The meaning of the Udi language in the modern explanatory dictionary, bse. Udi language Chapter Thirteen Standard language and language-prim

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one of the unwritten Dagestan languages ​​(See Dagestan languages) , belonging to the Lezghin group.

  • - the most famous of the medieval preachers in the West, Dominican, prior of a monastery in Bologna, then a provincial of his order in Lombardy ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - mountain range in the Eastern Sayan, watershed rr. Uda and Hamsara ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - in Vost. Sayane ...
  • - see Dagestani languages ​​...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

  • - The language from which this Creole language originated in the situation of the post-Creole continuum. Usually it is the language of the former colonial power ...
  • - Language processed in accordance with language norms Codified forms of language: 1) literary language; 2) terminology. Uncodified forms of language existence: 1) dialects; 2) vernacular; 3) jargons ...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - The language used in the field of religious communication ...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - 1. The functional type of linguistic formations to which belong: 1) languages ​​of national minorities in a multinational state ...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - A language that uses numeric characters to convey lexical and grammatical meanings ...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - ...

    Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

  • - ula / n-udi / nsky ...

    Together. Apart. Hyphened. Reference dictionary

  • - TOUCH, - she, - you eat; nonsov., in what. Stay, be in some kind. serious, reprehensible condition. K. in ignorance. K. in vices. K. in debauchery ...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - ...

    Spelling dictionary-reference

  • - st "an-ud" insky and st "an-ud" ...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - Zharg. stud. Shuttle. Foreign language. ...

    A large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 Ulan-Ude ...

    Synonym dictionary

"Udi language" in books

1. The language of everyday life and the language of botanists

From the book Entertaining Botany the author Tsinger Alexander Vasilievich

1. The language of everyday life and the language of botanists Who does not know pine nuts? "Our Siberian eloquence" - the Siberians jokingly call them, hinting that when there is nothing to talk about, the Siberian gnaws these nuts. The occupation is not very smart, doctors say, even harmful; but I am not enough


From the book Japan: Language and Culture the author Alpatov Vladmir Mikhailovich

§ 5. The language of "speaking" monkeys and the language of man

From the book What did the "talking" monkeys talk about [Are higher animals capable of operating with symbols?] the author Zorina Zoya Alexandrovna

§ 5. The language of "speaking" monkeys and the language of man 1. Representation of the environment in chimpanzees. There is every reason to doubt that chimpanzees have a human-like systemic representation of their environment. It can be assumed that the developed systemic level

The language of thought and the language of life in Fonvizin's comedies

From the book Free Reflections. Memories, articles author Serman Ilya

The language of thought and the language of life in Fonvizin's comedies Denis Fonvizin has been living on the Russian stage in his comedies for two centuries. And there are no signs that he will have to completely go to the department of literary historians, that is, where the venerable, but already

Latin is the language of images and goals

the author

Latin - the language of images and goals I affirm that in the Middle Ages, when the acting mind began to isolate itself more and more from reason and gain strength, Russians or descendants of Russians in Europe created a language that fully met the needs of the modern era. This

Sanskrit - the language of cognition of the mind, the language of states

From the book Turning into Love. Volume 2. The paths of heaven the author Zhikarantsev Vladimir Vasilievich

Sanskrit is the language of cognition of the mind, the language of states. Latin is an applied worldly language that shows what and how to do with the help of the mind; he is the language of magic. And Sanskrit is a metalanguage in relation to Latin. Latin is the language of images and goals. And Sanskrit is a language

1. Immediate language of transcendence (first language)

the author Jaspers Karl Theodor

1. Immediate language of transcendence (first language) - We have to learn about being in the codes of existence. Only reality reveals transcendence to us. We cannot know about it in general terms; we can only hear it historically in reality. Experience is

2. The language that is universalized in the message (second language)

From the book Philosophy. Book three. Metaphysics the author Jaspers Karl Theodor

2. Language that is universalized in communication (second language) - In the echo of the language of transcendence, which can be heard only in the immediacy of instant presence, languages ​​are created as images and thoughts intended to communicate what we have heard. Next to the tongue

2.4. Mikhail Andreevich Tulov (1814-1882). The mediation of thought by language and the influence of logical thinking on language. Language is an organ of human mental development

From the book The Phenomenon of Language in Philosophy and Linguistics. Tutorial the author Fefilov Alexander Ivanovich

2.4. Mikhail Andreevich Tulov (1814-1882). The mediation of thought by language and the influence of logical thinking on language. Language is an organ of human mental development. The contribution of M.A.Tulov to linguistics is determined fragmentarily, with just a few strokes in connection with the problem

Udi ridge


Udi language

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (UD) of the author TSB

XI. Language in the era of "Perestroika" "Perestroika" found the Soviet language in its entirety:

From the book New Works 2003-2006 the author Chudakova Marietta

XI. Language in the era of "Perestroika" "Perestroika" found the Soviet language in its entirety: "Books about party congresses, about V. I. Lenin, revolution <...> help to form the moral and political image of generations, based on communist ideology, devotion

Military Canon: Language and Reality, Language of Reality

From the book The Military Canon of China the author Malyavin Vladimir Vyacheslavovich

The military canon: language and reality, the language of reality So, in the traditional Chinese strategy there were initially very different and even seemingly mutually exclusive ideological premises that belonged to different philosophical schools of classical antiquity. We find in it and

Chapter Thirteen Standard and Primary Language

From the book Quantum Psychology [How Your Brain Works Programs You and Your World] the author Wilson Robert Anton

Chapter Thirteen Standard and Mental Health In 1933, in Science and Mental Health, Alfred Korzybski proposed deleting the "identification" verb "is" from the English language. (The identity "is" creates sentences like "X is Y".

6.2. Conversational sign language of the deaf as an example of a sign system replacing natural language

From the book Psycholinguistics the author Frumkina Rebekah Markovna

6.2. Colloquial sign language of the deaf as an example of a sign system replacing natural language There is no doubt that not all of our thinking is verbal. Nonetheless, the following is indisputable. In order for the child's intelligence to develop normally, the child must on time and normally

    see Dagestan ...
    language, one of the unwritten Dagestan languages ​​related to Lezghin ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Quote Wiki:
    Data: 2008-10-12 Time: 10:20:50 * Language is also of great importance because with its help we can hide our ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Thieves Jargon Dictionary:
    - investigator, operative ...
  • LANGUAGE in Miller's dream book, dream book and interpretation of dreams:
    If in a dream you see your own language, it means that soon your acquaintances will turn away from you. If in a dream you see ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Newest Philosophical Dictionary:
    a complex developing semiotic system, which is a specific and universal means of objectifying the content of both individual consciousness and cultural tradition, providing an opportunity ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
    - a complex developing semiotic system, which is a specific and universal means of objectifying the content of both individual consciousness and cultural tradition, providing ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • LANGUAGE in Encyclopedia Biology:
    , an organ in the oral cavity of vertebrates that performs the functions of transportation and gustatory analysis of food. The structure of the language reflects the specificity of animal nutrition. U ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Brief Church Slavonic Dictionary:
    , heathens 1) people, tribe; 2) language, ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Biblical Encyclopedia of Nicephorus:
    like speech or adverb. "All over the earth there was one language and one dialect," says the writer of everyday life (Gen. 11: 1-9). The legend about one ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Sex Lexicon:
    multifunctional organ located in the oral cavity; pronounced erogenous zone of both sexes. With the help of I., orogenital contacts of the most diverse ...
  • LANGUAGE in Medical terms:
    (lingua, pna, bna, jna) a muscular organ, covered with a mucous membrane, located in the oral cavity; participates in chewing, articulation, contains taste buds; ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ..1) natural language, the most important means of human communication. Language is inextricably linked with thinking; is a social means of storing and transmitting information, one ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • LANGUAGE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    1) natural language, the most important means of human communication. Language is inextricably linked with thinking is a social means of storing and transmitting information, one ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    2, -a, pl. -i, -ov, m. 1. The historically developed system of sound ^ vocabulary and grammatical means, objectifying the work of thinking and being ...
    MACHINE LANGUAGE, see Machine language ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    LANGUAGE, natural language, the most important means of human communication. I. is inextricably linked with thinking; is a social means of storing and transmitting information, one ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    LANGUAGE (anat.), In terrestrial vertebrates and humans, muscular outgrowth (in fish, a fold of the mucous membrane) at the bottom of the oral cavity. Participates in …
  • UDINSKY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    UDINIAN LANGUAGE, see Dagestani languages ​​...
  • UDINSKY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    UDINSKY XPEBET, in Vost. Sayan. L. 140 km. H. up to 2875 ...
    language "to, languages", language ", language" in, language ", language" m, language ", language" in, language "m, language" mi, language ", ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Complete Accentuated Paradigm by Zaliznyak:
    language "to, languages", language ", language" in, language ", language" m, language "k, languages", language "m, language" mi, language ", ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    - the main object of the study of linguistics. By I., first of all, they mean natures. human I. (in opposition to artificial languages ​​and ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms:
    1) The system of phonetic, lexical and grammatical means, which is a tool for expressing thoughts, feelings, expressions of will and serving as the most important means of communication between people. Being ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Popular Explanatory and Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language.
    "My enemy" in ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords:
    Weapon …
  • LANGUAGE in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    dialect, adverb, dialect; syllable, style; people. See people || talk of the town See spy || speak the language, abstain in the language, ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Ozhegov Russian Language Dictionary:
    1 movable muscular organ in the oral cavity that perceives gustatory sensations, in humans it also participates in articulation Lick with the tongue. Try on ...
  • LANGUAGE in Dahl's Dictionary:
    husband. a fleshy projectile in the mouth, serving for lining the teeth of food, for recognizing its taste, as well as for verbal speech, or, ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    , .. 1) natural language, the most important means of human communication. Language is inextricably linked with thinking; is a social means of storing and transmitting information, one ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ushakov:
    language (language book. obsolete, only in 3, 4, 7 and 8 values), m. 1. The organ in the oral cavity in the form of ...
  • UDINSKY RIDGE in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    in Vost. Sayan. Length 140 km. Height up to 2875 ...
  • UDINSKY RIDGE in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    ridge, mountain range in the Eastern Sayan, watershed rr. Uda and Hamsaras. Length 140 km. height up to 2875 m. Made up of gneisses, ...
  • USSR. POPULATION in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    The population of the USSR in 1976 was 6.4% of the world population. The population of the territory of the USSR (within the current borders) changed as follows (million people): 86.3 ...
    (d "Udino) - the most famous of the medieval preachers in the West (d. about 1470), Dominican, prior of a monastery in Bologna, then a provincial of his ...
  • LEONARD UDINSKY in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    (d "Udino)? the most famous of the medieval preachers in the West (died around 1470), Dominican, prior of a monastery in Bologna, then a provincial of his ...
  • HAYLE SELASSIE in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "DREVO". Haile Selassie (1892 - 1975), Emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974. Born on 23 ...
  • DAGESTAN LANGUAGES in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    The linguistic map of Dagestan is distinguished by its extraordinary, even for the Caucasus, variegation; there are languages ​​represented only by individual auls and understandable only within ...
  • UDIN in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (self-name - udi) people in Azerbaijan (6 thousand people). There are 1,000 people in the Russian Federation. The language is Udi. Believers Udins - ...
  • CAUCASIAN in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (IBERIAN-CAUCASIAN) LANGUAGES languages ​​of the peoples of the Caucasus (about 40). They include several groups: Kartvelian, Abkhaz-Adyghe and Nakh-Dagestan languages. Nakh and Dagestan languages ​​sometimes ...
  • DAGESTAN LANGUAGES in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a branch of the Caucasian (Iberian-Caucasian) languages. Consists of groups or individual languages: 1) Avar-Ando-Tsez group - Avar, Andean, Botlikh, Godoberin, Karata, Akhvakh, ...
  • CAUCASIAN (IBERIAN-CAUCASIAN) LANGUAGES in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Iberian-Caucasian) languages, autochthonous languages ​​of the Caucasus, represented by three groups: Kartvelian, Abkhazian-Adyghe and Nakh-Dagestan. Although the genetic relationship of the Nakh and Dagestan languages ​​is not ...
  • DAGESTAN LANGUAGES in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    languages, the most numerous branch of the Caucasian (Iberian-Caucasian) languages. The peoples speaking these languages ​​inhabit the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, partially sowing. regions of Azerbaijan ...
  • EASTERN SAYAN in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Sayan, a mountain system located within Southern Siberia, in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the Irkutsk Region, the western part of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and ...
  • UDA R. IRKUTSK. AND YENISEYSK. GUB. in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Chuna) - p. Irkutsk and Yenisei provinces, irrigates the districts of Nizhne-Udinsky and Yeniseisky - one of the constituent branches of the river. Taseeva. U. ...
  • DICTIONARIES in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    or Slovenes (they call themselves Slovenci, but in Russian literature the old book name S. is better known, which, by the way, has ...
  • KARAGASSI in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    only further to the east, the advancing Türkic tribe of the South. Siberia, living in the Sayan Mountains, along the Oka, Uda, Biryusa and Kan rivers, ...
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