Insurance for children up to adulthood: types, advantages and disadvantages. Compulsory accident insurance for children All accumulated funds can be spent

A service such as insurance for children until adulthood helps to make a certain contribution to the child’s coming of age and provide him with financial support in the event of an unfavorable situation. It is quite popular among policy buyers.

This type of insurance is relatively new in our country. It is most common in large cities, although it is little used nationwide. It is believed that as the welfare of Russians grows, insurance for children up to adulthood is also becoming more popular.

The concept of this service

The key feature is the different personalities of the policyholder and the insured. In the first case, the parents act, and in the second, accordingly, the children. The agreement can also be concluded with the legal adoptive parents, guardians or other relatives of the minor. After the death of the policyholder, his rights are transferred to other persons who will protect the interests of the insured.

The contract is concluded for insurance of children from 1 year to adulthood, the other party must be between the ages of 18 and 60 years. The company, according to it, is obliged to pay the insured an appropriate payment upon the occurrence of a particular event.

There are three key groups of policies for children:

  • accumulative;
  • medical;
  • risky and others.

Below we will consider some types of them in more detail.

Classification of policies

Insurance of children up to the age of majority is carried out on a voluntary basis by their parents or older relatives. Besides this, there are also the following types:

  • Compulsory medical insurance and voluntary medical insurance – compulsory or voluntary health insurance. In the second case, the policy provides for the possibility of treatment and services in paid institutions, but its cost is also quite considerable. The first one is funded by the state and does not provide any additional guarantees regarding the quality of service provision.
  • Newborn policy is a type of voluntary health insurance for children under one year old.
  • Life insurance against accident or illness and other savings programs.

Many parents set the main goal of purchasing such a policy to save money for the child’s adulthood.

How the contract works

Insurance of children up to adulthood occurs on the basis of a document. Such an agreement contains a list of risks that the insurer does not recognize if they occur to a minor over 14 years of age. If the child has not yet reached this age, then the payments remain in force.

The insurance amount is agreed upon by the insurance company and the client individually. Contributions according to the documents are determined by the initiator of its conclusion. The contract is signed on the basis of an application, and a medical examination of the child is most often not required.

Termination of the document

The contribution for the child until the age of majority is supported by a concluded agreement. It comes into force from the moment of its signing; it may be terminated in the following cases:

  • upon expiration;
  • if the company has fulfilled all obligations declared in the document in full;
  • if the policyholder does not pay premiums within three months;
  • at his request with the return of the deposited funds in full by the company;
  • in the event of his death, with the condition of paying redemption funds to the beneficiary or the child himself.

After the expiration of the contract, a child who has reached the age of majority must appear at the office of the insurance company with an application to receive payment of the amount due to him. He must also attach the following documents to it:

  • identification;
  • policy;
  • documents that confirm the facts of cases that involve insurance of children.

How to insure a child under the VHI program?

The purchase of such a policy, as mentioned earlier, helps to ensure quality service in paid clinics, taking into account a wide package of services throughout the entire period of its validity.

According to it, the child can be provided with the following:

  • emergency medical assistance;
  • dental services;
  • care from a pediatrician;
  • hospital treatment;
  • outpatient examination;
  • vaccinations.

Insurance for children under adulthood under this program can include all of the listed activities, as well as individual ones - for a certain number of times or for unlimited service. Each type of policy has a different cost.

Features of endowment insurance

Such a policy is relevant if the parent or other relative of the child plans to pay for his education in the future, as well as purchase housing or a car. Such a program is a cross between insurance and a bank deposit. Its essence is this: its initiator is obliged to deposit funds within the time specified in the contract, and when the period comes to an end, he receives them in his hands, taking into account the investments.

In this case, the insured party can be not only a child, but also an adult himself, but the beneficiary will still be a minor. So, in the event of the death of a parent or relative who entered into an agreement, he will still receive the amount due to him; if everyone is alive and well, this will happen when the term of the concluded agreement with the company expires.

It can refuse to pay the insurance amount only when the other party deliberately harms itself in order to receive it in advance.

Advantages and disadvantages of deposits

The advantages of funded insurance programs for children are obvious: first of all, high prices for real estate and education. Therefore, many parents prefer to take care of these benefits for their children right from birth, so that when they reach adulthood, they can move into their own apartment, buy a car, or pay for higher education.

Also a huge advantage of such insurance is their term. During this period, you can deposit significant funds into your child’s account and, unlike short-term bank deposits, there will be no temptation to withdraw them and spend them for other purposes.

There are also disadvantages to this type of insurance. For example, with child insurance, fairly high taxes are levied when the child receives a specified amount upon reaching a specified age.

Features of insurance for children under age in Russia

Since such a program is not yet very widespread throughout the country, many are a little wary of it. Others don’t even know if insurance exists until adulthood.

The sale of policies in this area is constantly growing, mainly due to voluntary health insurance. Over the past five years, children's health insurance has increased in demand by more than 300 percent. Experts look at this with optimism and associate it with a general increase in the well-being of citizens who are ready to invest in promising services for their children.

The average cost of a children's insurance contract today ranges from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. But there are practically no restrictions in terms of indicating certain amounts. Policies even for quite impressive amounts will not be too expensive. In particular, you can insure a child under 16 years of age at a rate of only one percent of the figure specified in the contract.

If you, as parents, want to purchase the same medical or accident insurance for your schoolchild, then it is best to do this together with the parents of his classmates. Collective insurance for children will cost much less.

The company can make payments in connection with a particular case only when it receives the original document that can confirm it. For example, a certificate from a clinic. The recipient of funds is not always entitled to the full amount; it all depends on one or another risk. For example, if a finger is cut, parents can count on three percent of the figure specified in the contract; if a child breaks a leg, then six percent. The entire amount can only be paid in the event of death or disability.

Naturally, the existing system of insurance for children under adulthood has its pros and cons; it suits some, but does not suit others. In this way, you can help a minor in a difficult situation financially or provide quality medical care. The insurance market does not stand still and new attractive programs are offered to clients, in particular those related to children.

It seems that you can insure anything and anyone can do it. However, it turns out that in order to conclude an insurance contract, a property interest associated with the object is necessary. This means that you are no longer free to insure everything. But even insuring does not mean receiving insurance money. Depending on the object of insurance, certain requirements are imposed on you as the policyholder, and if you plan to receive money during an insured event, you need to be recognized as a beneficiary from a legal point of view.

In other words, not everyone who pays calls the tune. Let's look at the concepts in different types of insurance. So, can I insure...

…REAL ESTATE. Real estate insurance is based on title documents confirming your ownership, lease or other property interest. Any person who uses this property and is interested in its safety can insure real estate. Therefore, to insure an apartment, it is enough to be registered in it and run a joint household with the owner. If the apartment is jointly owned by several persons, any owner can act as the insured.

Only the owner can exercise the right to receive insurance payment on the basis of a certificate of ownership. If there are several owners, then one of them is designated as the beneficiary under the contract and he receives the full amount of compensation. If the insured property is rented, the tenant can receive payment from the insurance company only with the written consent of the owner. The same applies to mortgaged real estate - you can receive payments only with the consent of the bank that issued the loan, or the amount is transferred to the bank to pay off the debt.

…HOUSE PROPERTY. Household property can also be insured by any person interested in its safety. Unlike real estate, this property does not have documents identifying its owner. Therefore, household property is insured at the permanent place of residence, the address is indicated in the policy, and the insured and beneficiary is any person registered in this apartment or the owner of a country house.

…AUTOMOBILE. Like insurance of any property, motor vehicle insurance requires a property interest in its safety. Theoretically, any driver admitted to driving has such an interest, however, in recent years, insurers have been inclined to a clear requirement - only the owner of the title is the insured, and he is also the beneficiary of all insured events.

Exceptions are cases of purchasing a vehicle under a general power of attorney or on credit. If you draw up a general power of attorney with the previous owner, then the latter cannot be fully called the former, because the power of attorney may be revoked or expired. In this regard, you should carefully check the text of the power of attorney and find in it not only the right to use, sell a vehicle and other actions, but also the right to conclude an insurance contract and receive insurance payments. Without this phrase in the power of attorney, not a single insurer will pay you money for insurance.

If the car was purchased on credit, then for the risk of “damage” the buyer is considered the beneficiary, but in the event of theft or death, the bank is considered the beneficiary in the amount of the outstanding loan.

...LIFE AND HEALTH. When it comes to health, the person himself, his family, employer or business partner, as well as the creditor bank have a material interest. It is these persons who can primarily act as policyholders, but theoretically this can be any person who agrees to make a contribution. The Policyholder does not acquire any rights to receive money in personal insurance. Only the insured person or the organization providing services under the insurance (hospital or service company) can count on compensation, but one way or another the insured person receives help.

In the event of death (accident insurance or life insurance), it is obvious that the insured is not able to receive payment, therefore, in the contract, with his written consent, a beneficiary is appointed. Even if the person indicated by the insured is not his heir by law, no one has the right to challenge his receipt of insurance benefits in the event of the death of the insured. If such a person has not been appointed, then the beneficiaries will be the heirs at law after assuming the rights of inheritance. Such agreements are concluded by employers in favor of employees, because do not have the opportunity to obtain written consent from each employee.

... LIABILITY The insured in the contract can be any person who believes that in the course of his activities he can cause harm to someone, and the victims automatically become beneficiaries. We began to get used to this principle with the introduction of compulsory motor liability insurance, and at first, not everyone understood why I paid for the policy, but someone else paid for the repairs.

There are many other types of liability where we can act as beneficiaries. Most professional activities involve liability to the client, so if you are interested in insuring your rights, you can check the availability of a liability insurance contract with builders, notaries, appraisers, realtors, doctors at paid clinics and beauty salons. A liability insurance contract guarantees you quality services and compensation in case of errors and accidents. In addition, the presence of a liability insurance contract for these professionals will once again confirm the reliability of the organization you have chosen.

In recent years, children's insurance programs have become very popular in the Russian Federation. Thanks to such policies, parents can protect their children from any accidents, save money for their education, etc.

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Child insurance is an absolutely “transparent” procedure, which is carried out in accordance with Russian Federal legislation.

What it is

Children's insurance is a special type of economic relationship between the insurer and the policyholder. During this procedure, a corresponding agreement is signed between the child’s parents and the insurance company.

The insurer assumes obligations, depending on the type of insurance chosen, to accrue interest on the insurance premiums of policyholders.

Payments will be made only after the occurrence of an insured event, or upon expiration of the contract.

Most public and private insurance companies allow Russian citizens to take out insurance policies for children from infancy until adulthood.


Each parent may have their own reasons for insuring their child's life.

Various factors can influence a mother’s or father’s decision to purchase an insurance policy for their baby:

  • registering a child for a sports section;
  • taking care of your child’s health;
  • planning your baby's future, etc.

Every child who participates in insurance as an insured person gains a lot of advantages:

  • the right to study at a prestigious university;
  • the right to an independent, secure life and own housing;
  • the right to explore foreign and exotic countries as a tourist;
  • the right to receive quality medical care, etc.

What conditions exist?

Russian insurance companies set a number of conditions for clients that they should know about before participating in the insurance process:

  • issuing the type of insurance policy will directly depend on the financial capabilities of the parents;
  • the cost of the insurance policy may be affected by the duration of the contract;
  • When concluding a contract, the insurer assesses the child’s health status (medical certificates will testify to this), etc.

If an insured event occurs, the child’s parents must contact the insurance company and provide a complete package of documentation, which will include:

  • application of the established form;
  • an insurance policy issued by this company;
  • documents confirming the occurrence of an insured event (if the child was injured, then all medical certificates and expert opinions should be attached);
  • if the insured person has passed away, then it is necessary to attach a death certificate issued by the registry office.

What types are there, their features

Currently in Russia there are a large number of types of children's insurance policies that fall into the category of savings or risk insurance.

Contracts are concluded between the parents (or family members) of the child and insurance companies.

The validity period of these documents can be either record-breakingly short or extremely long (from 1 day to 10 years).

Such insurance programs set different rates and impose special requirements on policyholders and insured persons.

The most popular types of insurance are:

  • until adulthood;
  • sports insurance;
  • health insurance, etc.

Until adulthood

Insuring a child until he reaches adulthood has recently become popular among Russian citizens who think about “tomorrow.”

To issue such an insurance policy, you must fulfill the requirements of the insurer:

  • the child's age must be between 6 months and 15 years;
  • the age of the policyholder cannot be less than 18 years and no more than 60 years;
  • not only the child’s parents, but also close relatives and guardians can act as insurers;
  • the contract may indicate the following insured events: injuries, poisoning, illnesses (resulting in serious consequences), death, survival until the end of the contract;
  • With this type of insurance, the following are not recognized as an insured event: suicide, intentional self-injury by the insured person, etc.

The insurance contract “before adulthood” can be terminated by mutual agreement of the parties, as well as in cases provided for by current legislation.

The minimum tariff rate is 100 rubles. The procedure for filing an application for insurance payments is carried out in the usual way, in accordance with the Federal legislation of the Russian Federation.

Endowment insurance for children

The principle of accumulative insurance is as follows: during the validity of the contract, an amount of money will accumulate on the account of the insurance company, which should go to the insured person upon expiration of the insurance contract.

This fund is formed from monthly contributions made by policyholders.

For many Russian citizens, endowment insurance is a passive source of income. Thanks to an insurance policy, they gain confidence in the future.

For many people, especially those with a modest financial situation, endowment insurance is the only opportunity to ensure the future of their child.

All accumulated funds can be spent:

  • for a child’s education at a higher educational institution;
  • for a wedding;
  • to purchase a separate home for a grown child;
  • for travel to foreign countries, etc.

An accumulative insurance policy will provide protection from the first year of a child’s life, until he reaches adulthood, both from illnesses and accidents.


Many sports sections register children only if they have an insurance policy. This is explained by the fact that when playing such sports, children often get injured and coaches, thus, try to relieve themselves of responsibility.

Today, a large number of insurers operating in the Russian Federation are actively involved in insuring young athletes.

To issue an insurance policy, you must fulfill a number of requirements of the insurer:

  • the child’s age cannot exceed 18 years;
  • the minimum age of the insured person cannot be less than 1 year;
  • the child must engage in a certain sport constantly, at least once a week, etc.

To conclude an agreement with the selected insurer, the child’s parents will need to provide the following information:

  • Full name and date of birth of the baby;
  • address information (where the child lives);
  • Parents' contact numbers and passport details.

The validity period of the insurance contract cannot exceed 1 year. After this time, the child’s parents can renew the contract with their insurer.

This document can be concluded for 1 day if the baby plans to take part in any competitions.

If necessary, parents can conclude an agreement for the summer period if their child will rest and train in a sports camp.


Currently, there are a large number of insurers on the domestic market that offer various insurance programs intended only for children.

They differ from each other in many respects, in particular in the amount of payments that can be received upon the occurrence of an insured event.

Comparative table of children's insurance in different companies:

Every loving parent should take care not only of the health, but also of the safety of their baby. Not all mothers and fathers have the opportunity to constantly be with their child in order to protect him from all adversity and misfortune.

The only way to protect your child from all troubles is insurance, which provides for various risks that may await him along the path of life.

Providing a child with “starting capital” for adulthood is not easy. Not everyone is able to save money for years, but you really want to create a reliable financial foundation for your son or daughter! Insurance companies understand this and offer an interesting service – endowment life insurance for children.

What is endowment insurance for a child?

This is similar to a long-term deposit in a bank. The parent (guardian, relative) enters into an insurance contract and names the child as the insured person. While the contract is in force, the insurance amount accumulates in the insurance company’s accounts. It consists of contributions from parents and income from the investment of the insurance company itself. When the contract expires, the child receives the sum insured and interest on the investment.

What is the “insurance” element here? The fact is that when concluding the contract, those insured events are determined in the event of which the parent or child will receive compensation.

How does endowment life insurance work for children?

So, there are two components: “savings” and “insurance”. The contract is concluded for a long period (standardly from 10 to 18 years), during which time you can save up to several million rubles for your child. As a rule, the child receives this money upon reaching adulthood. You can spend them:

  • to study at a university;
  • to buy an apartment;
  • for a wedding;
  • for other purposes, specified or not specified in the insurance contract.

A lot will happen in 10-18 years: what if the policyholder (i.e. parent, relative, guardian) gets injured, becomes disabled or dies? These cases are provided for in the contract:

  • after an injury or accident, the policyholder receives payment for treatment;
  • in the event of disability or death, the insurance company will pay contributions in his place (more on this below).

Depending on the type and terms of the contract, payments may also be made in case of an accident with a child. However, first of all, the endowment insurance contract is aimed at ensuring that save the insurance amount for the baby– regardless of what happens to his parents.


Olga is a single mother. She entered into an endowment insurance agreement for her son, who recently turned 1 year old. The insurance will be valid for 17 years (until the son comes of age), during which time 3.5 million rubles will accumulate in the insurance company’s account. Her son will receive this money when he turns 18.

Olga includes additional conditions in the contract: insurance against accidents and serious illnesses. Now she can count on an insurance payment if she is hospitalized due to an injury (fall, broken arm or leg) or due to a critical illness - heart attack, cancer, etc. Over the course of 17 years, Olga actually contacted the insurance company a couple of times: once she got into an accident and received a concussion, and another time she suffered a stroke. In both cases, the insurance company paid her the cost of treatment.

A woman could include insurance protection for her child against accidents in the contract. Then her son would also be paid compensation if he were injured during a walk, training or sports competition. But the fees would have become unaffordable for Olga, and she abandoned this idea.

When the term of accumulative insurance under the contract expired, Olga’s son received 3.5 million + 150 thousand rubles in income from investments.

Conditions for children's savings insurance

Any adult has the right to enter into an agreement, no matter who the child is related to. His age must be from 18 to 55-60 years (depending on the requirements of the specific insurance company). The age of the insured child can range from six months to a year to 15-17 years.

The contract specifies:

  • guaranteed amount of the insured amount (how much the insured will receive without taking into account interest on investments);
  • level of guaranteed profitability (usually from 3.5%);
  • size and frequency of contributions (contributions under the children's savings insurance program occur quarterly, annually or every 6 months);
  • validity;
  • insurance cases;
  • various additional conditions.

Important! If a parent or guardian dies or becomes disabled and can no longer pay contributions, the insurance will still be valid. This is possible thanks to the option of exemption from insurance premiums - most insurance companies include it in the contract “by default”. This condition is the main feature of children's savings insurance. Since anything can happen in 10-15 years, such a guarantee serves as powerful support for policyholders and children.

The meaning of savings insurance

Essentially, this is a passive source of income and a “financial cushion” for the future. There is no need to talk about stability now: there is a crisis in the yard, and it is difficult to predict the development of events. Endowment insurance gives confidence that the child will receive starting cash support, regardless of everyday storms.

Such insurance is especially relevant for poor people, because it often becomes the only opportunity to arrange the future of a son or daughter. Endowment insurance contracts are concluded by grandparents, as well as divorced parents. In addition, this is a good opportunity to transfer savings personally to the child, bypassing unwanted relatives. After all, relations between divorced spouses and their relatives are often strained.

Other types of child insurance

In addition to accumulative insurance for children, there is voluntary health insurance and accident insurance.

  • not much different from an “adult”. The principle of operation is the same - the child undergoes treatment in reputable clinics, and the insurance company reimburses medical expenses. Children's VHI policies include visits to the child by doctors at home, treatment sessions with specific children's doctors (for example, a speech therapist), etc. Voluntary health insurance is often “combined” by age - there are programs for infants, children from 4 to 13 years old, teenagers from 14 to 18, etc.
  • – the type of insurance protection that is relevant for child athletes. The policy can be valid for a whole year or only on competition days, around the clock or during training and competitions. There are also expanded versions of insurance that include “exotic” insured events: insect and animal bites, poisoning. If your child goes on a hike or travels with you on a long journey, such a policy will be useful to him.

Both types of insurance are useful: unfortunately, children often find themselves in critical situations, and the matter is not always limited to bruises and abrasions.

Do not rush to conclude an insurance contract, no matter what type of insurance it relates to. Compare the conditions of the largest insurers, find as much information as possible about various insurance companies. The main thing is to choose a company that will definitely not go bankrupt or leave the market for other reasons over the next 10-20 years (especially when it comes to endowment insurance).

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