What are muscle tension points and how to treat them. How to get rid of muscle pain

Michael Gundill

Part 1

There is one postulate in the world of bodybuilding that everyone agrees with, even experts: stretching is good for muscles. According to Stief, “research and experience have absolutely confirmed that flexibility is an essential component of good athletic condition.” Charlie Francis, Ben Jonson's former trainer, wrote: "If your muscles are as hard as wood, you will never run well." On the other hand, as Komi points out in his classic book on strength and power, “one of the main goals of power and strength training is to increase muscle density.” Some research work by Professor Gregory Wilson shows that powerlifters with tighter muscles were able to bench press more weight than those with elastic muscles (1). We are also told that stretching can increase the likelihood of injury and greatly reduce athletic performance. Shocked? That's how it should be!

Tight or flexible muscles?

Which muscles give more impact - tight or elastic? Bodybuilders know that muscles are made of the contractile proteins actin and myosin. The more of these fibers, the larger the muscle.

Muscle fibers are held together by other proteins, mainly collagen. Each skeletal muscle is attached to the bones by two tendons, one at each end. In addition to their function of holding muscle fibers together, tendon collagen fibrils also perform the important task of transmitting forces generated by contractile tissues.

Collagen is generally less elastic than myosin and actin, so connective tissue proteins determine how elastic your muscles are, at least when they are relaxed. When tension occurs, the contractile elements become denser. You can check this by touching the contracted biceps. With strong contraction, muscle fibers become almost as hard as tendons. Don't forget about this when you read the article further.

Obviously, when you stretch a muscle, the biggest impact is on actin and myosin. In order to stretch tight ligaments, you must first increase the density of actin and myosin so that the tension is not placed solely on the contractile proteins.

Are tight muscles stronger?

The results of Williams' research are applicable to bodybuilding, since the participants in the experiment were athletes experienced in the bench press and untrained individuals. Those with denser muscles produced greater isometric and concentric (i.e., positive) force than subjects with more elastic muscles. Therefore, Williams concluded that "muscle density influences athletic performance (the positive portion of the bench press) by increasing its ability to produce force." With elastic muscles, the force transfer time is longer and therefore the work is less efficient since some of the energy is lost.

How does training affect muscle elasticity?

Researchers have always noted that resistance training strengthens muscles (2). But if this means better transfer of force and, as a result, stronger muscles, then there is nothing wrong with it. Note that steroids also increase muscle density, and partly this helps produce more powerful force.

Does stretching improve flexibility? At first this seems obvious. Stretching increases the range of motion. But researchers note that this is not entirely due to increased elasticity of muscle proteins. Magnuson found that stretching only increased the muscle's tolerance to stretch without any changes in the mechanical properties of the various muscle components (3). In other words, you think you've become more flexible, but in reality, you're not. Of course, those who stretch for hours are more flexible, but this takes years. Any significant structural changes are unlikely to occur after a couple of months of stretching.

Magnuson reports that even three months of stretching combined with isometric exercises had no effect on weight-induced muscle density. Wilson found that an eight-week stretching program made the muscles of naïve subjects appear tighter, even as the range of motion increased. There is no consensus on the effect of stretching on flexibility. It is very difficult to measure, and the methods used vary greatly between studies.

It seems clear that bodybuilders lose flexibility if they don't stretch. The challenge is to maintain at least some degree of flexibility. If you can't reach the back pocket of your pants with your hand, then it's time to take action.

Does stretching prevent injury?

For bodybuilders, a side effect of increased muscle density is greater susceptibility to injury. This is likely one of the reasons why steroid users are more likely to suffer injuries such as torn ligaments. The question of the effect of stretching on injuries is the subject of lively debate in the scientific community (4). Like Wilson, it is reasonable to assume that a flexible musculo-ligamentous system reduces fiber injury due to better shock absorption. A reduced range of motion, in addition to being simply uncomfortable, increases the risk of injury. Regular stretching will help reduce it.

Warm-up stretching

More and more research warns about the dangers of stretching before exercise (4). Let's look at how stretching increases local muscle temperature. A muscle is like an elastic band; as you stretch it and hold it that way, it gets warmer and warmer. When stretching, elastic energy accumulates, which has two ways: to be used for contraction or released as heat. If you hold a stretched position, the second path is chosen and heat is generated. Heavy negative reps cause increased sweating for the same reason: elastic energy is released as heat because the muscle is not contracting.

July 10, 2016

Often, in pursuit of a slim figure, people pay all their attention to getting rid of fat deposits, completely forgetting that getting slim is not enough to get rid of fat.

Muscle tone is also of great importance: elastic muscles make the figure fit and attractive, even if the weight is slightly higher than ideal.

Everything is good in moderation

Muscle tone is the degree of muscle elasticity. Normally, all the muscles of the human body should be elastic and elastic, but a sedentary lifestyle makes its own adjustments: for many, the muscles are weak and lethargic.
This problem is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. Weak, flabby muscles increase stress on the joints and spine, resulting in pain in the back and limbs. From an aesthetic point of view, the lack of muscle tone also does not make a person look good: even if such a person is not overweight, he looks fat and loose.

The muscles should be toned, but they should not be constantly tense. Excessive tension causes no less harm to the body than excessive relaxation. It’s not for nothing that athletes are taught to relax their muscles - this helps to achieve better results. In particular, runners specifically learn to relax muscles that are not involved in running, since excessive tension in the muscles of the back, chest and arms prevents them from working correctly with their legs and, accordingly, reduces their speed.

Absolutely any human motor activity is the alternating work of different muscle groups. While some muscles (for example, flexors) work, others (extensors) rest. But at the same time, the resting muscle groups, which have some elasticity, provide a certain resistance to the working muscles. This resistance is weaker the more relaxed the muscles are.

The ability to relax muscles allows you to avoid fatigue during monotonous activities, reduces the likelihood of neuroses and dangerous cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension. It would seem that harmless tension in the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, which a person himself does not always notice, can cause serious headaches.

The art of relaxation

At first glance, there is nothing difficult about relaxation, but in fact, muscles often do not relax completely even during sleep. Muscle tone depends on their tension.
Thus, to relax a particular muscle, you should take a position in which the muscle shortens slightly. For example, it is best to relax your biceps by placing your forearms, bent at the elbows, on your knees. The triceps (triceps muscles of the shoulders) relax best if you simply lower your arms freely down.
However, it is impossible to relax the biceps and triceps at the same time - these muscles are, in fact, antagonists: when one of them is relaxed, the other is tense, and vice versa.
Therefore, for complete relaxation, you should take an intermediate position so that all the muscles of the torso and limbs tense approximately equally.

The ability to assess the degree of muscle tension does not come immediately; at first, it is better to seek help from a specialist who will help you take a relaxed position and eliminate muscle “tightness” (for example, through massage). Massages, as well as warm baths, are ideal for relaxing muscles - it is not for nothing that these procedures are highly recommended after intense physical activity.

The best way to relax your muscles is with special exercises. Sometimes it can be difficult to relax. In this case, experts recommend straining your muscles as hard as you can - after that, relaxation will come on its own.
This method is sometimes called "paradoxical" because tension is necessary to achieve relaxation. It is advisable to perform relaxation exercises before bedtime - after them the body rests most fully.

Muscles are toned

Weakening muscle tone, “flabbiness” of muscles is a common problem in middle-aged people. The muscles of the abdomen and back are the first to lose tone, as a result the figure becomes less slender, posture deteriorates, and over time the internal organs, deprived of the support of the muscular corset, sag, resulting in problems with digestion.

How can you help your muscles always be in good shape? This is achieved in a simple way, proven over centuries: physical activity. Regular physical exercise for all muscle groups will help keep muscles toned, and the result will not be long in coming: the body will look slimmer, back and joint pain will go away, bone density will increase, which means the likelihood of osteoporosis will decrease.

Training to strengthen muscles and improve their tone should not be confused with exercises aimed at burning fat and getting rid of excess weight.
On the contrary, the weight may even increase slightly, because the muscle tissue itself is quite heavy. Such workouts not only help burn calories, but give the body beautiful shape.
It should be remembered that the muscles must be completely relaxed after training - this will make their work even more effective.

The muscles of the legs and arms often “work” in everyday life, but the muscles of the abdomen, back and buttocks need simple but effective exercises.

Activation of the “flaccid” muscles of the trunk and limbs is one of the necessary conditions for the formation of normal posture.
These muscles include: tibialis anterior (on the front of the lower leg), gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, rectus abdominis, inferior scapular fixators, serratus anterior, deep neck flexors.

  • Activation of the gluteus maximus muscle. Lying on your stomach, lift your leg straight with your foot turned outward.
    It is not recommended to actively lift the legs to avoid activation of the back extensors.

If necessary (pronounced lumbar lordosis, painful spinal erectors in the lower back), you can place a rolled up towel or cushion under the stomach to straighten the lower back and relieve the load from it.

If the exercise is still difficult to do, then take a lying position on your stomach, with both legs turned toes outward. Usually this position already causes activation of the gluteus maximus muscles.

  • Activation of the gluteus medius muscle. Lying on your side, lift your straight leg up.
    When this muscle is severely flaccid, the hip flexors are usually involved in the movement, and abduction of the leg occurs with simultaneous flexion.
  • Activation of the rectus abdominis muscles. As you exhale, stretch your forehead towards your knee joints, lifting your back from the surface only to the shoulder blades.
  • Activation of the lower trapezius muscles. Standing position on all fours, knees under hips, http://rutlib.com/book/17431/p/65, Lightly rest your forehead on your folded hands.
    Stretch your chest toward the floor, actively moving your shoulders down by increasing the function of the lower scapula fixators. In this case, there is a simultaneous activation of the abdominal muscles, deep neck flexors and gluteal muscles while simultaneously reducing the activity of the pectoral muscles and the lumbar extensor of the back.
    Let the body's own weight act on the thoracic region. Relax your torso until you feel pressure between your shoulder blades.
    You may notice how the shoulder blades press on the pectoral muscles, stimulating stretching.
    Make sure that the weight is not transferred to the forehead.
  • Activation of the serratus anterior muscle(pushups). Standing on all fours, shift the weight of your body onto your arms, turned inward so that your hands are facing each other.
    Bend your arms at the elbow joints, while your back should be straight, and in the starting position your shoulder blades should be spread as far apart as possible.

    Option for women: standing on all fours, head in a horizontal position. The weight of the body shifts to the arms, with the hands turned inward. Then the head end of the body is slowly lowered with emphasis on the hands, while the elbows bend outward. Deflection in the spine is not allowed.

  • Activation of the deep neck flexors. Sitting on a chair with your back straight, tilt your head forward, trying to reach the jugular cavity with your chin. You can resist the movement of your head by resting your chin with your palms.
    When performing this exercise, a stretch should be felt in the middle and lower part of the cervical spine.
  • Foot shortening exercise. Forms the longitudinal arch of the foot. It is necessary to tense the muscles on the plantar surface of the foot and not bend the toes
  • Activation of the internal rotators of the shoulder(including subscapularis muscle)
  • Activation of the shoulder external rotators(including infraspinatus, supraspinatus, teres minor muscles).

Physical exercise is the key to good health, a beautiful and slim body. And in order to make it like this, you need to turn flabby and sleepy muscles into elastic and toned ones :). I hope this simple complex will help you.
Good luck!

Relief without excess volume is the desire of many women, and therefore various workouts and tips appear that promise to sharpen and define the muscles. For example, with the help of stretching it is proposed to lengthen the quadriceps, so as not to get “footballer’s legs” after squats with a barbell. Does it work? Can stretching lengthen muscles?

Professional yogis/ballerinas/gymnasts have lean figures, sculpted and at the same time bulky. But these people are not naturally prone to excess weight and a large percentage of fat that hides muscles. Second, they follow a strict diet, both in terms of calories and food choices. Thirdly, they exercise for several hours every day, which increases calorie consumption during the day, leaving no chance of gaining weight. Fourthly, they don’t have as much muscle as those who purposefully grow them.

At the same time, these people are very flexible. But to conclude that they have a dry texture just because they are flexible is completely wrong.

Volume on a specific body part is the size of the muscle and the layer of fat above it. If you have pumped up a muscle, you cannot lengthen it and draw it out by stretching. You can reduce muscle size only by stopping pumping it. Reduce the volume of fat layer above the muscle - .


The muscle is like an elastic band. It is attached at both ends to the bones and can stretch and contract, producing movement in the joint. The muscle attachment points cannot be changed. They cannot be moved a little further either by stretching or by any other means other than surgery. Some people have naturally long muscles, that is, their ends are attached far from the joint, while others have short muscles.

When the joint is fully extended, the muscle is at its longest state and cannot be made longer. An exception is when the muscle at rest is spasmed and shortened relative to its normal state, that is, the joint is not fully extended at rest.

What is flexibility?

Anyone who has stretched regularly knows that over time you can reach further and further. We become able to move in greater amplitude and call this flexibility. But this is not due to the fact that the muscle has stretched and become longer. The reason is adaptation, adaptation of the neuromuscular system to the load. What does it mean?

Our movements are controlled by the nervous system using electrical signals that travel along the nerve cells to the muscles. It is what determines our strength, flexibility and endurance. It is she who limits them, makes movement impossible if she sees the danger of tissue damage. Todd Hargrove, author of A Guide to Better Movement, gives this analogy:

Imagine that you are the proud owner of a Ferrari sports car. And imagine riding it with your mom. You begin to accelerate powerfully, but your mother is uneasy next to you, and she asks you to go slower. You have long grown to obey, turn up the music louder and press the pedal to the floor. But for some reason the car does not accelerate above 65 km/h.

Suddenly you see that mom has her own brake pedal. Whenever you are driving too fast in her opinion, she hits the brake - that is, she has complete control over the speed of the car. You realize that the only way to get any decent speed is to convince your mom that you can safely drive the car at high speed.

This analogy provides insight into how the nervous system regulates the limits of our strength, endurance, or flexibility. If it perceives any movement as dangerous, the “brakes” are applied.

The nervous system doesn't care too much about how beautiful, pumped up or flexible you want to become. She wants you to avoid killing yourself by negligence and pass on your genes to the next generation. In the wild nature, even minor injuryplays a role in survival: a sprained ankle or a torn hamstring is a matter of life and death.

Nervous system always analyzes potential threats associated with movements and decides whether to protect you from yourself by making you situationally weaker, inflexible or tired. So your task is convince her that what you are doing is safe and under control.

Nervous system and stretching

How does all this relate to stretching? If you've never stretched before, chances are your range of motion will be very small and you'll think you lack flexibility because the muscles are short and stiff. But, as we have already learned, stretching is inhibited by the nervous system.

Having received a signal about an unusual stretch, the spinal cord sees the danger of muscle rupture or joint damage. It turns on the stop valve: in response to the stretch, an involuntary contraction of the muscle occurs, and you cannot continue moving further. It's a reflex, you can't control it consciously. Other reflexes include swallowing, sneezing, coughing, trembling, etc.

The nervous system tightens the muscles and prevents further movement to protect the joints from a range that is perceived as dangerous. This is a simple programmed reaction of the body in response to passive stretching of a muscle.

How can you convince your mom to let you drive faster? Obviously, prove to her that you are a safe and experienced driver. Avoid accidents. Show that you keep the car in good condition and do regular maintenance. That you master control at a slower speed and increase it gradually. That you know the roads and so on.

It's the same in training. INYou exercise regularly, do not get injured and do not experience pain. You gradually increase the load,you work on your technique, your movements are controlled, sharpened and bring only benefits to the body. The last point is fundamental: the body more easily acquires new abilities if this brings obvious benefits to it, that is, it improves its functionality and allows it to acquire new qualities.

If you stretch regularly, the central nervous system stops turning on the brakes immediately, because it no longer sees a danger to the muscles and joints. So we move its “stop tap” further and further, which means we can allow ourselves greater and greater amplitude in the joint (bend lower, stretch further). This is called flexibility. It’s not the muscles that have become longer, but the central nervous system that has become more tolerant of what you do.


Post-workout recovery: improved metabolism in muscles and connective tissue of joints. Decay products are removed from the muscles faster and nutrients are supplied.


Relaxation, relief of hypertonicity in muscles that are tight and shortened relative to their normal state. Tight muscles are less well supplied with oxygen (see point 1), causing muscle imbalances that disrupt posture and can lead to injury.


Work to improve joint mobility. The range of motion in the exercises becomes larger, and the muscles are loaded better. If your glutes and calves are not stretched, you will not be able to squat properly and deeply. If you have tight pectoral muscles, you will have difficulty performing overhead presses and rows.


Acceleration of renewal of connective tissue of joints, increasing the proportion of elastic fibers
(elastin) against hard fibers - collagen. Connective tissue fibers become stiffer with age, which limits joint movement and can cause injury.


Relaxation of the nervous system.

Like any person, I want to have a beautiful figure without doing anything. But, unfortunately, I haven't been able to do this yet. Or rather, it was not possible 100%. Women have some “secret techniques” that help make our body more attractive without spending a lot of time and effort. For example, a friend of mine thanks exercises “for the lazy” for her beautiful butt. This is when you sit in front of the TV or while driving, and alternately tense your buttocks. True, this must be done constantly and at least 100 repetitions at a time.

Well, since we live in the age of the fashionable word NANO, the cosmetic world has NANOized exercises for the lazy and created a device for muscle contraction. More precisely, back in the 80s, a device was created that, by twisting muscles, made us slimmer by “squeezing out” excess fat and water. This seemed not enough, and years later this miracle machine was “taught” to improve lymphatic drainage and remove traces of decay from the body after myostimulation procedures. And, using isometric influence, shape the silhouette, create a beautiful oval face...or an elastic butt. Today, this is one of the few devices that solves several problems of aesthetic medicine at once and is the only one of its kind that corrects the silhouette through the formation of muscles.

My whole story is about the very popular Vip line device today.

Despite its popularity, many people do not know how it works and what its advantage is over more modern beauty machines. At one time I took a course of procedures on the VIP line, the emotions remained, but I cannot clearly state the principle of the procedure. For reconnaissance, we went to one of the Riga salons to see a specialist in body contour modeling Natalia Gavkalyuk.

- Natalya, tell us in order about the capabilities of the Vip line device.

N.G. -Transition.

The main function is considered to be linear muscle contraction and torsion twisting. This is a kind of fitness for the lazy, and when you simultaneously lose weight and tone your muscles. But, unlike diets or going to the gym, the device corrects the figure in the right areas, because the first thing to lose weight during a diet is the chest, not the hips or legs. And the Vip line device controls this process.


The second function of the device is to accelerate lymph circulation. During torsion twisting, the device seems to squeeze excess fat and water out of the muscles, and the body cannot always cope with the removal of waste products. And the Limfogei procedure helps stabilize the lymphatic drainage using a pulse sensor in accordance with the heart rhythm. Please note that any weight loss or cellulite treatment program includes lymphatic drainage massage. And the Vip line device offers such a procedure as part of its program.


The third advantage of the Vip line is the formation of individual parts of the body due to the static load on a single bundle of muscles. Thus, you can create a Brazilian butt or correct the shape of your face.

There is also a VIP line Millennium device on the market, which is supplemented with the Microgei function. This is a procedure that uses low-frequency, low-intensity pulses. As a result, blood circulation improves, fine wrinkles smooth out, and cells become more active.

- That is, each program is aimed at specific problems?

Transition helps:

tighten and strengthen the muscles of the face and body;

increase skin elasticity and firmness;

reduce weight and volume.


will speed up metabolism;

lymphatic drainage, venous drainage will help with prevention in the fight against cellulite;

and again promotes weight loss.


will increase muscle tone;

models the contour of the body and oval of the face;

tightens the neck and décolleté area;

will create the so-called “Brazilian butt”;

tightens the inner area of ​​the arms and thighs;

will raise your chest.

In a word, the Vip line device models the figure and makes the body more elastic.

- Honestly, it’s hard to believe that after completing the course, I will have a Brazilian butt. It seems to me that people are either born with such butts, or they train hard for years.

N.G. - Absolutely right. The Vip line device simply replaces physical exercises with procedures in the salon. And you will have to work, not sweating in the gym, but lying on the couch. But at the same time, your muscles will work no less.

Yes, to get a beautiful and firm butt, you will have to go through more than 5-10 sessions. But 1 session replaces a 2-hour workout. Do the math for yourself.

- Almost convinced. Since the device is multifunctional, please tell us in more detail about the progress of each procedure separately.

N.G. - Let's start with Transition.

We place wet electrodes according to a certain pattern. The charge of electricity is directly directed to the device, and only impulses go from the device to the body. Some people are afraid that they will get an electric shock, but this is a completely safe and painless procedure. The procedure is accompanied by a slight tingling sensation and alternating tension in the muscles on which the electrodes are installed. While the patient feels tension (lasts about 6 seconds), in addition to linear muscle contractions, torsion twisting occurs. To make it clearer, this twisting is often compared to wringing - wringing out clothes. Transion stimulates and accelerates the metabolic process in the muscle space. As a result, fat deposits are broken down and removed from the body.

The procedure lasts about 25 minutes. The specialist selects an individual program. The first procedure, as a rule, takes place under close supervision and is relatively easy.

- Are the results visible after the first time?

N.G. - Yes, after the first procedure the patient’s volume decreases by a couple of centimeters. But you need to understand that Transion is a kind of physical education for the muscles. Therefore, it requires a whole course of 10 procedures or more. The effect lasts up to six months. As a preventative measure for a sedentary lifestyle, one procedure should be performed every 10-14 days.

- That is, this device “ties” you to regular visits and financial waste?

N.G. - The procedures can be used as an express method before an important event or beach season. But if you look deeper, the device was created as a substitute for physical activity. 1 procedure = 2 hours in the gym. And if you want to have an elastic body with a beautiful contour, you will either have to regularly visit the gym or replace it with Transion procedures.

- And this does not cause harm, because constantly “connecting” yourself to the device is somewhat doubtful?

N.G. - It is doubtful to kill your health in the gym. Few people know how to properly distribute the load, and even fewer people exercise under the supervision of a trainer.

And during the procedure you will receive an individual approach. True, it is important that people turn to specialists, and not amateurs, who can afford to purchase an expensive device and perform procedures, causing harm to patients due to lack of qualifications and knowledge.

- How often should the VIP line procedure be performed?

- Is it possible to go to the gym at the same time?

N.G. - The procedure at Transion is a full-fledged training. I recommend creating a schedule of classes, alternating with procedures. Focus on stretching and swimming. Swimming and water activities, in my opinion, will be the best help - because water perfectly tones the skin.

- Okay, now let's move on to Izojei.

N.G. – Isogei is isometric gymnastics for the muscles of the face and body. By choosing a specific area, for example the buttocks, with the help of the device, in 6 seconds of active stimulation (that’s how long one contraction lasts) we produce effective tension in a bundle of muscle fibers. As a result of muscle stimulation, blood circulation and oxygen supply to cells improves. This procedure perfectly copes with the problems of sagging skin and tightens the muscles of both the body and face. For example, with a large weight loss, the skin suffers greatly and looks like a deflated balloon. So, Izojay is an extremely effective remedy for combating such problems.

It is this local procedure that helps shape the roundness and elasticity of the buttocks, tighten the breasts, correct the sagging oval of the face and get rid of the double chin. Moreover, today a double chin is a problem not only for overweight people. Many people who work at a computer and keep their heads down most of the day “suffer” from a double chin. In general, I would say that Izojay is more recommended for those who have lost weight. An obese person first needs to remove excess weight (with the help of transion and lymphojay) and only then give elasticity to the muscles and relief to the body.

Among my patients there are many athletes. With regular exercise, they have no time for working out in the gym. And it is necessary to work certain muscles. So, at Izojei we are effortlessly engaged in the formation of these same muscles.

- So, I can safely count on six-pack abs?

N.G. - Fat deposits from the abdominal area are the most difficult to remove. For example, men with so-called beer bellies become frequent clients. Of course, we won’t remove it in 10 procedures. In addition, for people who are prone to storing fat in the waist area, it is, by definition, difficult to remove their belly without a special diet and exercise. And you can hardly expect sculpted abs here. But the fact that on the Vip line device we remove excess and noticeably reduce the volume is true.

I want to note again: not a single procedure will help make the body fit and slim without an integrated approach. It’s one thing when excess volume and weight appeared after childbirth or in a short period of time. It is easier to deal with such problems, because the body is used to being in good shape. But when it comes to fat that has accumulated over the years, then diets, exercise, hardware procedures, and even body wraps and lymphatic drainage procedures are needed. After all, even after liposuction, having removed the excess in one fell swoop, without a special postoperative regimen, subsequent diets and corrections, people regain their former kilograms. Remember: all methods of losing weight, getting rid of excess fat, toning are a start to a new life, and not a one-time procedure that maintains the effect for a lifetime.

- Let's move on to Limfogei. Lymphatic drainage procedures are mandatory when correcting weight, fighting cellulite and maintaining muscle tone. Tell us why this is so important and how Vip line solves this issue?

N.G. - All lymphatic drainage procedures contribute to weight loss, breakdown of fats, and prevention of fluid accumulation in the body. Lymphatic drainage will increase skin elasticity and is a good prevention of aging and cell dehydration.

Cellulite, excess weight, swelling, acne on the face and premature aging of the skin are all problems with circulation in the lymphatic system and retention of excess fluid.

With the Vip line device, impulses are transmitted to nerve endings, which, in turn, stimulate muscle fibers.

Muscle fibers respond to impulses with weak contractions, producing pressure along the lymphatic vessels, thereby enhancing drainage and cleansing processes of the body.

- Natalya, how is the program selected?

N.G. - The first thing is consultation. There, a specialist will identify your problems, learn about your general health, and select the right program. Sometimes people come and say: “...my friend did THIS procedure - do the same for me...”. Only a non-professional would do the same. We are all very different, each with our own characteristics and problems. For example, for slim people, but with a weak muscle base, I will prescribe lymphojay and isojay procedures. But if you have excess fat deposits and swelling, then you need to start with lymphatic drainage, then transion and only after that - a course of isojay.

The device itself also has many programs. And the course chosen by the specialist will also be adjusted on the device. The impact can be stronger or weaker, longer or shorter. In principle, after 2-3 procedures it becomes clear: how the body is ready to get rid of excess and how many procedures will be needed to solve the entire problem as a whole.

- Since the course is long, it means it’s expensive?

N.G. - Only at first glance. It is important to consider the capabilities of the device on which the procedures are performed. Vip line is exactly the device that combines all three procedures. Therefore, it is much simpler: go to one center, see one specialist, use one device and purchase a subscription.

- Natalya, you said that there are a number of people who, let’s say, are susceptible to the experience of their friends and insist on procedures that are not at all suitable for them. Are you following the lead? And is the course of treatment determined by the size of the wallet?

N.G. - There are people with a limited budget, and there are very wealthy ones. Of course, our procedures, by definition, cannot cost 3 kopecks. In good centers they use expensive modern equipment. The procedure is carried out by qualified specialists: doctors, cosmetologists. Of course, if the client’s budget allows, he can take more courses and try more procedures. But all this should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, and shown to each individual individually. The size of your wallet will not open all doors. If you abuse and overwhelm your body with procedures, you can end up with not only the opposite effect, but also a mountain of illnesses.

- Well, what are the disadvantages or disadvantages of the Vip Line procedure?

N.G - One minus is locality. There are a number of devices that can work with the whole body. Vip line allows you to work in certain areas. But, in my opinion, there is also a plus in this. After all, we don’t just want to get rid of excess weight. We want to work out problem areas, but this is still a local approach. In addition, by connecting Transion or Lymphojay - there are so many electrodes that we can work on several groups - for example, legs, hips outside and inside, sides, abdomen and even arms. However, according to the protocol, the electrodes should be placed on the free muscle. That is, if we are working on the back of the body, then electrodes are not applied to the abdominal area. But we often accommodate patients halfway, and if there are no contraindications, we also involve the stomach.

- What are the contraindications? I assume there are many of them?

N.G. – Of course, there are contraindications.

Electrodes cannot be used:

to places where there are metal orthopedic structures;

if you have pacemakers;

for oncology;

with thrombophlebitis;

for skin diseases;

during diabetes mellitus;

for problems with the thyroid gland;

for gynecological inflammations, uterine fibroids and endometriosis;

in the presence of hernias;

during pregnancy and lactation (facial procedures are allowed);

on the first day of the menstrual cycle;

when taking strong hormonal drugs;

for breast cancer and mastopathy.

In a word, you need to be a practically healthy person.

- Well, what if your health is not all right, but you want to be beautiful?

N.G. - Then the specialist will recommend more gentle procedures: the same wraps, manual massages or LPG massage. Today cosmetology is so developed that we can offer each patient our own, unique and suitable course.

Bottom line

Still, Vip line is one of those devices that have been used for several decades. I have the right to believe that within this period it would have been possible to identify all the shortcomings or, worse, harm from the procedures. So feel free to go and try it. Personally, I would not replace physical education, swimming, skiing and other useful and enjoyable sports with apparatus physical education. But combining - yes. Many of my friends simply do not have the opportunity to go to the gym 3-4 times a week. Namely, this is how much exercise is needed to keep yourself in good shape. For this case, when training is rare, and the muscles require relief, the Vip line is perfect.

Well, a note to me: before a beach holiday or an important event, run to Lymphojei and Isojei.

The shooting took place at the Vip Style cosmetology center.

There is one postulate in the world of bodybuilding that everyone agrees with, even experts: stretching is good for muscles. According to Stief, “research and experience have absolutely confirmed that flexibility is an essential component of good athletic condition.” Charlie Francis, Ben Jonson's former trainer, wrote: "If your muscles are as hard as wood, you will never run well."

On the other hand, as Komi points out in his classic book on strength and power, “one of the main goals of power and strength training is to increase muscle density.” Some research work by Professor Gregory Wilson shows that powerlifters with tighter muscles were able to bench press more weight than those with elastic muscles. We are also told that stretching can increase the likelihood of injury and greatly reduce athletic performance. Shocked? That's how it should be!

Tight or flexible muscles?

Which muscles give more impact - tight or elastic? Bodybuilders know that muscles are made of the contractile proteins actin and myosin. The more of these fibers, the larger the muscle. Muscle fibers are held together by other proteins, mainly collagen. Each skeletal muscle is attached to the bones by two tendons, one at each end. In addition to their function of holding muscle fibers together, tendon collagen fibrils also perform the important task of transmitting forces generated by contractile tissues. Collagen is generally less elastic than myosin and actin, so connective tissue proteins determine how elastic your muscles are, at least when they are relaxed. When tension occurs, the contractile elements become denser.

You can check this by touching the contracted biceps. With strong contraction, muscle fibers become almost as hard as tendons. Don't forget about this when you read the article further. Obviously, when you stretch a muscle, the biggest impact is on actin and myosin. In order to stretch tight ligaments, you must first increase the density of actin and myosin so that the tension is not placed solely on the contractile proteins.

Are tight muscles stronger?

The results of Williams' research are applicable to bodybuilding, since the participants in the experiment were athletes experienced in the bench press and untrained individuals. Those with denser muscles produced greater isometric and concentric (i.e., positive) force than subjects with more elastic muscles. Therefore, Williams concluded that "muscle density influences athletic performance (the positive portion of the bench press) by increasing its ability to produce force." With elastic muscles, the force transfer time is longer and therefore the work is less efficient since some of the energy is lost.

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