How is calcium in milk absorbed? What flushes calcium out of the body and how to deal with it

Milk and dairy products are those components of our diet, about whose benefits we have heard since childhood. One of the main reasons why milk and its derivatives should always be present in our diet is the high content of calcium.

Significance for the body

Calcium is one of the main building materials for our body - with its lack, there can be no talk of strong bones and joints. It is also important for the invisible components of the human body, since calcium is present in the composition of cell membranes, where it is responsible for the proper absorption of nutrients by the cell. Some hormones and enzymes will also not be produced without calcium - in a word, without this trace element, we would be very bad.

Naturally, calcium, like most other trace elements in different proportions, is found in many foods. Of everyday products, most of it is in milk and its derivatives. Scientists have calculated that with an average balanced diet without special indications, the human body receives more than half of the calcium from dairy products.

Features of dairy products

Calcium is guaranteed to be contained in milk of any fat content, and in approximately the same proportions, which means that, not being an easily decomposing complex substance, it remains in dairy products, calmly withstanding even heat treatment. At the same time, in many milk products it is present even in higher concentrations than in milk itself, which is the reason for the decrease in the amount of liquid typical for dairy products compared to the original raw materials with an increase in the concentration of dry matter.

Ordinary cow's milk, which is the most popular in our country, contains approximately 118-122 mg per 100 g of product, and fat content, as already mentioned, has practically no effect on this indicator. In childhood, the daily calcium requirement ranges from 400 mg for a baby to 1200 mg for a teenager, in adults this figure ranges from 800-1200 mg, and for a pregnant woman in whose body a new musculoskeletal system is rapidly being created, the need may increase up to 2000 mg. In a word, if you are not a pregnant woman, a liter of milk per day is enough for you to cover the need for calcium. However, recent studies show that excessive consumption of something is harmful even if ordinary milk is meant.

Despite the fact that calcium could be quite easily obtained from milk, nutritionists advise diversifying the sources of its receipt with other dairy products, otherwise, according to experts, the likelihood of developing cancer will greatly increase. For this reason, it is worth paying attention to the calcium content in other related products.

So, in kefir or yogurt, the calcium content is approximately equal to that in milk, with the only difference being that in the described products there are often inclusions in the form of pieces of fruit and other aromatic and flavoring additives, which, of course, dilute the concentration somewhat. On average, every 100 grams of such a product contains 116-139 mg of calcium, which often even exceeds the same percentage in milk due to the increased density of the fermented milk product. Cottage cheese is one of the few dairy products in which the concentration of calcium is noticeably lower than in the original raw materials - this useful trace element contains only 70 mg per 100 grams.

If you want to get calcium in huge doses, without risking the development of cancer from the abuse of milk, you should pay attention to cheeses. Even a small piece of such a product can eliminate the lack of calcium, because even soft cheeses like camembert, brie, feta or mozzarella contain about 400 mg per 100 grams. Cream cheese in this sense is even more useful, since there are 600 mg of calcium per 100 grams, and hard cheeses of parmesan, cheddar and emmental varieties are located on top, in which the amount of calcium reaches 800 mg per the same volume of product. In fact, only 100 grams of such cheese can provide the daily need for calcium, especially since the benefits of such food are not limited to calcium alone.

If milk, what kind?

It is logical to assume that in different types of mammals, milk differs in composition, therefore it is possible that somewhere there may be more calcium, and somewhere less. If a person has access to an alternative to cow's milk, then of the relatively affordable options, preference should be given to a goat product - calcium here, although not much (by 13-25%), is still more. At the same time, it is somewhat more difficult for a person to digest goat's milk than cow's, but on the other hand, useful substances from it are absorbed much better.

Some people do not drink either cow's or goat's milk - someone is not allowed to do this by lactose intolerance, and someone and vegan beliefs. Instead of milk, such people drink a relatively similar product made from plant materials, which is also called milk. In such substitutes, calcium is usually also present, but it is relatively small. Of all the substitutes, oat, rice and soy milk are the poorest in calcium - they contain this microelement, respectively, 8, 11 and 13 mg per 100 grams.

It turns out that in terms of the content of such an important element, these substitutes lose to the original by about ten times. The situation with coconut milk looks a little better, which, in terms of fat content and calcium content (27 mg), is already noticeably closer to cow's drink, but still falls far short of it.

Among the substitutes, almond milk holds the palm, but it also loses three times to the traditional product from cows - there is only 45 mg of calcium per 100 grams. That is why vegetarians are just the people who have to make a special diet with a high content of this mineral, obtained from greens, nuts and seeds.

Features of assimilation

In itself, the high content of calcium in the product does not mean at all that this microelement will be absorbed by the body in full - for example, it has already been said above that goat's milk is more useful in this regard, since it provides for more efficient use of milk resources. Cow's milk is not in vain considered a good source of this element - calcium enters the body from it in a fairly high concentration.

For the full absorption of calcium, not only a well-digestible healthy product is required, but also a certain state of the body, consisting in the presence of all the necessary chemical reagents. For example, without a sufficient concentration of vitamin D3, most of the calcium from milk or cheese will simply pass by your body, and this substance is produced during exposure to the sun - which is why experts advise walking more often.

Especially for the conditions of regions that usually only dream of sunny weather, in recent years they have begun to produce milk with vitamin D present in the composition - this ensures that all the useful components of the drink will be absorbed, although, of course, you can get such a vitamin from others. sources. However, even a sufficient amount of vitamin D in the body will not help absorb calcium if there is not enough magnesium.

A separate paradox lies in the fact that cow's milk so rich in calcium for babies aged three years not only does not bring the expected benefits, but can also be harmful, since this same calcium is washed out of the young body. The fact is that, compared to mother's milk, cow's milk contains too much phosphorus, and again, calcium is needed to remove this substance from the body. As a result, parents who feed their child with cow's milk should not relax - on the contrary, they need to think carefully about how to cover the resulting deficiency.

With age, this problem is solved due to the growing need of the body for phosphorus, therefore, for children over the age of three, cow's milk is just as valuable a source of calcium as for adults.

From the video below you will find out if there is calcium in milk.

Calcium is one of the main elements of the human body, which plays an important biological role. Its deficiency can lead to many diseases, mainly related to metabolic disorders in the bones. Therefore, it is important to know what leaches calcium from the body and what foods remove calcium from the body.

All calcium (almost 99%) is located in the bone tissue of the body, and only a hundredth of its mass is distributed throughout all other organs and tissues.

It is an integral component because it performs a number of important functions:

  • basic material for building bones and teeth;
  • provides the process of muscle contraction;
  • participates in the penetration into the cell of the substances it needs;
  • regulates blood viscosity.

Calcium is not only a building material for bones, but also participates in various metabolic processes of the body, so an insufficient amount of it causes the following symptoms:

  • fatigue of the body, weakness in the legs and arms;
  • bleeding gums, small hematomas and unreasonable bruises;
  • teeth begin to react sensitively to hot and cold food;
  • nails and hair become more brittle and painful in appearance;
  • absent-mindedness, deterioration of memorization processes;
  • possible mood swings, irritability.

This is a partial list of the complications that calcium deficiency causes. In general, metabolic processes begin to be disturbed in the body, which affects not only the bones, but also all organ systems.

It is impossible to answer the question why this important element is washed out of the body in one word. In reality, there is always a complex of factors associated with the characteristics of nutrition and age-related changes in the body.

Nutrition factor

The most common causes of calcium leaching from bones are associated with malnutrition and other bad habits:

  • excessive consumption of foods containing salt;
  • immoderation in the consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • too much consumption of sugary foods;
  • smoking;
  • carbonated drinks containing in their composition phosphoric acid and other components that remove calcium from the body;
  • excessive consumption of coffee (due to increased levels of caffeine, which leaches calcium from the body). Tea leaches calcium from bones also due to caffeine, but the scale of losses is much smaller, since it does not contain as much caffeine as coffee.

It is important for any person to know which foods flush calcium from the body.

In addition to the already described tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, these include:

  • watermelon;
  • citrus;
  • pickles.

All these products have a pronounced diuretic effect - eating them in an immoderate amount, a person begins to drink a lot of water, which washes calcium out of the body. Accordingly, diuretics (as well as steroid hormones, anticonvulsants and laxatives), taken in excessive amounts, carry away a lot of fluid from the body, which removes calcium from the body.

age factor

In addition to these reasons, it explains the leaching of calcium from the body and the age factor. The fact is that as we age, the absorption of calcium begins to deteriorate. The reasons are in changes in metabolic processes in the body.

In this case, the situation is especially complicated for women:

  1. By the age of 40, there are often disturbances in the balance of magnesium, which affects the content of calcium.
  2. With age (especially after menopause), the amount of female sex hormone estrogen produced decreases, which promotes the absorption of calcium by bone tissues.

In recent years, the age factor has begun to act more strongly, and now more and more often age-related reasons are beginning to be said among young people (from 25 to 30 years old). This is explained mainly by malnutrition and bad habits of young people.

Along with products that disrupt the absorption of this element by the body, there are those that, on the contrary, help calcium to be retained in the body. To prevent leaching of calcium from the bones, you need to follow a few simple rules.

  1. First of all, you should include in the diet foods that are rich in this element - dairy, parsley, sesame, various types of cabbage, legumes, nuts, sorrel, garlic, spinach. This list is far from complete, and everyone can find something to their liking.
  2. You should take vitamin complexes containing magnesium and B vitamins, which together are absorbed most fully and contribute to the retention of calcium in bone tissues.
  3. Vitamin C, A and E have a similar effect. It should be taken into account that for the full dissolution of the last two in the body, it is necessary to combine their intake with the consumption of some moderately fatty product.

Excess calcium

Excessive content of this element is observed less often than insufficient, but also carries a danger to the body, accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • weak state of the body, increased drowsiness;
  • constipation, abdominal pain;
  • aching pain in the bones (often in the legs) and joints;
  • cramps in the calf and less often other muscles.

In this regard, the question often arises of how to remove calcium from the body. In this case, you should use those products that have already been discussed above (coffee, tea, salty foods, etc.).

It should be understood that the symptoms of insufficient and excessive content of this element in the body appear gradually. Therefore, it is worth contacting a doctor as soon as they appear. If the disease is detected in the early stages, then it is almost always treated easily and quickly.

  • Introduction
  • Why is dairy products considered the main source of calcium?
  • One calcium is not enough. What other substances are needed for its best assimilation?
  • Calcium - a bit of theory.
  • Functions of calcium in the body
  • What threatens calcium deficiency, and what causes it?
  • What foods contain calcium.
  • What the statistics say about the results of studies on the subject of calcium deficiency and the risk of osteoporosis in raw foodists.
  • Dietary supplements - as an alternative for irrational nutrition.
Why does the body need calcium?

What products contain, except for milk and cottage cheese, and what to “snack” so that calcium is absorbed by the body in full.

Everyone knows that calcium is found in milk, cottage cheese, kefir. Another thing is that these foods need to be eaten every day in order to have strong bones, teeth, nails and hair. I thought so too. But after the transition to a new style of eating, I refused to consume dairy products and meat. I learned that vegetarians and raw foodists get all the nutrients they need from greens.
Thus, I incurred the wrath of the public by not consuming dairy products, because old prejudices are alive that lack of milk = lack of calcium, and this leads to osteoporosis, okay, I don’t feel sorry for myself, but you need to think about children.
This arrangement requires careful consideration. I decided to figure out what calcium is, what function it performs in my body, how much I need to get per day, and the main question! Where is this treasure to take and how to absorb it in the best way to avoid calcium deficiency.

The fact is that the process of absorption of calcium by the body depends on the presence of vitamin D and lactase, as in milk.
But vitamin D contain not only animal sources (butter, cheese and other dairy products, egg yolk, fish oil, caviar), but also vegetable sources (alfalfa, horsetail, nettle, parsley, mushrooms, sunflower seeds) and even sunlight (calcium absorption in the sun going faster).

Recent studies now say the opposite is true - milk removes calcium ...

Maybe it doesn’t, but it’s known for sure that calcium is contained in milk, although not quite suitable for humans, especially in cow’s milk, and in order to assimilate it, you need to spend a lot of energy and, by the way, part of the already existing calcium supply. And from milk, mucus is produced in the intestines and in general it is useless, but this is a separate issue.
Most calcium is found in sesame and poppy seeds. These are champions in terms of calcium content: compared to cow's milk and cottage cheese, sesame and poppy seeds have 10-12 times more of it!!!
Interesting: The human body digests milk thanks to a special enzyme - lactase. Initially, it was produced only in the body of infants to drink mother's milk. However, some people had a "defect" that allowed the enzyme to be produced in their intestines all their lives. It was the ability to drink milk that gave them a competitive advantage among northern Europeans who were deficient in calcium and vitamin D. Both themselves and their offspring were healthier. Gradually, this gene spread among all the inhabitants of Northern Europe. And the Chinese, the natives of America, Australia and South Africa, the indigenous peoples of the North did not have this gene, so they do not drink milk.

One calcium is not enough. What other substances are needed for its absorption in the best way?

  1. Vitamin D - regulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus minerals, their level in the blood and their entry into bone tissue and teeth.
Together with vitamin A and calcium or phosphorus, it protects the body from colds, diabetes, eye and skin diseases. It also helps prevent dental caries and gum disease, helps fight osteoporosis, and speeds up the healing of fractures.
  1. Vitamin C
  2. Vitamin A
  3. Vitamin E
  4. The whole group of B vitamins
  • Magnesium - Among all the factors that ensure the strength of the skeleton, the ratio of calcium and magnesium occupies a central place.

  • When the amount of magnesium in the blood falls, the kidneys rebalance by holding on to less calcium. When the concentration of magnesium increases, the kidneys excrete less calcium. For this reason, the body primarily needs magnesium and vitamin B6, which helps to retain magnesium in the cell.
  1. Phosphorus - phosphorus in the body should be in a ratio of 1:2. If there is more phosphorus, then the level of calcium in the blood may decrease: it stimulates the formation of calcium phosphate salts, which are deposited on the construction of bones.
Animal foods contain about 10 times more phosphorus than plant foods. A direct correlation was established between the loss of calcium from bones with excessive use of phosphorus.

About acid-base balance. Or an example of what happens in the body when phosphorus gets there:

Now imagine that a large amount of phosphorus has entered the bloodstream. It shifts the acid-base balance (ABR) to the acid side. The body tries to compensate for this by removing calcium from its buffer reserves - from the bones. Calcium binds phosphorus, the balance is restored.
Chlorine and sulfur give the same effect as phosphorus.
Potassium, magnesium and sodium give the same effect as calcium, but magnesium and sodium are not in the body in the required amount. Potassium cannot act as a buffer, because. its lack in cells will dramatically affect the viability of the organism. That is why calcium is used. Interestingly, the same mechanism blocks the excretion of calcium through the kidneys, the body tries to maintain buffer elements, and, as a result, calcium salts are deposited in the kidneys.

Consumption of food of animal origin without appropriate compensation with greenery, it definitely contributes to the leaching of calcium from the bones. As for the additional intake of calcium, its absorption into the body is limited and inhibited as soon as a large amount of it is detected at the entrance. Therefore, taking all kinds of gluconates and dairy products will lead to the opposite effect - everything that is taken will go into urine and stones, and what you tried to compensate for by taking it will be compensated by calcium from the bones. Here is such a paradox.

  1. Fat and protein - their excess in the diet greatly reduces the absorption of calcium.
  • Acidic - Sufficient acid must be present in the stomach for normal absorption of certain calcium compounds, especially carbonate.

Reduced acidity. Hypoacidity is a condition that occurs when the body cannot produce adequate amounts of stomach acid. Decreased acidity has an inevitable destructive effect on digestion and interferes with the absorption of nutrients necessary for health. Most minerals, including essential ones like iron, zinc, calcium, and the B-complex vitamins (folic acid and others), require a certain amount of hydrochloric acid to be absorbed. This phenomenon can be caused by taking large doses of drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice, relieve heartburn, used in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers.

  1. fatty, amino and organic acids - omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in linseed oil, have a good effect on the joints.
All this in a complex can be obtained only in natural products of plant origin. For normal absorption of calcium the body needs vitamins and various trace elements.
They are found in: carrots, potatoes, cabbage, blueberries, gooseberries, rose hips, black currants.

It is useful to drink herbal teas and vitamin medicinal preparations, but carefully.

Calcium - a little theory

Due to the high chemical activity of calcium in the free form in nature is not found.

Calcium compounds are found in almost all animal and plant tissues. A significant amount of calcium is part of living organisms.

Calcium, which is used in medicine to compensate for calcium deficiency.

Calcium chloride(CaCl 2) - a drug that compensates for the deficiency of Ca 2+, which is necessary for the implementation of the process of transmission of nerve impulses, contraction of skeletal and smooth muscles, myocardial activity, bone tissue formation, blood clotting.
It reduces the permeability of cells and the vascular wall, prevents the development of inflammatory reactions, increases the body's resistance to infections and can significantly enhance phagocytosis (phagocytosis, which decreases after NaCl intake, increases after Ca2+ intake). When administered intravenously, it stimulates the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, enhances the release of adrenaline by the adrenal glands, and has a moderate diuretic effect.

Calcium gluconate- a chemical compound, the calcium salt of gluconic acid, in medicine is mainly used as a mineral supplement for hypocalcemia.

Calcium glycerophosphate(lat. calcium glycerophosphate) - calcium salt of 1,2,3-propanetriol monohydrogen phosphate or dihydrogen phosphate.

Pharmacological action: compensates for calcium deficiency, tonic. Restores the level of calcium in the body, stimulates anabolic processes.

Used in the food industry as a food additive E383.

Functions of calcium in the body

So calcium is a mineral. One of the elements that make up the human body. The skeleton and teeth contain 99% calcium. The daily requirement of calcium for an adult is 800 mg, for a child 1000 mg. With insufficient intake of calcium, it tends to be released from the bones and thus maintains a balance in the blood and, accordingly, weakens the bones.

  1. Promotes the flow of nutrients into the cell.
  2. It is a building material for all connective tissue of the body, which includes muscles, fascia (muscle sheaths), tendons, skin and bones.
  3. Regulates blood coagulation processes.
  4. Necessary for contraction and relaxation of muscles, including the heart muscle
  5. Participates in the regulation of enzyme activity.
  6. Influences the release of insulin
  7. Possesses weakening properties in allergic conditions.
  8. Plays an important role in transmission of nerve impulses(calcium deficiency leads to increased excitability)
  9. It promotes fertilization by the fact that spermatozoa have a calcium formation in front in the form of an arrow, with which the spermatozoon pierces the egg cell membrane.
With a lack of calcium, the sperm cannot penetrate the membrane, as a result of which fertilization does not occur, which is one of the causes of male infertility.
  1. Helps rejuvenate the body, giving elasticity to the skin, shine to the hair and beauty to the nails.
  2. Together with other substances, it connects and binds cells and affects the density of the interstitial fluid, which makes the cells active.
  3. Increases immunity, shifting the PH of the body to the alkaline side

What threatens calcium deficiency and what causes it?

Bones become thinner with age, become less strong and elastic.
This is partly due to the fact that after about 35 years of age, calcium is washed out of the bones more intensively than its deposition in bone tissue. This is common to everyone, but in some people it is especially pronounced and leads to osteoporosis - a disease associated with damage (thinning) of bone tissue, leading to fractures and bone deformities.

Calcium in the body is reduced by alcohol, smoking, coffee, sugar, carbonated drinks, cocoa, soybeans and foods high in phosphates, including carbonated drinks, excessive salt intake, daily long work at the computer. Coffee increases calcium excretion by the kidneys.

Stress and injury can reduce the ability to absorb calcium from the gastrointestinal tract.

Maintain bone strength a balanced diet rich in natural vitamins, minerals (especially calcium) and fiber, as well as regular exercise, help.

The positive effect on bone density of regular physical activity is also evidenced by the scientifically established fact that bone density"shock (throw) arm" and "jerk leg" in professional athletes is always much higher.

What foods contain calcium?

The table clearly shows that far from dairy products are the main source of calcium.
And this is poppy and sesame, more nettles, seeds. It is recommended to make milk from sesame and poppy seeds.
By eating a variety of foods from this list, listening to your body, you will receive the necessary trace elements, including calcium.


plum core600
Plantain large412
sunflower seed367
soy, grain348
cherry core309
Dog rosehip257
Plantain lanceolate248
Amaranth seed214
Kale (kale)212
Soy beans dry201
White bread170
Sheep milk170
Cow's milk120
Black bread100
Cottage cheese80
Orange medium70
Brussels sprouts42
It is still not clear how it all exists.
Organization of a complete diet.

So, we can sum up.

The daily requirement for calcium in an adult healthy person is about 1 g.

Calcium must be supplied to the body in a certain ratio with phosphorus. The optimal ratio of these elements is considered to be 1: 1.5 (Ca: P).

Phosphorus found in all parts of green plants, even more of it in fruits and seeds.

VitaminD alfalfa, horsetail, nettle, parsley, mushrooms, sunflower seeds

to food, rich in magnesium, include: sesame, bran, nuts. Magnesium is very little in bread, dairy, meat products.

In general, if the diet consists of vegetables, fruits, a variety of greens and nuts, the daily need for calcium will be satisfied.
If you drink green smoothies and teas, then the deficiency of other equally important substances will also be satisfied.

We need vitamins and minerals every day. Our body is very complex, and all the substances in it are interconnected, you cannot isolate one, for example, calcium and eat foods rich in calcium, complex processes occur in the body to maintain balance and it would be more correct to give nature the opportunity to take care of health, here you need to be careful . The main thing is to provide on time those products that the body requires, and he will ask himself, it is important to be able to hear and recognize his voice.

What the statistics say about the results of a study of raw foodists and vegetarians for calcium deficiency and the risk of osteoporosis.

I came across quite a lot of references to the studies of scientists, which overwhelmingly confirm that raw foodists should not worry about this at all, which is good news.

For example: scientists from Australia and Vietnam compared the health of the inert apparatus of 105 Buddhist nuns who follow a strict vegetarian diet, and the same number of non-vegetarian women. It turned out that the bone density of vegetarian women was no different from the bone density of ordinary women :-) The results of the study were published in the online edition of the journal Osteoporosis International.

I also found criticism, though the study was conducted more than 10 years ago, so it doesn’t cause me much confidence, I publish it, and what to trust, let everyone decide for themselves, it’s more convenient for me personally to believe in what it’s more convenient for me to believe:

Nutritional deficiencies

In Germany, from 1996 to 1998, under the leadership of Claus Leitzmann, the University of Giessen (Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen) conducted a major study of raw foodists.
In the course of it, it was revealed that a third of the examined women under the age of 45 suffered from amenorrhea, 45% of all examined men and 15% of women had iron deficiency anemia, and more often, the longer the raw food diet was.

In the blood of all examined, it was detected lack of calcium, iron, magnesium, iodine, zinc, vitamins E, D and B12, and the amount of magnesium, iron and vitamin E supplied with food was sufficient, indicating that these substances were poorly absorbed.
The amount of beta-carotene ingested with food was more than recommended, and the subjects had a lack of vitamin A in their blood, from which it can be concluded that beta-carotene was also poorly absorbed. In 57% of the examined body weight was significantly below normal.

In a 1999 study of raw foodists, 30% of participants were amenorrheic. Another study from the same year found that raw foodists had a significantly higher erosion of tooth enamel. In a 1995 Finnish study, raw foodists found low omega 3. Several studies (1982, 1995, 2000) have shown that raw foodists have very low blood levels of B12 (participants in one of them are known to have subsequently taken vitamin supplements).

Here is a study that is a bit reassuring:

Dr. Luigi Fontana of the University of Washington, after examining 18 raw foodists aged 33 to 85, announced that of the 5 symptoms that accompany osteoporosis, only one is found in raw foodists - light bones.

With regard to bone turnover, vitamin levelsD in the blood and other markers, they are no worse in raw foodists than in the average person, and in terms of vitaminD is better, although the scientist himself suggested that raw foodists with vitaminD there will be problems.

Therefore, Fontana concludes, raw foodists do not fall into risk group for osteoporosis. The lightness of the bones, the doctor suggests, is due in raw eaters to the absence of a polluting factor) present in the meat eater. What is it about? Any raw foodist understands how his diet differs from the standard one - it is non-toxic! It does not create a large concentration of free radicals in the body!

Dietary supplements - as an alternative for irrational nutrition.

The pharmacy sells vitamins with calcium. But I am afraid to use them. These drugs can cause side effects such as kidney stones and also have contraindications. And the most popular drug in our country, according to rumors, is generally banned in the world, as it causes great harm. So, if you are not able to read the instructions and the composition, like a pharmacist, then for prevention and not only, it is better to choose folk remedies, since a doctor's prescription or the advice of a pharmacist in a pharmacy do not guarantee the quality of the product, unfortunately.

I must say about dietary supplements, because they are now very popular. The Chinese bioengineers have advanced the furthest in solving the problem of supplying the body with calcium when it is deficient. And it all started like this:
In the 70s, people learned to pasteurize milk, and vitamin-depleted foods caused the problem of osteoporosis throughout the world.
And the world WHO announced a tender for the invention of a calcium formula that will be maximally, by 90%, absorbed by the human body.
The tender was won by the Chinese Academy of Sciences as soon as it invented ionic formula of calcium.

They created calcium fortified product. They took fresh cattle bones as a basis, which they turned into easily digestible form of calcium.
The main merit of scientists in creating a group of dietary supplements enriched with calcium is that, thanks to modern biotechnologies, it was possible to convert the calcium ion into compounds that are absorbed by the body by 95-98% !!!
Sounds good! Get the whole list: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, copper, and 17 other trace elements, as well as vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B12, A, E, K, D, C), proteins, amino acids and a number of other substances.

Subsequently, KAN sold this formula to a large Chinese company for further production. Today, this company is the exclusive manufacturer and supplier of ionic calcium Worldwide.

You can buy this drug in Russia, the prices are quite affordable.
For example here: 8-964-366-85-65.

Did you know that some foods can reduce the amount of calcium in the body and cause serious illness? The medical term "hypocalcemia" has even been coined for this phenomenon. This disorder most often affects people over 40 years of age, but it can also occur in young people who eat too many decalcifying foods. What it is, we will explain below.

We are talking about calcium imbalance in the blood. For an adult, a sufficient calcium content is considered to be from 4.5 to 5.5 mg-eq / l. A good calcium balance not only keeps bones and teeth healthy, it is also important for the proper functioning of muscles and nerves. If the intestines and kidneys are in order, then the level of calcium, most likely, will also be normal due to the sufficient release of parathyroid hormone.

Factors that most often cause a lack of calcium in the body:

  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Chronic renal failure
  • magnesium deficiency
  • Alcoholism
  • Severe forms of leukemia and blood diseases
  • Treatment with biphosphates, which are used to treat osteoporosis
  • Certain medications such as diuretics, laxatives, insulin, and glucose
  • Caffeine and carbonated drinks

Common symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body:

  • Increased excitability of the neuromuscular system, which is manifested by frequent spasms and cramps in the arms and legs
  • Numbness and burning in fingers
  • Depression or irritability
  • Loss of orientation in space
  • Cardiopalmus
  • Frequent urination and pain when urinating
  • Unreasonable weight loss
  • Shortness of breath and chest pain
  • Inflammation of the lips
  • Nausea, inability to eat
  • Diarrhea lasting longer than two days

What foods can cause calcium deficiency?

  • Sodium: when eating foods with a high salt content, calcium is washed out with urine. To avoid this, you should refrain from semi-finished products, canned food, fast food. It is better to add less salt when cooking, and also, if possible, do not put the salt shaker on the table. The daily salt intake per day should not exceed two grams.
  • Tobacco: one of the most powerful decalcifiers, although not a food item, Smokers are most vulnerable to calcium loss, especially women over forty who are entering menopause.
  • Sweet carbonated drinks: contain a lot of sugar and phosphorus in the form of phosphoric acid. This mineral is very useful in a small amount, but in drinks it causes the opposite effects. Like meat, it can cause acidosis.
  • Alcohol, coffee, refined products(white bread, rice, flour and sugar) also contribute to the removal of calcium from the body.

Are Dairy Good for Bones?

Researchers at Harvard University have excluded dairy products from the so-called "food pyramid". They concluded that these foods, contrary to popular belief, interfere with the absorption of calcium, which our body needs.

only needed by newborn babies while they are breastfeeding, later, it can provoke blood oxidation and shift the acid-base balance to the acid side. Excessive meat consumption, physical inactivity, insufficient drinking water, and stress can also upset the pH balance.

As mentioned above, oxidation is synonymous with a lack of calcium, which the body tries to balance by removing phosphorus into the blood, which is found in large quantities in the bones (they mainly consist of these two elements - calcium and phosphorus).

Thus, with regular consumption of dairy products, the body will slowly remove calcium from the bones in order to balance its balance in the blood. This will lead to an imbalance in the acid-base balance, which can cause: irritability, difficulty concentrating, chronic fatigue, increased susceptibility to illness, allergies or infections, etc.

How to control the intake of foods that interfere with the absorption of calcium?

The principle is simple: the amount of foods containing calcium should exceed the amount of those foods that take it from the body. If you follow this rule, you can not be afraid of hypocalcemia. The problem is that foods that leach calcium from the body contain phosphorus, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the brain, heart, muscle tissue and bones, the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats and turning them into energy..

Do you know that Do some foods interfere with the absorption of calcium and can reduce its content in the body? The medical term "hypocalcemia" has even been coined for this phenomenon. This disorder most often affects people over 40 years of age. However, it can also occur in young people who eat too many decalcifying foods.

What it is, we will explain below.

What is hypocalcemia and why is it dangerous?

Sweet carbonated drinks

Alcohol, coffee, refined products

White bread, rice, flour and sugar also interfere with the absorption of calcium and even contribute to its excretion from the body.

Do dairy products harm our bones?

Researchers at Harvard University have excluded dairy products from the so-called "food pyramid". They came to the conclusion that these products, contrary to popular belief, interfere with calcium absorption. And our body needs it.

Only newborn babies need milk while they are breastfeeding. Later, it can provoke blood oxidation and shift the acid-base balance to the acid side.

Excessive meat consumption, physical inactivity, insufficient drinking water, and stress can also upset the pH balance.

As mentioned above, oxidation is a synonym for calcium deficiency, which the body tries to balance by removing phosphorus into the blood. The latter is found in large quantities in the bones (basically, they consist of these two elements - calcium and phosphorus).

Thus, with regular consumption of dairy products, the body will slowly remove calcium from the bones in order to balance its balance in the blood. This will lead to an imbalance in the acid-base balance and can cause:

  • irritability
  • difficulty concentrating
  • chronic fatigue
  • increased susceptibility to disease or infection, etc.

How to control the intake of foods that interfere with the absorption of calcium?

The principle is simple: the amount of foods containing calcium should exceed the amount of those foods that remove it from the body. If you follow this rule, you can not be afraid of hypocalcemia.

The problem is thatfoods that flush calcium from the body contain phosphorus, necessary for the proper functioning of the brain, heart, muscle tissues and bones, the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats and their conversion into energy.

Phosphorus is also indispensable during the stage of growth and development of children. Therefore, in order to maintain a normal acid-base balance of the body, you need to eat as many foods containing calcium as possible. That is:

  • green leafy vegetables
  • sesame
  • almond
  • dates
  • figs
  • citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits)
  • blackberry
  • raspberries
  • papaya
  • carrot
  • cabbage
  • beans
  • onion and leek
  • artichokes
  • celery
  • endive
  • cauliflower
  • seaweed

Do not forget about the benefits of calcium and be sure to include the foods that we talked about above in your diet.

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