Proofs billy need proofs gif. Proof - what is it and why do they ask or demand to provide proof

Hello dear readers of the blog site. In this section, I usually give explanations for those concepts that cause difficulties in their interpretation for novice users. They can be either special terms related to a certain field or activity (for example), or related to communication on the Internet and, in fact, are slang ().

Some words can be used both in the first and in the second case. Today the post is just about one of them. I will try to convey to you what is proof in different variations.

What does proof mean?

Various areas of application of the concept proof, which came from the English language, are due to the fact that it has several meanings at once, one of which, translated into Russian, is "proof".

This is precisely the meaning that users who communicate on the Internet have in mind: on social networks (for example, VKontakte), on forums, in chats. If the interlocutor turns to you with a request (or even with a demand) to provide a proof, then he expects confirmation from you.

Since the case takes place on the network, then the form of such evidence can be pruflink(link to the page with the necessary information) or proofpeak(same kind of picture). Of course, the more authoritative the resource on which the page or picture is located, the more trust your words will be. By the way, on the Internet, including VK, related memes are often used, the most famous of which is “Where are the proofs, Billy? We need proofs. "

If we turn to other areas of application of this term, then, first of all, it should be noted numismatics, where collectors designate the word “proof” for the rarest coins, distinguished by special minting. Typically, these coins are issued in limited quantities for some exceptional event, such as an anniversary.

Well, and the last thing that can be mentioned is that "proof" in some English-speaking countries is used as a unit for measuring the strength of alcoholic beverages (this is another meaning of this word). For example, in the USA, 50% alcohol content in a drink corresponds to 100 proofs. Watch a short video to complement this article.

Where are the proofs, Billy?

Such a comment (anonymously) was received today for publication in the Live Journal of the Public Observer -

"Where's the proofs, Billy?" - in youth slang means "proof" in its literal translation from English. If someone posts sensational news or fact on Twitter or on the forum, they are asked to provide evidence, asking "where is the proof?" or "where is the prooflink?", that is, a link that proves the statement.

Alexander gives a short commentary in the comments to the publication and makes a more extended statement on the situation as a whole.

This triple murder happened about 15 years ago.

I personally saw the photographic plates from the scene, although I did not participate in the inspection at that time. My colleague Dmitry Devyatayev was investigating the murder. And the investigation was supervised by Marina Grigorievna Parastaeva, the one who now -

Marina Grigorievna Parastaeva, 1st Deputy Head of the Main Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg

Do we make an official request to the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia in St. Petersburg?

And now to the situation as a whole.

Since 2007, Alexander and the residents of St. Petersburg, who provided and made public materials about the facts of corruption and crimes in the city on the Neva, openly, publicly, within the framework of the current legislation, provide documentary evidence of these facts.

They only cause anger, inexplicable hatred and revenge against the applicants on the part of those who, according to the Law, are obliged to take measures according to the applications, restore the rule of law and bring the perpetrators to justice.

  1. The death of the applicant, the coach of Russian President Putin V.V. in judo, who lived in apartment No. 10 of apartment building No. 154 on the embankment of the Griboyedov Canal in St. Petersburg. The name of this man was Ryazanov Ivan Vasilievich. He is a colleague of the well-known Anatoly Rakhlin. The fact of the death of Ivan Vasilyevich was widely covered and will be covered by Alexander in the materials. This was done because the applicant was personally acquainted with him and for a long time personally pointed out the circumstances of the revealed violations of the law and was worried about this. Ivan Vasilievich was a talented artist, he painted landscapes, and he called the President “Volodka”. Those who showed disrespect to Vladimir Vladimirovich, he categorically objected and retorted - “Volodka is an athlete! Patriot!". Ivan Vasilievich Ryazanov died on February 26, 2014. The material of Alexander Skurkis is dedicated to the memory of this man -

Because this is the ultimate truth. The way it is.

Directly this episode on February 2, 2015, Alexander Skurkis discussed in Moscow with the head of the Reception Office of the FSB of Russia Kondratyev Vitaly Aleksandrovich. He agreed that such an episode was unacceptable and the organization of an illegal landfill on the site of the cut down avenue of trees on the embankment was unacceptable. Alexander personally notified the head of the death of people, in particular, the coach of President Putin V.V. in judo.

No refutations have followed and cannot be followed. So it really is. But they don't want to clean up the dump, plant trees too, and even more so to honor the memory of the dead. On the contrary, a number of persons from the Embassy of the President of Russia in the Northwestern Federal District broke loose and began such activities that at least cry (read in the materials) ...

The knowingly false report of the Governor of St. Petersburg G.S. Poltavchenko

A video was shot directly about this “dirty story” -

Saint Petersburg. The embankment of the Griboyedov Canal, opposite the house number 154.

Photos and videos of real torture of the population were taken as a result of the arrangement of this dump in front of the house, this happens around the clock -

Illegal garbage dump at nab. Channel Griboyedov, 154. St. Petersburg.

St. Petersburg, Griboyedov canal embankment, opposite house 154

What other proof is needed?

Shall we take measures?

3. Multi-billion dollar embezzlement of budgetary funds in the housing and communal services sector of St. Petersburg during the execution of forged documents on the overhaul of apartment buildings. This is the case. Count the amount of funds in relation to one house, but they were found on all houses. There are about 1,700 (one thousand seven hundred) of them only in the Admiralteisky district of St. Petersburg. We take a house at the address: St. Petersburg, Moskovsky prospect, 4, which was recently reported in the material -

when establishing the fact of multimillion dollar embezzlement during the so-called overhaul of which and the involvement in this event of the husband of the deputy head of the Admiralteisky district of St. Petersburg, Chapurina D.A. -

Diana Chapurina, Deputy Head of the Admiralteisky District of St. Petersburg

Chapurina V.P. -

V.P. Chapurin, building manager at 4 Moskovsky prospect in St. Petersburg

at the head of the district Shtukova S.The. at the personal reception of the applicants, a hysteria occurred, which led to the summons of a police squad in respect of her -

Shtukova Svetlana Viktorovna, Head of the Admiralteisky District of St. Petersburg

The fact of using the data of the dead or intentionally killed for such a purpose residents of St.Petersburg during such machinations has also been unequivocally proven -

Here is a dead man -

death certificate of Yakovleva E.A., who from the other world “voted” for the overhaul of her MKD

and here is his signature from the grave for the allocation of multi-million dollar amounts of the budget for the overhaul of the house -

Protocol overhaul Lublinsky 06/22/2011 1 p.

Protocol overhaul Lublinsky 06/22/2011 2 p.

Protocol overhaul Lublinsky 06/22/2011 3 p.

Protocol overhaul Lublinsky June 22, 2011 4 p.

There are many examples.

"Where's the proofs, Billy?"

"Here they are!"

Are you satisfied with the answer?

The blogger's golden rule is - write often and a lot. If you are a car blogger, write about how you tested cars, drove them, looked out the window of the house, saw pictures on the Internet and played in a typewriter as a child. The more you talk about the topic, the more they will think that you are rummaging around in the topic. The scourge of every blogger is that the topics end. And then the muse of creativity comes to the rescue, some kind of bullshit is invented and crashed into smithereens with a bang.

Do you think I'm exaggerating? Let's take a look at a fresh example from our poibe. As you know, the main industry expert is Alexey Lukatsky. Alexey is a person of broad views and interests. Alexey pays special attention to the relationship between business and security personnel. About which he writes, in his, Alexei's, understanding. To illustrate his theses, Alexey tells stories. Here, fresh.

SOC is useless if it cannot link technical and business metrics

... tink-tink-tink
- (Damn, who else did it bring on Saturday so early? Why did I forget to turn on Do Not Disturb on my phone? ..)
- Yes!
- Hello, Sergey! This is Ivanov.
- Good morning, Stepan Petrovich! Something happened?
- Yes, it happened, Sergei! The board of directors ended late yesterday. We started getting less money! Obviously negative dynamics over the last week.

Those. knew about the problem last night, but called on Saturday morning? In reality, if any problem, Sergei would be pulled on Friday, and he would rush from home to work. It is even more likely that all potentially necessary people would stay at work to quickly clarify / fix the problem.

This is bad. And where am I? I'm in charge of cybersecurity!

A real Sergei would answer "for security" or "information security". I would like to look at a company that has a cybersecurity department, and how many security departments they have on anything at all.

Our systems don't work!

If they know what is not working, or because of what, real people say so.

And what have I to do with it? This should be discussed with the sales department or, in extreme cases, with IT specialists. Why are you calling me?

Alexey, in your own text you have violated the hierarchy of the conversation. If at the beginning it is Stepan Petrovich, then why are you here? Why at the beginning then there was no "hurley you call in the morning? What's happened?"

No you did not understand. Our systems don't work and it's because of you; that is, your fighters!
- It can not be. But let me check and call you back in 15 minutes!

... 15 minutes have passed

Stepan Petrovich, this is Sergei! I pulled the duty shift of our SOC - everything is green. All indicators are normal and so for two weeks already. It can't be because of us.

So after all, Stepan Petrovich. In general, all the signs that the story is invented. However, there is nothing wrong with that, thought experiments are a necessary tool.

Okay, Sergei. Come on Monday at 7 o'clock - we'll figure it out! ..

Okay, Stepan Petrovich! I'll be there at 7 am on Monday. Good weekend.

... tu-tu-tu-tu ...

Damn, you already called on Saturday. If the matter is urgent and the company works 24/7 (there are duty shifts), why weren't everyone pulled to work on a day off? Apparently, Stepan Petrovich is also reporting to someone, and he was appointed chief of the situation analysis. And he must report at 9 am about the reasons and the measures taken. Therefore, Sergei is now raising his fifth point and his entire department and rushes to work, so that Stepan Petrovich would have all the information on Monday morning.

The head of the information security service tried to fall asleep for a long time, but could not. As a result, he rushed to work to sort out the situation and by Monday morning have all the information to communicate with the CEO.

Those. Stepan Petrovich general director ... Sergei has dirt on him, or a relative - what is he poking at him?

Checks of all key indicators did not give anything - the availability of the Internet trading platform was within the permissible range - 99.9%. The number of fraudulent transactions is zero. There were also few e-mail threats - 0.02%, and all were repulsed at the gateway. IPS, NGFW, Netflow analysis, access control ... Everything in green areas. What happened? ..

Alexey is very fond of introducing new terms. Usually they talk about the absence of incidents or their low criticality. What is the Green Zone? A prison for border guards?

- (Or maybe it was Misha, our dear CIO, decided to get even for the last time when I accused him of the fact that the whole network went down because of him, and not because of the malware epidemic that covered us? for the fact that we blocked her access to the dating site? Well, the figlee, even though it's financial, but you have to follow the policies. Why did they even decide that it was our fault and why the SOC for hundreds of millions of rubles does not see anything?)

Because you had to buy it from Cisco?

... two days have passed ...
By lunchtime on Monday, the following was revealed:

In 10 minutes of inaccessibility of the Internet trading platform due to a DDoS attack, a key deal fell off, which was supposed to bring the company 27% of its weekly income.

What a twist. Those. the main business of the company takes place on the Internet. The key site is hosted by the company (no backup site, no load balancing), good. What can you do that on your trading platform can make 27% of the income in one transaction? You are probably selling something. And since do you spend "hundreds of millions" on SOC? You sell a lot through the electronic platform and the product is your desired one. The question is, what kind of counter-agent is this, who refused the deal because of 10 minute ddos? If the deal is key, then it took a long time to prepare, and therefore the problem would have been known immediately. The salespeople would immediately raise a howl and persuade the client to wait or reschedule the deal. Not a single buyer will disrupt the purchase of the thing he needs, because he will spend more time searching for an analogue, negotiating conditions, concluding an agreement, etc.

The e-mail protection system considered the mailings of the marketing department for spam and customers stopped receiving offers, with a subsequent decrease in customer response. 12 thousand messages were “thrown into the abyss” - purchasing activity has decreased.

Alexey, I understand that spam protection is an old and common topic. But you can't do that. Spam systems are primarily aimed at screening out external letters. Usually, internally, 12 thousand messages can be dropped by smtp relay, which may have a limit on the number of messages in the queue. But then they would have decided it long ago, because this is not the first time the mailing is carried out.

Let's say the spam protection looks inward, so it was installed recently (otherwise, such a failure would have been revealed long ago). Consequently, trial operation and acceptance of the system is overwhelmed, since the marketing department, apparently, did not participate in them, as one of the main users of the resource.

Well, measuring the buying activity by mailing lists is the top of the business indicators. Alexey, you yourself read mailings from numerous banks, clinics and shops, what do you find in your mailbox? Convertibility there is below 1%.

Antifraud has not seen a single fraudulent transaction. And where did it come from? Standing on the perimeter of WAF 3% of customers without even letting them place an order.

What? Those. if WAF bay? Then the incidents should be on it. Again, the question is - how was the system received? Why compartment? What kind of business is this where one deal brings 27% of income, physicists run around with orders and juices for millions? Online shopping? Does not look like it.

It is clear that Alexey wanted to illustrate as many means of protection as possible, but the result was a horse in a vacuum. Why is it not written what was the entry anomaly of these 3%?

The last straw was the implementation of a script that flashed a scrolling notification to each site visitor about the need to obtain consent to the processing of personal data in accordance with Federal Law 152 and GDPR, with a full explanation of all the consequences of the client's conscious acceptance of all the conditions for providing the company's PD. The analysis showed that the time it took for the customer to reach the order process increased by 47 seconds, which led to a churn of another 11% of customers.

Hand face. Alexey, what are 47 seconds? My grandmother, who mastered social networks, clicks on the checkmark in 15 seconds. If we have GDPR, then we are in trend with the entire Internet, which also added similar information. It turns out that users, having entered the site, are already accustomed to this in other places and simply do not read.

Customers do not leave if they need a product (and as we found out, we do not have an ordinary online store).

And that's all for today, until we meet again.

The slang expression "proofs" has been used for quite some time on the Internet, especially on VKontakte and in ordinary communication among young people. There are even memes dedicated to this phrase, for example the meme "We need proofs, Billy!". You've probably seen him. If not, then take a look in the middle of this post.

Let's take a closer look at what proofs are and what it means.

It comes from English "Proof" and translates as "evidence". Now this word is an integral part of network jargon. You can often find phrases like “I'm waiting for proofs” or “throw me proofs” in online game chats or in the comments to a post.

On the VKontakte social network, as in any other social networks, the word proof will mean the same thing. It translates as "proof", "Confirmation"... The word is used for one single purpose - to ask the interlocutor to provide evidence of what was said, usually in the comments in VK.

If the user doubts something or does not trust the interlocutor, then he asks to provide him with "proofs". This is a common occurrence on the web. Often this request can be in the form of a picture-meme, such as this.

By the way, if the interlocutor is asked to provide a link on the Internet as confirmation of his words, then it sounds something like this: "Where is the prooflink" or "Prooflink in the studio". Such dialogues are common on social networks.

We bet you didn't know that?

Also, the word "proof" has one more meaning. This is a little known fact.

It turns out that the term is very popular among numismatists. It is used to denote special coins. Usually these are rare coins that are issued by mints only in honor of some special event.

The denomination is indicated on such coins, but, as a rule, they do not come into use due to their extremely high cost. Such proofs are sold in special plastic cases so that they are not damaged during transportation. Most often they are made from precious metals. Over the years, proofs only get more expensive.

Unexpected, right? Well, now you can show off your erudition in a circle of friends and tell them about coins, and if necessary, throw proof on Google proofs

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