Kidneys or lumbar spine: determine the cause of the pain. What distinguishes kidney pain: specific symptoms How to distinguish renal colic from radiculitis

Painful sensations in the lower back, lumbago in the legs and groin are symptoms accompanying pathological processes in the spine, kidneys, back muscles. By the nature of the discomfort, it is difficult for a layman to figure out which disease causes painful manifestations.

To start treatment, it is important to know if your kidneys or back hurt. How to determine the type of pathology? What diseases most often occur with pronounced pain in the lumbar region? What are the signs of kidney, muscle and spinal column problems? Answers in the article.

Causes of pain

Lower back pain indicates a negative process. The intensity of discomfort varies from mild to pronounced, painful.

Often, pain syndrome develops with inattention to one's health, wearing clothes out of season (hypothermia), against the background of advanced forms of chronic pathologies. Any source of infection in the body increases the risk of kidney inflammation.

Spinal problems often arise during hard work, excessive overload in the gym, the habit of working in the garden without rest. "Sedentary" work or constant stay "on your feet" also increase the risk of damage to the vertebrae and muscle tissue. Drafts are another negative factor, against the background of which the back muscles become inflamed.


  • in the chronic form of pathology during the period of remission, negative symptoms are weak, aching pains, dim;
  • during an exacerbation, the lumbago "gives" to the legs, genital area, groin, forcing the patient to look for a comfortable position in order to alleviate the condition a little;
  • you can forget about restful sleep: such a strong pain syndrome develops with exacerbation of radiculitis, renal colic, inflammation of the urinary system.

Causes of back pain:

  • radiculitis;
  • myositis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • spondylosis;
  • severe curvature of the spine;
  • spondyloarthrosis;
  • protrusion;
  • rheumatic diseases;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • oncohematological pathologies (tumors);
  • traumatic injuries of the spine.

Causes of kidney pain:

  • or ;
  • blockage of the urinary tract.

Other diseases with similar symptoms:

  • aortic aneurysm;
  • pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas);
  • inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • stones in the gallbladder;
  • ulcerative lesions in the intestine or stomach.

On a note! Diseases of internal organs with a neglected form or an acute process also provoke discomfort in the lumbar region. In most cases, painful sensations appear with problems with the kidneys, back muscles, or the spine.

Characteristic signs and symptoms

How and why do the kidneys hurt and what to do if the back hurts in the kidney area? The difference in the symptoms of pain in the kidneys and back is the appearance of additional signs accompanying the acute or chronic course of each disease. For example, with renal pathologies, in most cases, the color and transparency of urine changes, with problems with the spine, the pain increases with movement.

Typical symptoms of aching kidneys:

  • problems with urination;
  • change in the shade of urine (darkens, becomes cloudy, "flakes" appear, blood clots or the liquid becomes almost colorless);
  • where kidneys hurt? Pain syndrome often develops on one side. With glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis, discomfort depends on the degree of kidney damage, activation of the inflammatory process;
  • when stones come out, severe pain is possible: sharp edges scratch delicate tissues, irritate nerve endings in the ducts;
  • after a night's sleep, well-noticeable edema appears in the lower legs and under the eyes;
  • pain is given to the side, reaches the groin, abdomen, external genitalia, inner thighs, urinary tract;
  • loss of strength, general weakness develops, the person quickly gets tired;
  • often disturbed by headaches, including migraines;
  • blood pressure often rises;
  • when the inflammatory process is activated, the temperature rises;
  • the work of the digestive system is disrupted, vomiting appears, diarrhea, often nausea;
  • deterioration of urine and blood tests, a high level of ESR, the appearance of protein, erythrocytes, leukocytes in the urine.

Typical symptoms for pathologies of the spine and back muscles:

  • localization of pain - clearly in the middle of the back;
  • when moving, bending, turning, discomfort increases;
  • shots in the lumbar spine "give" to the legs, arms;
  • wearing orthopedic belts, applying warming compresses greatly alleviates the patient's condition;
  • discomfort appears after a long stay in the "standing" position, lifting weights, with sudden movements, blows, injuries;
  • often the pain syndrome interferes with moving, or the person freezes in the same position as during the attack;
  • pain "shooting", sharp or pulling, discomfort is often heard on both sides of the spinal column;
  • on the X-ray, according to the results of MRI and CT, the doctor reveals characteristic changes in the discs and vertebrae: bone growths - osteophytes, intervertebral hernias, protrusions, tumors;
  • with muscle spasms, the mobility of the lumbar spine is sharply limited;
  • with degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine (without the development of an active inflammatory process), blood and urine tests are practically normal.

Three main differences: table:

Important! When looking for an answer to the question: "What hurts: back or kidneys?" - it is important to remember what events or illnesses happened the day before. If a person is cold, wet his feet, or has recently suffered from acute respiratory infections, a bacterial or viral infection, then most likely, kidney inflammation develops. Was the day off devoted to work in the country / vegetable garden or was there a high intensity training? Surely back problems.

Effective therapy options

An important point is the beginning of therapy after clarifying the diagnosis, consulting a specialist. If you suspect kidney disease, an ultrasound scan, a blood and urine test, a clarification of the level of leukocytes, ESR, hemoglobin is prescribed, a Doppler study is performed. For diseases of the spine, CT or MRI is performed, X-rays of the lumbar spine are taken, and a blood test is prescribed.

Unfortunately, many people are in no hurry to see a doctor, start treatment on the basis of advice from relatives and neighbors, advertising of new drugs. Folk remedies often reduce the symptoms of the disease, reduce pain, but do not completely eliminate the cause of the pathology. Herbal medicine, the use of homemade ointments is allowed only by the attending physician as an auxiliary treatment.

Some therapies are prohibited for certain diseases. For example, heating increases the inflammatory process, massage is prohibited for some types of spinal diseases. Improper application of alcohol compresses, the use of unsuitable herbal decoctions increases the negative symptoms. With self-medication, the disease is often "masked", becomes chronic with periods of exacerbations. In advanced cases, the destruction of nephrons or vertebrae occurs, an increase in the size of stones or tumors.

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The main methods of therapy for renal pathologies:

  • antibacterial agents, taking into account the identified infectious agents (an antibiotic sensitivity test is required);
  • diuretic pills;
  • herbal and synthetic preparations that dissolve and remove stones;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • drugs that normalize blood flow in the kidneys;
  • mud therapy for kidney diseases;
  • correction of the acidity level of urine;
  • uroantiseptics;
  • physiotherapy;
  • diet with restriction of products in acute and chronic form of pathology. With nephrolithiasis and urolithiasis, they develop their own diet to remove each type of calculus;
  • antispasmodics and analgesics for pain relief;
  • hemosorption, plasmapheresis, hemodialysis for blood purification;
  • sedatives.

Treatment of diseases of the spine:

  • muscle relaxants;
  • pain relievers;
  • anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs (NSAIDs);
  • chondroprotectors;
  • ointments and creams with plant extracts, bee and snake venom, menthol, larkspur;
  • physiotherapy with medicines, therapeutic baths, electric and mud therapy;
  • novocaine blockade;
  • external agents that improve blood circulation, relieve swelling;
  • calcium preparations;
  • massotherapy;
  • wearing orthopedic products;
  • spinal traction;
  • manual therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • fortifying agents, vitamins;
  • formulations with hyaluronic acid to restore cartilage tissue.

When discomfort, unpleasant sensations in the lower back appear, do not wonder what hurts: kidneys or back, engage in "self-diagnosis" and self-medication. The best option is to visit a therapist, get advice from an endocrinologist, neurologist, urologist / nephrologist or orthopedist-traumatologist.

It is important to tell the doctor in detail about the nature of pain, localization, duration of seizures, to take blood and urine tests, to carry out diagnostics using modern equipment. Only with a thorough examination, clarification of the diagnosis, it is possible to eliminate the pain syndrome, heal the pathology of the kidneys / spine, and reduce the risk of relapse.

What to do if your back hurts in the kidney area? How to distinguish diseases of the spine from renal pathologies? Elena Malysheva will give answers and useful tips in the following video:

Very often we are faced with heaviness, pain and stiffness of movements in the back. Many people perceive it as an inflammation or a cold, but the problem can be much more serious.

Kidneys or back hurt, it is not clear how to determine the cause at home. But general symptoms and prerequisites can provide a clue, which we will discuss below.

Going to the hospital

It is almost impossible to recognize pain in the kidneys or to understand that the lower back hurts from osteochondrosis without a medical education.

A number of tests are required, which include:

  • X-ray;
  • Tomography;
  • Magnetic resonance therapy;
  • Pressure measurement;

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If you came to the hospital earlier and you were diagnosed with chronic pyelonephritis, renal failure, kidney stones or low back osteochondrosis, then the symptoms that appear indicate an exacerbation of the disease.

Causes of back pain

It is possible to recognize pain in the kidneys and distinguish it from osteochondrosis by knowing the general symptoms and manifestations. It is inflammation in the spine and problems with internal organs that can be the main causes of pain.

In the presence of problems with the spine, the following can be diagnosed:

  1. Mycosis;
  2. Rheumatism.

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When the reason lies in kidney disease, the diagnosis is made only by a doctor after a series of tests, a full diagnosis.


You can find out that the kidney hurts or that the intervertebral discs are inflamed based on the general symptoms and manifestations.

Osteochondrosis or rheumatism- Shooting and sharp pain in the back, lumbar region;
- Pulling sensation when turning and tilting;
- Improvement during sleep or after taking a horizontal position;
- Localization of pain in the center of the back;
- Muscle spasms;
- The onset of relief after rubbing and warming ointments.
Pyelonephritis, kidney stones, or other kidney disease- Almost no back pain, but it can be aching and temporary;
- The pain does not come when changing posture, in the supine position;
- Ointments and anti-inflammatory ointments do not work, only painkillers help;
- Painful sensations are concentrated in the area of \u200b\u200bthe kidneys.

There are also common manifestations that are inherent in osteochondrosis of the lumbar region and kidney pathology:

Who is most at risk for kidney disease?

There is a risk group that is most susceptible to kidney disease. Therefore, they should first go for a routine examination, especially if the first symptoms of inflammation have already appeared.

These are usually those who suffer from:

  • Diabetes;
  • Infections and inflammations in the genitourinary system;
  • Woman during pregnancy;
  • Susceptible to genetic factors;
  • Lowered immunity;
  • Postponing injury and kidney surgery;
  • Bad habits.

Useful video:

Why does osteochondrosis develop?

There may be several reasons for the appearance of osteochondrosis, and hence back pain:

  • Incorrect sleeping position;
  • Great physical activity;
  • Sedentary work at the computer;
  • Inflammation and infection;
  • Joint pathology;
  • Heredity;
  • Diabetes;
  • Hypothermia.

Usually, osteochondrosis affects patients aged 30-50 years, but also athletes, pregnant women, people over 60 years old suffer from it.

How to distinguish between problems?

You can also distinguish a disease by symptoms at home, if you look closely at your state of health.

So with osteochondrosis or arthritis, patients suffer from sharp pains and discomfort during exercise, there is a spasm and improvement after using warming ointments.

If the patient has problems with the kidneys and internal organs, then there may not be any pronounced back pain, they occur only in the advanced form of the disease or with a cold in the lower back, the discomfort does not go away even in the supine position.

Often with pyelonephritis and nephritis, pain can go down to the hip bones, give to the side or stomach.

Back pain

Many have faced the problem of pain in the lumbar region. It is not always possible to immediately understand whether the lower back or the kidneys hurt.

The lower back can hurt for many reasons:

  • radiculitis,
  • osteochondrosis,
  • cholelithiasis,
  • aortic aneurysm,
  • pancreatitis,
  • stomach ulcer or 12 duodenal ulcer,
  • kidney disease
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic cavity.

Lumbar pain can be a symptom of many diseases, of which 90% of cases are problems with the spine and back muscles, about 6% are kidney diseases, and only the remaining 4% are diseases of other internal organs.


The pain can be pulling or sharp, "shooting" when it is impossible to even straighten the back. For problems with the spine, pain is often localized in the middle of the lower back. It can radiate to the lower extremities.

Pain in osteochondrosis and radiculitis usually increases during movement. Lumbar mobility is limited due to muscle spasm. Pain sensations decrease after rubbing warming and anti-inflammatory ointments or gels into the lower back. Also, back pain can be relieved by wearing a warming or special orthopedic belt.


To understand what is hurting you, you need to know what symptoms of kidney disease may accompany lower back pain. The most common inflammatory kidney diseases are glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis. Also low back pain may be a manifestation of urolithiasis, the main symptom of which is the so-called renal colic.

We must remember what caused the appearance of lower back pain. If shortly before that you got your feet wet or overcooled, then this indicates an inflammation of the kidneys. If the onset of symptoms was preceded by hard physical work, an unusual load on the back, or you were simply sleeping in an uncomfortable position, then you are most likely concerned about the spine or lumbar muscles. Glomerulonephritis can be assumed in the case when a couple of weeks before the onset of pain in the lumbar region, you had a sore throat, flu, or other colds.

So how do you know if your kidneys hurt? To do this, you need to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • deterioration of health: lethargy, drowsiness, fatigue, weakness;
  • increased blood pressure, and as a result, headache;
  • the appearance of edema on the face, legs, which are usually noticeable in the morning, and are smoothed in the evening;
  • increased body temperature, chills, sweating;
  • nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting;
  • frequent or painful urination
  • the intensity of painful sensations does not depend on the position of the body.

Urine can also change: it becomes saturated color or vice versa colorless, contains blood, mucus or sediment. The listed symptoms speak in favor of kidney disease.

Localization of pain is very important. Many do not know where the kidneys hurt and what the characteristics of the pain are. With renal diseases, pain is more often worried on one side - to the left or right of the spine. It is localized just below the ribs and can radiate to the following areas:

  • on the lateral surface of the abdomen and groin;
  • along the ureter;
  • external genital organs;
  • on the inner thighs.

Characteristics of pain in renal pathology

Renal colic is characterized by acute paroxysmal pain. Painful sensations in urolithiasis are associated with blockage of the urinary tract by calculus and impaired outflow of urine. Increased peristalsis and spasm of the ureters occur, in addition, a stone with sharp edges injures and irritates the nerve endings in the urinary tract wall. These changes are the cause of the pain.

Pain due to kidney inflammation is of a different nature. The inflamed kidneys increase in volume, their tissue swells. As a result, the renal capsule, which contains many nerve endings, is stretched. When the shell is stretched, these endings are irritated, which leads to the appearance of painful sensations. For pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis is characterized by dull aching sensations in the right or left lumbar region. With these diseases, the pain is not very pronounced, in contrast to urolithiasis and diseases of the spine.

Diagnostic tests

An experienced professional knows what symptoms are most common in kidney disease. To distinguish renal pathology from back pain, the doctor performs the following technique: taps the lumbar region with the edge of the palm. With kidney disease, tapping is accompanied by the appearance of a dull internal pain.

The most significant studies for differential diagnosis are the following:

  • x-ray of the lumbar spine (with osteochondrosis and radiculitis, there are characteristic changes in the spine - osteophytes, intervertebral hernias, etc.);
  • a general blood test (with diseases of the spine, there are usually no changes, with kidney disease - leukocytosis, anemia, increased ESR);
  • general urine analysis (increased or decreased relative density of urine, hematuria, leukocyturia, bacteriuria, high salt content indicate kidney disease);
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and abdominal cavity (an increase in the volume of the kidneys, the presence of calculi in them).

The number of sources used in this article:. You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

It is not immediately possible to establish the cause of back pain. Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish back pain or spinal pain from kidney pain. The difference lies in the details. To distinguish kidney pain from back pain, you need to focus on identifying the source of the pain, determining if the pain is persistent, and recognizing the presence of other symptoms. If you can do this, you can easily distinguish back pain from kidney pain.


Part 1

Pain assessment

    Recognize pain spreading down the back and buttocks. If pain occurs in these areas, it is most likely caused by an injury to the muscles in the back, rather than a kidney problem. Vertebral pain most often occurs in these areas and, as a rule, spreads throughout this area. Kidney pain has other symptoms.

    Check if you feel pain between your ribs and hips. Kidney pain most often occurs from the side or back, in an area called the lateral or iliac abdomen. This is the area at the back of the body where the kidneys are located.

    • Pain in other parts of the back, such as in the upper back, is definitely not caused by the kidneys.
  1. Recognize abdominal pain. If the pain in the lower back is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, then it most likely has something to do with the kidneys. Vertebral pain is usually only felt in the back. Enlarged or infected kidneys can cause inflammation not only in the back but also in the front of the body.

    • If the pain occurs only in the abdomen, but not in the back, chances are high that it has something to do with the kidneys.
  2. Determine if the pain is persistent. Most of the time, when it comes to kidney problems, they hurt all the time. Throughout the day, it can decrease or increase without completely disappearing. On the other hand, back pain often goes away and then comes back after a while.

    Determine if you only feel pain on one side of your lower back. If pain occurs in only one iliac region of the abdomen, it is likely that the cause is in the kidneys. The kidneys are located just along the iliac region of the abdomen, and kidney stones can only cause pain in one of the kidneys.

    Part 2

    Recognizing other symptoms
    1. Determine the source of your back pain. To tell the difference between vertebral pain and kidney pain, remember if you have performed any activity that could cause back pain. For example, if you have lifted a lot of weights or have been in a bent position for a long time, then this is most likely vertebral pain, and not pain in the kidneys.

      • If you recently sat or stood for a very long time, it could cause back pain.
      • Also, if you have recently injured your back, chances are high that your current pain is related to the injury.
    2. Pay attention to urinary problems. Since the kidneys are an integral part of the urinary tract, other kidney problems often manifest during urination. Look for blood in your urine and for increased pain when urinating.

      Look for numbness in your lower back. Back pain can cause numbness as a result of nerve compression and congestion in the buttocks and legs. This symptom often occurs in people with vertebral pain due to inflammation or pinching of the sciatic nerve.

      • In extreme cases, numbness can spread to the toes.

    Part 3

    Establishing diagnosis
    1. If pain persists, see your doctor. Health problems that cause pain need professional treatment. If you delay treatment, they can develop into something serious and lead to even more severe pain.

      • Make an appointment with a therapist at the local clinic to which you are assigned, or visit a paid clinic.
      • Over-the-counter pain relievers are a good temporary solution if you are in severe pain. Prolonged pains require medical treatment to correct the problem rather than mask it with drugs.
    2. Get a medical examination and get tested. When you see your doctor, he will ask you about your symptoms — when they started and how intense they were. Then the doctor will examine you and feel the sore spots. At this stage, he will be able to guess what is causing the pain, but in order to make an accurate diagnosis, you will have to go through a series of studies and tests.

      • If your doctor suspects a serious back problem, such as a herniated disc or a kidney problem, they will ask you to have a visual examination (X-ray, ultrasound, MRI of the spine, or CT scan).
      • If the doctor suspects a kidney problem, you will be asked to have a series of blood and urine tests that will also check for abnormalities in blood cell and protein counts.

    Article Information

    This article was co-authored by Sarah Gehrke, RN, MS. Sarah Gercke is a registered nurse from Texas. She received her master's degree in nursing from the University of Phoenix in 2013.


The human body is a rather complex system of interaction of internal organs, interconnected by muscle, articular and bone tissues, dotted with numerous venous and vascular structures. In the process of life, they are actively exploited, wearing out over the years, which is transmitted to the brain by the nervous system through pain. It is not always possible to accurately recognize the focus of localization of pathological changes by palpation of the painful area. For example, if the lower back begins to hurt, it is impossible to accurately determine whether the back or kidneys hurt, relying solely on intuition.

Back pain in the kidney area can be associated with two factors:

  • primary - spinal problems;
  • secondary - pathological processes in internal tissues and organs.

In the first case, the following violations are characteristic:

  • manifestation of neurological signs of osteochondrosis;
  • the initial stage of the formation of an intervertebral hernia;
  • displacement of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc with rupture of the annulus fibrosus;
  • inflammatory processes that limit the mobility of the spinal column;
  • violation of the integrity of the bone tissue of the vertebrae;
  • displacement of the vertebrae with curvature of the spinal column.

In the second case, back pain in the kidney area can be triggered by the following conditions:

  • vertebral tumors;
  • increased fragility of bones due to lack of calcium;
  • inflammation of the bone tissue of the spine caused by infectious diseases (tuberculosis, brucellosis);
  • symmetrical inflammation of the peripheral joints;
  • insufficient mineralization of the bone tissue of the spine (softening of the bones);
  • disruption of the digestive tract;
  • pathology of the trophic function of the spinal cord;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • nephrotic diseases.

If a sharp soreness forms in the lower back from any side, most often this may indicate kidney disease.

How to determine what hurts?

If a sharp back pain occurs in the area of \u200b\u200bthe kidneys on the left side, it can be assumed that the following pathologies are the reasons for this:

  1. Secondary development of urolithiasis with the discharge of sand, salt or stones through the excretory ducts of the kidneys to the bladder. A characteristic symptom is cloudy urine with blood.
  2. Back pain on the left may be due to renal colic (disappears a few days after the patient is on a salt-free diet).

If there is a tumor in the spine, the pain may increase due to the pressure of the neoplasm on the internal organs.

If the right side of the hypochondrium of the back hurts, the following violations may be the reasons:

  1. Inflammation of the kidneys after a long stay of a person in the cold can provoke severe pain.
  2. Urolithiasis has the same symptoms on the right side as with the left-sided discharge of sand or kidney stones.
  3. Malignant neoplasm (the reason is also characteristic of the left lobe).
  4. Persistent progressive expansion of the renal pelvis and calyces caused by abnormal urine flow.
  5. Tumor formations of the genitourinary system (fibroids, leukomas, fibromas, etc.).

Some diseases can cause the discomfort in the hypochondrium. People suffering from these ailments can be attributed to the risk group, and they should carefully monitor their health.

These include:

  • diabetics;
  • patients with infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • pregnant women;
  • people genetically predisposed to kidney disease;
  • patients with low levels of immunity;
  • patients who have previously suffered injuries and surgical interventions in internal organs;
  • alcoholics and drug addicts.

Why does the back hurt in the kidney area

Pain in the renal area can be of a different nature. They can be expressed by various sensations that can characterize different pathologies.

Acute pain:

  • often occurs with deformation of the lumbosacral region and in the presence of herniated intervertebral discs;
  • sprains and dislocations of the vertebrae, as well as hypothermia.

Symptoms associated with acute pain symptoms can be nausea, vomiting, hyperthermia, weakness, and fever.

Chronic pain (if pulling the back) indicates:

  • benign or malignant neoplasms;
  • acute infectious diseases with purulent lesions of bone structures;
  • overgrowth of bone tissue of the vertebrae due to wear and tear with characteristic deformation of the joints.

Pain in the kidneys or back is characterized by the following sensations:

  • pulling - indicates the initial stage of development of nephropathy, can be caused by excessive physical exertion, prolonged exposure to the cold or injuries of the spinal column;
  • aching - indicates the presence of inflammation, exacerbation of renal or urological disease;
  • dull - informs about pathological changes in the spine or urine, appears with the patient's motor activity;
  • pulsating, accompanied by hyperthermia, lethargy, fever and vomiting indicates the development of pyelonephritis.

How to tell if your kidneys or back hurt

Many do not know how to recognize if their kidneys or back hurt. The pain syndrome cannot arise just like that, it must be provoked by any violation caused by mechanical damage, infection in the organ or hypothermia.

If your back hurts in the hypochondrium, it can be caused by a sedentary lifestyle or sudden weight lifting. To identify the focus of damage, it is necessary to accurately determine the place of discomfort. Since the kidneys are located above the lower back, both sides can hurt, but closer to the top.

The following symptoms will help determine kidney pain:

  1. Edema is the first sign of kidney pathologies. Most often, puffiness occurs in the morning and is localized on the face in the eye area, as well as on the legs.
  2. Pain in the back area on the right and left sides, as an addition there is discomfort in the pubic area and upper thigh area.
  3. The urine becomes cloudy and bloody.
  4. Disruption of the urinary system (frequent urination).

How to Distinguish Kidney Pain from Spinal Pain?

There are special diagnostic tests that help establish an accurate diagnosis.

How to check if your kidneys are hurting or not:

  1. X-ray of the lumbar region (if the patient has sciatica or osteochondrosis, X-ray reveals pathological changes in the internal organs).
  2. A general blood test (if there are violations of the bone tissue of the spinal column, special deviations from the norm in blood tests are not traced, in contrast to nephrotic pathologies).
  3. General urine analysis (change in urine density, destabilization of the salt balance, the presence of microorganisms in the urine and an increased content of leukocytes indicate the presence of nephropathy).
  4. Ultrasound examination of the kidneys and peritoneum (an increase in organs in size and a violation of the properties of urine indicate renal disease).


Answering the question of what to do if the back hurts in the kidney area, it is possible to recommend first undergoing a diagnostic examination, which will reveal the true cause of the discomfort, will allow doctors to establish a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

If the cause of the pain lies in the kidneys, you need to pay great attention to proper nutrition, namely:

  • reduce salt and fluid intake;
  • minimize the consumption of foods with a high content of phosphorus and potassium.

If the diagnosis has shown inflammation, anti-inflammatory medications are prescribed. For urolithiasis, pain relievers, anabolic steroids, and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

When diagnosing disorders in the spine, ointments with an irritating effect, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Physiotherapy procedures, massages and warming up are also used.

In order to determine exactly what kind of violation is bothering you, if any discomfort occurs, you must immediately get medical advice. Timely identification of any disease or its complications contributes to the early appointment of treatment and getting rid of discomfort.

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