Accurate horoscope for August Pisces. Male health horoscope

For Pisces, the month will be full of pleasant surprises, and this will manifest itself in almost everything. For you, this is a month in which, if possible, you need to avoid making any chaotic decisions, but stop at planning your every day. Chaos is always inconvenient and ineffective, so the August horoscope recommends starting every day with choosing the most effective schedule of actions until the evening. Pisces women are very impulsive. Any phrase said in their address can be perceived as some kind of insult. You should not focus on this, because your interlocutors, as a rule, do not seek to offend you, but rather want to do only better. Advice to Pisces for August: you are not trying to change something in life, stability is important to you. It should be remembered that stability and sedentism are the main enemies of progress, and this also applies to the individual. It's time to change something in your personal life, and start looking for a person with whom you will be comfortable and pleasant. See general here.

This month there is such an opportunity, and you may even meet a few of these people. But do not rush to make quick decisions, the stars recommend that you first think over any action or phrase several times, and only then perform or speak. Thoughts are material. Not the most accurate and plausible statement, but it has the right to exist. People born under the sign of Pisces, like no one else, are able to visualize their dreams and desires. True, one “I want” will not be enough, so it is necessary to act. Have you ever wanted a raise? So start working at full capacity. Your talent and knowledge is enough to not just climb, but to make a rapid jump up the career ladder. Although everything is not going well with your finances now, for that, literally by the middle of the month, the situation can change dramatically, and everything depends only on you.

Love horoscope for August 2018

Pisces give themselves to love without a trace. In relationships, you are usually the dominant person. True, very often representatives of the sign get tired of relationships earlier than their partner, and this is all due to the same desire to express themselves and surrender without a trace. Do not rush things, do not climb on the rampage. Perhaps in order to see a person from all sides, you need to wait a bit. Your zeal, of course, is the foundation of a relationship, but this does not always play a positive role. Your companions also need to take the initiative, and you always want to feel loved. If you are single, don't worry. Soon enough, there will be a woman in your life who can outshine everything you've ever had. She will cloud your mind, and you, as always, will be ready to give yourself to her without a trace. In a fit of love and passion, it is important not to forget that you see the world in rose-colored glasses. For a while, try to remove them and assess the situation soberly, as much as possible.

Horoscope for August 2018 PISCES activity and health

In August 2018, Mars returns to the 11th house of your personal horoscope, but it will remain regressive for most of the month. As the Horoscope predicts for August 2018, Pisces this month should not indulge in adventurism and try some extreme ways of physical activity - you will be required to be extremely careful. This also applies to some everyday situations: now it is easy to get injured while riding a bicycle or while driving a car. In addition, the horoscope warns that in August 2018, Pisces may experience an exacerbation of chronic diseases, so do not forget to take prescribed medications on time, and if necessary, visit a doctor.

Horoscope for August 2018 Pisces - work, business

In August 2018, do not make drastic actions, unless, of course, your work is associated with risk and danger. In general, this is a period of concentration, perhaps a manifestation of business acumen, if you have enough freedom of action in your work. Please note that when processing documents, including those not related to work, there may be difficulties and delays. There will be a lot of work at work, and it is important not to make any mistakes and inaccuracies until August 19th. Any mistake or overconfidence will not only create problems in the work team, but will also limit your professional opportunities in the future. Be punctual and attentive in every detail. In August 2018, when making appointments, do not be late for negotiations and do not be surprised if other people turn out to be inattentive and meetings are useless. It is better for Pisces to refuse business trips under any pretext, because they will not bring the result that you are counting on. During the Solar Eclipse (August 11, 2018), Pisces will be more sensitive to how others evaluate you and your work, so be especially careful at business meetings and in contacts with management.

It will be difficult to bear criticism in your address if something does not go as you planned. Overestimating your abilities, you can be irritable or start to react to what is happening very impulsively. If in August 2018 Pisces can focus all their energy on a specific task and are patient, they will be able to keep the situation under control. Pisces-entrepreneurs and bosses in August 2018 are advised to pay attention to the processes taking place behind their backs. Enemies, competitors are activated, they will try to pull out into the light of day what it would be desirable to keep secret. In addition, the unexpected appearance of inspectors or a new turn of an old legal problem is possible. Employee fish are advised to be more attentive to colleagues and avoid intrigues in every possible way. In the event of a split in the team, you should not take sides - in August it will not be possible to figure everything out, and therefore you can easily turn out to be extreme. Do not get confused in all the problems that August 2018 can throw to Pisces, old friends or high patrons will help. They can be contacted in cases where it is unlikely that it will be possible to cope with the problem on your own.

Horoscope for August 2018 for Pisces men

Pisces men, success awaits you in matters related to creativity or your own business. You can get not only recognition, but also new customers, money and good luck. All this will give you favorable aspects between the planets. But in mid-August, there will be a need to do something real to maintain interest in your idea. Talisman of the month: a circle or a coin made of yellow or golden metal. Auspicious days: August 3, 9, 12, 17, 21. Unfavorable days: 5, 18 August. Priority of interests: relationships with colleagues, communication at work, intrigue.

love horoscope

A new acquaintance will be romantic. You will be amazed at how deeply a woman you barely know can understand you. Torn between conflicting feelings, jealousy, love, and fear of losing ground, you may even choose to leave rather than suffer. Distrust and mutual claims can jeopardize your new relationship. The scales of your feelings swing non-stop, you either break with your beloved forever, then come back again.

Male health horoscope

The health of Pisces depends on their mood. Hypochondria can lead to illness, but if you are cheerful and cheerful, then you are not afraid of any sores. The main thing is to use energy carefully, because, as you know, nerve cells are not restored. If the ailment drags on and does not want to recede, it's time to go to the doctor. They will not only help you, but also calm you down, relieve anxiety. Drink tea with mint, lemon balm, lemongrass or oregano at night. Sleep well and feel great! The best medicine for you is healthy sleep.

Male horoscope of work and finance

You may be tempted to borrow a large amount from people you know. Do not give in to such a dangerous temptation. In the first week, you will be able to strengthen your financial situation, receive a bonus, or additional work will bring you the necessary increase. The work will boil around the clock, you will have to make a lot of effort to be at the right time, in the right place and with the right people. The second half of August is a good period to think about advanced training, a second education. Part-time education will be the most suitable for you.

General male horoscope

August 2018 will be a significant period in the life of representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces. Representatives of your zodiac constellation will begin to more actively implement positive changes in their lives. First, they will reconsider their life principles and values, their outlook on life, after which they will begin to work on the shortcomings and what prevents them from developing and growing, both personally and professionally. Pisces will successfully bypass all sharp corners, avoiding conflicts and maintaining warm relations with others. Sociability, modesty and goodwill will be the main lever for success. Luck will take the side of Pisces, and they will be able to realize everything that is planned. The horoscope recommends that in the last summer month, think over in advance every action, every step, so as not to lose sight of anything important. You have a lot of work to do, but, as you know, Pisces are not afraid of her, you can’t scare you with any work. And all efforts will be fully justified and adequately rewarded in the second half of the month.

The last month of summer is preparing a lot of positive changes for you. As the horoscope for August 2018 Pisces shows, at the beginning of the month, Jupiter forms a harmonious aspect with the Moon, as a result of which your luck will grow rapidly. Representatives of your zodiac sign can completely rely on their intuition. Act on a whim, and you will surely succeed!

For Pisces women, the astroscope predicts that in August your charm and charm will reach new heights. Lonely Pisces can use this favorable circumstance to start a new love affair. Family ladies, of course, will not be able to afford such liberties. However, the admiring glances of passers-by, which you will repeatedly notice in August, will help strengthen your self-esteem!

The astrological forecast advises not to plan large purchases for this month. Your cash receipts in August will be quite stable, but small. However, with proper financial planning, Pisces will be able not only to provide for all their needs, but even afford to realize their little desires. Pisces entrepreneurs and people employed in the field of trade, in August 2018, will unexpectedly discover additional opportunities for earning.

Pisces video horoscope for August 2018

The horoscope recommends that Pisces update the interior of their home in August or even make minor cosmetic repairs in the house. This will help to disperse the cash flow and attract material well-being. In addition, every update brings changes to your life, makes it sparkle with bright colors.

Lucky days for Pisces in August 2018: 2, 7, 13, 19, 21, 27, 30.

Dangerous days for Pisces in August 2018: 1, 14, 28.

Cupid Affairs: Love Relationships

The love horoscope for August 2018 promises many surprises for Pisces, but the stars say that you should be prepared for any surprises! Try not to give vent to feelings, especially if you are looking for a partner not for easy flirting, but for marriage. Pisces, who cannot find their soulmate for a long time, should reconsider their priorities in August and, possibly, abandon the excessive requirements for candidates.

In the first decade of August, try to break away from work and not get lost in everyday problems. You can hardly expect significant changes on the love front if you decide to devote your entire summer vacation to repairs. Although options are possible here, it is possible that the “husband for an hour” invited for repair will eventually “transform” into a husband forever!

The middle of the month will be the most intense and rich in interesting acquaintances. At this time, fate seems to deliberately begin to bring Pisces with a wide variety of people. Even introverts willy-nilly have to expand their social contacts! So if you wish, you can take advantage of the situation and look for a suitable candidate for the role of the second half.

The horoscope advises Pisces in August 2018 not to try to force the situation and not rush the developing events. Is your romance at the light flirting stage? Enjoy what is happening, it is possible that over time a serious relationship will begin by itself. If you show pressure and put pressure on your partner, you will only scare him away.

Money horoscope - Pisces finances in August

It makes sense to count on cash receipts only in the second decade of the month, since the horoscope shows that the first 10 days of August 2018 will pass under the predominant influence of Saturn. This planet is unlikely to give Pisces financial well-being. But in the middle of the month you will be able to make up for the lost time, and significantly replenish your budget. Just do not rush to immediately go shopping, because you will need the money a little later.

If in August you have to make a major transaction, for example, related to the purchase and sale of real estate, then try to make sure that it does not fall on the 7th, 19th or 24th. These dates are not marked by the most favorable influence of the Mars-Jupiter combination, which leads to an increase in financial risks. If the deal still falls on one of the unlucky dates, then carefully study the text of the contract, re-read it two or even three times. It will be very good if you invite a qualified lawyer to the transaction who can provide you with advice.

Family and household issues

In August, the stars portend Pisces a romantic trip in the company of a loved one. If you want to have a good rest, then try to hand over the children to grandparents in advance. A few days spent alone with each other will help you once again make sure that there is a close person next to you, whom you can always rely on in difficult times.

This month you will have to make sure that family relationships do not turn into a routine. Do not let everyday problems take all your time and completely capture your attention. Make a pleasant surprise for your other half, and you will surely be reciprocated! If you were planning to buy furniture or other interior items for your home, then it is better to do this in the third decade of August 2018.

Horoscope of work and career

In August 2018, work shouldn't be your top priority. Therefore, try to optimize your workflow so that you have more time for your personal life. Do not forget that creativity can be applied even to the most trivial, typical tasks. In addition, if in August Pisces demonstrate their natural ingenuity, then the authorities may become interested in them and offer a more promising position. Do you want to move to a less boring, well-paid job?

In mid-August, the influence of Mars sharply increases, which can lead to unpleasant situations at work and conflicts with colleagues. Try to control yourself, do not give vent to your irritation. The red planet will become especially active between the 12th and 17th, it will be just perfect if you can take a vacation during this time. If you still have to be at work during the peak activity of Mars, then at least try not to shoulder additional obligations.

For Pisces businessmen, the horoscope for August 2018 promises success. The projects you have recently started will turn out to be successful and profitable. In general, this month you need to rely on your own strength, and not on the support of partners. There is a possibility that one of the suppliers or other contractors will let you down, which will raise the question of further cooperation. But do not rush to immediately terminate long-term contracts, first you need to carefully consider the pros and cons.

Fish Health in August 2018

The horoscope shows that this month you should especially take care of the nervous system, as it will become vulnerable. Avoid stressful situations at home and at work, try to protect yourself from negative news. Otherwise, chronic pathological processes, in particular, diseases of the respiratory system, may worsen.

Under the influence of Jupiter in the first decade of August 2018, some Pisces may have an increased propensity for spicy and sweet dishes. In small quantities, it will even be useful, the main thing is not to abuse it.

If you have been putting off going to the doctor for a long time, now is the time to do it. Further ignoring the symptoms of existing diseases will only aggravate the situation. For general health promotion, you can go to a sanatorium or visit a balneological resort. In the third decade of August, sleep problems are possible, take sedatives of natural origin.

How to show the beauty horoscope for Pisces for August 2018, the desire for fairy-tale romance will soon take over your thoughts. Stars advise you to avoid unambiguity and certainty in your style - from clothes to makeup. In terms of cosmetic procedures, hot wraps and nourishing masks will bring considerable benefits to your appearance. A short salt-free diet, which should be started in the middle of the month, will help you get rid of puffiness and circles under the eyes.

After looking at the horoscope for August 2018, Pisces will see that the stars have prepared not very pleasant surprises for them. Problems will arise as if out of thin air, they will need to be solved without putting them aside. The opinion of Pisces may not agree with the opinion of the public on many issues, you should not enter into battles. It is better to wait aside, so that time itself decides how it will be better.

Auspicious days: 7, 14, 17, 25, 28.

Unfavorable days: 1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 20, 25, 30.


The internal energy of Pisces will literally evaporate by August. Many will feel a lack of energy even to perform daily activities. Old chronic diseases will begin to disturb again, you need to pay due attention to health, if necessary, undergo inpatient treatment. Astrologers warn that in the first half of August, drivers should be careful while driving. The possibility of injury while traveling cannot be ruled out.

Pisces should spend August 2018 protecting their backs and joints from overloads and injuries. Classes in the gym may be present, but the nature of the training should be gentle. You can go to a wellness massage course, making sure that the specialist corresponds to the declared skill and does not harm your health.

Pisces may become allergic to foods, the sun. It is worth protecting yourself from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation.


The working horoscope of Pisces for August 2018 warns that you need to avoid risks in every possible way so as not to be in the center of problems. Difficulties a person may have in the process of processing the required documents. He will face delays in terms, breakdowns in agreements.

Approaching August 20, Pisces need to be extremely careful at work. During this period, the risk of making mistakes in documents increases. Even a small mistake will be noticed by the team, the leader. You need to appear on time at scheduled meetings, demonstrating the ability to be punctual.

Pisces are very sensitive to the opinions of others. Do not take criticism seriously, it can drive you into depression. You need to be attentive to the words of the leader, learn to accept well-deserved criticism. You can not overestimate your own capabilities, so as not to be disappointed in the result, which will not always justify itself.

Pisces holding the position of an employee should bypass the intrigues of colleagues. It is better to remain neutral than to be at the center of an insidious conspiracy, destroying the established reputation.

If you need advice, Pisces is better off going to relatives and friends. It is better to admit that there is no strength to cope with everything on your own than to live with a load of troubles.


From a material point of view, Pisces cannot call the last month of summer successful for themselves. The main financial impacts on the bank account can be expected in the first and last days of the outgoing summer.

Astrologers do not advise taking loans, borrowing money from relatives and friends. At first glance, it seems that everything will be easy to give back, but in practice, debts will accumulate.

If funds are urgently needed, it is worth reviewing your own budget. It is better not to buy something for yourself than to take out a loan.


As the love horoscope for August 2018 portends, Pisces may begin to be burdened by relationships. To stabilize the situation, you need to look for points of contact with the chosen one. It is better that the common cause inspires, saturates with positive.

Family Pisces will look differently at their soulmate. The person next to you will provide the best support and show the value of the hearth. At this point, relations with other relatives may worsen. In a conflict, you should not take one side, it is better to stay neutral and, if necessary, give advice. Perhaps relatives will require financial support.

Pisces in love can learn unpleasant secrets about the second half. This period must be experienced together or dispersed in different directions.

Man - Pisces

Representatives of the sign at the end of the summer will carry out internal work, reconsider many values. As a result, changes will begin to occur in personal life. Not everyone will be happy. The lovers are in trouble. You should not make a decision about parting, succumbing to the influence of emotions. If you have patience, the difficulties will end, instead of them stability, harmony, mutual understanding will come.

Looking through the horoscope for August 2018, Pisces - a man will see that such a pleasant promotion at work will appear on the horizon. At this time, all omissions, disagreements with the leadership will be resolved by themselves. Astrologers do not advise men to give all the best at work. Internal potential must be saved for future work, there will be a lot of it.

The last summer month will be quite calm, there is no big negativity that threatens a man. Pisces need to concentrate on themselves, moving away from gossip, intrigue. If a person appears next to them offering sincere help, there is no need to refuse it.

Woman - Pisces

Looking through the horoscope for August 2018, Pisces - a woman will understand that she needs to analyze her own desires in detail, determining the course of the future movement. In the last summer days, you need to relax, think about the pleasant and enjoy the peace around you. Pisces in love need to spend more time with the chosen one. You should not blame him for all the disagreements; for a harmonious union, the work of equal partners is required. Astrologers advise spending free time equipping the house, making it cozy and warm.

Woman - Pisces in August will be in the cycle of interesting communication. This should be used when making acquaintances for successful work, promoting a hobby. August will leave warm, bright and pleasant memories in a woman's life. This period must be put to good use.

The promises of the stars can be promising or frustrating with a disappointing forecast. Don't expect them to fix everything. You need to go to your dream on your own, overcoming difficulties.

Perhaps for some time you allowed yourself to be lazy and not take action. The period of inactivity has ended, as the horoscope for August 2018 Pisces clearly indicates. This month will be full of various events for you: you will have the opportunity to work and relax, and meet many people. The astroscope portends you business trips, negotiations, the successful solution of non-standard tasks. The reward for your vigorous activity will be a solid bonus.

In the second decade of August 2018, as the astrological forecast for Pisces shows, certain difficulties will arise on your way. Do not worry that you will have to deal with numerous problems, because overcoming them will help you grow personally. Perhaps the usual values ​​​​and your views on the world will undergo some changes. But you can be sure that you are surrounded by worthy people who are always ready to help in difficult times.

To cope with some troubles, in the middle of the month you will have to spend a certain amount of money. You may need to make urgent repairs, such as replacing leaking plumbing. However, stable cash receipts and a possible premium will cover your financial expenses. If at the end of the month there is a desire to go shopping, then go shopping without a twinge of conscience! The horoscope says that from August 25 to 30, favorable days for spending money come.

Happiness and good luck to you in August 2018 will bring these factors and objects:

Month Name: Kirill

Plant: Cornflower

lucky number: 17

Animal patron: Turtle

Stone amulet: Amethyst

Lucky Color of August: Scarlet

Happy days in August 2018: 5, 7, 12, 19, 21, 25, 30.

Unfavorable days for Pisces in August 2018: 4, 11, 26.

Love horoscope for August 2018 Pisces

Love dates that await Pisces in August 2018 will be bright and unforgettable! You will have no reason to complain about the lack of romance, as you will be surrounded by warmth and care. But, as the Pisces horoscope for August 2018 shows, this only applies to people who are already in a relationship. So if you have not met your couple yet, then act, visit people more often and expand your circle of acquaintances.

In the first ten days of August, especially between the 2nd and 7th, Saturn retrograde will have a significant impact on your life. This will be expressed in the sense that the strongest laziness will take possession of you. Don't let fatigue and bad mood spoil your relationship with your loved one. When these negative symptoms appear, simply disappear from the horizon of your partner for a couple of days. This way you can save your relationship.

In mid-August, your sex appeal will peak. The horoscope for August 2018 shows that at this time Venus will enter into a favorable aspect with the Sun, so there will be many opportunities for you to put your spells to work! Just don't try to seduce your line manager or work colleague. The truthful astroscope for August declares that an office romance for Pisces is unlikely to be successful, and besides, it can bring confusion to working relationships.

Pisces who have recently married and are trying to build a serious long-term relationship should pay more attention to their chosen one at the end of the month. If you often attend friendly parties and generally fly out of the house for any reason, your partner will become jealous and may even throw a huge scandal. A spectacular scene of jealousy is unlikely to strengthen a newly born relationship.

Career and financial horoscope

In August 2018, Jupiter in the horoscope of Pisces will be periodically blocked by Saturn. This means that it will be difficult for you to resist the urge to make spontaneous purchases. Therefore, in order not to expose yourself to unnecessary temptation, it is better to bypass shopping centers. Or, in any case, do not visit them too often, and especially on sales days.

Cash receipts in August 2018 will be quite regular, but, for the reason indicated above, the money will not stay in your wallet for a long time. If you want to completely protect yourself from temptation and save some money, you can put your available finances into a short-term deposit without the possibility of premature withdrawal.

Pisces family in August 2018

In the personal life of representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign, the long-awaited harmony has finally come. However, the Pisces family horoscope for August 2018 cannot predict how long the idyll will last. It's up to you and only you! The astroscope recommends adding a touch of romance and passion to your relationship with your spouse, especially if you have been married for many years. For long-formed couples, the stars also prepared a pleasant surprise - they can count on the long-awaited replenishment of the family soon.

The stars will provide you with an opportunity to take a break from family troubles and domestic problems. Your soulmate will always be ready to lend a shoulder and take on some of your worries. The main thing is not to show indifference and do not take it for granted, otherwise the spouse's enthusiasm may gradually come to naught. At the end of August, there may be minor troubles associated with the children of Pisces.

Work and career ladder

The horoscope says that for Pisces in August, the career opportunity is quite high. However, the whole question is whether you will be able to stay in a new place for a long time. The authorities will closely monitor your progress, try to justify the trust of the head! Feel free to seek help from more experienced colleagues if necessary. Attempts to cope with all the problems on their own can turn into a complete fiasco for Pisces.

The horoscope claims that Pisces, who are accustomed to thinking creatively and creatively, can achieve maximum success in August 2018. This is not to say that all your ideas will be immediately accepted by the management with a bang, but over time you will be able to push them through. In the middle of the month of the zodiac sign Pisces, additional opportunities for making money will open up. However, temporary part-time work should not interfere with your main activity.

Pisces are employees who this month will have to carry out numerous assignments from the boss, can count on a solid bonus based on the results of hard work.

In the first decade of August, Pisces-entrepreneurs should take a break and not enter into new contracts. At this time, Jupiter is almost completely blocked by the negative energy of Saturn, which can complicate doing business. The horoscope advises you not to take risks and not to make responsible decisions between the 1st and 10th. But in the second half of August, the time comes for action, try not to miss the favorable opportunities!

Pisces businessmen for the most part, you will have to deal with organizational issues, what needs to be done, even if this does not directly contribute to increasing your profits. In the third decade of August, the negative influence of Saturn will begin to gradually fade away, and stable financial growth will begin in your life.

Health and mood Pisces in August 2018

Now you should focus on restoring wasted strength and energy resources. The health horoscope for August 2018 for Pisces advises to pay special attention to the diet. Choose foods that provide energy but do not contribute to weight gain. Experimenting with unfamiliar products is not recommended, since the possibility of intestinal upset is not excluded. You should also temporarily completely abandon fast food and ready-made salads sold in supermarkets. Better yet, avoid these foods entirely.

The state of health, mood and well-being in August 2018 will largely depend on the actions of Pisces. The stars advise you to avoid stress that can lead to chronic fatigue. At the end of summer, the risk of food poisoning increases, so keep a close eye on the expiration date of the purchased products, and wash your hands thoroughly after visiting public places.

To care for their appearance in August, Pisces can use the latest cosmetic developments. If you need to eliminate fine wrinkles in the corner of the eyes or other skin defects, then visit a beautician. Self-made nourishing masks, as well as folk anti-aging remedies, will not be effective enough this month. The beauty horoscope for August 2018 advises Pisces to make bold experiments with hair and appearance. Get the haircut you've been dreaming about for a long time - in August your new image will make a splash among your surroundings!

August 2020 will be successful for Pisces. They will become bolder and take up the realization of their innermost desires. The success of their endeavors will depend on the rhythm they set. Those who are impatient will not realize their plans in the right time.

The first decade will be marked by labor exploits of representatives of this zodiac sign. They will show innate hard work and creativity. Close people who will surround them during this period will help to set priorities correctly.

The middle of the month promises difficulties that can be quickly resolved.

In the second half of August, many Pisces will have a chance to try on a new social role. This time will be favorable for rest and travel.

Pisces Woman. Representatives of this zodiac sign will be enterprising and responsible. They will correctly calculate the forces and take up matters of paramount importance. Those who have long dreamed of being fired will write a letter of resignation. The search for a new job will be short-lived.

Personal life will be full of surprises. Single women can start an office romance with a colleague who was previously ignored, and not free women can decide to cheat and destroy the existing relationship.

Pisces man. Representatives of this zodiac sign will be loaded with work and responsible assignments. The authorities will appreciate their business acumen and conscientiousness and will give them the most difficult tasks. The performance of these men will have a beneficial effect on their financial situation. In the second half of August, they will invest in a major purchase or opening their own business.

There will be a lull on the love front. Bachelors, due to their passion for their careers, will have little time to look for their only one. Only light intrigues are possible. Unfree men will begin to worry about the fact that they do not justify the hopes placed on them, and will think about treason.

love horoscope

August will bring romantic adventures to Pisces. Few of them will be able to keep their heads and keep their sanity.

Lonely representatives of this zodiac sign will continue to search for a soul mate. The novels that may start this month will be fleeting.

Unfree women and men will rush between the desire to maintain relationships and destroy them by betrayal. A case or communication with children will help to solve a difficult situation.

business horoscope

In August 2020, Pisces will show themselves as active and purposeful employees.

The unemployed will listen to the advice of relatives and get a job. The horoscope advises not to be afraid to discuss your problems with loved ones and ask them for help.

Employees can begin to fulfill the duties of a person of a higher position.

Managers run the risk of jumping to conclusions and dismissing a subordinate who turns out to be uninvolved in what is happening in the team. Soon this conflict will be resolved and will help them regain their old authority. The stars recommend making decisions more carefully and being more loyal to subordinates.

Financial horoscope

August will make Pisces happy with increased income and new financial opportunities. Well-being will grow in proportion to the amount of effort invested. Money offers from old comrades are possible. With new partners, you will have to be careful. Quarrels are not ruled out because of their desire to take possession of funds that do not belong to them. This month will be favorable for starting your own business and investing in real estate.

Health Horoscope

In August 2020, Pisces may develop chronic diseases of the joints and kidneys. Due to extreme sports, there will be a risk of injuries to the limbs and spine.

The horoscope advises to lead a healthy lifestyle and have more rest. Those who suffer from chronic diseases are advised to consult a doctor and adjust the course of treatment. Avoid traumatic situations and be more selective in your entertainment.

Do not hurry
Act consistently, taking into account the facts and possible consequences.

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