Autumn holidays at school. Holidays in quarters.

Vacations are the most favorite time for students. And even those who left the school a long time ago remember the times of rest with a cheerful smile. Both students and their parents are looking forward to a break in the educational process, but they look forward to the autumn break - the very first - with special impatience.

When will the rest begin?

Many students, and their parents, notice that in different educational institutions the autumn holidays fall at different times. The reason for this discrepancy is the teaching process adopted in each particular school. The academic year can be divided either into four parts - quarters, or into three - trimesters. At the end of each part there must be a short break. The 2018-2019 academic year is no exception.

For quarterly schools

The minimum time allotted for rest in the fall is one week. Schools prefer to start their holidays on Monday and end on Sunday. This facilitates the process of distributing the load, plus it helps schoolchildren adapt more easily and get involved in their studies after a break.

As a rule, in institutions with a quarterly education system, the first holidays occur in October, most often in the last week of the month. The autumn holidays 2018-2019 will not be an exception - the holidays will begin on October 29. But with the start date of the second quarter, some questions may arise.

The fact is that during the autumn holidays of the 2018-2019 academic year, National Unity Day falls - an important public holiday, and therefore a general day off. It is celebrated on November 4, Sunday. According to the law on the transfer of holidays, the day off will be the day after the holiday - Monday, November 5. Thus, the holidays are extended by another day, and instead of seven days, schoolchildren will rest for eight. And if we add to this the official weekend before the start of the holiday - Saturday October 27 (if the school has a five-day period) and Sunday October 28, then schoolchildren will have nine or even ten days off in the fall.

Let's summarize:

  • Autumn holidays in 2018-2019 – from October 29 to November 5 inclusive.
  • The last day of school in the first quarter is October 26 or 27. The second quarter will begin on November 6.

For schools with training in trimesters

With trimester training, calculating the start of the break is somewhat easier. In this process, rest time and study time alternate with enviable regularity: four or five weeks of study are followed by a week off. That is, a short break in the middle of the trimester and rest at the end of the trimester. It may seem to some that with such a training system there are more days off than with a quarterly system. In fact, the total rest time in both systems is almost the same - the difference can be literally a couple of days.

Students on the trimester system will be able to rest twice in the fall - at the beginning of October and at the end of November.

  • Autumn holidays 2018-2019 in the middle of the term - from 8 to 14 October
  • Autumn holidays 2018-2019 at the end of the term - from November 19 to 25.

School plans: study and recreation

How is the school year schedule prepared? Why does the study break fall on a different date every year? Is it really impossible to once and for all set out strict dates for the first and last days of rest in school rules, so as not to ask the question every year when rest will begin? Let's try to figure it out.

The school administration ultimately determines the time period during which the break in studies occurs. This right is assigned to educational institutions at the legislative level. The reason is simple: schools do not always have the opportunity to follow the curriculum “from start to finish,” clearly following every letter and every number written in the documents. In fact, sometimes force majeure circumstances occur, due to which plans have to be adjusted during the training process. Accidents (for example, a sewer or heating pipeline break), natural disasters (severe frosts or rains that threaten flooding), a state of emergency in the region, disease outbreaks (flu quarantine, for example) - there can be a lot of reasons. And in order to ensure that the educational process does not suffer from force majeure, schools have the right to change the schedule - reducing or postponing the start and end dates of quarters or trimesters.

Before the start of the school year, the Ministry of Education issues an order indicating the total duration of study time and rest time. Thus, in 2018-2019, a total of at least 30 days are allocated for vacations. And regardless of whether training is conducted in trimesters or quarters, students in all schools in the country will have to rest for at least a month for the entire year (not counting the summer break).

The Ministry of Education proposes to significantly change the existing education system. If now the full academic year is divided into 4 quarters, then in the future the general education system of education is planned to be transferred to trimesters at school 2017-2018. What will such innovations bring?

Currently, students study for four quarters, with holidays in between. As a rule, spring and autumn holidays are of approximately equal duration, but winter and spring holiday periods are already significantly increasing in size. The Ministry of Education is confident that the unplanned division of periods of study and rest negatively affects the academic performance, as well as the well-being of children. Due to these circumstances, a proposal was made to change the periods of study time and rest periods. It is planned to transfer the entire general education system to education in equal trimesters. Such a change will allow students to be less tired and always be in a cheerful and cheerful mood.

School new terms

At the moment, the old system of general education, familiar to everyone, is in effect, which implies that during one specific academic year there are 4 quarters. And between these quarters the guys go on vacation. Thus, the full academic year is divided into unequal lengths of instructional time. Students' vacations also differ significantly from each other in planned duration.

School trimesters for the 2017-2018 academic year are a planned updated education system, which implies that students will go on vacation to rest after every 5 weeks of active study.

The old and new systems for approving study time are practically no different from each other. That is, the total number of school days is equal in both systems. The summer holidays do not change in any way; the children continue to relax throughout all the hot months. But the intermediate holidays are changing slightly, that is, the frequency of holiday periods is increasing, but the time for receiving education does not change in any way.

Today, many secondary schools continue to operate under the old regime. But the Ministry of Education offers the administration of educational institutions to make a choice: continue teaching in the old regime or move to a new level of education. Of course, the school administration cannot independently make changes to the usual rhythm of life for students; the transition to a new mode of education is possible only after receiving advice from the students’ parents.

To understand which education system is more suitable for parents, students, and children, it is necessary to determine what the expected study schedule will be by trimester, and also how vacation time will be distributed?

What is the preliminary schedule of terms at school 2017-2018?

  • 1st trimester – from September 1 and inclusive to October 2; from October 8 to November 17.
  • 2nd trimester - from November 23 to December 27; from January 8 to February 21.
  • 3rd trimester – from February 27 and including until April 10; from April 16th to May 31st.

This is how study periods are distributed. As you can see, between every 5 weeks of active study, students are provided with legal vacation periods of rest.

How are school holidays 2017-2018 distributed by trimester?

  • Autumn holidays last 5 days, the rest period is from October 3 to October 7, as well as from November 18 to November 22.
  • Winter holidays last 10 and 5 days, respectively, and their dates are set from December 28 and including January 7, and the second holiday - from February 22 to February 26.
  • Spring holidays, their duration is also 5 days, the beginning of the holiday is determined on April 11, and the end is on April 15.
  • Summer holidays begin for students on June 1, and the end of the long holiday is scheduled for August 31.

For schoolchildren, the holidays are a long-awaited time of rest. Finally, you don't have to get up at 7 am, go to school and do homework. Already from the first of September, many students are counting the remaining days before the holidays in the hope of spending them fun and interesting. Therefore, all schoolchildren are looking forward to the holidays. Teachers and parents of students will also not refuse to take a break from the educational process. But in order to properly plan your vacation, you need to know the school holiday schedule for the 2018–2019 school year.

Why are school holidays needed?

Studying at school is intense intellectual work during the seven to eight hours that a student spends in an educational institution. For some children, close communication with classmates and teachers is a huge psychological burden. The reason for this is the following: parents sometimes themselves prepare their child for school and do not send him to kindergarten. Such children experience a number of difficulties:

  • difficult to get along with classmates;
  • cannot build relationships with teachers;
  • They are stressed by being in an unfamiliar place for a long time.

Therefore, the educational process for such children is a considerable stress, which vacations are designed to relieve, helping to solve a number of important issues:

  • Rest the child’s body from psychological stress.
  • Restoring your daily routine with proper sleep.
  • Organization of the correct fractional diet.

An oversaturation of information and communication requires the opportunity for a child to be alone, read, watch his favorite films or TV shows - to switch only to himself and his interests.

Quarters or trimesters?

The school administration can vary the start and end dates of the holidays at its discretion, guided by the curriculum. Some schools, for example, in Moscow, study not in quarters, but according to a modern modular system that provides training in trimesters. For them, the Department of Education provides additional guidance regarding the holiday schedule.

Thus, the school itself decides how to study - in quarters or trimesters - and, in accordance with this, sets holidays for students.

If the school is on a trimester form of education, then the academic year is divided into three trimesters, each of which lasts from 10 to 12 weeks.

If the school schedule provides for studying in quarters, then this involves four quarters, different in duration:

  • 1st quarter – 8 weeks.
  • 2nd quarter – 8 weeks.
  • 3rd quarter – 10 weeks (for first grades); 11 weeks (for grades 2–11).
  • 4th quarter – 8 weeks (for grades 1–4, 9 and 11); 9 weeks (for grades 5–8, 10).

Thus, within these deadlines, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation recommends holding school holidays in the 2018–2019 academic year, and many principals of Russian secondary schools will adhere to it.

Holidays in 2018–2019 according to the trimester system

In the trimester education system, there are only six study periods (each trimester is divided into two parts) and six rest periods - vacations. The duration of each trimester is five to six weeks, the duration of the holidays is a week. The exception is the three-month summer holidays.

Approximate vacation dates for the modular (trimester) education system:

  • October 8–14.
  • November 19–25.
  • December 29, 2018–January 8, 2019
  • February 18–24.
  • April 8–14.
  • June 1–August 31.

The deadline for completing the school year is May 31, 2019 for grades 1–8, 10; for students in grades 9 and 11, the school year ends in accordance with the GIA exam schedule and the school curriculum.

We study in quarters. When are the holidays in 2018–2019?

Every day of the holidays is amazing and unique. The whole question is to organize children’s leisure time in an interesting, entertaining, creative way, to captivate them with useful practical activities.

School holiday table (by quarters)

Holidays Dates
Winter 26.12.2018–9.01.2019
Summer 1.06.2019–31.08.2019

For first grades, additional days are provided during the longest third quarter from approximately 02/11/2019 to 02/17/2019.

But LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky called for extending the summer and moving the start of the school year to October 1:

Our country is so huge that it is impossible to create a unified school holiday calendar. Each area has certain situations that affect the length of school days. These include:

  • quarantine;
  • very coldy;
  • other weather conditions (floods, squally winds, etc.).

If such force majeure periods take 2–3 days, then many schoolchildren and teachers are able to “catch up” with the program. But if such “absences” accumulate for a week or more, then the school administration has the right to independently change the vacation calendar or transfer some days off to the category of school days.

The school year has not yet ended, and the Russian Ministry of Education is already drawing up a schedule for the next holidays.

Holidays take place at the same time: autumn, winter and spring. In schools that study in trimesters, the order is simple: five weeks of classes - one week of rest. But most Russian schools operate on the quarter system, so we will consider just such a schedule.

The exact holiday dates for schoolchildren will be known at the end of the summer, but for now we offer you the approximate dates during which the holidays for the 2016-2017 academic year will take place. And at the same time, options for entertainment and joint recreation with children.

Autumn vacation

Autumn holidays for the 2016-2017 school year will begin approximately October 31 and end on November 6. If the weather is good, spend the autumn days outdoors. Go on a family hike with your child, have a picnic in nature, bringing a warm blanket, thermos and home-cooked food. Songs with a guitar around the fire and heart-to-heart conversations bring parents and children closer together.

An interesting activity will be collecting leaves, cones, acorns and other natural materials, from which you can make beautiful crafts in the evenings. A photo shoot against the backdrop of golden trees is also a good option for family leisure.

In rainy weather, keep your child busy with creativity - fortunately, various sets are now sold in stores. Handicrafts, painting on ceramics, drawing, constructing models of airplanes or tanks - something is sure to captivate your child.

The winter vacation

Winter holidays 2016-2017, according to, will last two weeks. The first day of vacation is December 26, the last is January 8 (January 9 for school). Parents should try hard so that such a long New Year holiday does not tire the child and brings him benefits and impressions for life.

There are many leisure options for the winter holidays. We list the popular types of entertainment:

  • Winter Games. Take your child to the skating rink, take a ski trip, go downhill, or just go out into the yard and play in the snow! Don’t be afraid to fool around with your child: rest assured, he will appreciate it.
  • Movie. The premiere date for children's films and cartoons is usually set during the winter holidays. Take advantage of this and buy a ticket to the movie your child has been dreaming about for a long time.
  • Aquapark. What could be better than a piece of hot summer among the snow and frost! In the water park you can swim to your heart's content in the pool, ride down the slides, and warm your bones in the sauna or Russian bath. A worthy end to the program will be lunch in a family cafe.
  • Circus. Give your child unforgettable emotions from meeting fearless trainers, hilarious clowns, and gutta-percha gymnasts.
  • Planetarium. To discover the secrets of the starry sky - isn’t this something both adults and children dream of? If a child is interested in the space theme, there will be a reason to think about buying a telescope to study the Moon and stars at any time of the year.
  • Museums. There are so many museums now: military equipment, antique cars, dolls, Soviet toys... Make a choice after consulting with your child - he will appreciate it.

Spring break

Spring break 2016-2017 will begin approximately on March 27 and end on April 2 (back to school on April 3). This time can be devoted to preparing for, and for those who are still far from them, enjoying the spring days.

Beforehand, it will be interesting to take a master class on painting eggs. And on Palm Sunday you can collect the blooming fluffy willow.

You can also go on a short tourist trip during spring break. Even a couple of days in an unusual environment will give the child strength to make the final push – the fourth quarter.

Several times a year, busy school days are replaced by time for relaxation and entertainment. Primary and high school students spend this time having fun and interestingly. Educational trips, meetings with friends, reading interesting books and favorite hobbies fill my free days. Autumn holidays at school in 2017, no matter what date they start and how many days they last, are a wonderful opportunity for students to relax and take a break from daily lessons.


In all educational institutions in the Russian Federation, days of long-awaited rest are determined depending on the form of education.

The system of classes in quarters involves rest after the end of this period, summing up and grading.

In autumn, the vacation period always begins the same way: from the last Saturday in October to the first Sunday in November.

In 2017, the national holiday National Unity Day falls on a Saturday, so November 6 will be a day off.

At the end of the first quarter, schoolchildren will have a rest from October 28 to November 6. The week of classes will begin on Tuesday, after ten vacation days.

For educational institutions that have a trimester form of education, a different schedule is provided. One of the features of the trimester system is frequent weekly breaks, which allow students to take a break from the intense workload.

Schoolchildren studying in trimesters are given a vacation week after five weeks of classes, so in the fall they will be able to go on vacation twice. Parents will have to organize their child’s leisure time from October 9 to October 15. This is the first break, which will allow students to recuperate, then students will have a break from studying from November 20 to 26.

Approved schedule

The Ministry of Education is responsible for annual planning of the training schedule. Taking into account weekends, as well as dates of public holidays, the schedule for the year, the start and end dates of the holiday are determined.

The deadlines proposed by the Ministry of Education can be adjusted in each specific school, as they are advisory in nature.

The administration of the educational institution independently determines from what date the autumn holidays at school will begin in 2017, depending on the program and form of education. The number of vacation days is also decided on an individual basis.

The only important limitation is that the recommended dates cannot be moved forward by more than two weeks.

Change of dates in 2017

In some cases, school administrators may deviate significantly from the dates recommended by ministry officials. This is due to extraordinary circumstances and failure to complete the annual program. In some regions, the educational process may be affected by weather conditions.

Due to severe frosts in winter and spring floods, classes may be canceled for a long time. In this case, the vacation days earned by students may be shortened or postponed to another time.

Lessons may be canceled for quite a long period, which will significantly affect the future training schedule.

Not only the administration of an educational institution, but also the parent committee can influence the autumn holidays in schools. From what date the carefree period for students will begin is determined by a joint decision, provided there are justified reasons for postponing the recommended dates.

The importance of proper rest

The first fall break from school after a fun summer is very important for a child’s future academic performance. Teachers and child psychologists advise spending this time actively, devoting time to sports and walks in the fresh air.

In autumn, the heating season and epidemics of viral diseases begin, so it is recommended to devote time free from study to strengthening the immune system. The child needs to be distracted from computer games and modern gadgets.

Interesting trips and communication with nature will allow the student to take a break from intense workloads and prepare for the next period of classes.

The ability of educational institutions to independently adjust the schedule of the educational process is a convenient tool that allows the administration to quickly respond to changes.

However, the set dates do not always coincide with breaks in additional educational institutions, so students are not able to fully escape from daily activities. There are also disadvantages to organizing large-scale children's events, rallies, and Olympics.

Difficulties may arise with organizing a trip or additional courses abroad. Therefore, it is important for students and parents to know in advance when the autumn holidays at school begin in 2017 and from what date it will be possible to plan the student’s leisure time.

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