What happens if a healthy man takes Viagra? What will happen to a woman if she uses Viagra? Consequences of taking not as prescribed by the doctor.

Everyone knows that Viagra is a drug that allows a man to solve some sexual problems. And, of course, women simply could not help but be curious: what if this miracle remedy will help us experience unearthly pleasure during sexual intercourse? How justified are these hopes? Let's try to figure it out...

To begin with, a little about Viagra and its action.

The composition of the drug is extremely simple: its main and only component is sildenafil citrate - a substance that stimulates blood flow into the pelvic area, which, when excited, rushes into the cavernous bodies of the penis, providing a long-term, full-fledged erection. Let’s clarify right away: Viagra cannot cure impotence and does not affect libido in any way, that is, it does not turn the average man into an ardent macho.

Now let's get back to women. Since the clitoris is the analogue of the penis in their body, taking the drug leads to its slight swelling. A temperamental woman who has no problems achieving orgasm can use Viagra to make her sensations more vivid, but, alas, the drug is unable to get rid of frigidity. However, there is an exception, but more on that later.

In the meantime, a few words about “female Viagra”. In terms of composition and dosage, it is no different from the “male” one. All the differences are in color (women's pills are pink) and price (twice as expensive). The latter fact suggests that “female Viagra” is nothing more than a cunning trick by marketers, the purpose of which is to force naive seekers of sensual pleasures to fork out money.

Well, now about those cases when Viagra can help a woman.

Firstly, if an impressionable lady firmly believes in the power of the drug, it can play the role of a placebo and provide her with strong emotions, removing internal barriers that previously prevented her from achieving orgasm.

And, secondly: sometimes the cause of female sexual disorders is sluggish blood supply to the pelvic area, including the genitals. As a result, there is insufficient lubrication in the vagina, and, as a result, unpleasant, and even sometimes painful, sensations during friction. Viagra, by normalizing blood flow, will eliminate this problem.

But at what cost? Unknown. First of all, do not forget about the side effects: nausea, insomnia, back pain, etc. The ardent lady will experience them to the fullest. And, in addition, every woman who decides to take the drug should know: clinical studies to determine how Viagra affects the female body have never (!) been conducted anywhere. Draw your conclusions!

Typically, a man is more sexually active than a woman. It’s not for nothing that there are many jokes about a wife’s “headache” and few similar jokes about her husband.

There are exceptions to this rule when a representative of the fair sex wants more from her partner than he can give.

Sometimes the wife is ready to feed him drugs that stimulate sexual activity even without her husband’s knowledge. How correct is this decision?

How does Viagra affect sexual function?

The main active ingredient of Viagra is sildenafil. When taken, there is an increased production of hormones that cause relaxation of blood vessels. As a result, there is a large flow of blood to the male genital organ, and the erection increases. This only happens if there are no organic pathologies that prevent blood from flowing into the vessels.

If a man’s sexual organ cannot return to working condition due to spasm of blood vessels that do not allow blood to pass through, Viagra will come in very handy. The main thing is not to neglect the doctor’s recommendations, strictly adhere to the recommended dosage regimen and regimen.

When a partner is stubborn and does not agree to take the drug under any circumstances, the woman herself sometimes secretly puts the medicine in his food or drink. Be careful, follow all the doctor’s recommendations, then your sex life will improve and there will be no harm to your spouse’s health.

After taking the drug, a good erection occurs, which can be repeated several times within 4-6 hours while the stimulant is in effect. Sexual intercourse lasts longer, orgasm becomes brighter. Such impressions act like a drug; there is a desire to constantly take the drug and increase the dose.

The body gets used to receiving enzymes from the outside, so it stops producing them on its own. An erection may occur spontaneously or disappear at the very climax of sexual intercourse.

If he can but doesn't want to

Sometimes a man simply does not want to have sexual intercourse with a woman. Before causing artificial excitement, you need to figure out why your partner ignores your caresses and unambiguous hints. If a woman does not evoke any intimate desire in him, the drug will not help; in this case, you need to look for other methods. Do not poison your loved one with chemical compounds; it is better to spend money on sexual attractiveness training. Take a critical look at yourself, perhaps he is repelled by:

  • Sloppy appearance;
  • Unfeminine behavior;
  • Rudeness in conversation.

Sometimes a representative of the stronger sex cannot afford sexual intercourse. He likes the woman, he has a desire to spend time with her, but the rules and moral norms accepted in society get in the way. The reason may be:

  • Young age of the partner;
  • Fear of being insolvent;
  • Reluctance to cheat on your spouse;
  • Other moral reasons.

There is no point in mixing Viagra if everything is normal with male functions. It’s better to have a romantic dinner by candlelight and treat him to natural aphrodisiacs.

Place candles, good wine and treats on the table:

  • Nuts;
  • Ginger;

If he wants to but can't

If a man has problems with potency, first of all you need to understand the reasons. Viagra will only help with erectile dysfunction. In case of organic damage and various diseases, the main problem must be eliminated. You don’t want your loved one to delight you in bed for a while, but end up with a serious illness.

Sometimes doctors themselves recommend using Viagra, but the man resists. He cannot come to terms with his shortcomings; he wants to prove, first of all, to himself that he is completely healthy and strong. First try to convince him tactfully. Only if nothing works out, you will have to use a trick.

If you want to help the man you love, be sure to consult your doctor about what dose will be optimal for him. Make sure that he does not take any stimulant drugs in secret, otherwise he may overdose. Read the instructions, it should indicate with which drugs Viagra should not be combined.

If you still decide to secretly add the drug to your beloved man, follow the rules of caution. You can add Viagra to food, drinks or dessert. It is advisable that the meal at this time was not too fatty and heavy; there may be no effect with this combination. Make sure that the plate or glass goes to the right person and not to another family member. Make sure that children do not grab anything from dad's plate, so that he does not give the uneaten leftovers to the cat or dog.

Side effects and negative effects of Viagra

A dose of 50 mg or less should not cause harm to a healthy person. We should not forget that every body is individual, and even the most harmless substance can cause side effects in someone. Do not be surprised if, after taking the drug, your partner experiences:

  • Intense thirst;
  • Headache;
  • Fainting.

If you give a man Viagra constantly and in large doses, more serious violations occur. Problems will arise not only in the sexual sphere; there may be a decrease in vision and hearing, and pathologies of various organs. Sildenafil kills sperm, and after a while a man will no longer be able to become a father.

When taking the drug, blood vessels relax, pressure increases in all tissues and organs. The joy of violent sex will quickly be forgotten if after it a man develops:

  • Hypertension;
  • Heart attack;
  • Bleeding due to ruptures of the walls of blood vessels;
  • Stroke.

Uncontrolled use of any drugs can be hazardous to health. If you do not want to get a negative effect, contact the online pharmacy Shop-Stoyal.ru, they have a wide selection of drugs that improve potency. Check out the range, get a consultation and purchase a product that will make your intimate life as comfortable as possible.

Probably everyone has heard about the effect of drugs to increase potency on the male body, but how does Viagra work on women? This is mainly of interest to men who want to see what will happen if a woman takes Viagra.

In the article:

Does Viagra work on women?

The main (and only) active component of Viagra is Sildenafil Citrate. In men, this substance affects the cavernous bodies of the penis, causing their increased blood flow, which manifests itself in a persistent erection.

But what happens if a woman takes Viagra and she doesn’t have a penis?

U women This drug causes a rush of blood to the genitals. As a result, the release of lubricant and...

The use of Sildenafil may be considered if:

  1. Having problems getting an orgasm.
  2. A woman's arousal on the eve of sexual intercourse is not strong enough.
  3. Excessive dryness of the vaginal vault is felt due to age-related changes or insufficient arousal.
  4. Sexual contacts ceased to bring any pleasure.
  5. There are symptoms of endometriosis.
  6. There was a desire to experience new sensations as a result of taking a stimulant drug.

Female Viagra ranks fourth in the ranking due to side effects. The tablet allows you to solve a number of delicate problems during intimacy and ensure the onset of orgasm. It has a bitter aftertaste, so don’t try to add it unnoticed.

How does female Viagra work?

Love yourself - and don’t refuse anything!

Now on sale is a special women's Viagra, created by Pfizer specialists and passed the necessary tests.

The effect on the body is more noticeable, although it contains the same sildenafil, which is also contained in the drug of the same name for men.

The effect of Viagra in women is as follows:

  1. Increased blood circulation in the genitals and increased tone of the vaginal muscles.
  2. Obtaining more pleasant and stronger sensations and emotions during orgasm.
  3. Increased sensitivity with every sexual intercourse with a man.
  4. Reducing pain during menstruation.
  5. Improving general psychological mood.

Thus, periodic use of female Viagra on the eve of sexual intercourse helps to improve the quality of intimacy, eliminates manifestations of frigidity, and increases the level of sensuality.

One of the advantages of Viagra for women is getting rid of such a dangerous and protracted disease as endometriosis. This side effect of taking the medicine gives a chance to overcome infertility caused by the presence of foci of endometriosis. This effect is ensured by normalizing the balance of hormones and improving blood circulation in the pelvic area.

Features of taking Viagra for women

The recommended dose is 50 mg of Sildenafil (the active ingredient of female Viagra) at a time. Since one tablet contains 100 mg of this substance, the standard dosage is only 0.5 tablets.

In some cases, the dosage may be reduced to 25 mg (1/4 tablet) or increased to 100 mg (1 tablet).

The drug must be taken at least 40 minutes before intimate contact so that the active substance has time to have the desired effect. Increased libido will be noticeable within 5 hours from the moment you take the pill.

When using Femalegra, women need to keep track of the days of their menstrual cycle. It is best to avoid taking this stimulant drug immediately before your period begins. Of course, on menstruation days, using this drug, as well as having sex with additional stimulation, is strictly prohibited.


  1. The presence of benign as well as malignant tumors.
  2. Age up to 18 years.
  3. Manifestations of neurasthenia or psychosis.
  4. Risk of heart attack or stroke.
  5. State of pregnancy and lactation. May lead to increased uterine tone.
  6. Individual intolerance.
  7. Driving a car within the next 6 hours after taking Viagra.

If the recommended dosage is followed, women experience virtually no side effects. If you ignore the instructions and take more than one tablet, you may experience a headache, a noticeable short-term decrease in visual acuity, rapid heartbeat, a rush of blood to the facial tissues and other undesirable and dangerous reactions.

Video: what happens if a woman takes Viagra

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Have you ever wondered what will happen if a girl takes Viagra? In general, gynecologists in some cases recommend that women take medications that were originally intended only for men. However, you should not do this yourself out of curiosity. Remember that only a qualified doctor can prescribe drug therapy with Viagra.

About sildenafil

The active substance of Viagra is sildenafil, which is a selective inhibitor of specific phosphodiesterase. Please note that the male body normally produces nitric oxide, which promotes the synthesis of HMP, which is destroyed by phosphodiesterase. In turn, GMF affects the muscles of the genital organ, thereby increasing its blood supply. Therefore, we can conclude that Viagra helps strengthen erections.

What happens if a girl takes Viagra? Since sildenafil affects only the male genital organs, the drug will not have the desired effect on women. But at the same time, Viagra will increase blood supply to the pelvic organs, which significantly stimulates the physiological component of arousal.

How Viagra works for women

Initially, the described drug was intended to improve the functioning of the fibromuscular organ - the heart, but relatively recently it was proven that Viagra significantly increases blood flow in the area of ​​the reproductive organs. In addition, the drug affects the cavernous bodies, which are directly responsible for the process of excitation. Both men and women have such bodies, but in the weaker half of humanity they are concentrated in the clitoris. And yet, the main function of Viagra is to enhance erection, and not to enhance women's sexual desire.

Therefore, when asked what will happen if a girl takes Viagra, we can safely answer that after taking the drug, the woman may only feel an increase in blood pressure.

Who can benefit from taking Viagra?

According to medical professionals, taking Viagra in small quantities can only be useful for those who have been diagnosed with diabetes or have had their uterus removed, as well as those who are in menopause. What will happen if a girl takes male Viagra in the above cases? The fact is that with these problems, constant dryness in the vaginal area may occur, and taking this drug helps to release more lubricant.

Contraindications to the use of Viagra by women

Before using drugs containing sildenafil, you should study their contraindications in advance. These include:

  • oncological diseases;
  • sleep disorders;
  • nausea;
  • nosebleeds;
  • frequent dizziness and fainting;
  • cardiopalmus.

In case of overdose, hallucinations, convulsions, nasal congestion, nosebleeds, difficulty breathing and convulsions may occur. You should also remember what will happen if a girl takes Viagra, ignoring contraindications. So, in the form of an allergy, urticaria on the skin, itching sensations, allergic rhinitis, and redness of the eyes can occur. If at least one of the listed reactions is detected, then you should stop taking the drug and consult your doctor.

It is prohibited to take the drug simultaneously with drugs that increase blood pressure, together with alcohol, steroids and drugs with similar pharmacodynamics.

How to replace Viagra

  • fruits - pineapple, avocado, grapes, bananas;
  • mushrooms;
  • celery;
  • seafood;
  • walnuts;
  • chocolate;
  • spices.

With regular consumption of such products, women and girls can balance their hormonal levels, while ensuring the normal functioning of literally all body systems.

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