Fell in love with a pregnant girl. Reasons why couples break up during a woman's pregnancy

You have a beautiful and faithful wife, you love her very much and are literally ready to carry her in your arms. In addition, one day your beloved tells you: "Darling, there will be three of us soon." You are absolutely happy! It seems to you that with this woman, the mother of your unborn child, you are ready to live your whole life, and you don’t need anyone else but her.

Suddenly ... one day you meet HER and realize that “you fell in love like a boy for the first time” - to the point of madness. It can be a completely unfamiliar girl, school love, or even a neighbor on the porch, with whom you “suddenly” didn’t even say a word before. One thing is absolutely clear to you - my wife is pregnant, and I fell in love with another! What to do? What is the best way to proceed?

Well, buddy, the situation is not easy, and if you are reading this article, then you have not been able to sort out your feelings yourself. Then let's try to "sort out" this story together - remember only that you make decisions in any case, we can only help with advice.

Pregnant wife or "other" - which of them do I love?

Let's say right away that the situation when your wife is pregnant, and you, does not mean the end of the world. But now is not about that. Have you heard the proverb "If you chase two hares, you won't catch a single one"? Or here's another "You can't sit on two stools"? Heard? So - both of these proverbs apply to your current situation. Why? Because it is impossible to love two women at once (love for a mother or sister, of course, does not count - these are other feelings). Impossible! Even if you are sure otherwise. And you, in any case, will have to choose between your wife and your new love. Remember only that the family (wife and your unborn child) is synonymous with home warmth, reliability, comfort. And your new love (we will discuss with you whether it really is love) is passion, freedom, romantic adventures ... Which of this is more dear to you? Decide youself.

Maybe it's just a passing fad?

Since such thoughts have appeared in your head, it means that you yourself are not sure that your feelings for a new woman are genuine. Or does it seem to you that you no longer love your wife? After all, over the course of several years of relations, passion has faded, you no longer want to devote all the time to each other, quarrels and scandals are not uncommon. But at the beginning of the relationship with my current wife, everything was completely different ... just like now with a new girlfriend! So! Stop! So we come to an important thought that may help you make a choice. The thing is that love is such a thing that surprisingly changes over time, but, nevertheless, does not cease to be it (provided that it was love in the full sense of the word).

Starting with falling in love, flirting and passion, for those who know how to keep it, love grows into something more. And this "more" is difficult to describe in one word. It can only be felt.

But this is all a lyrical digression, let's return to the analysis of your situation. So, your relationship with your new girlfriend reminds you of your first meeting with your wife. Well, it looks like you, as people say, “didn't walk up”. And there is nothing wrong with that, we do not know how old and why you got married. Maybe you had to do it against your will at all. And, choosing a new love, do you want to experience what you have never experienced before? Remember only that, most likely, after a while this passion will pass, the new relationship will become more ordinary and boring. This, of course, is not always the case! Some people really do not meet their true love the first time, and then they realize that all previous relationships were just her likeness.

Therefore, we urge you - finally, sort out your feelings. If life with your real wife has become completely unbearable, you are tired of endless bickering and quarrels - leave. The child, of course, will "tie" you to your family for a while, but without fundamental changes your family will be difficult to save. And if, after short dates with a new passion, you rush home to your wife, who is waiting for you with dinner? Then maybe it's time to quit romantic adventures and realize that you have always loved only your wife? Yes, and your child will soon appear! In short, carefully evaluate everything and make a choice.

I don’t love my wife, but I don’t want to leave the child

Is that why you still haven't broken up with your wife? Afraid to look like a traitor in the eyes of your own child who is about to appear. Hmm ... hard, hard. Listen, how desirable was this pregnancy? Perhaps your wife, tired of omissions and suspicions, deliberately became pregnant, reasoning quite rightly that, if not her, then the child will keep you for sure. Yes, do you really think so? And you seem to be glad to break off relations with your wife, but the child has nothing to do with it. It is not his fault that the life of his parents did not work out. But living with an unloved woman, waking up every day, knowing that somewhere out there he left that one and only ... unbearable. The choice, again, is up to you.

In our opinion, if the family initially did not have love (everyone knows that love is not always the reason for going to the registry office), then the appearance of a child will not save her. Moreover, children feel when they are unwanted and when the relationship between parents is not “sticky”. So is there any point in torturing yourself and others? Or, nevertheless, try to start all over again? Listen to what your heart and your mind tell you, and you will find the right solution.

It seems to me that I have fallen in love, but a pregnant wife is waiting at home. I do not know what to do…

Confused, buddy? Behind a week of sleepless nights, hundreds of changed thoughts (among which the key one is “My wife is pregnant, and I fell in love with another!”), And you still don’t know what to do and how best to act. Of course, arranging a three-way meeting in this situation (you, your wife, your mistress) is far from the best option, everything can end badly, and you will remain, like in a fairy tale, at a broken trough. It's not a bad option to have a frank conversation with your wife - tell her everything as it is. If she really loves you, then she will certainly understand and forgive. And maybe he won't forgive! It is difficult to predict the course of events, it all depends on the person. Therefore, if you are not sure about the reaction of your wife or you simply do not want to tell her about your new relationship, contact a professional psychologist - he will help you find a way out of this seemingly hopeless situation.

The wife is pregnant, I fell in love with another. Let's summarize

Perhaps the time has come to end our extremely difficult conversation today. We hope we managed at least a little to clarify your situation and push you to make the right decisions. But first, I would like to summarize the main results:

  • Understand for yourself what you want and want.
  • Take your time making decisions.
  • Deal with your feelings.
  • Contact a psychologist if you are completely confused.
  • Remember that this is your life and only you decide what it will be like and with whom you will spend it.

Listen to your heart and it will help you find the right solution. Good luck!

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Katya, 25, told the site how she was left alone in her fifth month of pregnancy - but met her fate even before the baby was born.

On this topic

When I got pregnant, Vitya and I were 19 years old. We've known each other since childhood, lived in the same yard and have been a couple for the past three years. Our families knew we were dating. Vitya often stayed overnight at our house, and my mother did not mind. Everyone, including ourselves, our friends and parents, were sure that the matter was going to the wedding.

We were not planning a child. We thought first to graduate from the institute, find a job, somehow get a job in life. Upon learning about pregnancy, I was shocked. Vitya, on the contrary, was happy and convinced me that everything would be fine with us. I relaxed and decided: come what may, I will not go to an abortion. Parents were also shocked at first, but no one even said a word about terminating the pregnancy. My mother suggested that we live with her in the first year after the birth of the child, and then look for rental housing options. Vytina's parents promised to help her with the rent, hoping that they would accumulate the necessary amount in just a year. In general, everything was going well, and no one could have imagined that one fine day Vitya would simply spit and decide that he “didn't need it”.

On this topic

I was in my fifth month when the first "bells" began. I continued to feel sick, although everyone promised that the unpleasant symptoms would go away after the first trimester, but for some reason this did not happen. It was difficult for me to walk, my back hurt, I got tired quickly and slept a lot. Our life is no longer as easy as it used to be. I could no longer just be blown up by a call from friends and go to the other side of the city to someone's party. Vitya was angry, sometimes he left me at home and drove himself, returned in the morning. I was jealous because I knew how all these “parties” end, where there are always more girls than guys. Vitya was offended, said that I had turned into a nag. We fought constantly, and he was more and more distant. I didn't even want to go with me for an ultrasound scan to look at our baby. I began to cry often, my tears only irritated him even more.

One day he returned in the morning from another party and at breakfast said that he had understood something. “I'm not ready for a baby. Have an abortion, ”these words were worse than a blow. Even now it hurts me to remember. “What kind of abortion? This is our son, he is alive, he hears you now. Are you out of your mind at all? " But Vitya decided everything for himself: either an abortion, or goodbye - he leaves. “I didn't sign up for this,” he repeated. On the same day, Vitya went back to his parents, and I was left alone. Mom consoled me as best she could, she said that we can handle it, that the baby's health is the main thing, and I shouldn't be nervous. But how can we not be nervous if we live in neighboring houses, see each other in the courtyard almost every day, I walk past him with our common child in the stomach, and he does not even greet me and pretends that we do not know each other. And all this is happening in front of our mutual friends.

On this topic

I wanted to hide, go far, far away, just never to see him, but there was no money for other housing, my mother and I had to postpone everything for the birth of a baby anyway.

Then my friend, who constantly corresponded with foreigners and was looking for a husband abroad, suggested contacting a marriage agency. Make a beautiful photo session and honestly tell your story in the profile. Out of desperation, I followed the advice. Men began to write to me, but they were much older, many did not have children and were ready to adopt my son, but I rejected any options. Still, it's better to be a single mother than to live with a fifty-year-old American somewhere in Texas, even if he is a wonderful person. One of the "suitors", an Italian, even came to the meeting. He was cute and not old, but he seemed frivolous to me, and this is where our relationship ended, and never began.

On this topic

My belly was getting bigger, there were only a couple of months left before the birth. Vitya not only did not participate in my life, but openly, right in front of my eyes, began to meet with another. I saw them walking by the hand and chirping merrily as I lug the heavy bags of groceries from the supermarket. The mood was constantly at zero. Once my mother, in order to somehow cheer me up, invited me to a New Year's party at school. She is a teacher, teaches Russian language and literature. I put on the only dress that could still fit on me, and went there just to please my mother. If I had known that this New Year's holiday would change my life, I certainly would not have sat there with such a sad look. But it was precisely because of the expression on my face that Andrey came up to me. "Why are you so sad?" - he asked. I smiled forcibly and said that there was nothing special for me to rejoice at. He sat down next to me and we got to talking. Andrei worked in my mother's school for the second year, taught history and treated my mother with great respect. "May I come to you for tea sometime?" - either jokingly or seriously he asked. “Of course you can,” I replied, not expecting to see him on the doorstep the very next day.

On this topic

Andrey came with a cake and a huge box of diapers. "The best gift for future parents." When he found out that there was only one parent, and that was me, he was very surprised and could not understand how my ex could do this to me and to our son.

Good morning dad. - said Dmitry, entering the kitchen, where his father was already preparing breakfast with might and main. - And the same to you, son. - he answered - is Alice still asleep? - Yes. She was tossing and turning in bed almost all night and I somehow calmed her down. That, apparently, had terrible dreams. - You know, Dimka, when your mother was pregnant with you, she also had dreams. And she was suspicious then. “You loved her a lot, didn't you?” - Yes. I didn’t tell you how I met Olesya? - Three hundred thousand times. She seemed to be new at your school, right? - Yes. And the high school students wanted to rape her, but I got into a fight with them. And I still don’t regret it. - And I, too, always dreamed of falling in love with someone as well as your mother. More precisely, I already found her and this is Alice. - Does she know that you love her? - Not yet, but I confess to her. I give an honest pioneer word! - When exactly will you tell her? - Yes, when she wakes up. Soon, Alice still woke up and, feeling that she was hungry, came to the kitchen. - How do you feel? - Dima asked her. - Badly. After the horror of dreams, it is not possible to fall asleep. - Nothing hurts by chance? - Well no. Unless the pressure worries me. “It’s quite normal during pregnancy, Alice. - said Andrey Pavlovich. - I know. I’m a gynecologist too, but I’m a dropout. Oh, what does it smell like? - Semolina. Dima has been eating her by both cheeks since childhood. - Dad! - Dimas, actually this lady could become your wife and I think that she should know everything about you. - Dad! “So, I’ll leave here for a while, and you’ll talk to her for now.” - What did he mean? the redhead asked. - I fell in love with you in my first year of college. My father said that all men in our family are monogamous. I couldn't even look at the other girls. You are the most beautiful of them. - And Sasha never complimented me ... - Because he is a first-class asshole. Listen, Alice, if you want, then I will marry you and I will love your child as my own. You will be my wife? - This is so unexpected ... - Girl, my son is handsome. He is smart, strong and sexy, as he calls himself. Agree! I am not against your union. - Dad! You promised not to interfere! - I'm leaving already. Son, don't wait for me home. I'll be on duty today. - I understand you, father. You can go. When the father of the protagonist left, he continued: - So will you be my wife or not? - I agree! Only will you love me and my unborn son? “I swear to love you both forever. And now let's go to the registry office. He is not far from here. They applied and then decided to take a walk. Alice loved long walks, but due to pregnancy she could not walk far, so the girl sat down on the nearest bench. Dmitry at this time bought them both ice cream and sat down next to Alice. - How could this idiot leave you in such a state? - he said thoughtfully - You're not some kind of ugly, but a very beautiful little girl. To which he received the answer: - Please do not tell me about him! I hate this man and do not want to remember him. Let's better sit here!

There can be a myriad of reasons why men abandon pregnant women. In order to determine the cause for sure, you need to know well the initial intentions of the man, his plans and attitude towards this or that woman, the type of his character and the level of responsibility inculcated. In almost any such situation, the main problem and bone of contention is the man's unwillingness to take responsibility for the pregnant woman and the unborn child.

The birth of a child always implies great material and emotional costs. Sleepless nights, diapers, undershirts, mood swings of a pregnant wife and full responsibility for two family members already falling on the shoulders of a man. A child, as strange as it may sound, becomes a new stage and a difficult test in the life of future parents. The birth of a baby is often referred to as one of the stages of the crisis in family life.

In today's world, free relationships have gained immense popularity. The moral framework has long been erased, and it is unlikely that you will surprise anyone with sexual relations without obligations, civil marriage, or other relations between a man and a woman that have a free form.

Men run away, covering their tracks and in every possible way disowning their unborn baby, women cry into their pillow at night, not knowing what to do with their interesting position. One part of society sympathizes with the poor abandoned girl in chorus, and the other half condemns the young person for the irresponsibility and carelessness.

But blaming or condemning someone in this case is pointless, because, as a rule, both are to blame for such a situation, even though each situation is unique in itself. The relationship of two always falls apart due to the fault of each of the partners.

What are the men to blame or the reasons for their departure ?!

The first reason why men often abandon their pregnant wives or brides is their selfishness or narcissism. Having learned about pregnancy, such men begin to realize that they will have to radically change their usual way of life, change all their habits, tastes in food, daily routine, sacrifice a theme or other amenities for the sake of the baby. Men are horrified by these thoughts and decide to leave, thus they relieve themselves of responsibility for the life of the child, because in fact they simply leave, without forcing the woman to get rid of the baby, which burdens the man so much, while maintaining their usual way of life.

The second reason is the infantilism of the man. As they say: "Everything has its time", this proverb is also applicable in the case of the birth of a child, parents not in vain often tell newlyweds that it is too early to have a child, their warnings refer not only to the lack of material and emotional means, but also to psychological characteristics men and women. If a man is not mature enough psychologically and emotionally to become a dad, then he cannot perceive a woman's pregnancy as a natural and pleasant process. A wife with a belly does not seem sexy and attractive to him, in his eyes she loses all her feminine charm. Men are not moved by the fact that the baby grows, develops and moves inside. In some cases, men subconsciously become disgusted with hugging, kissing and even touching a woman with a belly.

The third reason, and the most standard one, is the responsibility that men are not ready or simply do not want to take on. The stronger sex is actually much weaker emotionally than it seems, and the responsibility for the child scares and makes the man run. He is afraid not to cope, which means to humiliate himself and his manhood.

The fourth reason may be the lack of trust between a man and his woman. If earlier in their relationship there were betrayal or infidelity of the spouse. Then the future dad may suspect that the baby has nothing to do with him and leave the woman pregnant.

The fifth reason is often the terrible character and appearance of a woman. Sometimes a man leaves at the last time. Due to hormonal changes in a woman's body during pregnancy, women often become simply unbearable, excessive tearfulness, bitchiness and constant tantrums drive men out of themselves. Often at a later stage, women begin to look bad, suffer from hair loss, and cannot take sufficient care of themselves with puffiness. For men, oddly enough, all this can also be a reason for leaving.

The sixth and one of the most common reasons for a man's departure is considered undesirable and unplanned pregnancy, in other words, the fetus of casual or frivolous relationships. In such cases, a man simply does not want a child, he does not need him, and he believes that he has the right to refuse him.

The seventh reason is the fear of not coping. Pregnancy sometimes requires additional costs for a woman's health, often not initially foreseen, plus all this many women in connection with health, stop working early, because of this, all material issues fall on the shoulders of a man, and he leaves, simply tired and frightened that he could not cope.

The eighth and no less common reason is the lack of their own housing, men do not want to live with a pregnant wife and her parents, and men are not satisfied with communal or rented apartments.

In ninth place can be attributed - the condemnation of friends or close relatives is also often a reason for leaving, if the mother is not happy with the future bride, then the man easily leaves subconsciously thinking that the responsibility falls on the shoulders of his mother, because this decision was 80% accepted at its filing.

What are the women to blame, and what are their actions prompting a man to leave ?!

Women are no less to blame for their loneliness.Among the main reasons for female guilt in such situations are:

  • Excessive nervousness. Many women consider it permissible to scream, get worn out, get depressed and mock their husbands, blaming everything on their interesting position. Women should try to pull themselves together and remember that men are very vulnerable creatures, and this period is no less difficult for them than for the weaker sex.
  • One of the most common mistakes women make is planning everything themselves. Men often openly say that they are not ready for children, but girls take all this for excuses, by all means secretly from the man they try to get pregnant. Such a case can be attributed to the saying: "For what I fought for, I ran into it." As a result, the girl remains pregnant, and the man, as before, declares that he is not ready for children and everyone goes his own way.
  • Also, girls should remember that men love with their eyes, which means that they should try to look good during pregnancy and not start themselves up, referring to their position.
  • Pregnancy is often the cause of a casual relationship, sometimes such a relationship occurs in an unsobbed state, in which case a woman should take a more responsible attitude towards her partner, in this case we are talking about the consequences for her health and future.

It is worth remembering that the maternal instinct in a woman is laid down by nature, she will want and love her child in any case. Men do not have such an instinct. And they do not have an innate desire for children, a man wants a child only when he meets his beloved woman, or after 30, when looking back at the children of his peers, he realizes that he did not fulfill his main purpose - he did not give birth to an heir.

He considers the birth of a child to be one of the stages of the crisis in family life, and only truly loving and understanding couples can withstand it with dignity. When planning a child, consider all the pros and cons, your willingness to become a parent, financial, psychological and emotional readiness.

Every day brings unexpected discoveries. Don't you think? Today we discussed a very interesting question in my opinion. And they sounded something like this - but you, can you date a pregnant girl, knowing that the child is not yours and was conceived before you met? The question came as soon as I entered the room and ... yes, I can.

Pregnancy is not a reason to give up communication, new acquaintances, or starting a family

And what is your own problem? And although the question requires some clarification, regardless of the development of this acquaintance - yes. Moreover, I have such girls with whom I met during the period when they were pregnant. For me, this is nothing more than the current state of the girl, and here you need to understand that I look at any acquaintance from the position that any person is known in the process of communication. And in this case, pregnancy is not a reason for refusing to meet, communicate, create a family, etc. since everything is one in the process of communicating with a girl it will become clear - mine or not mine.

Therefore, to the question addressed to me, I answer: "Is it really possible to meet a pregnant woman", I answer - it depends only on the girl. For me, it's like a question - is it really possible to meet if you have small breasts ... with a short haircut ... if I like yellow ... if the eyes are of different colors ... - it only depends on how important all this is for a girl! If she thinks pregnancy can be a problem for dating, then that will be a problem. This is my understanding of this world, although I am more than sure that this attitude to the issue is very individual and I was interested to hear the opinions of many and ... that's what I heard.

... it seems to me that this is very individual and depends on what kind of upbringing or, more correctly, the attitude to life is instilled in a man by his family ...
... no thanks! I am completely different, and as much as I would like to live in a fairy tale, I will not be able to do it internally ...
... I see no point in such a relationship, children should be only their own and there is nothing to support someone else's gene pool ...
... I could only meet with a pregnant girl and maybe even be friends, but start a family - no ...
... why not? Pregnant or with a child, too, people, also people with their me and everything else? Where is the logic here? The main thing is not pregnancy or a child, but the fact that she and I will find each other ...
From a close example. The brother met a girl, invited her on a date. There she said that she was pregnant, in her third month, she had no husband and did not want to, she just wanted "romantic nonsense": in a cafe, a movie, walking under the moonlight. In general, he was not scared, and they started dating. And after 4 months they got married, now they already have two boys, both of them call him dad and do not know that they have different fathers. Our parents adore both grandchildren. So anything can be!
If not from me - then no, of course not!
Marrying a pregnant woman is not from me ... I could. If only we liked each other. Because it may well be that the girl of my dreams will appear before me pregnant.

And here you can go on and on, how many men, so many opinions. Therefore, I made a selection of what has already been said on this topic. Explore, meet and decide for yourself what is yours and what is not. Below are the questions asked and the answers of men and women.

Man and pregnancy ?!

Men, are you ready to marry a pregnant woman?

In fact, the answer was much more, but the majority can be combined and voiced as follows - if a woman from the very beginning builds a relationship between me and the child and he, then men will immediately feel it and say no, we do not need this. If, trusting himself in the hands of a man, he also trusts his child, then everything is going well.

Find a man while pregnant !?

Is it possible for a pregnant woman to find a man, how and where it can be done, share your experience or opinion.

What will happen if he finds out, even if you say that from him and then find out what is not. Well, most likely a concussion. Vasya would kick off and kick in the liver. In general, nothing good will happen

An acquaintance of mine got married (we studied together at the institute), but he loved this girl very much, and only Don Juan left her pregnant. The terms of the abortion were wasted, well, they got married, they are still together, it seems that everything is fine with them, he is raising his boy as he is, and they gave birth to their child two years ago. But, I remember, he ran after her from the first year, they met, and she left him for the sake of that very Don Juan, and he loved her so much that he was ready for anything to return her. We were friends with her, because I know the whole story. But I don’t remember more such cases. Only really in the movies.

When I was pregnant at a short time, a man met me, and from the very beginning I said about pregnancy, and as a result, after a while we applied to the registry office. I don't see anything fantastic in this.

I am not, definitely.

I got married 5 months pregnant by another man. With the father of the child, we were not going to be together, there was just "goodbye sex", I found out that she was 2 months pregnant, did not have an abortion, felt sorry for the baby. I met my future husband, on the 2nd date I told him everything, fell in love with each other at first sight, he made an offer. I talked with the child's father, and together we decided that it would be better if he gave up all rights to the child. The son bears the name and surname of her husband. Biological oteus now lives in America. But such cases are probably very rare. The husband treats the child as his own. We have been together for 15 years.

And I know when, being pregnant, a girl met and married another person. they have been married for 5 years already, and they already have a common child. her husband, by the way, is 10 years younger than her.

I even know of two cases. In the first, one wanted to deceive, it did not work out the groom's parents raised a scandal and kicked out the pregnant woman in disgrace. In the second - it turned out well, even too much. Although in the latter case, the woman is not a miss. Of those that pretend to be saints, but in fact still those things.

I have not seen such cases in real life. Well, if only a pregnant woman accidentally meets a former young man who loved her unrequitedly all this time while she was meeting with others. In this case, the once rejected becomes a happy husband and a happy dad, but he will never become a beloved husband. He loves, and she just took the opportunity.

My boyfriend dumped me when he found out I was pregnant. When I was 4 months old, I met a guy, seeing that he was serious, I immediately told him everything, because I didn't want to powder his brain. Yes, and not in a position to act out performances ... I didn’t think, I can’t lie, I must tell the truth that I’m pregnant. The tummy was not particularly visible yet ... When he found out the truth, he hugged me and said “your child is my child. I fell in love with you from the first minute ... "And we are together ... he is happy, I am happy. There are such cases ... and not only in the movies. And I despise the former and do not even remember him.

She is now pregnant. No husband. Divorced because "The tomatoes have withered." I tried to meet men, at first there was no end to those who wanted to, they almost confessed their love and promised mountains of gold. Then I honestly told them everything about myself. Bottom line: there were 6 such men, all but one, as they found out about my situation, said that everything was fine and that they were adequate to it, however, they never appeared in my life and I myself did not look for meetings with them anymore. Only one was ready to really marry and adopt a child, but I didn't like him at all outwardly, I gave him a turn-up. I even tried to return the ex-man, but he only agreed to have sex, nothing more.

A colleague's 18-year-old daughter became pregnant, and from the 5th month she was dating another man. My ex-husband married a pregnant woman.

I am at a loss, I am 20 years old, pregnant for the fourth month. When my boyfriend found out that I was pregnant, he was very happy. But a few weeks later, everything changed. I ended up leaving him, and he really doesn't care. Left alone, but I really want to feel protected and elementary support

For every such "I know one such case" there are a hundred cases when a man cannot be found. so the percentage of lucky women who are lucky is a few of the mass. By the way, I noticed that pregnant women in the early stages (when it is not yet visible) enjoy the increased attention of men. Apparently hormones are affecting. But the attention is purely only on "playing", and not on becoming a husband and father.

I have an acquaintance, he told me that he was on a business trip on the train and met a girl. she was pregnant, he fell in love with her and got married and adopted a child. They lived for a certain number of years and got divorced. Now he is married for the second time, but he did not give up that child.

I have heard many times that pregnant women attract the increased attention of men. She broke up with the man when she was 2 months old. All the time she passed alone, no one looked, except that the place in the transport was inferior. And I wanted sex very much. To the former, pride did not allow me to go, and it was scary to look for an accidental lover myself - suddenly what, I am not only responsible for myself now. I met my husband only when my son was almost 3 years old. Now I'm expecting a daughter from him. Pregnancy takes place in a completely different way - the eyes shine happily, and indeed men curl around. Only I no longer need anyone else.

Dexterous wench. She got pregnant to fix her, and she was sent. Now he is looking for a sucker to snatch the child to him, tk. Nobody managed to sit on the neck, she made the child in vain, but she was not used to supporting herself (she does not want to).

One friend of mine got pregnant out of stupidity from the man who left her, barely knowing about it, she decided to leave the child, and now, at the eighth month, she accidentally met a guy she had met several years ago, I don’t know for sure the love was big there or how, but that guy adopted a child, and now proudly says to everyone that he has a son.

You know, it seems to me that a pregnant woman should think, first of all, about the child, and not about the men. It’s not good somehow.

Here are just no delirium. There are no sane men who seek to meet a pregnant woman and have her as a friend of life.

I am now 4 months pregnant ... I broke up with my boyfriend because I did not love and simply could not imagine that I would live with a person I did not love ... so I decided to be alone ... I certainly dream of meeting a person, whom I will love, but I think that this is not real ... who will fall in love with a pregnant woman ...

Are new relationships possible during pregnancy?

It so happened that I entered pregnancy without my husband and even without a young man. I understand that now seems to be not the most suitable period for the development of new relationships, but yesterday I was in a cafe, met a young man, quite pleasant, exchanged phone numbers. I don’t know, I’m not even sure that he will call, but I’ve already started thinking that maybe I shouldn’t have met anyone at all, because now it’s inappropriate. But on the other hand, because I am pregnant, I have not ceased to be a woman, with my desires, etc.

I sincerely did not understand what girls find in divorced and even men with children. But, as they say, do not renounce the prison and the bag. And also love is evil ... And naturally I would like it more if my future baby and I were the first in our dad's life, but no, no, I haven’t even thought about it for a long time. I draw your attention to the word "love", because if not love, then I am categorical. But I believe that something real can happen. Therefore, I believe that in no case should you run away from relationships (the main thing is not to be guided by the thought that there are still 30 weeks without sex), but not to start them with lies. As the girls have already said, he will be scared - into the garden. But when there is love, then the man does not care, even if the girl is pregnant and a couple of children are waiting at home. Because they love us not for the children or their absence. I once asked my husband what it would be like if I had children. To which he replied approximately the following: “And what have the children to do with it? I love you, I need you. " I remember the beginning of our romance and I am 100% sure, if I was then pregnant by someone else, our story would develop in the same way as it is developing now.

Yes! It is possible, but each case is different. I, being pregnant, broke up with my boyfriend and, one might say, put an end to my personal life until the baby is born and grows up a little. There was not even a thought in my head about the possibility of dating a man. I believed that this only happens in movies, when a kind of "prince on a black horse" falls in love and marries a pregnant woman from another man. I was very worried because I understood. that it will be extremely difficult for one, but I was really looking forward to this child. But fate gave me a surprise! I met a man and fell madly in love with him. How many thoughts then flashed through my head! I even tuned myself into the fact that I should survive this test with dignity and remain alone. I confessed everything to him on the second date. after all, I understood. that there is no point in being silent. The further you go, the worse for yourself. To say that he was in shock is to say nothing! :) But now we are together and are insanely happy :) Everything in life happens!

It's just that men, well, it seems to me, pregnant women do not crave acquaintances. I’m judging by my friends. There were a couple of cases, we got to know the girls, everything is fine, but when they found out that she had a child, they immediately said that it was better not to communicate with her, because a woman with a child had only one thought - to get married. Here is such a stupid stereotype. It turns out that if you have a child, then you cannot start an affair, you need to immediately think about marriage, because the child needs a father. But I, in general, do not strive to get married myself, and men probably also do not want to think about it from the first date. In general, I want a relationship as a relationship, so as not to wonder whether I will marry him or not. So that all development goes on as usual. Everything is complicated somehow ... I don’t know, the last days I began to think about it. My former boyfriend seemed to me so kind, sympathetic, caring. And he didn't even want his own child, then where to look for someone who will put up with a stranger? In general, I'm not afraid of loneliness, it's just that now, somehow, the need for love and affection has become especially acute in me, I know hormones that I don't need to get upset and wind myself up once more - it's harmful for a child, but I can't help myself.

To close someone's mouth, you need to open your soul ... We met with a man for about 10 years, the relationship was not formalized solely because of the absence of a child. Friends had children, someone gave birth a second time, and we just rejoiced in someone else's happiness! Somehow misfortune pitted us and sent us to different cities ... Six months later he returned, I was already 5 months away from another. I told everything. He proposed to me. We got married! Now, 2 years later, the other one is guarding me in the park with the baby, torturing me with calls, and my husband helps a young mother in a strange city, who gave birth to his daughter (the difference for our children is 1 day) !!! And there was no love or joy left, and the happiness we dreamed of together turned into pain. So much for a movie !!! And I don't know how to live on ...

Well, just if you suddenly meet a handsome prince and do not report your pregnancy, he may simply abandon you later because you started the relationship with lies! Millions of men marry mothers with children, and it happens not with one, but with three. It's up to you, but to build a relationship on lies, and even with sex ... Of course, most do not want to find a pregnant bride, but most women also dream of a prince, and not of a divorced man with children. However, there are a lot of such marriages. Dreams are one thing, but love and life are another!

I will just say an example: Heidi Klum met Seal when she was 4 months pregnant. They discovered such love that they still adore each other and give birth to children. They cannot stop and call each other treasures. Everything in life is possible! And if about the child and the relationship! My mommy got married a second time when I was five years old. The second dad, I call it dad. They have been living together for a long time, and I cannot imagine a better father for myself! And how he wants grandchildren! It so happens that the new dad is hundreds of times better than the biological one.

We have a family in our yard: my mother became pregnant at 18 and her parents did not take her home, she even lived with her newborn son for six months, because she had nowhere to go and my mother took her to us. So during these six months she managed to get to know a bachelor neighbor, he persuaded her to get married in just a month and they got married and after a while their daughter was born. So this is what I mean: I remember good people hinting to the boy that his father is not his own, to which the boy who is now 22 years old said that he did not care about this issue, he knows one father and does not trust anyone, and this is his real dear and beloved father. I'm looking at him now - he even behaves exactly the same as his adoptive father. So "bombs" do not necessarily explode, especially if the child sees the same father from birth.

And I'm pregnant. I'm tired of living as a common-law husband for a long time. They lived in total for 10 years. Then I finally decided that it was enough, there was simply nothing. He did not expect at all, was shocked and still hopes that everything will work out. And then it turned out that she was pregnant. And now I’m reeling from my heart, I don’t know what to do. Thinking about the child and returning her husband, but only he does not touch me in any way ... and not doing this, the child will also feel bad.

I got married with a belly, as you say, for a short period of time. But my husband knew it !!!. I deliberately offered marriage, I did not hide anything from him and did not deceive, but on the contrary told my story and asked him to think. You know, he assured me of love, swore, cried ... he sought ... I gave in. Yes, largely because there was nowhere to go. I didn't want to be alone. I didn't want discussions, etc. We got married. He called the child his own. In front of people. In the certificate it is recorded as a father ... We have been married for 2 years. He calls his son - my son ... Participation in upbringing - he accepts as best he can. You ask about the attitude - I can say in two ways ... which side to look at - both good and bad ... It helps. Treats with kindness. But there are moments like it seems to me that he looks at his son and sees in him a biological father. My little son does not look like her husband at all ... But this is already my speculation. Maybe even a conscience ... But this is our secret. Which no one knows about. My husband never reprimanded me, on the contrary, if you think so - a normal family, he is my helper and support. I really appreciate him.

We broke up with the child's father when I was 3 months old. I was in despair, did not plan to meet anyone and meet until the child was born and grows up. But a month later I met a guy, he fell in love with me and I fell in love with him. 2 weeks after they met, she told everything as it is. He was shocked but did not quit. We continued to meet. Everything is fine with us, he met me from the hospital. And I am very happy with him.

I have a neighbor, she is 17 years old, though, the pregnant woman walked naturally, the guy faded. And she found the best guy with a tummy, and now they are waiting for a common baby! He protects her so, at night he gets up to the child and considers her his daughter. Here is a Man with a capital letter! And my, an adult of 36 years old, is an orphanage himself, and the attitude is swinish! Either I love, then I don’t, I will not educate, I will prove and educate paternity through the court. So than such a dad, no better. We are 7 weeks old. And so you want a strong-minded man to support ...

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