Adaptogens to increase testosterone levels. Rhodiola rosea (golden root) in sports Rhodiola rosea testosterone research

Rhodiola rosea is an herb from traditional Chinese and Scandinavian medicine used to improve physical and cognitive vitality. There is evidence of its effectiveness in reducing fatigue and exhaustion during stressful situations. Rhodiola also has neuroprotective properties, promoting longevity; this is evidenced by preliminary studies.

Rhodiola rosea: properties

Rhodiola rosea is an herb of the genus Rhodiola (from the Crassulaceae family) traditionally used as an anti-fatigue and adaptogenic compound; Rhodiola appears to be the second most popular adaptogen (behind only). With regard to fatigue, Rhodiola can significantly reduce the effects of both prolonged and minor physical exhaustion that leads to fatigue. Rhodiola is more effective in stress-related and burnout-related activities, as well as prolonged but non-intense physical activity. There is some evidence that rhodiola can improve exercise performance, but this appears to be true for a limited number of non-athletes; Numerous studies on athletes have shown that Rhodiola does not have an ergogenic effect. Despite this, rhodiola is effective in reducing the symptoms of fatigue and stress in people whose fatigue is caused by non-exercise stressors. Rhodiola may improve cognition in people who experience fatigue, but there is not enough evidence to date to confidently state an improvement in cognition (which should occur in non-tired individuals); there has also not been enough research done to draw any conclusions. As another potential use for Rhodiola, consider its high neuroprotective properties against the effects of toxins (more research is needed); it is also believed that ingestion of Rhodiola or its active ingredient may reduce stress-induced overeating in female rats. In the brain, rhodiola has a pronounced serotonergic effect (increases serotonin levels), reducing corticosteroid levels; however, the inhibition of monoamine oxidases (MAOs) commonly attributed to rhodiola does not occur with oral rhodiola. Rhodiola may also promote longevity, with preliminary data (in non-mammals) showing a 20% increase in lifespan secondary to mechanisms that are independent of caloric restriction. However, in order to recommend Rhodiola rosea for this purpose, it is necessary to carry out similar tests on mammals. Other Names: Rosavin, Rhodiola Rhizome, Golden Root, Arctic Root, Ridola Not to be confused with other species of Rhodiola, Damask Rose, Rosmarinic Acid, Rossell, Baikal Skullcap (also called Golden Root) Worth noting:

    Rhodiola rosea has some stimulant effect, but is not a classic stimulant like

    Rhodiola rosea is known to be an inhibitor of the CYP3A4 enzyme in vitro at oral concentrations.


    Stress reliever


    Traditional Chinese medicine medicine

Pairs well with:

    Eleutherococcus senticosus and Schisandra chinensis (as a mixture called ADAPT-232)

    Aqueous cranberry extract (alpha-amylase and alpha-glucoside inhibition)

Note! Rhodiola rosea may interact with the enzymes involved in the metabolism of other drugs.

Rhodiola rosea: instructions for use

The use of Rhodiola rosea usually refers to the use of an extract of SHR-5 or its equivalents, including 3% rosavins and 1% salidroside. The use of Rhodiola as a daily preventive measure against fatigue may be effective at a dosage of 50mg. A single use of Rhodiola for fatigue and as an anti-stress drug should include a dosage of 288-680 mg. It is recommended not to exceed the 680 mg dosage as higher dosages are not effective.

Sources and composition


Rhodiola rosea (from the family Crassulaceae; hereinafter Rhodiola) is an herb traditionally used as an adaptogen; synonyms for the name of this herb are: arctic root, Rhodiola rhizome or golden root. Adaptogenic effects are traditionally referred to as "non-specific immunity" and normalization effects, and its traditional use is relevant in Europe and parts of Asia (Mongolia and Siberia). The grass was reportedly used by Scandinavian Vikings to maintain physical stability (this effect may be the subject of speculation). The herb has spread well in Asia, becoming an element of traditional Chinese medicine (called Hong Jing Tian), where it is recommended to be consumed at a dosage of 3-6 g of root per day for increased vitality and longevity. Rhodiola grows in northern Europe and Russia at altitudes of 1000-5000 m, and can be found in parts of the North American coast. The main exporter of Rhodiola is Gorny Altai and the southern foothill region of Altai, mainly Ust-Kansky region, Ust-Koksinsky region and Charyshsky region. Rhodiola (pink as the most common type) is a Nordic/Russian herb traditionally used as a vitality booster. It is also sometimes used for cognitive impairment.


Rhodiola root contains:

Molecules of tyrosol and salidrozil, as well as rosavins, are known as phenylpropanoid compounds. At the molecular level, the main active ingredient in Rhodiola rosea is tyrosol and its glucoside, known as salidroside. When the root is consumed, other bioactive compounds (rosavin) may also be released, which play a role. Rhodiola is a source of procyanidins (the same molecules as pycnogenol). The clear and colorless essential oil (0.05% of the root by dry weight, although less has been reported) contains mainly:

    n-Decanol (30.38%)

    Geraniol (12.49%)

    1,4-p-mentadien-7-ol (5.10%)

    Limonene (4.91%)

    Alpha pyrene (4.69%)

    Beta pyrene (1.47%)

    Sabinene (1.45%)

    Beta Myrcene (2.25%)

    3-karen (2.04%)

    Beta Phellandrene (2.31%)

    p-cumene (2.97%)

    n-Octanol (2.77%)

    Linalool (2.31%)

    Dodecanol (3.67%)

    Caraway alcohol (2.66%)

Due to the particularly low level of total essential oils in rhodiola root, these molecules are unlikely to play an important role in the body when consumed.


Isolated salidroside and tyrosol can be stable in solution for 2 hours at room temperature and for 30 days at +4 and -20 degrees Celsius.

SHR-5 and ADAPT-232

SHR-5 is a standardized Rhodiola extract that has been used in many human studies. This extract is used in the combination preparation ADAPT-232 (combination of Rhodiola, Schisandra chinensis and Eleutherococcus senticosus). The SHR-5 extract is standardized for Rhodioloside (4mg per 144mg tablet), being a 70% ethanol extract with a 4 to 1 ratio (drug to extract), with 200mg SHR-5 claimed to be bioequivalent to 800mg dry herb. As for ADAPT-232, 70% ethanol extract is used at a concentration of 2.8 to 1 (drug to extract), while Schisandra chinensis and Eleutherococcus senticosus are used as 95% ethanol extract (fruits) and 70% ethanol extract (roots). ) in the ratio (grass to drug) 1.2 to 1 and 10.5 to 1, respectively. ADAPT-232 can be standardized as 0.5% rosavin, 0.32% rhodioloside, 0.05% tyrosol, 0.37% schisandrin, 0.25% gamma-schisandrin, and 0.15% eleutherosides B and E.


Intestine and absorption

Salidroside appears to be absorbed in the gut via the SGLT1 transporter (which is similar to the other components of glucoside, as glucoside is perceived as a transporter that shows efficacy in increasing the absorption of quercetin glucosides relative to free ), and oral intake of 48 mg per kg of body weight does not provide any additional benefit over 24mg/kg (exactly the same serum concentration) although 24mg/kg is more effective than 12mg/kg. The bioavailability of salidroside was found to be 32.1% (12 mg per kg body weight orally, 98.1% (at 25 mg per kg body weight) and 51.97% (at 100 mg per kg body weight); at To date, it is not known what caused such discrepancies.


After oral administration of salidroside to rats, its half-life was approximately 40-46 minutes, with a Tmax of 25 minutes and a Cmax of 10.47+/-1.08µg per ml (240 minutes AUC at 695.62+/-95 .39 μg per hour per ml). Another study with oral administration of 100 mg of salidroside per kg of body weight showed Cmax equal to 3716.43+/-860.13 ng per ml, and Tmax was 0.30+/-0.1 hours, half-life occurred within 1.32 +/-0.22 hours with an AUC0-∞ of 7724.52+/-446.62 hours per ng per ml.


When investigating if salidroside alone can increase serum levels of p-tyrosol, one study was able to demonstrate such an effect with 100 mg salidroside per kg of body weight in rats, however, it was suggested that subsequent metabolism is still possible.

Enzyme Interactions

In vitro, Rhodiola can inhibit the CYP3A4 enzyme with an IC50 in the range of 1.7-3.1µg/mL, showing P-glycoprotein inhibition with an IC50 in the range of 16.7-51.7µg/mL. Despite possible effects on CYP3A4, rhodiola has not been shown to negatively interact with the pharmacokinetics of warfarin in rats. May most likely interact with CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein, although there is insufficient evidence for definitive conclusions on this issue.

Impact on the body



Rhodiola (10-25 µg per ml) consumed by nematodes (C. elegans) throughout life was able to delay the aging of the entire population (increasing the time required for the first death), prolonging life by 10-20%; this study also notes the efficacy of Eleutherococcus senticosus at 10-fold concentration, suggesting similar mechanisms. Higher dosages of rhodiola (50-100mcg per ml) had the opposite effect (reducing lifespan); the subsequent addition of adaptogens (at an age of 50% of the life cycle) continued to have a rejuvenating effect, but to a lesser extent (11.7% instead of 17.8% in a specific series of experiments). The mechanism is thought to be secondary to the nuclear translocation of DAF-16, as DAF-16 is a vital element for improving heat tolerance in nematodes, which is also noted with dietary ingestion of rhodiola. Translocation of DAF-16 is generally thought to be associated with longevity and stress tolerance, and the effects of Rhodiola on DAF-16 are thought to be related to hormetic mimicry of stress. A follow-up study in Drosophila using 15-200 mg of Rhodiola per ml showed significant reductions in mortality (doses near the upper limit reduced fertility), providing an increase in life expectancy of 3.2-3.5 days, which was replicated twice, demonstrating an increase this indicator by 24%. Longevity is also noted in yeast, and comparing two pilot studies where the first used higher dosages of salidroside and rosavins, it was found that there was an advantage to using standard dosages, where the bioactive components proved to be more effective. Adaptogens in general, but especially Rhodiola, may be involved in the process of increasing longevity. The bell curve, as noted in the case of nematodes, is considered to indicate the induction of DAF-16 nuclear translocation (stress response).



Ex vivo, 100 μg per ml methanolic and aqueous extract of Rhodiola rosea can inhibit MAOA (92.5% and 84.3%) and MAOB (81.8% and 88.9%), while dichloromethane extract, appears to be less potent (50.5% and 66.9%). Looking at causative compounds, it appears that rosiriin can effectively inhibit MAOB (83.8+/-1.1% at 10um) but not MAOA (16.2+/-2.3%), while salidroside was weakly effective relative to MAOW (35.8+/-2.5% at 10 µm). This study was repeated and noted an acetylcholinesterase inhibitory effect associated with hydroquinone, rhodiolgin, and rolioflavonoside (although IC values ​​were not calculated). The effect on monoamine oxidase has been called into question, as it was found that oral administration of Rhodiola was unable to change the ratio of 5-HT to 5-HIAA. As already mentioned, Rhodiola also has the ability to inhibit the COMT (pyrocatechin O-methyltransferase) enzyme, although there is not enough evidence for this. Apparently, Rhodiola can inhibit MAO enzymes, which is quite potent in vitro. This does not only happen with oral rhodiola. Interactions with COMT have been mentioned, but there is not enough evidence for this fact. Rhodiola is involved in the induction of neuropeptide Y activity and the subsequent release of Hsp72 (noted when using a mixture of ADAPT-232 and isolated salidroside) through HSP1-dependent mechanisms, in which ADAPT-232 manifests itself in a synergistic manner; the amount of salidroside in ADAPT-323 at an EC50 concentration was equivalent to 5.5 nM, while in the isolated state, a concentration of 5 µm (5000 nM) of salidroside was required. It has been suggested, but not conclusively proven, that these effects may underlie the stress-reducing effect of Rhodiola supplementation, as increases in serum Hsp72 levels have been noted with ADAPT-323 in rats. May affect neuropeptide Y activity, which then increases Hsp72 levels via HSP1 transcription; it is believed that this underlies the anti-stress effect. The psychostimulant effect has been noted to last 4 hours with oral administration of 2.5 mg salidroside (about 250 mg Rhodiola), according to one review (main article, Aksyonova, 1968, not available online). May have a slight psychostimulant effect.

Nerve injury and neurogenesis

Salidroside at a dosage of 5-10 mg per kg (as an intraperitoneal injection), used in rats with injuries of the sciatic nerve, increased the rate of healing of the sciatic nerve. This has also been noted with other adaptogens, such as ginseng (due to ginsenoside Rg1), which may be related to the antidegenerative effect of Hsp70 on neurons. More evidence is needed, but mechanisms have been noted that promote faster healing of nerves. Salidroside has been noted to improve neurogenesis rates in diabetic rats in the hippocampus (this occurs by reducing oxidative stress, which can lead to impaired neurogenesis in diabetic mammals); this effect was also reproduced with intracerebral injections of Rhodiola. In vitro, salidroside can prevent stem cell differentiation in the presence of streptozotocin (the diabetic toxin used in the previously mentioned studies) without significantly affecting viability at 2 mm. As a side note, salidroside incubation with neurons increased the average duration of cellular processes in NF150-positive cells. It is assumed that salidroside can enhance the expansion of cellular processes in the framework of cell differentiation. Rhodiola may be involved in the process of neurogenesis, but in practice this is most often secondary to a decrease in oxidation in stem cells and the preservation of normal neurogenesis rates (when using toxins that have oxidative properties that reduce neurogenesis rates). The practical significance of this thesis is not yet known.

Memory and cognitive functions

Rats that performed various tasks on the background of the use of Rhodiola at a dosage of 50-100 mg per kg of body weight for 9 days improved their memory depending on the dosage and duration of use; this applies to relatively healthy rats. Of note is the small number of evaluative studies on improvements in cognitive function in stressed and healthy rats; 0.10 ml of an aqueous alcoholic extract of rhodiola has been shown to be effective, but no effect has been found in other studies. Rhodiola 50-100mg/kg can attenuate scopolamine-induced memory impairment when taken orally for 9 days. The effects of memory impairment on the background of injections of beta-amyloid can also be attenuated with the use of 50-75 mg of isolated salidroside, and the weakening of neurogenesis and cognitive impairment in diabetic rats has also been noted. Improvements in memory have been noted in individuals with non-pathological cognitive impairment when using the combination drug Vidogan, but the results are mixed, since the subjects were also given magnesium and B vitamins. Rhodiola effectively attenuated the effect of scopolamine, which suggests a powerful antiamnesic effect. It may also improve memory regardless of the degree of stress (although in practical situations, stress reduction, fatigue reduction and cognitive protection are complementary properties).


Salidroside has been shown to exhibit protective effects in neurons susceptible to hypoglycemia and serum starvation, with pre-treatment using 80-320 µg per ml protecting multiple neurons to a degree consistent with the control dose of adenosine (250 µg per ml); the protective effects are mediated by mitochondrial stabilization and are thought to be related to preventing the increase in ROS (reactive oxygen species) that was noted prior to Rhodiola use. These possible antioxidant effects may extend to protection against oxidative stress caused by beta-amyloid protein (decreased with salidroside at 10-100 µM) and reduced JNK activation and apoptosis from these proteins, which was thought to be biologically relevant with oral ingestion of 50- 75 mg per kg body weight in rats. General antioxidant effects are noted with the use of salidroside in response to hydrogen peroxide, which is also noted with the use of isolated tyrosol galactoside. Salidroside can induce mRNA levels of the antioxidant enzymes heme oxygenase 1 (GO-1), thioredoxin, and peroxiredoxin-I, and thus enzymatic induction may underlie the protective effects noted with salidroside. Salidroside, and thus rhodiola, appears to have an antioxidant protective effect in isolated neurons. The mechanisms of this action are associated with the activation of antioxidant enzymes. Salidroside also exhibits protective effects against excitotoxicity induced by glutamate or intracellular calcium in neurons. The manifestation of protective properties against excitotoxicity is also possible.


One study evaluating the interaction of rhodiola and nicotine found that rhodiola can increase neuronal serotonin levels and 5-HIAA concentrations independent of nicotine dependence with a dose-dependent effect of increasing serotonin with 5-40 mg of rhodiola per kg of body weight (13-183% ) and depending on the level of nicotine (11-262%) in rats, and with greater efficiency with both substances than with serotonin alone. This study showed no change in 5-HT to 5-HIAA ratios, nor in tryptophan levels. One study found that reduced levels of serotonin in the hippocampus of depressed rats improved with Rhodiola supplementation (1.5-6 g Rhodiola per kg body weight with 4% salidrosides), with a dosage of 1.5 g per kg body weight was the most effective (the level of serotonin increases by 20% more than with the control measurement); however, the reported efficacy is still lower than with fluoxetine (2.2 mg/kg body weight; 48% change compared to controls). Rhodiola has been shown to have serotonergic effects, increasing serotonin levels in the brain and hippocampus. Rhodiola has also been noted to increase the protein content of 5-HT1A receptors in both normal and nicotine-dependent rats (although the latter group appears to be more effective), and ADAPT-232 has also been implicated in downregulating the receptor serotonin 5-HT3, which is associated with the suppression of the expression of the HTR1A gene due to tyrosol and salidroside at 3 μm (decrease in regulation by 6.3 and 6.6 times). This is thought to be related to anxiolysis, as activation of the 5-HT3 receptor induces anxiety. Rhodiola has been shown to alter the expression of serotonin receptors, with a greater effect on 5-HT1A, but a possible effect on 5-HT3 has also been noted.

Fatigue and stress

One meta-analysis examining academic fatigue assessed students who consumed 100mg of SHR-5 for 20 days, 660mg of Rodaxone (rhodiola root extract) for 20 days, 100mg of Rhodiola for 2 days, 170 mg SHR-5 for 42 days and 370-555 mg SHR-5 once (under stress). Overall, these studies found that rhodiola use was associated with improvements in cognitive fatigue, PWC scores, neuro-motor scores (maze experiment), reductions in error processing time, sustained attention, reaction time, general improvement in well-being, and some reduction in heart rate in comparison with the placebo group. Although the reduction in fatigue is evident, the improvement in attention and visual performance is not. Other studies not included in the above meta-analysis include studies with Rhodiola extract (WS1375; at a concentration of 1.5-5 to 1) at 400 mg daily (200 mg twice daily) for 4 weeks; these studies have shown an overall beneficial effect on stress (according to the questionnaire); there is an improvement in stress-induced social and labor dysfunction, a decrease in fatigue. Taking 384 mg (2.8% rosavins) each morning and then taking half the dosage four hours later failed to detect an effect on fatigue scores when measured weekly for 35 days; there was even an increase in fatigue compared to placebo on day 42 of the experiment. The herb appears to be effective in both single and long-term use in reducing the perception of fatigue and cognitive decline caused by fatigue in relatively healthy individuals exposed to stress or heavy workload. One study showed an increase in fatigue, but its results need to be studied more closely. In another study in people with stress-induced chronic fatigue (not necessarily chronic fatigue syndrome), rhodiola (576mg SHR-5 for 28 days) had a significant protective effect against stress. In individuals with chronic fatigue, rhodiola may show some efficacy in relieving fatigue.


In stressed female rats, taking Rhodiola (3% rosavins and 3.12% salidroside) one hour before the binge resulted in a significant reduction in binge at 10mg/kg bw; overeating was completely stopped at a dose of 20 mg per kg of body weight. This effect was provided by the salidroside content, and Rhodiola had no effect if overeating was not caused by stress. Another study, in which subjects showed signs of anorexia (suppressed appetite), also showed that Rhodiola was able to normalize appetite. These bidirectional effects are similar to those of ginseng as their mechanism of action is the same; one study found that the reduction in binge eating with salidroside was enhanced by co-administration of St. John's wort. It is believed that rhodiola exhibits more of an adaptogenic effect than a serotonergic effect, since serotonergic drugs (fluoxetine, sibutramine) reduce food intake in all conditions. Rhodiola appears to be able to regulate the interaction between stress and appetite, and while human data are lacking, animal evidence suggests that the herb may reduce or completely prevent stress-related overeating and decreased appetite. These effects may be due to the suppression of the effects of stress rather than a per se effect on appetite, and although serotonergic effects of rhodiola are noted, the fact that it can reduce appetite in the same way that 5-HTP supplementation does is rather controversial.


In animals, rhodiola can exert antidepressant effects in the forced swim test at a dosage of 10-20 mg per kg of body weight (3% rosavins and 1% salidroside). Rhodiola has been reported to suppress the side effect profile of tricyclic antidepressants when taken concomitantly, which is also true for Eleutherococcus senticosus. In mild-to-moderately depressed individuals who took 340 mg or 680 mg of Rhodiola (SHR-5) daily for 42 days, treatment significantly improved symptoms of depression as assessed by BDI and HAMD (no dose-response as assessed by HAMD; some dose-response highlighted in BDI, symptoms reduced by 65-70% by HAMD and by 50% by BDI), improvements in insomnia and emotional instability scores are noted; a higher dosage only affected the improvement in general well-being. May reduce symptoms of depression when taken daily as a supplement; the degree of improvement, based on preliminary studies, is quite broad.


It is thought that Rhodiola may improve measures of anxiety secondary to the adaptogenic effects of the increase in serotonin associated with the use of Rhodiola. This is most likely not a direct anxiogenic effect, as it has been shown that the receptor that mediates anxiety by influencing serotonin (5-HT3) can be downregulated by Rhodiola supplementation. 10-20 mg of Rhodiola per kg of body weight (3% rosavins and 1% salidroside) 1 hour before the light/dark test showed some anxiolytic effects without apparent dose dependence. In humans, improvements in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder have been reported with Rhodiola 340 mg for 10 weeks; the results of this study are publicly available. Rhodiola is suspected to have anxiolytic effects, however there is insufficient evidence for this claim to date. Preliminary data are extremely promising.


A study evaluating the nocioreceptive interaction with rhodiola showed no significant reduction in pain as assessed by tail flick testing with active doses of rhodiola.

Cardiovascular diseases

heart tissue

In cardiac muscle cells (H9c2 cell lines) that underwent ischemia/reperfusion, both salidroside (50-200 μm) and tyrosol (125-500 μm) or a combination of both contributed to a significant reduction in cell damage when measuring apoptotic rates, which is associated with inhibition of JNK activation, where tyrosol and salidroside were taken together (this drug acted on JNK inhibition, showed cardioprotective effects). This inhibition can be explained by the results that salidroside protects cardiomyocytes from ischemia by inhibiting mitochondria-dependent apoptosis (JNK acts on the mitochondria to induce apoptosis). JNK inhibition may be secondary to antioxidant effects as ROS activates JNK in this cell line (H9c2) and salidroside confers antioxidant potential in this case, and antioxidant effects may also underlie the reduction in N-acetylglucosamine binding (an alternative theory cardioprotective effects of salidroside). Either way, it has been shown that salidroside can protect the heart from hypoxia-induced cell death and oxidative damage from hydrogen peroxide. It may have a cardioprotective effect at the level of cardiac tissue in vitro, which is generally associated with the antioxidant effect of its active components (tyrosol and salidroside). In diabetic rats with heart disease, 75mg of Rhodiola 95% ethanol extract per kg of body weight for 21 days can prevent blood pressure (decreased in diabetic rats with heart disease) and improve cardiac output through PPARδ-dependent mechanisms. The level of PPARδ and mRNA in the heart of diabetic rats was reduced in comparison with control measurements, and the use of rhodiola also contributed to the normalization of these parameters. PPARomega is a receptor known to regulate ionotrophic function when expressed by cardiomyocytes (heart muscle cells). It may also show some biological activity when taken orally, being dependent on the action of PPARomega. One study using isolated salidroside 600 mg daily in breast cancer patients who started 1 week prior to chemotherapy showed that a decrease in systolic function (as measured by strain rate mode) induced by epirubicin (a cardiotoxic anthracycline that is highly effective in breast cancer) was reversed with salidroside, and the increase in plasma ROS observed in the placebo group had little effect on salidroside. May exert cardioprotective effects against anthracycline drugs similar to coenzyme Q10, although protective properties of rhodiola have been observed with high doses of isolated salidroside.

blood cells

Hematopoietic stem cells (a self-healing source of pluripotent stem cells in the bone marrow) experience an increase in DNA synthesis after incubation with salidroside (secondary to stimulation of PARP-1 activity), and red blood cells provide protection from oxidative damage (from induction of thioredoxin and glutathione peroxidase), increasing the effectiveness of erythropoietin in vitro. PARP-1 induction also occurs in lymphocytes and has been confirmed in mice at an oral dose of 75 mg/kg body weight; PARP-1 activity is vital for the manifestation of antioxidant effects. One way or another, the expression of erythropetin (EPO) mRNA, as it turned out, can be induced in liver and kidney cells due to isolated salidroside, which is explained by the accumulation of HIF-1alpha in the cell.

Blood pressure

An aqueous extract of rhodiola can exert an ACE inhibitory effect with 30% inhibition at 100-200µg per ml in vitro and 50% at 500µg per ml. An ACE-inhibiting effect was noted to be observed with a 12% ethanolic extract of Rhodiola, with an efficacy of 38.5%.

Interaction with glucose metabolism


An aqueous extract of rhodiola appears to have the potential to inhibit alpha-glucoside, where a dose of 100-200 µg per ml resulted in complete inhibition in vitro and 50 µg per ml inhibited about 50% of enzyme activity; this inhibitory effect was enhanced with beak extract. An IC80 was found in cranberries of 93 µg/mL relative to alpha-glucoside and 100 µg/mL relative to alpha-amylase. Inhibition was repeated at an IC50 for alpha-glucoside (44.7-52.3µg/ml) and alpha-amylase (173.4µg/ml) thought to be related to tyrosol (IC50 of 70.8 mcg per ml) and the content of salidroside. It has a mechanism that reduces the absorption of carbohydrates, but is not overly active in this regard. To date, there have not been sufficient studies evaluating carbohydrate absorption in living models.


Salidrosis appears to be able to reduce the amount of extended glycemic end product (AGE) produced in D-galactosamine-treated mice (an accelerated model of aging caused in part by AGE production), where high dosages, namely 1000 mg salidroside per kg of body weight, reduced the amount of AGE in the blood serum by 62%, while fully maintaining the activity of the motor function.


Salidroside showed hypoglycemic activity in alloxan-induced diabetic rats at 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg PO for 28 days in a time and dose dependent manner (no significant differences between doses). When used as part of a 28-day course of the highest dosage of salidroside, there is a normalization of blood glucose levels to those of rats without diabetes. Another db/db study in diabetic rats given 200mg/kg bw of rhodiola for 12 weeks found that rhodiola was comparable to 200mg/kg cinnamon in lowering blood glucose levels (by 51.4 -54.2% lower than in the control measurement); no dependence on the duration of administration was found.

Inflammation and Immunology


The aging-associated suppression of T-lymphocyte proliferation and IL-2 secretion (from the mitogen) can be reversed with 1000mg/kg salidroside in mice, which is also seen in rats.

Physical activity and endurance


Salidroside has been noted to activate AMPK in skeletal muscle cells and increase glucose uptake in a dose-dependent manner between 1.25-80mcg, with either dose having a positive effect compared to control (100nM insulin). This study also showed that insulin-induced glucose uptake was slightly increased with salidroside. One study using Rhodiola (170mg per day for 4 weeks) showed a reduction in circulating fatty acid levels during VO2 max testing (from 12.86+/-1.62mg per dl to 7.31+/-1.31 mg per dl) without a significant effect on glucose levels, which is associated with increased serum antioxidant parameters and a decrease in biomarkers of muscle damage. Lactate levels were also reduced post-exercise at 3 minutes during recovery (50% lower than control), 6 minutes (by 42%), and 9 minutes (by 33%).

Blood oxygenation

In studies evaluating blood oxygenation, rhodiola twice failed to show a significant effect on this parameter compared to placebo.

Physical fatigue and performance

Currently, one meta-analysis has evaluated the effect of Rhodiola consumption on physical endurance and fatigue. The meta-analysis included 7 trials that used 660 mg of Rhodiola root extract (Rhodaxone) for 30 days before exercise, 100 mg of Rhodiola for 4 days, 250 mg for 15-22 days before the start of the trial (1000 mg on the day of the test), 447 mg single dose, 288 mg SHR-5 for 5 days, 100 mg SHR-5 for 20 days, and 660 mg of Rodaxone (rhodiola root extract) for 20 days. Most of the trials assessed in the meta-analysis showed relatively minor effects on physical performance, and the beneficial effects found seem to be related to a reduction in the neural sense of fatigue, which allowed for longer durations of exercise (relevant for cycling, but nulled out under conditions of hypoxia and under the emission of photons). In regards to non-exercise physical fatigue, Rhodiola appears to have a significant protective and rehabilitative effect. This has been observed in situations of moderate to severe stress, such as doctors (during operations) or students taking exams. Rhodiola has also been associated with increased VO2 max and time to exhaustion when tested on a bike; in another study testing VO2 max (specific test results not reported), a decrease in creatine kinase and C-reactive protein release was found compared with placebo. Other studies evaluating only cardiovascular outcomes in the cycling trial noted beneficial effects of rhodiola compared to placebo, as found in one study (single dose of 3 mg SHR-5 per kg of body weight), which showed that rhodiola consumption prior to a cycling marathon significantly reduced marathon time (25.4 minutes compared to 25.8 minutes), and there was also a decrease in heart rate during warm-up (136+/-17 compared to 140+/-17 in the placebo group ), but not exercise time, which, along with average power output, shows an improvement trend. This study was conducted with women involved in fitness; subjects also reported a reduction in self-perceived fatigue after taking Rhodiola rosea, which was duplicated in the Medline experiment. Other studies have been done with Cordyces (with no significant effect of 300mg Rhodiola containing 2.5% salidroside on VO2 max in professional cyclists). Cordyceps and Minerals (same dosage of Rhodiola and again no efficacy on a 2-week course for increasing endurance), when 5mg zinc with 200mg Rhodiola was used by professional rowers where, despite an increase in plasma antioxidant capacity, there is no efficacy in terms of power output or time taken to cover a distance of 2000 meters by rowing. Other studies in professional athletes have shown that taking 170mg of Rhodiola for 4 weeks helped, but still did not lead to, a significant increase in VO2 max. There are mixed effects when studying the interaction of rhodiola and exercise; Some beneficial effects have been found with high doses in untrained individuals, but moderate doses taken by athletes have not produced significant ergogenic effects. The studies are too heterogeneous for comparison (studies based on professional athletes are mixed with testing of other nutritional supplements, so it is not clear if the beneficial effects are due to high dosages of the herb or training).

Fat mass and obesity


Rhodiola may prevent lipid accumulation during adipocyte differentiation in vitro at 1mg/mL (with tyrosol inhibiting lipid accumulation at 0.1-1mg/mL), lower concentrations were not sufficiently effective.

Bone mass and skeleton


Salidroside in MC3T3-E1 cells (bones) at a concentration of 0.1-10 µM can reduce oxidative damage caused by hydrogen peroxide, with a dose of 0.1 µM of salidroside being as effective as other concentrations; its efficacy is also in line with the reference preparation N-acetylcysteine ​​(10 mM). When using salidroside (5-20 mg per kg of body weight) in rats without ovaries, a dose-dependent increase in bone mineral density is noted; when using the highest dosage, 55% of bone mass is preserved in comparison with control measurements. May attenuate the rate of bone loss through antioxidant effects.

Interaction with oxidation


Rhodiola, due to its salidroside content, can induce PARP-1 activity, which is critical in vivo in protecting DNA from hydrogen peroxide, and has been noted in red and white blood cells, as well as fibroblasts. PARP-1 is a NAD(+)-dependent enzyme that is activated by damaged DNA, acting to protect its integrity and induce its repair, and this effect has been noted with salidroside in mice. Salidroside may increase levels of the antioxidant enzyme protein thioredoxin-1 and glutathione peroxidase, with involvement of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) (disputed), peroxiredoxin-I, catalase, and superoxide dismutase. Because many of these enzymes interact with hydrogen peroxide, this radical appears to be affected by salidroside in vitro to preserve antioxidant properties in bones, red blood cells, neurons, fibroblasts, and liver cells. One study, however, concluded that the antioxidant effects cannot fully explain the cytoprotective effects of Rhodiola. Salidroside can activate antioxidant enzymes, while also affecting PARP-1, inducing DNA repair. Antioxidant effects are best demonstrated against the background of hydrogen peroxide.

Interaction with hormones


A standardized extract of Rhodiola (3% rosavins and 1% salidroside) can competitively inhibit estrogen binding to the receptor in a dose-dependent manner; no estrogenic effect was found when administered to ovarianless rats (instead, there is a slight antiestrogenic trend in some rats with increasing estradiol metabolism). Preliminary research suggests that Rhodiola rosea has an estrogen-lowering effect.

Interaction with authorities


One study found that salidroside could induce hepatocyte mesenchymal cell division and, when assessing protein biomarkers (EROD, PROD, and LDL uptake), salidroside at 2µm was as effective as hepatocyte growth factor (HGF; 20ng per ml), regarding the induction of mesenchymal division within 4 weeks. May induce liver cell proliferation from a common stem cell precursor, and the practical significance of these results is not currently known. Salidroside (25-100mg/kg body weight) has been noted to reduce hepatic oxidative stress resulting from prolonged exercise, as has also been noted with p-tyrosol, rosavin, and rosidrine (when rhodiola extract is consumed).

Interaction with cancer


A small 12-patient study showed that rhodiola halved the chance of recurrence of bladder cancer, and a subsequent in vitro study showed that salidroside has inhibitory effects on p53-deficient cells that depend in part on TSC2 expression; ultimately, AMPK activation and downregulation of mTOR and its downstream targets (S6 and 4E-BP1) is noted, leading to autophagy and cell death. Low concentrations, namely 5 μg per ml, were active against cancer cells, and 25 μg per ml could not suppress non-cancerous cells.


Salidroside has been noted to induce apoptosis in breast cancer cells for both MDA-MD-231 and MCF-7 cells, with IC50 values ​​of 10 µm and 20 µm, respectively. The study confirmed that salidroside is not an estrogen receptor antagonist (which can induce apoptosis in MCF-7 cells) and also induces apoptosis in both cell lines in a dose-dependent manner. Anyway, the IC50 for salidroside regarding proliferation was calculated at 3.2 µg per ml (MDA-MD-231) and 6.5 µg per ml (MCF-7). Salidroside has been noted to be protective against the cardiotoxic effects of breast cancer chemotherapy (epirubicin).


Salidroside showed inhibitory effects on the gastric cancer cell line SGC-7901 with an IC50 of cell proliferation inhibition of 6.1 μg per ml.

Interactions with other nutrients


Nicotine is the primary stimulant alkaloid in cigarettes and some smoking cessation medications. In injected mice with anxiety behavior and changes in the musculoskeletal system, it was found that oral administration of Rhodiola at a dosage of 10-20 mg per kg of body weight during nicotine therapy reduced anxiety by more than 50% (a dose-dependent effect was revealed, however, the efficacy of the 10mg/kg bw dose was not significantly lower than that of the 20mg/kg bw dose), with the same effect seen with a single dose of rhodiola (20mg/kg bw) after nicotine injections were discontinued. This study also found that Rhodiola could reverse all physical symptoms in these mice. A subsequent study in rats with the same methodology confirmed these effects, noting that these mechanisms are serotonergic in nature, as the serotonin receptor antagonist (WAY 1000635) ceased to have any effects; those treated with nicotine have lower levels of serotonin in the brain (which Rhodiola normalizes). There is limited evidence that Rhodiola at reasonably reasonable oral dosages (20mg/kg in mice and 40mg/kg in rats correlates with a human dosage of 1.2mg/kg or 80mg for a 68kg human) may significantly suppress or prevent physical smoking cessation (nicotine withdrawal). Cognitive symptoms (anxiety) are less affected.

Weikang Keli

Weikang Keli is a traditional Chinese medicine used for stomach cancer; consists of Atractylodis macrocephalae, Curcumae Aeruginosae, Pinelliae rhizomes, Codonopsis pilosula, Rhodiola rosea and Actinidia chinensis (ratio 1 to 1 to 1 to 2 to 2 to 2). Proliferation inhibition was demonstrated in the SGC-7901 gastric cancer cell lines in a dose- and duration-dependent manner with an IC50 of 0.2 g/mL due to autophagy mechanisms. In mice with implanted tumors, a dose of 2400-9600 mg per kg body weight of herbal therapy caused a decrease in their weight by 43%, 55% and 57%, respectively, with the control drug 5-fluorouracil (15 mg per kg body weight) reducing tumor size. by 51%.

St. John's wort

A study investigating the effect of St. John's wort on overeating found that a dose of 250-500mg/kg bw (but not 125mg/kg bw) of this herb was able to reduce overeating in female rats for a very palatable meal. The addition of 312 µg/kg of salidroside to an ineffective dosage of St. John's wort per kg of body weight of 125 mg/kg of body weight was sufficient for their synergistic effect on the effect of reducing the level of overeating. It is worth noting that high doses of salidroside (20 mg per kg of body weight or 3.12% extract, or 624 μg per kg of body weight) were able to completely abolish binge eating during this experiment. Salidroside (from Rhodiola) can make an effective dosage of 125 mg St. John's wort per kg of body weight in the fight against overeating. Although a synergistic effect has been noted, practical implementation has not yet been evaluated, as Rhodiola in isolation is effective in completely abolishing overeating in this type of rat.

A perennial herbaceous plant from the Crassulaceae family, Rhodiola rosea is also called “golden or pink root” (its rhizome has the color of bronze or aged gilding, with a mother-of-pearl sheen). This is a succulent with powerful horizontal and thin adventitious roots, erect stems from 10 to 40 cm high, oblong-ovate, elliptical or pointed leaves.

Rhodiola is not sensitive to an abundance of light and temperature changes, it needs abundant flowing moisture, it grows in areas with a cold or temperate climate (North America, England, Ireland, alpine mountain meadows of the Alps, Carpathians and Pyrenees). In Russia, the plant is listed in the Red Book, grows in the polar regions of Yakutia, on the coasts of the Barents and White Seas, in the mountainous regions of the Far East, Eastern and Western Siberia, in Altai and the Urals.

When studying the composition of the root system of Rhodiola rosea, scientists have identified more than 100 active biological components, including:

  • phenols and their derivatives (tyrosyl, salidroside);
  • organic acids (oxalic, malic, citric, succinic);
  • carbohydrates - glucose, fructose, sucrose;
  • essential oil containing cinnamaldehyde, citral, phenylethyl alcohol, geraniol, geranyl acetate;
  • steroids (p-sitosterol, phenolcarboxylic acids);
  • flavonoids (kaempferol, astragalin, tricine, etc.);
  • anthraquinones;
  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • manganese;
  • silver;
  • copper;
  • zinc.

The chemical composition of the essential oils of Rhodiola rosea root grown in different countries varies. The golden root from Bulgaria contains a higher percentage of geraniol and myrtenol, from China - geraniol and octanol, India - phenylethyl alcohol. The total percentage of essential oils in the composition of the Russian rose root is higher than that of European or American. The stems of the plant contain gallic acid, flavonoids, phenolcarboxylic acids, coumarins, tannins and organic acids.

The use of garlic to increase the potency of men

The alcoholic extract of the plant Rhodiola rosea in traditional medicine is used as a stimulant of the central nervous system, it is prescribed for such conditions:

  • increased fatigue;
  • asthenic and neurasthenic disorders;
  • functional diseases of the nervous system in psychiatry;
  • during the recovery period after somatic or infectious diseases.

The richest chemical composition of the plant root makes it possible to use it in antifungal, antitumor and antiviral therapy. Thanks to salidroside, rosarin and rosavin, golden root infusion is an effective stimulant, with its regular use, there is an increase in mental and physical performance, the feeling of lethargy in the mornings, drowsiness in the daytime disappears. With overwork and a decrease in activity, the use of Rhodiola rosea preparations helps to increase the overall tone of the body.

The golden root for men is indicated for sexual dysfunction, including a decrease in potency. The components of the drug have a general stimulating effect, normalize the function of the sex glands and the functioning of the circulatory system. In addition, tinctures and decoctions from the rhizome of the plant are used to treat the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • gout;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • anemia;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • febrile syndrome;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

Decoctions and tinctures based on rhodiola root help relieve inflammation or acute spasm in joint pathologies, normalize blood pressure during hypotension (components hyperoside and kaempferol stimulate the contraction of the walls of the vascular tissue, reducing the lumen of the vessel). The remedy is prescribed for gum disease, to prevent the appearance of fistulas and ulcers on the skin due to the destruction of the vascular fiber in diabetes mellitus. Therapy for any indication is carried out under the supervision of the attending physician.

The plant extract of Rhodiola rosea has adaptogenic properties, that is, it increases the body's resistance to harmful environmental influences. These properties determine the tonic effect of golden root preparations. The tool is indicated for the normalization of the metabolic processes of the body, the restoration of the normal functioning of the cardiovascular, digestive, nervous, endocrine systems. Rhodiola components normalize blood pressure, hormonal and psycho-emotional background, stimulate mental activity.

The golden root has many different names: Siberian or Tibetan ginseng, Rhodiola rosea - all this refers to the medicinal plant root, which is an energy source that stimulates the immune and nervous systems.

The golden root for men is of particular importance - it is able to increase potency, which means to raise the spirit and physical strength of a man.

Medicinal properties of the golden root

The golden root grows high in the mountains, in rock crevices and along rivers, and looks like grass (70 cm high), the most valuable part of which is its rhizome with a golden, shiny tint. This root is also called "golden" for its beneficial properties that are used in the treatment of various diseases.

The therapeutic effect of this root is determined by its chemical constituents: tannins (20%), flavonoids, essential oils, many organic acids and minerals. This plant grows in Altai, the Far East and Eastern Siberia in mountainous regions at an altitude of 3 km.

According to its medicinal properties, the golden root approaches Chinese ginseng:

  • positively affects the nervous system;
  • invigorates and tones the human body, therefore it is recommended to use it in stressful situations and overwork, strong mental stress;
  • restores mental balance and is used in the treatment of neurosis and depression;
  • increases mental performance, has a positive effect on memory and concentration;
  • affects the processes of oxidation and activation of brain cells;
  • for the prevention and treatment of colds and viral diseases (during an influenza epidemic, for example) is used as an immunomodulator;
  • has a positive effect on the restoration of hearing, which is why it is used in the treatment of occupational hearing diseases;
  • stimulates the work of the liver and adrenal glands, the thyroid gland, contributes to the normalization of pressure (with hypotension);
  • normalizes the work of the sex glands and increases potency;
  • used to treat diseases of the stomach;
  • is part of many anti-cancer collections for the treatment of oncological diseases.

Medicinal properties for men

Strong overload, nervous tension, poor sleep, alcohol abuse - all this affects male potency. But men, as a rule, do not dare to admit this problem and, moreover, go to the doctor for an examination. Therefore, a decrease in potency in such a situation is a consequence of the impact of external adverse factors, and not diseases of the male reproductive organs.

The golden root is very effective in the treatment of various male diseases:

  • helps in the treatment of the genitourinary system, prostatitis and adenoma;
  • improves potency and hormonal levels;
  • improves the quality of sperm and the duration of sexual intercourse;
  • prevents premature ejaculation;
  • normalizes the activity of the sex glands.

Application for men

In addition to influencing the physical and mental state of a man's body, the golden root also has a positive effect on male potency. Even the very improvement of the physical and nervous condition of a man can normalize previously disturbed sexual functions, and even when using various folk recipes, the male body can be filled with double energy and sexual strength.

50% of men of any age have experienced temporary or permanent impotence. For any man, she is the most unpleasant ailment. The loss of male power, temporarily or permanently, terrifies him most of all. Impotence is a sexual dysfunction that occurs after 50 years, and more recently in 30-35 years.

A weak erection or its absence at all, ejaculation occurs at the wrong time and quickly, the penis cannot penetrate the vagina - these are the first formidable signs of the disease. Both wives and husbands wonder if impotence in men can be treated?

Causes of the disease

  1. The psychological environment surrounding a man. This is a long stress, constant scandals in the family, troubles at work, overwork of the nervous system, a long absence of sexual intimacy.
  2. Endocrine disorder. Violation of the production of the male hormone testosterone by the testicles. Sick thyroid gland, adrenal glands or pituitary gland interfere with the proper functioning of the reproductive system.
  3. neurological problems. These are diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, spinal injuries, tumors, Parkinson's disease, and many more reasons leading to impotence.
  4. Injuries of the penis, inflammation of the cavernous bodies of the penis.
  5. The use of hormonal drugs and antidepressants.
  6. Prostatitis, urological diseases.
  7. Bad habits, alcohol, smoking, drug addiction.
  8. Physical inactivity.

Psychological treatment

By identifying certain causes, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment that helps restore male power. It is worth remembering a simple truth: impotence in men is treatable. First of all, you need to contact a sexologist, psychiatrist or psychologist. Specialists will help with their consultations to solve a psychological problem.

Medical treatment

Medical treatment will also be effective. First, the doctor asks the patient to fill out a questionnaire with several questions. Then he will send you to take various tests, including sperm, to undergo an ultrasound scan. Having carefully studied everything, he prescribes medicines. They can be in tablets and for injections. Usually attributed to Viagra, Levitra, Cialis. They act on smooth muscles, filling the tubular bodies of the penis with blood.

They should be taken before sexual intercourse, and most importantly, there should be a desire for a woman's intimacy and emotional arousal. If this is not observed, the use of tablets is useless. The drug and dosage are selected individually together with the doctor. If the drugs do not cause side effects, they are used as needed, but it is better to drink a course. Their constant use gives an impetus to the body, and it begins to work on its own, without pills.

"Viagra" acts within 5-6 hours, it is necessary to apply an hour before sexual intercourse. Levitra works the same way. "Cialis" is drunk 15 minutes before intimacy, the duration of action is 36 hours.

Injectables are injected directly into the penis. These are Papaverine, Papaverine Phentolamine, Alprostadil. They, like pills, improve the blood supply to the penis. The reaction of the body is instant. Erection occurs immediately after the injection, lasts about an hour, regardless of whether there is a source of excitation or not. Injections are attributed only when the pills do not work. Frequent injections can cause Peyronie's disease.

80% of patients with impotence are successfully cured by using medications. But we must not forget that honey preparations cause side effects, so you should not get involved in them without consulting your doctor.

Surgery is indicated when the above methods do not help. An artificial implant is inserted into the penis. The woman does not feel it at all.

Folk remedies

What can be eaten useful for potency in men? First of all, foods containing vitamin E. These are walnuts and pine nuts, sea buckthorn, rose hips, parsnips, vegetable oil. The diet should include seafood, vegetables and fruits, fresh and boiled.

Useful garlic, onions and a variety of spices, meat and fish. In folk medicine, there are a huge number of recipes for sexual impotence. But, you need to know that such treatment requires patience and time. If the disease is not started, it is enough to undergo a course of treatment from a week to 1 month.

Traditional medicine in its arsenal has many herbs and fees for the treatment of impotence in men. Good effect on the male body:

  • tincture of ginseng;
  • ginger in any form;
  • tincture of aralia;
  • lemongrass Chinese;
  • eleutherococcus;
  • wormwood;
  • St. John's wort;
  • motherwort;
  • galangal root;
  • aloe.

Is there a cure for impotence in men?

Folk remedies

To increase sexual desire, it is recommended to take a collection of thyme, hot pepper and natural honey. Rhodiola rosea is able to cure impotence in men of any age. Stonecrop tincture, eaten with pumpkin seeds, will help to cope not only with sexual impotence, but also with prostatitis - a formidable sign of erectile dysfunction.

Before using folk remedies, it is advisable to consult a specialist doctor.

In order to prevent impotence, men should follow some simple tips. And then at any age, they will have an active sex life, delight their beloved women, be in good shape and feel male power in every cell of their body. You need very little, namely:

  • correct daily routine;
  • balanced diet;
  • physical exercise;
  • life without stress and depression;
  • quitting smoking and alcohol;
  • getting rid of excess weight;
  • keep blood pressure under control

We must not forget about the timely treatment of prostatitis and other genitourinary diseases.

Preparation of medicines

On the Internet, you can find a large number of recipes from the golden root against prostatitis. It can be tinctures on alcohol and vodka, decoctions on water. You can use these recipes:

  • Take 100 g of root and 500 ml of vodka. Raw materials must be crushed, poured with alcohol and left for 2 weeks in a dark place. For preparation, take 5 drops a day for the first week 3 times a day. Then the amount can be increased to 15. Consume before meals
  • Pour 1 teaspoon of crushed golden root with a glass of water and leave for 40 minutes. Then strain and drink instead of tea
  • 20 g of raw materials pour 1 liter of water and put on a slow fire. After the product boils for 10 minutes, cool, filter and take 1 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals
  • Pour 10 g of crushed roots with 200 ml of boiling water, wrap well (or initially fill in a thermos) and leave for 4 hours. After passing them, strain and take half a glass 2 times a day
  • Separately, prepare 3 tinctures - from the golden root, eleutherococcus and aralia (100 ml of vodka per 10 g of raw materials). After 3 weeks, they must be mixed, add calendula flowers (5 g) and honey (3 tablespoons) to them. Mix everything well and use 30 drops three times a day. Duration of treatment - 2 weeks, if taken for the prevention of prostatitis - a month

If your body is still weakened after 5 days of taking it, you should stop treatment and ask your doctor for another remedy. If you do not have the desire to cook something yourself, you can purchase Rhodiola extract at the pharmacy. Take it 2 times a day, 8-10 drops, preferably before meals. The duration of therapy is 2-4 weeks.

Contraindications for admission

Reception of the golden root may be contraindicated for people with increased nervous excitability, with high body temperature, high blood pressure. Doctors forbid taking alcohol tinctures with it to pregnant women and the fairer sex while breastfeeding. Also, you can not drink them to those who drive a car or work on complex mechanisms that require concentration. It is not recommended to use the plant for the treatment of children under 12 years of age.

In no case should a plant or medicines based on it be purchased by those who have its individual intolerance. It is better to take funds in the morning, otherwise you can knock down sleep. Alcohol infusions are contraindicated for alcoholics and those who are trying to get rid of alcohol addiction. It is better for them to replace such a medicine with a water decoction.

The herbalist Vitaly Ostrovsky tells about the benefits of the golden root. In the video you can hear tips for using it against prostatitis.

Another well-known name for this plant is golden root. It is well known for helping men regain their sexual power, helping to avoid prostate pathologies. The plant can be taken as an independent medicine or as one of the ingredients in other preparations. Such medicines have proven effective in the treatment of diseases of the ureters, prostatitis, impotence.

What is rhodiola rosea

This is a perennial herbaceous plant that belongs to the Crassulaceae family. Of the distinguishing features, the following external features are distinguished: rhizomes and root have the color of bronze, sometimes old gilding with mother-of-pearl sheen. This was the reason for the appearance of the second name - the golden root. The plant is in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. Rhodiola rosea is recognized as medicinal, has several different names:

  • Tibetan ginseng;
  • Siberian ginseng;
  • pink root;
  • Rhodiola rosea.

What does the plant look like

A mother-of-pearl-bronze hue appears on the dried root, sometimes it becomes reddish-yellowish-golden. The rhizome itself is horizontal, covered with cork of a bronze brown color, powerful, has adventitious thin roots. At a break, the root is white, has a bitter astringent taste, and has a specific aroma that is similar to a rose.

The leaves sit on stems, alternate with an oblong, ovate, elliptical shape, sometimes built up. The upper part is serrate-toothed or solid. Plants bloom in June-July, the fruits become ripe within a month. The inflorescence of Rhodiola rosea during impotence is many-flowered with a corymbose shape and yellow, often four-membered. The fruits of the plant look like upright multi-leaflets of green color, propagated by seeds or vegetatively.

Growth area

Rhodiola gold feels good in regions with a cold and temperate climate. It is found in Ireland, North America, Great Britain, you can find the golden root in alpine meadows (Carpathians, Alps, Pyrenees). Plants are grown in India, Bulgaria, China, sometimes found in Kazakhstan. Rhodiola rosea in impotence is not demanding on heat or light, but requires a lot of moisture. It grows on stony placers, rocks, mountains, banks of streams and mountain rivers. In the Russian Federation, asthenia occurs in the following regions:

  • Altai;
  • Ural;
  • Far East;
  • Western, Eastern part of Siberia
  • Polar Yakutia;
  • coast of the White and Barents Seas.

Chemical composition

  1. Phenols. The derivatives of this component salidroside, tyrosol, rhodiolyside protect blood vessels from constriction, strengthen the circulatory system, and prevent the oxidation of cholesterol.
  2. Plant carbohydrates are involved in energy metabolism: sucrose, sedoheptulose, fructose, glucose.
  3. organic acids. Rhodiola rosea contains oxalic acid, which helps to enhance bowel function and stomach secretion. Apple has a positive effect on the state of blood vessels, digestion, improves vision, metabolism. Amber is involved in the neutralization of free radicals, reduces the level of uric acid, increases joint mobility, insulin production. Lemon activates the immune system, stimulates appetite, cell renewal.
  4. Terpenoids. These include rosiridol and rosiridin, which increase tissue resistance to damage.
  5. Flavonoids: rhodiolin, rhodiolyside, kaempferol 7-rhamnoside, astragalin, kaempferol, rhodionin, tricine, tricine 7-glucoside, 5-glucoside, acetylrodalgin, rhodosin, 8-methylgrececetin. These components help to normalize heart rate and pressure, reduce vascular permeability, intraocular pressure, stimulate the function of the adrenal cortex, take part in the processes of bile formation, regulation of urine production.
  6. Quercetin, isoquercitrin. It has cardiotonic, cumulative properties, helps to normalize the work of the vegetative-vascular system, has a diuretic, sedative effect.
  7. Rhodiola gold contains the following useful trace elements: zinc, manganese, copper, silver, which are necessary for vital processes.
  8. Anthraquinones. The action is aimed at strengthening the immune system, the formation of immune cells. Anthraquinones have a laxative effect.
  9. Coumarins. Substances have anticoagulant, antitumor, anticoagulant properties. They inhibit the ability of oncological neoplasms to metastasize.
  10. Essential oil. Provides antiseptic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, immunomodulatory, analgesic effect.
  11. Tannins. They have an astringent effect, change the structure of proteins, help form an albuminous film, which has a bacteriostatic or bactericidal effect.
  12. Alkaloids. They have a hemostatic, antispasmodic, analgesic, hypotensive, sedative effect.
  13. Sterols. Lower the value of cholesterol in the blood, strengthen the cardiovascular system. Sterols affect the quantity and quality of helper cells that protect the body from the development of autoimmune reactions.
  14. Aromatic compounds improve the functioning of the central nervous system: cinnamon alcohol, rosarin, rosin, rosavin.

Medicinal properties of Rhodiola rosea for men

The plant has a wide range of positive effects on the human body. With the right dosage, you can achieve a calming or stimulating effect on the nervous system. Siberian ginseng is used to prevent pathological conditions and processes in the body of a man, to combat impotence. The main medicinal property of the plant is the ability to restore the psycho-emotional and physical strength of a person, to accumulate vital energy.

Rhodiola rosea helps to raise the immune system's resistance to various pathologies, cope with stressful situations, overwork. After taking the medicine with the root, a person's concentration increases, the ability to remember, sleep, blood supply and energy metabolism improve. The plant helps restore hormonal levels, energy reserves, accelerates the healing of abrasions and wounds. The complex effect of Rhodiola components enhances potency, improves the reproductive quality of sperm. The plant helps with the following pathologies:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • apathy, depression;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • anemia;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • dermatological pathologies;
  • mental fatigue;
  • decreased immunity;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • impotence;
  • oligospermia;
  • malfunction of the digestive system;
  • infectious, bacterial pathologies of the oral cavity;
  • joint diseases;
  • preventive control of viral infections.

Benefits of golden root for impotence

Rhodiola rosea is often mentioned for potency, it helps to restore the functioning of the reproductive system. It helps in case of decreased libido, is effective for male sexual dysfunction, normalizes erection. The golden root promotes a longer sexual intercourse, prevents premature ejaculation, and fights against pathologies of the genitourinary system.

  • general toning of the body;
  • increase in working capacity;
  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • reducing the impact of stress;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • improving the quality of intimate life;
  • regulation of hormone levels;
  • activation of physiological mechanisms;
  • restoration of psychological, physical balance.

Contraindications for use

If you take into account all the contraindications, you can protect your body from possible harm.

It is incompatible to use rhodiola and its medicinal properties for men and drink alcohol and smoke at the same time. Although these bad habits never bring something good to the body of the stronger sex, it is better to refuse this during the treatment with the golden root. Otherwise, the effect of tinctures and decoctions of the medicinal plant will not be.

Don't expect instant results. Of course, if golden root tincture was made at home, the effect may come faster. However, the restoration of potency is a long process that will not occur after several applications of the drug.

It is important to always carefully monitor the dosage of the drug. You can insist on the golden root at home, but you should read the instructions before use. The fact is that the effect will depend on the amount of the agent used. If you prepare a tincture and drink it in 3-5 drops, the medicine will have a calming effect on the body. If the accepted dosage is increased to 10 drops, the tincture will act as a stimulant, and will only excite the nervous system.

For men, the use of the golden root in traditional medicine is prescribed.

On the one hand, the rose root is considered a homeopathic remedy, but the presence of biologically active components makes Rhodiola a potent medicine.

Rhodiola rosea has a wide range of uses. Let's take a closer look at her participation in cosmetology, traditional medicine and sports.

In cosmetology

On the shelves you can find cosmetics with an extract of Rhodiola rosea. Preparations based on the golden root or Siberian ginseng, as it is also called, are popular among mature consumers.

Rhodiola tincture on vodka

Alcohol tincture is sold in pharmacies and sold without a prescription. It strengthens the nervous system and immunity, increases efficiency, helps with overwork and cures many diseases.

It is also prescribed in order to restore the body after illnesses and to adapt when changing the time zone and weather conditions.

The drug is taken 2-3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. It is desirable that the last dose be at least 2 hours before bedtime, because radiol increases efficiency, which can cause insomnia.

Shake the bottle before use. Duration and dosage are prescribed by a doctor.

Unfortunately, the plant has contraindications.

Healthy Drink Recipes

Rhodiola rosea for potency is prescribed by specialists for regular intake in the form of decoctions, infusions, medicinal teas or alcoholic tinctures. The plant is a potent remedy, therefore, during use, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's instructions regarding the dosage and duration of the course.

Ready-made raw materials for the preparation of a medicinal decoction can be purchased at specialized pharmacies or from traditional healers. If it is possible to independently harvest the root, it must be collected in the second half of summer, during the flowering period. Drying the rhizome of Rhodiola follows in two stages, keeping the prepared fiber in the fresh air for a day, and then placing it in the oven for 3-4 hours to dry at a temperature of 50-60 degrees. The finished crushed mixture is stored in a dry, dark place in hermetically sealed glass jars for 2-3 years.

Alcohol tincture

Preparation of tincture on alcohol can be done at home, or purchased at any pharmacy. When buying a finished product, it is necessary to study the instructions before use in order to avoid exceeding the recommended dosage. To make a product from natural raw materials, you can use the following method:

  1. Grind 50 g of rose root.
  2. Put the mixture in a glass container, pour a liter of medical alcohol or purified vodka.
  3. Close the container tightly with a lid, put it in a dark, dry place.
  4. Keep the liquid in the dark for 2-3 weeks, shaking the liquid every 2-3 days. The finished product has a dark pink color.

Alcohol tincture can only be taken by persons who do not have contraindications to taking alcohol-containing medicines. To increase the total duration of sexual intercourse, drink 5-7 drops immediately before it starts, 10-15 minutes before it. With a decrease in potency against the background of stress, increased nervous tension, the drug is taken 2-3 times a day in the morning, 5-10 drops for 3-4 weeks. With endocrine disorders, hormonal failures, circulatory disorders, the dosage is selected by the attending physician.

The mildest remedy for potency is Rhodiola root tea. It is recommended to take it both to stimulate the nervous system, and to reduce hyperexcitability, as well as to strengthen the body's defenses in general. Brew it in a proportion of 1 tsp. vegetable raw materials in a glass of boiling water.

To prepare a decoction for 1 liter of liquid, 2 tablespoons are required. dried vegetable matter. The mixture is poured with cold water, brought to a boil and kept over medium heat until half of the liquid has evaporated. To increase the potency, a decoction of the pink root is taken one tablespoon half an hour before meals, 2-3 times a day. The duration of application varies from 3 to 6 weeks, depending on the causes of impotence.

You can take a healing golden root in the form of decoctions, teas, tinctures, infusions. Here is a short guide on how to prepare Rhodiola remedies for men.

Alcohol tincture from the golden root


Before you start taking Rhodiola rosea tincture, read the instructions and consult your doctor. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations received and not to exceed the prescribed dosage and course of administration. With excessive consumption of tincture of Rhodiola rosea, side effects may occur. Among them, increased irritability, chronic fatigue, pain in the heart.

Contraindications to the use of tincture of Rhodiola rosea:

  • nervous excitement;
  • hypertension;
  • lesions of the cerebral cortex;
  • feverish state;
  • individual intolerance;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children's age up to 12 years.

Rhodiola rosea for men in general has a beneficial effect on the body, helps not only improve potency, but also strengthen immunity, balance the work of all organs and systems. At the same time, preparations based on the golden root have a number of contraindications that must be considered before use, and if necessary, adjust the dosage or replace it with a herbal remedy with a similar effect. Reception of tinctures and decoctions from the root of Rhodiola is contraindicated in the following pathologies:

  • increased arterial or intracranial pressure;
  • insomnia;
  • allergies to the components of the composition.

Radiola tea or tincture should not be used.


Problems in intimate life in modern men arise not only against the background of concomitant diseases, but also because of the high level of daily stress, a sedentary, inactive lifestyle, and a decrease in overall energy tone. Preparations of Rhodiola rosea for potency help eliminate most of the negative factors that cause erectile dysfunction, restore the hormonal and psycho-emotional background, and activate the body's natural defense systems.

What is rhodiola rosea

A perennial herbaceous plant from the Crassulaceae family, Rhodiola rosea is also called “golden or pink root” (its rhizome has the color of bronze or aged gilding, with a mother-of-pearl sheen). This is a succulent with powerful horizontal and thin adventitious roots, erect stems from 10 to 40 cm high, oblong-ovate, elliptical or pointed leaves. The flowering time of the plant falls on the second half of summer, the flowers are yellow, the inflorescence is many-flowered, corymbose. Propagated vegetatively and by seeds.

Rhodiola is not sensitive to an abundance of light and temperature changes, it needs abundant flowing moisture, it grows in areas with a cold or temperate climate (North America, England, Ireland, alpine mountain meadows of the Alps, Carpathians and Pyrenees). In Russia, the plant is listed in the Red Book, grows in the polar regions of Yakutia, on the coasts of the Barents and White Seas, in the mountainous regions of the Far East, Eastern and Western Siberia, in Altai and the Urals.

When studying the composition of the root system of Rhodiola rosea, scientists have identified more than 100 active biological components, including:

  • phenols and their derivatives (tyrosyl, salidroside);
  • organic acids (oxalic, malic, citric, succinic);
  • carbohydrates - glucose, fructose, sucrose;
  • essential oil containing cinnamaldehyde, citral, phenylethyl alcohol, geraniol, geranyl acetate;
  • steroids (p-sitosterol, phenolcarboxylic acids);
  • flavonoids (kaempferol, astragalin, tricine, etc.);
  • anthraquinones;
  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • manganese;
  • silver;
  • copper;
  • zinc.

The chemical composition of the essential oils of Rhodiola rosea root grown in different countries varies. The golden root from Bulgaria contains a higher percentage of geraniol and myrtenol, from China - geraniol and octanol, India - phenylethyl alcohol. The total percentage of essential oils in the composition of the Russian rose root is higher than that of European or American. The stems of the plant contain gallic acid, flavonoids, phenolcarboxylic acids, coumarins, tannins and organic acids.


The use of the golden root for men

The alcoholic extract of the plant Rhodiola rosea in traditional medicine is used as a stimulant of the central nervous system, it is prescribed for such conditions:

  • increased fatigue;
  • asthenic and neurasthenic disorders;
  • functional diseases of the nervous system in psychiatry;
  • during the recovery period after somatic or infectious diseases.

The richest chemical composition of the plant root makes it possible to use it in antifungal, antitumor and antiviral therapy. Thanks to salidroside, rosarin and rosavin, golden root infusion is an effective stimulant, with its regular use, there is an increase in mental and physical performance, the feeling of lethargy in the mornings, drowsiness in the daytime disappears. With overwork and a decrease in activity, the use of Rhodiola rosea preparations helps to increase the overall tone of the body.

The golden root for men is indicated for sexual dysfunction, including a decrease in potency. The components of the drug have a general stimulating effect, normalize the function of the sex glands and the functioning of the circulatory system. In addition, tinctures and decoctions from the rhizome of the plant are used to treat the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • gout;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • anemia;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • febrile syndrome;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

Decoctions and tinctures based on rhodiola root help relieve inflammation or acute spasm in joint pathologies, normalize blood pressure during hypotension (components hyperoside and kaempferol stimulate the contraction of the walls of the vascular tissue, reducing the lumen of the vessel). The remedy is prescribed for gum disease, to prevent the appearance of fistulas and ulcers on the skin due to the destruction of the vascular fiber in diabetes mellitus. Therapy for any indication is carried out under the supervision of the attending physician.

Useful properties for men

The plant extract of Rhodiola rosea has adaptogenic properties, that is, it increases the body's resistance to harmful environmental influences. These properties determine the tonic effect of golden root preparations. The tool is indicated for the normalization of the metabolic processes of the body, the restoration of the normal functioning of the cardiovascular, digestive, nervous, endocrine systems. Rhodiola components normalize blood pressure, hormonal and psycho-emotional background, stimulate mental activity.

Golden root for potency

Male potency depends on a huge number of factors. Modern men experience difficulties in the intimate sphere, not only because of various pathologies caused by chronic diseases (for example, prostatitis), but also against the background of the following factors:

  • chronic fatigue syndrome caused by regular stress;
  • sedentary, inactive lifestyle;
  • bad habits;
  • malnutrition;
  • deterioration of the ecological situation.

Under the problems with potency, doctors understand not only erectile dysfunction associated with lack of erection or premature ejaculation. A general decrease in sexual desire, lack of ejaculation, inability to reproduce due to poor quality of seminal fluid or impaired sperm motility and other disorders require high-quality competent diagnosis and adequate treatment.

Rhodiola rosea for potency acts in several directions at once, normalizing a number of factors such as the filling of the cavernous bodies of the penis with blood, the quality of the composition of the seminal fluid, and blood flow to the genitals. The general stimulating effect of the systematic use of a decoction of the golden root increases libido. When taking 5 drops of an alcoholic tincture of the plant 10 minutes before the onset of sexual intercourse, the sensitivity of the glans penis is significantly reduced, which helps to increase the duration of sexual contact.

The functional mechanism of erection is based on increased blood flow to the penis and filling its cavernous bodies with blood. With an insufficient degree of fullness due to circulatory disorders or a weak tone of the vascular walls, the penis remains in a relaxed state. Preparations or decoctions based on the pink root provide an acceleration of the cardiovascular system, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize blood flow to the pelvic organs, restoring the ability of a man to experience a full-fledged long-term erection.

Rhodiola components have a beneficial effect on the process of seminal fluid production. Normalization of the hormonal background contributes to the active secretion of the androgen testosterone - a sex hormone that regulates the production of spermatozoa in the testicles and the basis of seminal fluid in the prostate gland. Regular intake of decoctions based on the pink root for a month has a beneficial effect on the composition of sperm, the number of abnormal, non-viable spermatozoa decreases, which contributes to the overall normalization of male reproductive function.

cooking recipes

Rhodiola rosea for potency is prescribed by specialists for regular intake in the form of decoctions, infusions, medicinal teas or alcoholic tinctures. The plant is a potent remedy, therefore, during use, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's instructions regarding the dosage and duration of the course. The treatment regimen is selected individually, depending on the individual characteristics of the male body and the nature of the disease or condition that caused the decrease in potency.

Ready-made raw materials for the preparation of a medicinal decoction can be purchased at specialized pharmacies or from traditional healers. If it is possible to independently harvest the root, it must be collected in the second half of summer, during the flowering period. Drying the rhizome of Rhodiola follows in two stages, keeping the prepared fiber in the fresh air for a day, and then placing it in the oven for 3-4 hours to dry at a temperature of 50-60 degrees. The finished crushed mixture is stored in a dry, dark place in hermetically sealed glass jars for 2-3 years.

Alcohol tincture

Preparation of tincture on alcohol can be done at home, or purchased at any pharmacy. When buying a finished product, it is necessary to study the instructions before use in order to avoid exceeding the recommended dosage. To make a product from natural raw materials, you can use the following method:

  1. Grind 50 g of rose root.
  2. Put the mixture in a glass container, pour a liter of medical alcohol or purified vodka.
  3. Close the container tightly with a lid, put it in a dark, dry place.
  4. Keep the liquid in the dark for 2-3 weeks, shaking the liquid every 2-3 days. The finished product has a dark pink color.

Alcohol tincture can only be taken by persons who do not have contraindications to taking alcohol-containing medicines. To increase the total duration of sexual intercourse, drink 5-7 drops immediately before it starts, 10-15 minutes before it. With a decrease in potency against the background of stress, increased nervous tension, the drug is taken 2-3 times a day in the morning, 5-10 drops for 3-4 weeks. With endocrine disorders, hormonal failures, circulatory disorders, the dosage is selected by the attending physician.


The mildest remedy for potency is Rhodiola root tea. It is recommended to take it both to stimulate the nervous system, and to reduce hyperexcitability, as well as to strengthen the body's defenses in general. Brew it in a proportion of 1 tsp. vegetable raw materials in a glass of boiling water. After 30 minutes, the drink can be drunk, adding lemon, honey or spices for taste. Recommended regimen - 1 time per day, in the daytime, after meals, for 15-20 days


To prepare a decoction for 1 liter of liquid, 2 tablespoons are required. dried vegetable matter. The mixture is poured with cold water, brought to a boil and kept over medium heat until half of the liquid has evaporated. To increase the potency, a decoction of the pink root is taken one tablespoon half an hour before meals, 2-3 times a day. The duration of application varies from 3 to 6 weeks, depending on the causes of impotence.

Golden Root Tincture Recipe (Rhodiola Rosea) from Alkofana

Adaptogens are means of plant, animal and synthetic origin that increase the adaptive capacity of the organism. Adaptogens have been known to mankind since ancient times. Many of them are already of little use, due to proven ineffectiveness or for other reasons (for example, animal horns). The most popular and effective today are herbal adaptogens, which are widely used in sports for their beneficial properties. Adaptogens are produced in the form of tincture, extract, less often in tablets, and are available at any of the pharmacies.

Rice. 1 - Pharmacy adaptogens in the form of tinctures and extracts.

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Each plant adaptogen has a unique set of biologically active substances that determine its beneficial properties. However, there are many common properties that are characteristic of plant adaptogens:

  • Restorative and tonic effect. Associated with the activation of various body systems (nervous, immune, endocrine, cardiovascular).
  • adaptive action. Adaptogens help to increase the body's adaptation to adverse conditions, such as changing climatic conditions (heat, cold, temperature changes), changing time zones, hunger, thirst, lack of oxygen (hypoxia), increased mental and physical activity, stress.
  • psychoemotional action. Adaptogens are able to have an exciting and calming effect on the central nervous system (CNS). They are used for stressful and obsessive conditions, nervous excitement, strong feelings.

The effect of adaptogens on the central nervous system

The main advantage and versatility of adaptogens lies in the ability to regulate the state of the central nervous system (CNS). Adaptogens affect the CNS in two ways:

  1. Increased activity of the central nervous system. Achieved by an average or high dosage of an adaptogen. It is used to increase mental and physical performance, tone. At medium doses, a moderate stimulating effect is achieved, recommended as a daily intake. Taking higher doses can cause overexcitation, irritability, loss of sleep, so it is recommended to refrain from such use or use it only in extreme cases.
  2. Decreased activity of the central nervous system. It is achieved by taking small doses of adaptogens.

How do adaptogens increase testosterone?

Despite the fact that the effectiveness of adaptogens has been proven by more than one study, the use of herbal preparations cannot guarantee. However, there is evidence of a tonic effect of plant adaptogens on the endocrine (hormonal) system, which improves the synthesis of sex hormones. The following adaptogens have the potential to increase testosterone synthesis in the male body.

Since plant adaptogens have a similar biological effect, the description of a particular adaptogen is reduced only to its distinctive features.


The rich history of the successful use of ginseng in the medicine of the Far East contributed to the spread of the "root of life" around the world. Ginseng is popular for its tonic effect on all body systems (not the strongest among adaptogens). To consolidate the tonic effect, it is necessary to use the drug for a long time, but within the duration of the course. With a single use of ginseng, there is an improvement in performance, a surge of strength and a decrease in fatigue. Ginseng has the ability to improve appetite, which can be used by athletes during the period of gaining muscle mass. It is most effective to use ginseng in autumn and winter - in spring and summer, the effectiveness of the "root of life" decreases.

Eleutherococcus senticosus

Eleutherococcus is very similar in its properties to ginseng, but unlike the “root of life”, it does not lose its effectiveness all year round. Therefore, it does not make sense to use drugs in conjunction - it is better to alternate their use and, in the end, stop at which one is more suitable for your body. Eleutherococcus, to a greater extent than ginseng, reduces the period of recovery of parameters of the cardiovascular system during exercise, so it can be used during high-intensity physical activity.

Leuzea safflower (maral root)

Leuzea's main advantage over other adaptogens is its anabolic activity. A substance such as ecdysterone, contained in the roots of leuzea, improves the biosynthesis of proteins. For this property, ecdysterone was isolated into a separate food supplement. Ecdysterone has a steroid structure, but it does not have hormone-like properties. It is recommended to use ecdysterone with additional protein intake (see).

Leuzea is considered the most valuable for athletes, as it improves the blood supply to the muscles, due to which an increase in efficiency and the strength of their contraction is achieved. It is noted that with regular use, maral root helps to increase the power of contraction of the heart muscle, which can be useful for people with an increased heart rate.

Aralia Manchurian

According to its biological effect on the body, aralia is similar to ginseng. A distinctive feature of this adaptogen is a strong hypoglycemic effect. Therefore, it is most often used to treat diabetes. Due to its hypoglycemic effect, Aralia can significantly increase appetite, which will be useful for those who are in a training regimen aimed at gaining muscle mass. Aralia surpasses many adaptogens in general tonic effect.

Radiola rosea (golden root)

Radiol pink with prolonged use (as part of the course) can improve muscle strength and performance. Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system: normalizes blood pressure (mainly increases blood pressure in hypotensive patients) and heart rate. A positive effect of radiola on the function of the gonads has been noted, it can be recommended for violations of spermatogenesis, impotence, delayed puberty. According to its tonic and firming effect, the golden root is one of the strongest among adaptogens.

Schisandra chinensis

Schisandra chinensis, to a greater extent than other adaptogens, enhances the processes of excitation of the central nervous system. Therefore, the greatest benefit from its use will be during the period of maximum physical (sports) or mental (exams) activity. Lemongrass improves digestion and assimilation of food, so it is perfect as a supplement for enhanced nutrition of athletes. Of the positive aspects of Schisandra chinensis, an improvement in visual acuity should also be noted.


Lure flowers are similar both externally and in composition to ginseng. Therefore, zamaniha is close to ginseng in its biological action.

Dosage and use of adaptogens

Since herbal adaptogens have a different form of release (tincture, extract, tablets) and a different amount of active substance, it makes sense to be guided by up-to-date information obtained from the instructions for the drug.

Be guided only by the instructions for the drug used. Do not use other sources to adjust the dosage.

The selection of the dosage of the drug is individual for each, since the body's response to the drug can vary widely. It is worth starting to use an adaptogen with the minimum recommended dose once in the morning or in the morning. Track the reaction of your body to the dose taken. If the tonic effect is achieved, continue to increase the dosage by one drop until you reach the optimal stimulating effect of the drug without any side effects.

If, while taking the drug, overdose symptoms occur in the form of insomnia or increased nervous excitability, it is necessary to gradually reduce the dosage until the unwanted side effects disappear.

  • Alcohol tinctures of adaptogens should be taken in the morning to avoid sleep disturbances.
  • It is necessary to use adaptogens in courses, taking breaks in taking.
  • Do not exceed the dosage and duration of administration indicated in the instructions for the drug.
  • Since each of the plant stimulants has properties characteristic only of it, it makes sense to alternate the use of various adaptogens.
  • It takes time to show the beneficial properties of an adaptogen. Usually, the duration of the course indicated in the instructions for the drug is sufficient for the manifestation of the beneficial properties of the adaptogen.
  • The dosage is chosen individually, guided by the instructions for the drug and your own well-being.

Contraindications for use

  • increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • sleep disorders;
  • acute infectious diseases.

A complete list of contraindications should be found in the instructions for the drug.

Side effects of adaptogens

Adaptogens are well tolerated and do not have toxic effects even when taken in large doses. However, taking adaptogens can cause some side effects:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • allergic reactions;
  • tachycardia;
  • headache;
  • high blood pressure;
  • hypoglycemia.

A complete list of side effects should be found in the instructions for the drug.

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Herbal preparations in sports in general and in power sports in particular have been widely used. They usually have a relatively weak anabolic effect, but they can outperform many artificial drugs in terms of increased performance. The main function of plant anabolics (RA) is to increase the activity of the body's own anabolic systems by increasing the action of insulin, gonadotropic hormone and growth hormone. Of these natural anabolics, 2 groups can be distinguished - adaptogens and hypoglycemic action. RA-adaptogens, in addition to anabolic action, tend to increase the body's resistance to various adverse factors: hypoxia, physical exertion, toxins, and so on.

Plant anabolics - adaptogens

Tribulus Terrestis

A perennial herbaceous plant that grows in temperate and tropical climates in southern Europe, southern Asia, Africa and northern Australia. A distinctive feature of this plant is that it directly stimulates the production of its own testosterone, without being a hormonal drug. This provokes an increase in strength and muscle volume. There are no side effects (except perhaps an increase in libido). Due to its rather powerful effect, dietary supplements based on the extract of this plant, along with leuzea, have become very widespread in the world.
Used for the production of the drug "Tribulus". A good selection of tribulus at the best price for you.

Leuzea safflower (maral root)

Levzeya, perhaps, has received the widest application in sports practice. It contains phytoecdysones - polyhydroxylated steroid compounds that have a fairly large anabolic activity. The use of leuzea extract enhances protein-synthetic processes, helps to increase protein reserves in muscles, liver, heart and kidneys. Significantly increases mental performance and physical endurance. After prolonged use of Leuzea, a gradual increase in the vascular bed occurs, and the general blood circulation improves significantly. In connection with an increase in the power of the heart muscle and an increase in the tone of the parasympathetic nervous system, the pulse slows down. This plant is produced in the form of an alcoholic tincture of rhizomes with leuzea roots in 40 ml bottles. Take once a day. From 15 drops to one teaspoon. Ecdysterone (Ratibol), is a steroid compound derived from Leuzea safflower. It has a pronounced anabolic and tonic effect. Available in tablets of 5 milligrams. It is taken orally 5-10 mg 3 times a day.

Rhodiola rosea (Golden root)

The composition of this plant includes substances such as rhodioloside and rhodosin. In a number of countries, these substances are produced in pure form. The main feature of the golden root is a pronounced action in relation to muscle tissue. Strength endurance and muscle strength increase. The size of mitochondria and the activity of the contractile proteins actin and myosin increase. Release form: alcohol extract from rhizomes with roots of Rhodiola rosea in bottles of 30 ml. Take 1 time per day in the morning. Dosage from 5 drops to one teaspoon.

Aralia Manchurian

Aralia is able to significantly lower blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia), exceeding in magnitude the hypoglycemia caused by other RA adaptogens. Since hypoglycemia is accompanied by the release of somatotropin (GH), the use of Aralia Manchurian causes a noticeable anabolic effect with an increase in appetite and an increase in body weight due to this. Produced in the form of alcohol tincture from the roots of Aralia Manchurian in 50 ml bottles. Use 10 - 20 drops once a day. Saparal. The sum of ammonium bases of salts of triterpene glycosides (aralosides), obtained from the roots of Manchurian aralia. Unlike the above tincture, it does not have such a strong hypoglycemic anabolic effect. Such an effect of the drug as excitation of the nervous system is more pronounced than that of aralia tincture. Great for improving overall performance. Release form: tablets of 50 mg. Take 1-2 times a day, 1-2 tablets.

Eleutherococcus senticosus

This plant contains many glycosides - eleutherosides. Eleutherosides increase performance and enhance protein synthesis. It also increases the synthesis of carbohydrates. The production of fats, on the contrary, is inhibited. Fatty acid oxidation is accelerated during exercise. Eleutherococcus also improves liver function and color vision. Eleutherococcus is produced in the form of an alcohol extract from rhizomes with roots of 50 ml. Take ten drops to one teaspoon in the morning, once a day.


The composition of the ginseng root includes glycosides - panaxosides, which give it a hypoglycemic and anabolic effect. According to this parameter, ginseng is approximately equal to Eleutherococcus and, like Eleutherococcus, has the ability to enhance the action of endogenous insulin. Release form and dosage - similar.

Schisandra chinensis

Distinctive features of lemongrass are a noticeable increase in efficiency, improved visual acuity and an increase in mood. All these effects are caused by the ability of lemongrass to increase the conductivity and sensitivity of nerve cells and improve the processes of excitation in the central nervous system. Release form and dosage - similar.

lure high

It has a slight anabolic and tonic effect. By general strengthening effect it is similar to ginseng. Produced in the form of an alcohol tincture of 50 ml. Take 30 - 60 drops, once a day.

Sterculia platanophylla

Like eleutherococcus and ginseng, this plant accelerates and improves overall performance and anabolic processes. Release form: tincture of alcohol from plants in bottles of 25 ml. Take once a day for 10 - 40 drops. It should be noted that the anabolic effect of RA-adaptogens appears only during training, so they must be used against the background of the presence of physical activity. Since all of the above drugs have the properties to enhance the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system (CNS), it is necessary to observe their correct dosage, as well as to use the drug correctly during the day.
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