What to do if you have diarrhea during pregnancy. What medications are allowed for pregnant women for diarrhea?

Diarrhea (diarrhea) is frequent (more than three times a day) stools of a liquid consistency, accompanied by an urgent urge to defecate and pain in the lower abdomen of varying intensity. Diarrhea can have a variety of causes: from food poisoning or the effects of taking antibiotics to serious infectious diseases. In most cases, bowel dysfunction resolves with simple self-treatment. But diarrhea during pregnancy should always be a concern, since the health of not only the mother, but also the baby is at risk.

Depending on the cause, stool during diarrhea may have a different consistency, color, and frequency. In particularly dangerous cases, diarrhea is accompanied by other symptoms (pain, fever, nausea, vomiting). Almost always, treatment of diarrhea is only symptomatic - drugs are prescribed to restore water balance and strengthen the stool. Less commonly used are medications that destroy a specific diarrhea pathogen.

How it manifests itself

The main manifestations of diarrhea include the following.

  • Loose stools. This is the main symptom. By the nature of the stool (color, consistency, presence of impurities) one can judge the cause of diarrhea. It can be greenish, yellowish, like “rice water”, foamy, watery, mixed with blood.
  • Stomach ache. Unpleasant sensations are caused by spastic contractions of the intestines, as well as irritation of nerve endings by pathogen toxins (if diarrhea is caused by infection). The pain can be in the lower abdomen or spread higher, sometimes it is minor, nagging in nature, but more often it is of medium intensity.
  • Nausea, vomiting. Appear as a consequence of general poisoning of the body. Vomiting can be one-time or multiple, after which it becomes somewhat easier. In addition, heartburn and belching with a different taste (rotten egg, sour, bitter) may occur.
  • Increased body temperature. Both low-grade (about 37°C) and high (up to 39°C and above) temperatures are possible. On the eve of getting up, chills and a feeling of cold usually appear; a person cannot warm up, even wrapped warmly in clothes and a blanket.
  • Symptoms of intoxication. With or without fever, in the case of infectious diarrhea, symptoms of intoxication are clearly expressed - headache, weakness, lethargy, and increased fatigue. With one-time uncomplicated diarrhea, general health may not suffer.
  • Constant thirst and dry mouth. The body tries to restore fluid loss through stool and vomit in a natural way, increasing thirst.

Why does it occur

Frequent diarrhea during pregnancy can be caused by many reasons. If a woman notices that the disorder appeared after eating products of dubious quality, most likely, we are talking about food toxic infection (common poisoning).

Diarrhea as a symptom

But similar symptoms may accompany more dangerous and serious infectious diseases that you need to be aware of.

  • Viral infection. Viruses often cause digestive disorders. Diarrhea as a symptom is characteristic of rotavirus, adenovirus and enterovirus infections. The onset of any of them can be similar to ARVI. Muscle pain, general malaise, fever (up to 39-40°C), sore throat and even a rash may cause concern. On the first or third day from the moment of illness, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea appear, although not always. As a rule, the stool is “like water”, foamy, and particles of undigested food may be present.
  • Salmonellosis. Caused by bacteria - salmonella. There are several forms of pathology. The most common is gastrointestinal, affecting the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, the woman notes that the stomach hurts in all parts, more so near the navel, nausea and vomiting appear, and green diarrhea, sometimes foamy, with food particles. Other forms (typhoid-like, septic and atypical) are less common, but have a more severe course.
  • Shigellosis. The disease is caused by bacteria - Shigella. The clinical course of the pathology resembles dysentery, which is why it is called bacterial dysentery. A characteristic symptom is sharp abdominal pain, immediately followed by diarrhea with mucus and blood. Stool discharge is sometimes compared in quantity and consistency to “rectal spitting.” Body temperature rises.
  • Escherichiosis. The infection is caused by bacteria - Escherichia. In its clinical course, escherichiosis “copies” other infections. Therefore, it is possible to finally understand the cause of diarrhea in such situations only with the help of additional research methods and by identifying the causative agent.
  • Food poisoning. In real life, this condition is often described by the term “poisoning.” The disease is caused by staphylococci as a result of consuming products that were stored incorrectly or have expired, and entails a clear clinical picture of foodborne toxic infection. The disease is characterized by yellow or with pieces of food diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. Most often, body temperature is normal or does not rise above 38°C. Symptoms develop four to eight hours after ingestion. For example, if you eat stale food at night, you will most likely experience early morning diarrhea.
  • Cholera. This is a rare disease that is common in hot countries with poor sanitation and water supply (for example, Africa). Caused by Vibrio cholerae. A characteristic symptom is profuse vomiting and diarrhea with water up to 25 or more times a day. Complications occur due to severe dehydration of the body.

Other reasons

In addition, diarrhea can be caused by conditions unrelated to infectious processes.

  • Taking medications. Some drugs can cause disruption of intestinal microflora, resulting in loose stools during pregnancy. As a rule, it is infrequent (up to three to four times a day), occurs without fever and other symptoms (intoxication, pain). Most often, diarrhea occurs while taking antibiotics. To prevent such disorders, it is recommended to take bifidobacteria along with basic medications. Loose stools can be caused by antispasmodics, which are often prescribed when there is a threat of miscarriage.
  • Pathology of the liver and pancreas. Impaired bile secretion and changes in the secretion of digestive enzymes by the pancreas can cause diarrhea. The stool may be greenish in color or contain undigested food. These conditions are characterized by accompanying pain on the right or left in the hypochondrium, in the upper part of the lower back.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract. Chronic colitis, enteritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, when exacerbated, can lead to diarrhea at any stage of pregnancy - in the first week, in the middle or at the end.

Diarrhea in the later stages (especially after 37 weeks) may indicate impending labor. At the same time, the hormonal background changes, which leads to relaxation of smooth muscles, including the intestines. Short-term diarrhea can occur when a tube ruptures during an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the rectum becomes irritated by blood in the abdominal cavity, which provokes frequent urges.

When to see a doctor urgently

Diarrhea is not always a harmless digestive disorder. You should be especially careful about your condition during pregnancy. If the following symptoms occur, you should immediately seek medical help:

  • when body temperature rises above 38°C;
  • with severe abdominal pain;
  • if severe diarrhea develops during early or late pregnancy;
  • with severe vomiting more than seven to ten times a day;
  • with black diarrhea (intestinal bleeding must be excluded);
  • when the general condition worsens;
  • for pain in the lower abdomen, which may indicate a threat of miscarriage.

The danger of diarrhea during pregnancy

All expectant mothers are interested in the question of whether diarrhea during pregnancy is dangerous for the child. It all depends on the reason that caused such bowel disorders and the woman’s condition. Those forms of diarrhea that are caused by certain infectious agents (Shigella, Escherichia, Vibrio cholerae, viruses) are dangerous for mother and baby. Common food poisoning most often resolves with minimal treatment. Complications that diarrhea can cause are as follows.

  • Dehydration. You can talk about it if you have diarrhea more than three to five times a day. Dehydration leads to thickening of the blood and an increased risk of thrombosis and thromboembolism, including in the vessels of the placenta. If an intestinal infection occurs against the background of toxicosis or gestosis, it will aggravate the course of these pregnancy complications.
  • Intoxication. High temperature and exposure to viral and bacterial toxins affect the well-being of not only the woman, but also the baby. Infectious diarrhea in the early stages, with unfavorable developments, can lead to missed abortion or fetal anomalies and malformations.
  • Spread of infection. If treatment is untimely or inadequate, bacteria and viruses that cause diarrhea can spread throughout the body along with the blood. This is a rare condition, but life-threatening for the woman and baby. In addition, various complications may occur - cerebral edema, pneumonia, kidney problems.

Basic principles of treatment

Uncomplicated diarrhea without fever can be treated independently at home. To do this, you need to know the basic rules for treating such conditions. But if you have the slightest doubt, you should consult a doctor.

  • Restoring fluid balance. A large amount of fluid is lost through vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, it is necessary to fully restore the balance - you should drink two to three times more than usual. The volume of liquid can reach up to 3-4 liters per day. If treatment is carried out in a hospital setting, this function is also performed by intravenous infusions of solutions.
  • Reducing intoxication. Bacterial waste products aggravate the general condition. You can speed up the elimination of toxins by drinking enough liquid. Harmful substances will be excreted along with feces, urine, and sweat. Also useful are drugs that “attract” toxins (Smecta, Activated Carbon, Polysorb, Enterosgel).
  • Reducing vomiting and diarrhea. For this, in most cases, drugs with antiemetic effects and anti-diarrhea drugs approved during pregnancy (adsorbents) are used.
  • Normalization of microflora. Any diarrhea is an imbalance between beneficial and harmful intestinal microflora. For a speedy recovery and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, it is important to restore balance. For this purpose, probiotic drugs are used. They can either contain beneficial bacteria or stimulate their proliferation in the intestines.
  • Intestinal antiseptics. These drugs destroy pathogenic flora, helping to relieve all symptoms of poisoning faster.


The list of approved pills during pregnancy is limited, and antibacterial drugs can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. Fortunately, infectious diarrhea is most often caused by the toxic effects of microorganisms, which are helped by sorbents and probiotics. These same remedies are also useful for dysbacteriosis, as well as liver diseases. The most commonly prescribed drugs are listed in the table.

Table - How to treat diarrhea during pregnancy: acceptable drugs at different stages

If necessary, symptomatic therapy is used, for example, antianemic drugs (Sorbifer, Maltofer) for intestinal bleeding and diarrhea.

Loperamide-type products should not be used during pregnancy. They slow down intestinal motility, which leads to a decrease in the frequency of diarrhea. But at the same time, all toxins begin to be absorbed into the blood, which further worsens the general condition of a person. You should also be careful with intestinal antiseptics; they are prescribed only for strict indications. In the second and third trimesters, drugs from this series, Erserofuril and Nifuroxazide, are prohibited.

What can you eat

If diarrhea occurs, it is equally important to follow dietary recommendations. After all, knowing what pregnant women can eat with diarrhea can speed up recovery significantly. Some foods make diarrhea worse. For example, all sweet and flour products will provoke diarrhea if it is viral in nature.

The diet for diarrhea should include easily digestible foods that will not further burden or injure the intestines. Yogurts, fruit drinks, strong tea with breadcrumbs, bananas, potatoes (stewed, baked), broths, salty cookies, eggs, chicken, beef, rice, dried blueberries are healthy.

Folk recipes

If you have diarrhea during pregnancy, you can also use folk remedies to strengthen your stool. Reviews from women confirm that this can be used to cope with moderate diarrhea that is not associated with any infectious diseases.

  • Dill water. To do this, you need to take 20 g of dill and pour two glasses of boiling water. Let it brew for 20-30 minutes and then take half a glass three to four times a day.
  • Wormwood and dill. You need to take a tablespoon of crushed dried wormwood and the same amount of dill seeds. Pour all 250 ml of hot water and let stand for three to four hours. Drink half a glass every six to eight hours.
  • Cumin seeds. You should take 20-30 g of seeds and pour 200 ml of hot water, place in a thermos for several hours. Then drink it instead of tea.
  • Oak bark decoction. You need to take 100 ml of crushed oak bark and add water, bring to a boil, and then simmer in a water bath for about 20-30 minutes. Take the resulting decoction three to four teaspoons several times a day.
  • Peppercorns. You should take a few black peppercorns and swallow them whole. Then drink a glass of warm water. It is most effective to eat pepper in this form at night.


The basics of preventing diarrhea, including during pregnancy, include the following:

  • You must wash your hands thoroughly before eating;
  • do not eat questionable foods;
  • be sure to wash all fruits and vegetables;
  • subject food to sufficient heat treatment during cooking;
  • drink clean and high-quality water;
  • do not contact people with diarrhea.

As a rule, diarrhea does not pose a serious danger to mother and baby, except in cases of certain infectious diseases. Only a specialist can reliably determine the exact causes of diarrhea during pregnancy in the early stages and throughout the entire gestation period. If the disorder does not go away, or if the body temperature rises, you should seek medical help without waiting for the condition to worsen.


If you have frequent loose stools, it is diarrhea. It should be noted that everyone experiences diarrhea at various points in life; it is especially important to stop and treat diarrhea in time during pregnancy. Statistics show that most of us experience diarrhea, on average, 4 times a year.

Diarrhea, or diarrhea, is medically defined as loose (or watery) and unusually frequent bowel movements. Sometimes, unbalanced hormonal fluctuations lead to a combination of two unpleasant factors like diarrhea and vomiting. Armed with basic knowledge, listening to your condition and following the advice of a doctor, individually in each individual case, you can choose the treatment for diarrhea during pregnancy.

  • Acute - 14 days in a row. Acute diarrhea usually occurs due to infections with bacteria and viruses. Such diarrhea problems are self-limiting and last for a few days. Most cases of mild diarrhea are viral, while more severe, acute forms of diarrhea are caused by bacteria.
  • Persistent diarrhea - more than 14 days.
  • Chronic - more than 30 days. Chronic diarrhea usually occurs due to non-infectious etiologies. A large number of disorders are, in one way or another, associated with chronic diarrhea. Can be divided into: irritable bowel syndrome; intestinal inflammation; ulcerative colitis.

Diarrhea can be caused by:

Unlike constipation during pregnancy, which can be caused by fluctuating hormones, diarrhea tends to be caused by something happening outside your body—and something that may not even be harmful. Diarrhea may be a result of the food you are now eating that is too good and healthy. The extra water you drink, or even the prenatal workouts you start doing, can all trigger diarrhea during pregnancy. Some women find that certain vitamins cause loose stools, and changing them can even cause diarrhea in late pregnancy.

Treatment of diarrhea during pregnancy, which will help you feel better and restore normal physiological processes:

  1. It is very important to drink plenty of fluids. The liquid should contain salt and sugar. For example, "Sports Drinks" are a good choice, as is juice or broth. To control what and how much to drink, monitor the color of your urine. It should be light yellow or almost clear if you have hydrated yourself enough.
  2. Change your eating habits. Small, frequent meals - noodles, rice, bananas and crackers. Salty foods are a great addition to meals.
  3. Naturally, before making a decision at any stage of pregnancy, be sure to consult a doctor. There are many medications available to help relieve diarrhea, some can be obtained without a prescription. However, do not self-medicate if you have a fever or bleeding. The most common drug treatment for diarrhea is:

Loperamide or Imodium is available without a prescription. Loperamide is taken 2 tablets at a time initially, and then 1 tablet with each loose stool. You should not take more than 8 tablets in 24 hours.

Diphenoxylate or Lomotil requires a prescription from your doctor. Diphenoxylate, a more serious treatment than Loperamide, but it has a number of unpleasant side effects. The usual dose is 2 tablets four times daily, then reduced to 2 tablets daily once the frequency of diarrhea is controlled. If there is no change or reduction in diarrhea within 48 hours, treatment should be discontinued.

Yogurt contains live microorganisms called probiotics, which may shorten the duration of some forms of diarrhea. The duration of diarrhea during pregnancy can be reduced to 30 hours if treatment is started at the first symptoms of diarrhea.

It is important to understand that diarrhea during pregnancy is normal. . Your digestive system can either slow down, causing constipation, or speed up, causing you to get diarrhea. Most often, diarrhea in the early stages of pregnancy takes mothers with their first pregnancy by surprise.

What should you know?

Diarrhea tends to be less common than constipation during pregnancy and does not last as long. In fact, diarrhea that persists for more than a few days, no matter how mild the discharge, is a reason to visit your doctor. Diarrhea can cause back pain and can quickly lead to dehydration, a major risk factor for preterm labor. Therefore, if you have diarrhea, take it seriously...

What to do?

The so-called BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) has been recommended for many years. The newest views on this diet recommend adding the following:

  • other starchy foods like potatoes, unsweetened cereals and crackers;
  • vegetables such as boiled or baked carrots;
  • lean soups with noodles, rice and/or vegetables;
  • lean meat;
  • yogurt, especially those with live, active cultures.

Avoid "simple" drinks with high sugar content (apple and grape juice, jelly, cola and other soft drinks), they will cause diarrhea to persist for a longer period. Sports drinks and plain water are more acceptable options. And as always, but especially now, avoid fatty and fried foods.

Also, make sure you are not taking diarrhea medications that contain sodium bicarbonate or sodium, which is a prohibited substance for treating diarrhea during pregnancy.

Remember, while mild cases of diarrhea during pregnancy are nothing to really worry about. Severe diarrhea, more than three loose stools per day, or discharge with blood or mucus is a sign to see a doctor today!

Diarrhea during pregnancy is a common condition, and every precaution should be taken first to avoid harming the baby. The complex of therapeutic measures includes proper nutrition, so it is important for mothers to know what they can eat during diarrhea during pregnancy.

A specialized diet should be prescribed by a doctor, depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the nature of the disease. A proper diet will eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of diarrhea, reduce intestinal irritation and replenish the body’s water and mineral balance.

Principles of nutrition for loose stools

A strict diet is necessary for pregnant women with diarrhea; the standard menu will have to be revised for a while.

What should pregnant women not eat if they have diarrhea?

In order not to aggravate the situation, not to irritate the walls of the inflamed intestine, you should avoid some foods:

  • Fatty, fried foods.
  • Smoked meats.
  • Sour dishes.
  • Pickles.
  • Spices, seasonings.

You will also have to wait a while with fresh vegetables and fruits; if you need to satisfy your hunger, you can only eat baked apples without peel or a small banana if you have diarrhea during pregnancy.

If you have an intestinal disease, you should absolutely not drink the following drinks:

  • Strong alcohol.
  • Freshly squeezed natural juices.
  • Sweet carbonated drinks.

To prevent aggravation, you should absolutely not eat confectionery or whole grain cereals.

Authorized Products

So, what can pregnant women eat during diarrhea to alleviate the condition and reduce symptoms? Among the recommended food products for diarrhea, women in the “position” are recommended:

  • Bioyogurt, kefir;
  • Dietary meat (rabbit, chicken, turkey).
  • Rice porrige.
  • Rusks;
  • Hard-boiled eggs.

Lenten soups with noodles, rice or vegetables have a beneficial effect.

If a pregnant woman has diarrhea, all foods can only be eaten at room temperature; cold or too hot foods can cause an exacerbation or an attack.

Light snack

The diet for pregnant women with diarrhea prescribes that you need to reduce the volume of consumed portions, make the amount of food consumed more often, at least 4-5 times a day.

In no case should you eat on the go, in a hurry, every meal should be at the table, and after that rest, preferably bed rest.

Necessary drinking for intestinal upset in a pregnant woman

It is recommended to consume at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day, in small sips, taking breaks. Such a drinking diet for diarrhea in pregnant women will help replenish the water lost during loose stools in the body and restore balance.

Allowed drinks:

  • Strong tea, preferably black, without sugar.
  • Green tea with mint.
  • Still mineral water.
  • Rice or oatmeal broth.
  • Dried fruits compote.

A diet that includes infusions of medicinal herbs helps well with intestinal upset in pregnant women. They perform a double function: they restore balance and help normalize stool.

For diarrhea, the following recipes are suitable:

  1. Pomegranate infusion – brew 1 tbsp. l. finely chopped peel in 1/2 cup water. Cool, strain, drink once a day until symptoms of diarrhea disappear.
  2. Starch infusion - stir 1 tsp in 200 ml of boiling water. food starch. Cool, drink 1/2 dose twice a day.

Medicinal herbal preparations, for example, mint and motherwort in equal quantities, help cope well with diarrhea.

To restore the intestines in pregnant women, the following are often used:

  • St. John's wort flowers.
  • Field chamomile.
  • Plantain.
  • Oak bark.

Recommended diet for diarrhea during pregnancy

It is very important that the diet for diarrhea in pregnant women is strictly followed, especially at the beginning of the onset of symptoms.

The first day

At first, you should completely give up rough food, drinking plenty of fluids is recommended, this will help relieve the stomach and relieve painful symptoms. To prevent this from affecting the mother’s health, you need to include dried fruit compote and fermented milk products. Cranberry juice or jelly and low-fat chicken broth have a good effect in such a situation.

Second day

A diet for intestinal upset in pregnant women during this period allows you to carefully introduce unleavened cereals without spices or salt. Rice and oatmeal have the most beneficial effect on the intestines. Thanks to their beneficial characteristics, feces begin to form normally and become stronger. Soft enveloping properties can effectively eliminate inflammation of the intestinal walls.

Day three

In the future, the dietary menu should be followed until the symptoms are relieved. But, if after 3-4 days there is no improvement in the condition, the pregnant woman should consult a doctor for advice.

What can a pregnant woman eat after diarrhea to restore the body?

For 4-5 days after the end of diarrhea, it is worth limiting the consumption of confectionery products, baked goods, and fruits enriched with fiber. Especially if you have an intestinal disorder, you should avoid eating grapes and pears.

When a pregnant woman’s stool begins to return to normal, it is necessary to help the body recover as quickly as possible. To do this, it is enough to follow a balanced diet, which regulates minimizing the amount of salt, spices, seasonings, and sugar.

Among the permitted products during the recovery period that have a strengthening effect:

  1. Boiled eggs.
  2. Rice porridge.
  3. Tea with stale bread.
  4. Steamed lean meat.
  5. Sea fish, steam cutlets.
  6. Boiled noodles.
  7. Drying, crackers, bread.
  8. Berry jelly, mousse, compote.

Prevention of diarrhea

It is always better to prevent a problem than to treat it. A pregnant woman should pay attention to avoiding the development of intestinal infections and food poisoning that cause diarrhea:

  1. Buy only fresh products.
  2. Pay attention to the expiration date.
  3. It is good to heat treat goods.
  4. Observe personal hygiene rules.
  5. Wash fresh vegetables and fruits thoroughly.

Doctors advise avoiding foods prepared in public catering establishments during pregnancy. Try to avoid viral epidemics that can affect the area of ​​the small and large intestine.

Diarrhea is a rather unpleasant problem, and during pregnancy it can even be dangerous. Therefore, it is necessary not to hesitate, to immediately begin treatment and a balanced diet will help put the intestines in order. After all, not only her health, but also the condition of the child depends on the decisions of the expectant mother!

Intestinal disorders, diarrhea and loose stools can cause health problems for the expectant mother. Some manifestations of such disorders should alert you, and some can be dealt with at home.

Careful monitoring of well-being is a guarantee of maximum safety and comfort for a pregnant woman.

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    Differences between diarrhea and loose stools

    Loose stools are the passage of feces in liquid form. Diarrhea (diarrhea) is frequent bowel movements that have an acute form in combination with additional symptoms. You can distinguish one from the other by the following characteristics:

    • with diarrhea, defecation occurs more than three times a day;
    • the total volume of feces exceeds 200 ml;
    • with loose stools, the stool does not change its color, while with diarrhea, the stool can be white, yellow, green and even black;
    • with diarrhea that has infectious causes, foam and/or mucus is often present in the stool;
    • Unlike loose stools, diarrhea produces a sharp and sour odor from the stool.

    Symptoms of diarrhea with infectious causes:

    • high body temperature;
    • the presence of mucus and/or foam, blood in the stool;
    • vomiting and/or nausea;
    • general increasing weakness.

    Causes of gastrointestinal disorders during pregnancy

    Intestinal disorders are unpleasant and in some cases dangerous for any person, but during pregnancy the danger increases and becomes a real threat.

    The causes of diarrhea in the early stages may be:

    • Changes in diet, food intake - most women, upon learning about pregnancy, try to eat healthy food, but if before and after conception the diet changes too dramatically, there is a risk of diarrhea.
    • An unexpected reaction to foods - a restructuring of the body changes the perception of certain foods by the stomach and intestines. Thus, food that has not previously caused discomfort can cause flatulence and/or diarrhea during pregnancy.
    • Hormonal changes - during pregnancy, the female body begins to produce completely new hormones. Diarrhea may be a reaction to this.
    • Stress, psychological problems - instability of the psychological system in pregnant women can also serve as an impetus for digestive disorders.

    If loose stools occur suddenly and are accompanied by high fever, vomiting, various pains and mucus and/or foam, then you should immediately call an ambulance or go to the doctor (depending on how you feel), since in this case an intestinal infection cannot be ruled out.

    Onset of symptoms in early pregnancy

    In the first trimester, when the body is just beginning to actively restructure itself due to pregnancy, nausea and loose stools in the morning, the so-called toxicosis, very often appear. This is a completely normal reaction of the body.

    The formation of the placenta begins, which significantly affects the functioning of many vital systems. The functioning of the gallbladder, pancreas and the entire gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. The carbohydrate and protein balance changes.

    If loose stool occurs once in the morning, then this condition does not require treatment. With this phenomenon, you need to carefully monitor your well-being and weight.

    Diarrhea in the second trimester

    Diarrhea that occurs during this period can cause a blow to the mother’s body and lead to immune disruptions. In the second stage of pregnancy, diarrhea may appear even after minor errors in diet and excessive exercise.

    During the second trimester, the baby's internal organs begin to develop. Diarrhea that occurs during different weeks of the second trimester can affect the development of the fetus.

    Before the end of the second trimester, taking medications is strictly prohibited, so carefully monitor your diet and see a doctor.

    Loose stools in the last trimester

    Loose stools before childbirth are a phenomenon that warns of imminent delivery within 24 hours. If, according to the timing of this date, childbirth is expected, you should immediately get ready and go to the maternity hospital.

    If the deadline is set much later, it is worth taking measures to restore normal bowel movements.

    If diarrhea occurs, accompanied by symptoms of an infectious process - mucus, foam, elevated body temperature - you must immediately seek medical help. Abdominal colic can cause increased uterine tone and cause premature birth.

    The danger of diarrhea during pregnancy

    The danger of diarrhea during pregnancy lies in the risk of severe dehydration of the pregnant woman's body and the loss of various beneficial mineral salts, which are washed out due to diarrhea. An imbalance of water-salt balance can lead to serious disruption of vital systems in both mother and child. In particularly severe situations, prolonged and severe diarrhea leads to the development of defects in the fetus, and in rare cases, to its intrauterine death.

    The danger of intestinal infections during pregnancy is that infectious pathogens can have a negative effect on the fetus by penetrating the placenta. Severe diarrhea provokes active uterine contractions, which can lead to miscarriage.

    Eliminating symptoms in pregnant women

    If diarrhea occurs, it is very important to immediately consult a doctor who will determine the cause of its occurrence.

    Diarrhea that occurs against a background of anxiety and stress can be stopped by taking a tincture of motherwort or valerian. Taking other sedatives is not recommended.

    The disorder caused by poisoning from stale foods is treated with a balanced diet, similar to the diet for stomach ulcers.

    Diarrhea caused by infection requires antibiotic treatment. The doctor decides how much this is acceptable.

    • If the diarrhea is not severe, then at home you can try to cope with it with the help of rice. Do not rinse the cereal too much, cook it so that the rice sticks together strongly, this will activate the astringent properties of the porridge. Rice perfectly removes harmful substances from the intestines and stops diarrhea.
    • Including blueberries in your diet in any form will help normalize digestion.
    • Kissels cooked with potato starch and dried fruit compotes gently envelop the intestines, removing unpleasant symptoms.
    • Baked or boiled pear copes well with diarrhea. You can prepare a special medicinal decoction from its fruits. To do this, you need to finely chop the pear and pour a couple of glasses of boiling water, then cook for twenty minutes over low heat and leave for several hours. Drink half a glass on an empty stomach 4 times a day.
    • A decoction of viburnum fruits with honey will also help. Pour a glass of dried fruits with a liter of boiling water, bring the mixture to a boil, boil for ten minutes, strain and dilute three large spoons of honey in the resulting broth. Drink a third of a glass three times a day.

Pregnancy is not an easy ordeal for a woman. There is a hormonal and physical restructuring of the entire body and any external factors are sure to find a response in the body of the expectant mother. Sudden loose stools during pregnancy (diarrhea) also cause a lot of trouble.

Diarrhea- This is frequent human bowel movement with an unusual liquid consistency. Otherwise called diarrhea diarrhea or loose stools. Naturally, diarrhea causes a lot of inconvenience and unpleasant sensations for the expectant mother. But this is a natural protective reaction of the body - cleansing of harmful substances.

Why does diarrhea occur during pregnancy?

Loose stools during pregnancy - consequences

What can cause diarrhea during pregnancy? First of all, during diarrhea, dehydration occurs in the body of the expectant mother. This immediately affects her health. Diarrhea during pregnancy in the early stages of pregnancy is dangerous because due to intestinal spasms, uterine spasms can begin, and this is very dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy because it can lead to miscarriage. Diarrhea in early pregnancy happens much more often than in the second or third trimester. Because it is at this moment that a woman experiences a hormonal explosion, the expectant mother radically changes her diet.

Diarrhea during late pregnancy dangerous due to dehydration and intoxication of the mother’s body. Dehydration, in turn, can lead to premature birth. If diarrhea during pregnancy in late and early stages is caused by an infectious disease, it is doubly dangerous. Because you will have to take medications, and this is undesirable for both mother and baby. Therefore, take care of both yourself and your unborn newborn - do not consume suspicious products, products with an expired expiration date, wash your hands with soap more often and try not to visit public places and places with large crowds of people.

What types of diarrhea are there?

Diarrhea, depending on its duration, is divided into acute, persistent and chronic. Acute diarrhea can last up to two weeks. Impassable– more than two weeks, and chronic diarrhea lasts more than a month. Acute and persistent diarrhea is most often caused by viruses and bacteria, and chronic diarrhea manifests itself as a symptom of chronic diseases of the digestive system.

Diarrhea - treat at home

Non-medicinal products

At the first sign of diarrhea during pregnancy, you should not immediately run to the doctor. Pay attention to the color of urine (it should be transparent yellowish) and stool (there should be no blood or mucus in it). In this case, start by drinking more liquid - strong tea, compote, still water will reduce the risk of dehydration. Broth and fruit juice are good for dehydration.

Look at your menu - usually the foods that caused diarrhea are easily identified right away. Eliminate foods that cause diarrhea. These are dairy products, fruits, dried fruits, vegetables, salads, various sauces, fatty meat and fish, oil. It’s best to eat crackers and drink tea for one day.

Regular boiled rice, jelly, decoctions of oak bark, St. John's wort, sage, dried viburnum berries with honey are good for diarrhea. Quince, baked pear and bean soup also relieve diarrhea during pregnancy. All these products are non-medicinal and completely safe for pregnant women.

Medicines for diarrhea during pregnancy

It is imperative to treat diarrhea during pregnancy with medications under the supervision of a doctor. Diarrhea medications that can be used by pregnant women.

Activated carbon

Now there are white and black activated carbon on sale. This is the most affordable and safest remedy for diarrhea during pregnancy. It is an excellent adsorbent and copes well with acute diarrhea. Also allowed for allergy sufferers. Drink three to four times a day, one tablet per ten kilograms of weight. One pack costs about ten rubles at the pharmacy.


It is also an excellent adsorbent and completely harmless. “Smecta” helps not only fight diarrhea, but also vomiting, flatulence and heartburn. It’s also inexpensive – 15 rubles per bag.


This is already an antibiotic and should be prescribed by a doctor. This drug can only be taken in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. Helps in the fight against salmonella, klebsiella, and E. coli, which cause diarrhea. It is good because it quickly acts on harmful microorganisms and does not affect the fetus. Take the medicine for a week. One package costs one hundred rubles.


It comes in the form of a paste and is very helpful in coping with diarrhea. It is completely safe both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, as it is not absorbed into the blood. This remedy is very good at combating toxicosis in the first three months of pregnancy. It is more expensive than other products - a package costs 350 rubles.


A well-known remedy that is also prescribed when taking antibiotics for dysbacteriosis. But it also successfully fights diarrhea. Can be taken by both adults and children. One package costs 450 rubles.


It also has no contraindications. Successfully fights diarrhea by thickening stool. After taking this medicine, stools become less frequent and diarrhea disappears.

Loperamide (Imodium)

Also an effective cure for diarrhea. First, take two tablets at once, and then one at a time throughout the day (but no more than eight tablets).

Diphenoxylate (Lomotil)

This medicine is stronger than Loperamide. For diarrhea, take two tablets four times a day. Usually the diarrhea goes away within two days. But this medicine has side effects, so a doctor's supervision is needed.

If you experience loose stools during pregnancy, avoid medications that contain sodium bicarbonate or sodium. They should not be taken by pregnant women.

When is the best time to see a doctor?

If diarrhea does not stop for several days, loose stools three times or more during the day, stool contains mucus or blood, nausea and vomiting, abdominal cramps, chills, fever, headache, muscle pain, feeling of malaise and fatigue - you urgently need to see a doctor. Even if you only have some of these symptoms.

So, how to stop diarrhea during pregnancy?

First, try to determine the cause of your discomfort. Think about what caused the diarrhea - maybe you ate low-quality foods. It is best to fast for one day or eat only crackers and drink them with tea. Drink more fluids. Drink activated carbon or smecta. It is also good to use folk recipes - a decoction of oak bark or St. John's wort is also good for diarrhea during pregnancy.

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