How does masturbation affect testosterone levels. Evaluation of the effect of testosterone on potency in men The effect of abstinence on testosterone levels

In order for the level of testosterone in a man to be normal, it is necessary to have sex regularly. If this is not possible, masturbation will help. But to abuse this method of obtaining discharge is not worth it.

The opinions of scientists and doctors differ at the mention of onanism. Someone considers it an integral and important part of sexual life, while others are sure that self-satisfaction is harmful to the body. To understand whether this method is worth enjoying, it is important to know how masturbation and testosterone are related. It is useful for any young man and man to know how testosterone levels affect sexual desire.

There is no scientific evidence that self-satisfaction has a negative effect on the body and testosterone levels. Although there is not enough research, scientists claim that abstinence does not increase the concentration of the hormone. Athletes often use the technique of weekly abstinence to increase strength and performance, but it only gives a short-term effect.

There are research results that have studied abstinence from all methods of sexual satisfaction. People who participated in a scientific experiment were left without an orgasm for 3 weeks. As a result, it was noted that the neuroendocrine response of the body has not changed. But the concentration of testosterone in the blood of the subjects increased significantly.

Too zealous in the process of self-gratification is not worth it. But, as observations have shown, masturbation does not have a harmful effect on the body.

Characteristics of the problem

This way of self-satisfaction, like masturbation, has several forms:

  • conscious;
  • reflex;
  • psychological.

In adolescents during the formation of the reproductive system, at the age of 10-13 years, wet dreams occur due to the accumulation of seminal fluid. As a rule, they occur in the morning or at night, when the boy is sleeping.

A man, on the other hand, engages in masturbation consciously or under the influence of psychological reasons. He may not be satisfied with the second half, or there may not be a sexual partner at all. Hormones cause attraction, but sex is absent. This situation may be worse than infrequent masturbation. Spontaneous erection requires immediate discharge.

With reflex masturbation, it is about the child's awareness of his body. As soon as the baby begins to feel himself, touches his genitals, you should not worry, this type of onanism is not a pathology. It is only important not to let the child's actions become a habit. To do this, parents are encouraged to control these independent caresses.

Masturbation and its relation to androgens

To keep testosterone in men at a normal level, you need to have sex or masturbate at least once a week. It has been scientifically proven that without this, the concentration of the hormone decreases. Testosterone is responsible for the production of endorphins, and its low level leads to irritability, poor health, and lowers performance. The man experiences apathy and gets tired quickly.

In addition to psychological discomfort, testosterone deficiency leads to the following disorders:

  • osteoporosis;
  • weight gain;
  • baldness;
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • dry skin;
  • insomnia;
  • decreased libido;
  • increased sweating;
  • changes in blood composition, in particular, a decrease in hemoglobin levels;
  • increased hair growth in the chest area.

And also there may be a general malaise, redness of the skin on the face. Sometimes there are bouts of dizziness and rarely - confusion.

The level of the male hormone drops due to an increase in prolactin in the blood against the background of psychological problems. With high levels of prolactin, testosterone and libido decrease, a man is threatened with infertility and other problems.

Cons of Masturbation

Although masturbation does not affect the level of male hormones, it can lead to serious violations of the functions of the body in a man:

  • negative effect on ejaculation (premature or delayed);
  • oppression of libido;
  • the risk of inflammation of the prostate and, as a result, the onset of impotence;
  • deterioration of the functioning of the organs of hearing, smell;
  • development of psychological imbalance;
  • sleep disorders;
  • memory problems;
  • neuroses;
  • swelling of the penis in the region of the head.

In the future, against the background of regular masturbation, blood circulation may worsen. Sometimes there is shortness of breath. And most importantly - the habit of enjoying independent caresses leads to indifference in relations with the opposite sex.

It is enough for a man to simply masturbate, and women no longer arouse his interest and attraction.

Self-satisfaction with the help of hands leads to strong friction of delicate skin. This injures the genital organ and can provoke balanoposthitis. Inflammation develops in the area of ​​the foreskin and head. Regular masturbation reduces the sensitivity of the penis, and the man simply ceases to enjoy intimate relationships with a woman.

Do not also forget that onanism is not a full-fledged sexual intercourse. A masturbating person does not receive complete emotional and physiological discharge. After this kind of orgasm, some men feel overwhelmed, irritated and overwhelmed. Aggression often appears, the cause of which is the adrenaline accumulated during self-satisfaction. In the process of a full-fledged sexual intercourse, all of it is consumed, therefore, the man does not have a subsequent decrease in mood.

Onanism often should not be engaged. Moderation will help to avoid health problems, prevent impotence, avoid psychological problems and worries that hormonal disorders will arise from masturbation.

Complications from the reproductive system

Violations are not observed in everyone, but the risk of developing pathology with frequent masturbation increases several times.

Research scientists have proven the impact of onanism on the development of impotence. Among the possible disorders of the reproductive system, the following should be highlighted:

  • change in sperm quality;
  • erectile disfunction;
  • decreased quality of sex;
  • violation of ejaculation.

And also with frequent masturbation, addiction develops. Then a man can achieve orgasm only under certain conditions with a normal erection. Sexual contacts with women cease to interest him. The pleasure of sex is reduced due to less vivid sensations. Excitation may suddenly disappear or ejaculation will occur ahead of time.

Frequent masturbation leads to the loss of not only male strength, but also significantly worsens well-being. With increased spermatogenesis, the body of a man is depleted, he consumes vitamins, trace elements and minerals beyond measure.

Due to frequent masturbation, a man experiences a breakdown, vitamin deficiency develops, and bone fragility increases.

The most dangerous complications include prostatitis and impotence. Lack of ejaculation leads to stagnant processes in the channels of the prostate gland, it threatens not only inflammation, but also increases the risk of oncology. As a result of friction and dulling of sensitivity, it will be more and more difficult for a man to complete natural sexual intercourse each time. Testosterone increases erection, but over time it fades. Male impotence sets in, from which nothing helps.

Genitourinary disorders

In the process of masturbation, a woman can easily bring an infection into her genitals, this is due to her physiological structure. But a man is not immune from infection, although more often he will face problems of a different nature. Careless handling or excessive pressure lead to damage to the external genitalia.

With strong friction, blood circulation in the pelvic area increases. This leads to varicose veins in the inguinal vein and seminal duct. And also often an inflammatory process develops from minor injuries. It affects not only the external genital organs, but also covers the entire genitourinary system. In addition, onanism can cause testicular torsion, and this is treated only promptly. You should not harm your health and masturbate too often, although within reasonable limits, self-satisfaction is not dangerous.

For any man, normal potency is of great importance. It directly depends on a variety of hormones, the main of which in this regard is testosterone. Its uniqueness and importance lies in the fact that it affects not only the physiological, but also the psycho-emotional signs of a man.

It is the amount of testosterone that affects such purely masculine qualities as a deep voice, a characteristic figure, muscle mass and a number of other signs that distinguish males from females. Therefore, it is important to know how testosterone affects potency, what can be done to ensure that there were no problems with men's health?

The production of the hormone in terms of quantity in men throughout life is not the same, much depends on what age he is. Also important is puberty, age-related changes. But these are factors that are natural in nature, and there are a number of factors that increase or decrease androgen due to various kinds of inflammatory processes and psychological factors. Testosterone and potency have long been studied by leading experts, their relationship is clear, but often new nuances are discovered in this regard.

Stressful situations are also of great importance, but such seemingly insignificant situations as climate change, temperature fluctuations, and even a change of residence often take place. In order to prevent such negative consequences, a man must constantly monitor his hormonal levels, tests should be taken on a regular basis, do not ignore the preventive measures recommended by the doctor.

How does testosterone level affect potency? The influence is very strong, if there is a lot of it in the blood, then the erection is strong, sexual desire is expressed as brightly as possible, the man has a high chance of conceiving a child who will not have health problems.

The functions that this hormone influences are as follows:

  • the boy during his sexual development has no problems, the size of the penis is normal, as well as all other genital organs;
  • the body is covered with hair, vegetation is especially pronounced, especially on certain parts of the male body (for example, in the chest and pubic region);
  • the level of physical development of the representative of the stronger sex seriously exceeds the level of the physical development of a woman, especially with regard to the muscles and his physical capabilities in general;
  • voice timbre is low;
  • a pronounced sexual desire is formed;
  • a man tolerates a stressful state better and even the most difficult situation in life can rarely unsettle him;
  • a man leads accordingly, that is, courageously;
  • attention is better developed, memory too (when compared with women), performance is significantly higher;
  • spermatozoa are actively produced;
  • there is an opportunity for fertilization;
  • erectile type function;
  • accelerated metabolic processes are carried out in the body;
  • sebaceous and sweat glands work in an active mode.

There is one important nuance - if a man begins to actively take synthetic drugs to increase testosterone levels, then at first the hormonal level will really increase. However, after a while it will again become small. And all because with synthetic intervention, natural synthesis decreases, and then completely disappears. Here the connection is clear, it's just that the body, when receiving synthetic substances, does not see the need to produce natural substances. And this often leads to the fact that impotence becomes inevitable.

Androgen levels in the blood must be stabilized. And this is necessary in order to:

  • potency should return to normal;
  • all erectile dysfunctions must be eliminated;
  • recovery and metabolic processes in the body should be normalized;
  • sebaceous glands normalize their work;
  • libido, if lost, returns;
  • fertility is improved.

Why does the male body lack testosterone?

Of course, often the cause of such a serious problem is various diseases of the genitourinary system. But there are also factors that are much more common. Modern men often eat the wrong way, smoke, drink large amounts of alcohol, move little (the latter factor is especially important, since blood stagnates in the pelvic area, which leads to such negative consequences). There are many factors that affect the hormonal level of a man, but the good thing is that if a man begins to take care of his health in a timely manner, an erection will soon be restored. If there are no serious physiological problems.

Since the effect of testosterone on male potency is very strong, every effort must be made to ensure that the body does not experience a deficiency in this hormone.

As for food, there are many that provoke blood acidification, which leads to a decrease in hormonal levels. All this soon ends with the fact that male hormones begin to transform into female ones. This has the most negative consequences - the sexual capabilities of a man are significantly reduced, important functions stop working normally.

There are products that already have harmful substances in their composition and you definitely shouldn’t consume them:

  • it is necessary to reduce salt intake to a minimum, since there is sodium, which has a negative effect on androgenic synthesis. This applies not only directly to salt, but also to products that contain it in significant quantities;
  • the amount of sugar should also be reduced, as it adversely affects the production of insulin. In this regard, beverages containing gas are of particular danger if they contain sugar;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • coffee;
  • so trendy today are energy drinks and tonics;
  • meat of some varieties - the reason is simple, animals today are often given feed additives, after consumption of which they grow rapidly. But such feed additives contain estrogen in large quantities, which, after entering the male body, do everything to reduce the level of the male sex hormone;
  • animal fats;
  • soy contains a lot of estrogen;
  • milk (strange as it may seem), especially if it is fresh (only cow's milk is harmful in this regard);
  • flour from wheat, everything that is made from it, does not bring anything good to the hormonal male background;
  • all kinds of sweets, including chocolate and products that are made from it;
  • oil, moreover, any - vegetable, sunflower, corn, soybean and linseed;
  • beer, which is especially dangerous due to the high amount of estrogen. It is very bad that this particular product is so loved by a large number of the stronger sex.

What should be done to increase potency?

If potency problems have begun, there is no need to rush to start taking medications. This approach does not require willpower, but it is much more effective to change your lifestyle, start eating right, sleep the required amount of time, stick to the daily routine.

Physical loads are of great importance, they do not have to be significant. Of course, it is best to work out regularly in the gym or swim in the pool, but not everyone has enough time for this. But everyone can walk home after work, and this is quite enough to increase hormonal levels. And, if at least on weekends you go jogging in the park, work with a skipping rope, then it will be very good. Mobile sports in this regard are an indispensable assistant, especially team games with the ball.

Doing exercises in the morning is very useful, it should become a habit. But all this will not give the proper result if the man does not eat properly. It is necessary to eat more red meat, fish, cereals, garlic and onions, more fresh fruits and vegetables. Many of these products are indeed a kind of aphrodisiacs.

And it is also very important not to undergo long-term abstinence, since abstinence and the hormone testosterone are interconnected. It is important to understand that a career is wonderful, but just as important is the time spent with the family, sex, good rest.

Greetings, dear readers! Today we have a very interesting and important topic for all men, and especially for those involved in sports (particularly bodybuilding).

The fact is that testosterone- This is the main anabolic hormone that promotes muscle growth. And the higher the amount of this hormone in the blood, the potentially greater result you can achieve in bodybuilding (and indeed in all power sports).

So, today we will analyze all the basic and effective natural ways to increase testosterone levels. Rather, it would be more correct to say that it is not an excess of testosterone in excess of the human norm, but an increase to the level that is inherent in human genetics.

Therefore, the advice in this article is aimed specifically at maintaining the maximum physiologically natural level of testosterone. natural ways. So, we have passed the introduction and now we will proceed to the main thing.

Ways to increase testosterone levels

To increase testosterone levels to the maximum natural level, the following rules must be observed:

1. Proper sleep pattern. Sleep is our main anabolic. In sleep, in addition to testosterone, many different hormones are produced. It was found that growth hormone, necessary for maintaining immunity and general anabolism, is produced only in the period from 12 to 3 at night. (there may be slight fluctuations in 1 hour). Therefore, it is imperative to go to bed before 12 o'clock, and preferably at 10 o'clock. And in no case should the biological clock be knocked down. You must train yourself to go to bed at the same time. It has been studied that the more growth hormone is produced by the body, the greater the content of free testosterone in the blood will subsequently be. Sleep deprivation has also been shown to reduce testosterone production by 20-30%, so sleep should be at least 7-8 hours.

2. Proper nutrition. In particular, you should avoid eating too fatty foods. The main problem of modern nutrition is the abundance of fatty foods, while these fats are most often transgenic, i.e. harmful to the body, which are usually found in fast food chains (fast food), margarine, mayonnaise, various sweets and confectionery. Therefore, ideally, it is better to abandon these products or reduce their number. Healthy fats are found in fish (omega-3), flaxseed and olive oil (omega-6-9). It is healthy fats that are the main factor in the production of testosterone and the normalization of the overall hormonal background. Also don't forget to use (1g for every kg of body weight for a non-exercising person, and 1.5-2g for exercising). Protein lowers blood sugar, which is a factor in the production of growth hormone and testosterone.

3. The fight against excess weight. The fact is that body fat has a detrimental effect on testosterone levels, namely, they convert testosterone into the female sex hormone - estrogen. The more overweight, the lower the testosterone level and the higher the estrogen level. Therefore, you must definitely control your weight, and it is advisable to do control weighing once every one or two weeks.

4. Regular sexual activity. Here the principle works - what we use, we develop. It was found that when abstinence for more than three weeks, testosterone levels begin to drop sharply. Also, regular sexual activity not only helps to increase testosterone, but also improves the general condition of the body.

5. Regular exercise. Studies have been conducted that playing sports and regular, moderate physical activity increases testosterone levels in men, and also contributes to the normalization of the general hormonal background and all biological processes in the body. By nature, a person must necessarily conduct physical activity, because. it is a natural way of life laid down for thousands of years. Low physical activity is a problem for the entire modern society, and this became especially noticeable in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, where the average physical activity of people (especially in developed countries) decreased significantly, which is not good.

6. Give up bad habits. Alcoholic drinks are simply detrimental to the entire hormonal system. Beer has a particularly detrimental effect on the male hormonal system, because. beer contains female sex hormones - estrogens. Its use can reduce testosterone to almost zero. Tobacco is also no less harmful, so that the testosterone level is kept at the maximum natural level, you should completely stop smoking.

So, these were the basic rules that must be followed in order to increase testosterone levels, as well as normalize the general biological processes in the body.

Now you can list auxiliary points that will also help increase testosterone levels.

  • Give up coffee or minimize its amount, because. coffee reduces free testosterone in the blood.
  • Add black pepper to your diet. Black pepper has been found to increase testosterone.
  • Avoid stress. Stress inhibits all biological processes in the body, including the production of testosterone.
  • Refuse smoked products. Liquid smoke negatively affects testicular tissues that produce testosterone. Without harm, you can only eat fast food (i.e. with a short period) smoking.
  • Try to eat less high-sweet foods. Carbonated drinks, which contain huge doses of sugar, are especially harmful. Although glucose does increase sperm motility to some extent (which could be a plus), but its excess - begins to adversely affect the entire hormonal system. In response to increased blood glucose levels, insulin is produced abruptly, which subsequently blocks the production of testosterone and growth hormone, and also leads to body fat. If you still love sweets so much, you can replace sweets with fruits.
  • Get enough vitamins and minerals. In particular, you should pay attention to the B vitamins, as well as zinc, selenium, calcium and magnesium.
  • Drink enough water. The volume may depend on your individual needs, but the main rule is the uniform use of water throughout the day.

Here, in fact, following these recommendations will help you increase testosterone to the maximum natural level. As you can see, there is nothing supernatural here. All the rules are quite simple, the main thing is to follow them and observe the regime.

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There are many opinions that claim that sex directly affects the athletic performance of any athlete. But there are no clearly substantiated research results.

This, of course, has to do with testosterone levels. But how does it happen and what does it entail. Let's figure it out.

You already know that a hormone called Testosterone, is the most important hormone in the human body, whether female or male. In any sport that requires maximum functionality of the body, athletics, weightlifting, football, hockey, all these types require an increased level of testosterone from the athlete for more effective recovery. Let me remind you that we are talking about training. It is the right recovery that leads to better results.

It is known that training slightly wears out the body, under the influence of loads unusual for everyday life. This applies to muscle tissue and the hormonal system. All that is required from the athlete, for the next workout, is to restore internal resources and tissues. The most important aspect of recovery is the return of testosterone levels to normal.

But how does sexual life affect the restoration of hormonal levels?

1. After sex, the body increases the concentration of the hormone prolactin, which significantly reduces the level of testosterone in the blood, but only for 8-12 hours. After that, testosterone levels return to normal.

2. Sex after a workout increases the number of immune cells, which leads to good recovery.

3. Sex before training leads to a slight decrease in the activity of the nervous system and a decrease in the concentration of testosterone (reason in point 1). This leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the training itself.

4. Abstinence from sexual intercourse for up to 3 days (Similar results of studies were found in young people under 30 years old) affects the increase in the concentration of testosterone in the blood by 1.5-2.5 times. This method is good to use to increase the effectiveness of training and successful performances in competitions. It also increases mental concentration and "aggression" in training.

5. After those three days, testosterone levels return to baseline, and even later begin to decline until intercourse occurs. Therefore, it is not recommended to abstain for more than a month.

6. Watching "adult films" without "assault" increases the concentration of male hormones by about 2 times.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that it is worth doing only after training and once every 3 days.
This is guaranteed to lead to an increase in athletic performance, improved body shape, overall physical health and mood.

The hormone prolactin, produced after sexual intercourse, at its high concentration, can cause many troubles, including a significant increase in weight, due to adipose tissue and fluid retention.

The level of androgen in the blood directly affects libido and the ability to have sexual intercourse. This is a guarantee of the health of the sexual functions of a man. Testosterone improves mood, gives the body a tone and causes the need for private erotic contacts.

Sexual qualities of a partner with healthy testosterone levels:

  1. the presence of a strong erection;
  2. rapid excitability;
  3. high duration of sexual activity;
  4. the ability to carry out several acts in a row.

Androgen also affects physical endurance, which is necessary during the period of intimacy. Its deficiency causes a deterioration in the quality of sex and the frequency of contacts, which becomes an additional source of a decrease in the hormone.

As we age, androgen concentrations drop significantly. causing low sexual desire. Androgen also improves the occurrence of a neurogenic erection that responds to images, while when the hormone falls, an erection can only be achieved by reflex methods. Contact caresses with fingers, masturbation, blowjob are forms of achieving potency for men with low testosterone.

Watch a video about the relationship between testosterone and potency in men:

Sexual desire at different levels of this hormone

With increased secretion

A healthy man constantly wants sex - this is not a myth or prejudice but the real state of affairs. The active production of androgen makes you excited at home, at work, on vacation, where, at the sight of female features, the natural mechanism of excitation is activated.

Regardless of whether the partner is wearing clothes or not. The increased content of androgen also stimulates sexual excitement, in which a man is more willing to go for erotic experiments.

If it is below normal

Such a man is difficult to excite: Achieving a firm erection takes several, and sometimes ten minutes.

A weak sexual constitution also leads to specific behavior associated with the desire to avoid intimate contact.

Women who meet along the way of such a man usually do not arouse interest (there are no spontaneous erections).

Such men often prefer masturbation to sex.

Harm and benefits of abstinence

Short-term abstinence increases testosterone levels and increase sexual performance. The accumulation of energy is associated with the accumulation of a large amount of sperm, which, with frequent contacts - more often than 1 time in 3 days - is not restored by 100%.

Notable studies:

  • J Zhejiang Univ Science (2003). With abstinence for up to 7 days, the hormonal level increases by 145%, and then takes on the usual values. After a month it drops significantly.
  • New Scientist (2011). Abstinence from sex helps to improve physical performance, which is necessary during the period of sports. The optimal time for not having sex is 3 days.

Scientists have noticed that prolonged abstinence - more than 3 weeks - leads to the opposite effect associated with an avalanche-like decrease in the hormone in the blood.

After a month of absence of intimacy and onanism, androgenic levels can reach the levels diagnosed in children who have not yet entered the phase of puberty.

Watch a video on this topic:

How does masturbation affect the amount of this substance?

Does masturbation reduce testosterone production? Compared to intimacy, masturbation has a similar effect, increasing testosterone levels in the blood. Substitutive satisfaction is recommended for men who do not have a sexual partner. The safe frequency of masturbation is 2-3 times per week. The release of semen helps to prevent the above-described consequences associated with abstinence.

Undesirable Masturbation Behaviors:

As for masturbation for pornography, there is a danger of addiction that complicates the conduct of sexual intercourse.

The habit of having pleasure under more powerful video stimulation causes "sexual anorexia" - the effect of insufficient arousal when close to a real partner. This leads to withdrawal and depression, which significantly inhibit androgen synthesis.

However, pornographic products can have a positive effect if used carefully. Contemplation of erotic content, according to many studies, without ejaculation leads to a significant increase in testosterone.

This method can be used as a method to warm up feelings before sexual contact., although you should not overdo it with porn videos. Prolonged blood flow to the genitals without discharge leads to congestion associated with the development of prostatitis and problems with the rectum.

Warning. The critical threshold of testosterone is a concentration of 15 ng / ml, below which the correction of the androgenic background is already shown.

How does it change before and after sex?

Sexual arousal leads to a significant increase in androgen before intercourse, and after ejaculation - a slight drop. During the act of love, concentrations are maintained at an elevated level, allowing you to remain active for a long time.

Due to the production of the hormone prolactin after ejaculation, mental activity is suppressed, so after the act, many guys experience an unbridled desire to fall asleep or at least rest. There is no need to be afraid - the normalization of the hormonal background occurs within a couple of hours after intimacy.

A change of scenery, a business trip and going on vacation significantly increase the production of testosterone. The reason is the subconscious activation of the reproductive system of the body, which perceives changes as conditions for the likely struggle and fertilization of "females".

Is there a relationship between it and penis size?

Androgens partially influence the formation of the penis and testicles: intrauterine development associated with insufficient testosterone production leads to slow growth of the genital organs.

Already after birth, until the onset of sexual development, the size of the penis remains unchanged - from 2.5 to 6 centimeters, but then it actively grows.

If there are diseases in the body that block the production of a healthy amount of male hormone, then the length of the penis will be less than with a healthy hormonal background.

The minimum growth of the penis is observed in the period from 18 to 25 years.- in these years, the intensity of androgen production does not play a decisive role, and after overcoming this age range, testosterone completely loses the ability to influence the growth of the organ (the dimensions subsequently remain unchanged).

A deceptive decrease in size occurs when extra pounds appear, which cause the legs and groin to grow fat. Such a visual reduction is not associated with a real reduction in the penis in size.

Penis size estimation (European system):

  1. norm - from 12 to 17 cm;
  2. small penis - less than 12 cm;
  3. micro-member - less than 10 cm.

Due to physiological characteristics in the countries of Southeast Asia, the length of the penis is less than that of the representatives of the white race. For this reason, for citizens of Asian countries, there is a different gradation, which allows a reduction in the bar by 2-3 cm from those stated above.

More than normal penis sizes in Latin Americans, primarily Venezuela, Brazil and Colombia. In these countries, men also have a more violent temperament, which is a manifestation of an increased level of androgen in the blood.

medical fact. Testosterone affects the size of the penis, but the genetic factor becomes decisive.

Impact on fertility

Low hormonal background reduces the chances of successful egg fertilization. The reason is the inhibition of the process of sperm formation, so the number of sperm in the seminal fluid decreases (becomes less than 20 million in 1 ml). The activity of gametes also becomes rampant - the activity of germ cells in the total number of less than 50% leads to a low probability of conception.

Other effects of the hormone:

  • the volume of sperm increases (from 2 to 8 ml);
  • increased sperm motility;
  • the percentage of defective germ cells decreases.

Infertility develops for a long time, because even with a low concentration of testosterone, a man can maintain high fertility. The content of androgen in the tissues of the testicles is high, which decreases slowly. Chronic diseases, alcohol consumption and smoking can provoke pathological changes., mechanical damage to the testicles.

When setting infertility, they operate with the term "azoospermia", and with a pathologically low number of active spermatozoa - "asthenospermia".

Useful video

We offer a useful video about the effect of testosterone on sexual function in men:


Keeping track of your own testosterone levels is the responsibility of every man. Healthy indicators guarantee the preservation of sexual activity, excellent mood and the ability to easily produce offspring.

To achieve these goals, it is enough to take care of health, including maintaining a proper diet, normalized physical and mental activity, as well as giving up bad habits.

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