Dimples of Venus on the lower back what do they mean. What do the dimples on the lower back mean

For the first time, dimples on the lower back, as a unique element of the human body, were discussed in the Renaissance (approximately in the 12th century), when artists and sculptors in their creations depicted representatives of the beautiful half of humanity with sexual dimples on the lower back. Today, people close to art call the place of attachment of the tendons and gluteal muscles (dimples on the lower back) - Michelangelo's rhombus or Venus's rhombus.

What do the dimples on the lower back mean from a physical point of view?

The anatomical structure of the body provides for the appearance of dimples in the area of ​​fusion of the sacrum and pelvis, and this is not an individual at all. All people have such physiological "dents", only in some they are clearly visible, while in others the depressions are invisible. This is provoked by the fact that in some people the muscles and subcutaneous tissue at the site of fusion are quite thin and due to the lack of volume, peculiar “dips” appear inside the recesses on the bone tissue.

Dimples on the lower back and gynecology

Obstetricians, the bottom of the spinal muscles and the protrusion of the gluteal, are called the Michaelis rhombus. Since in the 19th century G.A.Miheelis (gynecologist) first described and scientifically substantiated the location of the dimples on the lower back. When medicine had not yet gone so far and they could only dream of a modern ultrasound machine, Micheelis came up with a way to assess the width of the pelvis, its structure, possible defects and displacements using the placement and severity of the dimples on the lower back, its structure, possible defects and displacements that can cause difficult childbirth.

Even today, gynecologists evaluate the bone status in pregnant women using the Micheelis diamond. So a rhombus with almost identical sides (square shape) with a diagonal of eleven centimeters is considered ideal. With a wide sacrum, the diagonal of the rhombus placed across is larger, and with the minimum value of the vertical axis of the same rhombus, there is a slope of the sacrum. If you draw a straight line between the dimples on the lower back, you will get two triangles, by the ratio of which you can diagnose:

  • displaced axes - scoliosis;
  • more upper - narrow pelvis;
  • the axes are shifted horizontally and vertically - the pelvic bones are obliquely narrowed;
  • pits located close to each other - the pelvis is narrowed.

How do dimples on the lower back affect sexuality?

Most men consider the hollows on the lower back to be sexy, and the owners of such a pronounced feature are loving. Sexologists say that women with dimples reach orgasm faster, including multiple ones. Since ancient times, a feature in the form of dimples on the lower back has been a sign of perfection, which is inherited at the genetic level.

After medical scientists began to understand the myths about increased sexuality, it turned out that the reason for increased libido is quite simple. The presence of dimples indicates the correct structure of the skeleton and, as a result, a woman in the lumbar region has good blood circulation. This contributes to the rapid rush of blood to the pelvic region, respectively, the saturation of the blood (oxygen) of the pelvic organs causes rapid excitation and maximum discharge.

Dimples on the lower back of a girl - diagnostic value

There are many theories about how such a feature can affect a woman's health and her sexuality. Doctors say that the dimples are an indicator of the health of the back area, since the joints in this place are correctly formed.

This structure ensures the coordinated work of the spine; when bent, the vessels and nerve fibers do not squeeze the sacrum.

The presence of depressions is not always associated with a person's weight, since in most cases they form in places where the tendons and bones are located too close to the skin.

Norm and pathology?

Normally, the dimples in the lumbar region should not be very pronounced, although in most cases this depends on the individual structure of the human body.

The norm is also considered:

  • lack of itching, pain;
  • homogeneous structure under the skin;
  • no discomfort during movement.

Basically, this feature does not cause discomfort and does not affect everyday life, but in some cases it can become a clear defect that indicates the development of osteoporosis, arthritis and scoliosis.

Dimples in pregnancy

In pregnant girls, this feature often disappears with the growth of the abdomen. This is considered the norm, since during the bearing of a child, the woman's body is rebuilt.

Dimples will be visible or not directly depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, heredity and the shape of the abdomen.

Is it possible to pump dimples?

If the dimples are only slightly noticeable on the body, and the girl has a desire to make them more pronounced, then several techniques will come to the rescue:

  1. If the cavities are hidden behind excess weight, then the first thing to do is to put the body in order by throwing off those extra pounds. If the problem is not weight, then take a course of special physical exercises.
  2. Since any diet affects the body as a whole, and not on specific areas, it is necessary to reduce calorie intake, then when losing weight, the desired areas of the body will begin to stand out.
  3. In addition to losing weight, experts advise performing a number of exercises aimed at strengthening the lumbar region. Regular exercise ensures that the relief and shape of the back is given, thereby affecting the desired dimples.

Physical activity helps to strengthen the back, preventing the early development of back diseases. The better the muscles are strengthened, the less the risk of back injury during falls and other injuries.

It is important to perform exercises in a set for the entire back as a whole in order to involve the maximum number of muscles in the work.

What do the dimples on the lower back mean.
Lovely dimples are located at the junction of the pelvic bones. They indicate good blood circulation and good health in both men and women. Such women usually give birth easily to children, without any complications.

There are also studies that prove that women with dimples on their backs have an easier time reaching orgasm! In addition, these lucky women have multiple orgasms - a desirable but not very common phenomenon.

Michelangelo's rhomboid, Michaelis's rhombus - as soon as they don't call this special place. Many men consider this sign very sexy, and, as it turned out, not in vain!

So all the same, what do the dimples on the lower back mean?
Nothing! This is just an anatomical feature of a particular person, as well as dimples on the cheeks or a cleft chin. And, most likely, he inherited them from his ancestors.

Owners of dimples on the lower back sometimes try to emphasize them while playing sports. Indeed, excess weight, for example, can "hide" this anatomical feature. However, it is impossible to "grow" dimples in the gym if you never had them.

Interestingly, some people want to have these “marks” so much that they even agree to plastic surgery, which should imitate them.

Connoisseurs of female beauty have calculated that dimples on the lower back add 20% of sexuality to the owner. These piquant indentations, sometimes called the dimples of Venus, give the female figure a special expressiveness. People of art call the area symmetrically bounded from below by the protrusions of the gluteal muscles, and from above by the edges of the large spinal muscles, Michelangelo's rhomboid, obstetricians - Michaelis's rhombus. Interest in the topic began to escalate only at the beginning of the 21st century, but already in the 15th century, artists and sculptors of the Renaissance era carefully reproduced this interesting feature in their creations. Many people like it, someone, on the contrary, considers it a disadvantage.

Dimples on the lower back are interesting not only from an aesthetic point of view: it is an indicator of a well-developed body, the correct structure and functioning of the muscles, pelvic bones and spine. Why? Beauty, harmony and health are always closely interconnected. Dimples can be noticeable in rather thin, in very curvaceous ladies - in the human body everything is individual. With anorexic malnutrition and morbid obesity, it is pointless to expect the appearance of these depressions. But a normal physique is not at all a guarantee that dimples will appear on your lower back. The presence and absence of dimples is due to your heredity. In men, depressions in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmuscle attachment can also be observed, indicating the development of muscles, but not of physiological significance.

Not just dimples

In obstetrics, this rhombus, the upper point of which is located at the end of the vertebral groove, the lower one - at the level of the third sacral vertebra (which usually corresponds to the top of the intergluteal fissure), and the lateral ones - above the posterior superior iliac spines, was described by the German gynecologist Gustav Adolf Michaelis back in the early XIX century.

At a time when there was no x-ray, he found a way, using external signs, to assess the structure of the pelvis, its possible deformations, width, inclination in future women in labor, to identify the precursors of pathological childbirth. He indicated the correspondence of points on the lower back to the projections of the bones of the sacrum and pelvis.

The Michaelis rhombus is the location above the lumbosacral junction. Its anatomical variants, that is, symmetry, the ratio of diagonals, the presence or absence of recesses visible from the outside, depend on constitutional features, growth, structure of the pelvic bones, development of muscles and subcutaneous fat. It is considered ideal to consider a rhombus, approaching in shape to a square, the diagonal of which is 11 cm. The wider the sacrum, the larger the transverse diagonal of the rhombus. The slope of the sacrum reduces the vertical axis of the rhombus. A line drawn between the dimples divides the rhombus into two triangles. The ratio of their magnitude is diagnostically important:

  • with a narrow pelvis, the upper triangle forming a rhombus is smaller than the lower one, sometimes significantly;
  • with scoliosis, the axes of the rhombus are displaced relative to the horizontal and vertical, while the pelvis can be obliquely narrowed;
  • on the Robert's pelvis, narrowed in diameter, shows the convergence of the sacral fossae.

In the same way, current obstetricians assess the bone status of pregnant women.

Vulnerable point

The lumbosacral joint is a very vulnerable place in the human body; to maintain its health, one often has to turn to surgeons, neurologists, and rheumatologists. By the points of the diamond, doctors determine the places where the intervention is carried out, for example, the introduction of drugs into the sacroiliac joint, the ischium, as well as in epidural anesthesia, in high-precision, computer-controlled operations. Pain in the lower back and sacrum means various pathological conditions.

Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, bruises, sprains, hypothermia, autoimmune processes, tumors can cause pain in this area. The presence or absence of a dimple in the lower back does not affect this in any way. The muscles that surround the spine make it flexible, strong, able to withstand loads, keep posture. Therefore, exercises aimed at strengthening and developing muscles should be practiced constantly. The appearance of cute dimples can be a bonus.

So is it possible to pump dimples?

So why will you need not only desire, but also diligence? For some, it is enough to lose weight so that the desired relief appears. If the weight is normal, but there are no dimples, you need to pump up the muscles to the desired volume. And here you will need exercises from which the muscles of the lower back and buttocks will develop. Reducing the subcutaneous fat and increasing the volume of muscles will give the desired result, draw dimples.

It must be remembered that any exercises (including forming dimples), especially for the spine, in order to avoid injuries, you need to start with a warm-up, warm-up, and only then add a load. You can practice on your own, without the use of any devices:

  1. Lying on your stomach, make a boat: lifting the upper body and legs, first separately, and then simultaneously. Bring up to 20-25 times, perform with a delay of up to 30 seconds;
  2. Kneeling with emphasis on outstretched arms, alternately raise and horizontally stretch the opposite arm and leg with tension. Repeat up to 20 times;
  3. Lying on your back, rest with the feet of bent legs, stretch your arms along the body and raise the pelvis, achieving a straight line from the shoulders to the knees. To linger on the rise also for 30 seconds. Repeat 8-10 times, gradually also bring up to 20-25 repetitions;
  4. Bending, twisting in the lower back, tilting with weighting (instead of dumbbells, plastic bottles with water or sand are quite suitable). Do in several approaches 12-15 times.

You can also turn to specialists in the gym: with their help, and taking into account your own characteristics, you will together select a set of exercises that form the necessary muscles. All this will create a beautiful posture and dimples. A diet with a reduced amount of simple carbohydrates, balanced in protein and fat, with a sufficient amount of vitamins and trace elements will allow you to quickly achieve the desired shape.

The dorsal pits are symmetrical depressions located above the posterior superior ilium on the lower back and are directly above the sacroiliac joints. They are identical to each other and have certain shapes and sizes.

Even if you do not see dimples, find out if close relatives have them, as they are determined by genetics. Therefore, if you do not carry the genes responsible for their presence, then no amount of training will create them, since they are above the bones.

However, the statistics show something interesting: some women have found dimples above the buttocks after the body weight has increased. Therefore, it is worth visiting a doctor and checking BMI (body mass index).

The mythical meaning of dimples

Venus - Roman goddess of love

The pits on the lower back are also called the dimples of Venus, associating with beauty. According to Roman mythology, there was a "goddess of love, beauty, fertility, prosperity, victory and desire", commonly known as Venus. She was the mother of all Romans and was respected because she was the embodiment of love, prosperity, beauty at religious festivals. These myths could be observed in works of art and literature. For this reason, man and art have become an integral part of aesthetics and beauty. For example, images of Venus have been found in mosaics and paintings made of stones, tiles or glass. Although in fact the images or sculptures of Venus themselves in most cases do not have these dimples.

Definitely many people have heard about the sign of Venus in the zodiacs. By the way, you can interpret compatibility with a partner using various signs of Venus.

People with pits of Venus are considered very lucky. There is also a theory that their owners are more sensitive to intimate affection and achieve orgasm more easily, as they have improved blood circulation in the pelvic area.

dimples in men

Both men and women can have them. Although they are considered rarer among the stronger sex, as very few of the men show them while wearing low-rise jeans.


Can you get dimples on your back after successful workouts? Unfortunately, the only reason for their presence is due to nature, not training.

The good news is that there is a chance that the depressions can be deepened. Below are some of the effective exercises to make them more expressive.

If you are overweight, you should start by fighting it, not these exercises.


  1. You need to lie on your stomach on a flat surface, stretch your arms straight in front of you.
  2. Put your feet together, relax.
  3. Raise both arms and legs, supporting yourself with your stomach (try to keep only your stomach touching the floor).
  4. Hold the position for a few seconds.
  5. Do 10-15 repetitions every day.

Raising opposite arms and legs

Get into a kneeling position and then raise your left arm and right leg together as high as you can. Hold the position for a few seconds and do the same with the left leg and right arm. Repeat until you feel a stretch in your back muscles.

Superman diagonally

This exercise is similar to the superman exercise, but you need to simultaneously raise your left arm and right leg. And then repeat for the left leg and right arm. This method of execution gives a stretch.

Other workouts include yoga, aerobics, bridging, etc. It's worth checking with a fitness trainer about workouts.

If you want to achieve results quickly, you can contact a professional gym trainer. In addition to this, you can also try a combination of several workouts to strengthen the abdominal muscles or exercises to improve and shape the hips.

One method of back puncture is the use of a surgical instrument called an aortic punch. This equipment helps the piercer to enter the skin and then removes a small piece of the skin. This causes less pain.

The second method of piercing in this area is performed using clamps and a needle. The job of the clamp is to grab the skin to create a "pocket". As a result, the puncture should have an L-shape in order to be able to put the decoration.

After the procedure, the surgeon or piercer must stop the bleeding and clean the wound. In addition, he should give instructions and advice on caring for the puncture site and in order to speed up healing. All instructions must be followed to avoid pain and infection.

Before demonstrating lower back piercings (in bikinis, low-cut jeans, tops, sweatpants, etc.), make sure you can already use jewelry (rings). With proper care and cleaning, you must first use the decoration balls from 1 to 3 first months. However, if the pain persists, you should consult a specialist for advice, examination and treatment.

To carry out this procedure, first of all, you need to find a reliable piercer. In most good salons, the price of a dimple piercing on the lower back is between $35 and $75. The cost depends on the quality of medical services in the country.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sometimes people get pierced in this area without dimples.

Dimple piercings are done to look sexier and more attractive (especially with additional body jewelry such as tattoos). It is recommended that you carefully consider this decision, as a puncture can lead to undesirable consequences, especially if you have back pain.

Even if you can minimize these shortcomings, you should first consult with a specialist. This will allow you to make the right decision.


  • Piercing adds beauty and attractiveness
  • Helps you stand out and express yourself.


  • Pain during puncture and healing
  • Piercing is sometimes rejected if postoperative care is not good enough or is ignored
  • Wounds are often prone to infection
  • Sometimes there are difficulties in caring for a lower back piercing during the healing process.
  • The likelihood that the jewelry may get stuck in clothing, causing pain.

Sacral fossa at the base of the spine in adults and children

Sacral fossa in a child

The dimples of Venus should not be confused with the sacral fossa. Unlike cavities in the lower back or lower back, sacral pits are usually located above the creases between the buttocks and may be present in infants at birth. According to the Mayo Clinic, sacral pits are harmless, but may require surgery if there is an abnormality in the spine or if they cause pain. Sometimes they are called sacral or pilonidal pits.

If you have curvy dimples on your back, you are very lucky! Dimples of Venus- a characteristic external sign that is inherited.

These recesses are more noticeable in people who do not have problems with being overweight and play sports. And that's what this amazing feature means ...

Dimples on the lower back

Lovely dimples are located at the junction of the pelvic bones. They indicate good blood circulation and good health in both men and women. Such women usually give birth easily to children, without any complications.

There are also studies showing that women with dimples on their backs easier to reach orgasm! In addition, these lucky women have multiple orgasms - a desirable but not very common phenomenon.

Michelangelo's rhomboid, Michaelis's rhombus - as soon as they don't call this special place. Many men, and, as it turned out, not in vain!

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