Family guy description of the family in English. The animated series "Family Guy": characters, their description and photos

And the active requests of the fans of the series.


The series carries elements that ridicule the flaws of American reality, including US foreign and domestic policy, racial discrimination, and other issues. Also in the show, character scenes are often found and, such vices as and are shown in detail, and are shown. In this regard, the animated series was prosecuted four times (3 times in the United States and 1 time in Russia); three cases won the show, one is still pending (see below).

The series mainly takes place in Quahog and its immediate surroundings, although in several episodes the Family Guy (not willingly) was sent to the southern states. Also in several episodes, Stewie and Brian traveled around and.

In Russia, the series was broadcast by the channel (the broadcast stopped in 2007). The first seasons on Ren-TV of the characters of "Family Guy" were voiced: -, (in the 4th season it is replaced) - the rest of the male roles. Women's roles - (in some episodes she was replaced by Elena Chebaturkina). These episodes were shown on the TV channel, but already in reruns. On July 3, the channel continued to air the series with a demonstration of new episodes, starting with the 5th season.

Screensaver, titles and sidebars


In the vast majority of episodes, the splash screen is the same:

We are shown the family guy's living room, in which he sits and sings the opening song. A little later he joins it, and then, at the same time, and. After that, the whole family, dressed in shiny yellow stage costumes, is transported with their song to a chic variety hall. There they gradually climb up the stairs installed on the stage, the camera looks at them strictly from above, the name of the animated series appears.

The episode name is not shown in any episode (except for "" and "").

Occasionally, the splash screen changes slightly:

  • in the episode "" at the end of the cutscene, Peter stumbles and falls down this stage staircase, crushing one of the dancers with his weight;
  • episode "" shows Peter taking art lessons from the TV before the main cutscene.

Or even radically different:

  • in episodes "" and "" it is made in the style of American cartoons of the middle, and only Stewie and Brian are present in it;
  • in the episode "" she is a parody of the American animated series "" ();
  • in episode "", critics were delighted with an unusual cutscene in which Peter watches 29 shows that were canceled by FOX after the Family Guy banned, and says that if so, they have a chance to make a comeback;
  • in the episode "" Stewie rides his way through various films and games, parodying the intro to the trilogy "". Among these films and games, you can see: "" ("") (), "" ("") (), "" ("") (), "" ( ) (), " " and " " (" ") (). At the end of the cutscene, Stewie drives in, forcing him to run into the house from the animated series in horror, which completely copies part of the cutscene of this show.

Screensaver song:

Lois: It seems today, that all you see, is violence in movies and sex on TV Peter: But where are those good old fashioned values All: On which we used to rely? Lucky there’s a family guy Lucky there "s a man who positively can do all the things that make us Stewie: Laugh and cry! All: He a family Guy! Ah, nowadays all channels seem to be at the same time: violence and sex in news and movies. Are conscience and morality out of date, of which I have always been proud? Our only refuge is the family. We, really, are very sorry for the lonely, But let's tell you, friends, no lies: Family guy is a healthy family!

Sometimes it is given in a shortened form:

Nowadays, all channels seem to be at the same time: violence and sex in news and movies. But let's tell you, friends, no lies: Family Guy are a healthy family!



A distinctive feature of the animated series are the so-called "sidebars" ( ): Abrupt deviations from the plot, caused by the words or thoughts of any of the characters. The cuts can be either short, 3-4 seconds (for, in the episode ""), or long, 3-4 minutes (Peter's memories of his ancestors in the episode "").

The only episode without sidebars is "".

Characters (edit)

The prototypes of the main characters in the animated series are Larry (→ Peter Griffin) and Steve (→ Brian) from the animated short films "" () and "" (). Also, the creation of images of the heroes of the animated series and the plots of its episodes was influenced by the animated series "", the television series (-); animated series (-) and (-).

Usually the show is about the adventures of his family members. Peter is married to a family of aristocrats - Carter and Barbara Perdeshmit. Lois spends most of the time at home, and also gives lessons on the game. Peter and Lois have three children:, their teenage daughter, who is often bullied at school; their son, who is fat, ill-mannered and in many ways a copy of his father; and the youngest child - who dreams of world domination and knows how to speak very well and quickly, despite the fact that he is only one year old. Also in their family lives a talking dog that walks on two legs, drinks, and drives a car.

In addition to the Family Guy themselves, the series has a fairly large number of minor characters. Almost all of them live near the family guy's house. This is a sex-obsessed pilot, quiet who is also the main character, a police officer with paralyzed legs, cowardly Mort Goldman and many others.

Family Griffin

Peter Griffin

According to the Holy Crap series, Peter was raised by Francis Griffin and Thelma Griffin. As a child, he was baptized in the Roman Catholic faith, but to the great chagrin of his father, Peter did not become a devout man. In one of the episodes, it is mentioned that Peter is Cancer by his zodiac sign. Apparently he was born in July. Several episodes mention that he is 43 years old.
As a child, he was not a very diligent boy, several times he stayed at school for the second year. Once in the company he tried LSD, which caused him to fall out of the window and almost crash. According to the episodes "Peter, Peter, Caviar Eater" and "Death Lives" in his youth, Peter worked in a hotel in Newport (wore towels), where he met Lois Purdishmith (his future wife), the daughter of Carter Purdischmith, a wealthy industrialist. Carter was not thrilled with Peter, believing that his daughter was much higher on the social ladder. Therefore, his henchmen kidnap Peter and throw him into the ocean. But Peter escaped and managed, with the help of friends, to return to Newport. Carter offered Peter a million dollar deal in exchange for a promise to stay away from his daughter. But Peter refuses the money, marries Lois and settles in the town of Quahog.
Since the start of the series, Peter has worked as a conveyor worker at the Joy Toys Quahog Toy Factory. When the factory owner dies in an accident, Peter is unemployed. He searches for himself for a long time and eventually becomes a fisherman. After some time, he again changes his specialty and goes to work at the brewery. during certain episodes, he also sometimes changes professions (director of a tobacco factory, director of a school, sheriff, etc.)
Character and habits
Stupid, fat selfish is the definition that best fits Peter. He is vain and confident in his genius (“I have such a brilliant idea that my head would explode if it realized what I was thinking”), cowardly and greedy. His “ingenious” ideas tend to get in trouble, which is the overwhelming majority of the series' plots. Peter's favorite pastime is watching TV. His sphere of interests includes serials ("Gumbles", etc.), news blocks, stupid action movies ... in a word, everything. Peter is a chronic alcoholic and refuses treatment. I do not smoke.

Lois was born in Newport to the wealthy industrialist Carter Perdischmith. She was brought up in an atmosphere of indifference of her parents (in the series "Let" s Go to the Hop, Lois recalls how her father refused to ransom the kidnapped daughter from the terrorists because he "did not negotiate with the bandits").
Meet Peter
Although Peter and Lois belonged to different social strata, they met at the Country Club Hotel (episode "Peter, Peter, Caviar Eater"), where Peter worked as a towel distributor. Peter impressed Lois with his sincerity and cheerful disposition, so different from the cold stiffness of the young people of her circle. Although the father was strongly against their marriage (Carter offered Peter a million dollars in exchange for a promise not to see his daughter) Lois and Peter got married. Perhaps an overheard conversation between Peter and Carter, in which the groom refused a large sum for her, played a major role for Lois in choosing a future husband. She appreciated the nobility and disinterestedness of her husband, which, alas, are not typical for Peter.
Future life
Having married and settled with Peter in the town of Quahoge, Lois went headlong into caring for her husband and children. She devotes all her time to homework and fixing the troubles Peter loves to get into.
In her free time from household chores, Lois gives piano lessons. At the same time, in some episodes, she also worked outside the home.
Character and habits
Lois is generally balanced and calm. She serves as a kind of counterbalance to Peter, with his extravagant ideas and adventurous character. But at the same time, Lois now and then makes it clear that she is not a "blue stocking" or a conservative: she is fond of martial arts, demonstrates to Meg how to kiss girls, etc.
Lois is quite attractive and sexy. In addition to Peter, who is madly in love with his wife and jealous of her even of his own reflection in the mirror, other men also have views of Lois: Glen Quagmair, Mr. Pinchley (an Englishman, a pub keeper who substituted Peter) and others. In addition, in the episode "Fifteen Minutes of Shame" she teaches Meg to kiss a girl in French, that is, there is a hint of Lois's bisexuality.

Chris was born in Quahog. He was an unplanned child (his parents broke a condom during conception), but thanks to a lawsuit against the contraceptive manufacturer, the Family Guy were able to buy a house (which is why Lois calls Chris "my favorite mistake").
Habits and hobbies
Chris is significantly behind in his development. Many of his statements and actions would be more suitable for a 5-year-old baby. His favorite hobby is drawing. In the series "A Picture is Worth a 1,000 Bucks" Chris becomes a professional artist and arranges an exhibition of his paintings.
Excess weight
Ever since birth, Chris' weight was much higher than the norm (an article was devoted to him in the newspaper - "a local woman had a baby elephant", series "He" s Too Sexy For His Fat "). Subsequently, Chris, embarrassed by his weight, with the help of Peter tried to lose weight. going in for sports and dieting, which did not give results.He refused the offer of liposuction, considering it an artificial and unnecessary means.
Angry monkey
Chris has a wicked monkey in Chris’s closet, constantly grinning his teeth and pointing a finger at Chris. Chris is very afraid of her and tries not to be alone in his room. According to him, the monkey was not always angry, and became so only when he found his wife in bed with another monkey (series "Ready, Willing and Disabled").
Herbert is an old, lisping ephebophile (lover of boys) who sometimes harass Chris. Talking to Chris, Herbert calls him "the mushroom peddler", and behind his back - "fat-ass". Chris does not understand the purpose of harassment and finds Herbert funny and kind.

Born in Quahog. In the series, there is a hint of the presence of a tail at birth. In one of the episodes, Brian mentions the name of her real father - Stan Thompson. It is unclear if this is a joke or if the authors will further develop this plot line. Originally (at the beginning of the first season) Meg is 15 years old. In the episode "I Never Met the Dead Man" of the same season, she is already 16 years old. In the fifth season (episode "Peter" s Two Dads) she officially turns 17.
Despite her young age, she managed to change several professions - she was a waitress (she worked part-time, hoping to save money for a new bag), a trainee on television, etc.
Character and habits
The main thing in Meg's character is her complexes about her appearance and her persistent desire to please guys, to have girlfriends. For this, she saves money for an expensive bag, learns to drive, joins the squad of standard bearers. Making fun of Mag's appearance is one of the favorite tricks of the authors of the series (apparently by this they make it clear how important it is to have high self-esteem - for example, over Chris, whose appearance is also far from perfect, is not so bullied). Keeps a diary (reading it is one of the types of entertainment for the whole Family Guy). Mag's trademark - offended, she runs away down the stairs to her room.
Personal life
Extremely unsuccessful. Most of all, Meg wants to become her own in the company of the first school beauty - Koni D "Amiko. But Koni and her friends, as a rule, scoff at Meg, make her a laughing stock. Fell in love with TV announcer Tom Tucker and Mayor of Quahog Adam West. Mag is in love with the only one the guy she totally dislikes is Neil Goldman, a nerdy, pimply bespectacled man with bad diction. In Season 4, in the episode "Don" t Make Me Over, she lost her virginity to Jimmy Fallon, during a live broadcast on Saturday Night Live

Born 7 years ago on a farm near Austin (Texas). One of the five puppies of the dog Tartinka. In childhood, he was taken from his mother, in connection with which Brian believed that his mother had disowned him (although Tartinka loved all her puppies). His life before meeting Peter Griffin is unknown. Peter Griffin picked up Brian on the street. At the time, Brian was a "mangy, homeless dog" washing cars. Brian became essentially a member of the Family Guy.
In addition to the aforementioned mother - the dog Tartinki (now deceased) - has a cousin Jasper, also a talking dog.
Although the show does not indicate that Brian is a professional actor, it is perfectly valid to draw such a conclusion. This is evidenced by the following facts:
.Brian is very artistic, has a keen sense of art and acting. Sings often and well.
. In the series "King is dead" he participates in a local theater performance.
. In "From Method to Madness" Brian auditioned for the role.
Brian also majored in other areas. He was:
.Police dog ("The Thin White Line" series), drug search specialist.
. Writer (unsuccessful) and porno director (won special prize) in Hollywood ("Brian Does Hollywood")
.The Sheriff's Assistant ("To Love and Die in Dixie" series)
.A teacher at school ("Fast Times at Buddy Cianci Jr. High" series)
Character and habits
Brian is phlegmatic by nature. He is reasonable and does not like hasty decisions, although on rare occasions he can fall into a rage or commit rash and sometimes dishonest acts (stealing a golden shell in the Love Thy Trophy series). Brian is well educated, despite incomplete higher education (left college in his last year, unable to withstand the load). He speaks French, Tagalog and some Spanish. Brian smokes cigarettes and drinks alcoholic beverages. In "Mr. Griffin Goes to Washington", Brian tried to quit smoking (as a protest against the tobacco company), becoming irritable and angry as a result. In the episode "The Thin White Line" Brian, having entered the job of a bloodhound in the police, is addicted to cocaine (got rid of drug addiction after a course of treatment). Frequently visits a psychologist.
Personal life
Although Brian is a dog, he does not always have a preference for individuals of his kind.
.In the episode "Brian Wallows and Peter" s Swallows "Brian falls in love with the forgotten opera star of the 30s, discovering in her
a close-minded person. Unfortunately, at the end of the episode, the singer dies.
. In the episode "Brian in Love" Brian suddenly falls in love with Lois, but she rejects his love, offering to remain friends.
In Screwed The Pooch, Brian meets Seabris, the hound of Lois's father, Mr. Purdishmith. During the race, Brian breaks down and copulates with Sebris. Upon learning that Sebris is pregnant, Brian is required to either renounce paternity or agree to be castrated. As a noble dog, Brian is ready to sacrifice himself to the puppies, but, fortunately, at the last moment it turns out that the father of the puppies is not he, but ... Mr. Purdishmith himself.
In "The Perfect Castaway" of the fifth season, Brian marries Lois (Peter is missing in a shipwreck). But after the return of Peter, Brian, realizing that Lois's heart belongs to her ex-husband, divorces her.
Confrontation with Stewie Griffin
Brian is the only Family Guy who understands Stewie. In this regard, his attitude towards the tough child is different from the frivolous neglect of adults. In addition, Brian predicted a "blue" future for Stewie ("You will trade power over the whole world for love with the blue boy Jim"). Their clashes sometimes take on an open character (series "Lethal Weapons"), sometimes they are limited to mutual jokes or denunciations of each other to adults. There are, however, situations in which Brian and Stewie join forces (series "Road to Rhode Island", "Road to Europe").

Stewie Griffin is a character in The Family Guy, a phenomenally gifted one-year-old child, the son of Lois and Peter Family Guy.
Born in Quahog. According to his own recollections (series "Chitty Chitty Death Bang") "almost went mad in the womb." Stewie was born with a map of Europe, where the bomb locations were marked. That is, already at the stage of birth, Stewie was obsessed with the idea of ​​world domination. Stewie was born with a normal head. Once Brian was left to watch Stewie, but he did not follow. Stewie, jumping on the bed, hit the ceiling, causing his skull to flatten somewhat.
Character and habits
He speaks in the original sound with a strong English accent. We are obsessed with two manic ideas - the murder of the mother (Lois) and the conquest of the world. Stewie's evil personality is the result of Lois smoking marijuana during pregnancy. Stewie is a great constructor. He always has a technical novelty of his own invention at hand, whether it be hypnotizing glasses or an aircraft. He loves weapons very much. Has skills in music (plays the banjo, piano, sings, dances). Has a rather subtle sense of humor (mostly black). Stu also doesn't like broccoli.
Mother Murder Idea
The murder of Lois comes first to Stewie. This is probably a kind of caricature of the authors of the series on the Oedipus complex. Since in a number of episodes Brian alludes to Stewie's homosexual inclinations, the mother, not the father, becomes the target of the murder. Stewie's attempts to assassinate Lois end in failure. The only time he manages to throw a bookcase on it turns out that no one can die since Death lies with a broken leg.
The idea of ​​world domination
Stewie's everlasting desire to conquer the world. At the same time, the methods of further control of the Earth assumed by him look like the most brutal totalitarianism.
Relationships with other characters
Of all the characters, only Brian, the family guy's talking dog, takes Stewie seriously. The rest are not inclined to see malicious intent in his pranks, do not notice its development. Stewie himself demonstrates complete disdain, even contempt for others: he calls his father "fat", "stupid", "damn pervert", his mother - "witch", "otter", "dirty creature", "stinking toad", "dishwasher", sister Mag - "pig", brother Chris - "fat brother", Brian - "drunkard", neighbor Quagmier - "chump for whipping." At the same time, the attitude of adults towards Stewie remains kind and caring, they simply ignore his remarks (with the exception of Brian). The character that arouses Stewie's unconditional admiration is Death.
Sexual orientation
Contrary to Brian's constant assertions that Stewie is a latent homosexual (as evidenced by some episodes, such as the episode "Screwed The Pooch," where he attends a gay party), Stewie shows a traditional orientation in a number of episodes. "Orgies" with girls, "Dammit Janet" series - falling in love with a kindergarten girl, etc.) Thus, one can assume that Stewie is bisexual. It also turns out in the future that Stewie is still a virgin when he is 35, although this future will not necessarily happen.

The Family Guy animated series shows the life of an ordinary American family: parents with three children and a dog. However, in the cartoon "Family Guy", the characters whose photos can be seen in the article differ from members of ordinary families. The dog smokes and goes on dates with girls, and the youngest child, still wearing diapers, dreams of world domination. The article describes the names of the characters in "Family Guy", and briefly describes the main characters.

Peter Griffin

Peter is 42 years old. In his youth, he worked as a handler of towels and thus met his future wife - Lois Pudershmit, the daughter of a wealthy industrialist. Lois's father tried to separate them by first kidnapping Peter and then promising to pay him to break up with Lois. However, Peter marries Lois and settles in the town of Quahog.

Peter works on the assembly line of a children's toy factory, and then becomes a fisherman, having bought his own yacht. He changes his profession more than once, working in a brewery, performing the duties of sheriff, headmaster and farmer. Peter spends his free time at the "Drunken Oyster" bar with his friends. Peter is very stupid, in one of the episodes he was even officially recognized as mentally retarded. He loves to drink, to joke, very selfish. He never regrets his actions and often behaves like a child.

Lois Griffin

Lois is a 40-year-old housewife. She grew up in a wealthy family, but her parents were more than indifferent to her (for example, her father refused to ransom the kidnapped daughter, not wanting to negotiate with the terrorists). Lois moonlights by giving piano lessons to children at home. In various episodes, she worked as a flight attendant, model and mayor.

Lois fell in love with Peter for his sincerity and cheerful nature. Although in almost every episode of Family Guy, characters fight over Peter's ridiculous antics, Lois continues to love him. Lois is portrayed as very correct, but there are many mistakes in her past that she tries to forget about. So, she was an alcoholic, a kleptomaniac, starred in a porn film, participated in fights, and even before her marriage she slept with the entire composition of the rock group Kiss.

Stewie Griffin

Stewie is one year old, but he hasn't matured throughout the series. This is a very developed child who is obsessed with the idea of ​​world domination. In addition to the desire to take over the world, Stewie also dreams of killing Lois, but over time his character softens, and such ideas are gradually forgotten. Stewie constantly invents technical innovations, has excellent command of weapons, knows how to drive a car and a helicopter. He has several caches and an aircraft hangar in his room. In Family Guy, the characters can understand Stewie, but of the family, only Brian and brother Chris can speak to him. The rest of the family does not understand his words, and in all actions they see only childish pranks. Stewie communicates well with Brian, although they often exchange hostile remarks. Stewie has a favorite toy - the bear Rupert, with whom he always shares his thoughts and experiences as if he were alive.

Brian Griffin

Brian is a talking Labrador Retriever. Since Peter picked him up off the street, Brian has become a full member of the family. He has many features that are unique to humans: he walks on two legs, speaks English, reads, smokes, drives a car, goes to university and writes for a newspaper. At the same time, in the animated series "Family Guy", the characters are quite calm about the talking dog. From time to time, Brian gets a job. He was a screenwriter, schoolteacher, writer, taxi driver, and a private in the US Army. In his personal life, Brian often gives preference not to dogs, but to ordinary women. So throughout the series, Brian is in love with Lois and one day he even manages to marry her. In one of the episodes, Brian is hit by a car and dies. Then Stewie returns Brian using a time machine, since after the death of the dog he was left without his only friend.

Meg Griffin

Meg is 15 years old, she is the eldest child in the family, a very insecure and notorious girl. In one episode, it is hinted that Peter is not Meg's own father. She often takes a part-time job - a merchandiser in a supermarket, a waitress, a TV trainee. Meg really wants to make friends and guys like him, for which she learns to drive and saves money for expensive clothes. She keeps a personal diary, which is often read by the whole family. Also, the girl constantly falls in love unsuccessfully - either with the director of television, then with the mayor of Quahog, and in one of the episodes even with Brian.

Chris Griffin

Chris is 14 years old, he is the middle child in the family. His birth was unplanned, but thanks to this, the family was able to buy a house, suing the contraceptive manufacturer for compensation. The creators explain Chris's underdevelopment and lethargy by the fact that during the first months of pregnancy, Lois drank and smoked marijuana a lot, which affected the development of the fetus. Chris's favorite hobby is drawing; in one of the episodes, he even opened an exhibition of paintings. Chris is heavily overweight and shy about his body. However, sports and diet did not help him lose weight. Chris is constantly intimidated by the monkey living in his closet. He is very afraid of her, but the family did not believe for a long time that the animal really existed.

At the moment, 14 seasons of the animated series have already been released, new episodes continue to be filmed, and "Family Guy" is constantly broadcast on television. The names of the characters have become recognizable all over the world, and the cartoon has a large audience.

#story_box # real # life # cats

I remembered an old story.
My friend has had an alcoholic cat for many years. As they say, in the tie. The most real.
Once she took him after the death of an alcoholic neighbor: he died, the apartment went to some kind of relatives (he had no children, I don't know anything about his parents - either a niece or a cousin inherited everything), and the cat turned out to be not needed. An ordinary yard cat, gray-striped with white spots, who needs one? They threw him straight to the entrance, and he sat and yelled there all night - and my friend could not stand it. Moreover, her old cat had died a couple of months before.
The cat was very restless - he slept little, almost did not eat anything, drank water, yelled, staggered back and forth around the apartment ... then it was attributed to the stress of the death of the owner (whatever it was, the cat was loved and close) and a change of food - because although my friend did not know what the old owner was feeding the cat, she was ready to vouch that it was not Akana.
The cat was taken, of course, to the doctor, examined - they found some changes in the liver, not critical, prescribed a diet and medications, but, in general, the cat was healthy and quite young - 3-5 years old, as they said.
And uncastrated, of course - this was also considered a cause of concern.
The cat was treated, castrated, and he gradually calmed down and turned out to be the kindest plush wrist creature. But gradually they noticed one oddity behind him: he actually liked any food, from chicken to pasta - he was not given, of course, and was not allowed on the table. But he was eager to go there anyway - and everything was as usual, until some holiday came (maybe even the New Year), and alcohol formed on the table. The guests ate and drank in moderation, there are no drunks there, but ordinary people, why not? - then we went dancing and playing board games ... and at some point someone found a cat eagerly lapping on the table with something. But it was not melted sauce or something like that - it was the remnants of wine in the glass.
The cat, of course, was dragged away - and he made a uniform hysterics. This cute plush creature, resignedly allowing itself to be bathed, trimmed its claws, cleaned its ears, given pills and injected, scratched and bit, and screamed like a wild animal willing to sell its life dearly. At some point, he managed to escape, and he rushed to the table for that very glass.
That's how it turned out.
A friend then began to question people in the yard - and one of the concierges told her that the former owner taught the cat to drink with him. Like, somehow it’s not right for one, but together it’s already more fun. And the first days after his death, the cat just suffered from withdrawal symptoms.
Since then, the cat has not been allowed into the same room with open alcohol. However, they do not drink there often - but when it happens, they shut it up in the bedroom.

The Family Guy animated series shows the life of an ordinary American family: parents with three children and a dog. However, in the cartoon "Family Guy", the characters whose photos can be seen in the article differ from members of ordinary families. The dog smokes and goes on dates with girls, and the youngest child, still wearing diapers, dreams of world domination. The article tells "Family Guy" and briefly describes the main characters.

Peter Griffin

Peter is 42 years old. In his youth, he worked as a handler of towels and thus met his future wife - Lois Pudershmit, the daughter of a wealthy industrialist. Lois's father tried to separate them by first kidnapping Peter and then promising to pay him to break up with Lois. However, Peter marries Lois and settles in the town of Quahog.

Peter works on the assembly line of a children's toy factory, and then becomes a fisherman, having bought his own yacht. He changes his profession more than once, working in a brewery, performing the duties of sheriff, headmaster and farmer. Peter spends his free time at the "Drunken Oyster" bar with his friends. Peter is very stupid, in one of the episodes he was even officially recognized as mentally retarded. He loves to drink, to joke, very selfish. He never regrets his actions and often behaves like a child.

Lois Griffin

Lois is a 40-year-old housewife. She grew up in a wealthy family, but her parents were more than indifferent to her (for example, her father refused to ransom the kidnapped daughter, not wanting to negotiate with the terrorists). Lois moonlights by giving piano lessons to children at home. In various episodes, she worked as a flight attendant, model and mayor.

Lois fell in love with Peter for his sincerity and cheerful nature. Although in almost every episode of Family Guy, characters fight over Peter's ridiculous antics, Lois continues to love him. Lois is portrayed as very correct, but there are many mistakes in her past that she tries to forget about. So, she was an alcoholic, a kleptomaniac, starred in a porn film, participated in fights, and even before her marriage she slept with the entire cast

Stewie Griffin

Stewie is one year old, but he hasn't matured throughout the series. This is a very developed child who is obsessed with the idea of ​​world domination. In addition to the desire to take over the world, Stewie also dreams of killing Lois, but over time his character softens, and such ideas are gradually forgotten. Stewie constantly invents technical innovations, has excellent command of weapons, knows how to drive a car and a helicopter. He has several caches and an aircraft hangar in his room. In Family Guy, the characters can understand Stewie, but of the family, only Brian and brother Chris can speak to him. The rest of the family does not understand his words, and in all actions they see only childish pranks. Stewie communicates well with Brian, although they often exchange hostile remarks. Stewie has a favorite toy - the bear Rupert, with whom he always shares his thoughts and experiences as if he were alive.

Brian Griffin

Brian is a talking Labrador Retriever. Since Peter picked him up off the street, Brian has become a full member of the family. He has many features that are unique to humans: he walks on two legs, speaks English, reads, smokes, drives a car, goes to university and writes for a newspaper. At the same time, in the animated series "Family Guy", the characters are quite calm about the talking dog. From time to time, Brian gets a job. He was a screenwriter, schoolteacher, writer, taxi driver, and a private in the US Army. In his personal life, Brian often gives preference not to dogs, but to ordinary women. So throughout the series, Brian is in love with Lois and one day he even manages to marry her. In one of the episodes, Brian is hit by a car and dies. Then Stewie returns Brian using a time machine, since after the death of the dog he was left without his only friend.

Meg Griffin

Meg is 15 years old, she is the eldest child in the family, a very insecure and notorious girl. In one episode, it is hinted that Peter is not Meg's own father. She often takes a part-time job - a merchandiser in a supermarket, a waitress, a TV trainee. Meg really wants to make friends and guys like him, for which she learns to drive and saves money for expensive clothes. She keeps a personal diary, which is often read by the whole family. Also, the girl constantly falls in love unsuccessfully - either with the director of television, then with the mayor of Quahog, and in one of the episodes even with Brian.

Chris Griffin

Chris is 14 years old, he is the middle child in the family. His birth was unplanned, but thanks to this, the family was able to buy a house, suing the contraceptive manufacturer for compensation. The creators explain Chris's underdevelopment and lethargy by the fact that during the first months of pregnancy, Lois drank and smoked marijuana a lot, which affected the development of the fetus. Chris's favorite hobby is drawing; in one of the episodes, he even opened an exhibition of paintings. Chris is heavily overweight and shy about his body. However, sports and diet did not help him lose weight. Chris is constantly intimidated by the monkey living in his closet. He is very afraid of her, but the family did not believe for a long time that the animal really existed.

At the moment, 14 seasons of the animated series have already been released, new episodes continue to be filmed, and "Family Guy" is constantly broadcast on television. The names of the characters have become recognizable all over the world, and the cartoon has a large audience.

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Family guy(eng. Family guy) is an American comedy-satirical animated series, created in the city of Seth MacFarlane. The main characters of the series are Peter Griffin and his family members. The series first aired on FOX. The series was canceled in 2002, but then production was resumed in 2005, thanks to good sales at


Family Guy is an American comedy animated series about the life of an ordinary American family living in Quahog, a fictional suburb of Providence, the capital of Rhode Island. Also in the cartoon, many jokes are presented in this way:

Someone says: "Do you remember how you ...". This is followed by a story about some ridiculous stupidity of Peter (most often) and his entourage.

The series carries elements of satire, which ridicules the shortcomings of American reality, including US foreign and domestic policy, racial discrimination and other problems.

In Russia, the series is broadcast by the REN TV channel, all the Griffins are voiced by the actors: Yuri Malyarov (Peter Griffin), Lyudmila Gnilova and Vyacheslav Baranov, who is later replaced by Nikita Prozorovsky. The episodes are also 2x2, but in reruns.

Characters (edit)

Peter Griffin

The head of the family, a 42-year-old obese man, wears glasses. He worked in a toy factory, on an assembly line, was a fisherman, and then went to work at the Pottucket Brewery. By religion - Catholic. The lineage is of African American, Spanish, Irish and Scottish descent. Suffers from chronic alcoholism, from which he does not want to be treated. Likes to joke, jokes are mostly flat. He spends most of his free time with friends at the Drunken Clam bar. Arrogant, considers himself talented. At the same time, he has outstanding musical abilities, but only when drunk. In the fifth season, he had sexual contact with former US President Bill Clinton: after Lois' betrayal with Clinton, he went to him to sort things out, and unexpectedly found himself in the same bed with him. Peter is also mentally retarded, which is why, in one of the episodes, his children were taken away from him when Lois was in a coma. He never admits his mistakes and does not repent, which sharply distinguishes him from the character with which he is often compared - Homer Simpson. Loves TV, porn and the band "(Lois Griffin)

40-year-old housewife. Peter's wife, a beautiful woman for her age. Originally from the very wealthy Puderschmidt family, the first colonists of Rhode Island. By religion she is a Protestant. Gives home piano lessons, brings up three children. Loves her husband. Lois has a sister with constant setbacks in her personal life and a mentally ill brother who has an imaginary wife. He also tried to kill Peter in one of the episodes, due to his obesity, as he hates fat people. Lois was also disgraced by her arrest for kleptomania, which she successfully (others think) overcame. In some episodes, Lois is presented as an unhappy woman under constant pressure, because of which she sometimes goes crazy and becomes, for example, an alcoholic, or a drug model, or participates in fights.

Brian Griffin

Brian Griffin

An unusual talking dog that Peter picked up a few years ago. Since then, Brian has become a full-fledged member of the Family Guy. Educated, eloquent and rational. Likes to drink, smokes. Has a good voice. In love with Lois. The only one who understands Stewie, the youngest child of the Family Guy (note: until the fourth season, from which everyone understands Stewie's speech. Probably, before that time, no one took Stewie seriously, but sometimes he was still understood (Example: episode 103, phrase Burn in hell.) Perhaps the most adequate member of the family. Has a cousin - Jasper, a homosexual dog from Hollywood. The son of a dog Tortinka, from which after her death a coffee table was made.

In the episode, when Brian becomes a cocaine addict due to his work in the police, Peter at dinner tells him that "All the dogs in the police are cops, and you are a dachshund." It follows that Brian is a dachshund (of course, if you suddenly decide that Peter understands dog breeds).

Meg Griffin

Meg Griffin

Seventeen-year-old daughter of Peter and Lois. Studies at the District High School. James Woods (James Woods Regional High School). Meg is constantly worried about her peer relationships at school. In addition, her not very attractive appearance (including the presence of a mustache) is always the subject of jokes. It is possible that at birth, Meg had a small tail. In season 4, in “Don’t Make Me Over,” she lost her virginity to Jimmy Fallon during the Saturday Night Live show, but at the end it is revealed that the entire episode is Meg's dream. In the future, according to the full-length series "Stewie Griffin: Untold Story", Meg will change gender and will call herself Ron (but Stewie in the same full-length series will change the future, as well as the events of the series, this is a film that was shot about the family of Griffin, but part of this the film is also in the series). At one time she was in love with TV presenter Tom Tucker, until she found out how selfish he was.

Chris Griffin

Thirteen (by the fourth season - fourteen) is the son of Peter and Lois. Chris is not very smart and overweight, like his father, although he is a very talented artist. Perhaps Chris inherited Peter's stupidity. He is the only child whose paternity has never been questioned (although he was conceived due to a torn condom, thanks to which his parents won a lawsuit against the manufacturer and bought the house that the family family lives in - which is why Lois calls him “his beloved error "). Some viewers mistakenly think that Chris is older than Meg. There is an Evil Monkey hiding in Chris's room, which was not always evil. Dreams of "flying" to the moon. Chris's middle name is Cross (eng. Cris cross- "criss-cross").

Stewie Griffin

A precocious child, preoccupied with a mania for world domination, which reminds of Brain from the animated series "Pinky and Brain". From season to season, he dreams of killing Lois, then, succumbing to the Oedipus complex, demonstrates a manic love for his mother, accompanied by the intention to kill his father. But only Brian understands all his plans, joys and hardships. His dreams of taking over the world are thwarted by the fact that no one takes him seriously (except Brian). Has a strong British accent in the original voice acting. His favorite toy is the teddy bear Rupert, who is periodically accused by Stewie of various sins and homosexuality. He loves sweets very much and often makes him fat. He has a very difficult relationship with Brian, at first glance, hostile, but despite this, Stewie and Brian, being the most intellectually developed members of the family (and, possibly, the city), often travel with each other and even sometimes perform on stage. The artists portrayed Stewie in an original manner. He is not like the other kids in the city, but he resembles the character of another animated series - Arnold. However, in the Stuck Together series, Torn Apart plays out the reason for Stewie's strange head shape.

Other characters

Relatives of Peter

  • Francis Griffin (Francis griffin) - now deceased. Stepfather of Peter, long considered his father. Francis is an uncompromising old man, Irish by nationality, Catholic by religion, who worked for a long time at the Potucket plant. He did not participate in the upbringing of his son, giving all his time to work, as he considered idleness to be a terrible sin. After 60 years of service, he was forced to leave work, but refused to rest in retirement (which Peter hoped for, believing that now his father would spend more time with him), and eventually became the Pope's bodyguard. Frances hates Lois as she is Protestant. Despite the outward dryness and severity, in the depths of his heart, Francis was always worried about Peter. At the same time, the last phrase he said to Peter was: "You are a fat, smelly drunkard." Francis died of the trauma Peter inflicted on him, and before he died, he said that he hated him.
  • Thelma Griffin (Thelma griffin) - Peter's mother and ex-wife of Francis. She is 82 years old. He spends most of his time playing for money in Las Vegas. Thelma is an alcoholic and a heavy smoker, the latter manifests itself in periodic bouts of coughing. Met with Tom Tucker, the news anchor.
  • Michael Seamus McFinnigan (Michael seamus mcfinnigan) - Biological father of Peter Griffin. He is friends with a talking sheep named O'Brian (O'Brian), which is a copy of Peter's friend - the dog Brian. Michael appears in the episode "Peter's Two Dads". After the death of Francis Griffin, believed to be Peter's father, Brian takes Peter to a hypnotist. Under hypnosis, Peter recalls Francis talking about not being his biological father. Peter's mother admits she dated another man while on vacation in Ireland 40 years ago. After this confession, Brian and Peter travel to Ireland to find Peter's real father. McFinnigan is an urban drunkard who apparently has a lot of status in Ireland.
  • Bertram (Bertram) is Stewie's paternal half-brother. Has two lesbian mothers (one real, the other foster). The brothers first met when Stewie shrank and climbed into Peter to destroy his seed. After the battle with Bertram, Stewie agreed to await the birth of a like-minded person. By coincidence, Bertram was born a lesbian and subsequently attempted to take over Stewie's playground, since both have the same dreams. Unlike his brother, Bertram speaks with an American accent (in the original voiceover) and has a more rounded head. The rest is a copy of his brother.
  • Toad Griffin- a parody character (a parody of Jabba from "Star Wars") - a fat slug with the head of Peter Griffin, appears in the series where Peter pumps out fat and becomes a member of the handsome club.

Swanson family

  • Joe Swanson (Joe swanson) is a courageous police officer with paralyzed legs. Neighbor and close friend of Peter. He loves to shoot and compete, he also loves movies with Steven Seagal in the title role. Has some mental problems and sometimes breaks down and yells loudly.
  • Bonnie Swanson (Bonnie swanson) - Joe's always pregnant wife. She is crazy about her husband, agrees with him in everything. In one of the episodes she gave birth to a daughter, the newborn was named Susie.
  • Kevin Swanson (Kevin Swanson) is the son of Bonnie and Joe. Slightly inhibited, but physically very developed teenager. In episode 7 of the 13th season of the series, Joe said that Kevin died in Iraq.

Brown family

  • Cleveland brown (Cleveland brown) - African American, the owner of a small restaurant. Previously, Cleveland was an auctioneer, but after one of the lots fell on him, he began to speak very slowly. Sometimes he has nervous breakdowns, but almost always Cleveland is calm and sullen. Divorced his wife after she cheated on him with Quagmire.
  • Loretta Brown (Loretta brown) is Cleveland's ex-wife and Cleveland Jr.'s mother. She constantly commanded her ex-husband. In every possible way contributes to the promotion of black culture. Divorced her husband after her infidelity with Kuegmeier.
  • Cleveland Brown Jr (Cleavland brown jr) is the son of Cleveland and Loretta Brown. Hyperactive teenager with distracted attention.

Quagmir family

  • Glenn Quagmere (Glenn quagmire) is a pilot with a powerful libido. In the past, he served in the US Navy. Almost all the furniture (and not only) in his house is folded into a bed. Favorite phrase - "Giggity Giggity Goo" (appears in writing in episode 421 I Take Thee Quagmire) (Depicts the act of intercourse, in Russian sounds like "Fuck-fuck-tibidibide"). He gets caught up in every skirt, but tries to abstain in front of his friends' wives. Peter's friend. Has a fondness for Lois. Apparently, he has an adult son in Spain, although he himself does not know about it.

Channel 5

  • Tom Tucker (Tom tucker) - the presenter of the Channel 5 news. Even in real life, he behaves as if he is on the air (sometimes taking breaks for non-existent advertisements). All the time he makes ambiguous hints, although he himself does not seem to notice this. Often insults others, especially his co-host Diana Simmons. Due to genetic deformity, the face of his son Jack is upside down.
  • Diana Simmons (Diane simmons) - anchorman of Channel 5, co-host of Toma. Diana's maiden name is Seidelman, which speaks of her Jewish roots. Dislikes black people. Besides the news, Diana has her own show, reminiscent of the Jerry Springer Show. In one of the episodes, Meg took part in this show, dissatisfied with her family, constantly putting her in an uncomfortable position. In college, Diana starred in the amateur film Lentils, and after Lois took over the Quahogs Theater, she almost starred in Peter's The King and Me musical (in The King is Dead). Tom Tucker and Diana Simmons are the complete opposite of Greg Corbin and Terry Bates, American Daddy's news anchors.
  • Trisha Takanawa (Tricia takanawa) - "Asian correspondent" of Channel 5. Trichet has to do all the dirty work, for example, in one of the reports she had sex with a stranger (Quagmir), but no matter what she does, she does not show any emotions, monotonously reporting what is happening. Her ethnicity is highlighted in every newscast by Tom or Diana, preceding her reports with the words “And now we go to Asian reporter, Tricia Takanawa”. In the DaBoom series, after the end of the world in 2000, Trisha was eaten by Tom and Diana, but everything that happened turned out to be a fantasy, and Trisha appeared in subsequent episodes.
  • Ollie Williams (Ollie Williams) is a black meteorologist for Channel 5. His forecasts are always short, like “Heavy rain!” and he always shouts them out loudly.


  • Adam West (Adam west) - Mayor of Quahog. We are obsessed with numerous manias. He spent budget money trying to find out who was stealing the water he used to water the flowers (in fact, the water was absorbed into the ground). He officially married his hand. Had sexual contact with Luke Perry (in The Story on Page One). Adam West is a real person, an actor who voices himself. He rose to prominence in the United States playing the role of Batman in the 1966-1968 television series.
  • Death (Death) - death . Gender is not determined (although voiced by a man), as in one episode it is reported that in her youth she wanted to become a nymph (in the series "Death Is a Bitch"), and in another - this character was in love with a girl from a pet store. Often meets with Peter. This first happened when Peter refused to pay the hospital bill and declared himself dead. The documents were forwarded to Death, and he came to pick up Peter. In another episode, Peter tried to help Death find a girlfriend. Apparently, if Death touches someone, then he dies instantly.
  • Mort Goldman (Mort goldman) is a middle-aged Jewish pharmacist. He plays bowling very well, but does not communicate well with others, since he has little experience in communication. Neurotic, hypochondriac and coward.
  • Neil Goldman (Neil goldman) - Son of Mort. School newspaper editor. He is unrequitedly in love with Meg, whose heart he has been trying to achieve for several seasons. The comedic portrayal of a pimply, self-confident high school loser appears to have been introduced to the show as a mockery of one of the Family Guy season 1 screenwriters and shares the same first and last name as the character.
  • Herbert (Herbert) - an elderly ephebophile, constantly sticks to Chris, but he, apparently, does not understand what is the matter, considering the old man "funny". He walks on crutches and has a dog that looks like him. In episode 10 of season 6, Chris asked Herbert when he put him to bed, "Are you a pedophile?"
  • Oiled up deaf guy (Greased up deaf guy) is a guy who appears unexpectedly, always naked, and smeared with oil, loudly shouting out several phrases that are completely irrelevant. Constantly runs in place. Apparently a former attorney or lawyer.
  • Big Rooster Ernie (Ernie the Giant Chicken) is a rooster who once gave Peter Griffin an expired coupon, after which Peter started a major fight with him throughout the city. Later in the fifth season of the series, in the episode "Meet The Quagmires", when Peter finds himself once again during this episode in the past, he goes to the school ball, where, passionate about dancing with Lois, he hits Ernie very hard. But then the fight did not start, as a certain guy reassured Ernie that they are unlikely to meet with Peter again. Ernie's rooster appears unexpectedly and always gets into a fight with Peter. Their fights are always very long and destructive. Peter always wins, thinking that Ernie is killed, and leaves, beaten and exhausted, covered in blood, and then returns to the conversation in which he was interrupted, as if nothing had happened. However, Ernie survives every time in order to appear after a while and start a fight again. In the fifth season, in the episode "No Chris Left Behind", during a fight, Peter and Ernie suddenly stop and realize that they no longer remember what they are fighting for. Ernie invites Peter to a restaurant and introduces him to his wife Nicole. However, during dinner, a skirmish arises again due to the fact that Peter and Ernie cannot share which of them will pay the bill for the dinner, a fight begins again and Peter wins again.
  • James Woods (James woods) is a famous American actor (in the series he voices himself). Actually in the series Woods is a comic copy of the original. James Woods first appeared in the fourth season of the series in the episode "Peter's Got Woods". In this episode, Peter and Brian had an argument. James Woods came to replace Brian and became for a time the best friend of the father of the Family Guy. But in the end, Peter and his dog still reconcile. Woods turned out to be superfluous and they decide to get rid of him: they lock him in a drawer and hide him in a huge warehouse. The second time (the sixth season of the episode "Back to the Woods") Woods appears to take revenge. He steals Peter's wallet, which contains all of his documents. Woods calls himself Peter Griffin and takes his place. Peter, in revenge, becomes James Woods for a while and spoils his reputation in every possible way. As a result, Woods is defeated and at the end of the episode again finds himself in a box in the same huge warehouse.
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