How to take decaris to strengthen the immune system. Decaris for ascariasis treatment regimen Decaris in gynecology instructions for use

Decaris is an anthelmintic drug with immunostimulating properties. The active ingredient is Levamisole. One white tablet for adults contains 150 mg of levamisole. There are also auxiliary components that enhance the effect and increase efficiency.

For children, a special dosage is intended, including the active substance in an amount of 50 mg. The tablet has a yellowish-orange tint and a sweetish odor. The composition includes orange flavoring, which makes it easy to give the medicine to children. One children's capsule is designed for 10 kg of child weight. For example, if a child weighs 30 kg, three tablets should be given once.

Stimulation of immunity occurs due to the activation of cells responsible for protecting the body from foreign bodies: T-lymphocytes, monocytes and neutrophils.

Not prescribed to children under three years of age, pregnant women, or patients who have hypersensitivity to one of the components. Prescribe with caution for severe liver and kidney diseases.

The tablets should be taken during or after meals, washed down only with still water. Preferably during dinner. There is a need for re-appointment after 10 days. During therapy, you do not need to go on a special diet or take laxatives.

For toxoplasmosis and helminthiasis, adults need to take 150 mg of the substance once in the evening for three days. After a week, repeat the dose.

Side effects often appear during treatment. Concerns include rapid heartbeat, dizziness, nausea, bowel dysfunction, and a rash may appear all over the body.

You should not drink alcohol during therapy and for another day after its completion. During therapy, it is recommended to examine the number of leukocytes in the blood.

The essence of therapeutic actions according to the system

If you follow this regimen, your condition will improve within a week. At the same time, you should eliminate stress and maintain an emotionally calm state.

Chichagov Seraphim’s system of healing with Dekaris has spread thanks to positive reviews from those who have tried it on themselves. Efficiency pleased with its results. With the help of Dekaris, Chichagov's followers cured oncology, helminthic infestations, and inflammatory processes in any organ, including those accompanied by a high rise in temperature.

The effect of the drug on the body according to the system

The medicine Dekaris is available in tablet form. Has anthelmintic effect. But initially there was only mention of the fact that it was an immunomodulator, which was used in complex therapy against cancer tumors. The infertility drug helped a lot.

As an immunostimulant, the drug was used for frequent colds, autoimmune diseases (for example, rheumatoid arthritis), hepatitis, and herpes.

The main active ingredient is levamisole. Currently, the medicine is used to treat ascariasis, strongyloidiasis, trichuriasis, enterobiasis, and toxoplasmosis.

It is enough to take Dekaris in the amount of one tablet per day. To get results, you need to take the tablets with meals for three days in a row at the same evening time (preferably at 21.00). A week later, the course of medication is repeated. There should be four such courses in total with an interval of seven days. In the case when the patient’s weight exceeds 70 kg, the dosage is increased to two tablets at a time.

For children, the dosage should be calculated based on body weight. Typically 2.5 mg per 1 kg. The course of therapy is also repeated every other week.

It is recommended to give the drug according to the Chichagov system at night, since from 10 pm to 3 am the immune system is active. The work of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, liver, and spleen is activated. T-lymphocytes begin to be synthesized in large numbers, capable of destroying foreign bodies: viruses, bacteria. At night, the temperature rises, and by morning the person wakes up healthy, and unpleasant symptoms no longer bother him.

The drug should not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If you cannot do without pills, pregnancy is terminated in the early stages and lactation is stopped.

The effectiveness of Dekaris decreases if the dosage is not followed, hygiene rules are not followed, and the therapeutic course is violated. If therapy is prolonged or the dosage is increased, symptoms of overdose may develop. Severe vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, drowsiness, and fatigue occur.

Patients who took Dekaris according to the Chichagov system leave mostly positive reviews. The negative aspects are associated with the appearance of side effects during treatment. Worries about weakness, dizziness, headaches, nausea, which can be replaced by vomiting.

It is not recommended to drink alcohol during treatment with Decaris. The components of the anthelmintic, reacting with ethanol, increase their concentration in the blood. Symptoms of poisoning develop. The patient is worried about nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and skin rashes may appear.

As they say: “By the age of 40, you are either your own doctor or a fool”? I don’t need to be convinced of the cause of all ailments, and for this reason I need to be reminded regularly - in spring and autumn - who is boss.

One of the reliable means of rapid response in my “military” arsenal is Dekaris.

Personal experience:

In order to improve the health of the body, weakened over the winter, I risked taking 150 mg of Decaris on the eve of the working day. Exactly according to the instructions - at 21-00, after that I didn’t drink or eat anything, I waited like a fool until midnight for the horrors colorfully described on the Internet, and fell asleep without waiting. I slept through all the fun! I woke up at 6 am to the sound of my alarm clock, alert and suspiciously cheerful. Anyone who remembers how we waited for the end of the world, but it did not come, will understand me. For some reason I checked my arms and legs - they were in place and working. I opened the water - it started!)) The sharp smell of bleach hit my nose, I opened the window - the fresh frosty air smelled the same, but not for long, my nose got used to it and I forgot about any discomfort. Other worldly smells did not change; the perfume even seemed to sit better. Having returned from work that day, I did a general cleaning of my body by drinking a bag of magnesium. Did you feel like a light balloon? It was something like this.

Exactly a week later, Dekaris repeated it with magnesia. Everything is still no problem and great. There was no headache, no nausea or weakness; on the contrary, there was a wild surge of energy and performance.

As a result: The condition of all mucous membranes has improved. The rumbling in the intestines has gone away, and the “spring weakness” does not bother me. After winter, the skin was dry and itchy, it’s gone!


It seems to me that the attacks on Dekaris are not accidental; we need to promote expensive American poisons, which are far from harmless. By the way, Dekaris also kills viruses, but who will stutter when there is His Majesty Arbidol?!

And if the hair does not react and the drug is not detected in the blood after 4 hours, what kind of toxicity are we talking about?

Does "nasty" Decaris cause fever? Do not demonstrate ignorance, even schoolchildren know that an increase in temperature is a sign of immune activity. Internal enemies are afraid only of napalm. Any immunomodulator causes an increase in temperature, any!

I don’t understand why citizens do everything the other way around? No, of course, I also have friends who don’t like to read instructions, but this is medicine.

Why bomb an empty house - take Dekaris in the morning or afternoon, wondering at the “strange consequences” of the drug or its ineffectiveness?

Why even bother with “prevention” if you consider yourself free from evil spirits and shiny inside like crystal? At the same time, you smoke like a locomotive and cannot spare a single sober day for treatment? Continue to shine, take “other” medications that “do nothing”, the liver is slowly moving away, but it is silent... until the very point of no return.

Pain in joints and spine? It was you who alarmed the indigenous people - chlamydia. Admit it, your knees were creaking, your back was acting up? Now one pill won’t get you back on your feet, but a problem has arisen, we need to systematically eradicate it, thanks to Dekaris.

Nausea and headache? Banal intoxication. Sorry, are you sure you spend a lot of time in the toilet every day? Children and adults now suffer from constipation; before taking Dekaris, take a laxative a day before. There will be one less unpleasant consequence.

Taste in your mouth? I haven't, I don't smoke. And you?

SMOKERS! Decaris is used, among other things, to combat nicotine addiction, given that nicotine, in turn, causes schizogony in worms, i.e. panic reproduction, it is difficult to expect a beneficial reaction from the body to the madhouse happening inside it. DO NOT SMOKE when you take Dekaris, you will feel bad, VERY bad, but the drug is not to blame for this!!!

And then they write “don’t give it to children”, I would note - under no circumstances should they smoke, others are welcome. Omission of instructions to hush up such an important point. My daughter takes Decaris twice a year and does not notice anything other than a temporary distortion of her sense of smell.

My prophylactic regimen for taking Decaris:

1. Cleansing (taking a laxative) the day before taking Decaris.

3. After 8-10 hours, take a laxative.

4. If there is intoxication, Enterosgel according to the instructions until the symptoms disappear.

5. Milk thistle or Karsil for the liver for the entire course.

Repeat after a week.

Added 03/12/15 Yesterday at 17-00 I took a solution of magnesium (25 g per glass of water), had dinner and at 21-00 I drank a tablet (150 g) of decaris. Until 24-00 I was still doing my own thing, watching the series. I fell asleep after midnight, got up, as usual, at 6:15 and went to work! Apart from the changed smell of water and air, only in my nose, there were no unpleasant sensations. Feeling cheerful, feeling uplifted, a surge of strength and unaccountable positivity! I can’t do without intimate details, natural departures in the morning and evening, I didn’t meet anyone there, but my goal, as usual, was different. After the flu, my throat became sore, my nose joined in, then problems with my gums began, resulting in bad breath. Dekaris acted like a sewer mole :). It seems that ordinary rinses have become magical. ALL mucous membranes were cleansed. The second day there is no plaque on the tongue and now all the same rinses that were “like a poultice” work! Decaris is good at destroying anaerobes - the main enemies of the mucous membrane. I drink milk thistle in capsules, it’s very convenient. Girls who suffer from thrush, it disappears in the morning. I remind you once again: I do not smoke and no alcohol on the day of admission and the day after!

03/13/15 At the same time, I washed my nose with salt water. On the second day after decaris, a piece of dense mucus 6-7 cm long and several more dense lumps of a non-snotty dense consistency, white, were washed out. “Magically” all signs of sinusitis stopped, swelling and soreness around the nose disappeared. After sleep, you are not ashamed of your breathing...

Decaris is available in the form of tablets, they are flat and beige in color. One tablet weighs 177 mg, of which 150 mg is the active substance levamisole, the rest is excipients such as sucrose, corn starch, lactose monohydrate, talc, magnesium stearate, povidone.

Tablets for children additionally contain a flavoring agent that gives them a light orange tint and a light apricot taste. As a rule, one children's tablet weighs 59 mg and contains 50 mg of levamisole.


The active substance levamisole is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract (if we are talking about 50 mg). After one and a half to two hours, the maximum concentration of the substance is determined in the blood plasma. It is metabolized in the liver and excreted from the body in approximately 3-6 hours.

Indications for use

Decaris - an immunomodulator can be prescribed in the following cases:

  1. In the presence of infectious diseases, which include recurrent herpes, herpes zoster, respiratory tract infections, chronic hepatitis B, recurrent sinusitis, viral hepatitis.
  2. In an immunodeficiency state, as well as in the presence of autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, recurrent aphthous stomatitis, Reiter's disease.
  3. In the presence of malignant neoplasms in the colon, lungs, mammary glands, as well as after surgical treatment of the tumor, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
  4. For leukemia and lymphogranulomatosis.

Decaris is an immunomodulator that stimulates the regulatory function of T-lymphocytes, which has a slight immunomodulatory effect. Decaris is able to have a stimulating effect on weakened immunity at the cellular level, weaken an overly strong one, and have no effect on normal immunity.

However, at present, Dekaris is used extremely rarely as an immunomodulator, this is due to the fact that now a huge number of other, more effective drugs have appeared, the founder of which was Dekaris (analogs), as well as completely different ones. The drug itself is rarely used also because it has a fairly large number of side effects.


Decaris, an immunomodulator, is used as follows: 150 milligrams of the drug are taken per day for three days. Next, take a break for two weeks, after which the treatment is repeated. Or they do not do an interval, and after three days of treatment they take the drug 150 mg per week once.

Remember that even the instructions for use included in the package with the drug are not an argument in favor of self-treatment. A visit to a doctor is mandatory; only he can prescribe an adequate dosage in an individual case.

Side effects

Decaris has a fairly extensive list of side effects:

  • Pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, vomiting and nausea, pancreatitis, the appearance of ulcers in the oral cavity.
  • Dizziness, headache, olfactory hallucinations, convulsions, fatigue, speech impairment, tremors, sleep problems, confusion, paresthesia.
  • Leukopenia, agranulocytosis.
  • Hypercreatininemia, kidney damage.
  • Allergic reactions: skin rashes, exfoliative dermatitis.

Other side effects include uterine bleeding, myasthenia gravis, taste disturbance, vasculitis, lymphadenopathy.


Decaris is an immunomodulator, as mentioned above, and served as the ancestor for many other immunomodulatory drugs. Levamisole, which is contained in this drug, is listed in low-modular drugs that have immunotropic activity. Levamisole was the first active substance that was approved for use as an immunomodulator.

Close in chemical structure to levamisole is dibazole, a substance derived from imidazole. One way or another, many indirect analogues of the drug Dekaris are based on this active substance, but there are also other analogues.

So, the drugs are analogues:

  1. Diucifon.
  2. Rovomycin.
  3. Rulid.
  4. Galavit.
  5. Gepon.
  6. Glutoxim.
  7. Alloferon.

Levamisole is the main active ingredient of the drug Decaris (sometimes incorrectly used as “Decoris”).

On this page you will find all the information about Dekaris: complete instructions for use for this drug, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Dekaris. Would you like to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Anthelmintic drug.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Dispensed with a doctor's prescription.


How much does Dekaris cost? The average price in pharmacies is 100 rubles.

Release form and composition

The medicine is available in the form of tablets with different doses:

  • Decaris for adults - one tablet contains 150 mg of active substance. It is flat, white, and has the name of the medicine engraved on one side. Additional components are determined by lactose, sucrose, talc, powder, starch. Sold in cardboard packaging, tablets.
  • Decaris for children - each tablet contains 50 mg of levamisole. In appearance they are flat, round with an orange tint and a slight apricot smell. Are at risk for separation. The auxiliary ingredients include talc, dyes, starch, food additives, and flavorings. 2 tablets are dispensed from the pharmacy in a cardboard package.

The drug Dekaris belongs to the group of synthetic anthelmintics and has a pronounced immunomodulatory property. The composition contains levamisole and other excipients as an active component.

Pharmacological effect

The high activity of such cells perfectly stimulates the body's immune system.

Indications for use

  1. (pathogens – roundworms);
  2. (causative agents - pinworms);
  3. Toxoplasmosis (pathogens - toxoplasma);
  4. Strongyloidiasis (caused by intestinal acne);
  5. Trichocephalosis (pathogens: whipworm);
  6. Hookworm infections (pathogens: hookworm);
  7. Necatoria (pathogens - necator);
  8. Trichostrongylosis (pathogens - nematodes).


The drug Dekaris can be taken only after consultation with a doctor and identification of the causative agent of the invasion. Before starting therapy, the patient should carefully study the attached instructions, since the drug has a number of contraindications:

  1. Severe renal or liver failure;
  2. Pregnancy period in the 1st trimester;
  3. Age of children under 3 years;
  4. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  5. Cerebrovascular accidents;
  6. Breastfeeding period.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Only a specialist can prescribe Decaris during pregnancy - in emergency cases when folk remedies are ineffective - and only in the third (less often - second) trimester.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that Dekaris should be taken orally, after meals in the evening, with a small amount of water. There is no need for a special diet or laxatives.

  • The drug is taken once. Adults are usually prescribed 1 tablet of 150 mg.

Children should take the drug based on age and weight:

  • 3-6 years (from 10 to 20 kg) – 0.5-1 tablet of 50 mg (25-50 mg);
  • 6-10 years (from 20 to 30 kg) – 1-1.5 tablets of 50 mg (50-75 mg);
  • 10-14 years (from 30 to 40 kg) – 1.5-2 tablets of 50 mg (75-100 mg).

If necessary, after 1-2 weeks, taking Dekaris can be repeated.

Side effects

As a rule, the use of anthelmintics is well tolerated by patients. But in some cases, if the instructions for using Decaris tablets were not followed or due to the individual characteristics of the body, this drug can cause side effects:

  1. Diarrhea, pain in the abdominal area.
  2. Insomnia.
  3. High body temperature.
  4. Dizziness and headaches.
  5. Weakness, malaise, fatigue.
  6. Loss of appetite.
  7. Nausea and vomiting.
  8. Changes in the composition of the cut.
  9. Allergic manifestations in the form of itching, rashes, redness of the skin.

Taking Decaris can contribute to the development of such severe conditions as bleeding, leukopenia, myasthenia gravis, and swelling in the periarbital region.


In severe cases of overdose, side effects such as limb cramps, Quincke's edema, disorientation and possible hallucinations are noted. Poor speech activity and a comatose state are often observed.

special instructions

During and after taking the drug, you should not drink alcohol for 24 hours. There is insufficient evidence that levamisole, used as an anthelmintic, depresses the nervous system.

Due to the fact that when taking the drug, transient, mild dizziness may occur, care should be taken when driving a car or when working with machinery during the entire course of treatment.

Drug interactions

  1. Caution is required when using Decaris with drugs that affect hematopoiesis.
  2. When taking the drug simultaneously with alcoholic beverages, disulfiram-like phenomena are observed.
  3. Decaris should not be used simultaneously with lipophilic drugs such as carbon tetrachloride, tetrachlorethylene, chenopodium oil, chloroform or ether, as its toxicity may increase.
  4. When taking the drug simultaneously with coumarin-like anticoagulants, the prothrombin time may increase, so it is necessary to adjust the dose of the oral anticoagulant. Decaris increases the level of phenytoin in the blood, therefore, when using them simultaneously, it is necessary to control the level of phenytoin in the blood.


We selected real people's reviews about the drug Dekaris:

Among analogues of Dekaris, which have a similar therapeutic effect, the following drugs can be named:

Before using analogues, consult your doctor.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Keep away from children. Store at temperatures between 15 and 30 °C. Shelf life – 5 years.

Tablets - flat, round, light orange in color, 50 and 150 mg in blister contour packaging No. 1 and 2 in a cardboard box.

pharmachologic effect

Anthelmintic .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Wikipedia defines Decaris as anthelmintic , which has an immunomodulatory effect. The drug depolarizes the muscle membranes of helminths, inhibits the enzymatic activity of fumarate reductase and succinate dehydrogenase, and suppresses bioenergetic processes. Paralyzed nematodes are removed from the body by intestinal peristalsis within 24 hours after taking the drug.

The immunomodulatory effect of the drug is manifested by increased production of antibodies to antigens and T-cell response, activation of T-lymphocytes, increased function of macrophages, monocytes and neutrophils (phagocytosis, chemotaxis and adhesion).


When taken orally, the drug is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Blood levels after taking the drug are achieved within 1.5-2 hours. Levamisole is metabolized in the liver; its metabolites are glucuronide and hydroxy-levamisole. The half-life is 3-6 hours. Excreted in the form of metabolites in urine and feces.

Indications for use

Helminth infection ( hookworm , , necatoriasis , trichostrongylosis , trichocephalosis , strongyloidiasis , toxoplasmosis ).


  • high sensitivity to the drug;
  • history of drug-induced;
  • age up to 3 years;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.

Take with caution when inhibition of bone marrow hematopoiesis , hepatic And renal failure .

Side effects

Insomnia, headache, dizziness, convulsions, palpitations, , dyspeptic disorders, skin rash, leukopenia , agranulocytosis , .

Dekaris tablets, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

For adults, take orally with meals in the following dosage:

  • At toxoplasmosis : once at a time, 150 mg per day for three days. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated at intervals of one week.
  • At helminthiases : once, before bedtime, at a dose of 150 mg for adults and at a rate of 2.5 mg/kg for children. If necessary, the course can be repeated again after 1-2 weeks.

Instructions for use of Dekaris indicate the need to study peripheral blood before starting treatment, and during the treatment period - to monitor the number of leukocytes. While taking the drug and after, for one day, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages.


When taking a large dose of the drug (more than 600 mg), signs of intoxication may appear in the form of nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, diarrhea, convulsions and confusion.


Decaris should not be taken with ethanol , lipophilic compounds (carbon tetrachloride , oil chenopodium , tetrachlorethylene , chloroform ) and drugs that cause leukopenia.

The drug enhances the effect indirect anticoagulants And .

Terms of sale

On prescription.

Storage conditions

At a temperature of 15-25°C.

Best before date

60 months.

Decaris for children

Decaris for children, given the significant number of possible side effects in the treatment of helminthiasis, can be taken only after consultation with a doctor. Tablets for children are available in a dose of 50 mg of levamisole.

How should children take the drug? One tablet (50 mg) is designed for 10 kg of child weight. The instructions for the drug contain dosage calculations for children. Approximate dosages for children from 3 to 6 years old are 25-50 mg; from 6 to 10 -50-75 mg; from 10 to 14 years - 75-100 mg. However, calculating the dosage based on the child’s weight is more accurate and reduces the likelihood of side effects.

Decaris to boost immunity

It is practically not used to increase immunity in children. There are many modern, highly effective and relatively safe immunomodulators that your doctor will prescribe for your child if necessary. Reviews of taking Decaris in children are in most cases positive. Judging by them, side effects occur less frequently in children than in adults. This is probably explained by the fact that parents, when giving Decaris for worms to a child, strictly adhere to the dosage of the drug prescribed by the doctor. Reviews note the good anthelmintic effect of Dekaris and the convenience of a single dose.


Level 4 ATX code matches:

Analogues of Dekaris according to the active substance -. Drugs with similar therapeutic effects include: , , Piperazine , , , , Telmox , Tansy flowers , Pumpkin seeds and others.

Reviews about Dekaris

Reviews about the drug vary quite a bit. Many patients, taking Decaris tablets for worms, note strong side effects in the form of an unpleasant odor, severe nausea, headaches, dizziness, vomiting and skin rashes. Because of this, some parents are afraid to give it to their children. But in most cases, there are no complaints about the ineffectiveness of the drug, both for adults and for children, in the treatment of helminthic infestations.

Many website visitors are interested in how they feel after using the drug. Helminths that die from paralysis are eliminated from the body within 24 hours after taking the drug in a natural way (through the intestines with feces). Some people ask why Dekaris tablets are prescribed, meaning what types of worms it acts on. The drug is effective against nematodes (roundworms), which include roundworms, pinworms, Trichinella, Toxocara, and whipworms.

Dekaris, reviews from doctors

Doctors for the most part speak favorably of Dekaris, noting its high effectiveness:

  • “... in my practice as a doctor at a rural outpatient clinic, I use Dekaris quite often. Many patients, having read negative reviews on the Internet, are afraid to take the drug. Sometimes it takes a long time to dissuade them. In my personal, almost ten-year practice, there have been only a few cases of consequences of moderate severity. Most people tolerate the recommended doses of the drug completely normally. I personally and my family have been taking Decaris for preventive purposes (3 cats and a dog live at home) for almost 7 years. And no serious complications were observed. It should be remembered that the phenomena of headache and nausea are a consequence of intoxication of the body, resulting from difficulties in bowel movement. For this purpose, you can take a laxative drug, and the drug must be taken at night, then the patient practically does not notice the side effects.”.
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