no bacteria and allergens. And the main component in treatment is the smallest salt particles that enter the body through the respiratory system. Artificially created caves use potassium chloride or sodium salts.

Today, the salt room can be visited in almost any city without going to remote corners of the country where mining is carried out. But if the doctor has not prescribed the procedure, then you need to know when you can visit the salt cave.


  • the initial stage of asthmatic pathology;
  • pulmonary diseases in the initial stage;
  • chronic pathologies of the bronchi in remission;
  • bronchial asthma at any stage, except for the period of exacerbation;
  • skin diseases of a cold nature;
  • lichen and eczema;
  • hypertonic disease.

Modern doctors have even identified the relationship between visiting a salt cave and losing weight. After the procedure, the metabolism improves, the digestion process is normalized, which has a beneficial effect on the burning of fat cells. The salt cave, the benefits of which are undeniable, can be shown for neuroses and circulatory disorders. Halotherapy is often included in the treatment of depression and the normalization of the thyroid gland.

Children and salt

If there are no contraindications for visiting the salt cave as a child, then feel free to go there. However, don't overdo it. Remember that the salt cave, reviews of which prove its effectiveness, is a natural energetic. Babies in such rooms are almost elusive. Indeed, most organizations that provide such services provide a corner for children to do for thirty minutes. In addition to excellent mood and energy, the baby will strengthen his health. The salt cave works as follows:

  • problems with the respiratory tract are eliminated;
  • seasonal colds are prevented;
  • mood is normalized;
  • increased excitability decreases;
  • rhinitis gradually disappears;
  • heal eczema.

If a person has increased nervousness, then you should not rush to get antidepressants, you should first try folk remedies - speleotherapy.

Older age and halotherapy

In old age, patients should be careful and consult a doctor before deciding to visit the salt room. At this age, people can have a huge number of chronic diseases in which salt treatment may be contraindicated. Diseases of the blood and heart, neoplasms are absolute contraindications. If there are no such serious health problems, then halotherapy will normalize the process of transporting oxygen to the brain and blood. Salt removes the lack of oxygen in the brain, and this prevents problems with the central nervous system.

The harm of speleotherapy

Despite the advantages of the salt cave, the procedure is contraindicated in many pathologies and disorders. It is necessary to refrain from visiting the room in the following cases:

  • tuberculosis, even in a healed state;
  • hypertension of the second degree and higher;
  • kidney pathology;
  • general intoxication, until the body is completely cleansed;
  • emphysema, even at an early stage;
  • violation of coronary blood flow;
  • the presence of open wounds and abscesses;
  • increased body temperature;
  • any diseases in the acute stage.

It is necessary to visit the salt cave with great care. Contraindications to such a procedure should not be ignored. Such therapy is prohibited for patients who have neoplasms and bleeding. In no case should the room be used as relaxation for alcohol or drug intoxication. People with a fear of a confined space should not undergo the procedure. Non-absolute contraindications include pregnancy. That is, in this state, you can visit the room only after agreement with the doctor. Children over 1 year old can relax in the salt cave.

Opinions of doctors

Reviews of the salt cave are very important for many people. Doctors say that halotherapy can restore immune strength and almost completely avoid seasonal colds. The procedure is recommended in the postoperative period, as a concomitant therapy, if necessary, to strengthen the skeletal system.

How is it going?

It is worth studying the visitor reviews when visiting the salt cave, which clearly describe the entire procedure. The patient enters a room with dim lights and light music. People sit on sun loungers or benches. Dry aerosol is supplied through the ventilation system and passes through salt filters or blocks. The prescribed session time for adults is no more than 40 minutes, for children - up to 30 minutes.

Visiting rules

How to visit the salt cave? This is one of the most common questions. First of all, all visitors to the salt cave must take off their street clothes and change their shoes so as not to violate sterility. It is recommended to choose clothes for dressing made of cotton fabric. The temperature in the room is about 25 degrees, that is, the optimal temperature when a person does not freeze and does not overheat. Change of clothes should not fit snugly to the body and constrict blood vessels. It should be as simple and natural as possible.

Do not use perfume and deodorant products before visiting the room. Naturally, a person with a smell of sweat or alcohol will not be allowed into the room. Do not forget that many patients suffer from allergies. You cannot bring food into the room, leave the phone on, and even more so to talk on it. If you felt the floor or walls, then you do not need to touch your eyes with your hands after that, as salt microparticles will remain on your fingers, which can cause irritation. You can take water into the room, but the bottle with it must be tightly closed.

Ionized air has a healing effect on children. To reduce the risk of colds, doctors recommend that patients regularly undergo wellness treatments in the salt caves. However, parents are often unaware of contraindications that can worsen the baby's condition. What are salt caves, what are the benefits and harms of the procedure for children?

How ionized air affects the baby's body

Parents should know how the salt cave works on children, the indications and contraindications for the procedure. There are several advantages of undergoing treatment with halotherapy:

  1. During the session, ionized air enters the child's respiratory tract, which saturates the cells with oxygen.
  2. The salt cave cleanses the lungs and stimulates the metabolism. The special microclimate has a beneficial effect on children who suffer from respiratory diseases.
  3. Ionized air prevents the development of infections that multiply on the mucous membranes of the baby's nasopharynx.
  4. The beneficial properties of the cave help to strengthen the immune system and increase the body's defenses.

Play equipment creates a comfortable environment for young children. The halogen generator is used to produce air saturated with trace elements. In children, the nervous system is restored, the manifestations of a runny nose and cough decrease.

Important! Patients notice an improvement in their condition only after visiting 2-3 sessions.

Contraindications to the procedure

Doctors take into account the negative effects that air saturated with sodium salts can have:

  1. The procedure is contraindicated for patients suffering from cancer.
  2. The salt room can worsen the condition of children who have a sudden rise in temperature.
  3. The cramped room provokes the appearance of bouts of claustrophobia.
  4. In children, kidney and liver diseases may worsen.
  5. It is better to refuse to visit the salt cave for patients with heart pathologies.
  6. Ionized air thinns the blood and can cause severe bleeding.
  7. A contraindication to medical procedures is the presence of an allergy to the substances included in the salt aerosol.
  8. Halotherapy should not be given to infants up to one year old.

Information about salt caves is needed not only by doctors. Parents should familiarize themselves with possible contraindications that may harm the baby.

Important! Before undergoing halotherapy sessions, you should consult your doctor.

Indications for treatment in the salt cave

Ionized air has a healing effect on children who are forced to miss classes due to colds. The benefits of the salt cave for children are that it enhances immunity, eliminates coughing and runny nose attacks. Thanks to the procedures, children get rid of respiratory ailments. Their lungs are cleared and damaged cells of the respiratory tract begin to recover. A stay in the salt room has a healing effect on children with rhinitis and sinusitis. Ionized air relieves headaches, improves breathing and relieves insomnia. During the inhalation of air rich in negative ions, natural ventilation of the lungs occurs, which helps to remove toxins and allergens. The procedure has a bacteriological effect on the baby's mucous membranes.

Doctors choose the methods of getting rid of diseases individually, taking into account the characteristics of the patient. Children with chronic bronchitis or asthma report improvement in their condition. Patients have less pain that occurs due to muscle spasms. Salt spray helps to eliminate the symptoms of dermatitis and psoriasis. It helps to heal eczema and seborrhea by restoring metabolism and improving blood circulation.


The beneficial effect of the salt cave on the patient's body is to eliminate fatigue and depression. In children, the cells of the nervous system are restored, sleep is getting better. The procedure relaxes a person after nervous stress, increases efficiency and energizes.

The regular stay in the cave depends on the age and the presence of concomitant diseases. The procedure usually takes about 40 minutes. The treatment course includes about 10-20 sessions.

What is speleotherapy?

Speleotherapy - a procedure that can only be done in natural conditions. In Russia, salt caves are located in the Perm Territory and the Khanty-Mansiysk District.

The air saturated with microparticles of salts inhibits the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. From the first minutes of being in the cave, a person feels an improvement in his condition, as his nasopharynx and bronchi are cleared. Speleotherapy for children can speed up metabolic processes and improve microcirculation in the affected tissues. This method of healing with salt does not require the installation of special equipment.

Karst caves can be found in Belarus (Soligorsk) and Azerbaijan (Duzdag). Respiratory diseases can be cured at the Hungarian speleo centers.

Features of treatment with halotherapy

What is halotherapy and for what diseases is it recommended to use it? With this method of treatment, the microclimate in the salt room (halo chamber) is created artificially. A highly dispersed aerosol enters the room, in which a certain concentration of salt is present. To maintain the specified concentration of salt in the air, a special device is used - a halogen generator. During the operation of the unit, air passes through the salt blocks. Due to their small size, charged sodium chloride particles easily penetrate into various parts of the human respiratory tract. Moreover, the equipment is capable of operating in 4 modes. Specialists select the salt concentration depending on the patient's age and state of health. In this way, the intensity of the effect on the nasopharyngeal mucosa can be controlled.

The cell consists of 2 adjacent rooms with good sound insulation. The therapy takes place in a room equipped with armchairs or sun loungers. Children are in the most comfortable conditions. Experts select the light intensity and sound effects. In this case, it is not necessary to trim the ceiling and floor with salt blocks. To relieve stress during the session, audio effects are used that have a relaxing effect on the nervous system.

Halotherapy for children creates favorable conditions for the treatment of asthma and bronchitis. In patients, bronchial secretions are diluted, which after the procedure is quickly excreted from the body. The procedures allow you to achieve high results. In children, immunity increases and damaged cells are restored. The air saturated with sodium salts destroys pathogenic microorganisms that are present on the affected tissues of the respiratory tract.

What rules must be followed when visiting the salt cave

When treating babies under one year old, it is better to refuse halotherapy sessions. At this age, only the formation of the child's respiratory system occurs. Therapeutic procedures are prescribed for children who are 2 years old. Eating a healthy diet increases the effectiveness of disease treatment.

Visit our salt caves in St. Petersburg at the addresses indicated on the service page "Salt cave".

The healing microclimate of the salt cave has predetermined humidity, temperature, pressure, ionic composition of the air (characterized by a high content of negatively charged particles), a complete absence of allergens and bacterial flora.

The main component of the halochamber, which has a unique therapeutic effect, is salt aerosol - microscopic salt particles sprayed into the air. The composition of the aerosol depends on what rocks were used in the construction of the salt cave (potassium chloride, sodium salts, etc. can be used).

Aerosol particles penetrate into the respiratory tract due to their small size (from 1 to 5 microns), reducing the activity of infectious and inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract. At the same time, there is an active stimulation of general and local immunity. It is thanks to these properties of the haloaerosol that it became possible to create an almost sterile atmosphere in the halochamber.

During treatment, the patient's body adapts to the characteristics of the healing microclimate, all systems and organs rebuild their activities. According to some reports, one halotherapy session is equivalent to four days at sea.

The speleocamera has received its recognition from doctors and patients as a very effective non-drug method of treatment as part of the complex therapy of various diseases of the immune, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. However, the wide application of speleotherapy restrains the presence of strict contraindications to it.

Salt cave: contraindications

Contraindications to visiting the salt room are acute diseases and chronic processes in the exacerbation stage, infections (brucellosis, tuberculosis, etc.), severe stages and forms of diseases (for example, the last stage of heart failure), haloaerosol intolerance. The same list includes:

  • mental illness;
  • oncopathology (especially malignant);
  • metabolic disorders;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • hypotrophy, anorexia, cachexia;
  • the presence of abscesses (phlegmon, abscesses), bleeding ulcers or wounds;
  • any form of severe addiction (drug addiction, alcoholism);
  • sexually transmitted diseases.

With extreme caution - pregnancy and lactation. In this situation, a consultation with the attending physician is obligatory for the presence of indications and contraindications.

Salt cave readings

The possibility of using different doses of haloearosol, the controllability of the microclimate made it possible to apply the technique in the treatment of almost all types of bronchial and pulmonary pathology, as well as allergic and skin diseases.

Speleotherapy is also indicated for patients with diseases of the ENT organs, cardiovascular system, with endocrine pathology, patients of different age categories (children, the elderly). In addition, being in a speleo chamber has a positive effect on the vegetative part of the nervous system, helps stabilize physiological processes, and has a good effect on the psychological state.

Halotherapy is effective during the rehabilitation period for patients with acute, severe diseases of the respiratory tract.

The benefits of the procedure are obvious for patients with sluggish, prone to chronic processes, with bronchiectasis, after surgery, and with recurrent bronchitis.

A stay in the salt room has a revitalizing cosmetic effect on the skin, especially when it is prone to inflammation.

Salt cave for children: indications

With regards to pediatric practice: this procedure is used most often as part of the complex therapy of babies with bronchial asthma, other obstructions, frequent bronchitis (especially with a protracted course). Exposure to the salt room helps to reduce the frequency of antibiotic use in a frequently ill child and thereby prevent the development of dysbiosis and allergies.

The immunomodulatory, anti-edematous and bacteriostatic effect of the salt aerosol is especially useful for adenoids, rhinosinusopathy, frequent sinusitis and frontal sinusitis, vasomotor and allergic rhinitis, chronic pharyngitis and other ENT diseases. In more than 90% of children with frequent sinusitis, almost complete sanitation of the paranasal sinuses is achieved.

Neurocirculatory, or vegetative-vascular dystonia is one of the most common diagnoses that doctors expose to a child in adolescence. An imbalance in the nervous system can also be treated in a salt cave. The unique relaxing effect reduces the external manifestations of the disease, helps to reduce the frequency of exacerbations (attacks).

Speleotherapy is recommended for the rehabilitation of young patients with skin diseases: allergic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, some forms of ichthyosis, eczema. Pediatricians note the excellent tolerance of the method, the rarity of side effects, a wide range of uses, as well as the pleasure that children get from speleotherapy.

Salt cave: benefits and harms

The benefits of halotherapy are undeniable. The aerosol not only stimulates the local immunity of the respiratory tract, but also has an anti-inflammatory, mucolytic, drainage effect. Its effects have been proven, such as bacteriostatic action, improvement of the local flora of mucous membranes and an increase in its resistance to external pathogenic influences.

In addition, while in a salt cave, contact with many allergens and toxic substances in the city air is interrupted. This helps to accelerate the restoration of the immunobiological qualities of the respiratory system. Negative ions in the air of a room not only activate metabolic processes in tissues, but also have an adaptogenic effect on stress-limiting systems.

Is the salt cave capable of harming the patient in any way?

Cough after the salt cave

There is such a concept as "halo-aggravation", implying an exacerbation of symptoms or the appearance of such after two or three sessions of speleotherapy. So, an increase in cough is often noted - this is a completely normal phenomenon, since the saline aerosol has a mucolytic, thinning effect on phlegm that has stagnated in the respiratory tract, contributes to its outflow.

Usually, the intensification of cough after the salt cave occurs in the second or third session, but there are also cases when the aggravation begins after the first visit. Children are more often susceptible to this phenomenon, due to the peculiarities of the structure of the respiratory tract and high susceptibility to changes in climate.

The same applies to babies suffering from frequent bronchitis or bronchial asthma - the exacerbation can be very strong, the number of attacks increases, wheezing in the lungs increases. By the middle of the treatment, the intensity of symptoms subsides, then there is a sharp relief of the general condition and improvement in relation to the underlying disease.

If the symptoms persist, but increase, you should consult your doctor. Do not forget that there is an individual intolerance to the air components of the salt caves. Remember also that you cannot start treatment in the acute phase, especially of an infectious disease (including ARVI).

Snot after the salt cave

All of the above applies to a runny nose, which appears after visiting a speleo chamber even more often than a cough. Haloaerosol effectively liquefies and removes mucus (phlegm) accumulated in the paranasal sinuses. Rhinitis symptoms sometimes begin right during the first procedure. For this reason, employees advise taking handkerchiefs to the halo room. You should clean your nose after leaving the caving chamber. In children, rhinitis is especially pronounced due to the narrowness of the nasal passages.

Temperature after the salt cave

The rise in temperature after visiting the halochamber is also due to the effect of the healing microclimate. The immunomodulatory and immunostimulating properties of the salt aerosol help fight latent infection, chronic, old foci of infection, the presence of which is not always known to the patient himself. Usually deviations from the norm are small - up to 37.5 degrees.

Try to monitor your well-being and regularly measure your temperature after the procedure. All changes should be reported to the doctor who monitors you.


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Recently, more and more vigilant parents and health-conscious patients are asking questions about the real benefits of visiting the salt caves. I won't ponder here for a long time, since the benefits of halotherapy have a long-term scientific substantiation of the mechanisms of action, the proven clinical effect is confirmed by both Russian and international studies in the field of evidence-based medicine. In addition, the very experience of application in practice at different stages of health care in the sanatorium, rehabilitation and preventive spheres of medicine speaks for itself and, in my opinion, does not give rise to mistrust.

Known and Proven Effects of Halotherapy

The healing properties of visiting salt caves are due to the main characteristics of the air created in them, namely, the saturation of sodium salts, the constancy of temperature and humidity. In addition, the smallest size of negatively charged salt particles allows the created aerosol to penetrate into all parts of the respiratory tract, which in turn improves the discharge of sputum from the most difficult-to-reach areas (the viscosity of the secretion decreases and, as a result, coughing is facilitated).

The action of sodium chloride improves the outflow of fluid from the vessels into the lumen of the bronchi, and this, accordingly, reduces the swelling of the walls of the bronchi. Against the background of this effect, the existing bronchial obstruction (bronchospasm) decreases.

Also, a visit to salt caves has an effect on the protective properties of the respiratory tract due to the physicochemical properties of the generated haloaerosol. Accordingly, the transforming effect on the immune system of the respiratory tract can indirectly improve the general protective characteristics of the body, has a positive effect on the state of humoral and cellular immunity, the general resistance of the body.

Also, do not forget about the indirect beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine systems. There is information about the adaptogenic effect of halotherapy on the central nervous system of the body, which in turn has a positive effect, increasing resistance to psycho-emotional influences from the surrounding sphere.

There is information about the successful use of salt caves for the treatment of various skin diseases due to the provided positive cleansing effect, restoration of the biocenosis of the skin, and improvement of microcirculation.

Many years of experience in the use of salt caves have demonstrated the safety of the method in terms of effects on the cardiovascular system. This makes it possible to apply the healing method in patients with concomitant cardiovascular pathology in older age groups.

Medical indications for visiting the salt caves

  1. Chronic nonspecific lung diseases, namely chronic obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma.
  2. Rehabilitation treatment after pneumonia, acute bronchitis.
  3. Various allergic reactions.
  4. Cystic fibrosis, hereditary diseases and anomalies in the development of the respiratory system.
  5. Inflammatory and allergic diseases of the ENT organs: rhinitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis.
  6. Occupational diseases of the respiratory system.
  7. Psoriasis in remission.
  8. Skin diseases such as allergic dermatitis, neuroderma, acne, seborrhea, eczema.
  9. Frequent colds.
  10. Psycho-emotional stress or "chronic fatigue" syndrome.
  11. Vegetovascular dystonia.

Contraindications for visiting the salt caves

  • acute infectious diseases with fever;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • increased tendency to bleeding, various blood diseases;
  • postponed for the last period tuberculosis, lung abscess;
  • individual intolerance to halotherapy;
  • toxicosis of pregnant women;
  • claustrophobia;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • mental illness;
  • severe cachexia (underweight).

Halotherapy procedure

The technique is carried out in specially equipped speleo chambers. The selection of the method of rehabilitation in the halo chamber is carried out by the doctor taking into account the required intensity of exposure, since it is often advisable to use, along with a visit to the salt cave, a complex of physiotherapy exercises, breathing exercises, chest massage, etc.

As a conclusion, it is worth summarizing that the halotherapy technique, like any other rehabilitation measure, requires a professional approach, attentive attitude to one's body and disciplined execution of an individual plan recommended by a doctor. In the right hands, this will be an excellent way to restore and maintain your health.

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