Classification of berths and berthing structures. Frontal, pier, combined berthing front

The general concept of a sea or river hydraulic structure is an object designed to interact with the aquatic environment in a variety of its states (water salinity, significant wind waves, tidal phenomena, floods, ice effects, etc.).

A hydraulic structure designed to ensure the mooring of a vessel near it is called a berthing structure. Berthing facilities form a berthing front for mooring of vessels, transshipment operations, supply, sludge and other operations. The berthing line displays the planned configuration of the location of berthing facilities in the berthing front. A berth is a section of the berthing line reserved for servicing one vessel of certain dimensions (overall length and draft in cargo).

Berthing facilities are classified according to purpose, location in plan, type of structures, material of manufacture, method of construction.

By operational purpose, berthing facilities are specialized depending on the type of cargo handled, the direction of cargo flow, the type and dimensions of mooring vessels and other special factors.

Mooring facilities can be divided into embankments, piers, floating and offshore moorings according to their location in the plan.

Embankments are called berthing structures that connect the coast with the water area frontally to the water's edge. The embankment wall is a structure in the form of a continuous retaining wall. A through, or trestle, embankment is a non-thrust structure connected to the shore with the help of separate supports (piles, shell piles). When erecting embankments, relatively small volumes of construction work are required, it is possible to use the method of in-line construction, and the maneuvering of ships of the technical and special fleet of builders is facilitated. Significant rear areas behind the embankments can be used for temporary structures of builders.

Piers are berthing structures with two-way access for ships, protruding from the shore into the water area at an angle, often straight with respect to the water's edge. The pier system requires less specific dredging per berth. The root parts of the piers are adjacent to the coastal areas, where it is difficult to locate temporary structures for builders due to the lack of rear areas.

Floating berths are used in case of significant fluctuations in the level of torrential seas, flood and storm fluctuations of rivers, insufficient depths at stationary berths of the port as temporary for processing occasional cargo traffic and easily removed during ice drifts.

Raid berths are arranged at considerable depths in protected and insufficiently protected water areas of the port, as well as in open roads.

Methods for performing work during the construction of berthing facilities can be classified according to the most important feature - the degree of use of the water area and the coast.

The construction of berths can be carried out from the water, from the shore, on the shore, in a combined way.

During construction from the water (Fig. 1), floating facilities are used. Construction from the shore or on the shore is carried out without the participation of watercraft. Construction from the shore can be carried out in a pioneering way (Fig. 2, a-c), used for pier structures. Examples of construction on the shore are the following methods: "wall in the ground" (Fig. 3); behind temporary earth dams (Fig. 4); sheet piling and other types of jumpers (sometimes requiring drainage or dewatering); driving steel and reinforced concrete sheet piles into the walls of bolters on the shore, as well as when lowering wells and caissons on land. With the combined method of construction, temporary structures are arranged from the water, and permanent ones are erected from the shore (Fig. 5). Wooden scaffolding piles for arranging a thread of a rail track on them under a rolling metal cart are clogged with a floating pile driver. Reinforced concrete piles of the main structure are immersed using a pile driver mounted on a reeling trolley.

Any of these methods requires, in the final phase of construction, the work of dredging projectiles to form the necessary depths in the water areas and channels approaching the berths.

Berthing facilities are classified according to purpose, location in plan, type of structures, material of manufacture, method of construction.

By destination, berths are specialized depending on the type of cargo handled, the direction of cargo flow, the type and characteristics of mooring vessels, and other conditions.

Depending on the location in the plan, the following types of berthing facilities are distinguished:

a) berthing embankments, which are called structures along their entire length, adjacent to the coast;

b) piers - structures protruding into the water area and located at an angle to the coastline;

c) flyovers - structures placed on the water area and connected to the shore by stationary or floating bridges;

d) gobies and bollards - free-standing supports located in the channel, to which rafts, sections of rafts or ships are moored in anticipation of their processing;

e) floating moorings.

When designing berthing structures of coastal timber warehouses, different types of structures are used. In cross section, berths can have vertical, sloping, semi-sloping and semi-vertical profiles (Fig. 1.1).

The berthing embankment of a vertical profile (Fig. 1.1, a) is the most convenient for mooring and parking of ships and rafts. However, with large fluctuations in water levels and a significant depth of the water area, the berth turns out to be cumbersome, which leads to significant costs for its construction and operation.

In the presence of stable natural coastal slopes, the berthing structures of the slope profile are the simplest in design and require the lowest capital costs for their construction. The disadvantage of sloping berths is that they are less convenient for mooring and parking of ships and rafts, and when the water levels are low, they require long-reach cranes for transshipment operations. When operating berths with a slope profile, convenience for mooring and parking of ships is created using intermediate floating berths made of pontoons that have a mobile connection with the coastal slope (Fig. 1.1, b).

Rice. 1.1. Cross profile schemes:
a - vertical; b - sloping; in - semi-sloping; g - semi-vertical:
UVP - spring flood levels; UMV - low water levels

Semi-sloping and semi-vertical mooring embankments occupy an intermediate position in terms of operating conditions compared to vertical and sloping berths (Fig. 1.1, c, d).

According to the structural and design features, berthing facilities are divided into gravity, such as a thin wall (bolver), piled (with a high pile grillage) and mixed, the schemes of which are shown in fig. 1.2.

Gravity berthing structures (Fig. 1.2, a) are a type of retaining walls, the stability of which in shear, overturning, etc. is ensured by their own weight. Gravity berthing structures are bulky, the capital costs for their construction are high, so they are usually built on dense soils, on rocky, stone and pebble bases, i.e. in cases where soils do not allow driving piles, sheet piles. The following types of berthing structures are classified as gravity ones: ribbed, from massive masonry and from massifs - giants, corner embankments and structures from shells of large diameter.

Rice. 1.2. Examples of berth structures:
a - gravitational; b - type of thin wall (bolverk);
c - pile (with a high pile grillage):
1 - reinforced concrete arrays; 2 - sheet pile wall; 3 - anchor rod;
4 - anchor plate; 5 - piles

Mooring structures such as thin walls (bolverki) are built from metal, wooden or reinforced concrete elements of various cross sections (rectangular, tee, I-beam, ring, etc.). Bolverk can be anchored, i.e. have an anchor device (Fig. 1.2, b), while the stability of the wall is partially ensured by the anchor plate. In the absence of an anchor device, the stability of the structure is achieved by pinching the wall in the base soil.

Pile (through) structures are arranged on separate supports (piles). Pile structures with a high pile grillage are a structure in which the upper part of the pile foundation is made in the form of a slab or beam, which serves to uniformly transfer the load to the piles (Fig. 1.2, c).

Mixed-type berthing facilities include those that include elements characteristic of several types of berthing facilities.

Depending on the type of materials used, berthing structures are divided into wooden, metal, concrete, reinforced concrete and mixed (from several types of materials).

Timber was widely used in timber ports and coastal timber warehouses for the construction of mooring facilities. However, the use of wood for mooring structures can only be recommended for those elements that are permanently located below the water level, where wood decay is excluded.

For berthing structures of coastal timber warehouses, it is recommended to use predominantly prefabricated reinforced concrete structures and berths in the form of a solid thin wall (bolverki) made of reinforced concrete or metal sheet piles. Experience in the construction and operation of steel sheet pile berths has shown their effectiveness and economic advantages in relation to other structures.

In the construction of berthing embankments from prefabricated reinforced concrete elements, unified reinforced concrete parts are used. These structures, intended for construction according to standard designs on rivers, lakes and reservoirs, berths with a height of 4 to 15 meters, include 6 main types of structures shown in fig. 1.3, a-e:

From an anchored reinforced concrete sheet pile (Fig. 1.3, a);

From an unanchored sheet pile (1.3, b);

Angle profile with anchoring for the foundation slab (1.3, c);

Angle profile with anchoring for the anchor plate (1.3, g);

From arrays - giants with a superstructure (1. 3, e);

Gantry type (1.3, f).

The listed designs of berthing facilities have the same type of parts, are highly economical and have a high coefficient of prefabrication.

The mooring embankment made of anchored reinforced concrete sheet pile (Fig. 1.3, a) consists of three main parts: a T-section sheet pile 5 made of prestressed reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete anchor plates 3 and anchor rods 2 made of round steel. In the upper part of the wall, a cap beam 1 made of monolithic reinforced concrete is installed, on which mooring bollards are attached. With a high height of the berthing embankment (over 9.5 m), mooring bollards are installed in specially arranged niches, which are located along the height of the berth in 2-3 tiers. Between the individual sheet piles there are metal locks that prevent the penetration of soil through the seams of the wall. Anchor rods are assembled from separate two or three links connected to each other by tension couplings. Anchor rods are attached to the tongue and anchor plates with the help of hinges, which are knots of steel pins inserted into the eyelets of the rods.

During the construction of quayside embankments of small height (up to 5 m), walls made of non-anchored reinforced concrete sheet piles are used (Fig. 1.3, b).

Mooring embankments of a corner profile are of the gravitational type of structures. Due to the simplicity of design, reliability and high efficiency, they are widely used in domestic port building.

The embankment wall of the corner profile with anchoring behind the foundation slab (Fig. 1.3, c) consists of a reinforced concrete vertical element 6, up to 12 m high, a foundation slab 8 with a width (along the front) from 1.5 to 3 m and a metal anchor rod 2 connected with a plate by means of a hinge. The rigidity of the structure is provided by a concrete or reinforced concrete beam 1, into which reinforcing outlets from prefabricated elements are embedded. Every 20-25 m in the cap beam 1, temperature-sedimentary seams are arranged, dividing the wall into sections. In each section there are pedestal arrays with mooring bollards.

Rice. 1.3. Typical designs of berthing facilities:
a - from an anchored sheet pile; b - from an unanchored sheet pile; c - corner profile with anchoring behind the foundation slab; g - corner profile with anchoring for the anchor plate; e - from arrays of giants with a superstructure; e - gantry type;
1 - cap beam; 2 - anchor; 3 - anchor plate; 4 - backfill soil; 5 - reinforced concrete sheet pile; - vertical element; 7 - the bottom of the array; 8 - foundation plate;
9 - stone bed; 10 - base; 11 - superstructure element; 12 - giant array;
13 - cap beam; 14 - grillage; 15 - anchor pile

The mooring structure of the angle profile with fastening by the anchor plate (Fig. 1.3, d) has a similar design and differs only in the type of fastening.

Berthing embankments from giant arrays (Fig. 1.3, e) are assembled from reinforced concrete shells in the form of rectangular parallelepipeds 12 from 15 to 30 m long, 4.5 to 6.5 m high and 6-8 m wide. - the giants are brought afloat, and then by gradually filling the sections with water they are immersed on a pre-prepared stone bed, after which the compartments are filled
sandy soil.

The construction of the gantry-type quay (Fig. 1.3, e) is a sheet pile wall 5, fixed to piles 15 hammered with a slope of 1: 3. The upper part of the sheet pile and piles are monolithic with a reinforced concrete cap beam.

The construction of berthing structures is usually carried out in two ways: "dry" and "into the water". Construction "dry" is carried out at facilities that are located in the middle and lower parts of the reservoirs before their accumulation, as well as during the construction of structures behind the cofferdam. Construction "into the water" is carried out on free sections of rivers and reservoirs after they are filled.

Table 1.5

Application conditions

The design of the quay

From an anchored reinforced concrete * sheet pile (Fig. 1.3, a)

For soils that allow immersion of the sheet pile; building height from 4 to 11 m; mainly in the construction "into the water"

From an unanchored sheet pile (Fig. 1.3, b)

For soils that allow immersion of the sheet pile; building height up to 5 m; mainly in the construction "into the water"

Angle profile with anchoring for foundation or anchor plates (Fig. 1.3, c, d)

During construction "dry" for any soil; building height from 4 to 14 m

From giant arrays with a superstructure (Fig. 1.3, e)

For dense base soils and other soils that make it difficult to immerse the sheet pile; the height of the structure is more than 9 m; during construction "into the water"

Gantry type (Fig. 1.3, e)

For soils that allow immersion of the sheet pile; building height from 4 to 8 m; during construction "into the water" and with a coastal strip that makes it difficult to install anchor supports

Note. * the design and conditions for the use of quay walls made of steel sheet piling are similar to those of reinforced concrete.

Test questions:

1. What law regulates the rules for the use of water bodies?

2. What is the classification of hydraulic structures?

3. List the working conditions of coastal timber warehouses (ports) and GTS?

4. List the main types of ships, their functions, characteristics and elements?

5. What is the classification of berthing embankments and the conditions for their use?

We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

The berthing structures under consideration are through structures of free-standing supports, in the form of piles, immersed in the ground to a certain depth and interconnected by a topside structure.

Flyovers can be of various types (Fig. 95): on piles with caps (a); with a wide pitch of piles (b); on shells with a diameter of 1.2 m (c); on piles-shells with transverse (d) and longitudinal (d) crossbars; through pier on prismatic piles sv).

The physical and mechanical properties of wood and the value of steel have led to the widespread use of trestle-type berthing structures on reinforced concrete piles or shell piles. The most applicable in domestic practice are prefabricated reinforced concrete ramps of continuous type on prestressed prismatic piles and shell piles with a superstructure of large-block elements with depths of 4.5-13 m at the berths with base soils that allow piles and shell piles to be driven.

The structures of trestle berthing structures on prismatic piles consist of rows of reinforced concrete prestressed prismatic piles (in standard designs with a section of 45x45 cm). In the transverse direction, the row contains 4-8 vertical piles driven with the same or different pitch. To perceive horizontal loads, inclined piles are sometimes immersed. The pile heads are combined by monolithic with the prefabricated topside. At the same time, the use of caps or capitals is allowed only with flat grillages made of thin slabs.

The overpass embankment is built in the following sequence: pile driving; design of the berthing slope; processing of pile heads; installation of topside slabs; rear interface device; arrangement of the berth covering with the laying of the necessary paths and communications; installation of mooring ivm6 and depreciation devices.

When driving piles from floating facilities, the following are involved: a floating universal (or other type) pile driver, a floating crane with a lifting capacity of at least the mass of the longest pile with a cap, a pontoon with a carrying capacity of 250 tons and a tugboat with a power of 184 kW. From the construction site, piles (7-12 pieces) are loaded onto the pontoon, not less than their replacement stock. The pontoon is towed to the place where the piles are to be driven. If a pile driving tool (hammer) is used for immersion, only one universal pile driver is enough to reload and drive piles and install guides or a conductor. If there is also a floating net, the pile driver is used more productively - only in pile driving operations, all other work is performed with a net. When vibrating piles, you can work with only one net without a pile driver.

When immersed, guides are used to ensure the spade accuracy of driving piles in each transverse row, which does not exclude inaccurate mutual arrangement of pile rows. The use of conductors allows you to accurately drive piles both in transverse rows and in longitudinal ones.

The general scheme of movement of a floating pile driver during pile driving depends on the pace of construction, draft and dimensions of the pile driver, pile spacing, and the configuration of the quay slope (Fig. 96). The immersion of piles from mobile scaffolds during the construction of berths was shown earlier ().

When sinking piles, their deviation in plan is allowed up to half of the largest side of the cross section, but not more than 20 cm. The number of piles with deviations of 10-20 cm should not exceed 20% of their total number in the berth.

After driving the piles, before the start of filling the material of the berthing prism from the water, the lines of the edge of the berthing slope and its rear junction are broken and fixed on the ground. Ragged stone weighing up to 100 kg is poured into the slope with an accuracy of ±15 cm. The counterfilter is poured from crushed stone with tolerances of ±10 cm. . The stone slope is leveled under water by divers, who install two or three rows of narrow-gauge rails along the length of the slope so that the marks of the rail heads correspond to the design marks of the slope. When moving a control rail laid transversely along the rail heads, excess stones are removed and the pits on the berthing slope are filled. The stone bed under the rear junction of the berth can be dumped by dump trucks from the mounted and monolithic topside.

The mooring slope can also be arranged with laying out of prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs with holes, designed with the participation of the author (Fig. 97, a), and a lozenge of asphalt concrete mattresses (Fig. 97.6) in conditions of river construction.

After filling the berthing slope, the pile heads are cut down to the design marks from the floating inventory bridge using jackhammers (with a tolerance of 3 cm) or special mechanized devices (see earlier). Inventory metal or wood-metal clamps are mounted on the felled piles (with properly processed reinforcement protrusions) from the floating bridges, along which the caps are installed with a floating crane.

Before monolithing the head with the pile, the reinforcement outlets are welded to the channel beams, concreted into the head. When installing topside slabs on piles without caps and cutting the plinth perpendicular to the cordon line of the berth, the slabs are installed in the design position directly along the mounting collars with further concreting of the mounting crossbars.

When cutting the slabs parallel to the cordon of the berth, the installation of the superstructure begins with the installation of cordon slabs that define the line of the berth, after which the intermediate and rear slabs are mounted. To mount the slabs, traverses or spacer frames are used to ensure the necessary mounting accuracy without overvoltage in the reinforced concrete of the mounted elements.

Monolithing of the slabs with each other, as well as with caps and piles, is carried out with a concrete mix of a grade 100 units higher than the grade of prefabricated structures, with careful compaction by vibration. In the process of monolithic slabs, pedestal arrays are also concreted. The expansion joints are filled with creosote-impregnated and bitumen-coated boards.

The transfer of the necessary mounting loads or loads from transport to the mounted part of the superstructure is allowed only when the concrete reaches at least 70% of the design strength.

The rear connection of the berth can be made in the form of a concrete mass (monolithic or hollow), reinforced concrete corner wall or combined (in the lower course - a mass, on top of it - a corner wall).

Beams made of profiled metal with anchors for fastening the rails are installed in front of the concrete pavement on the upper structure of the berth, and storm water inlets are also mounted. For the coating, a concrete mix with a water-cement ratio of 0.5-0.55, with a cone draft of 1-2 cm and a workability index of 25-15 s is used when laying using surface vibrators and vibrating screeds. Concrete is delivered for laying by dump trucks. The seams of the concrete pavement 2 cm wide, located above the seams of the grillage, are poured with bitumen.

When laying railway and crane tracks, a cement mortar with a composition of 1: 2.5 is poured under the rails with a Portland cement grade of at least 500. Pa 1 m 3 of the solution is added 100 kg of steel "hair". Shtrabs and railway trays are filled with asphalt concrete, compacting it with hot metal rammers. Work is carried out in dry weather at an air temperature of at least +5 ° C.

The technological scheme for the construction of a flyover with a widened pile pitch is shown in fig. 98, a-e.

Reinforced concrete cylindrical pile-shells with an outer diameter of 0.6-1.6 m are widely used for the construction of embankments and piers of the trestle type. The construction of berthing structures on shells with a diameter of 0.6 m is basically no different from construction on prismatic piles.

Heavy (15-80 tons) and long shell piles are transported from the storage warehouse to the place of immersion by sea. To lift the shells in a horizontal position, special grips should be used to prevent damage to the concrete surface. As an exception, the use of conventional cable loop slings with soft fenders may be allowed for this. Shell piles are transported on deck barges and rams of the appropriate carrying capacity, and at a transportation distance of up to 5 km - on the cargo deck of a floating crane. On the ship's deck, each column is laid on two wooden spacers with fillets along the radius of the shell with a distance between the spacers equal to 0.6 of the shell length. Shell piles must be securely fastened to prevent them from moving. Transportation of shells on a crane boom in a vertical position is only allowed for short distances, in closed water areas, with their subsequent installation in guide devices for immersion.

Shells transported horizontally are transferred to a vertical position using a floating crane with a lifting capacity of 100 tons when one end is lifted, equipped with an end sling arrangement. Sometimes, with a large length of the shell in a vertical position, it does not fit between the hook of the crane and the mark of the bottom of the water area. In this case, special techniques and equipment are required for driving long shell piles (some of these techniques proposed by the author are given below):

  • first, only a part of the long shell is immersed, and then afloat, it is vertically docked with the upper link using an assembly bolted joint. In the future, a design welded joint is performed;
  • to give buoyancy to the pile-shell, its ends are hermetically sealed on the shore with plastic panels made of perchlorovinyl. The shell in a horizontal position is transferred by a crane to the urine and towed to the place of immersion. Then her head is slinged to the hook of the crane, and the plastic panel is broken through at the knife end. In this case, the knife part of the shell is immersed under water, and at the same time the head part is lifted by a crane until the shell is brought to a vertical position;
  • the pile-shell is transported in a horizontal position on the deck of the crane pontoon. The head part of the shell is attached to the hook of the crane, and the blade part is located in a special hinge pin attached to the board of the crane pontoon. When the head of the shell is lifted, simultaneously, by means of the pivot pin, the shell rotates and moves forward overboard. When bringing the shell to a vertical position parallel to the side plane of the pontoon, the shell is released from the trunnion and inserted into the floating conductor;
  • the shell is transported on a pontoon, then immersed in an inclined position in the water. At the same time, its head part rests on a special bed on board the pontoon, and the knife part rests on a reinforced concrete slab laid at the bottom of the water area. When lifting the head, the shell, leaning against the underwater plate, rotates to a vertical position. The plate prevents premature immersion of the knife part in weak soils of the bottom of the water area.
For accurate installation and immersion of shell piles with a diameter of 0.6; 1 and 1.2 m in the design position, single-tier guide devices are used in the form of a flat metal frame with cells. The frame is fixed at one end on the previously submerged shells, and at the other end is installed on the anchored pontoon. The cells of the frame are fenced with guide wooden beams. When the shell is installed in the cell, the gap between the bars and the body of the shell should be 2-3 cm. When the shells are immersed, the rear sections of the guide frames are rearranged by a floating crane using an inventory traverse forward in the course of immersion.

Some modification of the method of immersing shell piles from mobile scaffolds (and mounting the topside) is the use of a wide-span gantry crane for this. Piles-shells of the cordon row, on which the leg of the crane is located, are loaded from floating facilities. The rail track under the second leg of the crane is installed in such a way that shell piles, as well as other structures and materials, can be delivered under the crane portal by vehicles with trailers. The shells are vibrated by a gantry crane using a floating conductor, which is two paired thin-walled metal pipes with a diameter of 100 cm with end caps, between which there are cells for placing six shells of the longitudinal section of the berth. The conductor is fastened to the extreme, previously clogged shells.

Trestle-type berthing structures on shell piles are constructed with a support spacing that makes it possible to dump up to 70% of the material of the berthing prism using scows with opening bottoms. About 15% of stone and crushed stone is dumped into inconvenient places of the berthing slope by a floating clamshell crane and 15% by vehicles from the assembled topside.

After filling the berthing slope, semi-annular floating scaffolds are brought to the submerged shell piles, closed around the shells in a ring. From the scaffolds, enclosing shells are installed inventory metal bandages that serve as guides for felling heads with pneumatic jackhammers or cutting with an abrasive tool. It is necessary to cut off the heads of shell piles to the design mark with an accuracy of ± 3 cm. After cutting the bare longitudinal reinforcement bars, they are removed by a floating crane.

The simplest type of superstructure used for flyovers on shell piles with a diameter of 1.2 m is the superstructure of prefabricated reinforced concrete flat square slabs with a side of 5.23 m, a thickness of 0.6 m, and a mass of 40 tons. Using a floating crane with a lifting capacity of 15 tons on the heads of the columns, support platforms are installed and the embedded parts of the platforms are welded to the flanges of the shell heads. Then, the sites with pile heads are monolithic. After the concrete reaches at least 70% of the design strength, a floating crane with a lifting capacity of 50 tons is installed along the support platforms with cordon blocks, grillage slabs and rear blocks.

The first domestic prefabricated overpass embankment of reinforced concrete large-block prestressed elements, built under the guidance of the author, was a frame structure with supports made of shell piles with a diameter of 1.6 m, with transverse crossbars and slabs of the upper structure laid on them.

After immersion, water was pumped out of the internal cavities of the shells to a depth of 3.5 m, counting from the top of the shell. A reinforced concrete disc-bottom was lowered into the drained upper part of the shell using a Pioneer crane, fixed by three metal suspensions to the reinforcement outlets at the end of the shell. A concrete plug 20 cm high was arranged over the disk-bottom. Then, external and internal bandages made of strip steel (16 cm wide, 8 mm thick) were put on the heads of the columns from the rafts enclosing the shells, consisting (each) of two semi-bandages fastened on bolts. Three steel cubes with a side size of 8 cm (one for one column and two for the other) were installed on the heads of the outer shells in the transverse row, between the bandages, on a gravy made of plastic concrete, fixing the height position of the crossbar. The annular space between the bandages was filled with concrete grade 500 prepared on fine gravel. Bandages protruding above the top of the cubes by 5 cm, freely settled under the weight of the installed crossbar.

The installation of the crossbar was carried out using a floating crane with a lifting capacity of 100 tons by means of a traverse or long slings at sea waves that did not exceed 2 points. To accurately fix the position of the crossbars in the plan, guides mounted on floating bridges-conductors served. In each span, the side beam was installed first, giving the direction of the cordon line of the berth. Next, a layer of concrete preparation 5 cm thick was laid along the crossbars, on which the slabs of the upper structure were installed. During the installation of the elements, the curvature of the cordon line in the plan was not more than ±2 cm and the deviation of the horizontal planes of the side beams was not more than ±3 cm in plaids of the section length.

Following the installation of the elements of the upper structure, work was carried out on the monolithic shells with prefabricated crossbars, concreting the monolithic part and longitudinal seams between the slabs and beams. Before monolithic seams between the slabs, formwork from single boards was hung from the bottom of the slabs on wire twists and monolithic reinforcement was installed. Monolithing was carried out in a pioneering way with the delivery of a concrete mixture in dump trucks along the assembled structure.

The general layout of the berth installation (Fig. 99) includes the following works: immersion of shells (I), felling of shell heads (II), backfilling of the berthing prism (III), installation of crossbars and slabs of the superstructure (IV), installation of rear junction boxes (V) , installation of fender frames and mooring bollards (VI). Compliance with labor safety requirements during the installation of structures is given in special literature.

Berthing facilities

transport hydraulic structures erected in ports during the creation of Berths . The main purpose of P. s. - ensuring convenient approach and mooring of ships. Piers located along the shore are called embankments, protruding into the port water area at an angle or normal to the shore are called piers. On constructive signs of P. of page. subdivided into massive (gravitational), pile and structures on special grounds. Massive P. with. they are made in the form of solid walls made of solids (artificial stones of the correct form), shells (see shell) of large diameter, etc., or in the form of separate supports connected to each other (and sometimes to the shore) by span structures. Pile P. s. represents either a series of piles (See Piles) , forming a solid wall (bolverk), or an overpass (See. Overpass). To P. s. on special grounds are structures on sinkholes (See sinkhole), caisson ah, and so on. with a vertical wall, sloping and mixed (semi-sloping, semi-vertical). The last 2 types are used almost exclusively in river ports, where less depth is required at the berths.

The main materials for the construction of P. s. serve concrete, reinforced concrete, stone and steel. Type and design P. s. determined by operational requirements, the so-called. guaranteed depths at the berth (up to 25 m in seaports), hydrological conditions, the nature of the base soils and methods of work.

P. s. are supplied with mooring fixtures and devices for fastening mooring ropes: mooring (mooring) bollards, Knecht ami and Ryam ami. To mitigate the impact during mooring and bulking of ships on the P. s. under the action of the wind, fenders are provided, most often made of elastic materials of various profiles and hung in the surface part of the front walls of the P. s. In some cases, Pals are used for this purpose.

E. V. Kurlovich.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what "Mooring facilities" are in other dictionaries:

    berthing facilities- berths Hydraulic structures equipped with mooring and fenders and intended for mooring, handling and servicing of ships. [SO 34.21.308 2005] Topics hydraulic engineering Synonyms berths ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    berthing facilities.- 3.10.15 berthing facilities. Berths: Hydraulic structures equipped with mooring and fenders and intended for mooring, handling and servicing of ships. Source: SO 34.21.308 2005: Hydraulic engineering. Basic concepts. ... ...

    BERTHING FACILITIES- Devices or hydraulic structures of the port, designed for mooring ships, their parking during loading and unloading operations, embarkation and disembarkation of passengers and other port operations. Types and designs of P.S. depend on different... Marine encyclopedic reference book

    hydraulic structures- hydraulic structures: Structures exposed to the aquatic environment, designed to use and protect water resources, prevent the harmful effects of water, including those contaminated with liquid waste, including dams, ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    SP 58.13330.2012: Hydraulic structures. Key points- Terminology SP 58.13330.2012: Hydraulic structures. Basic provisions: 3.1 safety of hydraulic structures: The property of a hydraulic structure that allows to ensure the protection of life, health and legitimate interests of people, ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Hydraulic structures- dams, buildings of hydroelectric power plants, spillways, water outlets and water outlets, tunnels, canals, pumping stations, shipping locks, ship lifts; structures designed to protect against floods, destruction of the coast and bottom ... ... Official terminology

    Port (French port, from Latin portus - harbor, pier), a section of the coast of the sea, lake, reservoir or river and the adjacent water area, naturally or artificially protected from waves and equipped for parking and servicing ships, ... ...

    I Mart Yanovich (born January 4, 1922, Pärnu), Soviet architect, Honored Art Worker of the Estonian SSR (1965). He studied at the Tallinn Polytechnic Institute (1940-41 and 1945-50). Teaches at the Art Institute of the Estonian SSR (since 1961). ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    SO 34.21.308-2005: Hydraulic engineering. Basic concepts. Terms and Definitions- Terminology SO 34.21.308 2005: Hydraulic engineering. Basic concepts. Terms and definitions: 3.10.28 outport: water area limited by wave protection dams in the upstream of the hydroelectric complex, equipped with mooring facilities and intended for placement ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    A set of structures and devices for parking and servicing ships, boarding and disembarking passengers, cargo operations, etc. Distinguish P. passenger, cargo, ship repair, military, etc. Depending on the appointment of P. in its composition ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Fencing structures (OS) according to the shape of the cross section are divided into:

  • Vertical profile OS
  • · OS of a sloping profile
  • mixed (lower part is sloping, upper is vertical)

Gravitational OS vertical type generally consist of:

  • stone bed
  • underwater part
  • superstructures (surface part)

A stone bed is arranged for any soil. With rocky soils, the bed serves to level the bottom surface and has a minimum thickness (0.5 m). The underwater part (wall) is the most critical part of the structure that absorbs the main part of wave loads.

Structurally, it can be made of:

  • concrete blocks
  • from giant arrays
  • from shells of large diameter
  • pile type
  • · wooden rows

Sloping structures can be successfully used in any hydrological and geological conditions. The only limitation is their high cost at great depths or the need to use the inner side of the OS as a berth. Sloping OS is performed by dumping, sketching or special laying of natural material (stone), or artificial concrete blocks.

Depending on the design of the slope structure, the following types of structures of the slope profile can be distinguished:

  • from a sketch of unsorted stone and fastenings of slopes with a stone of the required weight
  • from a sketch of sorted stone and slope fastenings with curly concrete blocks or large stones
  • from a sketch of concrete masses on a stone bed

The listed structures dampen wave energy well, reflect it little, do not collapse from small movements of stones, and withstand significant precipitation of the base without destruction.

Sloping profile structures are widely used due to the possibility of their construction at any depth of water and on any soil, ease of construction and repair, cost and reliability in operation.

Disadvantages: material-intensive, cannot be used as mooring facilities.

Fencing structures of pile construction:

  • a) two-row (pile and sheet pile)
  • b) cellular

When constructing piled structures, there is no need to create an artificial bed, which is a relatively expensive and time-consuming part of the structure. The water depth at the construction site should not exceed 6 meters with wooden piles, 12 meters with heavy metal sheet piles; with a cellular structure of 30 meters. In pile structures, the filling is made of stone, in sheet pile structures - of sand. A cellular structure is more profitable than a two-row one, since, due to the curvilinear outline in terms of its external walls, it allows to reduce metal consumption.

The conditions for using the OS of a pile structure are determined by their features. They are simple in design, do not require the construction of a bed or other preparation of the base. The conditions for the soils themselves are reduced.

The main disadvantage is the increased risk of destruction during the construction process. OS cost in comparison with gravitational ones is much lower.

1. Breakwaters and breakwaters from concrete massifs

Proper massive wall masonry on a stone bed.

  • 1 - stone fill; 2 - concrete arrays; 3 -- concrete superstructure
  • 2. Breakwaters and breakwaters from giant massifs

Reinforced concrete wall of giant massifs filled with concrete, sand on a stone embankment.

l - concrete superstructure; 2 - massive reinforced concrete giants; 3 - stone embankment.

3. A sketch of concrete masses on a stone embankment.

  • 1 - stone embankment, 2 - concrete massifs.
  • 4. Mole of two inclined wooden pile palisades, between which 2 - 3 single pile rows.

The space between the pile palisades is filled with stone; concrete masses are laid over the stone backfill.

  • 1 - concrete superstructure; 2 - stone fill; 3 - wooden piles.
  • 5. A pier made of rows filled with stone, a stone bed, a concrete superstructure.

1 - concrete superstructure; 2 -- row filled with stone; 3 - stone fill.

In the course work I accept the first type - piers from concrete massifs.

Berthing facilities.

According to the design features, they are divided into:

  • gravitational
  • with thin walls
  • “Bolverki”
  • with a high pile grillage (on piles, on columns)
  • On special grounds (falling wells)
  • mixed

Gravity SSs are mainly used when the soils in the foundations of structures do not allow the use of piled structures (rocky or with severe hydrological conditions).

Depending on the design of the underwater part of the GPS, they can be of:

  • masonry concrete blocks
  • masonry from massifs-giants
  • corner profile
  • Shells of large diameter
  • · wooden thread

The design of the berthing facility in the general case consists of:

  • artificial foundation (stone bed)
  • underwater part (superstructure)
  • surface part

Structures in the form of thin walls are a series of piles, shells, sheet piles (metal or reinforced concrete) hammered close to each other, connected on top with a head or superstructure made of reinforced concrete. These structures are less sensitive to possible overloads. By design, they can be unanchored and anchored. The disadvantage of non-anchored walls is a sharp increase in the bending moment in the wall element with increasing depth.

Anchored thin walls have anchor devices consisting of anchor rods and anchor supports (plates or piles). There may be several tiers of anchors. The most common walls with 1 tier of anchors, erected at a depth of up to 12 meters.

Mooring structures with a high pile grillage (reinforced concrete slab over the pile field) are erected if the foundation soils allow the piles to be driven to the required depth. With weak soils, this type is almost the only possible one, since it is characterized by a low specific gravity and, in some cases, the complete absence of the expansion pressure of the soil on them.

  • a) through structures (non-thrust)
  • b) embankment walls (spacer)

In the system of pile foundation of through structures, there are no thin walls made of piles or sheet piles, which perceive the pressure of the soil.

1. Embankment from the correct massive masonry on a stone bed with a reinforced concrete superstructure. A stone unloading prism is backfilled behind the wall. The embankment is equipped with mooring and fenders.

  • 1 - stone bed, 2 - wall of concrete masses, 3 - upper reinforced concrete structure, 4 - backfill, 5 - stone unloading prism.
  • 2. Ryazh wooden, filled with stone, installed on a stone bed, superstructure of concrete masses or masonry; a stone unloading prism is backfilled behind the wall. The embankment is equipped with mooring and fenders.
  • 1 - stone unloading prism, 2 - stone bed, 3 - row filled with stone, 4 - concrete superstructure, 5 - backfill.
  • 3. Embankment reinforced concrete corner type. The wall is formed by prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs - vertical and horizontal. Anchor device - prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs, steel anchor rods. The upper structure is prefabricated reinforced concrete front slabs, reinforced concrete head. Backfilling with sandy soil. The embankment is equipped with fenders and mooring devices.
  • 1 - stone bed; 2 -- prefabricated reinforced concrete base slab; 3 -- vertical reinforced concrete wall; 4 - backfilling with sandy soil; 5 - anchor device.
  • 4. Embankment of reinforced concrete piles, prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs are laid on the piles; the coating on the slabs is cement concrete. A stone prism with a return filter made of crushed stone or gravel was backfilled along the slope. The embankment is equipped with mooring and fenders.

  • 1 - reinforced concrete piles; 2 - stone prism; 3 - reinforced concrete slab of the upper structure; 4 - crushed stone counterfilter.
  • 5. Wooden pile embankment with concrete grillage.Foundation of the embankment from wooden piles, concrete or rubble-concrete upper structure, fastening along the slope with stone, backfilling with sandy soil. The embankment is equipped with fenders and mooring devices.

  • 1 - wooden piles; 2 - concrete superstructure; 3 - backfill, 4 - stone prism.
  • 6. Wooden pile embankment with a ribbed notch. The berths are equipped with mooring and fenders.

  • 1 - ryazhy notch; 2 - overpass; 3 - piles.
  • 7. Wooden pile embankment with stone core. Two solid pile rows, between which 2-3 rows of single piles are driven. The space between continuous rows of piles is filled with a stone core. The upper structure is concrete or rubble masonry. The embankment is equipped with mooring and fenders.
  • 1 - wooden piles; 2 - crushed stone backfill; 3 - rubble superstructure; 4 - concrete slab; 5 - backfill made of stone.
  • 8. Embankment - wooden pile overpass. The base of vertical wooden piles hammered along the slope, the upper structure - nozzles, girders, braces, scrambles, underfloor beams and boardwalk. The embankment is equipped with mooring and fenders.

  • 1 - flooring; 2 - runs; 3 - braces; 4 - longitudinal and cross. contractions; 5 - wooden piles
  • 9. Embankment of reinforced concrete sheet pile. Embankment wall - reinforced concrete sheet pile; anchor device - prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs, reinforced concrete piles, steel anchor rods. The upper structure is prefabricated reinforced concrete front slabs, unloading platform slabs, reinforced concrete head. Backfilling with sandy soil. The embankment is equipped with mooring and fenders.
  • 1 - reinforced concrete sheet pile, 2 - stone unloading prism, 3 - backfill behind the wall; 4 -- anchor device
  • 10. Embankment of steel sheet pile. The steel sheet pile wall is anchored with steel rods for a reinforced concrete slab or an anchor wall made of steel sheet pile. The upper structure is prefabricated reinforced concrete front slabs, unloading platform slabs, reinforced concrete head. Backfilling with sandy soil. The embankment is equipped with mooring and fenders.

1 - steel sheet pile; 2 - backfill, 3 - anchor wall.

In my term paper, I design an embankment from the correct massive masonry.

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