Mosaic schizophrenia. Mosaic psychopath, genius or killer? Mosaic schizophrenic

In a particular personality disorder, it can sometimes be difficult to make a residual diagnosis, as signs may be identified that are considered incompatible in science. In this case, we mean mosaic psychopathy, characterized by the presence of a combination of several disorders in one patient. With this disease, the patient has no signs related to a particular type of psychopathy. Symptoms are unstable, changeable, but, nevertheless, they are obvious. It is difficult for such a person to take root in society, but it is also not easy for those around him, because it is difficult to adapt to such a person.

There are various combinations of disorders. If there are hysterical traits, supplemented by explosive ones, then there is a basis for the development of drives, addictions, and disorders. Often there is such a combination as psychoasthenia, accompanied by schizoid disorder. It is typical for a person to have overvalued ideas, which the patient tries to implement in any way. He has a certain idea, and such an initiator exalts his own personality with this idea, while claiming that he is a kind of "messiah", intended by higher powers to carry out this brilliant plan.

Symptoms of mosaic psychopathy

If there is a combination of increased irascibility with flax disorder, it can be assumed that the person suffers from mosaic psychopathy. Typical representatives of this category of patients can be considered "irreconcilable" fighters "for their interests, who constantly complain to someone and about something. They are not satisfied with the work of housing and communal services, the behavior of neighbors, the attitude of their superiors, and so on. Such people apply to the courts for the slightest reason, persistently engage in appeals if their claims are rejected. A rather serious combination of physicians consider a condition when there is a combination of psychopathies, which are the exact opposite of each other. It is hysterical, excitable, schizoid and asthenic. With this combination, a person begins to develop.

Mosaic psychopathy is considered a complex personality disorder. It manifests itself in a variety of features common to several types of psychopathies. This condition is the reason for the difficulty of social adaptation of a person. Mixed personality disorder does not have an underlying psychopathological syndrome and is difficult to define due to the lack of persistence of symptoms. Completely different manifestations are predominant in different periods. This diversity of symptoms inherent in mosaic psychopathy creates an incredible amount of adaptation difficulties for the patient.

Treating psychopathy

Psychopathies, including mosaic, in some cases are treated with medication. This is necessary if there is a sharp severity of pathological character traits, and in everyday life the patient experiences many problems. The environment of such a person also suffers greatly. The doctor prescribes drugs depending on the patient's condition. If a person shows, is prone to antisocial acts, he will need in combination with sedatives. In the event that a person is prone to significant mood swings, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment with anticonvulsants.

In such cases, it is important to know that when using psychotropic drugs, it is prohibited to use alcohol, drugs. This combination is extremely dangerous, it can even be fatal.

Mosaic psychopathy is characterized by multiple manifestations of antisocial behavior. People suffering from mosaic psychopathy cannot enter the framework of social life. Sometimes psychology uses other terms of mosaic psychopathy: multiple psychopathy, mixed psychopathy, or dissocial personality disorder. The psychopathic personality and the antisocial personality (sociopath) are equivalent concepts.

Currently, no reliable cause of the development of mosaic psychopathy has been identified. Scientists have identified two theories of the development of the disease:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • the influence of the social environment.

Proponents of the hereditary nature of the disease suggest the dominant influence of a certain sequence of genes on the development of psychopathy. The role of mutations in the human genotype is not excluded. This theory is supported by frequent combinations of psychopathies with organic brain lesions (mental retardation, schizophenia, mental retardation).

Many experts draw attention to the fact that the development of antisocial behavior is often influenced by a history of traumatic brain injury.

With the prevailing influence of the social environment in conditions of ignoring the norms and rules of behavior, it is possible to develop psychopathy without organic damage to the brain and in the absence of such diseases in the family.

Many psychologists are inclined towards these two versions of the pathogenetic formation of mosaic psychopathy. It is known that in 50% of cases in the presence of a predisposition, environmental factors play a decisive role. A favorable family environment and early instilling of social norms reduce the development of psychopathic behavior, even in the case of a genetic predisposition.

Psychopathic personality

The term "psychopathic personality" is used by many doctors to describe patients with antisocial behavior. Mixed personality disorder has the following signs of antisocial behavior:

  • inability to form attachment to people around them, including children and parents;
  • ignoring social norms and rules;
  • aggressive behavior;
  • imposing your own thoughts and opinions on people around you;
  • striving for dominance in relationships;
  • lying for your own benefit;
  • inability to plan their actions;
  • unexpressed sense of conscience.

A psychopathic personality cannot experience a sincere feeling of attachment to people, so he begins to build his relationships in order to achieve a certain benefit. At the same time, they understand all the norms and rules of behavior, but continue to deliberately ignore them.

Often, such people skillfully know how to manipulate loved ones and relatives to achieve their goal. The dominant role in behavior is determined by one's own desires. It is easy for sociopaths to lie for their own benefit. Among them are often people who have committed an offense. People with personality disorder do not feel guilty. For their own benefit, they can mimic normal behavior, but for a short time.

A characteristic feature of sociopaths is the impulsiveness of their actions. They do not know how to apply long-term planning in their lives. All actions are associated with the achievement of a short-term result.

In mixed personality disorder, social limitations and norms are perceived as tools for manipulating people. Sociopaths don't understand selfless behavior. The feelings of loved ones and relatives do not bother them much. They can use force or violence to satisfy their needs. In relationships with people, sociopaths occupy a dominant position with the phenomena of tyranny in the family.

Associated symptoms

To identify psychopathy of the mosaic type in people, it is necessary to be guided not only by the characteristic signs, but also to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. Such symptoms complicate social adaptation and make it possible to identify sociopaths in the early stages of the formation of antisocial behavior.

The main signs that allow suspecting mosaic psychopathy are:

  • irritability;
  • emotional instability;
  • learning difficulties;
  • inability to work, especially in a systematic manner;
  • pathological liars, blaming their mistakes on others;
  • emotional response.

Multiple personality disorder can be detected in children with antisocial behavior while still in school. As a rule, such children study poorly and are characterized by violent behavior. They cannot react normally to external factors, therefore they always try to choose for themselves the role of not a victim, but a predator. Emotional response is a defense mechanism in which a child plays a frightening scenario in order to replace a passive role with an active one. They choose weaker children as their victims.

In the early diagnosis of mosaic psychopathy, an important role is given to school psychologists who must work with children on the subject of sociopathy. Particular attention should be paid to children from disadvantaged families, where antisocial behavior is instilled in children from an early age.

Types of mosaic psychopathy

In psychological practice, it is customary to distinguish two forms of psychopathy:

  • active;
  • passive.

People with active psychopathy are characterized by behavior without internal and external delays. Sociopaths do not restrain their behavior and do not consider it necessary to comply with the laws and rules in society. Such people can behave normally for some time, especially when it is required by the regime or the supervision of authoritative people (hospitalization or imprisonment). In the absence of supervision, active sociopaths again lead an antisocial lifestyle. The presence of morality and conscience is not observed in them.

Passive sociopaths in their lives are guided by a certain set of rules that replace them with conscience and other feelings. Most often, such people are committed to religion and actively observe all religious laws. Such people often have ideological behavior when they choose an ideal or an authoritative person to follow. These people simply obey certain laws without realizing the humanity of their actions. Passive sociopaths can exhibit antisocial behavior when deprived of their ideal and changing their usual lifestyle.

Mosaic psychopathy and the law

Often the result of antisocial behavior is violation of the law as a result of deviant behavior. Types of deviant behavior:

  • criminal;
  • antisocial.

Violations of administrative or criminal law lead to consequences in the form of sexual assault, fraud, hooliganism and, in the most severe cases, murder.

Violation of antisocial norms and rules does not directly harm the people around them, but may indirectly affect them. This behavior includes avoiding work duties, petty mischief, or inappropriate behavior.

Psychopathic personality traits often lead them to commit various crimes. However, sociopaths never regret committing a violation of the law, but only that they were caught.

In social terms, such individuals can be realized as leaders of a criminal group or religious sects. The fate of many people suffering from mosaic psychopathy is associated with the use of drugs or alcohol. Addiction is formed only to satisfy their own desires.


In the international classification of diseases ICD-10, there is no diagnosis of "mosaic psychopathy". ICD-10 contains a section on personality disorders. It is here that possible diagnoses of psychopathic personality disorders are found.

In mosaic psychopathy, the diagnosis is established in the presence of the following signs (at least three):

  • indifferent attitude towards close people;
  • irresponsibility and disdain for social behavior;
  • inability to form attachment;
  • a low threshold for restraining one's aggressive behavior and a short period of frustration;
  • lack of guilt;
  • all kinds of excuses for their behavior and blaming other people.

If at least three signs are established, then the doctor can safely diagnose "dissocial personality disorder" or "mosaic psychopathy". Sometimes, for diagnosis, they look at the records of a school psychologist about the presence of conflict behavior. Emotional instability and irritability may be considered as an additional sign.

But it is worth noting that the assessment of the behavior of each patient is taken into account individually. For this, the relationships between religion and law are drawn up to form antisocial behavior.

There are a number of criteria introduced by the American Psychological Association, the presence of which is mandatory for the diagnosis of mosaic psychopathy:

  • inconsistency with social norms and rules;
  • hypocritical behavior;
  • lack of planning in daily life;
  • aggressive and tough behavior;
  • exposure to oneself and others to unjustified risk;
  • irresponsible behavior at work and in life;
  • lack of pity for others and indifferent behavior.

The diagnosis can only be made in adults. In this case, one should take into account the manifestations of psychopathy under the age of 15 years.

In the presence of comorbid mental illness, evidence of antisocial behavior during periods of well-being is required. For example, in manic-depressive syndrome, behavior during periods of mania and depression is not taken into account. To identify complex cases, a commission is assembled with a psychological examination to make a final diagnosis.


At its core, psychopathy is an individual feature of the human constitution. Therapy of pathology is not aimed at changing a person's personality, but at correcting his social behavior.

Mosaic psychopathy is treated by psychotherapists. In this case, the term "psychotherapist" should be distinguished from a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist treats mentally ill people with a clinical diagnosis of psychiatry.

The basis of the activity of psychotherapists is to conduct psychotherapeutic sessions, during which a psychological portrait of the patient is drawn up. Psychotherapists can be specialists with higher medical or psychological education who have completed special training courses. The goal of psychotherapy sessions is to correct social behavior.

The following types of psychotherapeutic assistance are distinguished:

  • individual sessions;
  • group sessions;
  • family sessions;
  • self-help groups;
  • educational activities;
  • habitat change.

Patients with mosaic psychopathy very rarely seek help on their own. They are required by law to visit a psychotherapist while in correctional institutions. During the sessions, the specialist conducts psychoanalysis to identify the patient's main problems.

Many practice group sessions, when a whole group of patients with similar behavior is selected. During the sessions, the reasons for antisocial behavior are found out and various ways of solving them are considered.

One of the problems of psychoanalysis is the hostile attitude of patients who believe that the doctor specifically wants to discredit them in the eyes of others. Therefore, the basis of psychoanalysis is the establishment of a relationship of trust between doctor and patient.

Sometimes, with increased aggressiveness, drug therapy is used. Various groups of drugs are used for treatment:

  • sedatives;
  • antipsychotics;
  • tranquilizers;
  • nootropic drugs;
  • metabolic drugs;
  • normotimics.

Antisocial behavior cannot be treated with medication. Instilling a normal social image is possible only with the use of psychotherapeutic sessions.

Sometimes people themselves turn to specialists for help when they notice their different perception of the world around them from other people. Such patients cannot independently understand the essence of the problem, therefore they are often in a confused state.

Psychopathy therapy is not aimed at changing the patient's personality, but at developing his ability to adapt to the conditions of the social environment. Reducing anxiety and emotional aggression helps patients manage their behavior.

Good lecture on personality disorders:

You can also talk about mosaic psychosis. The term is more literary than medical, but this is sometimes the name for complex complexes of symptoms. There is nothing like that in class V ICD-10, and a diagnosis with the term "mosaic" simply would not say anything in particular. However, the complex of psychoses can still be called mosaic. A tribute to tradition, so to speak.

Parallel diagnoses and Lukashenko's syndrome

In general, diagnoses of a type parallel to reality are not uncommon in psychiatry. Usually, there are clearly outdated terms, a cunning combination of words from different definitions, or attaching additional words to the main concept. Sometimes terms emerge from the titles of reputable books or simply interesting authors. For example, "informational psychosis" from the title of the book by G.P. Krokhalev, and "mosaic psychopathy" is some kind of not quite necessary name, which at the beginning of the 21st century gained popularity at the suggestion of psychiatrist Dmitry Shchigelsky. He and some other doctors found this disorder with the President of the Republic of Belarus. As a result, the fundamental work "Case history of Alexander Grigorievich Lukashenko" was published. It also indicated the diagnosis: "moderately expressed mosaic psychopathy with a predominance of features of paranoid and dissocial personality disorders."

Mosaic psychopathy is usually understood as a combination of signs of many syndromes. Collectively, they constitute F60.2 dissocial personality disorder, which can be expressed in a variety of ways. Eric Berne identified two types - active and latent. The first type is aggressive, can restrain itself only in the presence of authority. Such people:

  • deliberately shirk from work;
  • capable of criminal acts;
  • deliberately create problems on the roads;
  • prone to crime.

The second one is softer and builds his behavior on his own, most often stupid, interpretation of how right and how wrong. In Shigelsky's diagnosis, what is most touching is the use of the term "paranoid" in combination with personality disorder.

Specific disorders include F60.0 paranoid (paranoid) personality disorder, which in essence differs little from dissocial. Such people are suspicious, vindictive, vindictive, prone to frustration, a tendency to acutely experience their significance.

There was no need to make a mix, but apparently Shchigelsky wanted to cram more bad words into his definition of Lukashenka's state. Had the diagnosis "Abomination and filth of an aggressive personality" he would have used it. In combination with mosaic psychosis, it turned out especially impressive.

The magic of terms and reality

But it still has something to do with psychiatry. True, personality disorders are not mental disorders in full, but simply the isolation of the type of thinking and behavior, the psychological constitution of a person, and often does not require any treatment. The magic of words is that one phrase combines something with a hint of a mosaic and with words about paranoia. The latter is associated in the minds of people exclusively with schizophrenia. These are the terms that generate diagnoses on the other side of the justified ones, and then people look for the symptoms of mosaic schizophrenia.

All types of pathogenesis, which are characterized by the poverty of symptoms, are distinguished separately. There is a special code F21.5 "Poor symptoms" of schizophrenia. Only this is not schizophrenia, but schizotypal disorder. The essence of the diagnosis, which is related to block F20, is precisely that you need to find several criteria. Each of them is characterized by its own symptoms and an individual complex of signs is obtained. If schizophrenia, then it is always rich in symptoms, they always fit into a mosaic and there is no particular need to note this.

Much confusion is caused by attempts to track the symptoms of pranoidness in the symptom complex outside the diagnosis of shozophrenia. It's hard to say how and who imagines it all, but in practice it may look like this ... A man comes home. The first step is to insult his wife. Then he sits down to have supper, be sure to leave some of the food in order to declare that the food is disgusting. He bangs his fist on the table. The son is hiding, because dad will now start checking the diary. While checking, he thinks about whether this is the diary at all. In the present, there are probably only deuces, and he slips this one to divert his eyes. And so all the time. It is impossible to work with such people, it is difficult to live. Paranoia is present in the form of some features and no more. Not just distrustful, but it takes on bizarre pathological features. Not just embittered, but right up to the emergence of the characteristics of an embittered personality.

This includes many syndromes - fanatical disorder, sensitive-paranoid, querulant and a number of others, but schizophrenia, delusional disorder and paranoia are clearly excluded. So, only the very structure of thinking and behavior remains of paranoia.

Mosaic psychopathy

In a particular personality disorder, it can sometimes be difficult to make a residual diagnosis, as signs may be identified that are considered incompatible in science. In this case, we mean mosaic psychopathy, characterized by the presence of a combination of several disorders in one patient. With this disease, the patient has no signs related to a particular type of psychopathy. Symptoms are unstable, changeable, but, nevertheless, they are obvious. It is difficult for such a person to take root in society, but it is also not easy for those around him, because it is difficult to adapt to such a person.

There are various combinations of disorders. If there are hysterical traits, supplemented by explosive ones, then there is a basis for the development of drives, addictions, and disorders. Often there is such a combination as psychoasthenia, accompanied by schizoid disorder. It is typical for a person to have overvalued ideas, which the patient tries to implement in any way. He has a certain idea, and such an initiator exalts his own personality with this idea, while claiming that he is a kind of "messiah", intended by higher powers to carry out this brilliant plan.

Symptoms of mosaic psychopathy

If there is a combination of increased irascibility with paranoid disorder, it can be assumed that the person suffers from mosaic psychopathy. Typical representatives of this category of patients can be considered "irreconcilable" fighters "for their interests, who constantly complain to someone and about something. They are not satisfied with the work of housing and communal services, the behavior of neighbors, the attitude of their superiors, and so on. Such people apply to the courts for the slightest reason, persistently engage in appeals if their claims are rejected. A rather serious combination of physicians consider a condition when there is a combination of psychopathies, which are the exact opposite of each other. It is hysterical, excitable, schizoid and asthenic. With this combination, a person begins to develop schizophrenia.

Mosaic psychopathy is considered a complex personality disorder. It manifests itself in a variety of features common to several types of psychopathies. This condition is the reason for the difficulty of social adaptation of a person. Mixed personality disorder does not have an underlying psychopathological syndrome and is difficult to define due to the lack of persistence of symptoms. Completely different manifestations are predominant in different periods. This diversity of symptoms inherent in mosaic psychopathy creates an incredible amount of adaptation difficulties for the patient.

Treating psychopathy

Psychopathies, including mosaic, in some cases are treated with medication. This is necessary if there is a sharp severity of pathological character traits, and in everyday life the patient experiences many problems. The environment of such a person also suffers greatly. The doctor prescribes drugs depending on the patient's condition. If a person is aggressive, prone to antisocial actions, he will need antipsychotics in combination with sedatives. In the event that a person is prone to significant mood swings, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment with anticonvulsants.

In such cases, it is important to know that when using psychotropic drugs, it is prohibited to use alcohol, drugs. This combination is extremely dangerous, it can even be fatal.

Psychopathies are congenital or acquired in early childhood features of the personality structure, manifested in a general disharmony and instability of mental processes.


This emotional arousal is quite strong, and agitation is accompanied by anxiety, fear, turns into speech and motor.

Signs of psychopathy in men

There are differences in psychopathy that do not allow it to be confused with mental illness. This is most likely an antisocial personality disorder that creates.

Hysterical psychopathy

In clinical practice, hysterical psychopathy is diagnosed quite often, since this pathology is quite common in our time. AT.

Schizoid psychopathy

In schizoid psychopathy, certain symptoms are characteristic. For psychopathic personalities of the schizoid type, secrecy, pathological isolation, autism, a certain isolation are characteristic.

Signs of psychopathy

Psychopathy is a qualitatively different condition from mental illness. Also, psychopathy can be called antisocial personality disorder, an anomaly of congenital character.

Sexual psychopathy

The definition of sexual psychopathy means impulsive forms of pathological development, of which there are many. This term has been used relatively recently. Experts note.

Psychopathies (personality disorders)

Psychopathies (personality disorders) Types of psychopathies Dynamics and treatment of psychopathies Personality disorders, or psychopathies, are persistent, developing in childhood and.

Types of psychopathy

Psychopathies (personality disorders) Types of psychopathies Dynamics and treatment of psychopathies Psychopathies are referred to as borderline mental disorders, they occupy a position between.

Dynamics and treatment of psychopathies

Psychopathies (personality disorders) Types of psychopathies Dynamics and treatment of psychopathies DYNAMICS OF PSYCHOPATHIES According to P.B. Gannushkin, psychopathy needs to be studied not only.

Mosaic psychopathy

Mosaic psychopathy is a complex personality disorder that combines many signs of mental illness. With this disease, the patient experiences severe difficulties in social adaptation. Due to the large number of symptoms, the disease is very difficult to diagnose. Mixed and multifaceted signs can worsen and disappear over time. If the patient has such character traits as hysteria and irascibility, then mosaic psychopathy can give rise to a person's craving for drugs, gambling and alcohol. In more severe cases, the disease becomes the cause of unreasonable outbursts of rage and manic sexual addictions.

Symptoms of mosaic psychopathy

Signs of this disease can be seen in historical figures, especially in dictators. Mosaic psychopathy can be seen in Stalin, Hitler, Lenin and Ivan the Terrible. The disease can be asymptomatic for a long time. Its severity depends on the form of pathology. The main symptoms of mosaic psychopathy are:

  • tendency to manipulate;
  • belief in "conspiracy theory";
  • the presence of an overvalued idea;
  • heightened self-esteem;
  • inability to empathize.

Despite the fact that it is extremely difficult for a person with this disease to adapt in society, he is able to realize himself as effectively as possible in his career. The presence of an overvalued idea or "mission" allows him to fully focus on his work. Other symptoms are:

  • irascibility;
  • lack of fear;
  • egocentrism;
  • aggressiveness.

Methods for achieving the goal, depending on the severity of the pathology, can be unethical and even illegal. Psychasthenia with schizoid disorder leads the patient to consider himself a messiah or a prophet. Also, the patient has unreasonable bouts of rage and euphoria.

Causes of the disease

Typically, mosaic psychopathy develops against the background of pre-existing personality disorders. This disease cannot be congenital. It appears due to various provoking factors and psychological trauma. Some pathologies of the brain can influence the already formed personality of the patient. The most common organic causes are:

  • cranial grass;
  • epilepsy;
  • neuroinfection;
  • drug addiction;
  • alcoholism.

The disease can develop due to personal tragedies and strong emotional distress. But also pathology arises from intrapersonal conflicts. Destructive feelings appear due to the lack of life motivation and self-hypnosis. The last factor is one of the most common. With the help of the suggested "overvalued idea", a person finds false explanations for his personal failures. Other causes of psychopathy are:

  • depression;
  • the consequences of sexual violence;
  • frequent stress;
  • financial inability;
  • failure in intimate life.

There can be many psychological reasons for the appearance of pathology. If the disease is formed in combination with organic factors, it will be easier for the doctor to diagnose the disease. Psychological factors are much more difficult to identify, since the clinical picture is constantly changing. To prevent the disease from developing to a complicated stage, it is required to consult a specialist in a timely manner.

Which doctor should I go to?

Psychiatry deals with the treatment and diagnosis of mental pathologies. It is noted that it is almost impossible to identify such a complex disease as mosaic psychopathy the first time. This is due to the fact that the symptoms of the disorder do not belong to one specific type, but to several at once. If you suspect you have signs of psychopathy, you should contact:

The appointment will begin with a confidential conversation with the patient. Strong contact between doctor and patient is a guarantee of the objectivity of the examination. It is important for a specialist to establish possible organic causes of the disease. The psychiatrist will ask if the patient has suffered a traumatic brain injury and if there have been cases of infection with neuroinfectious pathologies. The doctor will also clarify:

  1. Do you have depression?
  2. What's annoying you lately?
  3. How do you behave in stressful situations?
  4. Is there a problem in the family?
  5. How do you communicate with your colleagues and neighbors?
  6. How do you feel about your condition?

During the conversation, the doctor will monitor the patient's facial expressions, intonation and reaction. This will allow him to determine the level of adaptation of the patient in society. The psychiatrist will ask the patient to expose certain areas of the body. With mental disorders, patients can injure themselves (cuts, burns, hematomas, injection marks). Next, the psychiatrist will conduct a series of psychopathic tests. To clarify the results, the patient may be sent for electroencephalography and X-ray of the skull.

Treatment of mosaic psychopathy

In general, the disease does not require therapy. Only those patients who have an exacerbation of mental disorder, namely the appearance of delusional ideas, obsessions and a depressive state, need medication. When layering mosaic psychopathy, therapy is necessary. In this case, the patient will be prescribed:

  • antipsychotics;
  • tranquilizers;
  • normotimic drugs;

Treatment will focus on reducing the acute condition. The drugs are selected individually for each patient. With especially strong excitability, tranquilizers are usually prescribed. During the period of taking medications, the patient is strictly contraindicated to take alcohol and drugs. If the disease is mild, the psychiatrist will only prescribe:

  • antidepressants;
  • vitamins;
  • auto trainings.

Taking medications will not work without regular visits to a psychiatrist. Dialogue and psychoanalysis are the main methods of treatment for mental disorders. Group communication can also help. For the period of the entire treatment, the patient will be given a certificate of incapacity for work.

How dangerous is the disease?

Mosaic psychopathy can be associated with hysterical, paranoid, schizoid, excitable, and asthenic personality disorder. Each of the forms has its own characteristic symptoms. Some mental disorders are subtle, while others pose a danger to society. The following character traits stand out, which, in combination with any kind of psychopathy, can make a maniac, rapist or murderer out of a person:

  • emotional dullness;
  • fast excitability;
  • epileptoidy.

As a rule, patients do not go to the doctor on their own, as they do not consider themselves sick. For example, initiative and hot-tempered people suffering from the initial stage of paranoid schizophrenia are confident that the whole society treats them unfairly. Patients with litigious querulant behavior have an overwhelming urge to constantly write complaints and statements. Regardless of the type of psychopathy, the disease can develop into schizophrenia. Therefore, treatment of this disease should be started as soon as possible. Otherwise, the patient runs the risk of losing his mind.

Statistics claim that in the United States sleep disturbance (insomnia) is diagnosed at least in.

Lethargy is a symptom that is characterized by a lack of vigor, mobility, p.

If a person has as a result even minor physical, intellectual or emotional.

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Mosaic psychopath, genius or killer?

Mosaic psychopathy is characterized by the presence of signs that in medicine should not be combined with each other, but, despite this, they are in the history of the disease. The clinical picture, as it were, consists of different psychopathic traits, which are pieces of a mosaic, from this the name of the disease came from, this pathology is also called complex, polymorphic or complex psychopathy.

How does the disease manifest itself?

Various psychopathic traits can be combined with mosaic disorders. For example, a combination of hysterical and asthenic, schizoid and cycloid traits, sometimes there may be a combination of symptoms of not two, but even three different psychopathies.

Schizophrenia with mixed personality disorder in the presence of such traits as hysteria, an unstable psyche and impairments in the field of attraction can lead a person to alcohol, gambling or drug addiction. Often such people lead an asocial lifestyle, they have great excitement and an unquenchable thirst for pleasure, which can lead to violations of law and order and criminal liability.

Psychasthenic and schizoid disorders often lead to the emergence of overvalued ideas. Patients are completely absorbed in the embodiment of their, in their opinion, very important and valuable ideas in life. Of course, they are delusional and have no value for society. But any criticism of patients, in relation to their conclusions, is perceived aggressively, which ultimately leads to detachment from society.

Mosaic psychopathy can manifest itself in litigious querulant behavior. This happens if there are signs of paranoid schizophrenia together with excessive initiative and temper temper. This behavior manifests itself in the constant need to write all kinds of complaints and slander. Such people believe that their interests are infringed upon and are constantly trying to prove the opposite, through court statements and petitions.

The most difficult variant of the course of the disease in terms of society is a combination of any type of psychopathy with emotional dullness, excitability and epileptoidy. In such combinations, aggressive features come to the fore. Such people are heartless, cruel, lacking moral standards, aggressive and conflicting in relation to society. Among such patients, the most common are maniacs, murderers and rapists.

Proceeding from this picture, the Italian psychiatrist S. Lobroso introduced the term as "congenital criminal". Regarding his theory, a special type of degradation that arises at the biological level leads to criminal actions, regardless of the environment in which such a person was brought up. This theory has not been fully recognized, since crime cannot be viewed only from the biological side, but the fact that emotional degradation is the first step to crime is a fact.

Hysteroid psychopathy, combined with asthenic or excitable, can lead to the development of one of the forms of schizophrenia.

Such a variant can be observed when the symptoms of congenital mosaic schizophrenia are layered with an organic personality disorder, the latter being of an acquired character. Such situations are possible with lesions of brain structures. For example, when, against the background of schizophrenia, additional head injuries, epilepsy or drug, alcohol dependence still occur.

Other signs of pathology may also appear, they are extensive and sometimes completely incompatible with each other. For example, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • bouts of anger or euphoria, for no apparent reason;
  • emotional instability;
  • lack of the ability to concentrate and perform a purposeful action;
  • speech is fluent, but not, in fact, often filled with delusional ideas, etc.

The course and dynamics of mosaic psychopathy

A psychopathic reaction can occur for a number of different reasons, for example, as a result of some serious illness or severe stress. Such a seizure occurs suddenly, in response to a situation that is painful for the patient, while a healthy person would not even pay attention to what is happening. The psychopath's response is incommensurate with the strength of the stimulus. In response to the insignificant statements of the opponent, aggression, rage, anger and even assault and destruction of objects around may follow.

The more often traumatic events occur, the stronger the decompensation. As a result, even an insignificant psycho-traumatic fact leads to the manifestation of a seizure. Even after the end of the conflict situation, the psychopathic reaction can remain for a long time.

Conflict with society, the formation of drug and alcohol addiction, complete antisociality is a frequent outcome of the disease.

In addition to all this, mosaic psychopaths often have a sexual disorder, they suffer from irregular, often perverse attraction. As a result, they become pedophiles, homosexuals, masochists and sadists.

Can pathology be treated?

Therapy for mosaic psychopathy is controversial. If the pathology is poorly expressed and does not manifest itself in the form of systematic psychopathic reactions, as such, no treatment is prescribed, only control marks from a psychiatrist are enough. If the disease has obvious features and clinical picture, drug therapy is indispensable.

The choice of drugs depends on the manifestations of the patient. If aggressiveness and antisocial behavior prevails, antipsychotics and sedatives will become the mainstay of treatment. In cases where mood swings are pronounced, anticonvulsant medications will be relevant. For depressive and depressed states, antidepressants are prescribed. Additionally, different groups of vitamins and psychotherapy are used.

Note! When taking any psychotropic drugs, it is strictly forbidden to use alcohol and drugs. Their combination is dangerous and can cause unforeseen side effects, including death.

Genius and madness

For a long time, there has been an opinion about the relationship between talent and madness, and this fact has been repeatedly confirmed. Quite a large list of genius people suffered from schizophrenia and at the same time created masterpieces in their fields. Most of the geniuses of past eras had undeniable signs of schizophrenia, although during their lifetime, clear diagnoses, for obvious reasons, were not established for them. But after a large number of years, the observations of psychiatrists and the analysis of historical facts about the life of famous people of that time, made it possible to determine the presence of schizophrenia in them.

Famous mentally ill individuals include:

  • russian prose writer Mikhail Bulgakov;
  • the Dutch painter Van Gogh Vincent, who spent the rest of his life in a hospital for the mentally ill;
  • spanish architect Gaudi Antonio;
  • the famous Russian writer Nikolai Gogol, based on visual and sound hallucinations, he also suffered from hypochondria;
  • austrian writer Kafka Franz;
  • german philosopher Nietzsche, in his works one can clearly see the idealistic attitude towards oneself in relation to the rest of the world;
  • french writer Jean-Jacques Rousseau suffered from persecution mania;
  • german physicist Albert Einstein suffered from a manic form of schizophrenia with frequent depressive states.

Among famous contemporary figures, according to the Belarusian psychiatrist Dmitry Shchigelsky, the President of the Republic of Belarus is a mosaic psychopath. Of course, the doctor decided to speak out about this conclusion only after leaving for the United States.

It is important to note that according to medical ethics, public disclosure of medical reports is prohibited, with the exception of people engaged in public activities, which is a kind of payment for publicity. Thus, a council of doctors who conducted an absentee analysis of the president's behavior made a diagnosis: "moderately expressed mosaic psychopathy with a predominance of features of paranoid and dissocial personality disorders."

Among the main signs of a mosaic psychopathic state in Lukashenko, Shchigelsky singled out:

  • excessive tendency to manipulate;
  • suspicion and inclination to overvalued ideas;
  • low threshold for aggressive behavior;
  • sadistic inclinations;
  • disregard for social norms;
  • lack of close friends, etc.

The incredible facts about schizophrenia

Some numbers will definitely surprise you:

  • all over the world, 1% of the population suffers from schizophrenia, which means that among thousands of people, one is definitely sick with this pathology;
  • among all artists and politicians, 9% have symptoms of schizophrenia;
  • 30% of composers have audible hallucinations;
  • 25% of poets and 30% of artists suffer from hallucinosis;
  • 5% of famous personalities of today have attempted suicide.

Genius and signs of schizophrenia, where is the line?

There are a number of signs that may indicate a psychopathic condition and even schizophrenia. You should consult a specialist for the following manifestations:

  • there are moments when voices are heard;
  • attends a state of stupor, inaction and detachment from what is happening around;
  • it seems that you are given to read the thoughts of other people;
  • ideas arise that fill all time spaces in thoughts about them;
  • there are visions, they can be a sign of hallucinations;
  • there is no meaning in life, frequent depressive states;
  • hatred and anger towards society, detachment from people;
  • absorption by their own experiences.

Characteristics of the mosaic psychopath

The main distinguishing feature of a psychopath is the absence of such feelings as sympathy, and, accordingly, a sense of guilt. This is the main reason for the atrocities of mentally ill people. There is a characteristic that allows you to create a description of a psychopath:

  • lack of understanding of the feeling of fear. It is not difficult for a healthy person to see fear in a person by facial expressions and gestures. The main minimal manifestations of fear are considered: dilated pupils, opening the mouth and raising eyebrows, everything else is felt intuitively. So, a psychopath, seeing such facial expressions, is simply unable to recognize fear in a person. The amygdala of the brain is responsible for this perception. In a sick person, its shell is much thinner, and its volume is less than in a healthy person, as a result of which there is no understanding of fear. Moreover, the psychopath is able to distinguish and feel all other feelings, but not fear;
  • an irresistible desire to manipulate other people. The desire to kill and manipulate arises in such a group of patients as a result of excessive production of dopamine. This substance is produced in the brain and is responsible for the pleasure center. Psychopaths become "dopamine addicts", the desire to release a new dose of a substance into the brain and receive satisfaction, thus provoking them to commit murder, violence or aggression;
  • Sympathy "button". An interesting study was conducted by neurologists from the University of Groningen in Holland, which resulted in the following conclusion. Psychopaths do not feel compassion and sympathy, other people's pain, they are not able to take the place of a person who is feeling bad. But, despite this, they have moments when they can be good-natured and welcoming, but only in those cases when they need it. If in a healthy person the feeling of sympathy is always inherent, then in people with this pathology it is "off" until the moment they need. That is why maniacs and murderers are often at first very friendly with their victim, and then bloodthirsty to deal with it;
  • professions that attract psychopaths. Kevin Dutton, a researcher from Oxford, has identified a list of professions where the largest number of insane people are concentrated. And what a surprise it was when the leading position was taken not by lawyers, policemen or even doctors, but by the position of “general director”. Testing on business shark volunteers has shown that one in 25 people is a psychopath. Moreover, they achieved such heights not for their professional qualities, but oddly enough for their charm, which again confirms the theory of turning on and off feelings. A manic thirst for manipulation and terror pushes such people to occupy high management positions, including not only in business, but also in the leadership of the state.

Mosaic psychopathy and schizophrenia are slightly different things, although some link them together. Psychopathy can have schizoid features and similar manifestations, but the diagnosis is still different. The danger of pathology depends on the symptoms shown. Some become brilliant writers, artists and poets, others are ruthless killers and maniacs. In any case, such a state requires consultation and further control of a specialist, because only he is able to distinguish genius from a potentially dangerous killer.

Mosaic type psychopathy

Mosaic psychopathy is a type of personality disorder that combines different symptoms of various psychopathies. The consequence of such a disorder is a pronounced difficulty in social adaptation.

Such mixed personality disorder includes an underlying psychopathological syndrome that is either undetectable or inconsistent. In this case, one or the other signs act as a basis. Psychopathy is characterized by multifaceted symptoms, but they all become an obstacle for a person to adapt to society, adapt to its oral social requirements and unwritten laws. With such a complex psychopathy, it is difficult to detect the predominant symptom.

Features of the disorder

In combination with signs of mosaic psychopathy, certain character traits can lead to rather unpleasant consequences for a person. So, for example, if the character contains such traits as hysteria, emotional instability, irascibility, in combination with psychopathy, this can lead to serious consequences in the future. The combination of hysterical traits and irascibility gives rise to the emergence of any addiction (craving for alcoholic beverages, narcotic substances, the appearance of gambling addiction, manic sexual addictions).

If a combination of schizoid and psychasthenic symptoms occurs in a mixed type of disorder, this often provokes the appearance of overvalued thoughts and ideas. Such people tend to elevate ordinary ordinary ideas or thoughts to the category of especially significant, while they make every effort to ensure that their own ideas are realized.

Such a person has a certain plan, while he is in his made-up reality, which is somewhat different from the real one. Initiating the embodiment of brilliant ideas, a person imagines himself as a kind of messenger who is entrusted with the implementation of a brilliant idea.

With a combination of manifestations of paranoid psychopathy and increased irascibility and initiative, litigious querulant behavior is formed. With this behavior, a person always strives to defend his interests, which are allegedly infringed by someone. Such people constantly complain to all sorts of instances, write denunciations and slander all the time, and file lawsuits. They are not satisfied with the work of social and municipal services, the attitude of neighbors and bosses. They strive to apply to the court at the slightest pretext. And subsequently, they again and again seek to appeal against the decision of the court, whatever it may be.

If signs of opposite personality disorders are found in a person, for example, hysteroid and schizoid psychopathy, excitable and asthenic, such combinations are quite dangerous. A mixture of opposite signs in the future can transform into the development of schizophrenia. This deviation is recognized by doctors as very dangerous.

If organic disorder is layered

An exacerbation of psychopathic traits can also occur after a person has had some serious illness or with chronic diseases of internal organs.

Sometimes mosaic psychopathy is combined with an organic personality disorder. This pathological condition is not congenital, it is acquired as a result of provoking factors and psychological trauma. A large number of diseases in which the brain is affected can lead to significant changes in an already formed human personality. The most common causes of the development of an organic disorder are:

  • traumatic brain injury;
  • epilepsy;
  • neuroinfection;
  • alcohol addiction.

If, before the disease manifested itself, mixed signs of various disorders were combined in a person, it was very difficult for him to find a common language with the people around him, then after such symptoms are joined by a brain disease, such symptoms become even more intense. The reactions are often aggression, anger, anger, protest, indignation.

Such a disease can provoke the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • decreased performance;
  • increased emotional instability;
  • bouts of aggression or euphoria;
  • delusional ideas in statements.

Long and detailed conversations are essentially not informative, a person repeats the same thing in different words.

Disorder therapy

As such, mosaic psychopathy does not need treatment. They turn to medical help only at the stage of an exacerbation of a personality disorder, when excitability, delusional statements, obsession, depression arise. In these cases, psychopathy needs to be treated.

If the patient has an organic personality disorder overlapping with mixed psychopathy that is already present, then therapy is mandatory. The main goal of treatment is to inhibit the development of the disease, to preserve the social adaptation of a person. Based on the signs and manifestations, it is advisable to prescribe medications:

  • antipsychotics;
  • tranquilizers;
  • antidepressants;
  • normotimic drugs;
  • vitamin complexes.

Drug treatment is carried out in cases where the signs of mosaic psychopathy are pronounced and adversely affect the quality of human life.

A special group of cognitive impairments is a specific learning disability (CHO). In the English language literature, these disorders are collectively referred to as learning disabilities. In the domestic literature, there is still no generally accepted term for this group of developmental disorders. They are often identified with the concept of mental retardation (MAD). Sometimes you can find such designations as "school difficulties" or "school difficulties". It is clear that failure in school can be explained by various reasons - low motivation, pedagogical neglect, true mental retardation, diseases not related to the mental sphere, etc. School failure should not be confused with aids to learning.

Specific learning disabilities combine a number of cognitive disorders that interfere with schooling despite retained intelligence. Most often, there are difficulties in mastering basic school skills (reading, writing, counting).

The number of children experiencing serious learning difficulties, according to many experts, is about 20-30%. Of these, up to 20% falls on the share of specific violations of reading, counting, writing. This means that in each grade, about a quarter of children find it difficult to master the standard curriculum, and the main reason for this is specific developmental disabilities rather than poor diligence. Unfortunately, lack of understanding on the part of teachers and parents leads to a decrease in self-esteem in such children and is often the cause of school maladjustment and deviant behavior. Taking into account that the number of children with AtoN throughout the world tends to increase, it becomes clear that the problem of early diagnosis and correction of AtoN is extremely acute. Psychogenetics did not stay away from this problem.

Among the various cognitive impairments that lead to difficulties in schooling, dyslexia (reading disability) is the most studied. Using the example of dyslexia, let us consider what approaches to the study of CHO are used in modern psychogenetics.

6. Dyslexia

Dyslexia, or congenital "verbal blindness", was first described in the mid-1890s. The main symptom of dyslexia is the inability to master reading, despite the intact intelligence, the absence of visual and hearing impairments, or brain injuries. Dyslexia should not be confused with the child's unwillingness to learn to read due to inadequate pedagogical influence, decreased motivation, etc. The characteristic symptoms of dyslexia are the inability to dismember a word into phonemes and the inability to quickly name simple visual stimuli (objects, colors, letters, numbers). Dyslexics also often have mild but distinguishable visual and auditory impairments and some coordination problems. It is believed that dyslexia is caused by specific abnormalities in brain cells.

Back in the early twentieth century. cases of dyslexia have been observed to be familial. In 1950, the first family study of dyslexia was conducted. Since then, genetic research into dyslexia has become systematic. Twin studies showed a higher concordance of MZ twins (68%) compared to DZ (38%). The results indicate the role of heredity and the general environment.

When calculating simple concordance, dyslexia is considered as a qualitative, alternative sign, but there is no doubt that dyslexia is a complex sign that requires quantitative assessment and the development of standard criteria. In this case, one of the main tasks is the development of methods for quantitative diagnostics and the determination of threshold estimates for the diagnosis. Unfortunately, it should be stated that unified psychometric criteria for dyslexia do not yet exist. This is due to variable symptoms, age-related changes, and the lack of a clear definition of dyslexia. Work in this direction continues. Psychologists, physiologists, physicians, and geneticists take part in it.

Despite the lack of generally accepted criteria for dyslexia, at the moment it is quite obvious that for genetic studies dyslexia should be considered as a complex multifactorial trait with a threshold effect. It is unlikely that such a complex phenotype is determined by a single gene with a known function, although this cannot be considered a decisive argument in favor of the multifactorial nature of dyslexia.

Most studies in recent years indicate that single-gene disorders tend to be less common in the population and more severe. For example, the early form of Alzheimer's disease. Recently, a specific disorder associated with a single gene mutation has also been identified among speech disorders.

Not so long ago, a three-generational family, known as KE, was described, in which there was a pronounced speech disorder of a specific nature (a special type of tongue-tied). This disorder was inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. Using traditional linkage analysis, it was possible to map the gene over a small interval of the long arm of chromosome 7. Mutation analysis has revealed a specific mutation in the FOXP2 gene, which is responsible for the synthesis of a protein, a transcription factor. The mutation was found in all affected members of the KE family, but among the other 270 children with various forms of speech disorders, no such defect was found in any case.

It must be admitted that genetic analysis of dyslexia is challenging. This is due, firstly, to the fact that there is no direct relationship between genotype and phenotype. Second, the phenotypic variability of dyslexia is extremely large and changes with age. For example, in adults, the defect is compensated, but the primary signs of dyslexia persist. Thirdly, there is no common understanding of what dyslexia is: is it a single symptom or is it a whole cluster of disorders of individual abilities (phonological, spelling, ability to quickly name, etc.). As a consequence, different researchers use different experimental approaches to the study of dyslexia. The specificity of the language of the country in which the research is being conducted also leaves its mark (most of the work was carried out on English-speaking populations, but research is also being conducted in Denmark, Norway, Finland, Germany). All this creates numerous difficulties for generalizing the results of the genetic study of dyslexia.

Twin and family studies point to the role of inheritance in the development of dyslexia. The first attempt to link the heritability of dyslexia with a specific chromosome was made in 1983. Using linkage analysis, it was possible to show that the centromeric region of chromosome 15 is a possible localization zone for dyslexia. In connection with the development of new technologies, searches for the loci responsible for this defect have been quite intensive lately. The connection of dyslexia with chromosome 6 has been shown (chromosome 6 and 15 are being targeted by many scientific groups). Linkage to regions 2, 3 and 18 of chromosomes has recently been identified.

The success of the work carried out in this plan will be determined by three main areas:

First, the creation of methods for mapping genes for quantitative traits associated with the speech sphere;

Second, the isolation and involvement in genetic studies of more specific phenotypes that determine dyslexia;

Third, by creating opportunities for scanning the entire genome.

The main goal of the search for key genes is to try to penetrate into the molecular mechanisms of the pathology of dyslexia. In parallel, it will be possible to learn more about how reading and other normal speech processes are carried out. The identification of specific genes is not an end in itself. The next step is to find out their functions (functional genomics), i.e. functions of those products encoded by this gene: whether they are involved in cell metabolism and how, whether they are transcriptional regulators or structural proteins. For example, if the corresponding gene encodes a protein that is a membrane receptor, one can start looking for the agents with which it interacts and try to find ways to change or interrupt the signaling pathways. Identification of the genetic mechanisms responsible for the development of reading disorders and other speech processes will help to clarify the nature of the disorder at other levels (physiological, neuropsychological). All this will lead to a better understanding of the nature of dyslexia and will provide an opportunity for the development of methods for early diagnosis and correction of the disorder.

Dyslexia is one of the complex systemic developmental disorders, which is currently most fully studied in psychogenetics. The example of dyslexia clearly shows the logic in which studies of the genetics of complex disorders and diseases are conducted. In addition to dyslexia and other specific cognitive impairments, modern psychogenetics pays great attention to studies of early childhood autism and hyperactivity disorder and attention deficit disorder, which also belong to systemic developmental disorders and are of interest due to the increasing incidence among the child population.

As statistics show, unfortunately, the world is not decreasing, but, on the contrary, every year the number of children who are not able to solve the simplest mathematical problems increases. This is the conclusion reached by scientists from America and Great Britain. There is a scientific name for this disease: dyscalculia. Experts believe that if proper measures are not taken, then in a few decades this could lead to a general financial disaster. This was reported in the journal Science. The opinion that if a child does not succeed in counting, then, perhaps, he is simply a "humanist", scientists believe it is erroneous. The development of literacy levels in general in society is a higher priority than numeracy skills.

Dyscalculia is often accompanied by an inability to master skills such as writing and reading (dyslexia), hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder. According to statistics, people who do not have simple math skills are less likely to achieve success in life, and some of them are generally disabled. On a national scale, the fact of an increase in the number of disabled citizens in the future can cause significant damage to the economy.

It is encouraging to observe that dyscalculia in most cases is not a brain pathology, but a consequence of developmental delay. The important thing is that in both cases, you can correct the situation and stop the disease. The decision was voiced by Professor Brian Butterworth, saying that it is imperative to deal with the child, not letting everything go by itself.

There are several factors that provoke the development of dyscalculia, and among them is the psychological trauma associated with reproaches and punishment of the child due to his lack of understanding, mistakes or slowness. Fear and self-doubt cause reluctance to return to math assignments and reduce numeracy. The disorder of the psychological health of the child is often associated with his upbringing in a dysfunctional family.

What disorders of mental activity lead to the manifestation of dyscalculia? These are the problems:

  • with concentration of attention;
  • with memory, interfering with learning rules and formulas;
  • with abstract logical thinking;
  • with information visualization.

But whatever the cause of the disease: congenital mental disorders, psychological factors or trauma - with the involvement of specialists (speech therapist, neuropathologist, psychologist), with the right treatment, the prognosis for overcoming dyscalculia in children is favorable. For prevention, the development of memory and attention, spatial-logical thinking, coordination of movements, literacy and clarity of speech are important.

The future of our children is in our hands, therefore it is very important not to injure the child with reproaches and punishments. Patience, attention and love will help in time to recognize the difficulties that the child faces in the learning process. Paying attention to the development of the child and seeking help from specialists in time if necessary, we care about the future and fulfill our duty towards children.

There are many ways to improve memory and attention. One of the options for additional training can be classes on developing simulators. Here you can practice for free, choosing a set of exercises individually or using specially created programs for the development of memory and attention.

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