Effective treatment of mastopathy with homeopathic remedies. Mastopathy Non-hormonal treatment of mastopathy

In recent years, there has been a high prevalence of pathological conditions and diseases of the mammary glands. These conditions include mastodynia or mastalgia - unilateral or bilateral pain in the mammary glands of varying intensity, which can be a manifestation of functional and organic diseases of the breast.

Mastalgia can be an initial sign or one of the symptoms of fibrocystic breast disease (FCM), the most common benign breast pathology. FCM occurs in a quarter of women under the age of 30, with the peak incidence at the age of 45.

Mastalgia and / or mastodynia, depending on the cyclical nature of their occurrence, are classified as non-cyclic, cyclic and extramammary.

Non-cyclic mastalgia (not associated with the menstrual cycle) can occur as a result of trauma, mastitis, thrombophlebitis, cysts, precancerous and neoplastic processes, during pregnancy. It can be a symptom of sclerosing adenosis, adenoma and fibroadenoma, reactive sclerosis of the connective tissue, breast cancer. Non-cyclic mastalgia can be observed when taking antidepressants, spironolactone, methyldopa, reserpine, ketoconazole, metronidazole, as well as during treatment with gestagens, clomiphene, estrogens, and other drugs. Hormone replacement therapy and hormonal contraception in some women can also cause acyclic mastalgia, especially in the first months of taking hormonal drugs.

Pains in the mammary glands associated with the menstrual cycle and arising in the second phase of the menstrual cycle are usually referred to as "cyclic mastalgia". Cyclic pain occurs in more than 2/3 of women, bothers a woman for seven or more days of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, being one of the leading symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and caused by the presence of endocrine metabolic disorders that occur in women with this pathology.

Extramammary chest pain not associated with the mammary gland can be caused by inflammation of the osteochondral joints of the spine, osteochondrosis, periarthritis of the shoulder scapula, intercostal neuralgia.

Mastalgia can be the initial or one of the main symptoms of FCM, a predisposition to which may be due to a family history, previous breast diseases, parity, menstrual function, lactation duration, gynecological and extragenital diseases, endocrine disorders, social and household and some others factors.

Mastopathy is a generalized name for benign changes in the mammary glands, which differ significantly from each other in terms of anatomical features, clinical manifestations and the danger of malignancy. According to WHO (1984), mastopathy is a fibrocystic disease characterized by a violation of the ratio of epithelial and connective tissue components, a wide range of proliferative and regressive changes in breast tissue.

Along with the term "mastopathy" to designate this pathological condition, the terms "diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy", "diffuse cystic mastopathy", "breast dysplasia" are used. In the domestic literature, the terms "mastopathy", "fibrocystic mastopathy", "fibroadenomatosis", "dyshormonal hyperplasia of the mammary gland" and "dyshormonal diseases of the mammary glands" are often used.

Cystic breast disease was first described by Cooper in 1829. The term "serous-cystic tumor of the mammary gland" for the definition of mastopathy was suggested by R. Brodi in 1840, and in 1892 Schimmelbusch was proposed to call this pathological condition "cystic adenoma".

The main manifestation of mastalgia is unilateral or bilateral pain in the mammary glands of varying intensity. The main manifestations of FCM are pains of different intensity in one or both mammary glands, arising most often in the second half of the menstrual cycle and disappearing with the onset of menstruation or in the first days of menstruation. Pain can radiate to the axillary region, shoulder and shoulder blade, in some women the pain is constant, independent of the phase of the menstrual cycle. A woman may be disturbed by engorgement (mastodynia), swelling and breast enlargement. Sometimes there is bloody, serous, milky, or pus-like discharge from the nipples. In some women, the disease is asymptomatic, and women go to the doctor if they find seals in the glands.

For the diagnosis of pathological conditions and diseases of the mammary glands, it is recommended to carry out a manual examination in combination with instrumental methods, including clinical research, mammography, ultrasound examination and other methods (radiothermometry) aimed at excluding tumor processes in the mammary glands.

Therapy of functional, dyshormonal and organic diseases of the mammary glands must necessarily include the elimination of the causes leading to the development of pathological processes in the mammary glands. Timely and effective treatment is not only a guarantee of maintaining the health of women, but also allows you to maintain a woman's individuality, psychological balance (Prilepskaya V.N., 2003).

Currently, there are no uniform standards for justified pathogenetic therapy of functional conditions and benign diseases of the mammary glands. For their treatment, a wide range of drugs with different directions are used. These are homeopathic, herbal, vitamin, fortifying agents, drugs that normalize the psychoemotional state, hormonal drugs.

Non-hormonal treatment methods can be roughly divided into several groups:

  • homeopathic therapy;
  • phytotherapy;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • iodine preparations;
  • psychotropic drugs;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • vitamins;
  • enzyme preparations;
  • immunomodulatory drugs;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • other drugs.

For a long time, iodine preparations, herbal preparations and vitamin complexes were used to treat dyshormonal pathology of the mammary glands. However, iodine preparations were prescribed without regard to the state of the thyroid gland. Herbal preparations, as a rule, having a diuretic effect, could not be prescribed for a long time, in addition, during herbal treatment, allergic reactions to the components of the collection and various plants could be observed. The use of hormonal drugs is also associated with certain difficulties. When taking estrogen-progestational drugs, the risk of developing vascular and thrombotic complications increases, albeit to a small extent. Hormonal drugs are not recommended for women who smoke over 35 years of age with a history of thrombotic complications, severe diabetes mellitus, severe liver disease and some other diseases.

In these situations, a promising direction of conservative therapy for breast pathology is currently the use of homeopathic remedies.

Homeopathy is a method or system for treating acute and chronic diseases with the help of specially prepared medicines containing very small doses of active ingredients, which in large doses cause similar painful manifestations. The main difference between homeopathy and scientific medicine is that if in academic medicine the use of drugs is etiological and pathogenetically justified, then in homeopathy the action of drugs is aimed at maintaining and activating the body's defenses, helping the body to cope with the disease on its own. Homeopathy is characterized by a strictly individual approach to the patient and the idea of \u200b\u200bany disease as the suffering of the whole organism as a whole.

For the preparation of homeopathic medicines, natural raw materials of plant, animal and inorganic origin are used, therefore homeopathic remedies practically do not have side effects and are indicated for the treatment of a wide range of pathological conditions.

The results of the study of the homeopathic drug Mastodinon in the treatment of mastalgia, its high efficiency and good tolerance were presented earlier by us and other scientists and clinicians. According to our studies, the effectiveness of Mastodinon in the treatment of mastalgia caused by taking combined oral contraceptives was more than 60%.

The effect of the homeopathic preparation Mastopol, like other homeopathic preparations, is due to the fact that the following active components are included in its composition in sufficiently high homeopathic dilutions:

  • Conium maculatum (Conium) - C6 conium maculatum - 0.075 g;
  • Thuja occidentalis (Thuja) - thuja occidentalis C6 - 0.075 g;
  • Hydrastis canadensis (Hydrastis) - hydrastis canadensis C3 - 0.075 g;
  • Calcium fluoratum - Calcium fluoratum C6 - 0.075 g.

Conium maculatum, or spotted hemlock, contains alkaloids, the main of which is coniine, as well as methylconiine, conidrin, pseudoconidrin, and conicein. In folk medicine, hemlock is used as a sedative, anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving agent. Hemlock is used for painful conditions accompanied by convulsions or spasms (chorea, epilepsy, whooping cough, migraine), as well as for stomach and intestinal colic, anuria, anemia, dysmenorrhea. Traditionally, an alcoholic tincture from a fresh plant has been used as one of the best remedies for cancer, for swollen lymph nodes, for scrofula, anemia and a number of other conditions.

Thuja occidentalis (thuja, or life tree) - contains the active components of monoterpenes - thujone, isotuyon, fenchone, sabines, alpha-pinene and other monoterpenes, as well as borneol, thuic and formic acids. Various parts of the thuja plant are widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of benign skin tumors, warts and papillomas, warts, and polyps. There are reports of the use of infusions and decoctions of leaves and bark of thuja as a diaphoretic, diuretic used to treat colds, coughs, fever, headache and toothache, rheumatism. Experimental studies by Sunila E. S., Kuttan G. (2006), Biswas R. et al. (2011) showed that thuja extract has anticarcinogenic, apoptosis-inducing activity. Thuja was introduced to homeopathy by Hahnemann in 1818 and is now very widely used for the preparation of homeopathic medicines.

Hydrastis canadensis - Canadian yellowroot. Medicinal raw materials from Canadian yellow root contain isoquinoline alkaloids - berberine, hydrastine and canadine. Preparations from this plant have a pronounced tonic effect, stimulate the immune system, promote the secretion of gastric juice, and improve appetite. Use canadian yellow root in the form of a liquid extract for internal bleeding, and also as a tonic, anti-inflammatory and antihypertensive agent. Goldenseal is considered one of the most active natural antibiotics.

In connection with the above, the complex homeopathic preparation Mastopol, which contains substances from the listed plants, is of interest. Mastopol is applied 1 tablet 3 times a day half an hour before meals or 1 hour after meals sublingually. The course of treatment is 8 weeks with the possibility of prolonging or repeating treatment in agreement with the doctor.

The effectiveness of Mastopol in the treatment of FCM in patients of reproductive age was studied by Tagieva T. T. (2004).

So, according to the results of the NTSAGiP them. V.I. Kulakova studies in 70% of women receiving Mastopol (30 women, average age included 39.1 ± 0.1 years), there was a weakening of signs of fibrocystic disease by the second month of treatment, which was manifested by a decrease in density, severity and tension breast tissue. According to ultrasound data, after two months of treatment, 60% of women received an objective confirmation of positive dynamics, expressed in a decrease in the size of cystic formations (the initial size of the cysts was no more than 1.2 cm in diameter). By the second month of observation, 60% of women who received Mastopol had the most pronounced therapeutic effect in the form of the disappearance of mastalgia. The remaining 40% showed a decrease in the intensity of mastalgia symptoms to moderate and mild.

During the treatment with the drug Mastopol, no cases of serious adverse events and reactions were registered. According to the patients' assessment, in 90% of cases the effect of treatment with Mastopol was assessed as “good” and “very good”.

Thus, the research results indicate the high efficiency of homeopathic medicines in the treatment of mastalgia and mastopathy in women of reproductive age. The therapeutic effect was manifested after four weeks of taking Mastopol. The main advantage of homeopathic medicines was the rapid elimination of pain symptoms and high efficiency in treatment, confirmed by clinical and laboratory data, which makes it possible to recommend Mastopol and other homeopathic medicines for the treatment of certain benign pathological conditions of the mammary glands. At the same time, examination and treatment, especially when organic lesions are detected, should be carried out in specialized medical institutions or with the involvement of mammologists.


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V.N. Prilepskaya, doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
A. V. Ledina,candidate of Medical Sciences

Complex therapy is developing in many directions, but alternative medicine is becoming more and more popular. People more and more often feel that they are part of nature and trust many years of experience in this field.

But at the same time they forget that traditional medicine is not grandmothers in the market with bundles of unidentified herbs. AND you can't be a self-taught homeopath, because even lethal outcome is possible.

Homeopathy is one of the areas of alternative medicine. For almost 200 years, science has developed and improved according to the principle "like is treated by like."

Small doses of those substances that, in large doses, cause the symptoms of many diseases, are capable.

The therapeutic effect is possible only in dilutions from 200 to 1000 times. Traditional homeopathic remedies are granules, tablets or drops made from substances of plant, animal and mineral origin.

Natural raw materials allow the use of homeopathic medicines for young children and the elderly, as the most problematic segments of the population.

How does homeopathy work?

A great deal of experience has been accumulated in treating mastopathy with conservative, most often. But it is homeopathy that can eliminate the cause of the disease - hormonal imbalance. Homeopathy activates the body's defenses.

Concomitant gynecological diseases, endometriosis are treated. One cannot but pay attention to diseases of the liver, thyroid gland and even the psycho-emotional state of a woman.

Eliminate stress from your life. Experience has shown that it is best to treat comprehensively, along with hormonal and symptomatic therapy.

Homeopathy can only cure mild forms of the disease!

Homeopathic remedies for mastopathy are easier to tolerate, there are practically no side effects, allergic reactions. But you need to be patient. The course of treatment can be 3 months or longer.

Treatment with homeopathic remedies provides for the help of a doctor who will choose the right drug, make a unique homeopathic recipe taking into account all the individual characteristics of a woman. One-drug treatment is called classical homeopathy.

Homeopathic remedies for mastopathy

So, homeopathy for mastopathy, the drugs are the following, or rather the arsenal of treatment should include the following means:

  • "Mastogran";
  • ;
    One of the causes of mastopathy is the uncontrolled production of the hormone prolactin by the pituitary gland. Mastodinon stops the growth of the pathological hormone.
  • "Tazalok";
  • "Mammoleptin";
  • "Remens" and many other tools that can complement this list.

In general, homeopathy has over 1000 items. Agree that only a real specialist can know this. Medication and dosage for admission is selected individually.

There are many specialized homeopathic clinics that, if licensed, can help you. But there is still no definite answer to the question about the possibilities of homeopathy.

What to look for

The clinical picture of mastopathy is easily determined visually and by palpation. Before and after menstruation, the mammary glands swell, tense, and even hurt a lot.

Discharge from the nipples is possible. A woman under 35 years old, after - mammography and in controversial cases, cytological studies are possible.

Homeopathy considers the body as a system and the treatment of mastopathy with homeopathic remedies is necessarily combined with the treatment of problems of metabolic, hormonal, vascular and nervous origin.

Many clinics start treatment with a computerized electropuncture according to the Voll method. Each patient should have her own treatment regimen!

The effectiveness of treatment will increase certain rules:

  • We reduce the consumption of fatty foods.
  • We refuse coffee.
  • Limiting salt.
  • We use vitamins E and B6 as food additives.

One of the oldest recipes is iodine if there are no thyroid problems. We exclude alcoholic beverages from the diet and forget about smoking.

There is a definite predisposition to this disease. You are at risk if:

  • Depressive, pessimistic, melancholic and often depressed.
  • Didn't give birth.
  • Pregnancy was often artificially terminated.
  • Have had early periods or late menopause.
  • We practiced late feeding of the child.
  • Rarely had sexual satisfaction.

Logic dictates that women need to try to take into account the listed features and exclude them from their lives.

Doctors know that a strict system of treatment of mastopathy with homeopathy has not yet been developed. And homeopathy is generally not recognized by the official science and develops only thanks to specialists - homeopaths, and in different parts of the world.

Western Europe has long recognized homeopathy as the most effective treatment for mastopathy. Critics in our country consider homeopathy to be cheating and point to the placebo effect. Anyway homeopathic remedies help the body cope with the disease.

Having suspected a disease, and then having received a doctor's confirmation, you need a serious examination, and then a connection to the treatment of homeopathic remedies, if you have faith in these drugs.

Even after surgery for a cystic-diffuse form of the disease, homeopathic remedies can help small nodules dissolve.

Remember: Large pharmaceutical corporations develop and manufacture effective homeopathic remedies every year.

Useful video

For more information on the treatment of mastopathy with homeopathy with homeopathic remedies, you can watch the video below:

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

Fibrocystic mastopathy is the most common benign breast pathology, its initial sign may be mastalgia. Mastopathy affects up to a quarter of women under the age of thirty, and the largest number of cases occurs at the age of forty-five.

The term "" is a generalized name for various benign changes in the mammary glands, which are very different from each other in terms of signs, manifestations and health hazards. WHO defines mastopathy as a fibrocystic disease, in which the ratio of connective tissue and epithelial components is disrupted, and a wide range of regressive and proliferative changes in breast tissue is observed.

Treatment of mastopathy

Until now, there is no consensus on the treatment of benign diseases of the mammary glands, therefore, the drugs used have a different focus. These include homeopathic, vitamin, herbal, restorative agents and preparations that normalize the psycho-emotional state. Hormonal drugs are also used.

Now the most promising direction in the treatment of breast pathology is the appointment of homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathy for treatment

Homeopathy is a system for treating diseases with drugs containing very small doses of active ingredients, the properties of which include the ability to cause similar painful manifestations in large doses.

The main difference between homeopathy and scientific medicine is that in the latter, the use of remedies is etio- and pathogenetically justified, and in homeopathy, the therapeutic effect is aimed at activating and maintaining the body's defenses, which contributes to the independent healing of the body from the disease. In homeopathy, an exclusively individual approach to the patient is carried out and any disease is considered a suffering in the whole organism.

Homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural animal, plant and inorganic raw materials, which positively characterizes these medicines in the sense of the absence of unwanted side effects. Homeopathic medicines are used to treat a very wide range of pathological conditions.

For example, it is carried out using the homeopathic remedy Mastodinon, its high efficiency and quite good tolerance have been proven. The efficacy of Mastodinon in mastalgia, which developed as a result of the use of combined oral contraceptives, was determined at 60%.


The effect of Mastopol is due to the presence in its composition in high homeopathic dilutions of a number of active ingredients, such as conium maculatum (hemlock spotted), hydrastis canadensis (yellow root canadensis), thuja occidentalis (life tree, thuja) and calcium fluoratum.

  • Conium maculatum (Conium) -C6 - 0.075 g;
  • Thuja occidentalis (Thuja) -C6 - 0.075 g;
  • Hydrastis canadensis (Hydrastis) -C3 - 0.075 g;
  • Calcium fluoratum -C6 - 0.075 g.

Conium maculatum is an anticonvulsant, sedative, analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.
Thuja occidentalis in folk medicine is used to treat warts and papillomas, benign skin tumors, polyps, etc. Thuja extract exhibits anticarcinogenic and apoptosis-inducing activity.

Hydrastis canadensis contains isoquinoline alkaloids and has a tonic effect, promotes gastric acid secretion, stimulates the immune system and improves appetite. A liquid extract of Canadian yellow root is used for internal bleeding, and in the form of an anti-inflammatory, tonic and antihypertensive agent. It is a highly active natural antibiotic.

Mastopathy is a group of diseases of the mammary gland, when, due to dystrophic and proliferative processes, the structure of the tissues of the mammary glands changes. Under the influence of an imbalance of sex hormones, hyperplasia of the epithelium and fibrosis of the connective tissue occur, secretion increases, ducts expand, painful nodes and cystic formations are formed. Treatment of mastopathy with drugs involves the use of hormonal and non-hormonal agents, the use of vitamins and antioxidants, the appointment of symptomatic therapy, antibiotics are required to relieve inflammation.


Dysplasia of the mammary glands is called fibrocystic mastopathy (FCM), characterized by regressive benign changes in a woman's chest, when the normal ratio of glandular and connective tissue is disturbed. The variety of pathological disorders has given rise to several classifications of the disease, the most common is differentiation according to the specifics of breast lesions.

Diffusediffers in the proliferation of connective tissue with the formation of multiple cysts and seals in the chest. The form is divided into subspecies depending on the predominance of the component:

  • Adenosis. The growth of the predominantly glandular component is noted.
  • Fibrous. In this case, the areas of the fibrous component increase with the formation of cords and fibers of connective tissue.
  • Fibrocystic. Here, the progress of pathology occurs additionally with the formation of cysts filled with fluid.

Nodaldiagnosed when a round seal with clear boundaries is found in one of the segments. The appearance of a mobile nodule is a serious reason for taking a biopsy for breast cancer.

Mastopathy in women of fertile age is revealed during examination up to 45% of cases, the number of patients increases significantly by 40-45 years. The danger of the disease is the degeneration of pathological formations into an oncological process, while the nodal form of the disease poses a significant risk.


Since the mammary glands are part of the structure of the reproductive system, changes in them are associated with the hormonal status of a woman. Therefore, the leading role in the formation of pathological changes belongs to the dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, since a disorder in the regulation of the neurohumoral structure of the reproductive cycles and the endocrine system leads to disruption of physiological processes and the formation of proliferative changes in the mammary glands. Therefore, the predisposing factors for the development of mastopathy include:

  • frequent abortions;
  • late childbirth or their absence;
  • irregular sex;
  • diseases of the genital organs;
  • refusal to breastfeed;
  • hormonal disruptions (menstrual irregularities, polycystic formations);
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • diseases of the liver and pancreas;
  • prolonged or uncontrolled intake of hormones;
  • stress;
  • infectious processes and intoxication;
  • genetic predisposition.

It is believed that increased proliferation of connective tissue cells and epithelial hyperplasia occurs due to a lack of progesterone and the predominance of estrogen. Here, an important role is played by the production of prolactin, an increase in which in the blood increases the sensitivity of the mammary glands to steroids.


The main signs of mastopathy are expressed in the formation of seals in one or both mammary glands, the presence of painful sensations, and sometimes the presence of discharge from the nipples. The manifestations of pathology differ in the variety and brightness of symptoms depending on the stage and form of the disease:

SymptomFeatures of manifestations
SealsFormations are found on palpation, are painful, single or multiple, are detected in one gland or in both. In the early stages, the disease manifests itself in an increase in lobules, later cords, movable seals with clear boundaries or multiple formations of an indistinct shape are felt. In 10% of cases, a painful enlargement of the lymph nodes in the armpits is detected
PainPain occurs spontaneously or with pressure, seizes the entire gland or is localized in the area of \u200b\u200bseals, varies from minor discomfort to significant pain syndrome. Sensations intensify before menstruation, sometimes they are constantly present, manifest themselves in a feeling of heaviness, heat, tingling, are aching and shooting, sometimes they are given to the shoulder, armpits, neck. Up to 15% of patients do not complain of painful manifestations, it is believed that this is due to the individuality of the innervation of the mammary glands and a different threshold of sensitivity
AllocationsOften, discharge from the nipples is serous in nature, sometimes they resemble colostrum, there is a greenish and bloody discharge


For the treatment of mastopathy, it is important to correctly diagnose after a set of diagnostic measures, when, in addition to the complaint and examination of the patient, the doctor relies on the results of instrumental examination methods (ultrasound, X-ray mammography, radiothermometry), which make it possible to study structural changes in the mammary gland. Laboratory studies are also required: cytological analysis, testing of the patient's hormonal status in dynamics.

Based on the examination, medications are prescribed, taking into account the metabolic and hormonal processes in the woman's body, the degree and type of the disease, the age and concomitant health problems of the patient. The therapy is carried out in a complex and stepwise manner, when at first neurohormonal dysfunction is stabilized, then it is necessary to maintain regulation at the physiological level. The basic principles of treatment are based on the duration and continuity of medication, are used:

  • non-hormonal drugs;
  • hormonal agents;
  • complexes of vitamins and minerals;
  • antibiotics for inflammation.

The complex treatment includes the external use of gels and ointments, taking sedatives, and for pain in the chest, the doctor prescribes pain relievers.

When therapeutic treatment is ineffective, a surgical operation is recommended, single elements are removed by enucleation (exfoliation), or a sectoral resection of the gland with cytological examination of the node is performed.

Hormone therapy

The type of medication is prescribed after examining the state of the woman's hormonal system; in case of mastopathy, the choice of the remedy is due to the patient's age and disorders in the body, usually aimed at reducing the effect of estrogen, sometimes correction of prolactin level or thyroid function is required.

List of drugs in the table:

Drug groupRepresentativesHow is prescribedAct
Birth control pillsOvidon, Regulon, Marvelon, JanineRecommended for women under 35 years old, used in a course of six months to 2 years under the contraceptive schemeMedicines normalize the balance of hormones, in case of violation of the luteal phase and LPH, are used at a young age up to 35 years, the drugs are selected individually
AntiestragensToremifen, TamoxifenIt is prescribed in the form of tablets or injections for a long course, with regression of mastopathy, treatment is continued for another 2 monthsBlock the capture of estrogen by cell receptors, shown to patients after 55 years
Prolactin blockersDostinex, Parlodel, BromcriptineTaken after appointment, one tablet or two dailyDrugs activate dopamine receptors and suppress prolactin production, are prescribed only when hyperprolactinemia is detected
GestagensInside tablets Dyufaston, Utrozhestan, externally - gel ProgestogelAppointed in the second phase of the cycleNatural or synthetic derivatives of progesterone suppress estrogen synthesis, slow down the production of sex hormones in the pituitary gland. Therapy is indicated for LH deficiency and hyperestrogenism, accompanied by fibroids and bleeding. Utrozhestan, with local exposure, improves fluid absorption and eliminates edema, reducing pain
GnRH antagonistsZoladex, Dipherelin, Firmagon, BuserelinThe duration of therapy is at least 3-6 months.Antagonists of gonadotropin-releasing hormone inhibit its synthesis in the hypothalamus, which leads to a significant decrease in the synthesis of sex hormones in the pituitary gland, artificial menopause occurs, creating the prerequisites for regression of the disease
Thyroid hormonesWith hypothyroidism, Triiodothyronine, L-thyroxine, ThyrocombAccepted according to the appointment of an endocrinologist-gynecologistDrugs reduce the production of thyroid-stimulating hormone and prolactin

Antibacterial therapy

The appointment of antibiotics is necessary when mastopathy is complicated by an inflammatory process caused by injuries or abscesses, STD diseases. The following groups of antibacterial agents are used for treatment:

  • Penicillins. Natural antibiotics are active against most gram-positive and some gram-negative organisms, affecting the synthesis of cell membranes. Once in the body, they penetrate well into all tissues and fluids, quickly reaching the required concentration, and are excreted mainly by urine (Penicillin, Ampicillin).
  • Cephalosporins.The chemical composition of medicines is based on 7-aminocephalosporanic acid, a number of antibiotics have a pronounced bactericidal effect in the acute stage of inflammation. The advantages include high efficiency, a wide range of effects on microorganisms (Cefuroxime).

The names of the drugs may be different, the type of antibiotic, the dosage and the option of administration are prescribed only by the doctor, focusing on the severity of the inflammatory process, the type of pathogen and the response of the patient's body.

Non-hormonal drugs

Interest in herbal preparations is due to the multifunctionality of the funds and the prolonged effect on the body, the mild effect, the absence of a withdrawal syndrome and a wide list of contraindications. Their use is possible both as monotherapy and as part of a set of measures.

It is important to take into account that even plant extracts have contraindications, not all medicines are allowed to be used in combination, therefore the choice of means belongs to the mammologist.


The drug from a German manufacturer is based on an extract of 6 medicinal herbs, similar in effect to prolactin blockers: the composition binds dopamine receptors and reduces the production of this hormone, and also stabilizes the production of gonadotropins by the pituitary gland, leading to the normalization of progesterone in the body.

The drug belongs to the leaders of non-hormonal treatment of FCM, is available in the form of drops and tablets, as a result of its administration, the following occurs:

  • a decrease in the activity of proliferative processes and the formation of connective tissue;
  • decreased blood supply and narrowing of the ducts;
  • elimination of swelling and soreness in the mammary glands;
  • restoration of ovarian function and restoration of the menstrual cycle.

Many women, when taking Mastodinon, note the disappearance of migraines and emotional stress. With a long course of at least 3 months, degenerative processes in the tissues stop and they are restored, although in some cases there are relapses of pathology.

They take a liquid drug in the morning and in the evening, 30 drops after shaking the bottle, the tablets are also used twice before meals or 40 minutes after, after a month and a half of taking, the patient's condition is assessed. Mastodinon is allowed to be used in complex therapy, but only a specialist selects a group of drugs.

Other drugs

To relieve the manifestations of mastopathy in complex treatment, other drugs, painkillers and sedatives are also used. Since there is a risk of degeneration of formations into breast cancer, it is considered advisable to additionally prescribe anticarcinogenic and vitamin complexes, remedies based on medicinal plants, and also containing Omega-3 acids. In case of iodine deficiency in the diet, formulations containing the element are recommended.

The list of the best drugs for mastopathy includes the following remedies:

MedicineActHow to use
RemensRefers to homeopathic remedies, is available in the form of drops or tablets, has a complex effect on the normalization of the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovary system and restores the phases of the cycle, normalizes lipid metabolism, has an anti-inflammatory effect, prevents relapses of the diseaseTake the remedy for a course of 3 months three times a day, after a break, the reception is resumed
MastofitHerbal dietary supplement, available in tablets and cream, creating a synergistic effect when used in parallel. The therapeutic effect provides dopaminergic activity and antioxidant properties of plants in the composition of the drug. In the process of taking it, the level of sex hormones is normalized and the growth of existing nodes stopsTablets and cream are used three times a day
IndinolThe dietary supplement is made from cruciferous plant extract, has antiestrogenic activity and has a corrective effect on hyperplastic changes in the mammary gland, leading to the death of pathological cells. It is used as a prophylaxis of FCM, in the treatment of the disease it is used as part of complex therapyWhen diagnosing mastopathy, dietary supplements are taken once a day for 3 weeks
MamoclamThe tablets contain omega-3 acids, iodine and lipids, chlorophyll. The medicine, by reducing the proliferation of the epithelium, causes regression of cystic formations, eliminates painful symptoms. Used in monotherapy and complex treatment for iodine deficiencyThe dose is determined by a specialist, up to 6 tablets are prescribed per day for a course of up to 9 weeks
NovaminThe newest antioxidant complex is prescribed to normalize metabolic processes in tissues, remove toxins, and reduce the severity of symptoms. Effective as cancer prevention, the composition has a damaging effect on altered cellsThe drug is taken daily in a capsule for 30 days, after a break, the treatment is repeated
Vitamin and mineral complexesVitamins C, A, E, D, P, B are important for the health of the female breast; of the elements, selenium, magnesium and phosphorus, calcium and potassium, sulfur, zinc and iron are shown. A complete vitamin composition helps to normalize metabolic processes and organ function. And also to stabilize hormonal levels, remove toxins, reduce swelling and inflammation, strengthen immunity. Taking vitamin preparations slows down cell aging and prevents cancer developmentThey use Aevit, Triovit, Alphabet and others.Taken as prescribed by a doctor in courses of 2 months

Complex therapy

If mastopathy is accompanied by severe symptoms, disorders of the digestive and nervous system, types of drugs are prescribed, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the problem:

  • If your breasts are swollen before your period, your doctor may recommend a mild diuretic to help remove excess fluid.
  • In acute pain syndrome, pain relievers are used - Ibuprofen, Diclofenac.
  • When disturbances in the intestines lead to congestion and provoke the reabsorption of estrogens, the intake of laxatives and probiotics (Duphalac, Eubikor) is required.
  • In case of violations in the liver, support with hepatoprotectors is required, since the organ is involved in the metabolism and inactivation of hormones (Essentiale-forte, Phosphogliv).

The psychological state affects the hormonal status of the female body, stress leads to a violation of neurohumoral regulation. As the phases of the menstrual cycle affect the emotional sphere of a woman, prolonged psycho-emotional stress eventually leads to an imbalance of hormones. Therefore, with mastopathy, along with taking drugs that affect the increase in estrogen and prolactin, it is necessary to maintain the stability of the psyche by taking sedatives. You can use tincture of valerian or motherwort or complex herbal formulations - Persen, Novo-passit.

The prolonged course of mastopathy increases the risk of developing breast cancer, therefore, at the first symptoms of pathology, a woman needs to consult a doctor to undergo an examination and find out the cause of changes in the tissues. Timely diagnosis can often cure the disease without the use of hormonal therapy.

Timely detection and early treatment of breast diseases is one of the main conditions for protecting a woman's health.

Mastodynia is one of the frequent complaints with which women seek help from a doctor. Surveys showed that more than 70% of women interviewed had chest pain at least once in their life. Among them, about 7 people experienced mastodynia for more than 6 days during a month.

Painful sensations in the mammary glands can be caused by various reasons: swelling, inflammation, reactive sclerosis of the connective tissue of the breast, inflammation in the osteochondral joints of the spine, intercostal neuralgia.

Mastodynia is a pressing problem of modern women

Mastodynia occurs in a third of perfectly healthy women as a symptom of premenstrual syndrome. With a slight severity, this pain does not require treatment with medications. Also, mastodynia can appear while taking hormonal contraceptives. It depends on the chemical composition of the drug. Mastalgia when taking contraceptives often occurs in the first months and is a symptom of the "adaptation period".

Despite the fact that mastodynia is not a symptom that threatens the life and health of a woman, it can cause quite significant physical and mental discomfort and anxiety.

Fibrocystic mastopathy. Symptoms of mastopathy

But do not forget that mastodynia is one of the first signs of the presence of fibrocystic mastopathy. Mastopathy is a benign change in the mammary glands.

With fibrocystic mastopathy, there is a process of violation of the development of connective and glandular tissue, which provokes a violation of blood circulation in the mammary glands, which leads to the formation of blood stasis and cysts in them. Mastopathy is found in women aged 30-50 years, and the peak of the disease occurs at 45 years.

Fibrocystic breast disease is manifested by pain in one or both mammary glands. Often this pain accompanies a woman in the second half of the menstrual cycle and can completely disappear with the onset of menstruation.

In some women, breast pain is present throughout the entire cycle. The mammary gland grows in size, becomes edematous and swollen. Pain in mastopathy can radiate to the scapula, armpit or shoulder. Many women with mastodynia develop anxiety and depression along with cancerophobia.

What drugs are effective for the treatment of mastopathy?

To date, there is no single standard of treatment for fibrocystic mastopathy due to various causes of mastodynia, as well as individual drug tolerance.

Hormonal treatment of mastopathy is often recommended, which can only temporarily stop the process in the mammary glands. However, treatment with hormonal drugs can do more harm to a woman's body than good.

It becomes clear that the most justified approach to the treatment of mastopathy lies in the complex treatment with vitamins, herbal preparations, homeopathic remedies, fortifying actions and rational nutrition.

Of great interest is the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies, which are the safest. Homeopathic remedies do not cause side effects, and their effect is to activate, maintain and regulate body functions to combat the pathological process.

That is, homeopathy affects the body, helping it cope with the disease with its own protective resources. Homeopathic medicines are made from natural raw materials of plant, animal or inorganic origin. That is why homeopathy is recommended for the treatment of mastopathy and a wide range of other diseases.

Homeopathic substances used in the treatment of mastopathy.

The homeopathic arsenal contains remedies for the treatment of mastopathy. These are funds that include the following components:

  • Hydrastis canadensis(Hydrastis) - has anti-inflammatory, tonic effect, stimulates the immune system. It is also one of the most effective natural antibiotics. The substance is used in a third dilution.
  • Conium maculatum(Conium) - Has a sedative, analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. An alcoholic tincture of this remedy has been used as one of the most effective remedies for anemia, with swollen lymph nodes. The substance is used in the sixth dilution.
  • Calcium fluoratum -has an effect on connective and fibrous tissue, has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is effective for fibrocystic changes in the mammary glands, as well as for chronic diseases of the pelvic organs or uterine fibroids. Used to restrict the growth of fibroids. Used in the sixth dilution.
  • Thuja occidentalis - all parts of the plant are used in folk medicine for the treatment of genital warts, skin diseases, benign tumors, papillomas, polyps and warts. Studies have shown that thuja plant extract has apoptosis-inducing activity and anti-carcinogenic effect.
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