Is it possible to correct an intervertebral hernia. Herniated disc (herniated spine) - problem diagnosis and treatment

A herniated disc of the spine is treatable in any case. Our task is to quickly relieve pain and save you from surgical treatment. We use everything that can help you: caripazim, manual therapy and osteopathy, blockages, medications, gymnastics.


MRI of the lumbar spine, herniated intervertebral discs
1 - normal discs of the spine
2 - disc herniation L5-S1 before treatment
3 - disc herniation, treatment (reduction of a herniated disc of the spine during treatment)

Treatment of intervertebral disc herniation. How can we help you

Herniated disc treatment in our clinic will be structured as follows:

We will also train you to independently maintain your health and select an individual program for the prevention of the formation of intervertebral hernias, including a personal set of exercises that you can do it at home.

Why does intervertebral disc damage and pain occur?

Our spine is designed like a multi-storey building: of solid, homogeneous floors - vertebrae connected to each other by elastic elastic intervertebral discs. Intervertebral disc Is a closed chamber, consisting of an outer part - a very strong fibrous (fibrous) ring and a semi-liquid inner part - a gelatinous (pulpous) nucleus. Each disc of the spine is designed for a strictly defined range and direction of movement.

If the volume or direction of the load on the disc is not adequate, there is an overload and gradual destruction of the discs - osteochondrosis of the spine with protrusions and herniated intervertebral discs. If a hernia of the spine presses on the nerve root, radicular pain syndrome develops. Overloading the intervertebral disc can last for years, and physical exertion, awkward movement, or even sneezing can become the "last straw".

Common causes of overload and herniated discs:

1. Broken muscles and deviation above or below the affected disc, rachiocampsis - ;

On the left - one of the muscles cannot keep the correct position of the vertebrae. The load on the discs of the lumbar spine is distributed with deviation from the normal axis and this, over time, can lead to a herniated disc in the lumbosacral spine.
On the right is the normal load distribution.

2. Stiffness of the above- and below-lying vertebrae transfers the load to the healthy part of the spine, in which a hernia can form from overload.

Left. The window cleaner is healthy.
On right. The washer's right shoulder and thoracic vertebrae do not move well. Therefore, he is forced to make movements with his lower back. From overload in the lumbar spine, a herniated disc forms with suffering from the sciatic nerve.

What is Spinal Protrusion and Herniated Intervertebral Disc.

The discs, spinal cord and nerve roots are best seen on. Conventional X-ray images can only provide a very rough estimate of the condition of the disc and spinal cord.

Intervertebral disc protrusion is bulging of the disc into the spinal canal of the spine without rupture of the annulus fibrosus. Usually, protrusions do not cause nerve entrapment, but pain occurs in the intervertebral joints or back muscles. If left untreated, protrusion of the spine can develop into a herniated disc.

1 - normal disks
2 - the spinal cord, from which the nerves go
3 - herniated disc compressed the spinal cord and the nerve exit site

Herniated disc accompanied byrupture of the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc, through which a fragment of the nucleus pulposus protrudes. A fallen disc fragment compresses the nerves (compression radicular syndrome), most often the sciatic nerve suffers, causes inflammation and swelling of the surrounding tissues, hence the pain and forced posture. Large herniated intervertebral discs can compress the vessels or the contents of the spinal canal and lead to paralysis of the lower half of the body, bladder and intestines.

The sciatic nerve is damaged more often than others,because it begins in the lumbar spine, which is most susceptible to hernia formation. Inflammation of the sciatic nerve (sciatica) is manifested by pain from the buttock to the lower leg or foot, a feeling of tension in the popliteal region. Severe lesions of the sciatic nerve are manifested by weakness (paresis) of the foot and loss of sensitivity in the leg.

What is Schmorl's hernia

In the case when the nucleus pulposus of the vertebral disc shifts up or down, penetrating into the vertebral body, there is schmorl's hernia.

1 - Normal disks
2 - Schmorl's hernia
3 - Schmorl's hernia and wedge-shaped deformity of the vertebra.

The formation of Schmorl's hernia is accompanied by inflammation, which leads to increased blood flow. The blood washes away calcium, the vertebra becomes softer and, under the influence of body weight, is deformed, forming a wedge-shaped deformity of the vertebra.

Most often, Schmorl's hernia occurs in the thoracic spine, less often in the lumbar. Then a kind of "chain reaction" of the degenerative-dystrophic process occurs: the spine affected by Schmorl's hernias becomes inactive and when moving for it, the higher and lower vertebrae work, due to such a double load, after a few years, new hernias may appear in them disks. The increased mechanical stress on the vertebrae contributes to damage to the intervertebral discs. It is usually possible to stop this process with the help of gymnastics, osteopathic treatment and medication..

More about Karipazim and Karipain

Video about the treatment of disc herniation with Karipazim

Karipazim (Karipain), administered by electrophoresis, affects the hernia itself. It begins to gradually decrease and releases the nerve ending that it pinches, and the pain in the spine gradually disappears. To a lesser extent, the drug acts on the entire intervertebral disc. The drug enhances the regeneration of the disc tissue, which restores its normal shape and its function as a shock absorber, while "rejuvenating" as it were. Karipazim also affects several adjacent intervertebral discs, restoring an entire section of the spine.

Surgical treatment, removal of disc herniation. When and how?

In most cases, a herniated disc is treated without surgery. Most of our patients benefit from conservative treatment. The indication for surgery is the presence of gross neurological disorders (paresis of the extremities, bladder, intestines) and there is a risk of irreversible changes in the spinal cord and its roots. In these cases, we will not risk it.

How is the surgical treatment carried out, the removal of a herniated disc. There are several techniques for the surgical treatment of disc herniation. We recommend surgery using the endoscopic technique, which preserves all bone structures of the spine. After such an operation, independent walking is allowed for 3-4 days, and further recovery is much faster.

If necessary, we will refer you to highly qualified neurosurgeons with whom we have been successfully cooperating for many years. In the future, we will provide you with postoperative rehabilitation and prevention of hernia recurrence. Recurrent disc herniation may be associated with continued overload, therefore, manual therapy and therapeutic sessions are necessary.

Is it possible not to treat a herniated disc?

It happens that over time, the pain subsides without treatment. But the cause of the disc damage remains, and more severe relapses of pain are possible. In addition, the spinal motion segment remains inactive, the motor load from it is "dumped" onto the higher and lower spinal motion segments. As a result, hernias of the upper and lower discs appear, and then pain in the lumbar region or neck.

Can a herniated disc be repaired?

Press your finger against the side of the inflated balloon. Let go. The ball returned to its former shape. The pressure inside the disc reaches several atmospheres, so it is obvious that it is impossible to correct the hernia. A hernia, like any other injury, can only be cured. The offer to "correct" your disc herniation usually indicates that your interlocutor has no medical education.

Exercises for hernia software, as a method of treatment. What complexes can help with recovery, and what are contraindicated for implementation? What is the therapeutic effect of gymnastics with a hernia of software and can it be performed in the acute and recovery periods?

A hernia of the lumbar spine (LB) is a disease that affects people between the ages of 25 and 40.

The disease occurs for various reasons, but most often due to strong physical stress on the spine or untreated ailments of the musculoskeletal system. Exercises for hernia software, as a method of treatment. What complexes can help with recovery, and what are contraindicated for implementation?

What is a hernia of the lumbar spine?

In the lumbar spine there are 5 vertebrae and 4 discs between them. The vertebrae are named with the Latin letters L and numbers from 1 to 5, indicating the number. The disc, in turn, consists of an annulus fibrosus and a semi-liquid nucleus inside. Due to various reasons, the vertebrae squeeze the disc, the fibrous ring weakens, cracks, breaks, the contents of the disc comes out, forming a hernia or protrusion.

Quite often, a hernia of the spine with active growth pinches the surrounding tissues and nerves

What exercises can be done with a hernia and what not?

Those who are in a hurry can do:

To date, many complexes have been developed for the treatment of spinal hernia. Which ones can you do? There is no definite answer for all patients. Each condition and case is unique and requires individual discussion with a doctor.

Conventionally, all people with a hernia, in the absence of contraindications, are allowed the following types of activities:

  • yoga, light fitness, pilates;
  • swimming;
  • bubnovsky exercises;
  • dikul's complex;
  • hanging on the horizontal bar.

Regular yoga practice is an excellent way to treat hernia of the spine.

There are also types of physical activity that are clearly contraindicated for a hernia of software. Let's take a closer look at what types of exercises they are and why:

  1. Leg press. It is performed lying on the back, the load is pushed upside down, which is on a special mount. This creates a high load on the spine, which can lead to protrusion (the initial stage of hernia) and cause other complications.
  2. Straight-legged loading overloads the intervertebral discs in the lumbar region, which provokes pain.
  3. Twisting, because they cause movement in the lumbar spine, which can lead to complications in the form of pinching of the protrusion.
  4. Weightlifting is always an increased load on the spine, therefore, strength exercises are contraindicated with a hernia.
  5. Run. During running, the intervertebral discs perform a shock-absorbing function, but during an illness, when they are damaged, their functioning is impaired, disc deformation occurs, which leads to complications.

All other sets of exercises and types of exercises should be discussed separately with the attending physician: chiropractor or orthopedist.

Useful sets of exercises

What exercises should you do? Medical and gymnastic complexes designed specifically for the treatment of hernias are of definite benefit. The best exercises are gymnastics of Bubnovsky, Dikul, swimming, general medical gymnastics. The rest of the therapeutic exercises below are beneficial when performed in a specific way, with the exception of types of loads that are contraindicated (for example, twisting in yoga).

Basic rules for doing exercises

Before embarking on any of the activities, you need to outline the implementation rules applicable to all types of physical activity during illness.

  1. During the sessions, it is necessary to monitor your condition, to prevent the occurrence of pain. If they appear, the actions should be stopped.
  2. Perform only those complexes that do not cause uncomfortable, painful sensations.
  3. Avoid jumping, hitting the back or back, making sudden movements, turning.
  4. Do not put an increased load on problem areas of the back.
  5. Exercises exercise therapy (exercise therapy) begin to be performed at a minimum of efforts and amplitude, gradually increasing them.

When performing physical activity with a hernia of the spine, it is better to give preference to smooth movements that do not cause discomfort

At the same time, some exercises for spinal hernia may be diagnostic in nature. For example, if certain actions previously caused you pain, but after a while the discomfort decreased - this indicates the beginning of the healing process.


According to the philosophical view of the life of Dr. Bubnovsky: movement is life and only the right movements can cure a person. It was with this concept that Dr. Bubnovsky spoke, whose exercises are designed to work with a hernia and are called kinesiotherapy.

While working with kinesiotherapy, the patient works out and activates even the deepest muscles, which allows you to relieve spasm, eliminating pain. Working out the back improves the strength, flexibility, elasticity of the spine. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the fact that by performing a certain movement, the patient achieves a decrease in protrusion, the return of the vertebrae to a natural position.

The main principle on which the complex is based is comfort, convenience for the patient.

An illustrative example of exercises for working out a hernia is shown in the video below.


Dikul, an orthopedic surgeon who suffered a spinal fracture, through trial and error developed a set of exercises that helped him cope with the disease. Today, some of them are successfully used to treat spinal hernia. The intensity of training when performing the complex is discussed separately with the doctor and depends on the development of the patient's muscles, the severity of his illness.


Swimming has a positive effect on all organs, systems of the body, and brings particular benefits to the musculoskeletal system. Due to the special effect of the aquatic environment, the main load is removed from the spine, which is evenly distributed throughout the body. Bones, joints take a natural position.

In addition, the water massages the entire body as a whole, having a calming effect on the nervous system, relaxes muscles, removing clamps, stimulates blood circulation and metabolism. Swimming is absolutely safe for a hernia, since it excludes high load, sudden movements.

Swimming with a hernia of the spine has a positive effect on the whole body, including the spine

Regular exercises in the pool will help restore posture, reduce pain, improve the absorption of drugs, by normalizing blood circulation in the affected area. Another positive effect is strengthening the muscular corset, which leads to a decrease in tension, discomfort in the lumbar region on land.

Features of swimming with a hernia of software:

  1. Contraindicated in the period of exacerbation of inflammatory processes and pain.
  2. A preliminary consultation with the attending physician with the preparation of an individual set of exercises is necessary.
  3. The most useful style for lumbar involvement is the back crawl.
  4. The first 2-3 lessons are supervised by an instructor.
  5. The patient needs to monitor his condition, tell the doctor what and when causes him unpleasant sensations. In this case, the specialist must come up with a replacement for the exercise.


Yoga is not only the performance of certain physical actions, but also knowing yourself, your body. Yoga classes require great care from the patient, a willingness to change their lifestyle: give up bad habits, change the diet, the daily routine.

In yoga, not all exercises are suitable for people with a hernia of the software, so certain rules must be followed:

  1. Refuse to perform twists, actions with shocks, hits, jumps.
  2. Monitor the state of your body, prevent the appearance of pain.
  3. Do yoga only in the presence of an instructor.
  4. Start exercising with minimal stress on the body, and then gradually increase it.
  5. Perform all actions carefully, without sudden movements.


Pilates is a gymnastic complex that has a beneficial effect on posture: it allows you to correct it, strengthen the back muscles, restore flexibility and elasticity of the vertebrae.

It is important to note that with age, the nutrition of the spine with minerals slows down and occurs only when the vertebrae move correctly relative to each other. With the appearance of a bulge, the functioning of the entire spinal column is disrupted, and the supply of nutrients is almost completely stopped, which leads to the progression of the disease. The Pilates complex helps to restore the correct movement of the vertebrae, remove clamps, pinched nerves, increase the flexibility and firmness of the muscle corset.

Important! Not all exercises from the Pilates system are suitable for people with intervertebral hernia, and therefore an individual complex is discussed with a doctor or instructor.

Horizontal bars

Stretching on the horizontal bar has a positive effect on a patient with a hernia: the space between the vertebrae increases and the protrusion stops pressing on the nerve roots and nearby tissues.

Exercises on the horizontal bar must be performed with caution, under the supervision of an instructor, since if done incorrectly, the spine is stretched unevenly, and some areas are overloaded.

Correct stretching on the horizontal bar will help relieve pain in a hernia of the lumbar spine

With correct exercises on horizontal bars, patients manage to achieve the following effect:

  • removal of pain, discomfort;
  • increased flexibility, elasticity of the spine;
  • elimination of pressure on soft tissues, stimulation of the process of their restoration.

Important! You cannot hang on a horizontal bar for people with obesity, since a large weight leads to excessive stretching of the spine.

Slimming exercises for hernia

Losing excess weight during the period of illness has a beneficial effect on the body, since it relieves the spine, reduces pressure on the affected area. For people with bulging in the lumbar spine, standard weight loss complexes are not suitable, since they can harm the patient's body. Most suitable for people with back diseases slimming exercises Dr. Bubnovsky:

Classes in the acute period

Physical activity during an exacerbation is contraindicated! The increased load on the spine at this time leads to the development of complications, deterioration of the patient's condition. At this time, it is recommended:

  1. Use an orthopedic mattress for sleeping.
  2. Learn to evenly take a horizontal and vertical body position, monitor posture.
  3. Use a corset.
  4. Drink a complex of vitamins and minerals.
  5. In case of obesity, work on reducing body weight.

During an exacerbation of a vertebral hernia, it is better to give up physical activity and regularly use a special corset

In the acute period, exercises are performed at home, which help relieve the load from the spine, relax the muscles, and at the same time exert minimal stress on the spine. These include: lying on a gymnastic ball, stretching the spine with the help of a Swedish wall and an inclined bench, straining certain parts of the body in the supine position.

Activities in the recovery period

All of the above gymnastic complexes and classes are suitable for training in the recovery period. When recovering from surgery, it is important for the patient to pay attention to his condition, to perform gymnastic complexes that help strengthen the muscular corset, and improve blood circulation in the back. The exercises of Dikul ', Bubnovsky and swimming are best suited for these purposes. An individual lesson scheme is drawn up with a doctor individually.

Let's sum up

An important part of the treatment of PO hernia is physical exercises that help restore the natural state of the spine, reduce the pressure of the bulge on the nerve roots and tissues. Not all types of physical activity are suitable for this purpose, and therefore, you can start classes only after consulting with your doctor. Much also depends on the patient's personal responsibility, his willingness to monitor his condition and give feedback to the doctor. Share with us in the comments your personal experience in the treatment of intervertebral hernia, ask questions.

If you are a lady, and your gentleman suddenly refuses to carry you in his arms, do not rush to take offense and draw far-reaching conclusions. Perhaps he was just taking his own. "Torn" - this popular diagnosis usually means that a person has a hernia. Is it possible to correct it, or not to do without the help of a doctor?

When lifting weights, the abdomen tenses, the intra-abdominal pressure rises, and because of this, the ribbon-like abdominal muscles diverge. The resulting gap - the hernial gate - serves as a loophole for the internal organs, most often for the intestine.

The intestinal loop, once penetrating between the muscles, protrudes more and more over time and is held in place only by the skin. Anyone can correct an unrestrained hernia. To do this, you need to lie on your back, relax, grope for the hernial gate and, feeling the intestine under your fingers, slowly press it inward.

But no one has ever managed to get rid of a hernia in this way! In order for a soft bulging, say, on the stomach to appear again, it is enough to get up, walk at a moderate pace for 200 meters, go to the toilet or sneeze.

Therefore, home reduction of a hernia without the participation of a surgeon is a hopeless occupation. In addition, it happens that the protruding segment of the intestine is overflowing with digestive products. In such cases, the hernia is considered irreducible. If it remains this way for three days, then the hernial orifice is very narrow and there is a strangulated hernia.

Without surgery, a strangulated hernia threatens ... death, for example, as a result of gangrene.

In those who have passed such a complication, the hernia is associated primarily with an umbilical hernia - a tumor-like formation on the navel. The most common hernia is inguinal. This is a clumsy pouch in the groin ring, most often on the right. In men, an inguinal hernia can descend into the scrotum.

A femoral hernia is located even lower than the inguinal and, as it were, slides along the inner surface of the thigh. In medicine, muscle hernia, diaphragmatic, cerebral, etc. also differ.

In order for a hernia to appear, certain prerequisites are needed. For women, drastic weight loss, which provokes the appearance of a hernial orifice, may be dangerous in this sense.

Men can be advised not to grow old. The sooner the muscles become flabby, the greater the risk of muscle gaps. Although doctors do not exclude the influence of a hereditary factor. If the connective tissue was weak in the parents, then it can only strengthen in great-grandchildren, provided that all other generations will regularly strengthen it.

There are many methods for treating hernias, but the result is always the same - the surgeon creates a duplicate of tissue. The loose muscles stretch and overlap (like a thick seam on jeans). Over time, the seal evens out and this place gains special strength.

To reduce the likelihood of hernia recurrence, lifting weights and other straining should be excluded in the first 2-3 months after the operation. Running is dangerous, but you can and should do breathing exercises and general developmental exercises for healthy parts of the body in order to improve blood circulation.

We would like to thank the traumatologist Mikhail Marvin for the consultation.

Intervertebral discs connect the vertebrae and provide flexibility to the spinal column, thereby acting as "shock absorbers". It is a disc, a full elastic ring filled with soft contents similar to jelly. When a crack forms in the ring, this "jelly" flows into the spinal canal, injuring the ligaments, spinal cord and nerve roots. Irritation of the nerve endings causes unbearable pain, which doctors usually call radicular pain. This pain is considered the most "sensitive", and such a disc disorder is called a herniated disc.

According to statistics, disc herniation is in 80% of people over 30, and after 40 - in 90%. But not everyone has a hernia that causes pain, so many patients with a herniated disc do not go to the doctor and waste time. In advanced stages, the damaged nerve endings can become dead and then the function of the arm or leg can be restored, or even worse, the control over the bladder or intestines may not be possible.

See your doctor immediately if you develop following symptoms:
- severe pain in the thoracic, cervical or lumbar spine;
- it became difficult to bend and move, the pain in the spine increases with movement;
- there was pain and numbness in the arm or leg, which means that there were violations in the cervical spine or lumbar spine;
- if you can't even hold a cup with your hand, and you have to drag your leg while walking.

Don't hope for help medicine men and contact unscrupulous chiropractorswho promise to "correct" the disc herniation for a certain amount of money. It is impossible to "correct" a herniated disc. The crack formed on the disc shell will not "heal" and the contents of the disc will not be pulled back.

Even the most experienced chiropractor cannot "correct" a disc herniation with his hands. But why, then, do many people undergo expensive manual therapy courses in paid clinics and after treatment notice that the protrusion of the intervertebral disc has decreased, and the pain has disappeared? The course of herniated disc therapy can include many procedures. These are medication, manual therapy, osteopathy, massage, exercise therapy, hirudotherapy, acupuncture, physiotherapy and reflexology, kinesiotherapy.

Complex disc herniation treatment helps to reduce swelling, eliminate myospasms and subluxations of the vertebrae, as a result of which the patient gets the impression that he has been "set" a hernia. Manual therapy and moderate physical activity eliminate stagnation of blood flow and lymph, and also improve the blood supply to cartilage and paravertebral tissues. All this helps to relieve the patient of pain, and he feels much better.

However, any manipulation with a spine with a hernia should be carried out by a professional doctor. You cannot trust the treatment of this disease to "charlatans". This is fraught with complications. For example, doing massage and heating during a period of sharp pains is categorically contraindicated, especially if, in addition to pain, there is numbness, "goose bumps" and weakness in the limbs. It is also impossible to take painkillers with a herniated disc without a doctor's prescription, they can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers up to internal bleeding.

The cardinal method for solving the problem of a hernia is a surgical operation, during which the damaged disc is excised. However, such an operation is rarely done, only when there are strict indications:
- the patient's pain persists even after conservative treatment for 1.5 months;
- there was a disorder of urination and defecation, problems with erection;
- after MRI, persistent damage to the spinal root was found.

Operations to remove a damaged disk you should not be afraid, now the technologies of surgical treatment of hernia have been worked out so well that there are practically no complications after it. After the operation, a long recovery is required and adherence to all the doctor's recommendations in order to avoid the development of relapses. There is a fairly common misconception that a herniated disc appears only after injury.

In fact, in most cases install the exact cause of the appearance of a hernia does not work at all, although the most predisposing factor is always the wear of the intervertebral disc. With age, the moisture content of the disc content decreases, this leads to a loss of its elasticity. The disc becomes more brittle, and any sudden movement, heavy lifting, sudden pressure on the spine, improper sports training, and even off-road transport can cause damage to it.

You can often hear that hernia development contributes to stress, but it is not. But a sedentary lifestyle may well become a provoking circumstance - the lack of movement weakens the muscle corset, as a result of which the load on the discs increases, which means that they will wear out faster.

Video lesson how to strengthen your back with swimming

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Chapter 16 Is it possible to correct protrusion or herniated disc

This topic is very relevant today, if we take into account the huge number of people who have undergone examination on a computed tomography scanner, which showed some changes in the disk. Surely, each of us, having familiarized ourselves with the results of the examination, would like to know how realistic it is to correct the detected disc protrusion or even a hernia without resorting to a surgical operation.

Before answering the question posed, let us remember what protrusion of an intervertebral disc is. This is a protrusion in it with the preservation of the integrity of the fibers of the annulus fibrosus or their partial rupture. I will clarify right away that we are not talking about physiological protrusion, when the disc, under certain axial loads, due to its elasticity, slightly goes beyond the line connecting the edges of the adjacent vertebrae, but about pathological protrusion, fixed, having a larger size. Let us also recall that a disc herniation is a fragment of the nucleus pulposus that has emerged through a crack in the annulus fibrosus outside the disc.

So how realistic is it to correct disc protrusion? It turns out that it is quite possible to carry out with the help of manual techniques, provided that the disk has not lost its elastic properties. I will explain what has been said with the following example. Imagine that in some part of the spinal column its deep short muscles, having contracted, could not relax, and then the disc was compressed with force by the bodies of the adjacent vertebrae, tightened by the contracted muscles. If the disc is elastic, then the natural reaction to this is a fixed protrusion of it beyond the line connecting the vertebrae. This is how a rubber tube or a ball flattens when external pressure is applied. However, it is necessary to eliminate muscle tension, and the elastic disc takes its original shape, pushing the vertebrae apart.

I have already drawn the reader's attention to this ability of a healthy disk. But the protrusion in the disc, which has lost its elasticity, cannot be eliminated by stretching the muscles. Let me remind you that the loss of this property by the disc is associated with the destruction of the protein complex contained in the nucleus pulposus, which retains moisture in it. And if, nevertheless, help comes and muscle tension is relieved, the “dried up” disk is no longer able to take its previous shape.

As for the repositioning of the hernia, the chances are critically small. True, there is little hope of moving her a little from her position. So, with the central or paracentral location of the nucleus fragment protruding from the disk, provided that the posterior longitudinal ligament stretched over it is preserved, it is really possible to push the hernia back into the disk a little, if the pressure of the ligament on it is increased, giving the patient a certain pose.

Applying manual techniques, in some cases it is also possible to slightly move the hernia and posterolateral localization. However, when the opening in the disc, from where the fragment of the nucleus came out, is tightly tightened by the connective tissue (and this process begins from the moment of hernia formation), there is no need to talk about any significant movement of it. The task of the doctor is further complicated by the fact that usually during the first weeks after the formation of the hernia, the protective muscle tension in the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe spine is so great that it creates difficulties for certain movements in order to displace the fragment.

As for other non-surgical methods of influencing the changed disc, we can definitely say that today medicine does not have either pharmacological drugs or any other non-surgical method of influencing the spine that would allow bloodless disposal of a disc herniation. At one time, attempts were made to dissolve the hernia with the chondrolytic enzyme papain. However, the results did not justify the hopes placed on this method, and it was abandoned in most neurosurgical clinics. True, in some places in Russia they are trying to revive a forgotten technique, but, probably, for advertising reasons.

Quite audacious are the attempts to simplify the existing problem by people of near-medical practice, whose commercial activities include the trade in food additives. So, in one of the commercials widely shown on central television, information about one of these drugs is accompanied by frames showing an increase in the height of the flattened disc. The great sinners are those who serve this advertisement if they understand that they are deceiving the simple-minded. To be able to return the lost properties to a disc is a matter of the future. If this great discovery in medicine had happened, all the television channels of the planet would have started talking about it, and not any one unprincipled capital city.

In this regard, I would like to remind you of the relevance of preventive measures so as not to rush about when the "unforeseen" happens, in search of the culprit.

It is vital to direct our efforts to ensure that our children already have the opportunity to avoid the mistakes of adults. It is necessary to strive for the introduction of thematic classes into the school curriculum, giving knowledge both in the subject under consideration and in health in general. A person should grow up free and independent, including from medicine.

From the book Health of your spine author

author Fedor Grigorievich Uglov

From the book Man is not a century old author Fedor Grigorievich Uglov

From the book All about ordinary kefir author Ivan Dubrovin

From the book Spinal hernia - not a sentence! author Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky

From the book Give the Enemy Dinner! And other myths about the human body and health author Victor Sergeevich Karev

From the book Encyclopedia of Men's Health author Michael Oppenheim

From the book Osteochondrosis author Andrey Viktorovich Dolzhenkov

From the book Osteochondrosis author Andrey Viktorovich Dolzhenkov

From the book Sobbing Breath cures bronchial asthma and other respiratory diseases author Yuri Georgievich Vilunas

From the book The best for health from Bragg to Bolotov. A great guide to modern wellness author Andrey Mokhovoy

From the book The Golden Benefit of the People's Healer. Book 2 author Natalia Ivanovna Stepanova
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