What flu is expected this year? Symptoms of influenza and SARS in children When to expect an influenza epidemic in.

The great concern of specialists is the fact that the influenza virus has overcome the interspecies barrier. It quickly adapts to vaccines and can change its appearance. This has not been observed before.

If the first signs of influenza are detected: high body temperature, aches and weakness, in no case should you self-medicate, you should immediately consult a doctor.

During an epidemic, the influenza virus is most dangerous for its complications on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

  1. During an influenza epidemic, the only source of the spread of the virus is a sick person.
  2. Infection of others can occur through coughing, sneezing and communication with the sick.
  3. Also, the virus can be transmitted through dishes, personal hygiene items, dirty hands.
  4. When the virus enters the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, it penetrates the epithelium and blood, which leads to intoxication.
  5. Soil appears for the formation of its own bacterial flora and the ingress of other harmful microbes. It is they who can provoke a secondary disease - bronchitis, otitis media, pneumonia, exacerbation of chronic diseases, diseases of the heart and joints.
  6. Human hands touch their nose and eyes more than two hundred times a day. Through door handles, handshakes and other household items, the virus easily passes to healthy people.
  7. A person, touching his face, brings the virus into his body.

Hong Kong H3N2 flu symptoms:

  • Body temperature above 39 o C;
  • Vomiting;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Strong headache;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Pain in the limbs and lower back;
  • Dry cough;
  • Chills;
  • Dizziness;
  • Pain in the eyeballs and muscles;
  • Lachrymation and pain in the eyes.

After the first symptoms are detected, you should consult a doctor. A sick person is isolated from healthy people in a separate room. It is necessary to observe bed rest and follow the recommendations of the doctor.

You can not self-medicate - the flu is very dangerous, and the course of the disease is difficult to predict, as well as its complications. Only a specialist can correctly diagnose and draw conclusions about the patient's condition.

Hong Kong flu treatment

When sick with Hong Kong flu, the doctor does not always prescribe antiviral drugs - for some, the disease goes away without complications, as their body copes with the infection itself.

In protracted and severe cases, the patient is prescribed active drugs that help in the fight against group A viruses - these are Oseltavimir and Rimantadine. Also prescribe drugs that stimulate the production of interferons in the body - Viferon, Cycloferon, Mefenamic acid and others.

These drugs can be freely bought in pharmacies in Moscow and other Russian cities.
Particular attention is paid to the symptomatic treatment of H3N2 influenza. Patients may be prescribed:

  1. Fever-lowering drugs - Paracetamol, Ibuprofen. At first, the temperature may not drop, but it is also forbidden to increase the dose of the drug. For the treatment of a child, syrups, suppositories are prescribed - they help to bring down the high temperature. It is forbidden to bring down the temperature with Aspirin, both adults and children.
  2. Preparations that relieve sore throat - gargles, lozenges for resorption, sprays.
  3. Cough medicines.
  4. Sorbents that are able to remove intoxication on the first day of the disease.
  5. Antihistamine medicines for swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory system.
  6. Vitamin complexes. It is useful to take ascorbic acid.

If a person gets sick with this strain of influenza, he needs to:

  • Observe bed rest.
  • Children should not attend kindergarten or school.
  • If you do not want to eat, then you need to eat a small amount of fruits and vegetables, broth, drink plenty of water - tea, compote, rosehip broth, fruit juice.
  • If the child has a very stuffy nose, you can use saline solutions - Quicks, AquaMaris, Salin. It is not recommended to use drops that constrict blood vessels - they provoke a slowdown in the release of the virus from the respiratory system.

You should not look for a cure for the Hong Kong flu on your own, folk remedies may not be able to cope with the treatment of the virus. This is a serious disease that should be dealt with with the help of a doctor.

Risk groups in influenza epidemics

The main risk groups among the population:

  • Children under the age of two;
  • Elderly people over the age of 65;
  • People suffering from chronic diseases;
  • Pregnant women.

H3N2 influenza is very difficult for young children (under 2 years of age) and the elderly. It is their disease that can be fatal. They are at risk due to a weakened immune system and general weakness of the body. Influenza provokes complications, causing disorders of the nervous, endocrine, respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

In addition to babies and the elderly, the Hong Kong flu is dangerous for pregnant women, patients with chronic diseases of the blood vessels, heart, and respiratory system. There may be complications and aggravation of the course of the disease. During pregnancy, a woman's body is not able to cope with the virus. In the early stages, the infection can provoke complications and malformations in the fetus.

Flu Prevention

  1. To protect yourself from the flu virus, you need to exercise, temper, improve your diet (eat fresh fruits and vegetables, drink juices, eat meat or fish once a day), and take timely rest.
  2. As prescribed by the doctor, you need to take vitamin and mineral supplements. As a preventive measure, it is desirable to be outdoors, eat foods high in vitamin C.
  3. It is also recommended to limit contact with people during the epidemic, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, ventilate the premises according to the schedule, do wet cleaning, use disinfectants to treat computer gadgets and mobile phones.

Video - Flu Epidemic in Moscow - 2018-2019

History of the Hong Kong flu

A group A (H3N2) pandemic first appeared in 1968-69. This virus was discovered in Hong Kong in early 1968 and has spread to other countries around the world. In the same year, it caused a million deaths in the world, making it one of the worst epidemics of the 20th century. Also found under the name "Hong Kong Flu".

Why is the strain so hard to tolerate by the body? First, the Hong Kong flu is similar to the Asian flu virus in terms of symptoms (the Asian flu was prevalent in 1957-68). Earlier forms of the Asian virus developed immunity in humans, but few people resisted the H3N2 virus. This was the reason for the severe course of the disease.

Secondly, it reaches its maximum epidemiological threshold during the winter months. In 2018-2019 the peak of the influenza epidemic is predicted for January-February 2019 in Moscow and all cities of Russia. During the educational process, when hypothermia and weakened immunity are possible, the incidence rate among schoolchildren increases.

Thirdly, the level of medical care, the availability of effective antibiotics are key factors in treatment. If they are not available, a pandemic becomes a mass threat.

Hong Kong flu vaccine

Every year, influenza viruses of different combinations appear in the world, with different composition of the strain. Every year these viruses change and mutate. An updated influenza strain composition requires the production of a new vaccine.

Who can get the free Hong Kong flu shot:

  • Children over the age of 6 months;
  • Schoolchildren of all ages;
  • Students of higher educational institutions, technical schools, colleges;
  • Physicians, teachers, lecturers, employees of transport, public utilities;
  • Pregnant women;
  • people of retirement age;
  • Soldiers-conscripts;
  • Persons with chronic diseases.

They are sent for vaccination to the clinic at the place of residence. Other categories of civilians can be vaccinated at their own expense. The cost of vaccines is different, depending on the country of manufacture. It is advisable to carry out immunization before the first day of winter. The optimal time for vaccination is in the fall, before the start of the epidemic.

Do not get vaccinated during the start of an influenza epidemic.

With the approach of the new year, the issue of influenza 2017 and analysts' forecasts has again become relevant and topical. Specialists predict that the Hong Kong flu (its other name is H3) will soon become especially dangerous. N2).

According to observations, the virus is not new, as it was already recorded back in 1957 in Asia after the mutation of viruses found at that time in birds. Then he became the cause of the epidemic, which spread very quickly in various regions and claimed the lives of many patients. So, for example, in the United States, about 30 thousand cases of diseases ended in death. An expert on the study of viruses, Vladimir Blinov, noted that the virus most often manifests itself once every 60 years.

Influenza in 2017, according to a fresh forecast, will come to Russia with a new strain of the Hong Kong virus. The Russians have not yet had to deal with it, so there are already certain risks. However, this time the virus will not be as pathogenic as the swine flu that raged some time ago.

Hong Kong flu symptoms

The features of the symptoms have not yet been fully determined by scientists, however, experts have now officially announced a list of key signs of the Hong Kong flu so that patients can recognize a possible disease already at the first stage of its development.

According to the first assumptions and forecast of analysts, the flu in 2017 can be detected by the following symptoms:

  • increase in body temperature(according to experts, patients who fell ill with the flu in 2017 may experience an abnormally high temperature that is life-threatening);
  • state of constant drowsiness, lethargy, fatigue, as well as rapid overwork;
  • sore throat;
  • severe headaches and migraines;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nausea accompanied by bouts of vomiting.

Who may be at risk in 2017?

Analysts have identified several risk groups for contracting the virus:

  • children under the age of three;
  • elderly people;
  • patients with a weakened immune system;
  • pregnant women, as well as patients in the postpartum period;
  • patients with chronic diseases respiratory organs, blood vessels, heart.

Those who do not fall into the declared risk groups are also not recommended to relax, since a new strain of the virus that can cause influenza 2017 is still poorly understood. The prognosis is disappointing, however, doctors have long begun to think about ways to prevent the disease and develop specialized programs to protect Russians from a dangerous threat.

How to protect yourself from the virus during the 2017 flu season?

The forecast should not cause panic. Now the department is already engaged in a campaign in order to vaccinate the population of the country against a dangerous virus in the near future at the expense of the budget. Vaccination with the use of a domestically produced drug has already begun in September. The new vaccine is suitable for the Hong Kong flu virus strain expected to arrive in 2017, according to forecasts.

Perhaps the vaccine will not be able to prevent infection, but it will allow you to transfer the flu in a mild form and minimize all complications.

The vaccination should be done 2-3 weeks before the start of the 2017 influenza epidemic. The forecast states that as early as December 2016 there may be the first outbreaks of the epidemic in various regions of Russia. Before vaccinating the whole family, you should first consult with your doctor.

Also, do not forget about the elementary methods of preventing influenza:

  • regularly ventilate the premises;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • take additional vitamins and immunostimulating drugs;
  • refuse to visit crowded places where the risk of infection is particularly high;
  • rinse your nose regularly and throat with special solutions;
  • avoid touching hands to the face and mucous membranes;
  • disinfect your hands as often as possible and personal hygiene products;
  • do not use the same personal hygiene items with other people (also do not drink from the same mugs, do not use other people's cutlery, handkerchiefs, towels, etc.).

For this reason, it is worth knowing in more detail what flu is expected in 2016-2017 in order to get vaccinated on time or prepare yourself for the onset of the disease and find out in advance.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, the first outbreaks of respiratory viral diseases can occur from mid-September, and continue until November. Well, immediately after the manifestation of ARVI, a more serious illness, the flu, may come to the capital, but this year a certain type of virus can cause not only a severe course of the disease, but also lead to serious complications. For this reason, specialists worked hard on the flu vaccine, which eventually led to a change in the strain, since a new disease is coming to the city, the vaccine itself had to be changed.

Anyone can get vaccinated at the clinic at their place of residence. The vaccine was created immediately from three strains that distinguished last year's type of flu, while two of them were completely changed, epidemiologists believe that these viruses will affect the human body in the winter of this and next year. It is very important to know what flu is expected in 2016-2017 in order to be ready for the start of the epidemic.

It is worth mentioning that bodies from influenza A remain in the vaccine, that is, swine, which brought many complications, additional strains were also added to it, this time the vaccine contains the Hong Kong virus and now a new strain of the virus from group B, which can bring more problems than last year. It is worth saying that "Hong Kong" has already passed around the world and brought many serious consequences to people who were exposed to its influence, it was this strain that caused a large number of serious complications after the disease. Thus, only two components from the vaccine were changed, since epidemiologists believe that these two viruses will come to the capital of Russia and other cities of the country.

How do people feel about the vaccine?

It is worth saying that many people are very interested in what is expected in 2016 and 2017, the thing is that the last time the virus came to cities in the winter of this year, by the first day of January only in St. Petersburg the number of cases approached five hundred fifty thousand people, while ninety-five inhabitants died from the virus, although the virus itself did not bring so many health problems, unlike the complications that followed it. Across the country, three and a half million citizens turned to doctors, but these are far from all who have been ill with this virus, because many simply do not want to seek help from a doctor.

Citizens no doubt began to reconsider their attitude to vaccination during the onset of viruses, for this reason people are interested not only in what kind of flu is expected in 2016, but also whether they will vaccinate against it. At the moment, the vaccine has not arrived at polyclinics in the cities, but very soon each patient will be able to receive their own vaccine. If earlier parents tried not to vaccinate their child against the flu, today parents are more often interested in whether they will be vaccinated at school, and they themselves do not mind getting vaccinated so as not to encounter the most dangerous strains of viruses.

What do epidemiologists warn about?

Scientific laboratories say that a very dangerous type of virus will come to the cities of Russia very soon, it is worth saying that it is very dangerous, as an outbreak was noticed several years ago in Asia, after the flu subsided, it left behind several million deceased patients who could not transfer the virus. Many scientists say that such outbreaks can occur at least once every six or seven years, that is, the next time the flu may occur only after a couple of years. All the same, there is already a vaccine against it, for this reason you should not protect children from vaccination, since it is this vaccination that will help the child survive a serious and very dangerous influenza virus.

Scientists say that an outbreak of such a virus is expected to be first seen in China, the flu can move from pigs to birds and vice versa, and it is in this country that these animals are especially common. In addition, due to the frequent transition from birds to animals, the strain can mutate and become stronger, for this reason, experts track this virus in order to modify the vaccine if necessary.

Although last year there were many deaths due to influenza, pharmacists still say that the supply of antiviral drug will be limited, this situation can lead to very sad consequences. Also, pharmacists do not create new drugs that could fight new types of flu.

It is worth saying that a vaccine has not yet been derived from the H2N2 virus, the thing is that no one undertakes to create it because of the high cost of the process. It is worth expecting the appearance of such a vaccine only if multiple infections with this strain are recorded in the world, as well as with high mortality of people.

What measures to take?

People are worried not only about what kind of flu is expected in 2017, but also how you can protect yourself from it. To begin with, it is definitely worth doing the proposed flu shots, it is also recommended that after visiting any public places, wash your hands with soap and wash your face. If possible, then before leaving the house you should use oxolinic ointment, and to raise the immune system, start taking additional vitamin complexes and improve nutrition. Such measures will not be able to completely protect against infection, but still help to significantly reduce the risk of infection with a dangerous virus.

WHO has announced the composition of the 2018-2019 flu vaccines. for the northern hemisphere. According to the findings of the organization, quadrivalent influenza vaccines for the 2018-2019 season. must contain the following components:

  • A // 45/2015 (H1N1) pdm09-like virus;
  • A / Singapore / INFIMH-16-0019 / 2016 (H3N2)-like virus;
  • B/Colorado/06/2017-like virus (B/Victoria/2/87);
  • B/Phuket/3073/2013-like virus (B/Yamagata/16/88).

Trivalent vaccines will contain all strains except B/Phuket. Components A (H3N2) and B/Victoria are new compared to the current season's vaccines.

Influenza and SARS: the mechanism of the development of the disease

An influenza epidemic is observed at a certain time, usually the peak incidence occurs during the cold period. Most people talk about the symptoms of the disease after the completion of frost and the onset of a thaw. This is due to the fact that when the temperature rises in winter, the air becomes humid, and this is a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Their active growth is also facilitated by the fact that daylight hours are still short, and ultraviolet is not enough.

The highest concentration of the pathogen is recorded in enclosed spaces with crowds of people. This includes public transport, school and university audiences, workrooms and offices.

In the environment, the virus appears in the separation of sputum and mucus when a person sneezes, talks or coughs. The probability of getting infected when you are near a person who is sneezing is very high, since the ejected air contains microscopic droplets of mucus that scatter over a long distance and easily penetrate the respiratory tract of other people.

If the microorganism managed to "get" to the mucous membranes of a still healthy person, then it seeks to gain a foothold on the epithelial cells of the nasopharynx, and then goes inside.

Having penetrated into the cell, the virus gets rid of its protein shell, and then the reading of genetic information begins and its translation to the ribosomes. Transmission is carried out due to the presence of a viral enzyme - reverse transcriptase, which is allowed to combine pathogenic RNA with DNA molecules of host cells.

As a result, metabolic processes in cells are completely subordinate to the pathogen and continue to accumulate infectious particles. When their number reaches the marginal mark in the cytoplasm, they break the cell membrane, striving outward. In the future, the process is repeated, but on a larger scale.

Dead epithelial cells are shed from the mucosa, which leads to the opening of the submucosal plate. At this time, the immune system begins to work actively, as a result, an inflammatory reaction occurs. Host-defending cells fight the pathogen: to eliminate the lesion, they destroy the infected epitheliocytes and the particles left from them. On the part of the circulatory system, changes also occur: edema occurs at the site of inflammation due to the influx of fluid to form a kind of “damper”.

All this is necessary so that the damaged areas of the mucosa do not become an open path for further penetration of infected particles. However, the cells do not always cope with the protective function assigned to them, and then the pathogen spreads throughout the body, which is accompanied by a deterioration in the patient's condition and fever. Due to a decrease in the activity of the immune system, a person is at risk of infection with other pathogens not directly related to influenza.

However, another function of the immune system is the production of protective antibodies. They are produced mainly in the mucous membranes, which are destroyed first and need additional protection. Thus, the synthesis of immunoglobulins of class A, M, G allows you to avoid secondary infection for up to 5 months.

Antibodies M are concentrated by the 10-14th day of the disease, which signals an acute infection. Antibodies of class G are found in large quantities after 1-1.5 months from the moment of infection. These particles protect against the disease for life, but only from the transferred virus, and not from its atypical variant.

The complete destruction of the virus occurs on the 10-14th day from the onset of the flu, while complications occur later, they are usually associated with serious disorders in the functioning of the immune and circulatory systems.

Forms of influenza by the nature of the course

Influenza refers to viral diseases, usually occurs in an acute form, accompanied mainly by damage to the mucous membranes. The disease is classified according to two main criteria.

According to the severity of the flu, there are 4 forms:

  1. mild course - it has a normal or slightly elevated temperature (no more than 38 degrees), the patient has a fever for about 3 days, intoxication is insignificant, the airways are slightly damaged;
  2. moderate course - the temperature reaches 38.5-39.5 degrees, the fever lasts for 5 days, damage to the mucous membranes is significant, intoxication is noted. The disease can also be accompanied by a cough (dry or with sputum), pain in the goal, nasal congestion:
  3. severe course - the temperature reaches 40-40.5 degrees, the fever lasts more than 5 days, severe intoxication, CNS lesions (manifested by lethargy, hallucinations). There may be bleeding, bleeding when coughing. Acute respiratory failure develops, toxic shock is likely;
  4. hypertoxic course - the highest stage of the disease, accompanied by severe fever (more than 5 days), swelling or inflammation of the brain, encephalitis, bleeding in various parts of the body, disruption of all organs.

Depending on the nature of the course, the flu happens:

  1. uncomplicated;
  2. complicated.

Influenza and SARS in 2018-2019: symptoms and treatment

Experts say that the most effective way to prevent the disease is vaccination. It is for this reason that it is recommended to prepare in advance for the influenza and SARS epidemic by vaccinating. But what about those who have contraindications or simply do not want to “feed” their body with virus antigens? Such patients will benefit from the regular intake of drugs that stimulate the immune system. They trigger the protective functions of the body, preventing the pathogen that has entered the respiratory system from becoming active. The list of such drugs is extensive, we will indicate some of them.

Influenza: antiviral drugs

However, it is impossible to name the most effective of them. All drugs in this group have a similar mechanism of action, form the body's resistance to a particular infection. Most often used in practice:

  • rimantadine;
  • kagocel;
  • ergoferon;
  • oxolinic ointment;
  • oseltamivir;
  • ingavirin;
  • fluferon
  • zanamivir;
  • umifenovir.


Remantadine is a drug from the group of antiviral drugs. Contributes to the suppression of the activity of the virus, prevents its reproduction. For many years, the drug has been used for prophylaxis during an influenza epidemic caused by strains of the A virus. Method of administration: in the morning at a dosage of 50 mg. It is preferable to use throughout the entire period of high infectivity of the population. The drug is affordable, but it is quite effective. However, it is worth remembering that it does not protect against other respiratory infections. In addition, it has a number of contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to the components included in the composition;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver in a severe stage, insufficiency of these organs;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • pregnancy and lactation.


The drug, which stimulates the immune system, provokes the production of interferon in the body. It is taken in courses: adults are prescribed for 5 days, alternating for a week break. Permitted for use for a long time, has a low toxicity.

Main contraindications:

  • small age of the patient (up to 3 years);
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergic reactions to components;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • malabsorption syndrome.


Antiviral and antihistamine. Effective in epidemics of influenza A, B, SARS (helps fight parainfluenza viruses, coronoviruses, adenoviruses). It has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect. However, the evaluation of the drug by specialists for the prospects of use was not carried out. How to use: 1 tablet per day. Contraindications are pregnancy, feeding and intolerance to the components.

Oxolinic ointment (Oxolin)

Synthetic antiviral drug used by physicians for several years. It was developed in 1970. It has antiviral activity, pathogens die on contact with the active component of the ointment. It is applied three times a day, by applying a few grams of the substance to the nasal mucosa. Requires such frequent use due to low persistence, as it is washed off from the mucous membrane too quickly, however, there is a good effectiveness of the drug. It is required to lubricate the inner surface of the nose during the entire period of the epidemic; it can be applied more often 3 times a day. Side effect - burning in the area where the ointment is located. Approved for use by pregnant and lactating mothers.


A good antiviral drug used to treat influenza A and B, preventing infection. When taken by mouth, it undergoes hydrolysis and turns into oseltamivir carboxylate. It, in turn, slows down the reactions of the enzymes of viruses A and B, leading to their reproduction. Effective for the prevention of respiratory infections. Sold in the form of suspensions and tablets, which are used at a dosage of 75 mg per day. It is not prescribed for renal and hepatic insufficiency, intolerance to components, it can be used for pregnant women and children from 1 year old.


A dual-action drug with antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect, helps to eliminate viral replication and increase immunity. Allows you to fight influenza A (including "swine" and "Hong Kong"), B, respiratory infections, adenoviruses and parainfluenza. Rules for use: within a week at a dosage of 90 mg 1 time. Contraindicated in pregnant women, children under 18 years of age.


A broad-spectrum drug, an inducer of endogenous interferon. Allows you to fight against influenza pathogens, adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, coviruses. It is used at the first signs of the disease, 1-3 drops (depending on age) into the nose. The frequency of instillations also depends on the age group of the patient. It can be used in conjunction with other antiviral agents, it is allowed for children from 1 year old and pregnant, lactating women. Contraindications include intolerance to the components of interferon and substances that make up the drug, the predisposition of the body to allergies.


A drug with a pronounced antiviral activity. In pharmacies, it is presented as a drug called Relenza. Helps to suppress the reproduction of viral cells, inhibits neuraminidase (the surface enzyme of the virus), thereby preventing the spread of the pathogen. It is used in the form of inhalations, which are prescribed in pairs once. They are carried out for one and a half weeks. If necessary, the course can be extended up to 20 days (during the period of high incidence). Zanamivir is used for adults and children from 5 years of age. It is forbidden in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, during lactation, is not prescribed for individual intolerance.


It is released in the pharmacy network as a drug called "Arbidol". It is considered an antiviral and immunomodulatory agent. It helps to inhibit the reproduction of the virus, helps the body with the production of interferon. In order to prevent influenza A, B, SARS, SARS is used by adults and children from 12 years of age, 200 mg twice a week. It is recommended to use for 6 weeks, which is possible due to the non-toxicity of the drug. Contraindications: children under 3 years of age, intolerance to components. There are no data on the safety of use by pregnant and lactating women, therefore, people in this category should not use Arbidol. In addition, there is no reliable evidence that the drug is really effective for the prevention of SARS and influenza.

Influenza virus and SARS: how not to get sick

During an epidemic, obtaining medicines can be problematic. This is due to the increase in prices for medicines in the "season of demand", the lack of the necessary medicine in the nearest pharmacy, the poor health of the patient, who has to go shopping on his own. That is why it does not hurt to have a small supply of medicines at home, and this can be not only tablets and capsules, but also personal protective equipment (masks).

So, what should be in a home first aid kit for the prevention of influenza:

  • antiviral drugs (for example, oxolin, rimantadine);
  • personal protective equipment (the fabric layer of the mask is not able to fully protect against infection, but it may well reduce the number of pathogens that enter the respiratory system);
  • immunomodulators (umifenovir, kagocel);
  • antipyretics (paracetamol, ibuprofen, revalgin);
  • antibiotics to avoid complications caused by bacteria (amoxicillin);
  • vitamins that activate the protective functions of the body (ascorbic acid).

The use of aspirin during the period of influenza transfer should be avoided. Its beneficial effect is much less than the number of side effects. Even the usual dose of aspirin in combination with a viral infection can cause an increase in intracranial pressure and impaired kidney function. (read more in the article). Often, the drug causes gastritis and ulcers, erosion of the stomach wall. Anaferon, which leads to the production of interferon, also has low efficiency. Its benefit has not been clinically proven.

How to know if you have the flu

Even a timely vaccination and taking immunity-activating drugs does not guarantee that a person cannot become infected with the virus. As a rule, patients tolerate the disease in a mild or moderate form, which is facilitated by contacting a doctor immediately at the first symptoms of the disease. How to understand that you caught the virus, and it began to multiply in the body?

Flu symptoms in 2018-2019

The incubation period (the amount of time since the last contact with a pathogen source) is 48 hours (or less). Usually, during this period, a person feels normal, and may occasionally notice tickling or dryness of the nasal mucosa. Later, the symptoms appear brighter: the disease develops abruptly, the condition deteriorates rapidly.

The flu is signaled by:

  • febrile (with an increase in body temperature up to 38-39 degrees) or hectic (temperature fluctuations within 3 degrees during the day) fever;
  • chills;
  • headache;
  • dry mucous membranes, thirst;
  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • cough without sputum;
  • feeling of sore throat, pain;
  • muscle weakness;
  • pain in joints and bones.

Influenza differs from respiratory infections in that it starts abruptly. In almost all patients, the disease begins with a body temperature of 39 degrees. In some people with weak immunity, the temperature does not rise much, often they develop a complex of complications against the background of low body resistance to pathogens. It happens that a low temperature is also observed in those who have previously been vaccinated against the flu. In most cases, the disease is tolerated within 5 days in a mild form.

Another distinguishing feature is the dryness of the mucous membranes and the absence of a runny nose for 1-3 days after the incubation period. If a person is sick with SARS, then a runny nose appears immediately. After a couple of days of the flu, the temperature drops slightly, sputum begins to separate, the patient complains of a runny nose.

Clinical manifestations

Influenza is characterized by cyclicity in its development, so there are several stages. During the incubation period, it is impossible to subjectively detect the presence of a pathogen in the body. For example, with influenza strain A, this period takes up to 2 days, with infection with virus B - about 3-4 days. After reaching a sufficient concentration in the cells, the next phase begins - the height of the disease.

Usually it is characterized by the occurrence of chills, lethargy, fever in the range of 38-30 degrees. The feverish condition worries the patient on the second day, gradually fading away after. If the fever is noted in the future, there is reason to think about the occurrence of a bacterial infection.

The person's face swells, pigmentation of the skin and conjunctiva appears, photophobia, increased lacrimation, breathing through the mouth.

All manifestations of influenza are divided into 2 groups - catarrhal and intoxication syndromes. The first includes pathologies of the mucous membranes (sore throat, cough, hoarseness, nasal congestion), the second - headache, joint and muscle pain, malaise, disruption of the cardiovascular system.

With mild to medium form PPA patients recover in 7-10 days. Later, they may report temporary headaches, weakness, and increased fatigue.

With hypertoxic form(usually in the elderly) the clinical picture is aggravated. First of all, the central nervous system suffers, there is a violation of the work of two or more body systems. Symptoms may include:

  • convulsions;
  • hallucinations and delusions;
  • incessant vomiting;
  • increased excitability;
  • confusion;
  • chest pain;
  • coughing;
  • bleeding;
  • strong dyspnea.

10-15% of patients suffer from complications after influenza. As a rule, they are diagnosed with pneumonia, accompanied by difficulty in breathing, hemoptysis, changes in skin tone, and cooling of the extremities.

Symptoms specific to individual strains of viruses

There are no significant differences in the reproduction of viruses of different strains. Usually, the flu develops according to the same pattern: a sharp onset with a deterioration in well-being, a dry cough, and fever. However, there are some specific manifestations.

H1N1 (swine flu)

In 3 out of 10 cases, problems with the digestive system are noted at the very beginning of the course of the disease: diarrhea, vomiting begin, dehydration is typical for patients. These symptoms appear on the 2-3 day, disturb the person more than a sore throat or fever.

It is not uncommon to develop complications affecting the lungs. It is primarily about pneumonia. Particular care should be taken in the treatment of young children, pregnant women, as well as in the event of blue lips, nails, shortness of breath.

Influenza B virus

Usually the disease proceeds in a mild form, the temperature is elevated for only 3 days, after which the patient gradually recovers.

Other strains and H3N2

The disease has a typical clinical picture, there are no particularly different symptoms. Rarely, pneumonia becomes a complication, there is bleeding of mucous membranes, hemorrhages on the skin.

Influenza virus: causative agent

Every year, thousands of scientists study the influenza virus, but so far no single cure has been found to get rid of the disease, since the pathogen is extremely volatile.

The influenza virus belongs to the Orthmyxoviridae family and is divided into 3 groups:

  • A (found in humans and animals, the cause of massive outbreaks of the disease);
  • B (found only in humans, about a quarter of the cases of the disease account for it);
  • C (characteristic only for humans, causes diseases very rarely).

How the flu virus works

Microorganisms are isolated according to the type of proteins of the integumentary membrane: N - neuraminidase and H - hemagglutinin. For example, if a virus is characterized by a substance of the 1st type, then it is designated as one, hence the name of one of the H1N1 pathogens.

The virus has a rather primitive structure: it consists of a protein capsule that protects the RNA molecule that carries information. It affects 11 protein molecules, resulting in a full-fledged viral particle. Its size is 120 nm or slightly less, the shape is spherical, there are “thorns”, in the roller of which neuraminidase acts.

The variability of the virus is associated with its alternate presence in the human body, then in the cells of animals or birds.

Influenza during pregnancy: features of the course

In pregnant women, the likelihood of contracting the flu virus is very high, since when carrying a child, the hormonal background changes and immunity suffers. It is noteworthy that it is in these patients that the most complications are noted, and the mortality from them reaches 17%. The clinical picture is even sadder if a woman has somatic diseases.

The presence of influenza is indicated by the same symptoms as in other cases (see above). The occurrence of complications is indicated by:

  • respiratory rate more than 30 per minute;
  • confusion;
  • pain in the heart and palpitations;
  • pain in the chest area.

Pregnant women are extremely susceptible to the development of viral pneumonia. The course of the disease and complications after it can lead to premature birth and death of the child in the womb. When deciding whether to perform a caesarean section, one should be aware of the risk of maternal death, since the operation is often accompanied by severe bleeding due to impaired blood flow, respiratory failure, and the formation of purulent areas.

atypical flu

As mentioned above, the influenza virus is characterized by extremely high variability. Shifts in the protein structure of the microorganism entail the emergence of other ways of influencing the body of the infected, which in turn is reflected in the transformation of the symptoms of the disease.

For example, the H5N1 bird flu has a fairly long incubation period (from 1 day to a week), and then it manifests itself typically. However, often with it there is a strong cough and hemoptysis, since the “favorite place” of the virus is the bronchioles and alveoli.

But H2N3 swine flu is characterized by disorders in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which are added to the typical symptoms.

Complications from the flu: how to avoid

If there is a tendency to worsen the condition, then the first negative changes should be reported to the doctor. They can appear with influenza of different strains. It is urgent to contact a specialist when:

  • sustained temperature over 39 degrees for 3 days;
  • the absence of a runny nose, the presence of dry mucous membranes, dry cough on the 3rd day of the disease;
  • breathing difficulties with low physical activity or during a conversation;
  • blue lips, nails;
  • the appearance of blood during expectoration;
  • pain in the chest;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure.

All of these symptoms, if left untreated, cause a serious complication - pneumonia. Against the background of a general deterioration in the condition, this can lead to death.

Diagnosis of influenza and SARS in 2018-2109

Identification of the disease occurs on the basis of past diseases, their history, patient complaints, examination by a therapist or infectious disease specialist, and evaluation of laboratory materials.

The most characteristic signs of influenza: acute onset, high fever, dry cough, intoxication. Changes in skin color are also possible: pallor or redness indicates a fever or intoxication, blue - a lack of oxygen in the body; with an increase in capillary permeability, a characteristic rash appears on the integument.

The back wall of the pharynx turns red, granularity is noted, the palatine tonsils can be somewhat modified, without raids and tuberosity.

Lymph nodes usually increase only in the cervical, intrathoracic and submandibular.

The heart rate increases, the tones become a little quieter, there is no wheezing. When pneumonia, edema or heart attack occurs, wheezing appears, the pulse weakens.

Violations in the work of the central nervous system are evidenced by the tension of the muscles of the neck, difficulties with the extension of the leg in the hip joint in the supine position. Edema and encephalitis of the brain is accompanied by confusion, low mobility, decreased sensitivity.

When diagnosing influenza, the doctor also refers to the results of laboratory tests:

  • complete blood count (looks at the number of leukocytes, lymphocytes, ESR);
  • biochemistry (assessment of the amount of fibrinogen, the value of the prothrobin index);
  • PCR analysis;
  • linked immunosorbent assay;
  • RTGA method.

Patients over 35 years of age upon admission to the hospital are also required to undergo an ECG to detect possible abnormalities in the work of the heart; x-ray - to detect lung diseases, spirometry - to assess the functioning of the respiratory system.

Influenza: treat at home or in the hospital?

Treatment of influenza requires a systematic and fairly long-term use of drugs. The duration of treatment is at least 5 days. If there are no specific symptoms and complications, then the patient is treated on an outpatient basis. In other cases, he needs hospitalization.

Indications for hospitalization:

  • senile age (more than 65 years);
  • other diseases in a severe form;
  • children's age (up to 2 years);
  • the appearance of pneumonia;
  • pregnancy.

If pneumonia is diagnosed, then patients, regardless of gender and age, must be hospitalized, especially if pneumonia is bilateral. Refusal of inpatient treatment threatens with respiratory failure and death.

How to treat the flu in 2018-2019

In case of influenza, regardless of the strain of the virus that caused it, follow this pattern:

  • detoxification;
  • elimination of the cause (source) of the disease by taking antiviral agents;
  • symptomatic care (prescription of analgesics and antipyretics);
  • indication-based antibiotic therapy.

1. As for the first stage, at home (outpatient), it consists in taking an alkaline liquid without sugar and gases. The recommended volume per day is 2.5 liters (in the absence of kidney and heart dysfunction). In the hospital, intravenous administration of infusions of plasma-substituting solutions, plentiful drinking is prescribed.

2. During antiviral therapy, the doctor's goal is to suppress the reproduction of the pathogen, as well as stimulate the body to produce interferon. It is best if the medication is started from the first day of the onset of flu symptoms. Several drugs showed good efficiency at this stage.

Oseltamivir sold in pharmacies under the names "Nomides", "Tamiflu". The term of admission is 5 days, 75 mg 2 times a day. It can be prescribed during pregnancy and for children from 1 year. It is not recommended for patients with mental disorders due to the appearance of severe behavioral abnormalities.

Zanamivir released in the distribution network as "Relenza". It is taken in the form of inhalations, 2 pieces for 5 days. It can be prescribed to pregnant women (in exceptional cases due to lack of data on the effect on the fetus) and children from 5 years of age.

In case of influenza, along with antibacterial and symptomatic medications, it is recommended to prescribe drugs that stimulate the production of interferon. These include kagocel, ingavirin, ergoferon. The regimen is indicated in the instructions or selected by a doctor.

3. In addition to fighting the virus, one should not forget about the elimination of symptoms that reduce the patient's quality of life and threaten complications. First of all, it concerns temperature. Paracetamol helps to reduce it at a dosage of about 1000 mg (for an adult) no more than 4 times a day. The use of aspirin to lower body temperature is not recommended.

4. As for the last stage, the appointment of antibiotics is carried out only as a last resort. These drugs do not affect the virus, so if there are no complications, then it is better to refuse their use. If the patient has a high fever as the main symptom, or if there is a risk of a bacterial infection, then antibacterial agents may be prescribed. In other cases, it is more logical to purchase amoxicillin or azithromycin.

It is not recommended to treat influenza exclusively with folk remedies, they can only be used as an addition to the main therapy. For the purpose of disinfection, onions, garlic are suitable, rose hips, mountain ash increase immunity. Ginseng root extracts, honey and propolis stimulate the body and restore strength.

Flu Prevention

In order to prevent, they resort to two methods: vaccination and non-specific methods (quarantine, stimulation of the body and immunity).


In certain states, the flu shot is mandatory. In our country, pregnant women, children, people with chronic diseases and the elderly can claim a free vaccine. The vaccination is given 1-1.5 months before the expected epidemic. In order for the drug to fully work, the vaccine must be administered when a person is completely healthy, he is not worried about chronic diseases.

The composition of the vaccine changes annually and depends on the occurrence of strains in the past season. It may contain:

  • a live strain of the virus is a weakened microorganism (not given to people with weakened immune systems);
  • inactivated strain with immunogenic proteins (not put in case of allergy to chicken protein).

We can talk about the effectiveness of the vaccine only if the vaccine was delivered at least 2-3 weeks before the start of the epidemic season.

Non-specific methods

This group includes various ways to prevent the spread of the disease:

  • quarantine (closing schools, stopping mass events for 3-7 days);
  • regular ventilation and cleaning of premises;
  • the use of a gauze bandage with its change every 2 hours;
  • the use of oxolinic ointment for the nasal mucosa;
  • taking vitamins and tinctures with vitamin C.

It is also useful when in public places to use disposable tissues (for those who are sick), to sneeze and cough in them, to throw them away immediately after contamination, to keep a distance of 1 meter from other people so as not to infect them, to refuse hugs and kisses, touching mucous membranes (nose and mouth), wash hands thoroughly.

Pavel replied:
May 24th, 2017 at 22:58

Vera Vladimirovna hello! Now let me explain about the temperature. All competent doctors know that the normal temperature for a person is not higher than 37 degrees. Everything above leads to metabolic shifts - it accelerates all types of metabolism in the body. This leads to the destruction of parenchymal organs. The pancreas is especially often affected. More than 90 percent of all type 1 diabetes mellitus developed after SARS (or influenza) with a temperature that lasted more than 24 hours. Be sure to reduce even 37.2! In no case should there be periods with a temperature above 37.5 for more than 4 hours. Sometimes a paracetamol tablet saves people's lives.

Vera Vladimirovna replied:
May 25th, 2017 at 13:00

But what about: “The recommendations of the World Health Organization say that the temperature below 38.5 degrees should not be brought down.
This temperature is a protective reaction of the body to the invasion of infection. After all, bacteria and viruses reproduce equally poorly both in the cold and at elevated temperatures.
In addition, a high temperature is a sign that the infection in the body is still there and needs to be fought.”
information from the website of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Pavel replied:
May 28th, 2017 at 17:33

WHO recommendations regarding viral infections, including influenza, are categorical. The temperature must be brought down. This allows you to stabilize all processes in the body, and also reduces the risk of seizures. This phrase about a temperature of 38.5 degrees is taken out of context, it was intended for the peculiarities of the treatment of bacterial infections in African countries. Given the climate, it is possible not to reduce such a temperature there, although this is also individual. The categorical rule that all modern practitioners know is that in case of viral infections, a mandatory decrease in temperature, preferably to normal values. Any doctor's recommendations for flu must include either paracetamol or any effervescent antipyretic drink, such as Theraflu or Fervex, to normalize the temperature.
As for the WHO website, I found there about temperature only in the context of African countries. With the flu, it is written everywhere that it is necessary to reduce it. Tell me, what kind of flu is going around in Volgograd now?

Olesya Matveeva - 31.01.2019 14:40

I have a very hard time with the flu. The last time I got sick at the end of last year, I picked up this infection somewhere in public transport, most likely, because no one from the environment before me was sick. It became sharply bad one day, a temperature of 39 and a hellish headache knocked me out of strength already in the evening, it is interesting that neither my throat hurt, nor my nose was stuffed up, only the temperature was sparing. In the evening, my husband brought Meditonsin from the pharmacy, began to take it every hour for 10 drops, on the second day it became easier. The temperature dropped a little, to 38. On the second day, the headache no longer bothered, but the temperature kept jumping 38-39, began to knock it down, drink Ibuprofen, continued the course of Meditonsin, on the third day it felt better, the temperature of 37 seemed to me not so high, but On the 4th day, she completely passed. We managed to avoid complications, but now I don’t get on public transport during the flu and cold season without a mask.

Tatyana replied:
February 1st, 2019 at 12:15 pm

The doctors told me in an ambulance that the mask is nonsense, it does not save from anything, it's the same as opening the door and hanging a net, all the same, microbes will penetrate through it with the air flow. But nevertheless, I still wear it, sometimes when I go to the clinic with a child, for example. Tell me, what kind of drug is this Meditonsin? How long have you been on treatment with them?

Olesya Matveeva replied:
February 4th, 2019 at 02:52 pm

Well, don’t tell me, it’s still considered that the upper respiratory tract, such as your nose and throat, is covered, which means that the chance of viruses penetrating through the bandage is much less. In total, I drank Meditonsin for 7 days in order to complete the course, the drug turned out to be very effective, and really helped me to endure the flu without complications.

Tatyana replied:
February 8th, 2019 at 21:56

Well, I think so too, so in winter I always put on a mask for myself and my child. By the way, is this product for adults only? Or is it available in children's dosage?

Pavel replied:
February 8th, 2019 at 10:57 am

Tatyana, about the mask: it is effective!, but only when the patient puts it on! For healthy people, it is practically useless. For example, there are situations when in queues (in closed institutions, especially polyclinics) there will definitely be one citizen (citizen) who is actively spreading her infection ... Here it would not hurt this person to use a mask

Tatyana replied:
February 8th, 2019 at 21:57

Pavel, you can't put on a mask for everyone)))

Pavel replied:
February 9th, 2019 at 03:08 pm

Tatyana, I agree. In our society, many consider it superfluous + insufficient ventilation in enclosed spaces, this is how epidemics begin. By the way, as a piece of advice, before going to the clinic, remember the "forgotten" oksolninka (if there are no contraindications). Yes, its effectiveness has not been proven, but at least this cheap remedy creates a fatty film, while retaining some of the viruses. By the way, you need to apply it only on the tips of the wings of the nose.

In accordance with the forecasts of experts, in 2017 the flu will pass through Russia in the form of a real epidemic. Already at the beginning of January, the epidemic threshold for the incidence of influenza was exceeded by 15-20% in most large Russian cities. Thousands of schools and lyceums were closed for quarantine. The first cases of “actual” influenza were registered at the end of 2016. Rospotrebnadzor experts say that the peak of the epidemic is yet to come. The flu will strike with particular force in mid-February. But in general, the virus obeys the laws of any flu - epidemiological activity begins at the moment of thaw, which is preceded by frost. According to the official forecasts of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in 2017, a high incidence is expected in all age groups of the population.

Influenza is an acute respiratory viral infection characterized by a severe course and the development of serious complications. Group diseases and outbreaks are recorded in the autumn-winter period. The pathogen is transmitted by airborne or airborne dust, penetrates the human body, weakens the immune defense, opening the way for other microbes.

There is an opinion among experts that the 2017 flu came to us from China. This is easily explained by a large population, a huge number of pigs and birds, from which the virus easily passes to people, retaining or changing its pathogenic properties. Circulating air currents carry the disease from one area to another.

map of the distribution of Hong Kong flu for January 2017

Influenza is a viral disease. To prevent its development, it is necessary to follow preventive rules, and when the first clinical symptoms appear, visit a doctor. Every day the situation is changing, the infection continues to spread. Seeking medical attention late can kill a person, especially those with weakened immune systems.

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is actively preparing for the 2017 influenza epidemic. In our country, a universal vaccine is being developed for children and adults in order to carry out full prevention and protect the population from seasonal infection. Vaccination will be carried out in large cities of Russia, where the main flow of the population is concentrated.

Etiology and epidemiology

According to epidemiologists' forecasts, the following strains of the influenza virus are expected to circulate in 2017:

  • Hong Kong virus(subtype of bird flu - N3N2) is considered the most dangerous. At the end of 2016, a new strain began to spread, to which people have not yet developed immunity. It is expected that throughout 2017 it will prevail over other strains. Possible increase in the incidence rate. Pathology is characterized by high mortality rates in previous years.
  • California virus(a strain of swine flu) is pathogenic for both humans and animals. In 2009, this strain caused an epidemic of swine flu in different countries of the world. Most people have developed immunity to it. Clinically, the disease resembles a common cold, which progresses rapidly and sharply worsens the condition of patients.
  • Virus Brisbane causes local outbreaks of influenza and is considered less dangerous because the disease is relatively mild and without complications.
  • Strain "Switzerland" is a type of California virus that has mutated and acquired new pathogenic properties. The disease is manifested by respiratory symptoms and is rarely complicated.
  • Yamagata and Phuket- unstable and relatively safe strains compared to the previous ones. They constantly mutate, changing the usual symptoms of the disease, and are difficult to diagnose. However, if the disease is not treated, dysfunctions of the heart and lungs can develop.

Influenza virus strains differ from each other in antigenic properties and in the arrangement of RNA fragments. Under the influence of exogenous factors, they are able to change their genetic properties. Such variability of the influenza virus does not allow the body to develop strong immunity and resist infection.

Individuals at risk require special attention and suffer the most from the flu. These include:

  1. Elderly people and small children
  2. Persons suffering from chronic diseases of the respiratory system, heart and blood vessels,
  3. Pregnant and lactating women,
  4. Persons living in special boarding schools, closed collectives,
  5. Workers in trade, social services, public catering, transport,
  6. doctors and teachers,
  7. Organized preschoolers, schoolchildren and students,
  8. Individuals with weakened immune systems.

The flu is a seasonal infection. With the advent of cold weather, the number of colds is steadily increasing. Viruses infect huge masses of people. Respiratory pathologies develop. In spring and autumn, the human body is very weakened. And in the summer, the chances of contracting the flu virus are minimal. The energy of the sun and vitamins strengthen the body's immune defenses.

The spread of infection occurs by an aerosol mechanism, which is realized by airborne droplets or airborne dust. Infection with influenza contributes to close contact with the patient, staying with him in the same room. In the absence of certain protective measures, infection is inevitable. With droplets of saliva, viruses enter the environment during sneezing, coughing and talking. They penetrate the upper respiratory tract and multiply in epithelial cells. Epitheliocytes become inflamed and begin to collapse, catarrh and intoxication occur.

Video: about the flu epidemic in 2017


The clinical signs of influenza in 2017 are no different from those of previous epidemics. are typical, and the DNA analysis of the virus can reliably identify the pathogen strain. Some features of the course of influenza caused by various strains will be indicated below.

The incubation period for any flu lasts an average of one to two days. Influenza is manifested by symptoms of intoxication, respiratory, catarrhal and dyspeptic syndromes. Patients complain of chills, fever, weakness, arthralgia, myalgia, runny nose, hoarseness, gum sensitivity, fatigue, diarrhea.

In children, the flu is very severe and can be fatal. To protect children from influenza infection, it is necessary to vaccinate them in a timely manner, and if the disease develops, to treat them correctly.

Depending on the severity of clinical manifestations, 4 forms of influenza infection are distinguished: mild, moderate, severe, hypertoxic:

  • The first is characterized by a slight rise in body temperature, a satisfactory condition of patients, and the presence of symptoms of intoxication.
  • The moderate form is characterized by an increase in body temperature up to 39 degrees, severe intoxication, catarrhal, respiratory and dyspeptic syndromes, the appearance of complications from the ENT organs.
  • In a severe form, the patient "burns", his consciousness is disturbed, hallucinations, convulsions, subcutaneous hemorrhages, severe complications, often incompatible with life, occur.
  • The hypertoxic form is manifested by symptoms of severe respiratory failure, hemodynamic disorders, encephalopathy, hyperthermia, meningism.

The influenza virus is tropic to the epithelium of the respiratory tract, cardiac muscle and nervous tissue. Influenza, in the absence of adequate and timely treatment, can provoke the development of pneumonia, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, myocarditis, meningoencephalitis, arachnoiditis, polyneuritis. Violation of the kidneys, liver and endocrine glands develops quite rarely.

During the flu that is relevant in 2017, some features can be distinguished based on the strain that caused it:

hong kong flu

The disease begins acutely. The patient is shaking with chills. He has a high temperature for several days, which cannot be brought down by antipyretic drugs. Fever is accompanied by excruciating headache, weakness, drowsiness, fatigue, apathy. Extremely disturbing symptoms are vomiting and diarrhea. These are signs of an intoxication syndrome caused by the accumulation of toxic substances in the body.

In the future, catarrhal manifestations appear - nasal congestion, sore throat, aggravated by swallowing, dry hysterical cough, pain and burning in the eyes. Difficulty breathing through the nose forces the patient to breathe through the mouth. Pain in the joints, back and limbs worsen the already serious condition of the flu.

In severe cases, patients have impaired digestion, which is manifested by stool disorder, abdominal pain, and nausea. Subject to bed and drinking regimen, the condition of patients improves by 3-4 days. By the end of the week, all symptoms of the disease disappear.

California flu

The disease is manifested by the classic symptoms of a cold, which appear two days after infection. Patients complain of weakness, weakness, body aches, malaise, chills. Body temperature rises to febrile values ​​and is accompanied by a severe headache. The thermometer can show 40 ° and above. Symptoms of intoxication grow rapidly: hyperhidrosis appears, throbbing pain in the temples and neck, a feeling of sand in the eyes, pain when rotating the eyeballs, photophobia. The patient is irritated by bright light, any noise is acutely felt. Conjunctivitis is one of the frequent companions of the California flu.

A day later, symptoms of catarrh of the upper respiratory tract appear: nasal congestion, cough, sore throat. Rhinorrhea and sore throat are absent. On examination, specialists detect hyperemia of the posterior pharyngeal wall and soft palate. In children, breathing becomes difficult and frequent, the skin becomes bluish-gray, painful sensitivity appears. In adults, there is shortness of breath, chest pain, vomiting, confusion. A painful cough and heaviness in the chest are due to the involvement of the tracheal mucosa in the inflammatory process. The sick person cannot take a deep breath and exhale, his eyes “turn sour”. Symptoms of the California flu may subside and then return with renewed vigor.

For a certain group of people, the California flu does not always pass without consequences. In pregnant women, children, the elderly and those weakened by the disease, the disease proceeds according to the type of viral pneumonia. It is difficult to treat and often leads to disastrous consequences. Patients with signs of pulmonary edema and respiratory failure must be urgently hospitalized in a specialized hospital.

Influenza Brisbane

The Australian Brisbane influenza virus is the least dangerous of the three strains of the disease. It does not cause serious complications and is manifested by vague symptoms. Persons from the risk group and weakened patients are at risk of getting into the department.

The main symptoms of the pathology are: fever, myalgia, rhinitis. Patients note mild indigestion. In rare cases, Brisbane can start with unexpected and numerous symptoms: headache, runny nose, cough. The condition of most patients does not deteriorate much and begins to recover after a couple of days: the body temperature returns to normal, the general state of health improves, discomfort in the throat and nose disappears.

If the patient does not improve by the end of day 4, the alarm should be sounded. A short-term drop and a new rise in temperature indicate that the immune system is weakened and the body is unable to defeat the infection.


Flu treatment is usually done at home. In severe cases, patients are hospitalized. Persons at risk need hospitalization in the department.

Knowing the features of the influenza virus that is relevant in 2017 and the main manifestations of the disease, you can easily make a diagnosis, choose a treatment strategy and prevent the development of complications. Self-medication for the flu can be dangerous. This is especially true for children and the elderly.

Specialists prescribe the following groups of drugs to patients:

  • - the basis of etiotropic therapy. The most effective drugs in 2017 are Remantadin, Tamiflu, Relenza, Arbidol, Amiksin. (Warning! Such drugs must be taken as prescribed by a doctor!)
  • Antipyretics taken if the body temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees. In the home first aid kit, you must have Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Nurofen,
  • For nasal congestion and runny nose vasoconstrictor drugs based on xylometazoline and oxymetazoline - "Tizin", "Nazivin", "Rinonorm" will help ease nasal breathing. At home, you can rinse your nose with saline.
  • Decongestant action have antihistamines - "Suprastin", "Tavegil", "Cetrin".
  • Multivitamins strengthen the body as a whole.

Rest, positive emotions and caring for the patient from loved ones will help speed up the treatment of influenza and make it more effective.


Measures to prevent influenza infection:

  1. Constant washing of hands with soap,
  2. Compliance with personal hygiene,
  3. Carrying out wet cleaning in rooms with a disinfectant,
  4. frequent airing,
  5. Use of a medical mask in public places and transport,
  6. Use during the day of disinfecting wipes, only personal utensils and hygiene products,
  7. Humidification of the nasal passages with saline, "Aqua Maris", "Salin",
  8. The use of standard anti-influenza agents by healthy people in a reduced dosage.

The following rules will help to increase immunity and overall resistance of the body: patients need to sleep well, eat a balanced diet, take vitamins, play sports, and take daily walks in the fresh air. In order to prevent the flu, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, harden, give up bad habits, and lead a healthy lifestyle. These are the principles of general prevention of any colds.

Currently, the specific prevention of influenza, which consists in the immunization of healthy individuals, is considered quite effective. There are a wide variety of influenza vaccines available. In Russia, the most common are: domestic called “Grippol”, Korean “JC Flu” and French “Vaxigripp”. Their effectiveness has been proven by modern medicine.

Many modern influenza vaccines are universal and help against any strains, due to the stimulation and release of substances that violate the integrity of the influenza virus, including “new varieties”.

After vaccination, most people remain healthy throughout the epidemic season. The body of persons with weakened immunity, even after vaccination, cannot synthesize a sufficient amount of antibodies. Such people should be especially careful about their health. This segment of the population is required to be vaccinated. At least two weeks after vaccination, the body will need to form stable immunity. If antibodies do not have time to develop in full to the new strain, the risk of developing severe complications will be much less.

Influenza is a seasonal epidemic that can provoke excruciating suffering to the sick and high mortality. Vaccination is by far the most effective way to avoid the invasion of the virus. A conventional subcutaneous or intramuscular injection can protect the human body from a dangerous disease.

To avoid the 2017 influenza epidemic, preventive measures should be strengthened. So far, the situation in our country is under control.

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