Snake man and dragon woman compatibility. Dragon Man and Snake Woman

A family union in the compatibility of a Snake man and a Dragon woman can be considered quite successful and favorable. This partnership has good prospects for creative growth, career and financial well-being of the family.

Mysterious, extraordinary. She is able to make important, fateful decisions in a few seconds and in one second change the plans that she has been making for several months. And the Snake man is gentle and mystically inclined, sometimes with outbursts of jealousy, and is very harmonious in his relationship with the emotional Dragon woman. His attentive and thoughtful actions often turn out to be simply necessary for an impulsive and unpredictable wife. Therefore, this partnership is more needed by a woman who subconsciously strives for a man to be much stronger, wiser and more experienced than herself. Together they are never bored - their balance is on the edge and they live a bright, rich and interesting life. The potential of this couple is quite high, but their joint existence always remains unpredictable, since at a critical moment it is unknown who will behave how they will behave.

Snake Man and Dragon Woman – Compatibility

The compatibility of a pair of Snake man and Dragon woman is quite high in itself, but these are very capricious and complex people, so it cannot be said with certainty that they will be 100% happy. Their compatibility often causes controversy. In the most favorable case, the spouses will complement each other, in the worst case, they will quarrel due to differences in views. On the one hand, they have a lot in common, but on the other, they differ radically in the way they solve problems and get out of difficult situations. We can say that their compatibility is based on complementary qualities. , and the Dragon woman can help him with this. And vice versa. The Dragon woman does not want, and often cannot, be subordinate, and the Snake man will not suppress her. Instead, he will give exactly what she needs - equality and sincere admiration. He, with the wisdom characteristic of the Snake, will allow his wife to think that she is the main one in the family, and the Dragon woman, in turn, will be happy to see a resourceful husband next to her. He is able to direct the enthusiasm and energy of the Dragon woman in the right direction to fulfill his ambitious plans. In many situations, spouses will be able to complement each other, and introduce novelty and an element of surprise into the relationship, since the brightness of one and the coldness of the other receive a harmonious sound.

The Snake man and the Dragon woman always attract each other's attention at first sight. Their romantic relationship begins immediately, without delay. A bright and extraordinary Dragon woman is incredibly attracted to a Snake man. She is for him like a source of water in the desert. He draws a lot of positive energy from her and becomes more joyful and happy. Moreover, the Snake man is quite cold emotionally and cannot give his beloved the same bright feelings, but this does not bother the Dragon woman, since she has enough emotions to be enough for two.

The Dragon Woman is very bright, brave, active, incredibly smart and unusually impulsive. Makes decisions quickly and with lightning speed. In this with the Snake man, they are complete opposites. He is always reasonable, calm, wise and experienced. Because of such a difference in character, he does not always keep up with the pace of her life. He has to adapt so as not to provoke conflict, listen to her interests and fulfill all requirements. The Dragon Woman believes that beauty is almost the most important thing in life. Ideal posture, minimum wrinkles, excellent shape - this is what the Dragon Lady will not spare any money on. In addition, she advocates for gender equality. God forbid anyone should step on her toes or deny her anything just because she is a woman. Dragons are born feminists. Yes, she does not have the simplest character. In general, according to the Eastern horoscope -. It is never easy with her and there is always a danger of becoming her “victim”. But the Dragon woman is also looking for love and wants to start a family. And this circumstance helps her measure her ardor.

A man, a calculating person. It’s not so easy to reach him, and if he doesn’t like you, you’ll feel it right away. He values ​​family relationships very much, remains faithful, and even in his youth does not like to change partners. The Snake man is very wise and never wastes his words.

Living together, the Snake man and the Dragon woman enrich each other. The Snake man is filled with the powerful energy of the Dragon woman, charged with her strength and brightness, therefore, next to her he becomes more successful and cheerful. This woman knows how to create a holiday, find something new and exciting, so next to her he will see the world in a new light and learn to enjoy simple things. And the Dragon woman receives wisdom, tenderness, affection and unconditional love from her man.

Of course, misunderstandings and conflicts are present in this couple. Most often they arise due to the jealous nature of the Snake man, who tries with all his might to limit the freedom of the Dragon woman. Thus, he causes her to protest and a storm of negative emotions, from aggression to rage.

Also, the Snake man often expresses dissatisfaction with the wastefulness of his wife. Therefore, if you want harmony in your family, learn to trust the Dragon woman, stop being jealous and don’t start a scandal over a couple of extra blouses. Are they worth your peace of mind and a harmonious climate in the family? And the Dragon woman should not be offended by her chosen one. After all, he is ready to do anything for her and the children. The Dragon Woman needs to learn how to properly ask for money for the things she needs. Show your man how happy you will be after purchasing a new dress. After all, every man understands that by paying attention to herself, a woman blossoms and is able to please his eyes.

Snake man and Dragon woman – compatibility in love

In the sexual sphere, in a pair of a Snake man and a Dragon woman, everything is just perfect. Most often, they get maximum satisfaction in bed, considering each other ardent and passionate lovers. Everyone in this union stimulates the imagination and fantasies of the partner. Yes, they are different, but this has its own charm at all levels of relationships! By the way, the Dragon woman brings a lot to this relationship. She is emotional and extraordinary, she knows no inhibitions and is ready to do anything for pleasure. Also, for these partners, the bed becomes not only a place for receiving physical satisfaction, but also a place for solving many problems.

Advice from “Moon Today” for the Snake Man and Dragon Woman couple

Despite the high compatibility of the Snake man and Dragon woman couple, the Eastern horoscope cannot promise them a cloudless life. A lot depends on the partners, on their desire to give in and compromise. The older the spouses, the easier it will be for them to find a common language and adapt to each other.

As she gets older, the Dragon woman begins to understand that in love sometimes you need to appear weaker than she really is. Compromise and give in to the man you love as often as possible.

Children bring the couple very close. Joint obligations force them to find solutions that suit both parties. In difficult situations, you should not hush up the problem; you need to talk to each other as often as possible. Conflict situations happen in any couple, and they give partners food for spiritual growth. The eastern horoscope assures that the more time a couple spends together, the better. When you feel that relations in the family are tense, go to the sea. Here both will feel better, and the abundance of fresh sea air will revive internal strength. And if hiking in the mountains or going to the countryside brings you happiness, then be sure to do it. What is important is the commonality of interests, which makes spouses not just lovers, but friends and advisers.

Also, for harmonious relationships in the family, it is very important for spouses to accept each other as they are, to recognize the personal freedom of each, and not to try to subjugate or change the other. The Dragon Woman is very freedom-loving; she is not used to limiting herself in actions and communication with other people. And the Snake man is not only jealous, but also wants everyone to follow his clear plans and instructions. He will try to force the Dragon woman into a framework, but he is unlikely to succeed, and will definitely cause conflict. Here it is immediately necessary to agree on concessions. The Dragon woman should behave more restrained in society, and the Snake man should not subjugate her where it does not affect his personal interests.

When the Snake man and the Dragon woman find meaning in the relationship, then they will be able to negotiate and move forward in life together. By forming a wonderful alliance, they can achieve great success in life, setting themselves the most ambitious plans. We can talk about both a common business and fruitful cooperation in the field of creativity, in raising children, etc.

A family union in compatibility between a Dragon man and a Snake woman is considered one of the best in the entire eastern horoscope. They are literally made for each other.

The Dragon man and the Snake woman have quite similar temperaments, so they can easily form a happy family union. These two know how to perfectly adapt to each other and complement each other. An active, impulsive and domineering Dragon man is interested in a sensual, leisurely and... He is ambitious and vain, strives for fame and success, and a woman born in the year of the Snake, having common sense, wisdom, tenacity and the necessary connections, enhances the success of his activities. In addition, she has much greater business acumen and insight than the Dragon man, she never wastes time on trifles and senses profitable and promising projects.

We can say that in this tandem there is a solid and reliable foundation not only for building happy family relationships, but also for mutual spiritual and material growth.

Dragon Man and Snake Woman – Compatibility

As noted earlier, the compatibility of a pair of Dragon man and Snake woman is very harmonious. And the secret of their compatibility lies, apparently, in the contradictions and differences of their characters. These two signs are able to complement each other and bring novelty and an element of surprise into the relationship. They are interested in being together, they know how to make plans for the future. Even the explosive nature of the Dragon man is not a hindrance here, because the Snake woman knows how to cope with him. In general, this woman has good compatibility in marriage with many signs of the Eastern horoscope, since she knows how to be a harmonious person. If she likes a man and is dear to her, she easily adapts to his needs and interests. And the Dragon man knows how to love, give and share. He is a wise sign who can value his beloved more than anyone else.

A woman born. She knows how to take care of herself and is a frequent client of beauty salons. She loves attention and compliments, so she tries to look her best at any cost. Outwardly she is very brave and determined, but deep down she is very unsure of herself. Although she has excellent business acumen, she is not interested in making a career. Family and children are much more important to her. She becomes a great mother, capable of giving her children the best.

Representatives of the fairer sex are attracted to his self-confidence, influence and wealth. In 99% of these men, they are businessmen or occupy high management positions. He is reliable, responsible and copes well with tasks of any complexity.

The Dragon man and the Snake woman have always attracted and will continue to attract each other’s attention. The Dragon man may be one of the most suitable partners for the Snake woman. She, feeding on the colorful shades of his lifestyle: brightness, the ability to create a holiday and be light and cheerful, his search for something new and exciting, receives a huge charge of vivacity and energy for herself. Next to this man, the Snake woman becomes more active and curious, more cheerful and prosperous.

The Dragon man sincerely loves, is proud of and admires his woman throughout his life. The Snake woman is smart, wise and cunning. She always looks great and knows how to win someone over. This is a fatal temptress and a desperate coquette. She is always surrounded by fans, which further reinforces the interest of her husband. The Snake woman has a keen sense of people, she is an excellent housewife, a loving wife and a caring mother. The Dragon man understands that he has met his ideal of femininity. He is simply crazy about her charm, mystery and sexuality. The Snake woman manages to maintain youth and beauty throughout her life and maintain the ardor of her husband. Her appearance and demeanor are always on point. And most importantly, the Dragon man, next to the Snake woman, feels important and needed. And the Snake woman receives from the Dragon man everything she needs. Firstly, his warm and loving heart, and secondly, protection and reliability. The Dragon man is hardworking, ambitious, responsible, interesting in communication, businesslike and smart. His temperament contains an inexhaustible supply of energy and strength.

The Snake woman, with her characteristic wisdom, allows the Dragon man to think that he is the head of the family, and he, in turn, is happy to see an elegant and resourceful wife next to him. The Snake woman never strives for power and primacy; on the contrary, she prefers to remain in the shadows and play behind-the-scenes games, which naturally suits the Dragon man, with pronounced leadership qualities.

It is worth noting that a Dragon man and a Snake woman can create not only a harmonious married couple, but also an excellent business alliance. Working together, they have good prospects for growth in material terms. The Snake woman is amazingly attractive to influential people, which has a positive effect on the business of the Dragon man. In addition, aimed at success and making a profit, a woman born under this sign can transfer some of her perseverance to her partner. Also, the Snake woman knows how to count, calculate and plan, and the Dragon man can act as an engine, as an inspirer and inventor of something new, because he is always full of different ideas that are waiting to be implemented. The Dragon will not be able to cope with the routine of general affairs on his own, but the Snake woman knows how to perfectly organize and organize herself - this is what she does best! As a result, this is a fairly wealthy family that is able to raise children and give them the best

But, unfortunately, despite almost perfect compatibility, this couple can also have conflicts. And they lie in the jealousy of the Snake woman. A man born in , and a Snake woman is a terrible owner and jealous. She does not give him absolute freedom of movement and management of his time, and this is the main reason for dissatisfaction with each other. The Dragon man is greatly uncomfortable with his wife’s desire to subordinate everything to the system, including his plans. And the Snake woman is outraged by the casual communication, similar to flirting, of the Dragon man with the opposite sex. As a result, she will try even harder to force her chosen one into a framework, and he will protest even more. The compromise is that the Dragon man monitors his behavior in society and does not give reasons for jealousy, and the Snake woman learns to appreciate her partner’s love of freedom.

Dragon man and Snake woman - compatibility in love

In the sexual sphere of the Dragon man and the Snake woman, everything is also harmonious. But they do not immediately reach mutual understanding in bed. At first, the Dragon man will realize his desires and fantasies, while the Snake woman remains a simple observer, trying to analyze and understand everything. Therefore, the Dragon man will have to spend time and effort, showing delicacy and awakening passion in the cold Snake woman. Gradually, he will be able to do this and then they will become ardent and active lovers, stimulating each other’s imagination and fantasies.

Advice from “Moon Today” for the Dragon Man and Snake Woman couple

The compatibility of the Dragon man and the Snake woman is quite high, because the brightness of one partner is perfectly complemented by the coldness of the other, but problems do not bypass this couple either. How could it be otherwise, because they give impetus to spiritual growth.

The main thing is not to forget that home is a place where a person relaxes in body and soul, and does not compete, especially with his soulmate. Give in to each other more often, show signs of attention and arrange romantic evenings. Even better is to travel to distant countries. The Dragon man and the Snake woman cannot see their lives without travel, and they bring this couple very close. They need to see the world, try everything, touch it, take beautiful photos.

Both spouses, and especially the Dragon man, should forget about flirting, and especially about going to the left. Trust is important in marriage. If you undermine it, all relationships will deteriorate forever. The Snake Woman does not forgive insults and remembers them for years.

The images of the Snake and the Dragon have many similar features. Both of them are distinguished by inner strength, powerful intellect and a philosophical mindset, but the Snake belongs more to our earthly reality, and the Dragon is a mystical character capable of lifting off the ground and soaring high in the sky. The pair Snake and Dragon can be assessed as average, because in this union there are both ups and downs. Interacting with each other, partners experience both joy and sadness, stumble over troubles and, after some time, conquer new heights together.

The snake and its behavior in love and relationships

People born in the year of the Snake have a complex character. Their gaze is always directed inward, and therefore such people are considered closed, taciturn and somewhat selfish. At the same time, Snakes are unusually wise, and they make excellent philosophers. People around them often turn to the Snake for advice, and she, as a rule, is acutely concerned about the weaker and seeks to help them.

The heart of the Snake, which is naturally very attractive, is not easy to win. Her thoughtfulness, mystery and internal magnetism give this icy beauty the image of an inaccessible fortress that not everyone dares to conquer. However, under the mask of calm and coldness, serious passions are boiling, and if the Snake has felt love for someone, then it will demand reciprocity, show possessive tendencies and jealousy towards the object of its dreams.

The Snake, on the one hand, strives for marriage, since her dream is a large and happy family. However, her frivolity and tendency to parallel relationships often lead to the destruction of the existing union. It will be good if she fights against this trend and devotes herself and her best qualities to her family.

The dragon is used to enjoying popularity with the opposite sex. He is active, energetic, proud and focused on the future, and many want to win his affection. But when the Dragon meets a person who is introverted, intelligent and shows not external, but internal strength, then he shows curiosity and interest in this mysterious character.

The Dragon really appreciates it when his partner pays attention not to his external attractiveness and achievements in society, but to his spiritual qualities and level of intelligence. Such a person likes it when relationships develop at a distance. He needs a partner who pays attention to communicating with him, gives him food for thought, gives him new ideas and monitors the development of his career. In marriage, he will be happy with an unpretentious and practical person who will create a cozy atmosphere at home and improve the material well-being of the family.

The Snake and the Dragon have a lot in common. They are both smart and purposeful and do not like primitive topics of conversation. Such people are disgusted by the frivolity and mediocrity of those around them.

The union of the Snake and the Dragon could be called wonderful if it were not for the presence of some contradictions in the pair. The fact is that representatives of both signs are very ambitious and vain. It’s good if they have a common goal, but if their spiritual paths diverge, then the union will come to an end.

In addition, the Dragon is a fan of demonstrating his autonomy and independence, which sometimes irritates the owner Snake, who is accustomed to keeping all close people under control.

Despite the fact that quarrels sometimes arise between couples, they do not result in big conflicts or noisy showdowns. The dragon, of course, sometimes breathes fire and tries to prove that he is right with the help of a loud voice and aggression. The Hissing Snake is not able to give a truly strong-willed rebuff, and this saves the situation. She tends to wait out storms and resolve controversial issues after her partner calms down.

But still, despite some friction, the relationship between the Snake and the Dragon is decorated with both love feelings and real friendship, because they understand each other very well and often communicate on philosophical and spiritual topics.

In business terms, their union is also good. The practical Snake will take advantage of everything the Dragon brings into the house. She, in turn, will help her partner with a critical look at his activities, teach him to love and earn money.

The roles in the Dragon - Snake pair can be distributed as follows. Let's consider both options.

It is also necessary to avoid a situation where only the Dragon works in a pair (and he loves to work). The snake, if you don’t demand anything from it, can settle down well in a warm place and indulge in laziness. If she is not motivated, she will not do anything. The Snake likes to use her husband's resources and be the eminence grise in the family. This could end badly.

  • Dragon woman and Snake man. This union is going worse. The proud Dragon woman strives to be idolized and courted, but at the same time she does not want to feel the shackles of family life. It all depends on whether the man will tolerate this order.

If the Dragon woman realizes that in communicating with her husband she sometimes needs to show her weakness, humility and gentleness, then this will create fertile ground for the harmonious development of relationships. Marriage will be strengthened by joint obligations and deeds. It will be good if children appear in their family.

So, in a pair of Snake and Dragon, compatibility is quite good, but it will not be bad if these partners learn to sincerely enjoy favorable periods and persevere through storms in relationships. Common interests and wonderful feelings unite the Snake and the Dragon, and it is very important not to lose this subtle spiritual connection.

An interesting pair of Dragon and Snake. They are both wise signs, full of harmony. But what will happen if they meet, fall in love and want to start a family? Among other things, the Dragon and Snake are also very vain, so if you really want to achieve harmony in a couple, you will have to forget about some of your ambitions. In addition, they have good compatibility - they understand each other, although they do not always admit it. Home and family come first, and it’s better to leave problems at work.

Everything will be fine in your life, in marriage and love you will get real happiness. The main thing is to remember that in a pair of strong signs there is always competition between partners.

Don't let your love be at its best to spoil such a wonderful union. The stars bless your love - live in joy. Horoscopes were invented for those who want to maintain their happiness for many years, so take advantage of this opportunity.

Compatibility according to the Eastern horoscope

The eastern horoscope only gives advice. Decide for yourself what you should do, but remember, you always have a choice. It happens that the horoscope tells us: this couple is not compatible in love. This does not mean that you need to break up with your partner out of fear of something. This just means that you will have to work hard on your relationship.

Each year the world is ruled by one of the 12 Patrons. He honestly judges, rewards, punishes, or teaches us important life lessons. When he returns next time, we will already be 12 years older, which means a little wiser. Now the life lesson we were taught will become clearer. Don't be sad about what's gone, wait for a new opportunity.

According to the horoscope, it may not be very clear what to expect from a partner, but representatives of the same sign cannot hide common features. A man and a woman want love equally. They meet, fall in love or break up - it's all part of life's lesson. Sometimes, in order to understand why we know one person so well, we need to go through relationships with others.

Harmony is what you can achieve if you know everything about your symbol. In love and marriage, success and many years of serene happiness await you. You need to be able to adapt to your partner, then you won’t even notice what differences can negatively affect the couple.

Dragon man, Snake woman

The Dragon man is an interesting and educated person. He always strives to improve his knowledge and reads a lot. It is interesting and exciting to work and talk with him. He is a real man. Wise and strong, fair, charismatic. Dragons love money, but do not put it at the forefront, because money is just some of the earthly pleasures that, unfortunately, are necessary. The Dragon has no problems making money, because in his field he is always a professional and a sought-after person.

If he falls in love, it is quite intellectually. This means that the Dragon man does not want to build simple, useless connections. It is more important for him that his partner is on his side, able to support him, and can talk to her on an equal footing. The Dragon's spouse or lover is a strong woman who knows her worth. Or - very tender, dependent, able to forgive. The Dragon likes these two categories of women; he appreciates the zest in each.

The Snake woman is strong and independent. She chooses her path through life, guided by her soul and heart, so she is most often happy at work. The Snake's life is hunting. She looks for interesting books and films from which she can gain the necessary knowledge, meets people, although she is not always sociable. For her, people are part of the process of learning and self-discovery.

Astrologers give a positive forecast for this couple

In love, the Snake knows how to be very harmonious with its partner. She adapts to a person, of course, if she likes and cares about him. The Snake woman has good compatibility in love with many signs of the eastern horoscope. This is important, because she attracts the looks of men of all kinds.

Love and marriage

The horoscope for this couple is good. You will be especially lucky if people are the same age or are 3-4 years apart. This pair is considered optimal. They are lucky in marriage, because both have their own high standards for relationships. The Dragon man knows how to love, give, and share. He is a wise sign who values ​​his beloved more than anyone else. Such relationships do not develop immediately, although both strive for this.

It is better to travel to distant countries - it brings the couple closer and gives them many new experiences. The Snake and Dragon cannot live without traveling. They need to see the world, try everything, touch it, take beautiful photos.

If one of the couple begins to look to the other side, then a dark streak begins in the marriage. It's better not to do that. You have a good relationship that is ruined by cheating. In the marriage of the Snake and the Dragon, trust is very important - undermine it and that’s it. The snake does not forgive insults, but remembers them for years. The dragon reacts violently, but the pain in his heart from betrayal will not leave him.

Your couple can withstand a lot, because the compatibility of the snake and the Dragon is high. They are interested in being together, they know how to make plans for the future. Even the explosive nature of the Dragon is not a hindrance here, because the Snake knows how to cope with it.

The main thing is not to forget that at home a person rests in peace and quiet, and does not compete. Especially with your soulmate. Here both can fall for this bait - start competing. Nothing good will come of this, and you will ruin your relationship.

Snake man, Dragon woman

The Snake man seems to be a cold, calculating person. It's not that easy to reach him. If the Snake doesn’t like you, you will feel it immediately. If you like him, you will become his confidant. By the way, the Snake man does not have many friends, but he maintains smooth relations with his colleagues. A good employee, because at work, in his field, he is ready to study for the rest of his life.

In love, the Snake man seeks, but does not find it so often. He dreams of great, eternal love. There should be harmony and constancy in a couple. He does not like to change partners, because each of them needs to explain a lot about himself and his habits, to bring him up to date regarding life together. This is a wise man who does not waste words.

The Dragon woman does not have the simplest character. The Dragon is one of the most difficult signs. It combines Earth and Sky, it flies through the Air, spitting out Flame. It simply doesn’t happen with such a sign, because there is a danger of becoming its victim. But the Dragon woman is also looking for love and wants to start a family. This helps her measure her ardor.

Thus, this couple can easily coexist thanks to the wisdom of both. The Dragon and Snake signs have good compatibility, which is emphasized by the energy of both signs. The union of two adults will be especially good.

Love and marriage

The compatibility of this couple is great. The standard horoscope promises them a cloudless marriage and long family evenings. In reality, everything depends on the partners, of course.

The older both are, the easier it is for them to adapt to each other. They have already passed those relationships when you want passion, an adrenaline rush.

This is normal for the Dragon and the Snake - they know how to quarrel.

But the Dragon woman soon understands that in order to love, sometimes you need to appear weaker than you really are. She compromises. The effect surprises even the Dragon himself. Now mutual understanding can be considered complete. It is important for this couple to have children in their marriage. They bring the couple closer and bind them with joint obligations.

Well, it's best for them to stick together. The compatibility horoscope says that the more time a couple spends together, the better. Thus, all trips are only together. Where to go? Astrologers advise to go to the sea. Here both will feel better, and the abundance of fresh sea air will revive their inner strength.

It is not necessary to listen to the horoscope. If a trip to the mountains or to the countryside makes you a happy couple and gives you a boost of energy, then go ahead - don’t stop. The main thing is that you feel comfortable together.

The compatibility horoscope of this couple is simpler than that of the first. The Dragon woman is calmer than the man, but she is also subject to mood swings. It will be easier for them in marriage, because both want everything to work out.

The Snake and Dragon see that they are very similar on one side. This commonality of interests makes them not just lovers, but friends and advisers. Do not lose this connection, talk to each other more often.

In this topic:

Character of those born in the Year of the Dragon

The dragon values ​​freedom most of all. Dragons Aries and Sagittarius are the personification of independence and impulsiveness. They begin to live independently from an early age. At the same time, they are distinguished by intelligence, pleasant manners, honesty, and nobility. These people combine many talents and deep integrity. They are not prone to belligerence, but are always ready to stand up for their interests. Dragons protect themselves and their loved ones.

These are true friends who will not leave you in trouble. Pisces are distinguished by their compassion, ability to understand and support. They are not static. If necessary, they easily perceive all innovations and learn quickly. This is especially true for the Leo sign, which combines good acumen, mental alertness and positivity.

Main qualities:

  • nobility;
  • generosity;
  • independence;
  • reliability.

Character of those born in the Year of the Snake

The main difference between each Snake is intuition and an analytical mind. At the highest level, these abilities are manifested in the signs Capricorn and Taurus. These people can bypass all obstacles, since they see pitfalls perfectly well, but still prefer not to encounter them. Their peace of mind requires them to choose an appropriate profession that eliminates risk. The Cancer sign has especially many phobias.

However, in their personal lives they are not alien to passions. The struggle between the desire for peace and aggression is characteristic of the sign of Scorpio. Many Snakes can manipulate other people. For example, Libra can attract almost any people under their banner.

Dragon man and Snake woman. Compatibility

This is a very interesting couple, each is endowed with wisdom, vanity and values ​​home above all else. In a pair of Dragon and Snake, compatibility is based on the ability to understand the partner. In general, the union is very favorable.

Compatibility horoscope Snake woman - Dragon man is blessed by the stars, he is considered one of the best. For a man in such a couple, it is important that the wife is strong, worthy of him, or weak, tender, ready to forgive everything. Everything will work out especially well if the Dragon and the elegant Snake are the same age.

Dragon woman and Snake man. Compatibility

This is a strong harmonious couple. They are made to be together. Compatibility horoscope for Dragon woman and Snake man is very successful in everything. She is distinguished by prudence and calmness. He is strong, strong-willed, smart.

A man is able to understand his independent partner, win her heart, and live happily ever after with her. Although conflicts are possible in this couple.

In order to achieve harmony, you need to moderate your ambitions and learn to give in. When competition is eliminated, then Dragon and Snake compatibility in love will be able to rise to a high level.

You should also avoid the desire to manage your partner and control him in everything. Dragons don't accept this.

Prospects for the development of relations

Everything in such a relationship should work out favorably. The Snake's foresight allows one to avoid serious conflicts. She will admire her Dragon, polish his scales, and help him build a career. His gratitude will further strengthen the relationship. The closeness that the Snake and Dragon demonstrate (their marriage compatibility is at a high level) is based on the essence of the image of the Dragon himself.

Any picture will tell you that this mythological character combines the forms of a bird and a snake. However, the Dragon and the Snake possess different types of energy. And when analyzing compatibility, it is better to take into account which element they belong to.

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