Salted dried capelin recipe. How to salt capelin: the secrets of home cooking Dried capelin

: Why don't I have a beer? Preferably with fish...
But here's the question, I don't like dried fish from supermarkets, and now I can't go fishing...

Approximately so I thought a year ago before the next weekend. For some reason, I immediately remembered my childhood, and fishing, and salting the catch. And bundles of granny salted fish, with a name unknown to me, bought frozen in a nearby store.

Having entered the fish store, I looked at the refrigerators with frozen fish and my eyes fell on capelin. Why not? Fatty, often with caviar, the price is also nothing - 15 UAH. per kilo!

In general, if you have never salted fish yourself, this master class is for you.

1 . We will need: 1 kg. frozen capelin - UAH 15.00, salt, gauze (sold in a pharmacy 1x0.9 m - UAH 2.90), thread or fishing line - 1.5 m, needle, vinegar, medium-sized bowl.

2. Place frozen fish in a bowl and cover with cold water. According to my observations, fish thawed in water is juicier and tastier. I always defrost fish this way, for any dishes. Approximate defrosting time - 40 minutes - 1 hour.

3. Wash the fish well and drain the water. Sprinkle the fish generously with salt and mix well. Approximate time for salting capelin - an hour and a half. The fish is quite salty. If you like unsalted fish, then the salting time can be reduced. After this time, the fish should be washed well. If suddenly you overexposed the fish in salt for more than an hour and a half - do not worry. Fill the bowl with fish with water and let stand for 15-30 minutes.

5. Next is the most "zhivodersky" moment - stringing the fish on a string. The thread must be strong, capable of withstanding a weight of 1-1.5 kg. If the thread is thin, pull several threads into the needle at once. You can also use a string.

6. After stringing all the fish on a string, I prepare gauze for covering from insects - flies, wasps, etc. To prevent flies from laying eggs on the gauze, I moisten the gauze with vinegar, its smell repels insects. Even if the flies try to lay their eggs, they will die in an acidic environment and the fish will be saved.

7. Next, I tie a thread with fish on a clothesline on the balcony, distributing the fish evenly along the entire length of the thread. If the thread is long, you can tie it to the rope in the middle. After that, I cover the suspended fish with gauze dipped in vinegar and carefully twist both ends of the gauze, pressing them with clothespins along the entire length so that the flies do not slip inside.

Depending on weather conditions, the fish dries on the open balcony for 1-3 days. That is, if on Wednesday after work you buy fish (18.00-19.00), defrost it (19.00-20.00), salt it (20.00-21.30), then at 22.00 it will already be hanging on the balcony. And it will be ready for use by Friday - Saturday.

Thus, it is possible to salt cod fillets, cut into slices, pollock, etc., the salting time must be selected empirically and naturally to taste.

Have a nice weekend.

P.S. It is desirable to carry out all manipulations with fish in the absence of a wife !!!

Salting capelin

Recipe from Vladimir Nazarov:

I want to tell you how capelin (uyok) is salted in Kamchatka and in the Magadan region, where it is caught. This is a small fish up to 22 cm long, a type of smelt, belongs to the salmon family, one of the most common marine products on sale. Here, they sell it cooked in all forms: just salted, dried and smoked. But the way capelin is salted in the north, I have not seen or heard, or anywhere. I must say that it’s tastier than they cook it there, I also haven’t tried it anywhere. Shop fish, for someone who has tried properly salted capelin, is simply inedible. The whole point of this method of salting capelin is that the fish is salted very little, only 20 minutes!
I looked on the Internet, where in all the recipes it is advised to salt capelin from a day to 2 hours. Some argue that capelin, more than required, will not take salt into itself. Nothing like that, how else will it take. This small fish, only up to 65 grams in weight, with tender meat, salts out very quickly. And if you salt it, say, for 30 or 45 minutes, and then let it dry for a couple of days, then only a lover of hard salty snacks, and even then with beer, will like it. Therefore, I will tell you how I was taught to salt capelin in the north of the Magadan region in the village of Omsukchan.

We take fresh or frozen capelin, the quantity does not matter. Defrost frozen fish completely, at room temperature, not in the microwave.

We place it in a basin or a saucepan, sprinkle generously with salt, mix thoroughly, put a round plate on top, such that it completely covers the fish, you can use a smaller diameter saucepan lid, put a load on all this.

We note the time, after twenty minutes, remove the load, cover and rinse the fish.

We let the water drain by placing the capelin in a colander or on a net.

The fish is ready, you can just eat it in 30-40 minutes, you can dry it by hanging it on a cord, it can serve as material for other more sophisticated recipes.

This recipe is designed for a normal taste, but if you like more salty fish, you can add a salting time of 5, 10 minutes at the most.

Dried fish

Living on the Volga one cannot help but talk about fish - about dried fish. The recipe is as simple as three pennies. We catch or buy small fish, fill it with salt (yes, I completely forgot that people require proportions).

and so I had 5 kg of fish from the palm of my hand, a pack of salt not small, but stone, a container for salting, oppression.

Wash the fish, pour salt into the container, shift a layer of salt - a layer of fish, put oppression, leave the fish under oppression for a day.

We soak in water for 6 hours, hang it out in a draft after protecting it from flies, and burst it at our discretion, but my daughter loves dried capelin very much, the recipe is this:

Pour about a kilogram of capelin: one part salt, one third part sugar, red pepper at your discretion, put the whole thing under oppression for an hour, rinse with running water and hang it in the shade again, protecting it from flies, very tasty! B1%D0%BA%D0%B0

Capelin dried spicy

There is nothing better than homemade fish. It is prepared quickly (one or two days), it turns out delicious, and the price does not bite.


Sugar (faceted glass, 250 ml) - 0.5 stack.

Salt (faceted glass, 250 ml) - 1 stack.

Hot red pepper (approximately other spices are possible) - 0.5 tsp.

Vegetable oil (approximately Olena) - 1 tbsp. l.

Capelin - 1 kg


We take capelin, wash it and put it in a bowl or vessel, where we will salt it.

We prepare the curing mixture - put half a glass of sugar on 1 glass of salt, mix and mix with the fish. We leave for 1.5-2 hours. Salt is needed simple rock, NOT iodized!!!

If you have a small amount of fish, we make the curing mixture based on 2 parts of salt, put one part of sugar.

After 1.5 hours, one of the fish is washed under water and tested for salt. If it seems to you that there is enough salt, we wash the fish.

IMPORTANT! Keep in mind that when drying, the fish will give off excess moisture and the taste will be a little salty. I have an hour and a half.The fish is sea and tender, it salts out quickly.

Another nuance - when you wash the fish with water from salt, try not to get a jet of water directly on the fish - the capelin is very gentle and a direct stream of water can easily "ruffle" the abdomen. I move the fish to one side of the bowl with my hand and the water runs between my hand and the bowl without affecting the straight fish.

So, the fish was washed from salt, slightly blotted with a napkin. We put it on the board and use a brush to grease it with vegetable oil. Sprinkle with ground red pepper on top (preferably from a mill or chop with a knife so that the pepper is tiny pieces (not dust). You can use other spices - I tried with Provence herbs - I really liked it. And with chopped cilantro.

The fish can be sprinkled with spices both on one side and on the other. Determine the amount of spices (pepper) yourself, based on your taste preferences. Keep in mind that drying a small part of the spices will crumble.

So, we take the fish and go outside (to the balcony). Of course, it is most convenient to secure the fish with straightened (S) paper clips. At the last moment it turned out that I had run out of them and I hung the fish on the clips. You can take the wire and string the fish (over the head). We leave to dry. Preferably part shade. If there are flies, cover with gauze.

I cooked and hung the fish in the morning. The next day at lunch, the fish is already simply delicious - it has dried up, but not yet dry, fat is flowing from it. You can leave it to hang further - it will only become drier and fatter. By the way, of course, the most delicious is obtained from large specimens. Dried, fatty, tasty fish turns out - and the price is also not unimportantly very affordable.

And for beer - just breathtakingly delicious!

One of the reasons why capelin is popular as a snack is its low cost. At the same time, this small-sized fish has a unique taste, especially if it is cooked at home on its own. In fact, making high-quality dried capelin is simple - you just need to be patient and follow the recipe.


Such a simple appetizer is popular all over the world among fans of salted fish. Of course, it is much easier to buy it in a store, but you have to overpay. You can cook fish yourself using the simplest ingredients that are easy to find in the kitchen.

Capelin prepared with your own hands is not only tasty, but also healthy. In this case, you do not have to worry about the quality, since the chef is in full control of the entire process.

To create dried capelin, it is necessary to create certain conditions, only then it will be possible to dry it well. If there is no time and you want to speed up the process, then you can use an electric dryer, if you have experience, an oven is also suitable as an assistant.

It is worth saying that despite the size, capelin boasts a large amount of fatty acids, and they have a positive effect on the immune system, internal organs, and the thyroid gland. Such food contains many vitamins, microelements, including iodine, which is essential for children and adults with unstable hormonal levels to stabilize the thyroid gland. There are 336 kilocalories per hundred grams of the product, so such a product cannot be called a dietary one.

It should also be noted that capelin can be poisoned if you buy it spoiled in a store - this is another reason that speaks of the advantage of making dried capelin on your own.


As a rule, in order to make dried capelin, only the following ingredients are needed:

  • kilogram of fish;
  • 50 grams of salt, you can reduce or increase this amount depending on the taste of the cook.

Such salting is called dry, because no water is used. The fish is simply covered with salt, mixed well and left in this form for 5 hours.

Some people add sugar, but then it's better to use brown. For a kilogram of fish, it will take 30 grams. Can be used:

  • Dill seeds;
  • red pepper flakes;
  • coriander;
  • ground black pepper.

All these spices make the fish more flavorful.

Cooking process

If the fish was bought frozen, then it should be put in the refrigerator for the night so that it thaws there. This is the perfect way to defrost a product. Do not use microwave, hot water to quickly get rid of ice, because in this case the product will no longer be usable.

After the fish is salted dry. After five hours, all salt and spices are washed off, dried on paper towels and strung on a rope. Each individual fish is placed on a nylon thread through the eyes. In this form, the fish is suspended in a well-ventilated area.

The process takes from one to three days, the duration depends on the weather: when it is hot, the fish is dried faster, when it is humid and cool, it takes longer.

You can make a snack at home with a slightly different recipe. It will require:

  • kilogram of fish;
  • 20 grams of dry red pepper flakes;
  • 20 grams of dill seeds;
  • 30 grams of salt;
  • 10 grams of sugar;
  • 50 grams of vegetable oil.

First, the capelin is washed well under running water, then it is dried and sprinkled with a mixture of salt, sugar and seasoning. After five hours, it will need to be washed again, dried, smeared with vegetable oil and strung on a rope to hang on the street or balcony.

Final stage

It is not enough just to hang capelin in a suitable place, it is important to protect it from insects that would gladly lay their larvae inside. This is especially true for flies.

You will need to take gauze and moisten it well with vinegar, then cover the fish. It is this measure of protection that will allow you to get a product that is safe for health. The vinegar will wear off over time, so the gauze is soaked several times during the time the fish is cooking.

The finished snack can be stored in a bag in the refrigerator, because it has a particularly bright aroma, or you can simply freeze it to increase its shelf life. Hanging fish is cooked much faster in a dryer or electric dryer, since ideal conditions are created inside. You can leave the marinade any of the listed ones, only the capelin is not hung out on the street, but placed inside the equipment.

How to wither capelin at home, see the video below.

When it comes to the most affordable and at the same time “sensible” and tasty snack for beer, dried capelin immediately comes to mind.

It is so affordable that it is not difficult to buy it in any store. Of course, you should be careful: you never know under what conditions it was withered and stored.

As an option, capelin can be dried on your own, and this does not require extra effort. But there will be maximum confidence in the quality of the resulting fish delicacy.

A couple of words about capelin

In general, this valuable marine commercial fish belongs to the smelt family. The area of ​​distribution of capelin is the northern seas: the Arctic, the Atlantic, the Pacific Ocean.

This is a small fish: the average size in length does not exceed 20 - 25 cm. The body is elongated with a silvery color. The name comes from the Finnish language - maiva - "bait, fry, small fish."

It is rich in vitamins A and B, surpassing meat in their content. Capelin also contains omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids, selenium, calcium, iodine and other substances necessary for the human body. According to the content of easily digestible protein (about 25% of the total mass), capelin is an exceptionally valuable food product.

Capelin is also useful in the presence of cardiovascular problems, hypertension. The fatty acids that this fish is rich in have a positive effect on reducing blood cholesterol. With a calorie content of about 150 kcal per 100 g, capelin is an exceptional dietary product.

Popular recipe for dried capelin

In order to competently wither capelin at home, you can use the recipe below. Just a couple of days and delicious dried fish will already be on your table. Simple, delicious and affordable.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 kg of fish;
  • a glass of non-iodized rock salt;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of hot red pepper;
  • a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Capelin must be salted before drying

Cooking technique:

  1. First you need to wash the fish. Then put in a bowl where the ambassador will take place.
  2. For the curing mixture, take a glass of salt, mix with half a glass of sugar. Roll the fish in it. Leave for two hours. If the fish available is less than a kilogram, the curing mixture can be “halved”. In any case, two parts of salt need one part of sugar.
  3. Then it is important to check the quality of the salting on the example of one fish. Rinse it, try it "for salt". It is clear that this is an individual question. If the salinity of capelin suits, you can further wash all the available fish. At the same time, it must be remembered that during drying, the fish will lose excess moisture and acquire a salty taste. In practice, 1.5–2 hours of salting is normal for such delicate marine fish as capelin. By the way, you need to wash small fish carefully, do not expose them to water pressure so that they do not fray.
  4. Dry the washed capelin with paper towels. Lay on a cutting board, brush with vegetable oil. Sprinkle the fish with hot red pepper on both sides. Instead, you can use other spices to taste: coriander, juniper, star anise, cumin, allspice and pink pepper and others. The recipe specifies the minimum amount of spice. You can take more, guided by your preferences.
  5. The prepared fish should then be hung in a cool place, for example, on a balcony. To fix the fish, you can use all kinds of clips, clothespins, even paper clips (pre-unbent). You can pass the wire through the eye holes. Gauze is ideal as protection against existing insects. The drying time of the fish is a day.
  6. In a day, it will reach “condition”: it will slightly wither, but will not be dry, there will be enough fat left.
  7. Then the fish can be eaten or left to dry longer. Option for more patient people.

The result is an excellent dried capelin, which must be immediately served at the table as an appetizer for a foamy intoxicating drink.

Alternative option

If there are household dryers (dehydrators) in the household, it is also possible to wither capelin without any problems.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 kg of fresh fish;
  • one and a half glasses of water;
  • a tablespoon of salt;
  • 5 cloves;
  • five peas of allspice and black pepper;
  • a couple of bay leaves.

Cooking technique:

  1. Of all these ingredients, except for fish, you need to make a brine. Heat it in a saucepan, bring to a boil, then cool.
  2. Pour the washed fish with the prepared brine. Put oppression. Set aside in the refrigerator overnight.
  3. In the morning, spread the salted capelin on the trays of the dryer. Drying will take place for about 8 hours at the maximum temperature of the dryer (about 60 degrees Celsius).

Ready capelin naturally combine with beer

Unlike many other dried products, capelin is no longer used as a component of complex dishes. It is eaten, as a rule, immediately and quickly. For other purposes, it simply does not remain.

Those who do not have an electric dryer or smokehouse can be advised to wither capelin in their kitchen with their own hands, especially if you are a fan of fish delicacies served with a glass of foamy beer. Dried capelin differs from dried capelin in a shorter drying time - the appetizer will be ready three days after hanging. When creating a dish in the summer, be sure to cover the fish with gauze soaked in water with the addition of vinegar so that insects do not sit on the capelin. In autumn or winter, it is best to hang the fish over a radiator or on a closed balcony, where there is air flow, and be sure to expose a deep shape from below, as drops of fat will drain from capelin. Store the snack in the refrigerator, wrapped in parchment paper. The shelf life of the dish is 7 days from the date of posting.


  • 0.7 kg fresh-frozen capelin
  • 1.5 tsp ground paprika (sweet)
  • 2.5 st. l. salt
  • 0.5 tsp ground black pepper
  • 5 st. l. vegetable oil
  • 1 l warm water


1. Rinse freshly frozen fish in water and leave to defrost at room temperature for a maximum of 1 hour. At this time, we will prepare a deep container by pouring coarse salt, but not iodized, and ground black pepper into it.

2. Pour warm water into the container. Thoroughly stir the contents of the container so that the salt is completely dissolved in water. We lay out all the washed capelin, without cleaning it from the insides. Mix and leave for 1.5-2 hours for salting. You don't need to keep this tiny fish for a day or more, or you'll just oversalt it!

3. In a bowl, combine vegetable oil and ground paprika. Before mixing, be sure to taste the spice so that it does not taste bitter. Drain the brine from the capelin container and put it on paper napkins to blot out excess moisture - the fish should be dry.

4. Cover the board or baking sheet with parchment paper or cling film so as not to stain. Lay out the capelin one by one and coat with colorful oil with a cooking brush on both sides.

Trade offers us sea beer and snacks of fish shoals. But the man is not looking for easy ways. And here, I will tell you how to dry the capelin yourself.

Buying capelin is an important process. You need to inspect the entire fish counter. Look, be sure, herring. Herring has the most
honest eyes. In them, as in a mirror, all the suffering of fish is reflected from the ocean to the counter.

But back to frozen capelin. It must be ice-free. No, ice maybe a little and neat. If you are observing
local dirty-gray snowdrifts on the bodies, it is better to postpone the drying of the fish, and wait for a fresh delivery. Our trade loves
chemically, but an acceptable product sometimes slips through.

You can not buy beer yet, the finished product is far away.
At home, you need to warn relatives and friends - there will be difficult days, full of pain and expectation. Papa is drying capelin, do not disturb papa.

Fish must be thawed without the use of microwave ovens and violence, washed and dried. You can just wipe it off with paper towels.
I will not gut this fish, because it is just for beer, let there be a little work left when eating.

If your wife loves to cook, here comes the most dangerous moment, she will probably try to seize capelin for
making a pie. Do not leave capelin unattended, culinary maniacs roam around.

For salting, I use a clay baking pot and a sand-lime brick. You may have a different capacity and a different
press, but keep in mind: it is better not to salt in aluminum dishes. A couple of tablespoons of salt is enough for a pound of capelin, how much
anything peppercorns and a dozen bay leaves.

Other seasonings to taste. We put the capelin in a container in layers, kissing each carcass gently on the lips (she loves tenderness) and
Sprinkle each layer with salt, peas and a leaf. We put the press in a plastic bag on top, so that it doesn’t stink much and
didn't get dirty.

We stand this business for two hours at room temperature and then send it to the refrigerator for a day.
In principle, in a day you get the finished product. This is a salty capelin suitable for eating. She can stand in brine and
further. I somehow salted it and went to my mother-in-law, and my father-in-law has a brew ...

In general, I got to my capelin only after four days. And there is nothing. Only a little overkill turned out. It is believed that the fish
will not take extra salt, but the fish, apparently, does not know about it.

Considering that we are going to dry it further, and even to beer: let him take salt - as much as he wants.
We need a sunny balcony. Winter drying methods are known for a central heating battery. But considering
summer options, you need a sunny and glazed balcony. You need to take out the capelin, dry it, getting wet with the same
napkins and hang like linen on clothespins. There may be a conflict with the better half of the family: on the subject of clothespins smelling of fish. Use plastic ones, they are easier to clean. It is better not to dry the fish in the sun itself. Curtains will save the masters of homemade pickles.
You can dry as much as you like, and eat as soon as you want.

Start stockpiling beer. Beware of flies, wasps and friends who also love dried capelin. Happy eating.

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