Milk thistle is also called. Rules for the use of milk thistle in medicine and cosmetology

Seeds of the milk thistle plant are rich in flavonoids, micro and macro elements, fiber, which allows them to be used as a healing, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating agent. Milk thistle is able to strengthen cells and restore liver function.

Milk thistle will help strengthen the liver, immunity and digestive tract


milk thistle is a medicinal plant that looks like a thorn from a number of weeds. In the people, the medicinal herb is also called milk thistle. It grows in Ukraine, in the European part of Russia, in the west of Siberia and in the Caucasus.

The plant reaches 2 meters in height. From below, the stem is densely surrounded by fleshy oval-shaped leaves of bright green color with white spots in the middle. The top of the thistle is decorated with small baskets from which purple flowers can be seen. The inflorescences, leaves and stem of the thistle are protected by large sharp spines.

The most valuable part of the plant are grains, which at the time of full ripening have a dark brown color. Fruit picking begins in mid-August. After that, leaves and roots of useful grass are harvested.

What milk thistle looks like is shown in the photo.

Milk thistle flower is used in various fields of medicine.

The most valuable part of a flower is the grain

Milk thistle flower is rich in fiber

The chemical composition of the plant

Milk thistle contains most of the nutrients in the seeds. Almost 30% is medicated vegetable oil, the rest includes:

  • proteins;
  • lignans, flavonoids, alkaloids;
  • disaccharides, monosaccharides;
  • resins, enzymes, saponins;
  • micro and macro elements - magnesium, calcium, boron, iron, manganese, vanadium, zinc, potassium, chromium, copper;
  • vitamins E, K, D, group B;
  • flavolignans - silymarin and silybin.

The unique composition of milk thistle fruits allows using the remedy as an effective hepatoprotector - it protects the membranes of liver cells from alcohol intoxication, the effects of free radicals, toxic substances and poisons.

Useful properties of milk thistle

Milk thistle seeds are very useful for the human body.

Healing properties of the plant:

  • improvement of digestion and metabolic processes;
  • cleansing of vessels from sclerotic plaques and preventing their appearance in the future;
  • improvement of blood circulation and elimination of stagnant processes in the vessels;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • reduction of inflammation in tonsillitis, tonsillitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis;
  • acts as a mild diuretic, normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and bladder.

Thanks to special compounds - flavolignans - the medicinal properties of the fruits of the plant are replenished with hepatoprotective, antioxidant and choleretic effects. Liver cells are strengthened, the growth of new hepatocytes is stimulated, the supply of tissues with useful components is improved, fatty degeneration of the organ is prevented.

Benefits for women

The medicinal properties of milk thistle for women are:

  • increase in lactation during feeding;
  • improvement in well-being during menopause - hot flashes, headaches, nervousness and irritability decrease;
  • stimulation of the normal process of blood circulation and strengthening of the venous walls with varicose veins;
  • reducing inflammation and fighting infections and bacteria in diseases of the genitourinary system - cystitis, colpitis, vaginitis, cervical erosion;
  • increased pressure with hypotension;
  • getting rid of bad cholesterol;
  • restoration of skin cell regeneration processes in eczema, vitiligo.

Milk thistle is applicable for rapid skin regeneration after eczema

Regular intake of decoctions or infusions from milk thistle seeds has a positive effect on sleep, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, relieves fatigue and drowsiness.

Medicinal properties for children

Milk thistle is recommended to be given to children for coughs that are caused by bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, or are the result of frequent colds. The fruits of the plant fight inflammation and strengthen the immune system by creating a barrier against viruses and bacteria.

The seed of a medicinal herb has a positive effect on the digestive tract of a small organism, helps to get rid of constipation, removes toxins and toxins, and improves appetite.

For men

Replenishing the male body with the missing substances, milk thistle products increase potency, help eliminate the manifestations of gout, and stop premature baldness.

Milk thistle is widely used for liver problems and for the prevention of diseases associated with it.

The beneficial effect of milk thistle on the human body is achieved by cleansing the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, blood vessels from toxins and toxins, as well as maintaining their normal functioning.

How to prepare a remedy from milk thistle?

In folk medicine, meal is most often used, which is produced in the form of a powder, and flour from seeds. Flour and meal are different concepts. The first product is easy to prepare at home using a blender or coffee grinder, and the second is obtained under production conditions from oil cake after squeezing the seeds to obtain oil - you can actually buy it in specialized stores and pharmacies.

Decoctions, tinctures, infusions and teas are made from milk thistle. Raw materials from seeds are used exclusively, in rare cases, the root and leaves.

milk thistle recipe

In 1 cup boiling water, brew 1 tsp. flour from seeds or meal, cover and leave for 15 minutes. Before drinking, be sure to strain the drink and add the required amount of boiled water to replenish the required volume.

A decoction of crushed fruits

The most commonly consumed decoction of milk thistle seeds

Flour from seeds in the amount of 3 tbsp. l. mix with 0.5 l of boiling water and cook in a water bath until half of the broth boils away. Separate the cooled medicine from the thick sediment with gauze.

A decoction of meal

In 200 ml of boiling water, brew 1 tbsp. l. powder, place everything in a water bath and simmer for 20 minutes. 10 minutes after removing from heat, filter the broth and combine with boiled water in the amount missing to the initial 0.2 liters.

Meal tea

To prevent gallbladder disease, drink ordinary milk thistle tea.

Pour 1 tsp into a mug of boiling water. powdered mass and leave for 20 minutes, strain.

Vodka tincture recipe

Meal or flour from seeds pour vodka - 50 g of raw materials per 500 ml of alcohol liquid. In a dark place, the agent should be insisted for at least 14 days. Store the strained tincture in the refrigerator.

Milk broth from meal for children

In a glass of hot milk, brew 1 tsp. powder and insist in a closed container for 30 minutes, then strain.

Milk thistle seed oil

On low heat, boil for 20 minutes a homogeneous mass of 6 tbsp. l. crushed seeds and 500 ml of olive oil. Strain the product half an hour after removing from heat. Store the product at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.

For the preparation of medicines from milk thistle, ripe seeds are suitable, which are pre-ground into flour using a blender or coffee grinder, as well as ready-made supplements purchased at a pharmacy. In pharmacies, preparations based on milk thistle are sold in the form of:

  • powder (meal);
  • seed flour;
  • dragees, tablets, capsules;
  • oil extract from fruits.

Milk thistle can be made into butter

Before using milk thistle medicine, be sure to read the instructions for use and follow the daily doses, as well as methods of application. This will help to avoid side effects and get the maximum effect from the folk medicine.

How to use milk thistle?

In order for folk recipes to help cope with a particular disease, you need to know from what and how to properly take the crushed fruits of milk thistle.

Table "Indications for the use of milk thistle and doses"

To normalize the work of the stomach, remove toxins in case of alcohol poisoning, to cleanse the blood of harmful substancesDrink 125 ml of milk thistle infusion half an hour before meals three times a day. Therapy is 2-4 weeks
To cleanse the kidneys, improve the functioning of the gallbladder, eliminate inflammation in the genitourinary system and bile ducts, with gout, sciatica, arthritis, eczema and vitiligo, hemorrhoids, hepatitis, colitisA decoction of meal to use 1 tbsp. l. half an hour before each meal. Course of treatment - 3 weeks
To improve liver function, restore hepatocytes, strengthen the protective shell of the organ, to cleanse the gallbladder, to increase the body's defenses and inhibit pathogenic cells in oncologyA decoction of the crushed fruits of the plant drink 1 tbsp. l. every 60 minutes. The course of taking the medicine depends on the improvement of the patient's well-being, but should not exceed 40 days
With diabetes mellitus, cirrhosis, hepatitis, exacerbation of psoriasis, for weight loss, purification of toxic and harmful substances, for eczema and allergiesUse 1 tsp. oil or plant extract 3 times a day. Reception is best done 20-30 minutes before meals. Treatment lasts at least 3 weeks.
To cleanse the kidneys, urinary and gallbladder, liver, strengthen the body as a wholeDrink vodka tincture 20-25 drops before each meal. The duration of treatment is 20-40 days.
To normalize sleep, improve mood, strengthen immunityEvery day for a month, drink 1 glass of warm milk thistle tea. The number of doses per day is 3, half an hour before meals. To improve the taste, add 1 tsp to the drink. jam or honey
To restore liver function in children and normalize metabolic processes, from constipation, cough, coldsGive the child ¼ cup milk thistle broth 3 times a day. Treatment continues until the condition improves.

Milk thistle infusion is prepared from fresh and dry herbs.

When using milk thistle in treatment, it is important to observe the dose, frequency and duration of use of the drug. Violation of the instructions for use can lead to adverse reactions and be harmful to health.

Side effects of the medicinal plant

Uncontrolled intake of milk thistle seeds is very dangerous for the body - it leads to malfunctions in the internal organs, which manifests itself in:

  • intestinal disorder;
  • spasms or aching pains in the stomach;
  • skin rash;
  • asthmatic manifestations - shortness of breath, cough.

Intestinal upset is one of the side effects, in case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to consult a doctor

If after the use of milk thistle side effects appear, it is better to stop treatment with a folk remedy.


Long-term use of milk thistle or exceeding the permissible dose often provokes an overdose, which manifests itself in:

  • aching pain in the right hypochondrium and stomach;
  • nausea, bloating, diarrhea.

Be prepared for diarrhea if you overdose

With such signs, you need to stop taking milk thistle, use enterosorbents, rinse the intestines. In the future, you should not use the fruits of the plant for medicinal purposes without prior agreement with a specialist.

Alcohol compatibility

Drinking alcohol while treating milk thistle is acceptable. The plant reduces the load on the liver and reduces the harmful effects of alcohol.

Milk thistle will reduce the harm from the effects of alcohol on the body

The compatibility of a medicinal herb with alcohol does not mean that you can drink alcohol in uncontrolled doses. To achieve the greatest therapeutic effect at the time of treatment with milk thistle, completely exclude alcohol from the diet.


Crushed fruits and preparations based on milk thistle should not be taken by people suffering from:

  • the presence of stones in the gallbladder - with urolithiasis, there is a risk of provoking a blockage of the bile ducts;
  • allergy to the components of the product;
  • epilepsy;
  • severe depression;
  • ulcerative processes in the digestive system.

The presence of gallstones is a contraindication

Update: October 2018

Milk thistle, also called milk thistle, is a one- or two-year-old medicinal plant, a member of the Asteraceae family and the genus Milk thistle.

Milk thistle is native to the Mediterranean countries, the Pyrenean and Balkan Peninsulas. The culture has spread widely around the world, grows in Africa, Eastern and Western Europe, America and Central Asia.

In the wild, it grows in weedy places and is an aggressive weed. It is actively cultivated to obtain valuable medicinal raw materials in the southern parts of Russia, Ukraine and China. The medicinal properties and contraindications of milk thistle are well known today, so the plant is a medicinal raw material for the pharmaceutical industry.

Morphological description

The cultivated species is an annual, and the wild species is a thorny biennial plant.

Reaches a height of up to 1.5 meters. The stem has a simple or branched structure, naked. Large leaves of an elliptical or pinnatiform shape are arranged alternately. There are yellowish spines on the edge of the leaf, and veins below. The leaf plate has a green color and white spots on it. The leaf surface is shiny.

The flowers are pink, purple or pure white. Collected in spherical single baskets with a wrapper, which consists of prickly leaves. The inflorescence bed has a fleshy structure and is covered with hairs. Flowers tubular, bisexual. The fruit is an achene with a tuft having a bitter taste. Flowering occurs in the summer months, July-August.

Collection, preparation and storage

Collection of milk thistle seeds is carried out from August to October, because. seeds ripen unevenly. The formation of a white fluff in the baskets indicates the readiness of the seeds - to obtain them, the baskets themselves are cut with a pruner. They are placed on a sieve in one layer, under which clean paper is spread and dried in this way. It is important that the room is sufficiently ventilated, but without drafts, since the seeds are small and can simply scatter. After drying, the thorns are cut off from the baskets, they are broken and the seeds are shaken out, which are dried on paper. Stored in cloth bags in the dark and dry for 3 years.

The roots are collected in the fall - they are dug up, washed with water and prepared for drying: crushed and dried in an oven at T up to 50 degrees or indoors. Store in their glass jars and for 1 year.

The leaves are also harvested in autumn - they are laid on a cloth or paper in a thin layer and dried under conditions of sufficient ventilation. Store in glass jars for 1 year.

Milk thistle juice is harvested during the period when the plant throws out an arrow - the first baskets open. To obtain it, 5 largest leaves are removed from each stem, crushed and squeezed out the juice. Preserve a valuable product as follows: for 1 liter of juice - 50 ml of 70% alcohol, mix and store in the cold.

Chemical composition

The roots, leaves and seeds of the plant contain about 400 substances, including:

  • Silymarin is the main beneficial ingredient that makes milk thistle so popular. This is a biologically active component (hepatoprotector), a protective and restorative effect on cell membranes, activating the growth of new cells and the synthesis of protein molecules, increasing the production of bile and neutralizing the effect of toxic substances;
  • Fatty and essential oils involved in the regeneration of cells and tissues, the normalization of metabolic processes and the elimination of inflammation. They have an anticarcinogenic effect, normalize the function of the central nervous system, increase gastrointestinal motility and promote wound healing;
  • Phenolic compounds lignans(silicristin, silybin, silidianin) help to eliminate toxins, excess cholesterol, normalize the balance of hormones, speed up metabolism and normalize the central nervous system;
  • Proteins are involved in the synthesis of hormones, enzymes and antibodies, as well as in the transport of hemoglobin, normalize hormone levels, and strengthen the immune system.
  • Flavonoids strengthen capillaries, normalize blood pressure and heart rate, participate in the neutralization of free radicals, stimulate the function of the adrenal cortex, and have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Alkaloids (taxifolin) normalize blood circulation, reduce the severity of pain, excite the central nervous system (in small doses) or inhibit it (in large doses);
  • Resins have a disinfecting effect, destroy pathogenic flora, increase the protective potential of the body;
  • Mucus has an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates wound healing;
  • Saponins enhance the secretory function of the bronchial glands, activate the synthesis of corticosteroids, regulate water and salt metabolism, relieve inflammation;
  • organic acids activate metabolic processes, increase appetite, strengthen immunity, participate in detoxification of the body;
  • Micro and macro elements(selenium, manganese, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, iodine, zinc, boron, copper) and vitamins (groups A, D, B, F, E, K and group B) have a complex immunostimulating, anticarcinogenic, strengthening effect on the body and normalizing effect on all metabolic processes.

Useful properties and application

All parts of the plant (seeds, leaves, roots) have medicinal value.

  • Roots and seeds are used in the preparation of decoctions used in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, liver, edema and urinary retention, convulsions and sciatica, etc.
  • milk thistle seeds used to make butter, powder and flour. These forms enhance the work of the gastrointestinal tract, are effective in diseases of the liver and spleen, prevent the deposition of salts and strengthen the vascular wall.
  • Milk thistle powder cleanses the blood, reduces the amount of cholesterol and blood sugar, removes toxins, helps to lose weight.
  • Milk thistle oil quickly heals wounds, has an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect and is effective in the treatment of burns, wounds, allergic rashes, as well as tonsillitis and gynecological diseases. When taken internally, the oil helps with myopia. It has an anti-sclerotic effect, strengthens the vascular walls and is effective for heart diseases. It is used to raise the tone of the body and strengthen the immune system. In cosmetology, it is used to rejuvenate and nourish the skin, strengthen hair.
  • The leaves are used to obtain juice, which has a laxative, diuretic and choleretic effect. In cooking, salads and various side dishes are made from the leaves.

Thus, milk thistle preparations have the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • hepatoprotective;
  • wound healing;
  • antiulcer;
  • epithelizing;
  • antioxidant;
  • antitumor;
  • choleretic;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • detoxification;
  • laxative;
  • anti-sclerotic;
  • restorative;
  • diuretic.

Milk thistle is one of the most effective hepatoprotectors: it stabilizes the biomembranes of hepatocyte cells, improves the antioxidant and detoxifying functions of the liver, activates the synthesis of glutathione, which is a source of antioxidants, and accelerates the regeneration of damaged liver cells. The plant protects normal hepatocytes from damage by increasing resistance to infectious agents and toxins.

In addition, there is an improvement in the secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract, digestion of food due to increased production of bile, an increase in the protective capabilities of the body to the action of infections and poisoning. There is a suppression of the synthesis of histamines, which provoke the development of allergies and headaches. The metabolism of estrogen hormones is accelerated. Promotes the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Normalizes cholesterol levels and ensures complete digestion of fats without intermediate products. Promotes healing of ulcers. Helps to lose weight.

The plant has found application in many fields of medicine and is indicated in the following cases:

  • Gastroenterology: liver dystrophy, hepatitis C, determined by alcohol, toxins or radiation, jaundice, colitis, cholelithiasis, colitis, dysbacteriosis.
  • Urology: urinary retention.
  • Toxicology: chronic poisoning with medicinal and narcotic substances, alcohol, poisonous mushrooms, food intoxication.
  • Gynecology: toxicosis of pregnant women (in consultation with the doctor), inflammatory diseases.
  • Cardiology: to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve the function of the heart, thrombocytopathy.
  • prophylactically: people who are in environmentally unfavorable places, employed in hazardous working conditions.
  • : during chemotherapy or radiation therapy to cleanse the blood of toxic substances, radionuclides and heavy metals.
  • Endocrinology: to normalize lipid metabolism and reduce cholesterol, in the fight against obesity, diabetes, thyroid diseases.
  • Neurology: sciatica, myopathy.
  • Dermatology:, baldness, acne, allergies, dermatoses,.
  • Dentistry and ENT:, pharyngitis.
  • Cosmetology: skin rejuvenation and cleansing.
  • Rheumatology: arthritis and polyarthritis, salt deposits in the joints.

Pharmaceutical preparations of milk thistle

Assign to improve digestive function, normalize the liver, toning the body. Brewed as usual tea and taken 3-4 times a day.

Recommended for pathologies of the biliary tract, spleen and liver, colitis, hemorrhoids, diseases of the heart and ENT organs. According to the instructions for the use of milk thistle syrup, take 1 tbsp. before meals, three times a day.

It is considered as a full-fledged source of flacovonoids and is prescribed to protect the liver from toxins and other harmful effects, 1 capsule once a day. during meals for a course of 4-6 weeks.

Used for liver pathologies and for their prevention, as well as for damage to functional tissues, to remove free radicals, toxins: 1 table. 1 time per day with meals.

It is used to treat psoriasis, atherosclerosis, and intoxications. Take 1 tsp. with water, the maximum amount is 5 times a day for 30 days.

Helps in the treatment of diseases of the liver, heart, ulcers, gastritis, intoxication, and is also prescribed for external, psoriasis, acne, baldness, lichen planus, etc. Take half a spoonful of 2-3 r per day. during meals or lubricate damaged skin 1-2 times a day. In cosmetology, it is used for masks applied to the scalp, as well as for skin rejuvenation and refreshment (rubbing, adding oil to creams).

These are crushed seeds from which the oil has been pressed. An excellent source of fiber that aids bowel function. It is effective in diseases of the liver, respiratory organs, spleen, heart and pancreas, with cholelithiasis, colitis, hemorrhoids. Take 1 tsp. three times a day. before meals with water.

Analogues of tablets, milk thistle capsules for the active substance: Karsil, Silymarin, Legalon, Silegon, Silimar (see full).

Karsil Silymarin Legalon Silimar Gepabene

Treatment of milk thistle at home

General rules for the use of milk thistle

For greater effect, all forms are recommended to be taken before meals, about half an hour. The course of treatment is from 3 weeks to 1.5 months. People taking plant preparations for prophylactic purposes should do this at least twice a year.

What is used for How it is applied


It is used to treat the liver (including cirrhosis of any etiology), accelerate the excretion of bile, reduce joint pain, as a preventive measure at the risk of developing oncology. 2 tbsp seed powder is poured with boiling water (500 ml) and infused for 12 hours, filtered and squeezed. Take 120 ml four times a day.


It is used for alcohol intoxication, hangover syndrome, as well as for alcohol intoxication to remove a person from this state. 1 tbsp seeds are poured with boiling water in a volume of 250 ml, insist 10 minutes, drink at a time. Relief occurs within 15 minutes.


Used to treat dermatological diseases (externally) and reduce blood cholesterol levels (internally). Seeds in the amount of 50 g are poured into 500 ml of vodka and kept for 14 days in the dark. Take 25 drops before meals for 1 month. Externally lubricate the affected skin 2-3 times a day.


It relieves joint pain, normalizes the digestive tract and metabolism, cleanses the skin and has an anti-inflammatory, cleansing and laxative effect. Juice is harvested independently (see above) and drunk 1 tbsp. in the morning, on an empty stomach.


It is indicated for all pathologies of the liver, pancreas, kidneys, joints. Traditional healers recommend a decoction for cancer. Used for toothache (mouth rinse). 30 g of seeds are poured into 500 ml of water and slowly boiled over low heat until half boil away. For liver diseases, take 1 tbsp. after 60 minutes for 12 hours, for example, from 9 am to 9 pm, a course of 3 weeks. After a 14-day break, you can repeat the course. For other pathologies, it is enough to take 1 tbsp three times a day.


In terms of effectiveness, milk thistle oil is equated to. It has anti-burn, wound healing and hepatoprotective effects, is used in the treatment of the liver, and externally - for the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, allergies. 5 tsp crushed seeds are mixed with half a liter of olive oil and boiled for a quarter of an hour in a water bath, insisted after cooking for 30 minutes. Take 1 tsp. three times a day.


It is indicated for intoxication and poisoning, as well as during periods of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Dry seeds are ground into a homogeneous powder and take 1 tbsp. 5 times a day at regular intervals with water, until the symptoms completely stop. During irradiation courses, the powder is also used in 1 tsp, but 4 times a day.


Effective for quick healing of abrasions, cuts, scratches. Fresh leaves, from which the spines are removed, are crushed into a pulp and applied to the damage on a sterile bandage. Daily procedures accelerate skin healing by 2 times.

Contraindications for use

  • Individual intolerance
  • Severe cardiovascular pathologies
  • mental illness (

    Milk thistle is able to reduce the effectiveness of hormone replacement therapy and oral contraceptives and enhance the therapeutic effect of Lovastatin, Diazepam, Vinblastine, Alprazolam and Ketoconazole.

This plant has rare qualities, because it is based on a unique component - silymarin. The use of milk thistle for medicinal purposes affects many functions of the body, causing an improvement in performance. It is useful to get acquainted with the medicinal qualities of this plant.

Milk thistle herb - its properties and uses

This medicinal raw material is used - milk thistle or milk thistle - in many recipes of official and traditional medicine. All parts of the plant are used - seeds, roots, leaves. Useful properties of milk thistle are based on the substance - silymarin, which is a natural hepatoprotector, has a powerful antioxidant effect. With the help of milk thistle, you get:

  • neutralize toxins;
  • protect, restore cell membranes;
  • activate the growth of new ones;
  • synthesize protein compounds;
  • produce bile.

The benefits of milk thistle are that the medicinal components that make up the composition contribute to:

  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • wound healing;
  • establishing a balance of hormones;
  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • elimination of inflammation;
  • regulation of water exchange;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • carrying out disinfection;
  • general strengthening action;
  • an obstacle to the formation of cancer cells.

Milk thistle is used in the form of oil, seeds, leaves, meal. Prescribe drugs for the treatment of:

  • liver diseases;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • problems with urination;
  • diseases of the gallbladder;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • constipation
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • myopathy;
  • radiculitis;
  • alopecia;
  • stomatitis;
  • dermatitis;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • arthritis.

A decoction is made from the milk thistle root. To do this, it is dried and crushed. The leaves can be brewed and drunk as a tea. The peculiarity of milk thistle is that when treated with heat, the content of useful substances decreases. It is recommended to use fresh leaves for salads, dressings for wounds - after grinding. Milk thistle juice is used in treatment plans, which is used:

  • for the purpose of wiping the skin of the face against a rash;
  • for compresses on the joints;
  • drink with constipation, colitis.

Milk thistle oil - useful properties and contraindications

The use of the oil composition of the medicinal plant is very effective. Milk thistle preparations are used by cosmetologists to prepare masks to treat hair and improve facial skin tone. Good reviews have the use of milk thistle in dermatology, it can be used to cure:

  • psoriasis;
  • burns;
  • dermatitis;
  • allergic rashes;
  • ulcers;
  • wounds, cracks.

Milk thistle oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids. If taken orally capsules, you can achieve good results:

  • improve the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • support the heart muscle;
  • accelerate recovery after radiation exposure;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • improve the functioning of the pancreas;
  • reduce pain;
  • accelerate the healing of the ulcer;
  • increase the production of bile;
  • improve blood clotting;
  • prevent the development of diabetes.

Milk thistle seeds - medicinal properties and contraindications

Plants in the form of seeds are used to make oil, meal, but the best way is sprouting. At the same time, the active characteristics of milk thistle are enhanced. Due to the increased amount of bioflavonoids, the nearby antioxidants are stimulated. The healing properties of sprouted grains help:

  • increase intestinal motility;
  • restore liver function;
  • improve kidney function;
  • raise immunity;
  • accelerate wound healing;
  • normalize the work of blood vessels.

Using milk thistle seeds for medicinal purposes, it must be remembered that this is not always beneficial for the body. It should be taken into account that as a result of the use of the drug, side effects may appear - discomfort, pain in the liver, diarrhea, allergic reactions. There are contraindications for use:

  • the presence of large stones in the gallbladder - the likelihood of their movement;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • dyspnea;
  • mental illness;
  • drug intolerance;
  • children's age less than 12 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Milk thistle meal - benefits and harms

The use of this plant after processing the seeds has received excellent reviews. Milk thistle meal is obtained by grinding them into powder. Due to the large amount of fiber in the composition occurs:

  • purgation;
  • stimulation of peristalsis;
  • tissue repair;
  • removal of toxins, toxins;
  • nutrition of microflora;
  • lowering cholesterol.

What is useful milk thistle in the form of meal? The drug is taken for the purpose of:

  • normalization of fat metabolism;
  • treatment of liver diseases;
  • improving the excretion of bile;
  • pressure stabilization;
  • lowering sugar levels;
  • restoration of kidney function;
  • treatment of skin diseases;
  • stimulating the removal of toxins;
  • reduce the harmful effects of chemotherapy.

Milk thistle honey - useful properties

To enhance the active effect of the plant, fields are specially sown with it so that the bees collect nectar. The resulting milk thistle honey helps to improve health. Given the contraindications - allergies and diabetes, then the use of this product will help:

  • stabilize the work of the ZhTK;
  • reduce weight;
  • produce bile;
  • normalize liver function;
  • eliminate constipation.

The healing properties of milk thistle, when combined with honey, have a general strengthening effect, contribute to:

  • stabilization of the nervous system;
  • pressure normalization;
  • recovery after poisoning, intoxication;
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • treatment of skin diseases;
  • improvement after chemotherapy;
  • treatment of varicose veins.

Milk thistle for the liver

The medicinal properties of milk thistle have proven their effectiveness in medicine in matters of liver health. The tool is a powerful plant hepatoprotector, helps protect the walls of the body from the penetration of harmful substances. Milk thistle is prescribed to be taken for treatment:

  • cholelithiasis;
  • hepatitis A;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • fatty infiltration.

Milk thistle liver cleansing received good reviews - due to the antioxidant properties, toxic substances are quickly eliminated. The use of the plant contributes to:

  • removal of inflammation;
  • liquefaction, excretion of bile;
  • acceleration of cell regeneration;
  • reduce the likelihood of stone formation;
  • removal of fat from cells;
  • the formation of healthy cells.

Milk thistle during pregnancy

Since the substances included in the composition are highly active, it is not recommended to use milk thistle during pregnancy, even if there are indications. This is due to the strong effect on the hormonal background of the silymarin contained in it. There is no exact data on the effect of the plant on the development of the fetus - a woman should not take risks and harm the unborn child.

An aggressive weed and a valuable medicinal plant - a shrub that has been used in medical practice since ancient times combines amazing properties. The medicinal properties of milk thistle were known to the ancient healers Diascorides and Galen, the first mention of it is contained in the writings of Theophrastus, dated to the fourth century BC.

The first studies of the effects of dosage forms on humans were carried out in the Middle Ages. In Europe, already in the sixteenth century, a tincture from the seeds of the plant was used to treat diseases of the liver and spleen, hepatic colic, cholelithiasis, and jaundice. Modern substantiations of the value of natural raw materials were given in the sixties of the twentieth century by the Munich Institute of Pharmacy. For the first time, the composition of the herb was deciphered quite fully, which gave impetus to its use in official medicine.

Features of milk thistle

Today, milk thistle is one of the basic raw materials of the pharmaceutical industry. On the territory of the Russian Federation, land for its cultivation has been created with an area of ​​​​about ten thousand hectares. In China, the maximum pharmacological lands of culture have been recorded - at least one hundred thousand hectares.


In the natural environment, culture goes through a life cycle for two years. From the seed, a compact sprout with spreading leaves is formed, which grows rapidly. Already in the first year of vegetation, its height is sixty centimeters, after another year the stem more than doubles. The maximum grass height is one and a half meters.

Shoots are solitary or grow branched from the root. The entire surface is covered with spines. The leaves are large, often their length is fifty to eighty centimeters. The largest are located at the root, sprawling, placed alternately on the stem, variegated, with carved edges. The surface of the leaves is glossy, dark green. Often, spots of mother-of-pearl shade are scattered over it, for which the plant is popularly called milk thistle.

Starting from mid-summer, milk thistle grass is in continuous bloom. Its stems are crowned with spherical baskets, from which bright, fluffy petals peep out. They are painted in purple, pink, lilac colors, covered with small hairs. Flowering continues until the end of August, by which time fruits are formed in the baskets. Those are small achenes, each with a tuft, thanks to which the seeds are easily carried by the wind over long distances.

A synonym for milk thistle is milk thistle, both plant names are correct. However, identifying the crop with thistles is erroneous. There are more than twenty plants in the family of the latter, with different medicinal properties and without them at all.

Distribution and cultivation

The culture is extremely unpretentious, grows on any soil. It does not claim to be black soil, but, if it turns out to be on them, it quickly displaces neighbors growing nearby. For normal development, it also needs sandy soils with a low level of moisture. The only thing milk thistle makes demands on is the climate. The zone of its growth are warm climatic zones - from the Balkans to the southern part of Russia (Caucasus, Crimea).

It is cultivated in an organized manner, but plantations do not limit the distribution of the plant. Its spectacular appearance becomes the reason for breeding in gardens and parks, in summer cottages. Being planted on a new site, the plant quickly runs wild, populating neighboring territories. It grows like an aggressive weed, so you can find milk thistle almost everywhere in the climate zone that suits it. She prefers wastelands, grows along roadsides, railways. It is found at dacha cooperatives and in abandoned fields, often “visits” cultivated areas, where it is mercilessly destroyed.

The plant takes root well in summer cottages and requires minimal care. Significant soil preparation is not necessary, it is enough to add lime fertilizer to it in advance. Seeds harvested from last year are planted in May, immediately in open ground. Holes are formed, where three, four grains fall asleep. When shoots appear, they are thinned out, leaving one strong shoot per hole.

Collection and preparation

The use of milk thistle in official medicine includes recommendations for the collection of seeds only. However, folk medical practice uses culture much more widely. Dosage forms based on roots and leaves are used, the entire plant is stored. Since it is not actively harvested, and the culture is extremely tenacious, the work on collecting raw materials is not reflected in reproduction and the intensity of distribution.

The herb, root and fruits of milk thistle are not stored for a long time. The herbaceous part of the plant is usually used immediately, while the seed and root have a shelf life of one year. Then the workpiece is repeated.

Composition and properties

Milk thistle is a natural source of biologically active compounds. In total, up to two hundred active components were found in its composition, including fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. But the main value is another component - the biologically active substance silymarin. It is it that is mined in the form of an extract of milk thistle for the pharmacological industry. According to doctors, it has a stimulating effect on groups of organs and systems.

In particular, silymarin is the only natural agent that corrects liver function. So far, its artificial analogue has not been synthesized, which is why the industrial cultivation of milk thistle is a task of a national scale. Silymarin restores the functions of liver cells, stimulates their regeneration. It is especially active against cells affected by toxins, as it neutralizes the action of hazardous substances.

Silymarin selectively acts against toxins of a different nature. It does not suppress the effects of toxins from drugs and most poisons, but supports the functions of liver cells, increasing their resistance to external factors. It is an antagonist of the pale toadstool toxin, against which it acts as a direct antidote.

Silymarin has the following effect.

  • Hepaprotective. It is provided by the neutralization of oxygen free radicals in the liver tissues, which reduces the severity of destructive processes in it caused by exposure to toxins and viruses. Stimulates the production of the enzyme RNA polymerase - the main activator of the synthesis of structural proteins of tissues, promotes regeneration. Activates metabolic processes in cells, provides accelerated excretion of waste products of the hepatitis virus, toxins.
  • Antiviral. Milk thistle treatment has a stimulating effect not only on liver cells. In 2013, the direct antiviral activity of silymarin against the hepatitis C virus was revealed. In a sufficient dosage of at least one hundred and twenty-five micromoles, it blocks the ability of viruses to bind to liposomes of hepatocytes - liver cells. As a result, the reproduction of viruses stops.

The use of silymarin, the volume of which in milk thistle meal (seed powder) is five percent, improves the quality of life of patients suffering from liver intoxication, alcoholic cirrhosis, and hepatitis. The general condition of patients improves, complaints about subjective negative sensations decrease. An increase in the percentage of survival with cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, prolongation of life, often with complete relief of the disease, has been proven.

The active substance contains up to twenty percent of oils, mucus, tannin, histamine. This combination has an anti-inflammatory, enveloping effect on tissues, mucous membranes.

Use of milk thistle

An important feature of the medicinal culture is the absence of contraindications. The use of milk thistle herb is possible at any age, as part of a separate or complex therapy. If necessary, milk thistle is used in children. In rare cases, it is used to normalize the functioning of the liver, more often as an expectorant. Milk thistle during pregnancy is used on the recommendation of a doctor, however, pregnancy is not a direct contraindication to its use.

There are no contraindications for milk thistle due to the non-toxicity of the culture and its selective effect on the body. Even in high doses, it does not cause toxic effects, negative reactions are not observed with prolonged use of drugs.

Milk thistle honey is not medicinal, but a dietary product. It does not contain silymarin, as well as most other active components: mucus, tannins, trace elements. It is used, like other types of honey, in the treatment of colds, to increase the overall tone of the body.

root decoction

The roots of the plant are not used in official medicine. In the folk decoction of them is used to relieve inflammation and pain. It is recommended to use for toothache and stomatitis, rinsing the affected areas. Inside, it is taken as a supportive agent for the liver in order to cleanse it of toxins, as well as for diarrhea, urinary retention.


  1. Grind the rhizome, use a tablespoon of raw materials.
  2. Pour boiling water with a volume of two hundred milliliters.
  3. Cover with a lid, put in a water bath.
  4. Simmer for thirty minutes, cool, strain.

A decoction of the roots is taken four times a day before meals in a tablespoon.

Juice from leaves, stems

The juice contains a particularly high content of mucous substances, therefore, freshly squeezed and canned, it is recommended for inflammatory processes in the colon, for stomach diseases with damage to the mucous membranes. It can also be taken as a laxative.


  1. Use large lower leaves and the fleshy part of the stem. Rinse, dry.
  2. Grind raw materials in a meat grinder.
  3. Squeeze the mass through gauze, remove the cake.
  4. Preserve the juice with alcohol at the rate of fifty milliliters of alcohol per liter of medicinal raw materials.

Take the drug on an empty stomach, thirty minutes before meals, immediately after waking up. Dosage - two tablespoons.

The juice has a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. For the treatment of wounds, cuts on the leaves, cuts are made and applied in the form of lotions to the affected areas.

seed decoction

The use of milk thistle seeds is most common in folk medicine. A decoction is used as a hepaprotective agent to normalize liver function. At the same time, the remedy relieves pain associated with hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis.


  1. Grind the seeds into powder.
  2. Use thirty grams of raw materials (two heaping tablespoons).
  3. Pour boiling water with a volume of five hundred milliliters.
  4. Simmer over low heat until half of the liquid has evaporated.
  5. Strain.

Take a decoction of seeds for a long time - for two months. Drink it in a tablespoon every hour.

Flour (meal) milk thistle

The seeds of the medicinal plant milk thistle, crushed into flour, are used to prepare a medicinal tincture or consumed in their original form. It is used for the same indications as the decoction, in particular, for the treatment of diseases of the liver and gallbladder. Flour additionally reduces blood sugar levels, facilitates the course of varicose veins.

For cooking, the seeds are ground in a meat grinder into flour. Take in pure form five times a day for a teaspoon.

Milk thistle oil is also obtained from the seeds, which has a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory effect. The oil is used externally for the treatment of burns and wounds, and internally as a hepaprotector, remedy for constipation and for weight loss.

Milk thistle is a highly valuable plant for the pharmaceutical industry. The effectiveness of its preparations has been proven through tests and clinical observations. On the basis of medicinal raw materials, drugs are produced for the treatment of liver diseases, in home medicine it is used in the form of a decoction (infusion) of seeds, roots, leaf juice. “When you see a milk thistle on your site, do not rush to pull it out,” advises herbalist Andrey Varenikov. - It is better to tear off the baskets first and prepare seeds from them. Support your liver with this amazing herbal remedy."

Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) is one of the "thistle" species and probably one of the most delightful species.

The medicinal properties of milk thistle were known to the Greeks and Egyptians more than 2 thousand years ago. Milk thistle was deliberately bred in the monasteries of medieval Germany as a medicinal plant.

In the 60-70s of the last century, the chemical composition of the plant was studied in detail, and the results of clinical trials of preparations based on "milk thistle" were obtained.

Nowadays, milk thistle can often be found in home gardens of lovers of ornamental and medicinal plants, and for industrial needs it is cultivated in specialized nurseries.

As usual, milk thistle seeds are used for medicinal purposes, but other parts of the plant (castings and roots) also have medicinal properties.

Milk thistle seeds are full of fatty oil, the content of which reaches 30%, however, this oil is used both in the food industry and in the medical industry. Of great value are the chemical compounds of the group of flavonoids and lignans, including: quercetin, silybin and other compounds characteristic of milk thistle. Proteins, carbohydrates, trace elements, vitamins and other substances - a large list, which hardly makes sense to publish.

Pharmacological action on the body

Milk thistle seeds have long been used to treat a variety of diseases of the liver and gallbladder, and as a result of a thorough study, it was found that the uniqueness of its medicinal properties is due to a strong complex of flavonolignans, later called "silymarin".

As it turned out, one of the main advantages of silymarin is the protection and strengthening of hepatocyte membranes. The issues of protecting liver cells in our time deserve increasing relevance, given the deterioration of the environmental situation, the influence of antibiotics, various toxic substances, etc. Silymarin stimulates metabolic processes, at the same time protecting cells from negative effects, and also promotes their recovery (regeneration). It is difficult to find another such plant that could successfully compete with milk thistle.

Seeds or preparations based on milk thistle can be safely called a "universal remedy". As the analysis of medical prescriptions indicates, recently there has been a clear trend in the appointment of milk thistle preparations as an additional remedy in the treatment of various diseases, where the use of antibiotics and other medicines that have a negative effect on the functions of the liver, and the body as a whole.

Experiments on laboratory animals have shown that silymarin either completely neutralizes liver poisons or minimizes the damaging factor. Even experiments with the most dangerous poison of the green fly agaric have shown that the use of milk thistle has a positive effect.

Medicinal preparations of milk thistle

The pharmaceutical industry produces a variety of drugs, of which the most famous "Silibor" And "Silibinin" (synonym - "Silymarin"). « Silibor" is the sum of flavonoids from seeds, and " Silymarin» - a complex of flavonolignans purified from ballast substances. Prescribe drugs for the treatment of liver cirrhosis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, cholangitis, etc. The drugs are also prescribed as an adjunct in diabetes mellitus, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of a chronic nature, with functional disorders of the liver associated with the toxic effects of alcohol, toxic substances and radionuclides.

The drug "Cholelithin No. 1". It contains alcohol tincture of milk thistle seeds. Used in the treatment of gallstone disease

Milk thistle oil. In the pharmacy network there is an opportunity to purchase "Milk Thistle Oil", obtained in the industry by pressing. It is easy to prepare an analogue of "oil" at home by maceration (infusion), using inert vegetable oils, for example, olive. The recommended proportions of raw materials to the extractor are 1:2 (by weight). Grind seeds (200 g) in a coffee grinder, pour into a glass container and pour vegetable oil, preheated to 60 ° C. The container with the composition must be carefully wrapped, for a longer preservation of thermal energy. In a day, as a rule, the drug is ready, it remains only to filter the oil and squeeze out the raw material.

- Diseases of the internal organs. Diseases of the liver (cirrhosis, toxic lesions, fatty hepatosis, etc.), kidney, spleen, thyroid gland, varicose veins, metabolic disorders (exhaustion, dropsy, obesity).

1) Pour a glass of water (250 ml) into powder prepared from 15 g of milk thistle seeds, cook at a moderate boil until the volume of liquid is halved. Take every hour for 1 tbsp.

2) 20 - 30 minutes before meals, take 1 tsp. seed powder. Drink boiled water.

3) Medicinal decoction. Pour a glass of water with a mixture obtained by mixing the leaves and roots of the plant - 1 tbsp. Boil for half an hour, after cooling, filter and bring the volume of liquid to the initial one, adding boiled water. Take 1 tbsp before meals.

During the course (30 days) follow a diet, excluding animal fats and alcohol from the diet. If necessary, the course is repeated, taking a break of 14 days.

Urinary retention, sciatica, tendency to convulsions, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Prepare a tincture: for half a liter of vodka - 50 g of crushed seeds. Infuse for 2 weeks, shaking the contents from time to time. Take the drug 20-30 drops with water, half an hour before meals.

Obesity, edema, constipation .

For a glass of water - 1 tbsp. milk thistle roots. Keep for half an hour in a water bath, in an enamel or glass container, under the lid. After filtering, bring the volume of liquid to the initial one. Use up to 6 or more times a day, 1 tsp. (recommended every 2 hours).

Tendency to cramps, sciatica, arthritis .

Chopped milk thistle roots - 1 tablespoon, water - 250 ml. Warm in a water bath for half an hour, stirring constantly. Insist 10 minutes. Eat three times a day for 1 tbsp. (before meals for half an hour).

Gastrointestinal diseases .

Grind milk thistle grass in a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice. Dilute in a glass of hot water 1 tsp. fresh juice. Use up to 6 times a day for 1 - 2 tbsp.

Metabolic disorders (salt deposition). Stones in the liver, gout, kidney and gall, osteochondrosis.

Insist in a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. crushed roots, strain after 2 hours. Consume 1 tbsp half an hour before meals.

Chronic gastritis and colitis, constipation, inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa .

Take fresh milk thistle juice, 1 tbsp. three times a day.

Hypotension against the background of menopause .

Boil 30 g of crushed milk thistle seeds in 250 ml of water (boil for 15 minutes). Use every 2 hours for 1 tbsp. decoction. You can prepare an alcohol (vodka) tincture; proportion ratio 1:5, insist 14 days. Medicinal tincture to use 30 drops before meals.

Liver protection (alcohol, tobacco, antibiotics, etc.) .

Before meals (or with meals) consume seed powder, 1 tsp.

Medicinal properties of milk thistle oil

- In violation of metabolic processes, to purify the blood, restore liver function. Use oil for 1 tsp. three times a day;

- Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Consume 1 hour before meals, 1 tsp. oils, up to 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 30 days.

- Gastritis, liver disease (fatty hepatosis, hepatitis, alcohol intoxication, cirrhosis), diseases of the gallbladder and ducts (biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis). 1 hour before meals, use oil 1 tsp. In the treatment of liver diseases, the course is 6 months, in other cases up to 3 months.

- Cervical erosion. Before going to bed - douching with a decoction of bergenia, followed by the introduction of a tampon with milk thistle oil into the vagina (all night). Procedures are carried out every other day. On the course you need to take 10 - 15 procedures.

- Burns and other traumatic injuries of the skin. After treating the wound surface with a decoction of calendula, bergenia or sage, apply a compress with milk thistle oil. Carry out 10 - 15 procedures

- Periodontitis, stomatitis. After preliminary treatment of the oral cavity with astringents, apply a bandage with milk thistle oil. The duration of the application is 30 minutes.

- If a party with a heavy effect of alcohol is expected, then in order to neutralize its negative effect, it is recommended to take 1 tbsp in advance. milk thistle seed powder.

- For preventive purposes, it is useful for each person to consume milk thistle powder on an empty stomach, 20-30 minutes before breakfast. Reception dose - 1 tsp.

– Milk thistle “works” more effectively at night, from 1 to 3 hours. It is at this time that active blood purification takes place in the liver.

- Salads with the addition of milk thistle leaves are an excellent disease prevention. Trim sharp thorns from the leaves in advance. The combination of milk thistle with yarrow leaves and wood lice is very useful for the prevention and treatment of pancreatic problems (including diabetes), and it is also a significant support for the reproductive capacity of men.

— Milk thistle baths stimulate the processes of purification of blood, lymph, and skin. To prepare a decoction, finely chopped coarse part of the plant (stems) is used. For 10 liters of water, you need 250 g of milk thistle, boil for a quarter of an hour and insist for another half an hour. Take baths with a temperature of 37 - 38 ° C. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. The course requires 10-15 procedures.

- In case of liver diseases, it is reasonable to combine milk thistle with decoctions of dandelion and burdock.

- In diseases of the stomach and intestines, in addition to milk thistle, tea from wormwood, mint or lemon balm is recommended.

Medicinal properties of milk thistle in folk medicine

If the liver is "playing around"

Discomfort in the right hypochondrium, dull pain - these symptoms indicate problems with the liver. In order for the process not to go into a chronic stage, it is necessary to conduct a course of purification and restoration.

  1. cleansing. Brew in half a liter of boiling water a mixture of birch buds (a handful) and unpeeled oats (half a glass). Insist in a thermos for 6 hours. Take 1 glass before or after meals (before / after 2 hours). Continue the cleansing course for 3 days, preparing a fresh decoction daily.
  2. Recovery. Use milk thistle (seed) powder 1 tsp. half an hour before meals - three times a day. In the interval between 1 and 3 o'clock in the morning, additionally take the indicated dose of powder, washing down with a decoction of burdock. After a couple of days, the condition should stabilize.

A worthy replacement for "Essentiale «

Milk thistle and dandelion root extracts are part of the effective Liv Guard preparation, which is used to treat a variety of diseases of the liver and gallbladder. "Liv Guard" counteracts the growth of connective tissue and inhibits liver fibrosis. Obviously, it is not possible to prepare a complete analogue of the drug at home, since dry extracts are obtained by vacuum drying alcohol tinctures. However, the very idea of ​​the developers about the combination of milk thistle and dandelion was adopted by traditional healers, who recommend preparing a powder from equal parts of milk thistle seeds and dandelion roots.

"Oil Balm"

An effective folk remedy consisting of "tykveol" (pumpkin seed oil) and milk thistle oil, with the addition of menthol. The drug is intended for the treatment of any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and spleen, diseases of the liver, gallbladder. The use of the balm stimulates intestinal motility, eliminates constipation, promotes crushing and removal of stones from the kidneys and gallbladder, helps to cope with metabolic disorders in the body. Essential mint oil stimulates the secretory activity of the digestive glands, eliminates putrefactive processes in the intestines. The balm improves brain activity, stabilizes the work of the heart, strengthens the immune system and speeds up the recovery of the body after surgery or a long illness. As an adjuvant, it is used for atherosclerosis, vitiligo, the treatment of edema, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the blood system, etc. For cooking, you need 200 ml of milk thistle oil, 100 ml of "tykveol" (sold in pharmacies) and 4 - 5 drops of essential mint oil. Take up to four times a day, 1 dessert spoon (half an hour before meals). The course of treatment is 30 days.

Healing "kvass"

Crush milk thistle seeds in a mortar and pestle. Pour 1 cup of crushed seeds into a gauze bag, on the bottom of which a load (pebbles) is laid in advance. Lower the bag into a 3-liter jar and pour whey, in which 1 glass of granulated sugar is diluted. Tie the neck of the jar with gauze and leave to ferment in a dark place. After a week, strain the “kvass” and store in the refrigerator. Before use, heat the required amount of "kvass" to the temperature of fresh milk. Take 100 ml up to 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 21 days. A break between courses (if necessary, repetition) - 1 week. Possible adverse reactions: belching, loose stools.

Side effects and contraindications

There is an opinion that the treatment of milk thistle is not dangerous in all respects, which casts doubt on the well-known healer Andrey Alefirov. Rarely, but in sensitive patients, allergic reactions in the form of a rash are possible. Against the background of taking, an exacerbation of varicose veins of the lower extremities and hemorrhoids is likely.

An overdose of milk thistle preparations also does not always go unnoticed - often there is heaviness in the right hypochondrium, belching and bloating.

Long-term internal use of milk thistle leads to a slowdown in blood circulation in the liver - blood stagnation appears, which, in turn, leads to congestion in the portal (inferior vena cava) vein system.

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