Preparation for colonoscopy, preparation for FGDS with Fortrans. Preparing for a colonoscopy Methods that will change colonoscopy and gastroscopy

I lived my whole life happily, when suddenly I wanted to go to the gynecologist for a routine examination, at which they discovered a cyst measuring 14 centimeters in size... They sent me for surgery, but in order to get admission to it, I need to take a bunch of tests, some of which were gastro and colonoscopy... I was most wary of them... I was lucky enough to find a 2 in 1 "Colonoscopy + Gastroscopy" promotion. At first I was afraid to do it under anesthesia, because... and during the operation itself there will be anesthesia... why arrange this for yourself once again. But after watching a number of videos and reviews on this topic, I realized that I didn’t need this suffering and decided to take it with anesthesia. “Anesthesia” turned out to be mild sedation, during which the patient sleeps like at night...

3 days before day “X” you need to keep a slag-free diet... For the first 2 days you should give up any food containing coarse or fibrous fiber... I didn’t do this and it was my first mistake. It backfired on me when I started cleansing the intestines with Fortrans on the third day... Even drinking 4 liters of the solution did not help get rid of, so to speak, “crumbs” of coarse fiber... That is, the intestines are already perfectly clean and the solution comes out perfectly transparent , but there are “crumbs” from nuts and fibers from avocados (yes, avocados have fibers).. This is not very correct...

My second mistake there was a slight break in the time of taking the solution... you need to drink a glass every 15 minutes... And I drank the last 2 glasses about half an hour later... and they “stuck” in the upper part of the intestine... I walk, I gurgle, but the solution doesn’t even think of coming out. Many people write that their solution lifts them even at night, but even at night everything was deaf for me... In the morning, the gurgling woman went for the procedure.. As it turned out later... this solution was pumped out of me during a colonoscopy, because it interfered..

About anesthesia "sedation".

Arriving at the procedure, I was referred to an anesthesiologist, who asked my exact height and weight (to determine the dose of sedative), measured my blood pressure, and asked what drugs I was allergic to. He placed a needle in my vein with a catheter and sent me to the office... there they told me to take off everything below the waist and put on disposable bottomless trousers with the hole in the back (it’s not very convenient to take off my pants when a needle is sticking out of a vein).

The process itself:

They put me on my left side in the fetal position, and the anesthesiologist came with a huge syringe of white liquid, which he injected in equal portions throughout the entire procedure. The drug is called "Prospan". I administered the first dose, and before I could understand anything, I fell asleep... I even had dreams))) I woke up with the doctor tugging on my shoulder. Hurray, gastro and colonoscopy are over, neither the throat nor the anus hurts, because in our sleep we are relaxed, so there is no vomiting when the device is inserted into the throat! .... and not into the throat either...)) The pain was just bursting from the air... To straighten the folds or move to the next level of the bend of the intestine, a stream of air is supplied by this device.. The doctor advised to release the excess air in the toilet and everything will pass ... at first the air came out on its own while you were lying down after the procedure, waiting for the dizziness to go away, but when you got up, you were afraid to do it, so as not to give out part of the solution))) Cutting is the lesser of all evils))

I advise everyone to do these procedures with this sedation, and it is better in combination with gastroscopy, since it is cheaper and the picture will be complete. I felt dizzy for about 8-10 minutes after they woke me up, and then I went home. There was no confusion or side effects. I'm happy!) True, not all of the solution was pumped out, so it came out along with the bile during the day. So, try not to remove the potty too far after a colonoscopy!))

Don't repeat my mistakes:

Don't eat rough and fibrous fiber

Do not take a long break between taking Fortrans, otherwise it will get stuck in the upper intestinal tract for another day.

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Colonoscopy has been successfully used to detect diseases of the large intestine. But this procedure is painful, sometimes it is necessary to interrupt it ahead of schedule due to the fact that the patient is unable to endure it. Recently, preparation for colonoscopy and performing it under anesthesia has become increasingly popular.

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Colonoscopy is a medical method for examining the condition and motor function of the large intestine and the last segment of the small intestine. This is done using a special flexible thin probe with a video camera on the tip that transmits an image to the monitor.

“Cold” light helps to examine the intestinal mucosa, eliminating tissue burns. The procedure is unpleasant and causes discomfort, so the decision to use anesthesia helps the doctor to conduct the examination well and the patient to endure it safely.

There is a certain circle of people who must have a colonoscopy under anesthesia:

  • Children under 12 years old. The unstable psyche of a child should not be traumatized by pain.
  • Patients with adhesions in the intestines. Such formations can remain after operations in this area, peritonitis, and serve as a complication of gynecological diseases. The colonoscope will have difficulty passing through the intestinal loops that are soldered together. A person will feel severe pain without anesthesia.
  • Patients with destructive processes in the large intestine. All manipulations in this area cause severe pain.
  • Persons with a low pain threshold. Such patients do not tolerate even mild pain well, and if the pain is significant, they may lose consciousness, and it is likely that vital organs will shut down. It is better to give such patients anesthesia immediately. It will also be mentally easier for them to prepare for a colonoscopy, since they will know that they will not feel pain.
  • Persons with mental disabilities.

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During the examination, the patient is placed on his left side and asked to bend his legs towards his stomach. The colonoscope tube is carefully inserted through the anus. The probe is advanced through the intestines, taking photographs. A special device supplies air, the intestine straightens, which allows the colonoscope to move easier.

Reasons for prescribing a colonoscopy

This survey is very informative. The proctologist will evaluate the intestinal patency and its diameter. The functional abilities of the rectum and its activity are clearly visible during the study. From the photographs you can examine the pattern of blood vessels, capillaries, and analyze the condition of the walls.

If the patient has hemorrhoids, then during colonoscopy the size of the inflamed node is determined, this will allow choosing a method for its removal. The procedure lasts from 10 to 25 minutes.

During colonoscopy you can:

  • identify polyps, tumors;
  • detect areas of inflammation and bleeding;
  • take tissue samples for further research;
  • remove polyp;
  • cauterize the ulcer;
  • identify diseases of the large intestine if signs are present (constipation, blood in the stool, low hemoglobin);

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  • conduct colon cancer screening;
  • find out the cause of chronic diarrhea and rapid weight loss;
  • identify the causes of iron deficiency anemia.

Such an examination has great diagnostic value, but its use is limited due to pain. Even during the course, the study can be interrupted at any moment because the patient becomes ill or cannot bear it any longer. Anesthesia during the procedure helps solve this problem.

Important! After 45 years, everyone should undergo a colonoscopy for preventive purposes to exclude malignant neoplasms of the intestine. This should be taken especially seriously by people who have a family history of colon cancer or polyps.

There are different types of anesthesia

Anesthesia during colonoscopy allows you to get rid of all negative phenomena - the patient will not be in pain, the procedure time will be reduced, the doctor will be calm and focused on the procedure. The intestines will be relaxed, which will avoid injuries and other complications.

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Different types of anesthesia are used, the choice depends on the patient and his condition. The table shows what advantages this or that type of pain relief has.

Local anesthesiaGeneral anesthesiaSedation
What does it affect?A numbing agent is applied to the tip of the colonoscope. The pain decreases and becomes dull, but sensitivity remains.There is no pain, the procedure goes quickly, unnoticed by the patient, the doctor can conduct an examination without being distracted by persuading the patient to be patient a little longer.This is a medicated, superficial sleep. The patient does not fall asleep, is half asleep, can talk, but does not feel pain or feels slight movements in the abdomen. Some medications wake you up quickly, while others wake you up a little later.
AdvantagesThere are no complications, as after general anesthesia, and there are practically no contraindications.Provides 100% comfort, the patient does not remember anything, does not feel pain.The patient is relaxed, does not feel anxiety or fear, hears speech addressed to him, and is able to react correctly, for example, turn to the other side. The breathing center is not suppressed, the person breathes on his own, without disturbances. If necessary, sedation can be converted to full general anesthesia.
FlawsNot suitable for people with a low pain threshold.Has many contraindications. Do not use if you have heart problems, blood pressure, or general weakness. There is also a risk of complications.High price.

But not everyone can use anesthesia. During an interview with an anesthesiologist, the characteristics of the patient’s health condition are clarified in order to eliminate risk factors.

Contraindications for anesthesia:

  • heart failure;
  • mental illness;
  • neurological disorders;
  • acute period of lung pathologies, for example, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis;
  • pregnancy;
  • stroke;
  • acute infectious diseases of the respiratory tract.

In case of pathologies of the anal area, for example, anal fissures, hemorrhoids, proctologists decide on the procedure. Under certain conditions it is possible.

Important! If the patient has diabetes mellitus, it is imperative to warn health care workers. In this case, a colonoscopy is done in the morning.

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Preparatory activities

In order for a colonoscopy to be successful, the intestines must be completely empty, because if it is filled with feces, the study will not give results and will have to be repeated. To prevent this from happening, you must follow certain rules.

No earlier than 3 months before the procedure, you must take tests for HIV, hepatitis B, and blood type. For a week, you need to ensure a slag-free diet, during which it is recommended to exclude foods high in fiber and poorly digestible foods from the diet. It can be:

  • crackers;
  • nuts;
  • pasta;
  • fruits, vegetables in any form;
  • bread, flour products;
  • juices with pulp.

5 days before the procedure, it is advisable not to take anti-diarrhea medications or products containing iron. You should not eat foods rich in fiber for 3 days.

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The proctologist will recommend a special powder that has cleansing properties. For 1 day you cannot eat solid food, you should only drink clear drinks. On the last day, laxatives are taken, their use is discussed with a specialist. Already 8 hours before the colonoscopy, you must completely stop eating and drinking.

Important! You should not take painkillers before a colonoscopy without a doctor's prescription. If you have a headache on the day of the procedure, or for some other reason you want to take an analgesic, you should inform the medical professionals about this.

Possible complications

After the colonoscopy, you are allowed to eat and drink as soon as you want. The presence of gases in the intestines and overcrowding may be felt. To get rid of this, you need to lie on your stomach for about two hours. If it doesn’t help, you need to drink activated carbon (8-10 pieces).

If the examination was carried out under general anesthesia, then it is advisable not to drive on this day. It is best to spend the rest of this day in bed, listening to your feelings.

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In general, the risk of complications during colonoscopy is low, since modern equipment is used, proctologists are highly qualified and have the necessary experience. But in some cases complications are possible:

  • bleeding at the site where material was taken for further examination or removal of the polyp;
  • intestinal infection;
  • wall perforation (through damage);
  • allergic reaction to the drug used;
  • individual intolerance to drugs.

Such an examination is carried out in an operating room, where there are all the means to provide emergency medical care in the event of emergencies. This allows us to hope that complications can be avoided or quickly eliminated.

The proctologist himself will decide which anesthesia to choose so that the result is positive and the consequences do not have a negative imprint. The patient must trust the doctors and carefully follow their recommendations.


Unfavorable environmental conditions, poor quality nutrition, and a sedentary lifestyle negatively affect human health, especially the digestive process. The intestines suffer the most.

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Neoplasms in the form of polyps in the large intestine are becoming more common; after 5-15 years they degenerate into a malignant tumor. To prevent the occurrence of such terrible diseases, it is necessary to undergo preventive examinations.

Colonoscopy is an excellent diagnostic method, but few people agree to such a procedure because of its pain. The use of anesthesia helps the doctor and the patient, the examination ceases to be a scary phenomenon. Now you can undergo it once every 5 years, as it should be for prevention.

Good pain relief is ubiquitous. You can have a colonoscopy under anesthesia in Minsk, Krasnodar, Barnaul, Vladivostok and other cities. The main thing is to take care of your health. This should not be done by a doctor, but by the person himself.

Proper preparation for intestinal colonoscopy is the key to obtaining a clear and reliable picture of the condition of the organ. The main task of the preparatory stage is to cleanse the intestines of the accumulation of feces using an enema, laxatives and a special diet.

Prepare thoroughly for a colonoscopy to get reliable results.

Indications for intestinal colonoscopy

- one of the most informative methods for diagnosing pathologies of various parts of the intestine; during the procedure, a visual inspection of the internal surface of the organ is carried out using an endoscope. FCS allows you to identify diseases at an early stage of development, eliminate some intestinal problems, and take material for a biopsy, but only if all the rules of preliminary preparation are followed.

Indications for fibrocolonoscopy:

  • foreign body in any part of the intestine;
  • narrowing of the intestinal lumen - with the help of a probe, patency can be restored;
  • the presence of neoplasms - removal is carried out directly during the examination;
  • bleeding in the intestines, sudden weight loss;
  • the presence of relatives in the family who had pathologies of the large intestine, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis.

The doctor prescribes a colonoscopy for patients with frequent and severe constipation and bloating, severe abdominal pain, and discharge of mucus and blood from the rectum. The examination is carried out as an additional diagnostic method before removal of a tumor of the uterus, ovary and some other gynecological operations.

Colonoscopy is prescribed for regular abdominal pain

A colonoscopy takes 20–30 minutes; the procedure is performed under local anesthesia using lidocaine-based drugs. Sometimes the method of sedation is used - the patient is put into a state close to sleep with the help of special drugs, he does not feel discomfort. Children under 12, people with mental disorders and a high pain threshold are given general anesthesia.

Is there an alternative to colonoscopy? To study the condition of the intestines, MRI is used - with this diagnostic method it is possible to identify neoplasms, areas of inflammation, bleeding, but minor changes in the mucous membrane cannot be seen. During a CT scan, detailed images of parts of the intestine are taken - this procedure is more pleasant than a colonoscopy, but its cost is much higher.

The most modern alternative to the usual FCS can be considered a virtual colonoscopy - the patient is asked to swallow a small capsule that is equipped with a camera.

After 40 years, the risk of developing various oncopathologies of the digestive system increases, so doctors recommend examining the intestines for all people at this age, regardless of the presence of severe symptoms of the disease.

Diet before colonoscopy

Preparation for the intestinal examination procedure requires special nutrition - you should adhere to a slag-free diet for two to three days. The menu should not contain products that contain fiber, which can provoke the development of fermentation in the body.

What you can and cannot eat before a colonoscopy

Authorized products Prohibited Products
Light soups with vegetable brothFresh vegetables, especially leafy vegetables and legumes
Lean meat and fish, boiled or bakedSausage, fatty meat, fish
White yesterday's breadBlack bread
Cottage cheese, kefirMilk
Butter, low-fat cheeseSeeds, chips
Biscuits, jellyFresh fruits, chocolate
Compotes, still water, diluted natural juicesSmoked, salted, marinated dishes
Carbonated and alcoholic drinks
Pearl barley, millet, rolled oats
On the eve of the examination, the last meal should be in the middle of the day, after which you can drink water and green tea without sugar.

Sample menu before colonoscopy

Before examining the rectum and colon, you should not overeat; you should have dinner 2.5–3 hours before bedtime, the food should be light, and the portions should be small.

Menu for 3 days

For snacks, you can eat cheese, grated baked apples, and low-fat natural yogurt.

Medicinal colon cleansing

Cleansing the intestines at home using laxatives allows you to thoroughly prepare for a colonoscopy; often this procedure is not very comfortable, since a person needs to drink 3-4 liters of solution in a short period of time. Before use, it is necessary to study the instructions in order to avoid the occurrence of adverse reactions, you need to take medications correctly, strictly following the instructions - an overdose of such drugs is fraught with serious complications.

During the cleansing itself, eating any food is contraindicated, but you need to drink more water. Cleansing should begin 2 hours after a light breakfast; some medications should be taken on an empty stomach to avoid a gag reflex.

What drugs are used to cleanse the intestines?

Name of medicine Action How to use
FortransOne of the few drugs that provides complete cleansing of all parts of the intestines, contains macrogol 4000 as the main active ingredient. Therapeutic activity occurs within 1–3 hours.· each sachet of medicine is designed for 20 kg of patient weight, it must be diluted in 1 liter of cool water;

· 2 hours before cleansing you should not eat;

· prepare the entire portion of the solution, divide it into 2 parts;

· drink the first part between 14-16 hours, 250 ml every 15 minutes;

· take an hour break;

· at 17–19 hours, drink the second part of the solution according to a similar scheme.

EndofalkContains macrogol, it differs from other drugs in its pleasant taste and the absence of increased gas formation during the cleansing process.For 1 liter of water, 2 sachets of medicine are required, for complete cleansing you will need 3-4 liters of solution, depending on the consistency of the stool - the harder it is, the more medicine you will have to drink.

You can take it in two ways:

· after 16 pm, drink the entire solution, 25 ml, in 10–15 minutes;

· take half the medicine at 18–20 pm;

· second serving on the morning of the colonoscopy.

LavacolOsmotic agent in powder form for deep cleansing. Begins to act 2-4 hours after taking the first dose.You need to take the medicine according to the following scheme:

It is better to start cleansing at 14–19 hours:

· dissolve the contents of one sachet in 200 ml of warm water, carefully place, drink in large sips;

· repeat the procedure after 20 minutes;

· in total you need to drink 3 liters of laxative liquid – 15 sachets.

PicoprepIt has a complex cleansing effect - softens feces, retains water in the intestines, and promotes the rapid movement of feces. The laxative effect occurs 2 hours after taking the medicine.· after lunch or before dinner, dissolve the contents of the sachet in 150 ml of water, followed by 1.5 liters of water:

· before going to bed, repeat the procedure, drink 750 ml of water.

DuphalacThe drug is lactose-based, acts quickly, and is suitable for children.The medication should be taken 3 days before the examination - dissolve 45 ml of syrup in 200 ml of water and drink immediately after meals.

The day before the examination, you need to dilute 200 ml of Duphalac in 2 liters of water, drink in small sips over three hours.

Fleet Phospho-sodaProvokes fluid retention in the small intestine, enhances peristalsis. Bowel movement occurs 0.5–6 hours after taking the medicine.· for breakfast, drink 250–350 ml of water, juice, tea;

· dissolve 45 ml of the medicine in 120 ml of water, drink the entire portion, and wash down with 350 ml of water;

· at lunch, drink at least 750 ml of green tea and water;

· for dinner, drink 250 ml or more of any clear liquid;

· dissolve 45 ml of the drug in 120 ml of water, drink in one gulp, followed by 250 ml of water;

· drink tea and water in unlimited quantities until 12 o'clock at night.

D-ForjectThe laxative effect occurs within 3–5 hoursOne sachet is designed for 1 liter of water and 15–20 kg of weight. The solution is prepared immediately before use; it can be taken in two ways:

· drink the entire amount in the evening - 250–300 ml every quarter of an hour;

Take half of the medicine in the evening, the second part in the morning, 3-4 hours before the colonoscopy

MoviprepAfter the first dose, the medicine begins to act within 3–5 hours, then the laxative effect occurs after an hourReception scheme:

mix one bag each of A and B;

dissolve the mixture in 1 liter of water;

drink the solution in the evening in small portions 1–2 hours before;

repeat the procedure in the morning at least an hour before the colonoscopy

Medicines for bowel cleansing can be replaced with castor oil - the day before the examination at 15-16 hours, drink 2 tbsp. l. product, it can be dissolved in 120 ml of kefir. This method promotes complete cleansing and is considered more effective than taking laxatives.

How to determine your readiness for a colonoscopy? The patient is ready for examination if the stool has the consistency of water, it is light yellow or completely transparent.

Enema before colonoscopy

An enema before a colonoscopy allows you to remove the accumulation of feces and cleanse the intestines; the procedure is especially indicated for patients who suffer from frequent constipation; it is carried out using an Esmarch mug.

Enema installation process

How to do an enema correctly:

  1. Lock the clamp in the closed position, pour 1.5 liters of water at room temperature into Esmarch's mug.
  2. Set the enema to a height of 1 m, loosen the clamp, remove air.
  3. Lie on your left side, bend your right leg towards your stomach.
  4. Lubricate the tip with Vaseline and insert it into the anus to a depth of about 7 cm.
  5. Remove the retainer.
  6. After all the water has entered the intestines, remove the tip and lie quietly for 10–15 minutes.
  7. Do the procedure 2 evenings in a row.
An enema should not be done at the same time as a castor oil cleanse.

Colonoscopy panties are special disposable underwear with an elasticated waist and a slit in the back for inserting a probe. Such shorts allow you to hide intimate parts of the body that are not involved in the examination.

Colonoscopy panties help hide your private parts

The panties are made of special materials that allow air to pass through well, retain moisture, have a pleasant texture, and rarely cause allergic reactions. To correctly determine the size of underwear, you need to measure your waist circumference; at the pharmacy, the pharmacist will select the necessary shorts.

Panties should be put on immediately before the examination, worn in They cannot be used in everyday life.

To get reliable results, you must strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations - follow a slag-free diet for at least 3 days before the procedure, drink more water, do not be nervous and do not be afraid of the examination. During the preparatory stage, you need to stop smoking and drink strong coffee.

Drink more water before the procedure

The patient should be informed about all medications that he is taking on a regular basis; he may have to stop taking them for a while.

In case of improper preparation or severe intestinal bleeding, the procedure is not performed. You should not do a colonoscopy even if you feel unwell - in such cases, using anesthesia is not recommended, and without it, the diagnostic result will be inaccurate.

Colonoscopy is not performed on pregnant women due to the increased risk of premature onset of labor.

A medical method for studying the anatomical state and motor function of the colon, as well as the final segment of the small intestine using a fiberoptic probe, is commonly called colonoscopy. Despite the fact that this device, which consists of a light guide and a miniature video camera necessary to produce an image on the screen, is quite flexible and thin, the process is unpleasant, and for people with a low pain threshold it can be downright painful. It is for this reason that the procedure under anesthesia is becoming increasingly popular today.

Fundamentally different from all diagnostic techniques, colonoscopy allows you to see and objectively evaluate many things:

  • vascular and capillary pattern of the intestine;
  • the color of its mucous surface;
  • motor activity of the colon;
  • its diameter, permeability;
  • condition of the walls of a tubular muscular organ.

If a patient has hemorrhoidal disease, it is very important to determine the size of the inflamed node during the examination, after which the proctologist selects the optimal method for its removal.

Today, colonoscopy of the intestines with anesthesia is possible using several methods:

  • using local anesthesia;
  • through sedation;
  • resorting to general anesthesia.

In the case of using local anesthesia, which is carried out by applying an agent capable of suppressing the excitability of nerve endings to the tip of the colonoscope, the unpleasant sensations are not completely eliminated, but the procedure is much easier to tolerate.

If sedation is used - a type of anesthesia in which the patient is immersed in a state of medicated superficial sleep, then all the feelings of the person being examined are dulled, including pain, fear, and anxiety. This effect is achieved through the action of special drugs: Midazolam or Propofol. Using the first medicine, the likelihood of any memories of the past procedure is absolutely eliminated. However, the disadvantage of this premedication option is the long awakening time. Propofol has the opposite characteristics: according to reviews, some people still feel discomfort in the intestines, but recover from such sedation much faster.

General anesthesia is used during colonoscopy in order to completely turn off the patient’s consciousness, so during a diagnostic examination or operation he does not feel anything at all, does not hear anything, and does not react in any way to external stimuli. The method still has its drawbacks - there are a lot of contraindications and a high risk of complications.

Opinions from real people

“Before the intestinal surgery, the proctologist prescribed me a colonoscopy. Imagining what awaited me from this procedure, I asked the doctor if it was possible to use any pain relief. To which he replied that it is allowed to use local anesthetics, but it is better to use sedation - this is when a person, with the help of special medications, enters a state of half-asleep. The service was not free, but in order not to feel pain and discomfort, the amount seemed even modest. Thanks to the doctor for the recommendation! The examination went, one might say, smoothly.”

Kristina Balashova, Saratov.

“My opinion is this: this is the best way to diagnose diseases of the digestive canal. Moreover, when doing it under anesthesia, no negative emotions and sensations arise. The main thing is to have no contraindications for this and follow all the rules of preparation. Feedback from many other people only confirms this.”

Victor Isaev, St. Petersburg.

“A year ago, as part of a preventive medical examination, I underwent a colonoscopy without resorting to anesthesia. What can I say, the procedure, of course, is not pleasant, but bearable. But my wife recently had her colon examined under anesthesia. Apparently they decided to play it safe due to the complexity of the case. According to her, recovery from anesthesia was quick, and there was no feeling of pain at all.”

Vladimir, Izhevsk.

“I had a colonoscopy of my intestines with a local anesthetic. I endured the session with slight discomfort and mild pain. But in principle, everything is tolerable. My sister did this procedure under anesthesia. She says she didn’t feel anything, even the excitement and embarrassment went away. Therefore, I advise everyone to undergo it with anesthesia. According to experts, it is better to resort to sedation anesthesia.”

Svetlana Agapkina, Tyumen.

“Colonoscopy helped me not only discover the source of all my troubles - polyps on the colon, but also get rid of them (fortunately, their size was less than 1 mm). The operation was performed using anesthesia, everything was successful. Preparation also played a big role in this: 3 days of a slag-free diet and colon cleansing on the eve of the Fortrans session. According to some reviews, complications are possible, but I had no problems with this.”

Arina, Moscow.


The point is to get rid of feces, which can make inspection difficult or simply impossible. In this case, the cleansing method is selected individually for each patient: some are prescribed enemas (usually 2 enemas in the evening, 1.5 liters each and 2 more in the morning - a couple of hours before the examination), others are prescribed folk or pharmaceutical laxatives.

Review of effective colon cleansing products:

1. Castor oil - taken the day before a colonoscopy (around 3 p.m.) in a volume of 30-40 g. For greater effect, it is recommended to dissolve castor oil in ½ cup of kefir.

2. Fortrans - available in powder form in sachets. According to the manufacturer's description, 1 packet is consumed per 20 kg of weight and diluted with one liter of water. Having prepared the required amount of solution, you can drink it in 2 ways: the first half in the evening, the second in the morning, or, starting at 15:00, drink a glass of the mixture every hour.

3. Lavacol - a drug, like Fortrans, is purchased in sachets (1 sachet per 5 kg of body weight). Consumed on an empty stomach within 18 hours before the test: 200 ml of cleansing liquid should be taken every 15-30 minutes.

The preparation includes a special diet, which includes:

  • exclusion 2-3 days before colonoscopy of foods containing fiber (for example, mushrooms, herbs, bread, legumes);
  • the day before the procedure, eating only liquid and semi-liquid food (semolina, yogurt, weak chicken broth, tea, still water).

Indications and contraindications

The colonoscopic method of examining the intestines is indicated for 2 main reasons:

1. if the patient has symptoms of neoplasms in the colon or inflammatory diseases (abdominal pain of varying intensity, chronic constipation, persistent diarrhea, discharge of blood, pus, mucus from the anus, sudden weight loss, causeless anemia, painful defecation);

2. for the purpose of preventive examination for persons with a genetic predisposition to oncology and benign growths, as well as people of pre-retirement age (to detect rectal cancer in the early phase).

Colonoscopy of the large intestine under anesthesia is mandatory for the following patients:

  • children under 12 years of age;
  • suffering from extensive destructive changes in the intestines;
  • adolescents and adults with a low pain threshold;
  • persons with adhesions in the abdominal cavity.


  • stage III hypertension;
  • period of acute infectious process;
  • severe pulmonary and heart failure;
  • peritonitis;
  • tumor formations in the stage of decay;
  • severe forms of ulcerative colitis, due to which there is a high risk of intestinal perforation.

In the case of colonoscopy under anesthesia, its sensitivity to the components of the anesthetic drug must be taken into account.

Possible complications

The likelihood of complications during colonoscopy is extremely low, but it is impossible to exclude the occurrence of side effects. Unpleasant and serious consequences include: intestinal perforation, postpolypectomy syndrome, bleeding, infection, allergic reaction to anesthetic, breathing problems.

Cost of colonoscopy in Moscow using anesthesia:

The price for this type of examination may vary depending on the method of pain relief, the name of the drug used, the location of the session, the prestige of the clinic and the doctor.

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