What do honeycombs with perga look like. Treatment with bee perga

Of all the products of beekeeping, honey is most often faked. This product is the easiest to fake, and a person who does not understand the properties and characteristics of bee sweetness can easily “peck” liquid honey in winter, a beautiful golden color or a pronounced aroma, which is actually provided by artificial flavors. Other bee products are faked much less often for the simple reason that it is more difficult to do so. But still, you need to understand how a natural product should look like, obtained naturally, so as not to fall into the cunning tricks of unscrupulous manufacturers. Today we will talk about how to choose unadulterated bee bread.

It is important to understand that real perga is a completely natural product made by a bee based on pollen without human intervention. And only bee perga has useful properties necessary for the treatment of many diseases. However, in shops and markets, jars with bee bread allegedly produced industrially are not uncommon. Bee pollen cannot be artificially synthesized, so taking such a product will not only not help you improve your health, but can also harm your body.

Beekeepers usually distinguish 3 types of perga:

  • bee bread in honeycombs;
  • peeled perga;
  • pepper paste.

Perga in honeycombs

Beekeepers simply extract bee bread in combs from hives and sell it to consumers. In this case, no doubts about the naturalness of the product can arise, no one will be able to fake honeycombs. In addition, when using bee honeycombs, not only bee bread itself brings benefits to a person, but also its receptacle - honeycombs, which include propolis, wax and other useful substances. Due to honeycombs, bee bread acquires a specific taste that cannot be confused with the taste of processed granulated bee bread. Some might see this as a flaw in the product, but it's more of a feature to get used to.

Peeled perga

The quality of a granulated product can be determined by the shape of the granules, so it is extremely important for beekeepers to be able to properly remove the product from the hive so as not to destroy the honeycomb cells. Natural perga will have a hexagonal shape, repeating the shape of the cells in which it is stored by bees. The price of granulated bee bread is usually higher than that of honeycomb bee bread, since it takes more time and effort to extract it. But as a result, you get clean, ready-to-eat granules, cleaned of excess debris.

perga paste

Bee-bread paste is a fairly common product on the honey market, which beekeepers get by twisting bee-bread combs and mixing them with honey. Some mix granular bee products with honey. By itself, honey is an excellent preservative, but such a product is easier to falsify. Therefore, it is very important to carefully look at all its characteristics. Perga paste usually has a dark brown color. In the taste of such a mixture, acidity and the taste of fermentation are clearly felt, like the crumb of rye bread, sometimes a slight bitterness can be felt. Pieces of twisted or granular product should be observed in the bee bread paste, if they have not been pounded to a powder state.

The problem with bee bread paste is that you never know for sure how much bee bread was added to the product if you did not cook it yourself. Because of this, it can be difficult to determine the dosage of the paste. Usually a more liquid paste contains a small amount of perga, and therefore it will have to be taken for a long time. But relying only on this sign is also not worth it, since bee bread can be mixed with honey that has begun to crystallize, and then the paste will seem thicker, although the content of bee bread in the product may be minimal.

To be able to accurately measure your daily dose of the product and be sure of its naturalness, it is better to choose peeled bee bread.

Hello, in the last article about the beneficial properties of bee pollen, I promised that the next publication would be about the use of bee pollen in traditional medicine. I fulfill the promise, in today's article you will find the most complete selection of recipes for the use of bee perga for medicinal purposes. Also at the end I will talk about contraindications for its use.

People have been using this most useful beekeeping product for a very long time and for a variety of purposes. The therapeutic effect of bee bread on the body is many times greater than the effect of other bee products, in addition, it is ideally absorbed by the body and has a very beneficial effect on the work of all functions of the human body.

Before I get started, let's see what the perga looks like.

Bee pollen - photo

In these photos you can see how natural and granulated perga looks like.

Useful properties of perga

Perga, as well as other bee products, is valuable because it has not just one, but a whole range of useful properties, namely:

  • strengthens the immune system; puts in order the metabolism;
  • improves blood composition and saturates it with iron;
  • normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract (here are examples);
  • effectively eliminates constipation (will help);
  • improves appetite;
  • normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • normalizes blood pressure (about);
  • improves visual acuity;
  • positively affects potency;
  • restores liver cells (alternative -);
  • removes poisons and toxins from the body;
  • lowers blood sugar levels;
  • has a rejuvenating effect, improves the condition of the skin and hair;
  • restores strength;
  • improves memory;
  • raises hemoglobin levels.

This is in general terms, and now, for your convenience, I will go over the groups and talk about the benefits of eating bee perga separately for men, women, children, and the elderly.

Benefits for men

For men, perga is valuable because it allows you to cure impotence, prostate adenoma and even male infertility. The use of bee bread is an excellent prevention of prostatitis, which, as you know, is easier to prevent than to cure.

This beekeeping product can also act as a natural analogue of drugs such as Viagra, Sealex, etc. True, bee bread acts here, unlike these drugs, not immediately, but after some time.

In other words, to improve erection, you need to undergo a course of treatment. But on the other hand, such a natural stimulant will not have any side effects that most drugs for improving erection suffer from.

Benefits for women

What is useful perga for women? As I already mentioned, it normalizes metabolic processes in the body, which means that it indirectly contributes to weight loss. Needless to say, how important it is for a woman to look beautiful and how difficult it is to do this with age, when the metabolism is no longer the same. So it normalizes his regular intake of bee pollen.

If we talk about the medicinal properties of this product regarding women's health, then it is used in the following cases:

  • with infertility;
  • with the threat of miscarriage;
  • with menopause;
  • with mastopathy;
  • with myoma.

Perga is used in some cases even during pregnancy (necessarily after consulting a doctor). Its reception allows you to eliminate toxicosis and the threat of miscarriage.

In addition to all this, bee perga, if used in courses, helps to improve the condition of the skin of the hair. It rejuvenates, on its basis they make for the face and hair.

Benefits for children

Perga is usually given to children from the age of 3 (although there is an opinion that it is possible earlier, since it is hypoallergenic). Due to the powerful chemical composition, a small organism receives from it almost everything that is needed for full growth.

The child grows healthier, stronger, gets sick less often, as the immune system becomes many times stronger.

Vitamin A in large quantities contained in bee bread (second name) has a beneficial effect on vision, which is already subject to severe overloads in childhood.

It is also very important to have a good memory at school age in order to more easily learn the school curriculum. This is easier to achieve with the same bee bread. In addition, its use will contribute to the fact that your child will be less tiring.

Well, in the end, taking bee perga is an excellent prevention of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and other colds, to which modern children are more susceptible than, for example, we were in childhood. We then spent our childhood on the street, and they were at computers. Because of this, they get sick more often, since there is no immunity.

Benefits for the elderly

It's no secret that with age, all the sores come to a person at once (well, or in turn, as you're lucky). Problems with the heart and blood vessels are the most common.

Due to the increased content of potassium, magnesium, calcium and rare groups of vitamins and microelements, perga simply protects the heart from most diseases (heart attack, stroke, heart failure, etc.).

In addition, taking bee bread saves from atherosclerosis, cerebrovascular accident, impotence, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

Again, everyone knows how memory deteriorates with age. Regular intake of bee bread is able to restore the memory of lost opportunities.

I would strongly recommend that people after 40 start taking bee pollen for prevention, and not wait for diseases to fall on you like from a cornucopia. The disease is always easier to prevent than to treat later. It acts on the whole body in a complex and you will feel the result very quickly.

Chemical composition

Bee pollen has simply the richest chemical composition, namely: as many as 16 amino acids, 13 types of fatty acids, a large amount of carbohydrates, vitamins, and even a growth stimulant and hormone-like substances. You can learn more about the chemical composition of perga from this table.

It should be borne in mind that the chemical composition of bee pollen is not homogeneous and directly depends on the natural conditions (presence of certain plants) in which the bees lived.

Where to buy real bee perga

Of course, it is better to buy bee bread from the hands of those who are engaged in beekeeping. This is the best option. If this is not possible, then I can recommend the Ecopiter store, which sells 100% granulated bee bread without any additives.

Price - 400 rubles per 100 gram jar. The quality is excellent. Delivery to any point in Russia. Given the dosage, the course of treatment will require several of these cans.

800-1200 rubles is not such a big price for a natural and healthy product that will 100% benefit your body!

How to store perga

Perga canned in honeycombs, without loss of quality and its useful properties, can be safely stored for a year or even more.

Granular bee bread, which is most often sold, is also quietly stored for a year. But only if the storage conditions are observed. What should be the optimal conditions:

  • storage temperature - room temperature;
  • lack of moisture;
  • storage utensils should be dry and preferably dark glass.

In principle, these three rules are enough to keep the product for a long time without losing its properties. The main thing is not to make the most common mistake that 80 percent of people make.

This mistake lies in the fact that we all like to store in the refrigerator! Do not under any circumstances do this. The cold temperature and high humidity of the refrigerator will quickly kill all the useful properties of bee bread, and it will turn from the most valuable product in terms of composition into an ordinary one.

The best place to store bee bread is a dry cabinet on the kitchen shelf and a dark glass jar with a tight lid.

Bee pollen - how to take

So, how to take perga. For whatever purposes you use it, you must definitely imagine the dosage. Otherwise, it may threaten hypervitaminosis.
For an adult of normal build, depending on the purpose of use, it ranges from 10 to 30 grams per day. Even if you are healthy, then bee bread will be useful to take 10-15 grams per day, purely for prevention. Believe me, you simply won't find a better tool.

If you plan to take bee bread for medicinal purposes, then the dosage and timing of administration are indicated in each specific recipe and they can be slightly changed, depending on the weight. Usually this product is taken in courses. Most often, 2 options are used:

  1. One course of treatment is 1 month, after which a break of 1 - 2 months is needed.
  2. Course 1.5-3 months. nonstop. Then there is a 3 week break.

For children, the dosage is calculated based on the following formula:

  • 70 mg. bee per kilogram of body weight.

Recipes for the use of bee bread in folk medicine

I must say right away that the regimen is outrageously simple and usually only the dose itself changes. The whole scheme comes down to resorption of bee bread on an empty stomach, without washing it down with water. So, let's look at the application recipes in more detail.

Perga with mastopathy

For the treatment of mastopathy, bee pollen is absorbed three times a day, always on an empty stomach. The dosage for an adult is 1/2 teaspoon per dose. The course of treatment is at least 3 months.

The same recipe can be used exactly for thyroid diseases. The course of treatment is the same.

For diabetes

In diabetes, bee bread is taken 2 times a day (morning and evening). The dosage for an adult of normal build is 1 teaspoon.

In diabetes, it is allowed to drink bee bread with water, although this is usually not done. Water is needed to dilute the concentration of active substances.

There is an opinion that the regular use of bee perga in diabetes helps to reduce the dose of insulin. Naturally, sugar control and dose adjustment of medications are required, which your doctor should provide.

Diabetes is a very serious disease, therefore, bee bread is allowed only under the supervision of a doctor, since the carbohydrates contained in it significantly increase glucose levels.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT)

Such diseases of the gastrointestinal tract as gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis and others are treated with bee bread in its pure form. The treatment regimen is as follows:

  • 1 tsp 2 times before breakfast and dinner.
  • The course of treatment is a month, then a break of 2-4 weeks and you can repeat the treatment.

With anemia

Dissolve bee perga in 1 liter of water and add 200 g to it. Shake the mixture and leave at room temperature for 5 days.

Within 5 days, the processes of fermentation and the release of active components will occur in the solution. Take a solution of 1/4 cup in the morning 1 time per day. According to reviews, this recipe slows down the aging process in the body, has a rejuvenating effect, and improves skin elasticity.

To strengthen immunity

This recipe is perfect for strengthening children's and adult immunity. To do this, mix 1/4 teaspoon of bee pollen with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

This mixture is simply absorbed. It tastes very good and the kids love it. You can use this recipe for adults, but slightly adjusting the dosage:

  • 1 teaspoon perga
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

Reception scheme:

  • Both children and adults should take 1 time per day, preferably in the morning.
  • The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks in the autumn and spring periods.

With a cold

At the first manifestations of a cold, you need to prepare a decoction of chamomile:

  • 2 filter bags (sold in any pharmacy) per glass of boiling water. Allow the broth to cool, add about 15 g of honey to a glass.
  • Suck on 3 tsp. pergi and drink it with a decoction.
  • Receiving the mixture is repeated after 6 hours. According to reviews, it helps with colds.

Has the intake of bee perga affected your health?


With impotence, prostatitis

Perga is also used for erectile dysfunction. Reception scheme:

  • 16 g of the product 2 times a day (in the morning and at bedtime).
  • This recipe not only has a positive effect on potency, but is also said to prevent premature ejaculation.

With hypertension

Pergu is bred with honey in a ratio of 1: 2. Take 1 tsp. before meals.

The course of treatment of hypertension is not less than 3 full months, after a monthly break, the course is repeated if necessary. Hypertension, especially in the early stages, responds well to bee pollen or, and in chronic hypertension, it strengthens the heart muscle well and increases the effectiveness of antihypertensive drugs.

Under reduced pressure

Hypotonic patients can also try bee bread treatment. To do this, they make exactly the same mixture as in the previous recipe, but only take it before meals!

For allergies

Bee perga perfectly helps with various allergic rashes. It is considered the most low-allergenic product of bee production. In small doses, up to 0.5 g per day, bee bread can even be given to children from 3 years old with dermatitis.

With obesity of varying severity

The use of perga for obesity is good because it is an excellent stimulant of metabolism. And as you know, a good metabolism contributes to weight loss.

In addition, perga discourages cravings for high-calorie foods and various sweets. For obesity, use the following recipe:

  • 1 liter of water, 50 g of perga and 200 g of honey.
  • Mix everything and leave the mixture for 3 days.
  • Take 1 glass of infusion before meals, the course of treatment is long, at least 6 months.

With neuroses

With excessive nervousness and chronic stress, taking bee bread only 3 g in the morning on an empty stomach will help normalize peace of mind. And in combination with antipsychotic drugs, bee bread will significantly enhance their effect and reduce the frequency of side effects.

For heart disease

A recipe that is suitable for the following diseases: atherosclerosis, abnormal heart rhythm, heart disease.

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of bee bread (or 4 tablespoons of honey and 2 tsp of bee bread).
  • 3 times a day you need to dissolve 1 tbsp. spoons of this medicine.
  • The course of treatment is 2 months, then 10 days and can be repeated.

For cosmetic purposes

Grind bee bread to a state of powder (1 tablespoon) and dissolve in warm water. Rinse your hair with this mixture every time you wash your hair.

What will it give? Blood circulation in the scalp will improve, hair loss will decrease and their growth will increase. You can apply rinsing with bee pollen without a time limit, for as long as you like.

Contraindications to the use of pollen

It is categorically impossible to arbitrarily increase a single dose, the number and duration of bee bread receptions. All this threatens with hypervitaminosis, and it is more dangerous than the lack of vitamins we are used to. The maximum daily dose for an adult of normal build is 30 g; for children, the dosage is calculated based on the child's body weight, but not more than 10 grams.

Perga in honeycombs is a wonderful, ready-to-eat beekeeping product. In fact, it is preserved plant pollen, sealed in honeycombs, which bees use when they cannot obtain plant pollen in the natural environment for food.

It is formed at first glance simply. But if you think about it, this is a complex technological process that is quite within the power of the bee mind. The bees clean the collected pollen from their body, moisten it with their own saliva mixed with nectar. The insects diligently tamp the resulting mixture into honeycombs and pour it all over with honey and seal it with wax.

Pollen, tightly compressed and clogged, without receiving oxygen, begins to ferment under the influence of bacteria and enzymes, during which a substance is produced - lactic acid, which, together with honey, is preserved and converted into.

The main purpose of this product is to feed bee offspring and harvest it as food for the whole family. This is probably why bee bread is often called "bee bread" or "bread". A person just gets a part of this invaluable tool, thanks to the work of intelligent insects.

Bee bread, if we consider it in terms of usefulness in comparison with other bee products, is extremely rich in composition. Consider its useful properties.

Unique properties of bee perga

Perga, made from the pollen of different plants, is heterogeneous in composition. It can vary from year and period of collection, from the properties of medicinal plants. But it always contains a large number of useful substances: vitamins, carbohydrates, amino acids, phytohormones, microelements, which are easily and completely absorbed by the body and in the treatment of various diseases give an amazing effect.

Very often, bee bread is used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, for neuralgia, depression, male infertility, prostatitis and impotence, for anemia, diseases of the stomach and liver, and also because of the ability of the components contained in it to make the skin elastic and smooth, reduce the number of wrinkles. .

Types of perga

Perga is a natural product and only bees can produce it. It cannot be artificially synthesized or manufactured in any industrial way. And if somewhere you will be offered something similar, most likely it is a gross fake. This product is best purchased from trusted beekeepers.

Perga is stored in different forms:

Any of the types is suitable for treatment, but many people like bee bread in combs, because it is more useful and it is easier to use bee bread in combs. But how to extract bee bread from honeycombs?

How to get perga from honeycombs?

To begin with, honeycombs with bee bread are removed from the frame and broken into smaller pieces. And already further, bee bread is extracted by one of the methods that provide not only high-quality separation from impurities, but also the preservation of a maximum of useful substances in the product carefully collected by bees:

  • Wetting. Honeycombs are immersed in water for 1-2 hours. Then they are shaken vigorously until the bee bread granules fall out of the cells. Then water is drained from them and dried. The disadvantage of this method is that some of the useful substances contained in the product are washed off with water.
  • Vacuum. This method will require special equipment, with which the granules are removed from the cells and dried.
  • Freezing. Honeycombs, previously frozen, are crushed. The resulting mass is sifted through a sieve or grate to separate from the wax granules. With this method, many useful substances are lost.
  • Drying. Honeycombs are dried in natural conditions in the open air, cooled, crushed and sifted out wax particles. It takes a lot of time, but the final product is of high quality. Convective drying is possible (using a device and heated air). Honeycombs with bee bread with this method are dried directly in the hive body. Vacuum drying is the most expensive (a special drying chamber is used), but also the fastest way.

Read also: What is useful bee perga for men's health?

How to use perga in honeycombs?

Perga can be used to support bees during unfavorable periods when food is running out (most often this happens in the spring). But bee perga can be stored in combs for personal use. In the unrefined product, in the combs, in addition to the pollen itself, there is wax, the remains of cocoons and larvae. Although fresh bee bread extracted from honeycombs can be considered the most valuable product of all types of bee bread.

Nutritionists-specialists for prevention and treatment recommend using only a natural product. It is for this reason that bee bread, located directly in the combs, is most useful. You can take it in the form in which it was prepared by the bees: cut off a small piece of honeycomb and chew it thoroughly.

When the healing honey mass interacts with human saliva, the body fully assimilates the beneficial properties of bee bread. The remaining piece of wax after chewing should be discarded.

In this way (chewing 3-4 times a day for a piece of honeycomb) you can solve problems with the liver, with hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, with disorders in the thyroid gland.

Due to the high content of organic iron in bread, which is perfectly absorbed by enzymes, bee bread helps with anemia by increasing hemoglobin.

Perga is indispensable for recovery after heavy operations, with exhaustion of the body. The substances contained in it help to restore cells and heal wounds, fight germs.

When using bee bread, there is no special recipe and too strict dosages. Approximately for an adult, depending on his condition, 10-30 g of perga in combs is enough, for children - up to 5 g.

But even if a larger amount of the product is consumed, the body will absorb exactly as much as the body needs. There will be no harm or benefit in case of an overdose for a healthy body.

To maintain good health, it is enough to take the product in a monthly course 3 times a year.

By the way, perga is the only product produced by bees that is not an allergen.

A reasonable amount of perga will be useful for expectant mothers, children (but not babies), and the elderly. It is possible to use bee bread in type II diabetes (for type I diabetes, honey and bee bread are contraindicated due to the high sugar content) under the supervision of a doctor and with an indispensable periodic check of blood glucose levels.

Read also: Bee pollen and pollen: application, properties and differences

Due to the strong tonic effect of the product, bee bread is recommended to be consumed 3-4 hours before bedtime. Also, after chewing a piece of bread, you should not drink at least 30 minutes.

The ability of bee bread to thin the blood should also be taken into account, so do not abuse the uncontrolled intake of the product for those who suffer from low blood clotting.

If there are no obvious contraindications, but when using bee bread, stomach discomfort, nausea, bloating, diarrhea occur, the product should be stopped or the bee product should be used with caution, in small portions, trying to avoid overdoses.

Important: for the treatment of diseases, you need to use bee bread, harvested no more than one year ago.

Storage of bee bread in combs

Keeping bee bread in combs at home is not easy. The disadvantage of this method is that the bee bread remaining in the combs, even if all conditions are met, retains its properties for no more than 6 months. If stored incorrectly, there is a high risk of spoiling the product quickly due to the appearance of wax moths in the combs or the development of mold.

When selecting frames with bee bread for storage for personal use (in the absence of brood), beekeepers advise paying attention to combs filled with bee bread as much as possible, covered with honey and sealed. This will provide a longer shelf life. If the cells are not completely filled, in order to preserve the beneficial properties of bee bread and extend its shelf life, it is recommended to additionally pour honey into the cells.

Good storage conditions can be ensured by maintaining the desired level of humidity (no more than 20-30%). At a higher content, mold may appear on bee pollen. In a room that is too dry, it may dry out.

Incorrect room temperature can also lead to spoilage of the product: optimally: from +1 to +5 ° С. At a temperature of more than + 8 ° C degrees, a mole develops in the product. At low: from 0 to -1 ° C, vitamins are destroyed in bee bread, and the product loses many useful properties.

For better preservation, beekeepers hang frames with honeycombs on racks in a darkened room with no foreign odors. Sometimes, when it is not possible to find a room with the right level of humidity, honeycombs are covered with powdered sugar on top. Presumably, this better protects the bee-bread combs from moisture fluctuations.

A lot has already been said about the value of bee products, but people still do not stop studying them, learning something new and experiencing their beneficial effects on themselves, while the most popular bee products are: well-known and healthy honey, antibacterial and, as well ( an insect that feeds on the waste products of bees).

Perga has recently become the owner of more attention, because scientists were able to prove (so far, unfortunately, "in an unofficial" format) that one jar of this remedy can replace at least twenty modern medicines. At the same time, a person can only benefit from its use, and almost every pharmacy drug can cause either an exacerbation of the disease (which happens very often today), or simply the development of some kind of side effect.

What is this substance?

Only a few know what bee pollen looks like, although it is possible that many have seen it (and more than once), well, it was definitely seen by those who have ever been to the apiary. Basically, everyone is used to seeing it in the form of a dry, crumbly, granular mixture, in which there is no dust, dust, or debris. It can have either yellow or bright orange color (it depends on the place and time of collection for its manufacture). But this is not the original appearance of this product, because in the "original version" (to better imagine this, you need to watch the video of what the bee bread looks like in combs). Why in honeycombs? Yes, because people call perga (or bee bread) processed by bees, which they “preserve” in a special way for themselves for the winter.

You can always buy bee perga in Ukraine from Us, at the family apiary "Merry Hornet" by phone:


Bees collect pollen from flowers, bring it to their "houses" and put it in honeycombs, and then cover it with a thick layer of wax. Under such conditions, pollen begins to ferment and becomes completely sterile (no bacteria live in it, and it rarely causes allergies). At the end of the process of natural fermentation, a person (well, and, accordingly, a bee) receives the most useful product, ready for use. Only striped workers use it to feed the growing individuals of their friendly bee family, and a person uses it to restore or strengthen the health of his body..

It is quite easy to imagine what bee bread looks like in honeycombs, since its appearance is very similar to that of honeycombs (only honey flows from them, but not from this substance). Beekeepers and apitherapists have learned how to extract it from honeycombs with the help of small spoons (this is how granulated “bee bread” is obtained), but those who do not want to spend extra time getting the product simply grind it in a meat grinder along with honeycombs and put it in a jar. Of course, only true connoisseurs will like a photo of bee perga, ground together with honeycombs, because it looks like a creamy mixture of bright orange color, which contains small particles of black or gray (combs in a meat grinder are not completely ground, but if the beekeeper is not too lazy and twist the honeycombs with “bee bread” not one, but several times, then the mass will be more homogeneous).

What is in bee bread?

As you know, it is an excellent mixture of vitamins, rare (replaceable and irreplaceable) amino acids, phytohormones (natural growth factors), fatty acids and other trace elements that are very useful for the human body. Unfortunately, it is impossible to accurately determine the composition of this amazing natural multivitamin complex, because it is not constant and it depends on where the bees collected raw materials for its manufacture and in what area they did it (which plants prevailed there, and so on). But scientists have definitely found out that the composition of bee bread includes the following substances:

  • potassium - in fact, “bee bread” consists of 40% of potassium, so it’s not worth being surprised that its use has a good effect on the functioning of the heart and the functioning of blood vessels, it prevents the development of cardiac arrhythmias, helps to recover faster after severe heart operations (for example, after bypass surgery) and reduces the risk of developing a heart attack (and this despite the fact that it will be lower than the cost of any antiarrhythmic or cardiac drug).
  • plant hormones - hormonal substances found in plants are considered natural growth factors, therefore they improve the regeneration of all cells and tissues without exception in the human body, improve the functioning of the immune system and heal any (internal or external) damage.
  • vitamins - if you look at the photo of the beekeeping product, it will not be immediately possible to say that it contains more than twenty of the most important and well-known vitamins - it contains a lot of vitamin E and its derivatives, which have a beneficial effect on vision and prevent aging of the whole organism, vitamin A - smoothes wrinkles, activates the synthesis of skin glycosaminoglycans and promotes the treatment of male and female infertility, vitamin C - has antibacterial immunological properties, and so on;
  • in addition to all this, “bee bread” consists of magnesium (looking at the photo of perga, of course, you can’t notice it, but it’s definitely there), which can improve mood and take a person out of depression, zinc (prevents dandruff and various skin diseases) , and fatty acids that have a beneficial effect on the liver;
  • you need to remember about the protein composition of this product, because it is often called a natural anabolic (athletes claim that it helps to quickly gain muscle mass and improves the endurance of their body).

Who needs it?

After reading all of the above, many may decide that they do not need this natural biostimulant, because they have nothing to complain about their health, but having heard such a phrase, I really want to remind people of the song that a worm can go bad in a ruddy apple. Appearance is not a guarantee of excellent health, since the body most often begins to “sick” from the inside, and only then this process “spreads” to the outside, so literally everyone should take this product as a preventive measure. And if not for prevention, then it can be taken to treat diseases of the heart, genitourinary system, erectile dysfunction, or the common cold.

How much does it cost and where to get it?

Only the manufacturer and seller of this product can say exactly how much perga costs, since there is no single price for this substance in our country. after all, it is considered a folk remedy and only beekeepers themselves can regulate the price for its sale, agreeing on some average value among themselves (such a “mini-market” of beekeeping products is obtained). Is it good or bad?

Only a few can answer this question. Moreover, some people believe that this is good, explaining their opinion by the fact that if traditional medicine accepted this product into its range of medicines, then, firstly, everything natural would be removed from it, and secondly, they would ask for an unrealistically high price. Some believe that this is bad, since the expiration date of the product and the content of active substances can only be found out from the "unofficial" instructions for use and from the words of the customer.

The average price of perga in Ukraine usually does not exceed 160 hryvnias for a jar of one hundred grams, it is very cheap, since such a jar is enough for a month for an adult (a course of treatment), and sometimes even longer. You need to buy this product only from trusted people (such as the Merry Hornet family apiary, for example), because unscrupulous manufacturers sometimes add some impurities to bee bread, trying to increase the volume and give it a more appetizing appearance, and this is not always positive affects its properties.

You can order bee bread with honey by phone:

"Bee bread" is a gratuitous gift of nature, so it is simply impossible not to use it for its intended purpose. The main thing is that they are not afraid to experiment (albeit with folk remedies), otherwise you might not have time to try everything.

Karina: “I have been using “bee bread” for a long time both to improve my body from the inside and to rejuvenate it from the outside. Few people know, but it can be added to all kinds of masks and creams. Moreover, it works much better than any expensive serums or other rejuvenating substances. I’m already 35, but only those who have seen my passport know this, and it’s all to blame for the fact that at 20 I found out that this substance exists in the world and turned it into my personal “home” cosmetologist.

Nicholas: “To tell the truth, we can say that in the world there is no better remedy for impotence than this. Yes, it is not easy to admit it, but already at the age of 23 I started having problems in the male part. I was very ashamed, but I turned to a healer I knew, who advised me to purchase this substance. Already after the first reception, I felt a "rush" of strength (is it worth saying something else).

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