Michael Newton's past life regression. Michael Newton: past life regression is a reality

A well-known American specialist in the field of regressive hypnosis, a member of the American Association of Consultant Hypnologists, Ph.D. Michael Newton was initially rather skeptical about the phenomenon of reincarnation. However, many years of practice associated with the treatment of psychological trauma in his patients, unexpectedly led him to a lot of evidence that this phenomenon is quite real.

And this is how he himself told about it: “I am a traditional psychotherapist and initially I did not work with past life regression, with nothing that I do now. I have worked with behavior correction and my patients were people suffering from insomnia, depression and other disorders.

Once a man came to me and asked: "If you use hypnosis, could you send me to my past life?" Then I was very arrogant and said that I did not do such things, that I belong to the traditional "academic" orientation in my worldview and that he should turn to someone else.

However, what happened next is what happened. Several years later, a client came to me complaining of pain in his side. He said that he had already turned to many doctors, did an X-ray and was told that it was psychosomatic pain, i.e. the reason is in his thoughts. And what if he just forgets about it, then the pain will go away. But the pain was so intense that he could not get enough sleep. And he asked me: could I find its root cause in his childhood, could I do a regression in his childhood?

I conducted such a session and examined many aspects from his childhood, but there was no case of falling onto sharp objects and being stabbed with a knife. Nothing that could cause such a sharp pain in my side. Not satisfied with these results, I told this man, who, by the way, very quickly entered a hypnotic state. This is an important point because this is the "key" to the past life work that I am now doing. I said, "Go to the source of your pain. Tell me about the first time you felt it."

And suddenly he found himself on the battlefield in France during the First World War, fighting for the British division. This is how a person simply regressed into one of his past lives and, at the same time, continued to lie on my couch. And I am very skeptical by nature and I asked to describe the stripes of his division on his arm, what kind of battle it is, where he is, with whom he is fighting. Because I did not believe in what was happening at the session. He described all the details quite accurately. And I was a history buff, so I knew he was accurate in his words.

Then I realized that this was my first experience with past life regressions. I was confused, like a little boy lost in the kitchen when Mom was not around. After that incident, I realized that past life regression is a reality. I, of course, was skeptical and did a lot of experiments, after which time passed and then I had another case almost by accident.

I was approached by a woman who complained of loneliness and isolation from society, despite the presence of people around her. She felt like she was not part of this world. She felt disoriented in the life she was leading and even contemplated suicide. I also started working with this woman, but without touching on past lives. We worked with her childhood, reviewing her early years under hypnosis, and nothing that could cause such a state appeared.

But, as with that man, I asked her, "Go to the source of your loneliness and lack of companion." And again she sank very quickly and deeply to the level of hypnotic somnambulism. She was very hypnotizable. And then she said, "Right now, I see all my companions right in front of me."

I did not understand, thinking: "Who are we talking about? What is this" support group ", who are all these people?". And she stared at the wall of my office and said: "These are my kindred spirits." There were eight of them and she described who is who. I could not believe it, ants ran down my spine, because then I was talking to someone who was talking about life between lives. And that was an area that I had never dealt with, never read any books about it. And then there were no such books where this topic would be touched upon.

After that incident, I began to explore the area of ​​stay between lives. Since then, gradually, it has become my practice to help people who would like to learn about their immortal nature. People began to come to me asking who they really are, who their soul mates are, what kind of spiritual group they have, why are they here on Earth, etc. For me, these are the main questions in life and their psychological benefit is that the knowledge of these answers supports and gives them strength. This is how I got to where I am today. "

Mile Newton was far from the only American hypnotherapist who encountered in his practice the experiences of recalling past lives, but he was one of the first and, back in 1994, wrote a book about this, "Travels of the Soul". He also penned the books "The Purpose of the Soul" and "Life Between Lives", written in 2000 and 2004. All these books have also been published in Russian.

Unfortunately for us, this wonderful researcher, who, despite his former skepticism, was not afraid to face the facts, and himself last year embarked on his new journey "between lives", which someday all of us will have to travel.

Regressive hypnosis traces its origins to research by renowned specialists from the United States such as Dr. Brian Weiss (psychiatrist), Dr. Michael Newton (psychologist) and Dolores Cannon (hypnotherapist), whose methods are now used by hypnotherapists and regressologists around the world and whose books are published in huge editions. in many countries, including Russia.

Allows you to penetrate the closed doors of our unconscious and gain access to repressed or blocked memories. In a trance state, you can find the information that has been erased from our memory, but periodically causes negative consequences. You can find out how much a regressive hypnosis session costs on the page - regressive hypnosis cost

After all, our subconscious mind stores everything that we have ever experienced in our current life. He does not evaluate or analyze events, but stores them, simply storing everything in his memory, including the emotions associated with these events. But our mind, the highest level of our consciousness, seeks to analyze, interpret, evaluate these events and supplant in order to protect everything that does not fit into our life. As a result, some memories in our perception begin to be forgotten or changed. As a result, we sometimes cannot distinguish real events from fictional ones.

Modern hypnotherapists and regressologists use several methods of regression hypnosis, here are the main ones:

Brian Weiss Regressive Hypnosis

One of the most famous specialists in the field of regression is the regressologist, Dr. Brian Weiss. Graduate of Columbia University and Yale University School of Medicine. Professor of Psychiatry and author of the world bestseller Many Lives, Many Teachers He is one of the founders of modern past life regression. Investigating conflicts from the past, he became one of the supporters of the theory of soul re-incarnation. I did a lot of regressions. His method is based in particular on statements such as: “Our bodies sometimes recreate physical ailments to communicate trauma or loss in a previous life” and “Our souls meet in many lives.” This technique offers a spiritual journey of healing emotionally, physically and mentally.

Dr. Weiss believes that understanding our past lives is the key to overall harmony: “We all live in past lives. We will all live in the future. But what we do in this life will affect our life when we move on to immortality. "

Michael Newton's Inter-Life Return Method

- world renowned American hypnotherapist, Ph.D (Doctor of Philosophy), a long time member of the ACA (American Counseling Association), he developed a form of reincarnation therapy through regression in "Life Between Lives" (interpersonal soul period). He is the author of a series of books on past life regression research and reincarnation therapy: Journey of Souls 1994, Destiny of Souls 2000. and Life Between Lives 2004. All these books have become bestsellers and have been translated into many languages, and now these editions are sold in Russia as well.
What is the essence of Michael Newton's regressive hypnosis? While conducting hypnotherapy sessions, Michael Newton discovered that a person can see not only past lives (incarnations), but also visit a certain "new" space, which Newton called "life between lives." From that moment on, he began to explore this "kingdom of the imagination", in total he conducted more than 1000 hypnotic sessions, as a result of which he developed a special technique. The basis of the technique of this regression is the attainment of a deeper trance state than with ordinary regression sessions in past incarnations. Also, as a result of his work, the concepts of "group of souls", "spiritual mentor", "guide", "the process of choosing a new incarnation" and much more were created.
Also, according to M. Newton, regressions in the interpersonal period (LBL) are more therapeutic in comparison with regressions in previous lives. Since past lives are able to heal only old "traumas", while knowledge of their "spiritual universe" between lives provides us with broader "goals" and opens up more global meanings and perspectives.

Dolores Cannon Method - Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®)

In contrast to the hypnotherapist Michael Newton's method, where the subconscious is the prerogative of everything and working with it, the Quantum Therapy (QHHT®) method is aimed at caring for the client's health through his mental well-being. For many years in a row, Dolores Cannon, as a practicing hypnotherapist, has collected a huge amount of information (including historical), conducting. This resulted in her numerous books. At the same time, she always tried to emphasize that the area of ​​"subconsciousness" with which she has to work is not such in the definition of the theory of Sigmund Freud and used by most modern psychiatrists. This part of the subconscious is rather "Superconsciousness", the very main and most unexplored part of our mind.
What is the main idea of ​​QHHT® technology?
Guided by the latest research and advances in quantum physics, Dolores suggested that our thoughts, to one degree or another, dictate to us the reality in which we live. And there is a large body of scientific evidence proving that thought has a direct, measurable effect on physical matter. This is absolutely logical when you consider that all matter is just energy vibrating at different frequencies. Thought is a projection of energy and we have evolved to the point where we consciously control our thoughts and what we think. For example, the words "I love you" and "I hate you" are physical thought energy projects. Now think about the effect of these phrases on the physical bodies to which these words are addressed.
The goal is not to convince you of anything that you are not ready to accept, and not to persuade you to reject everything you know and cherish, the goal is to provide you with a platform on which you can understand yourself. QHHT® technology works and delivers results.

Aurelio mejia mesa is a renowned Colombian psychotherapist and regressologist who has been working in hypnosis techniques since 1995. Introspective hypnosis is a technique that combines hypnosis with the dynamics of forgiveness and spirituality to achieve behavioral changes and relieve the patient's symptoms. Regression therapy is used here as a way to understand how our experiences, beliefs and memories "create our own reality." Once we are able to understand and delve into our experience, we can understand meaning with clarity, which will enable us to make the necessary changes in our lives. Introspective hypnotic therapy helps reprogram the habits, fears, guilt, and attitudes that affect the subject. And the overcoming of which is the main goal of therapy.

In 1994, with the publication of The Journey of the Soul by Michael Newton, Ph.D., life as we know it, with all the troubling questions of why we are here and where we are headed, came to an end.

In this book, the culmination of over 20 years of hypnotic regression research with over 7,000 clients, Dr. Newton describes startling discoveries about our existence in the spirit world after physical death.

Michael Newton's method led to the following discoveries:

  • what a person feels at the time of death,
  • meeting with spiritual mentors,
  • the purpose of life and the manifestation of the "creator".

Past Life Bestsellers

With the help of 29 cases from his practice, which were used to write the first book, he outlined the sequence of events that the soul goes through from the moment of physical death to the moment of choosing to return to physical reality.

In his second book, The Purpose of the Soul, published in 2000 and recognized as the "Best Metaphysical Book of the Year" at the Chicago Book Exposition, Dr. Newton explores the inner workings of the spirit realm in more detail through over 67 case studies.

Topics covered include:

  • astral planes,
  • soul grouping system and community dynamics,
  • council of elders,
  • soul development,
  • time lines,
  • body selection,
  • communication of the soul with people on earth and much more.

These two bestselling books have been translated into over twenty-five languages ​​and constitute what might be called a spiritual guide.

Dr. Newton has now retired from practice, but has taught other hypnotherapists over the years the techniques he uses in hypnotic regression to travel into the space of life between lives.

His new book, Life Between Lives: Hypnosis for Spiritual Regression, written for practitioners, is a step-by-step guide to the methodology and key phrases used in the process of conducting hypnotic regression into the spiritual realms.

Full of new and more recent case studies, the book will also appeal to non-practitioners familiar with Dr. Newton's work and those who want more information about life between lives.

Together, these three books constitute a complete trilogy of what can only be described as the most amazing, life-changing advancement in cognition ever transmitted to humanity.

After passing the highest scientific methodological test, the findings of Dr. Newton's research have been validated by other hypnotherapists around the world exploring life between lives.

Dr. Newton, consultant psychologist, master hypnotherapist, teacher and author, is also the founder of the Spiritual Regression Society, an international organization dedicated to teaching experienced hypnotherapists the techniques used to regress life between lives.

Discovery of life between lives. Michael Newton's method

Mary: According to your books, you encountered life-to-life regression by accident while performing a routine hypnotic past life regression. What were the circumstances of this discovery?

Dr. Newton: One day a woman came to me claiming that she felt isolated from society and had a great desire to be with her old friends.

I asked her if these old friends who were not around were not her childhood friends, and she said: "No, I do not see them in my present life, only in my dreams."

I put this woman into deep hypnosis and asked her if these absent friends were people she had met during her adult life.

“No,” she answered again.

Were they absent childhood friends?

“No,” she said again.

Then we began to research a number of past lives, and two such dear friends began to appear. But she kept saying that she hadn't seen most of them, and what she really wanted was to see them all together.

According to her, this was the reason why she felt so isolated. At this point, I had no idea where we were and was discouraged.

What I didn’t realize was that this was a highly receptive woman who immersed herself deeper into what I later learned was a necessary element for introducing a person into what I call a "superconscious state."

I inadvertently used words with her that I later learned were the "key" words for conducting spiritual regression. In this case, it was the word "group".

I finally asked her if there was ever a time in her existence when she was not alone, because she was with a "group" of friends, and she immediately exclaimed: "Yes!"

So I just said, "Go there," and the next moment, with her eyes closed, she laughed and pointed at the wall in my office: "I see them all right now!"

I asked her: “Where are we? Are we in a past life? "

"No," she said, "I'm in the spirit world!"

This situation opened a new door for me. I have already done past life regressions - something that I have not used in my traditional practice before, so you can say that I was ready to "come to the party", referring to metaphysical work.

However, the results of this session changed everything in my life. I became obsessed with what had happened, replayed my notes over and over, made clarifications with other clients, and slowly this complex puzzle began to form into one picture.

A challenge to society

Mary: How has your work been received in academia?

Dr. Newton: When I first made the discovery that it is possible to touch the immortal soul and consciousness of a person with the help of deep hypnosis, I did not tell anyone about this.

Of course, the people I worked with knew about this, and they told their friends about it. Many of whom later became my clients, but I did not participate in metaphysical conventions, I did not go to bookstores for metaphysical books, because I did not want to be biased or influenced by anything.

I was just working alone, trying to piece it all together. Most of the research was done in the 60s and 70s, and I didn't even start writing Journey of the Soul until the 80s.

It took me several years to write the first book, because nothing like this had been written before, and I wanted this material to be understandable for people.

Some were delighted, mostly those who work with hypnotherapy, but by and large it is not a subject that is attractive to the average therapist.

The people who really accepted my job were the public who wanted information about what life is like on the other side, what is the purpose of life here, why they chose this body, etc.

Mary: For most people, religion has traditionally filled this gap in information regarding the afterlife. Did you have specific religious beliefs or beliefs prior to your research?

Dr. Newton: No, I was not a member of any religion or organization and, to be honest, I was never attracted to them. I still don't like them, although I respect people's faith, because it supports them.

My religious life, so to speak, consisted of philosophical research and interest in reincarnation. You could say that I was an atheist and I was curious why I was “chosen” by those who make the choice to do this kind of work and disclose this information to the public.

I cannot think of anyone more unskilled than me. However, since the beginning of my research, my clients have given me a new foundation of spiritual belief, and I owe a great deal to them.

The difference between memories and fantasy

Mary: How could you be sure that what people were telling you was a true spiritual experience and not a fantasy of theirs?

Dr. Newton: One of the main things a serious researcher should do is never offer a ready-made answer to a question. This leads to bias.

I treated each case as if I was listening to this information for the first time. I never asked such questions as: "Do you see this?", But usually asked: "What do you see?"

I had concerns at first that people might be describing their fantasies, although I knew this was not what happens in deep hypnosis. People in it don't fantasize. Their minds are too organized.

What convinced me to continue my research was the consistency of their descriptions. I was amazed that no matter what religion, culture or nationality the clients were, as soon as they went into a deep hypnotic state, they all pretty much told me the same thing.

Also, in recent years, I have trained other people around the world to do what I do, and their conclusions are the same as mine. This is a real test, and I'm happy about it.

Past life changes consciousness

Mary: Regarding the religious beliefs of your clients, do you find that their beliefs undergo any changes after watching life between lives under hypnosis?

Dr. Newton: Sometimes, for example, a Christian who first enters the spiritual plane and sees that someone is approaching him, says something like: "I see Jesus coming to me!"

I am very patient with people and careful with their personal religious beliefs. I say, “This is wonderful! Let this creature come a little closer and tell me what you see. "

However, when this essence comes closer, they change their minds and say: "No, this is not Jesus, this is this and that," which may be their friend or spiritual guide.

After the session, many wake up and cry with joy, tightly clutching tape recordings in their hands.

What really gives them more strength is the knowledge that unlike any other religious teachings they have had, this information comes directly from their own memory bank.

Past life evidence

Mary: Have you yourself ever experienced life-between-life regression?

Dr. Newton: Yes, but I have to tell you that I have waited a long time to find the right person. I am very demanding.

On one of my training programs, I met a very intelligent, skillful female psychotherapist and asked if she could work with me. I had a wonderful session with her.

Mary: Have you or any of your clients ever looked at old records to confirm recent past lives?

Dr. Newton: Some clients validate their experience through old records, if available.

While I tend to leave these checks to the client himself, I recently conducted a case study myself, mainly because it happened near where I live in the High Sierra.

The woman said she was a member of Donner's squad who got stuck in the mountains and who had to resort to cannibalism to survive.

The center where all this happened was not far from me, so I was able to check the real diaries and confirm what the woman said. It was amazing what she knew!

Why is the memory of past lives open

Mary: Do you have any theories as to why, at this point in history, we are finally allowed access to information about life between lives?

Dr. Newton: I personally think there are two factors that affect this.

The first is the large overpopulation of the Earth. Never before in history have we had so many people on Earth, and we live like rats in a maze, especially people living in big cities - and this leads to a loss of identity.

I think that the Higher Forces may have allowed me and others to reveal a little more information than what was allowed in earlier eras, just because of this fact alone.

The second reason, I think, is the widespread use of drugs. Of course, alcohol has been in circulation for thousands of years. However, in elementary school, children now have access to drugs such as cocaine and heroin and become drugged.

This is what our Guides and Masters do not want. The soul cannot function through a drugged mind.

Escape from reality is not what we are here for.

Therapist's Role in Past Life Sessions

Mary: Your latest book, Life Between Lives: Hypnosis for Spiritual Regression, provides step-by-step instructions for hypnotherapists to perform life-to-life regression. Is this book enough for a hypnotherapist to get started with life-to-life regression, or do you recommend additional training?

Dr. Newton: While an experienced hypnotherapist could theoretically use my book as a guide to performing hypnotic regression into life between lives, the actual session takes about three to four hours and is mentally and physically energizing for the therapist and client.

Most hypnotherapists are accustomed to alpha-only sessions lasting about 45 minutes or so.

To regress into life between lives, the client must be in theta state, which we reach before falling asleep, and it usually takes about an hour just to bring the client into this state before any work can be started.

This work requires a specific therapist. This is definitely not for everyone, and I highly recommend additional training before trying to add life-between-lives regression to your practice.




Regressive hypnosis or hypnotic regression is one of the most mysterious and controversial phenomena of the human psyche. And at different times, both in the professional community and among ordinary people, there was a very, very different attitude towards him. Either the regression was declared a complete profanation, then it was recognized (albeit with reservations) as a fully confirmed scientific fact. The only thing that has always remained unchanged is that throughout its history of spreading in the West, the ability to recall their past lives with the help of hypnosis has never left people indifferent. In this article, we will share a little about this amazing practice.

What is Regressive Hypnosis?

From an academic point of view, hypnotic regression can rightly be called absolutely any memories that come to a person in an altered (trance) state. And it doesn't matter at all whether these are memories of five minutes, five hours, or fifty years ago. But in everyday life, hypnotic regression is most often understood precisely as recollections of past lives, discovered with the help of hypnosis. It must be said that the latter are possible not only for representatives of cultures in which they believe in reincarnation or admit its existence. Even hardened materialists are able to discover, during regressive hypnosis, memories that can be associated with some other life. Nevertheless, the ambiguity of this experience leaves skeptics enough room to maneuver. And in fairness, it is worth admitting that hypnotic regression in past lives, by definition, cannot serve as a serious evidence base in the scientific world. But fortunately, she is not given such a task. After all, absolutely regardless of the attitude to what a person sees in the process of regressive hypnosis, even the most ardent opponents of the method cannot deny its practical value. And with the help of recalling past life memories, the hypnologist can help the client cope with very real fears, phobias, pains or prejudices, help them become more self-confident and even find their place in life.

Michael Newton's Regressive Hypnosis or LBL Regression - Into Life Between Lives.

We said that regressive hypnosis can be called very different ways of working with memory in trance. But it is worth mentioning separately this kind of it, which is called LBL-regression or regressive hypnosis according to the method of Michael Newton (regression into life between lives). LBL - it is an abbreviation for Life Between Lives, that is, life between lives. And today this particular type (or subspecies) of regressive hypnosis is one of the most popular in the whole world and is meant by this term.

The author of the LBL regression method is the famous American hypnologist Michael Newton. It was he who, during one of the sessions of regressive hypnosis, was the first to discover that the patient has memories not only of a past life, but also of the space where (according to M. Newton) the soul dwells between incarnations. Michael Newton called it "life between lives" and devoted several decades to studying it. During his LBL regressions, he found out that life between lives is no less important to a person than past incarnations themselves. It is in this space, as Newton writes, that the planning of the main turns of the upcoming life takes place. And in the same place there is an opportunity to communicate with entities that are more spiritually developed, playing the role of mentors, teachers and kind of guardian angels. It is no less surprising that thousands of Michael Newton's clients described the space between lives very similarly, although they were people of different ages, nationalities and religions.

Instead of briefly retelling the history of the development of regression according to the method of Michael Newton, it is easier to redirect those interested to the original source. Michael Newton described everything in detail in his books. The Journey of the Soul, The Purpose of the Soul, Remembrance of Life After Death: Life Between Lives became real bestsellers, published in millions of copies and translated into dozens of languages. These works have become true classics in the field of regression gynposes and modern metaphysics.

Today, Michael Newton's regressive hypnosis is a powerful transformational tool in the work of a hypnologist and an amazing way of self-discovery, which is regularly consulted by thousands of people around the world.

Differences between regression by M. Newton's method and other forms of regressive hypnosis?

After the overwhelming success of Michael Newton's books, there are many more people who want to try regressive hypnosis. And it is not surprising that many hypnologists are now ready to offer their clients regression as a tool in solving psychological problems, or even just to satisfy curiosity. Demand, as they say, creates supply. But, unfortunately, by no means always under "regressive hypnosis in between lives" is meant real regression according to the method of Michael Newton. The method, by the way, is not classified and is available to anyone interested. One of the most important components of true LBL regression is the depth of hypnotic trance. And it can be easily assessed at least by the estimated duration of the session. Michael Newton wrote that it takes several hours to fully regress life between lives. The fact is that for ordinary therapeutic hypnosis, a patient needs 10-15 minutes to go into a trance. But regressive hypnosis requires a much deeper state, and just to achieve it, the average person takes more than an hour.

There are many other fundamental differences, all of which are described in Newton's books. The standard work format described by the author of the method involves performing LBL regression in three approaches: two preparatory sessions lasting two hours each and one basic one, lasting 4-5 hours (and sometimes longer). That is, if you are interested in regression by Michael Newton's method, first of all, you should understand that this is a difficult and serious job. Work not only from the side of the hypnologist, but also from the side of the client. And if (as is, alas, often happens) you are promised to complete the entire regression in an hour and a half, most likely we are talking about something else.

If you want to take a session of regressive hypnosis according to M. Newton in Moscow, fill out the feedback form (by clicking on the envelope in the corner of the screen) and indicate the range of your restrictions / preferences in terms of time and dates of sessions.

It so happened that it was regressive hypnosis (the interest in which led me at one time to get the education of a hypnotherapist) took a special, if not the most important, place in my practice. But during my acquaintance with regressive hypnosis, so many changes have occurred in this area that today it has become quite difficult for an outside observer to figure out what's what. That is why I decided to write this article.

If 10-15 years ago in Moscow it was difficult to find one or two specialists by regressive hypnosis, then today there are almost no problems with this. And a huge number of people offer their services on regressions in past lives and the space of life between lives. Previously, the combination of hypnologist-regressionist was a rarity and sounded very exotic, but today - what kind of "experts" in this area you will not find on the Internet. There are regressologists, reincarnation coaches, consultants and guides to past lives, and many others. And it would be great that the topic of regressive hypnosis is gaining popularity and is developing so rapidly in Russia (those who read M. Newton's books will probably agree with me), if not for one "but".

Unfortunately, in the ranks of newly minted regressologists and reincarnatiologists, there is more and more condescending, if not dismissive, attitude towards the very method of regressive hypnosis. Because of this, there is a systematic blurring of all the basic concepts related to the work of Michael Newton. No, of course, Michael Newton is not the only expert in this area and what he wrote is not the ultimate truth. There are other recognized masters as well. And what they (others) write sometimes differs from what Newton writes (although there are many common points). But this is a separate topic. The problem is that representatives of "alternative methods" with a clear conscience adopt Newtonian terminology ("life between lives", "guides", "mentors", "advice", etc.), and use it to advertise techniques, to put it mildly, quite far from those developed by Michael Newton.

So, for example, one of the most important moments for (in life between lives) is a very deep trance. And most clients (according to M. Newton) take about an hour to just get closer to the desired state and reach the required depth. Well, many modern "masters" promise to easily lead us into past lives and life between lives in a light trance. And in just an hour session. And even on Skype. And in general, as it turns out later, without hypnosis. Here, of course, everything is not simple either, and half of them, although they do not use the term "hypnosis", nevertheless essentially work with hypnotic states. But, alas, far from those that Newton wrote about. And then there are notes that their rich practical experience does not confirm what Michael Newton described. But how can he confirm? It is strange to sow oats and expect wheat to sprout from it.

While the techniques of regressive hypnosis are not at all a sealed mystery. Michael Newton himself published a manual for hypnotherapists(describing his method in detail) so that his followers do not engage in the "invention of the wheel", but can focus on therapy or research - who cares. But, alas, the majority of domestic "guides to past lives" do not bother themselves with reading these materials, and some even books by Michael Newton "do not master" to the end (and do not even hide it). Not to mention the fact that about half of them either own hypnosis at the level of a beginner amateur, or do not own it at all. And this is despite the fact that in a successful session of regressive hypnosis, the level of mastery of a specialist technician plays a primary role. After all, regression into life between lives is not just hypnosis, but in a certain sense, hypnotic "aerobatics". It is not for nothing that in America, the Institute, founded by Michael Newton to train specialists in regressive hypnosis, only hires those who already have several years of experience in conventional hypnotherapy.

I would not like to erect vain and belittle the merits of specialists working in other techniques. Michael Newton, although he was the first to introduce the concept of "life between lives", did not receive a patent for it. It is common. But still ... Well, you learned how to get almost there somehow - and great. It turns out to be something vaguely reminiscent of regressive hypnosis - and good. And this, too, is interesting and even useful to someone. But why call it regression and give the appearance of what is not?

After all, a huge number of people begin their search for specialists in regressive hypnosis just after meeting Newton and his "Journey of the Soul". And what do they see? “I will spend in past lives, life between lives, arrange a meeting with a mentor, etc. (85% of the terms introduced by M. Newton). And since the average reader is not familiar with all the nuances of the techniques of regressive hypnosis, he has no doubts that it will be something "wrong." And as a result, the client is likely to be disappointed or, at best, doubts (“when I read it, all this seemed somehow more vivid and convincing, but here ...”). And thus not only the "specialist" is discredited, but also the very direction of regressive hypnosis. And this is insulting. After all, those who took two or three day courses and suddenly felt like a regressologist, or generally “found a new profession” after training via Skype, mislead others not always for the sake of mercantile interest. At least half of them do it out of ignorance.

Moreover, regression into past lives (and not into life between lives as described by Michael Newton) can indeed be performed in a standard (hour) session of hypnosis. The only problem will be that during such a session (when the operator either does not know how or does not want to immerse the client in a deep trance because of time savings), the presence of consciousness is largely preserved. And this means that there remains an opportunity to think out, to fantasize and wishful thinking. It should be noted that in full-fledged regressive hypnosis, consciousness is also present, but to a much lesser extent. As one of my clients said about deep trance, “it’s an amazing state, as if I’m not talking, but I’m being told”.

Meanwhile, regressive hypnosis in Russia is really developing. And along with the newly minted and not very competent regressologists, now and then quite serious (from the educational point of view) specialists flicker on the net. There are not so many of them, but they are. And it pleases. Well, as a summary, we can summarize the following: if you are interested in regressive hypnosis (such as Michael Newton described it), focus on long sessions, deep trance and professionals in the field of hypnosis (preferably Ericksonian), and most importantly - those who are well acquainted with the very methodology and theoretical basis of Michael Newton.

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